Attard et al - 2016 - delayed and asymetric responses of soil c pools and N fluxes to grassland/cropland conversions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 97 : p31-39 Chin K Ong et al - 2015 - tree crop interaction, 2nd edition Dalal et al - 2011 - Organic carbon and total nitrogen stocks in a Vertisol following 40 years og no-tillage, crops residue retention and nitrogen fertilisation. Soil & tillage research 112 : p 133-139 Dignac et al - 2017 - increasing carbon storage : mechanisms, effects of agricultural practicies and proxies. A review. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 37 :14. Dimassi et al - 2014 - Long-term effect of contrasted tillage and crop management on soil carbon dynamics during 41 years. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 188 : p134-146 Drénou - 2006 - les racines face cachée des arbres Hati et al - 2006 - long term continuous cropping, fertilisation, and manuring effects on physical properties and organic carbon content of a sandy loam soil. Australian Journal of Soil Research 44 : p487-495 Jackson et al - 2017 - The Ecology of Soil Carbon : Pools, Vulnerabilities, and Biotic and Abiotic Controls. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 48 : p 419 - 445. Kuzyakov - 2000 - Carbon input by plants into the soil. Review Martinez et al - 2016 - belowground allocation patterns as determined by the in growth soil core 13c technique across different ecosystem types. Geoderma 2363 : p140 - 150 Nguyen - 2003 - rhizodeposition of organic C by plant: mechanisms and control. Sustainabl Agriculture 23 : p375-396 Pausch et al - 2017 - carbon input by roots into the soil : quantification of rhizodeposition from root to ecosystem scale. Glob Change Biol. 24 : p1-12 Peltre et al - 2012 - RothC simulation of carbon accumulation in soil after repeated application of widely different organic amendments. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 52 : p49-60 Hdadi et al - 2008 - modeling consequences of straw residues export on soil organic carbon Virto et al - 2012 - Carbon input differences as the main factor explaining the variability in soil organic C storage in no tilled compared to inversion tilled agrosystems. Biochemistry 108 : p17-26 Yue et al - 2016- Stimulation of terrestrial ecosystem carbon storage by nitrogen addition : a meta analysis. Nature scientific reports
C'est chiant car dès que je trouve une info je trouve son inverse la vidéo d'après ... je viens de regarder C'dans le sol avec Claire CHENU, Directrice de recherche INRAE comme invité, donc autant dire que c'est pas Jo le clodo, et elle y affirme que les prairies stock environ autant de carbone que les forêts (80gt C/hectare) là dans la prez' l'ordre de grandeur montre une net avantage à l'arbre... Alors ? qui se trompe ?
Bravo merci
Super présentation Pierrick!
J'avoue, c'est bien exposé bravo :)
i know it's kind of randomly asking but do anybody know of a good site to watch newly released tv shows online ?
Bonjour, Pourrait on avoir les références des infos indiquées lors de cette conférence. Merci
Attard et al - 2016 - delayed and asymetric responses of soil c pools and N fluxes to grassland/cropland conversions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 97 : p31-39
Chin K Ong et al - 2015 - tree crop interaction, 2nd edition
Dalal et al - 2011 - Organic carbon and total nitrogen stocks in a Vertisol following 40 years og no-tillage, crops residue retention and nitrogen fertilisation. Soil & tillage research 112 : p 133-139
Dignac et al - 2017 - increasing carbon storage : mechanisms, effects of agricultural practicies and proxies. A review. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 37 :14.
Dimassi et al - 2014 - Long-term effect of contrasted tillage and crop management on soil carbon dynamics during 41 years. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 188 : p134-146
Drénou - 2006 - les racines face cachée des arbres
Hati et al - 2006 - long term continuous cropping, fertilisation, and manuring effects on physical properties and organic carbon content of a sandy loam soil. Australian Journal of Soil Research 44 : p487-495
Jackson et al - 2017 - The Ecology of Soil Carbon : Pools, Vulnerabilities, and Biotic and Abiotic Controls. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 48 : p 419 - 445.
Kuzyakov - 2000 - Carbon input by plants into the soil. Review
Martinez et al - 2016 - belowground allocation patterns as determined by the in growth soil core 13c technique across different ecosystem types. Geoderma 2363 : p140 - 150
Nguyen - 2003 - rhizodeposition of organic C by plant: mechanisms and control. Sustainabl Agriculture 23 : p375-396
Pausch et al - 2017 - carbon input by roots into the soil : quantification of rhizodeposition from root to ecosystem scale. Glob Change Biol. 24 : p1-12
Peltre et al - 2012 - RothC simulation of carbon accumulation in soil after repeated application of widely different organic amendments. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 52 : p49-60
Hdadi et al - 2008 - modeling consequences of straw residues export on soil organic carbon
Virto et al - 2012 - Carbon input differences as the main factor explaining the variability in soil organic C storage in no tilled compared to inversion tilled agrosystems. Biochemistry 108 : p17-26
Yue et al - 2016- Stimulation of terrestrial ecosystem carbon storage by nitrogen addition : a meta analysis. Nature scientific reports
C'est chiant car dès que je trouve une info je trouve son inverse la vidéo d'après ... je viens de regarder C'dans le sol avec Claire CHENU, Directrice de recherche INRAE comme invité, donc autant dire que c'est pas Jo le clodo, et elle y affirme que les prairies stock environ autant de carbone que les forêts (80gt C/hectare) là dans la prez' l'ordre de grandeur montre une net avantage à l'arbre... Alors ? qui se trompe ?
peut être une difference entre prairie sauvage et exploitée ?