You should post your lvl 60 run to your channel. I hear people complaining that these duels are too easy and I'd be interested in seeing their tactics. I play a RaSt and while the battles are achievable, I am definitely not breezing through them. I'm curious to see if I need to try a different build or just keep practicing.
did anyone else know that the temporary +16% augment success from beating some the base game UQ's carries over into NGS???
unfortunately it's just a visual bug, it does not actually buff anything
@rabbitsarenotemergencyfood dang
Awesome update
Got my first death by Masquerader on D5-10 today, thats embarrassing 😂
No need to be embarrassed. People who say otherweise are idiots.
Hunter/Waker... Zero Faints.
Yes that’s the tankiest class
You should post your lvl 60 run to your channel. I hear people complaining that these duels are too easy and I'd be interested in seeing their tactics. I play a RaSt and while the battles are achievable, I am definitely not breezing through them. I'm curious to see if I need to try a different build or just keep practicing.
For me, Hunter/Waker Sword. It's just timing Mask's combo strings. Healing is nice if things go south.
can the Camo be bought off the player shop?
Since its not a drop item, doubt you can sell it
Just go beat depth 5/6
No it can't be sold in the personal shop. You just need to complete Depth 5 rank 10 to get it.
No, that'd be silly.
Depth 5 and 6 are just as disappointingly easy as the first 40. Hopefully it actually gets to a point of being difficult before floor 100.
Your are the only creator that can change the market which makes you the top creator.
Camo is for most classes dead reward.
I mean, the camo is base on base PSO2 weapons which are Sword and Wand. Im still surprised that they make it work with gunblade in NGS.
I watched you and hotaru