⭐️لما تشوف هذا الفيديو تحس ان الدنياء فانية والكل سيرحل وتبقى الاعمال الصالحة كم كانت الناس تتعب عشان تجي للحج والعمرة والان هم تحت التراب يا رب رحمتك يا رب توفني وانت راضي عني
الله آمين يارب العالمين اول ملك عربي شهيد للقدس حقيقيا وليس مثل الأحزاب الكاذبة المتاجرة بقضايا المسلمين جهاد الشعارات والانبطاح لأعداء الإسلام جماعة نترات الأمونيوم ؟؟
Do spend 2 minutes to read this heart melting historical answer by a great scholar A reply by Huzoor Mujahid e Ahle Sunnat, Hadrat Allaamah Syed Shah Turaab al Haq Qadiri(May Allah Almighty preserve him) Question: Shah sahib Qibla, I wanted to know what is the hukm for Sunnis, when they go for Hajj and Umrah,with regards to performing Salah behind the wahabi najdi imams ? Answer: The Salah of a Sunni is only valid behind a Sunni Imam, and not behind followers of any other sect. Before the saudis took over, the Ottomans ( including Turks, Arabs and Kurds also) were in power. They made such arrangements that four Salah congregations would take place, four musallahs were put down on all four sides of the Kaaba. Hanbali, Maaliki, Hanafi, and Shafi'ee, each follower of each Imam would perform Salah behind his Imam, therefore there was no issue whatsoever. The Ottomans era of rule was the rule of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah.When the saudis came they took the rule from the turks, aal saud and aal shaykh took over the rule of the country.aal saud are the worldly kings which namely control today, and they went as far as naming the Hijaz country by this name also (saudi Arabia) after taking the country by force. The aal shaykh are the children of Muhammad ibn abdul Wahhaab. Before attacking the Sacred Haram aal saud and aal shaykh made an agreement that, they would jointly attack Makkah Mukarramah and Madinah Munawwarah, and when our government is established, aal saud will take over the kingdom and rulership, and aale shaykh will deal with all the religious affairs. The Imams will be theirs, qaadis, madrassas, muhadiths, muftis etc will all be supplied by aal shaykh. After this agreement, they attacked Madinah Munawwarah and Makkah Mukarramah. A few years ago, the Saudi government celebrated their 100 year anniversary. King Abdul Aziz was shown on tv riding on a horse within Haram Shareef, slaughtering and murdering people with his sword. Who were these people being unlawfully murdered ? Had the jews suddenly appeared inside the HaramShareef ? No, these were Sunnies being murdered. The Imam of Masjid Nabawi Shareef was slaughtered whilst being on the musallah by a sword. Only 200 people attacked Madinah Shareef. When I first visited MadinahShareef in the year 1977, I stayed with Huzoor Qutb e Madinah Shaykh Zia al Deen Alaihirrahmah. I stayed with them for 40 days, I would hear quietly from them about the history. Huzur Qutb e Madinah told me, only 200 people from the najdi army attacked Madinah Shareef. The Ottomans were such staunch and respectful Sunnies that when they were attacked, they surrendered and laid down their weapons by saying that they will not allow blood to be spilt within the sacred court of the Most Beloved Sall Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, they allowed themselves to be slaughtered and attained martyrdom without defending themselves, and the same was the case in Makkah Shareef. They took over the country in this way. People forget everything! The first thing they did after taking over, was that they bulldozed Jannah al Baqee Shareef. They dug up the graves of the blessed personalities in Jannah al-Baqee Shareef, dug up the graves of Ahle Bait e Kiraam. The Most beautiful Mazaar in Jannah al Baqee Shareef was that of Sayyiduna Uthman Ghani Radi Allahu Anhu. They took it apart stone by stone and flattened it into the ground. Then they demolished the Mazaars of Jannah al Maala shareef. They demolished all these Mazaars, and the Najdis of that time would say, The green dome is the biggest idol, this needs to be destroyed, MaazAllah, But they did not succeed in this evil plan. This took place in the time of Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar, Molana Abdul Hamid Badayuni, Molana Abdul Aleem sidiqui. There was a journalist by the name Riyaaz al Hasan or Riyaaz al Hussain, whose interview was published approximately 30 years ago in the newspaper Jang. He was a member of the delegates that went to Saudi Arabia to protest. The Saudi government promised them at that time that they would rebuild these mazaars. The small stones that you see today at the Mazaars of the ahle Baqee, which enable us to recognise the maqaam of Sayyidah Fatimah Radi Allahu Anha or Sayyiduna Imam Hasan RadiAllahu Anhu, is due to those people who campaigned at that time. Even till today they have not fulfilled their promise of reconstructing the Mazaars. The Tomb of Sayyidah Khadeejah al-Kubraa Radi Allahu Anhaa was beautifully built in the Jannah al Maala graveyard, come and I will show you all those pictures taken prior to this demolition. Now, you tell me, that those evil people who slaughtered thousands of Sunni Muslims, forcefully took over Makkah Shareef and Madinah Shareef. Have you all forgotten everything? And you still dare ask, Why can’t we pray behind them? We do not pray behind them because they consider us, the people of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah,as mushriks. Now, you tell me, wouldyou pray behind someone who calls you a mushrik? This is why we do not pray behind them! If anyone wants to study this history, then study the book of Allaamah Abdul Qayuum, Tareekh Najd o Hijaaz. If you want to research who was Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab search on internet for the book confessions of a british spy. Who was this Hempher? there were seven spies who broke up the Turkish rulership, six of them were men and there was one woman. They went to Istanbul and caused havoc. Hempher, studied the Darse Nizaamicourse with a Shaykh in Istanbul, and studied the Arabic language. He would say, Whenever someone suspected me of spying, I would begin speaking in Arabic. He has completely exposed Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhaab in this book, confessions of a british spy which has been published in Arabic from Kuwait, and also from London, from where these spies belonged. It discloses everything regarding Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab and how he misled him, debated with himand convinced him that alcohol is not haram, and then he persuaded him that Mutah is also halal, ultimately he made him form a temporary marriage with the female British spy. He would praise and flatter him by saying, You are a great servant of Allah. You are like Sayyiduna Umar Farooq, and Allah Almighty has destined great things for you. If you do not believe me, then read this book by the british spy. The book is available openly on the internet. This is the reality of the ale shaykh and aale Saud. Today the simple Muslims think that because this is Haram Shareef, the Imam here will also be someone verypious and god fearing. We do not pray behind these people because oftheir evil beliefs and their past actions as well as their beliefs regarding us. Translated from the urdu audio by Faqeer Mohammed Shakeel Qadiri Ridawi Rabi al Awwal Shareef 2014 Wahhabism was born in the middle of the 18th century in the sleepy desert-village of Dir’iyyah located in the ArabianPeninsula’s central region of Najd ( real name for the land now called Riyadh ). The Wahhabi sect derives its name from the name of its founder Mohammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab. Hempher Wikipedia: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memoirs_of_Mr._Hempher,_The_British_Spy_to_the_Middle_East Book Tarikh e Najd O Hijaz: www.nafseislam.com/en/Literature/Urdu/Books/TareekheNajdoHijaz/TareekheNajdoHijaz.htm
اللهم ادم عزك على بلاد التوحيد المملكة العربية السعودية و احفظ شعبها و جيشها و رجال امنها و حكامها وعلمائها من كل سوء و اجزهم عن الاسلام و المسلمين خير الجزاء...
عندما ترى الملك فيصل رحمه الله تعالى. تحس بعظمة الرجل وزهده في نفس الوقت. شخصية من الصعب الحديث عنها. كان والدي رحمه الله تعالى في الحرس الملكي ولم أعرف أنه تعجب واندهش وأحب رجل كالملك فيصل رحمه الله تعالى.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته الأخوة الكرام ترحمو على ملك المسلمين غفر الله له وغفر ذنبه وطهره من الذنوب والخطايا كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس اللهم امين والله احبك كثيرا أيها الملك النبيل العظيم. غفر الله لك
@@ibrahimpqr6703 عدنان الحمداني احد رجال هدام في السبعينات وعضو حزب البعث؛ قام هدام بتعذيبه ثم قتله. حيث انه في عام تسعة وسبعين؛ وفي عهد الرئيس البكر ؛ وبينما كان العراق وسوريا يضعان اللمسات الاخيرة للوحدة الاندماجية بينهما كان هدام لا يريد الوحدة. فقام بإزاحة البكر وتولى السلطة وقبض على عدنان الحمداني وحاكمه محاكمة عسكرية سريعة متهما اياه بالتواطؤ مع حافظ الاسد وقام بكسر عموده الفقري وفقأ عينه وهو حي ثم قتله. قبحه الله القاتل الغادر المجرم الاثيم. يتمرجل برش الكيماوي على القرويين الاكراد العزل وقيامه اخر الليل وعلى حين غفلة بغزو دولة صغيرة مجاورة ضعيفة عسكريا وهو الذي قطع الوعود والعهود ان الا يغزو الكويت. قبحه الله من وقح نذل ناكر للجميل ما افجره وما اقبحه وما اوقحه!
رحمك الله يا الملك فيصل يا اسد وجعلك من اهل الجنه ان شاء الله اللهم ارحم موتانا وموتى المسلمين يا رب العالمين الله يطعمنا زياره مكه المكرمه بجاه سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم تحيات من سوريا الى اهلنا في الحرمين🕋🤲🇸🇦🇸🇾
Do spend 2 minutes to read this heart melting historical answer by a great scholar A reply by Huzoor Mujahid e Ahle Sunnat, Hadrat Allaamah Syed Shah Turaab al Haq Qadiri(May Allah Almighty preserve him) Question: Shah sahib Qibla, I wanted to know what is the hukm for Sunnis, when they go for Hajj and Umrah,with regards to performing Salah behind the wahabi najdi imams ? Answer: The Salah of a Sunni is only valid behind a Sunni Imam, and not behind followers of any other sect. Before the saudis took over, the Ottomans ( including Turks, Arabs and Kurds also) were in power. They made such arrangements that four Salah congregations would take place, four musallahs were put down on all four sides of the Kaaba. Hanbali, Maaliki, Hanafi, and Shafi'ee, each follower of each Imam would perform Salah behind his Imam, therefore there was no issue whatsoever. The Ottomans era of rule was the rule of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah.When the saudis came they took the rule from the turks, aal saud and aal shaykh took over the rule of the country.aal saud are the worldly kings which namely control today, and they went as far as naming the Hijaz country by this name also (saudi Arabia) after taking the country by force. The aal shaykh are the children of Muhammad ibn abdul Wahhaab. Before attacking the Sacred Haram aal saud and aal shaykh made an agreement that, they would jointly attack Makkah Mukarramah and Madinah Munawwarah, and when our government is established, aal saud will take over the kingdom and rulership, and aale shaykh will deal with all the religious affairs. The Imams will be theirs, qaadis, madrassas, muhadiths, muftis etc will all be supplied by aal shaykh. After this agreement, they attacked Madinah Munawwarah and Makkah Mukarramah. A few years ago, the Saudi government celebrated their anniversary. King Abdul Aziz was shown on tv riding on a horse within Haram Shareef, slaughtering and murdering people with his sword. Who were these people being unlawfully murdered ? Had the jews suddenly appeared inside the HaramShareef ? No, these were Sunnies being murdered. The Imam of Masjid Nabawi Shareef was slaughtered whilst being on the musallah by a sword. Only 200 people attacked Madinah Shareef. When I first visited MadinahShareef in the year 1977, I stayed with Huzoor Qutb e Madinah Shaykh Zia al Deen Alaihirrahmah. I stayed with them for 40 days, I would hear quietly from them about the history. Huzur Qutb e Madinah told me, only 200 people from the najdi army attacked Madinah Shareef. The Ottomans were such staunch and respectful Sunnies that when they were attacked, they surrendered and laid down their weapons by saying that they will not allow blood to be spilt within the sacred court of the Most Beloved Sall Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, they allowed themselves to be slaughtered and attained martyrdom without defending themselves, and the same was the case in Makkah Shareef. They took over the country in this way. People forget everything! The first thing they did after taking over, was that they bulldozed Jannah al Baqee Shareef. They dug up the graves of the blessed personalities in Jannah al-Baqee Shareef, dug up the graves of Ahle Bait e Kiraam. The Most beautiful Mazaar in Jannah al Baqee Shareef was that of Sayyiduna Uthman Ghani Radi Allahu Anhu. They took it apart stone by stone and flattened it into the ground. Then they demolished the Mazaars of Jannah al Maala shareef. They demolished all these Mazaars, and the Najdis of that time would say, The green dome is the biggest idol, this needs to be destroyed, MaazAllah, But they did not succeed in this evil plan. This took place in the time of Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar, Molana Abdul Hamid Badayuni, Molana Abdul Aleem sidiqui. There was a journalist by the name Riyaaz al Hasan or Riyaaz al Hussain, whose interview was published approximately 30 years ago in the newspaper Jang. He was a member of the delegates that went to Saudi Arabia to protest. The Saudi government promised them at that time that they would rebuild these mazaars. The small stones that you see today at the Mazaars of the ahle Baqee, which enable us to recognise the maqaam of Sayyidah Fatimah Radi Allahu Anha or Sayyiduna Imam Hasan RadiAllahu Anhu, is due to those people who campaigned at that time. Even till today they have not fulfilled their promise of reconstructing the Mazaars. The Tomb of Sayyidah Khadeejah al-Kubraa Radi Allahu Anhaa was beautifully built in the Jannah al Maala graveyard, come and I will show you all those pictures taken prior to this demolition. Now, you tell me, that those evil people who slaughtered thousands of Sunni Muslims, forcefully took over Makkah Shareef and Madinah Shareef. Have you all forgotten everything? And you still dare ask, Why can’t we pray behind them? We do not pray behind them because they consider us, the people of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah,as mushriks. Now, you tell me, wouldyou pray behind someone who calls you a mushrik? This is why we do not pray behind them! If anyone wants to study this history, then study the book of Allaamah Abdul Qayuum, Tareekh Najd o Hijaaz. If you want to research who was Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab search on internet for the book confessions of a british spy. Who was this Hempher? there were seven spies who broke up the Turkish rulership, six of them were men and there was one woman. They went to Istanbul and caused havoc. Hempher, studied the Darse Nizaamicourse with a Shaykh in Istanbul, and studied the Arabic language. He would say, Whenever someone suspected me of spying, I would begin speaking in Arabic. He has completely exposed Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhaab in this book, confessions of a british spy which has been published in Arabic from Kuwait, and also from London, from where these spies belonged. It discloses everything regarding Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab and how he misled him, debated with himand convinced him that alcohol is not haram, and then he persuaded him that Mutah is also halal, ultimately he made him form a temporary marriage with the female British spy. He would praise and flatter him by saying, You are a great servant of Allah. You are like Sayyiduna Umar Farooq, and Allah Almighty has destined great things for you. If you do not believe me, then read this book by the british spy. The book is available openly on the internet. This is the reality of the ale shaykh and aale Saud. Today the simple Muslims think that because this is Haram Shareef, the Imam here will also be someone verypious and god fearing. We do not pray behind these people because oftheir evil beliefs and their past actions as well as their beliefs regarding us. Translated from the urdu audio by Faqeer Mohammed Shakeel Qadiri Ridawi Rabi al Awwal Shareef 2014 Wahhabism was born in the middle of the 18th century in the sleepy desert-village of Dir’iyyah located in the ArabianPeninsula’s central region of Najd ( real name for the land now called Riyadh ). The Wahhabi sect derives its name from the name of its founder Mohammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab. Hempher Wikipedia: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memoirs_of_Mr._Hempher,_The_British_Spy_to_the_Middle_East Book Tarikh e Najd O Hijaz: www.nafseislam.com/en/Literature/Urdu/Books/TareekheNajdoHijaz/TareekheNajdoHijaz.htm
هذا العام 1970 اول حجه حجيتها وكان عمري 18 عام وكنا نغير زيت السياره امام الخيمه في منى والخيام تبعد عن بعض مايقارب 10 امتر واكثر وكل حاج سيارته تقف امام خيمته لايوجد زحمه قريب من الجمرات فسبحان مغير الاحوال
رحمة الله تغشاك ايه الغيور على دينك ومقداساتك فهو القايل ان لم يتحرر القدس فأسأل الله ان لايحييني إلى العام القادم وفعل استشهد قبل أن يأتي العام القادم
كل من عليه فإن ويبقى وجه ربك ذالجلال والاكرام رحم الملك فيصل ابن عبدالعزيز رحمه واسعه وطيب الله سراه اللهم اجعله مع النبين وصديقين وشهداء والصالحين وجميع أموات المسلمين اللهم امين يارب
الإسلام يعلو فوق كل دين.....وعبدالعزيز رحمه الله سعى للعزه الإسلام والمسلمين ونهج ابناءه نهجه...اللهم أعز الإسلام بقاده مسلمين كاأبناء عبدالعزيز.....رحمك الله ياعبدالعزيز فنحن نعيش بفضلك وكرمك وعدلك ووحدتك الى اليوم ...اللهم ادم بلادنا ذخر للاسلام والمسلمين......
⭐️لما تشوف هذا الفيديو تحس ان الدنياء فانية والكل سيرحل وتبقى الاعمال الصالحة كم كانت الناس تتعب عشان تجي للحج والعمرة والان هم تحت التراب يا رب رحمتك يا رب توفني وانت راضي عني
alwaleed alhadhrami احسنت اخي كلام جميل
الله يقنعنا منها من خيره وفضله ويمد في اعمارنا لاجل الطاعة والعبادة لله وحده
موعظة بليغه، جزاك الله خير
Stay Blessed
اسم على مسمى يفصل بين الحق والباطل اللهم اجعله برفقة الشهداء
رحمه الله علي الملك فيصل تحية من اهل مصر .كم وقف. معنا ومن بعدة ماحد يسوي مثلة كان عندة نخوة وكرامه وغيرة علي المسلمين والاسلام
@قناة منوعات اليوتيوب
الله يرحم الملك فيصل وجدك وامواتنا واموات المسلمين اجمعين
رحم الله شهيد الأمة العربية والإسلامية رحمة واسعة واسكنه الفردوس الأعلى من الجنة برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين..
الله آمين يارب العالمين اول ملك عربي شهيد للقدس حقيقيا
وليس مثل الأحزاب الكاذبة المتاجرة بقضايا المسلمين
جهاد الشعارات والانبطاح لأعداء الإسلام
جماعة نترات الأمونيوم ؟؟
سبحان الله ... وهبه الهيبة والشجاعة ومحبة الناس الى اليوم يترحمون عليه ... رحمه الله رحمة واسعة 🇸🇦
90٪ منهم توفى تقريبا او اكثر سبحان الله الدنيا قصيره كانوا مثلنا لهم امال وطموح توفوا
الطفل اللي توه مولود في تلك السنة عمره الأن 50 سنة الله المستعان
@@faisalg5631 عند موت فيصل عمري سنه ونصف
الله اكبر
@@احمداحمد-ت6ق2ك انا ١٠
كان عمري ٣ سنوات
رجل القرن العشرون بلا منازع رجل ولا كل الرجال رحمك الله يا أبو عبدالله رحمة رحمة الأبرار
ألف رحمه عليك يا شهيد الأمه العربية والإسلامية يا بطل
من ابن جاشهيد هذااليهودي الطاغيه
قلب ألماس ملك فيصل الله يرحمه انقطق النفط من الغرب في حرب اكتوبر ضد اليهود وحصل أزمة في العالم.بعض الناس يعتقد لذالك اغتياله الله اعلم
Do spend 2 minutes to read this heart melting historical answer by a great scholar
A reply by Huzoor Mujahid e Ahle Sunnat, Hadrat Allaamah Syed Shah Turaab al Haq Qadiri(May Allah Almighty preserve him)
Question: Shah sahib Qibla, I wanted to know what is the hukm for Sunnis, when they go for Hajj and Umrah,with regards to performing Salah behind the wahabi najdi imams ?
Answer: The Salah of a Sunni is only valid behind a Sunni Imam, and not behind followers of any other sect. Before the saudis took over, the Ottomans ( including Turks, Arabs and Kurds also) were in power. They made such arrangements that four Salah congregations would take place, four musallahs were put down on all four sides of the Kaaba.
Hanbali, Maaliki, Hanafi, and Shafi'ee, each follower of each Imam would perform Salah behind his Imam, therefore there was no issue whatsoever.
The Ottomans era of rule was the rule of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah.When the saudis came they took the rule from the turks, aal saud and aal shaykh took over the rule of the country.aal saud are the worldly kings which namely control today, and they went as far as naming the Hijaz country by this name also (saudi Arabia) after taking the country by force. The aal shaykh are the children of Muhammad ibn abdul Wahhaab.
Before attacking the Sacred Haram aal saud and aal shaykh made an agreement that, they would jointly attack Makkah Mukarramah and Madinah Munawwarah, and when our government is established, aal saud will take over the kingdom and rulership, and aale shaykh will deal with all the religious affairs.
The Imams will be theirs, qaadis, madrassas, muhadiths, muftis etc will all be supplied by aal shaykh. After this agreement, they attacked Madinah Munawwarah and Makkah Mukarramah.
A few years ago, the Saudi government celebrated their 100 year anniversary. King Abdul Aziz was shown on tv riding on a horse within Haram Shareef, slaughtering and murdering people with his sword. Who were these people being unlawfully murdered ?
Had the jews suddenly appeared inside the HaramShareef ?
No, these were Sunnies being murdered.
The Imam of Masjid Nabawi Shareef was slaughtered whilst being on the musallah by a sword.
Only 200 people attacked Madinah Shareef. When I first visited MadinahShareef in the year 1977, I stayed with Huzoor Qutb e Madinah Shaykh Zia al Deen Alaihirrahmah. I stayed with them for 40 days, I would hear quietly from them about the history.
Huzur Qutb e Madinah told me, only 200 people from the najdi army attacked Madinah Shareef.
The Ottomans were such staunch and respectful Sunnies that when they were attacked, they surrendered and laid down their weapons by saying that they will not allow blood to be spilt within the sacred court of the Most Beloved Sall Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, they allowed themselves to be slaughtered and attained martyrdom without defending themselves, and the same was the case in Makkah Shareef. They took over the country in this way. People forget everything!
The first thing they did after taking over, was that they bulldozed Jannah al Baqee Shareef. They dug up the graves of the blessed personalities in Jannah al-Baqee Shareef, dug up the graves of Ahle Bait e Kiraam.
The Most beautiful Mazaar in Jannah al Baqee Shareef was that of Sayyiduna Uthman Ghani Radi Allahu Anhu. They took it apart stone by stone and flattened it into the ground. Then they demolished the Mazaars of Jannah al Maala shareef.
They demolished all these Mazaars, and the Najdis of that time would say, The green dome is the biggest idol, this needs to be destroyed, MaazAllah, But they did not succeed in this evil plan. This took place in the time of Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar, Molana Abdul Hamid Badayuni, Molana Abdul Aleem sidiqui. There was a journalist by the name Riyaaz al Hasan or Riyaaz al Hussain, whose interview was published approximately 30 years ago in the newspaper Jang. He was a member of the delegates that went to Saudi Arabia to protest.
The Saudi government promised them at that time that they would rebuild these mazaars. The small stones that you see today at the Mazaars of the ahle Baqee, which enable us to recognise the maqaam of Sayyidah Fatimah Radi Allahu Anha or Sayyiduna Imam Hasan RadiAllahu Anhu, is due to those people who campaigned at that time.
Even till today they have not fulfilled their promise of reconstructing the Mazaars.
The Tomb of Sayyidah Khadeejah al-Kubraa Radi Allahu Anhaa was beautifully built in the Jannah al Maala graveyard, come and I will show you all those pictures taken prior to this demolition.
Now, you tell me, that those evil people who slaughtered thousands of Sunni Muslims, forcefully took over Makkah Shareef and Madinah Shareef.
Have you all forgotten everything?
And you still dare ask, Why can’t we pray behind them?
We do not pray behind them because they consider us, the people of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah,as mushriks. Now, you tell me, wouldyou pray behind someone who calls you a mushrik?
This is why we do not pray behind them! If anyone wants to study this history, then study the book of Allaamah Abdul Qayuum, Tareekh Najd o Hijaaz. If you want to research who was Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab search on internet for the book confessions of a british spy.
Who was this Hempher? there were seven spies who broke up the Turkish rulership, six of them were men and there was one woman. They went to Istanbul and caused havoc. Hempher, studied the Darse Nizaamicourse with a Shaykh in Istanbul, and studied the Arabic language. He would say, Whenever someone suspected me of spying, I would begin speaking in Arabic.
He has completely exposed Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhaab in this book, confessions of a british spy which has been published in Arabic from Kuwait, and also from London, from where these spies belonged.
It discloses everything regarding Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab and how he misled him, debated with himand convinced him that alcohol is not haram, and then he persuaded him that Mutah is also halal, ultimately he made him form a temporary marriage with the female British spy. He would praise and flatter him by saying, You are a great servant of Allah. You are like Sayyiduna Umar Farooq, and Allah Almighty has destined great things for you. If you do not believe me, then read this book by the british spy. The book is available openly on the internet. This is the reality of the ale shaykh and aale Saud.
Today the simple Muslims think that because this is Haram Shareef, the Imam here will also be someone verypious and god fearing.
We do not pray behind these people because oftheir evil beliefs and their past actions as well as their beliefs regarding us.
Translated from the urdu audio
by Faqeer Mohammed Shakeel Qadiri Ridawi
Rabi al Awwal Shareef 2014
Wahhabism was born in the middle of the 18th century in the sleepy desert-village of Dir’iyyah located in the ArabianPeninsula’s central region of Najd ( real name for the land now called Riyadh ). The Wahhabi sect derives its name from the name of its founder Mohammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab.
Hempher Wikipedia:
Book Tarikh e Najd O Hijaz:
@@علىالطريقمعانسير 🖕🏻
@@علىالطريقمعانسير مريض الله يشفيك
لمن اشوف مقاطع قديمه ما يجي ببالي الا كل من عليها فان الله يرحمنا اذا صرنا الى ما صاروا إليه
{إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا}☝🏽
الله يرحمه ويغفر له ايام الطيبين والقلوب الطيبه سبحان الله الناس غير في هذاك الزمان جزاك الله خير على النشر
التاريخ يشهدلك انك عضيم ورجل في كل المواقف رحمك الله وجعل مثواك الجنة
تحياتي لكم 🙋 اخوك انشالله من معرةالنعمان سوريا
إن شاء الله***
اللهم اجعله في الشهداء🤲
واجمعنا به في جنات النعيم
هيبة ملك وهبها له واهب النعم ( يؤتي الملك من يشاء ) اللهم اجعل قبره روضة من رياض الجنة واحفظ بلاد الحرمين وقادتها وأمنها وحجاج بيتك وزوار مسجد رسولك
اللهم ارحم فيصل وأسكنه الفردوس اﻷعلى من الجنة
سبحان الله. ولدت في هذالعام 1390هجرية.
اللهم ادم عزك على بلاد التوحيد المملكة العربية السعودية و احفظ شعبها و جيشها و رجال امنها و حكامها وعلمائها من كل سوء و اجزهم عن الاسلام و المسلمين خير الجزاء...
انا اتذكر هذا الحج وكنت صغير في السن تقريبا ٧ سنوات كنت مع الاهل عام ١٩٧٠ اعتقد شهر ديسمبر
اللهم اجعل الفردوس الاعلى داره ياحي ياقيوم
الله يرحمك يابو عبدالله ويرحم ايامك، ويسكنك فسيح جناته مع الشهداء والصديقين
@@badral_hamrani7077 هل تقصد ال بيت الرسول اللي هم زوجاته، أو ال بيت القندره
رحم الله الملك فيصل رحمة واسعة ورحم موتانا وموتى المسلمين واجعل قبورهم روضة من رياض الجنة
Real hero. Best and true king of Saudi ,not like today's king . Allah bless him high rank in Paradise.
عندما ترى الملك فيصل رحمه الله تعالى. تحس بعظمة الرجل وزهده في نفس الوقت. شخصية من الصعب الحديث عنها. كان والدي رحمه الله تعالى في الحرس الملكي ولم أعرف أنه تعجب واندهش وأحب رجل كالملك فيصل رحمه الله تعالى.
شخصيته قويه ولما يمشي هيبه وعزه😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭الله يرحمه بكى على القدس
الهيبه والعزه والقوه لله ولرسوله....الملك لله وحده.
@@لكالمجدالأبديياالله الملك لله ثم ل ال سعود
اطلب من كل من يقرا هذا التعليق ان ينعى الزعماء العرب ويرثيهم وعظم الله اجركم١
Mashaallah the best king of Saudi Arabia. He's the only one that stood up to the bully boys of Israel and usa.may Allah reward him jannah.ameen
سبحان الله كان عنده محبه وإخلاص للامه الاسلاميه والعربيه رحمه الله
اللهم ارحم جميع اموات المسلمين والمسلمات
ألله يرحم موتا المسلمين أجمعين يا رب العالمين وياارحم الرحمين
الله يرحم الملك فيصل ويجعل مثواه الجنه اللهم آمين .
سبحان الله
الحمد لله
لا اله الا الله
الله اكبر
لا اله ا لا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين
رحمة الله عليك واحسن مثواك واسكنك فسيح جناته يارب
ليتني لحقت ايام الملك عبدالعزيز الله يرحمه
كان في هذاك الزمان احد رجال الملك عبدالعزيز
اللهم لا تحرمنا من حج بيت الله الحرام
الله يرحمه كان رجل امس واليوم وغدا العالم يترحمو له
ترك حسن خلقه وأعماله المجزيه
الله يرحمه
من صدق مع الله أعزه الله تعالى. .
ومن دلس أخزاه.
اللهم اجعلنا من عبادك المتقين المعتصمين بك.. لا إله إلا أنت.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته الأخوة الكرام ترحمو على ملك المسلمين غفر الله له وغفر ذنبه وطهره من الذنوب والخطايا كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس اللهم امين والله احبك كثيرا أيها الملك النبيل العظيم. غفر الله لك
الله يرحمك ياملك فيصل ياريت العرب يقتدو فيه
الله يرحمه الملك فيصل بن عبدالعزيز
رحمة الله على الشهيد البطل القائد العظيم الملك فيصل بن عبدالعزيز
كم نحن اليوم نحتاج ك الملك فيصل والرئيس صدام رحمة الله عليهم اعزو العرب والاسلام 💔
Wa houoiri boumediane
عدنان الحمداني
احد رجال هدام في السبعينات وعضو حزب البعث؛ قام هدام بتعذيبه ثم قتله.
حيث انه في عام تسعة وسبعين؛ وفي عهد الرئيس البكر ؛ وبينما كان العراق وسوريا يضعان اللمسات الاخيرة للوحدة الاندماجية بينهما
كان هدام لا يريد الوحدة.
فقام بإزاحة البكر وتولى السلطة وقبض على عدنان الحمداني وحاكمه محاكمة عسكرية سريعة متهما اياه بالتواطؤ مع حافظ الاسد وقام بكسر عموده الفقري وفقأ عينه وهو حي ثم قتله.
قبحه الله القاتل الغادر المجرم الاثيم.
يتمرجل برش الكيماوي على القرويين الاكراد العزل وقيامه اخر الليل وعلى حين غفلة بغزو دولة صغيرة مجاورة ضعيفة عسكريا وهو الذي قطع الوعود والعهود ان الا يغزو الكويت.
قبحه الله من وقح نذل ناكر للجميل
ما افجره وما اقبحه وما اوقحه!
@@متجرعزالطلب أحسنت 👍🏻 الناس تحب وتقدس الطغاه الجبابره جهنم وبئس المصير ٢
الله يرحم جلالته ويغفر له ويسكنه فسيح جناته. الملك فيصل بن عبدالعزيز طيب ألله ثراه
الله يرحمه اراده ان يكون شهيدا
ان القلب ليحزن و العين لتبكي و لكن لا نقول الا ما يرضي الله
رحمك الله يا الملك فيصل يا اسد وجعلك من اهل الجنه ان شاء الله اللهم ارحم موتانا وموتى المسلمين يا رب العالمين الله يطعمنا زياره مكه المكرمه بجاه سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم تحيات من سوريا الى اهلنا في الحرمين🕋🤲🇸🇦🇸🇾
ألف ألف ألف ألف رحمة ونور عليك يا ملك فيصل
اللهم ثبتنا بالقول الثابت في الحياة الدنيا وفي الآخرة
Mashaa Allah allah u akber
Do spend 2 minutes to read this heart melting historical answer by a great scholar
A reply by Huzoor Mujahid e Ahle Sunnat, Hadrat Allaamah Syed Shah Turaab al Haq Qadiri(May Allah Almighty preserve him)
Question: Shah sahib Qibla, I wanted to know what is the hukm for Sunnis, when they go for Hajj and Umrah,with regards to performing Salah behind the wahabi najdi imams ?
Answer: The Salah of a Sunni is only valid behind a Sunni Imam, and not behind followers of any other sect. Before the saudis took over, the Ottomans ( including Turks, Arabs and Kurds also) were in power. They made such arrangements that four Salah congregations would take place, four musallahs were put down on all four sides of the Kaaba.
Hanbali, Maaliki, Hanafi, and Shafi'ee, each follower of each Imam would perform Salah behind his Imam, therefore there was no issue whatsoever.
The Ottomans era of rule was the rule of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah.When the saudis came they took the rule from the turks, aal saud and aal shaykh took over the rule of the country.aal saud are the worldly kings which namely control today, and they went as far as naming the Hijaz country by this name also (saudi Arabia) after taking the country by force. The aal shaykh are the children of Muhammad ibn abdul Wahhaab.
Before attacking the Sacred Haram aal saud and aal shaykh made an agreement that, they would jointly attack Makkah Mukarramah and Madinah Munawwarah, and when our government is established, aal saud will take over the kingdom and rulership, and aale shaykh will deal with all the religious affairs.
The Imams will be theirs, qaadis, madrassas, muhadiths, muftis etc will all be supplied by aal shaykh. After this agreement, they attacked Madinah Munawwarah and Makkah Mukarramah.
A few years ago, the Saudi government celebrated their anniversary. King Abdul Aziz was shown on tv riding on a horse within Haram Shareef, slaughtering and murdering people with his sword. Who were these people being unlawfully murdered ?
Had the jews suddenly appeared inside the HaramShareef ?
No, these were Sunnies being murdered.
The Imam of Masjid Nabawi Shareef was slaughtered whilst being on the musallah by a sword.
Only 200 people attacked Madinah Shareef. When I first visited MadinahShareef in the year 1977, I stayed with Huzoor Qutb e Madinah Shaykh Zia al Deen Alaihirrahmah. I stayed with them for 40 days, I would hear quietly from them about the history.
Huzur Qutb e Madinah told me, only 200 people from the najdi army attacked Madinah Shareef.
The Ottomans were such staunch and respectful Sunnies that when they were attacked, they surrendered and laid down their weapons by saying that they will not allow blood to be spilt within the sacred court of the Most Beloved Sall Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, they allowed themselves to be slaughtered and attained martyrdom without defending themselves, and the same was the case in Makkah Shareef. They took over the country in this way. People forget everything!
The first thing they did after taking over, was that they bulldozed Jannah al Baqee Shareef. They dug up the graves of the blessed personalities in Jannah al-Baqee Shareef, dug up the graves of Ahle Bait e Kiraam.
The Most beautiful Mazaar in Jannah al Baqee Shareef was that of Sayyiduna Uthman Ghani Radi Allahu Anhu. They took it apart stone by stone and flattened it into the ground. Then they demolished the Mazaars of Jannah al Maala shareef.
They demolished all these Mazaars, and the Najdis of that time would say, The green dome is the biggest idol, this needs to be destroyed, MaazAllah, But they did not succeed in this evil plan. This took place in the time of Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar, Molana Abdul Hamid Badayuni, Molana Abdul Aleem sidiqui. There was a journalist by the name Riyaaz al Hasan or Riyaaz al Hussain, whose interview was published approximately 30 years ago in the newspaper Jang. He was a member of the delegates that went to Saudi Arabia to protest.
The Saudi government promised them at that time that they would rebuild these mazaars. The small stones that you see today at the Mazaars of the ahle Baqee, which enable us to recognise the maqaam of Sayyidah Fatimah Radi Allahu Anha or Sayyiduna Imam Hasan RadiAllahu Anhu, is due to those people who campaigned at that time.
Even till today they have not fulfilled their promise of reconstructing the Mazaars.
The Tomb of Sayyidah Khadeejah al-Kubraa Radi Allahu Anhaa was beautifully built in the Jannah al Maala graveyard, come and I will show you all those pictures taken prior to this demolition.
Now, you tell me, that those evil people who slaughtered thousands of Sunni Muslims, forcefully took over Makkah Shareef and Madinah Shareef.
Have you all forgotten everything?
And you still dare ask, Why can’t we pray behind them?
We do not pray behind them because they consider us, the people of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah,as mushriks. Now, you tell me, wouldyou pray behind someone who calls you a mushrik?
This is why we do not pray behind them! If anyone wants to study this history, then study the book of Allaamah Abdul Qayuum, Tareekh Najd o Hijaaz. If you want to research who was Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab search on internet for the book confessions of a british spy.
Who was this Hempher? there were seven spies who broke up the Turkish rulership, six of them were men and there was one woman. They went to Istanbul and caused havoc. Hempher, studied the Darse Nizaamicourse with a Shaykh in Istanbul, and studied the Arabic language. He would say, Whenever someone suspected me of spying, I would begin speaking in Arabic.
He has completely exposed Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhaab in this book, confessions of a british spy which has been published in Arabic from Kuwait, and also from London, from where these spies belonged.
It discloses everything regarding Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab and how he misled him, debated with himand convinced him that alcohol is not haram, and then he persuaded him that Mutah is also halal, ultimately he made him form a temporary marriage with the female British spy. He would praise and flatter him by saying, You are a great servant of Allah. You are like Sayyiduna Umar Farooq, and Allah Almighty has destined great things for you. If you do not believe me, then read this book by the british spy. The book is available openly on the internet. This is the reality of the ale shaykh and aale Saud.
Today the simple Muslims think that because this is Haram Shareef, the Imam here will also be someone verypious and god fearing.
We do not pray behind these people because oftheir evil beliefs and their past actions as well as their beliefs regarding us.
Translated from the urdu audio
by Faqeer Mohammed Shakeel Qadiri Ridawi
Rabi al Awwal Shareef 2014
Wahhabism was born in the middle of the 18th century in the sleepy desert-village of Dir’iyyah located in the ArabianPeninsula’s central region of Najd ( real name for the land now called Riyadh ). The Wahhabi sect derives its name from the name of its founder Mohammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab.
Hempher Wikipedia:
Book Tarikh e Najd O Hijaz:
الله يرحمه ويسكنه فسيح جناته عزالله اني احبه من كل قلبي❤️رحمك الله رحمه واسعه
هذا العام 1970 اول حجه حجيتها وكان عمري 18 عام وكنا نغير زيت السياره امام الخيمه في منى والخيام تبعد عن بعض مايقارب 10 امتر واكثر وكل حاج سيارته تقف امام خيمته لايوجد زحمه قريب من الجمرات فسبحان مغير الاحوال
سبحان الله
راح زمن الطيبين😔😔
كم عمرك ٦٧
٦٦ عمرك الحين ما شا الله
يعني عمرك 88 سنة
أنا أخطيت حسبته بالهجري
رحمة الله تغشاك ايه الغيور على دينك ومقداساتك فهو القايل ان لم يتحرر القدس فأسأل الله ان لايحييني إلى العام القادم وفعل استشهد قبل أن يأتي العام القادم
قبل مولد بسنتين لااله الاالله محمداً رسول الله الله يطول باعمارنا على طاعته ورضاه وكل من يقراء تعليقي يارب
ياولد أسد الله يرحمك ياالفيصل العظيم👐
رجل عظيم من رجالات التاريخ
اللهم إرحم عبدك فيصل بن عبدالعزيز و أسكنه فسيح جناتك
يارب جميييع المسلمين يدخلونا الجنه
رحمك؛؛ الله يافيصل؛ رحمة الابرار❤❤😢
May Allah grant Him the highiest Rank in the jannah Ameen
الله يرحمه ويسكنه فسيح جناته ويرحم جميع المسلمين
كم انت عظيم يا فيصل ابن عبدالعزيز يطوف مع عامة المسلمين دون خوف ولا وجل .. رحمك الله رحمة الابرار...
يمني معتق
ياالله راح الطيبين ياليتني كنت معهم زمن الشرفاء😭😭😭😭
May Allah rest him in peace and grant him higest place in jannatul firdous AMEEN
الله يرحمك ويحسن اليك
من زعماء العالم رحمه الله و جزاه عنا و عن المسلمين خير الجزاء.
عشت بطل ومت اسد يافيصل ورب الكعبة ❤
الامة الاسلامية في حاجة اليوم إلى مثل هؤلاء الرجال. رحمك الله و طيب ثراك.
رحم الله شهيد الامه العربيه والإسلامية.... الملك فيصل بن عبدالعزيز آل سعود.... شهيد القدس وفلسطين....
الله يرحمهم جميع ملوك الحرمين الشريفين
من اعظم ملوك الارض رحمت الله علية
انا من مواليد هذا العام سبحان الله مضت خمسين سنة من عمري كانها يوم الله يا دنيا
رحم الله الملك فيصل و اسكنه فسيح جناته
🎉к.андай Гузал лахзаи.онлар оллохмга бе адад бе хисоб шукрлар бусин курганимга шукр абдураиим маргилаан субхан оллох ❤
الشهيد الملك فيصل في جنات الخلد انشاء الله ربنا يجزيك عن الامه الاسلاميه خير الجزاء ذكراك في قلوبنا لا تنطفئ..طبتم وطابت ذكراكم..
كم لك ربي علينا من نعم لم نوفي شكرها ...
ربي يرحمة ملك اصيل شهيد القدس فقيد امة
اللهم ارحمه واغفر له يارب العالمين
٥١ سنه رحمك الله واسكنك فسيح جناته.
سبحان الله قبل ما أولد :)
رحمك الله تعالى أيها المستبسل الشهيد.
.. ذاك الزمان الجمييييل..
الزمن الأنظف والأصدق بكثييير. .
عن زماننا العجيب💦
رحمه الله وغفر له وأسكنه فسيح جناته
اخر الملوك نرجوا ان الله اصطفاه واختارة شهيد
اجعل الفردوس دارة
رحمك الله يا أسد الاسلام، ويا، اسكندر العرب رحمك الله رحمة واسعة على تفانيك، لخدمة الاسلام والمسلمين واسكنك مع الشهداء والصديقين اللهم آمين.....
الله يرحمه ويجعل مأواه الجنه.
الله اكبر ولله الحمد علي نعمة الاسلام والمسلمين
رحمك💜 الله 💟ي ملك العرب 💟الملك فيصل ابن عبدالعزيز آل سعود رحمة الله واسكنه فسيح جناته 💕⛵💜💓💝💗🌹🌼💔💖💘🌸💞
اللهم ارحمهم برحمتك التي وسعت كل شيئ اللهم امين
كل من عليه فإن ويبقى وجه ربك ذالجلال والاكرام رحم الملك فيصل ابن عبدالعزيز رحمه واسعه وطيب الله سراه اللهم اجعله مع النبين وصديقين وشهداء والصالحين وجميع أموات المسلمين اللهم امين يارب
الله يرحمك ويجعلك مع أهل جنة وجميع المسلمين
رحمة الله على ملك كل العرب " مللك فيصل " وتغمد الله روحه واسكنه في فسيح جناته
الله يرحمه كان قائد شريف ومن القاده العظماء الذين خلدهم التاريخ الله يرحم اترابه
لم يحكم المملكة رجل مثل الملك فيصل رحمه الله منذ عهد طويل و لن يحكمها رجل مثله
اللهم اغفر للمك فيصل يا ارحم الراحمين
الإسلام يعلو فوق كل دين.....وعبدالعزيز رحمه الله سعى للعزه الإسلام والمسلمين ونهج ابناءه نهجه...اللهم أعز الإسلام بقاده مسلمين كاأبناء عبدالعزيز.....رحمك الله ياعبدالعزيز فنحن نعيش بفضلك وكرمك وعدلك ووحدتك الى اليوم ...اللهم ادم بلادنا ذخر للاسلام والمسلمين......
اسال اللة يجعل اعظمك بجنة النعيم
رحم الله الملك فيصل رحمة واسعة وأسكنه فسيح جناته .كان عمري وقتها ٩سنوات
mashallah mashallah 🇸🇦Alhamdulillah God bless 🙌🤲
الله يرحم أحبابنا وجميع المسلمين والمسلمات
ألله يرحمك و يغفرلك يا الملك فيصل و يسكنك فسيح جناته 💚💚💚
الله يرحمك ويجعل مثواك الجنة ويرحم اموات المسلمين
رحمت الله عليه عز الله انو شيخ 💔🕸
اسأل الله ان يرحم الملك فيصل ويسكنه جنات النعيم
اللهم ارحم الملك. فيصل.
اب رحمت من عنده
غفرالله لموتا ن وموتي المسلمون.
اللهم ولي علينا اخيارنا يارب العالمين وابعد عنا الخوتة والعملاء
رحمةالله عليك