The Captain America Shield is made of Vibranium but The Creator of the Shield is actually Howard Stark (Tony Stark’s Dad), he is the only person that had vibranium the Time he Created the Shield, and he Gave the Early Prototype to Steve Rogers so yeah, it IS Made of Vibranium BUT It came from Howard Stark
Me and my brother love watching The Avengers. We watch it everyday. Thank you for making this video! Just asking, can you make a 'Spiderman No Way Home' video with Spiderman props? Thx!
if that helmet fits,please use it for the iron man suit btw,my favorite is the stormbreaker,if i had that i would repaint it Wow,Thx for so many likes (largest number of likes i have ever gotten , hope it keeps growing)
Me: tries to lift but couldnt Thor: ur not worthy *Elevator lifts the hammer* Me: but the elevator not worthy Thor :..... Omg I got a like oh wait it's blue Edit: omg thanks for so many likes most I got previous I got was 27 Edit: wow so many likes thank you guys
Spiderman is my favourite but it is a little different from what I know but where do you think you will find that jump on your own or have Spiderman carry you
Who’s here after Endgame ??
only 6 people i suppose
Not me
Ralph Ising I watched endgame
Ralph Ising not me
Make this blue if Marvel is better than DC
Dude super man ezzzzzz
Hell nahhhh
Iron man dies in avenger end game xxDDDDDDD
And Thor comes back fat
Iron man dies and thor comes back fat LOL
Im a cap and spidey boy but i gave a like cuz i love them too
Wheres our captain?!
This brings back memories
yea im watchinjg this beacuse i did as a kid
Yes broooooooooooooooo
@@pooX5 1kok
@@pooX5 same
I love Thor And Iron man. Press
👇👍👍 If u also like them
No Steve Rodgers
Yeah but iron man died in endgame and thor was veeeery fat :( rest in peace iron man AND THOR GET UR ABS AGAIN BOY
@@corbynstone8978 no cause he has no just has a shield
Rip iron man 😭😢
I like spider-man uwu
Who else dose
Cause i watch his movies
I would also suscribe
Iron man= like
Black widow= comment
Who thought there moms here
Both xD
I’m a kid and when he had a fire bulb,he was trying to pretended to throw fire and when he said “WAAA-“I laughed so hard I almost pooped my pants😂😂😂😂😂
make this blue if you love the whole MCU community.
5k subs for no reason?
Wooow cool
6:00 Dr.panther in the Hoouusseee!!😂😅
**Black Panther
Doctor Strange
6:00 make it an meme
5:55 Rip Chadwick
We'll always remember you
Oh say can you see by the dawns early light what is sad😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🙇🏼
This is so sad can we hit 69 420 likes
Rip my king
The Captain America Shield is made of Vibranium but The Creator of the Shield is actually Howard Stark (Tony Stark’s Dad), he is the only person that had vibranium the Time he Created the Shield, and he Gave the Early Prototype to Steve Rogers so yeah, it IS Made of Vibranium BUT It came from Howard Stark
Thor lifts the mjolnir
Vision lifts the mjolnir
Captain america lifts the mjolnir
Guava juice lifts the mjolnir
VALKY PLAYS spoilers
It’s storm breaker that is the red one and the mjolnir is grey metal with handle
VALKY PLAYS spoils endgame
VALKY PLAYS spoils endgame
VALKY PLAYS spoils endgame
VALKY PLAYS spoils endgame
mjolnir: am i a joke to you
Title: $3,000 Mystery Box
Iron Man: "I love you 3000"
REYHANN UNBOXING AND VLOGS. I subscribe to you channel can you subscribe to mine and join
Me too
Iron man's daughter said that
@@aidanzhang3520 He Said That Too
Hello Roi
Imma FAN And Your Lucky To Get That Box
Love You 3000
Love you 3000
LOVE YOU 3000000000000000 GUAVA JUICE!!!!!
Guava love un3000
@@themostrecent1615 OMG... 😐
6:18 it made me laugh so much
I’m also dead today… 😂
My favorite Avenger is Spiderman if yours is to make this blue
. Pointing down I didn't have arrow XD.
U can just do dis II
you can do this
BTCarroll1 he’s so cute
Natalie's World average endgame
Thor:I’m worthy
?:I am worthy
?:me too
Captain America:ok then................AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!
I am worthy of stormbreaker and mjlnire
Spelled it wrong it is Mjonlir
@@dababloo335 ok
if you love avengers make this blue 🎧
Make what blue?
Atleast say what we have to make blue
Iron man
My name is Eric I watch your videos all the time ( well not all the time ) your videos are amazing !!! My favorite avenger is doctor strange.
Odin lifts mjolnir
Thor lifts mjolnir
Vision lifts mjolnir
Captain America lifts mjolnir
Guava Juice lifts mjolnir
Mjolnir : am i a joke to you?
I’m worthy
Infinity War-Peter:Mr.stark i don't feel good
End Game-Peter:Mr.stark We won
I've seen endgame but don't be a douche and spoil it
@@captainmacmelon4112 shut up its been a few weeks
Mr Stark: Peter.. I don't feel so good
Nice vid :D
Imagine that watermelon as thanos' head
Thanks for the likes :D
IDontKnowTheGame YT the dig from Marley and me dies and same with darth vader
Guava: my favorite avenger is iron man
Me: iron man....ok?
LOVE YOU 3000!
why dont you guys dont like cap
Iron man sacrificed
I hart i man
Can i have the infinity gauntlet
Thanos: *snaps* (nothing happens)
Guava Juice: And i am.. Guava juice. *snaps and destroyed the world*
Mine is either Thor,Iron Man or Cap
just coming back from 3 years makes me redo my childhood
My favourite Avenger is Iron man. Make thumbs up blue if u miss aka like Iron Man
@Warrior Gaming Its Tony Stark Robert downey jr. Is the acto ok
he made the ultimate sacrifice for the whole universe
Y spoiled infinity war
like if you've seen endgame
Jocelyn Indradjaja why no spoiler warning?
Yeah captian America had Thor's hammer
Reply for a vote for Doctor Strange or Thor.
Jocelyn Indradjaja you just spoiled it for me 1V1 in rainbow six siege or fortnite
My favourite Avenger is Iron Man. Love u 3000 Guava Juice
Platinum ScytheZ this made me cry so hard bro
Peoples logic:
They always saying it’s so sad but in reality they didn’t bruh.
My avenger is spider Man
The nostalgia is too much 😭
Me: picks up pencil
Also me: I am worthy
Sadly most of us are worthy.
Title: *$3000* avenger crate
Me: *Cries internally* “I love you 3000”
What do u search to find it
Me too I miss him
I was about to comment that
😂 lol
I miss him to lol
RIP Iron Man
Me: sees $3000 box
Guava juice: *buys it*
Heuer fwhw
@@reildadarvaru3773 you ok bro? Having a seizure?
@@reildadarvaru3773 r/ihadstroke
Me and my brother love watching The Avengers. We watch it everyday. Thank you for making this video! Just asking, can you make a 'Spiderman No Way Home' video with Spiderman props? Thx!
ohhh ilike captain america
if you like captain america make rhis blue
Captain America. can definitely. define. Ironman
Guava Juice:Are you worthy? Let me know in the comments section below
Thor:Am I a joke to you?
I am
I am
Already watched EndGame
No spoilers for people who havent saw it
I saw Endgame
Iron man dies
raine alaysa i saw it
Aye I'll watch this in the future
RIP Ironman he’s my favorite avenger to
Andrew Espiritu mine to I cried
I cried to
Same he was mine too
I did not cry but it was sad
He is my favorite avenger too
My favorite avengers is Thor. love you 3000 Ironman .
guava my favrat endgame hero
is spider man
@@bunnythina2052 you can spell LOL go to KINDERGARTEN dumbo
Mine is iron man
Spider man
Who else is here after endgame
Edit: my favourite hero is Spider-Man and Thor
10 subs without any Videos omg
Thor is now fat 😂🤣
Wtf is so great about the new spider-man!? We’ve had like 3 (first ones da best tho)
Also doc strange is awesome
Is this 3,000 mystery box is awesome !!!!!!!!!mind blowing you're able to afford this Avengers mystery box so mind blowing🤯🤯
My Favorite Avenger Is
1. Ironman
2. Thor
3. Spider-Man
4. Hawkeye
5. Captain America
And last but not least
6. Black Panther
DJDark Phoenix hulk
Iron man
Black panther isn’t an avenger
biggest bihhh oh yeah
if that helmet fits,please use it for the iron man suit
btw,my favorite is the stormbreaker,if i had that i would repaint it
Wow,Thx for so many likes (largest number of likes i have ever gotten , hope it keeps growing)
Go Guava😀, whoever reads this... have a great wonderful day😊😊😊
Wow your very kind
You too,have an amazing 2023 btw I made this reply in 2023 so I guess yea
new fans: guava juice
old fans: roi
i missed you
Thanos: how guava juice got my powerful glove
My favorite avenger is iron man turn this blue if you like the avengers
Just like roi
I laughed really hard when he took the fire thing and kept shouting Thanos😂😂😂
Edit- ty for 73 likes😘
Yea that was funny
I almost couldn't her him
anant gandhar I think that fire thing is the eternal flame of asgard
Karma OP Guava juice is the best RUclipsr ever met I think it’s all the boxes and the way Adam and he’ll be my boyfriend
Karma OP I figured hundred boyfriend do you want to hang out with me or be my little books out a date
Roi: x-men is the next big thing in phase 4 Multiversse: Are you sure about that?
5:52 R.i.p Chadwick Boseman / Black Panther
Wakanda Forever
Roses are red violets are blue and if you like guava juice
Make this blue
Im filipino
Nope like Fisher
That’s not how it works the only reason it rimes is because you said blue twice
Mikey Maughan beggar
I like Roi but...
Ur begging for likes
My favorite avenger gotta be
Assassin master and starlord 💫
@@tobyhenesey6862 yeah, him too
Mine is you know captainmarvel
Ok Guava juice is worthy
Iorn man if you like iorn man make this blue
Do you know how to spell “Iron man”??
Can you English
@@andrewandkai3702 he does now cuz you already sayed it
Make what?
Can you speak English??
I like black panther his accent with "Wakanda forever" is so cool but really he is my favorite
captain marvel,scarlet witch,doctor strange and thor
captain America
Adventures is the best thing to watch
Guava Juice: Are u Worthy
Me: Who dares asks me that
Lol I'm worthy even though hulk picked it up for me
Imagine There Was Just A Piece Of Paper Saying Avengers Endgame.
Like If You Want To Undo Opening That Box.
I love mr.stark
One like one player of iron man of death😭😭
I like Mr Stark alot RIP Mr Stark
Why did you say that😭😭😭😭
GachaGamingwolfy Z thanks for spoiling it
oh yeah! the ending of endgame was so sad
RIP Mr. Stark
Wong grammar but u right
I have been watching you for 3 years
Me: tries to lift but couldnt
Thor: ur not worthy
*Elevator lifts the hammer*
Me: but the elevator not worthy
Thor :.....
Omg I got a like oh wait it's blue
Edit: omg thanks for so many likes most I got previous I got was 27
Edit: wow so many likes thank you guys
Sorry that you weren't worthy of the hammer man i feel ya
Guava juice showing Thor's Hammer and Captain America's shield... Like if u know what that means😂🤣
Rikeng Paredes yes ik
xd_creamybepis what is It
Captain Thor (Roi thor wassabi)
Rikeng Paredes I know what dat means
Yes I remember in endgame captain America holds the hammer
My favorite Avengers spider-man guava juice you
Spider man rules
“because your adopted 👍”
6:10 rip black panther
Bless you
Bruh wait iron really died?
My fav avengers are Spider-man and Iron-Man.
Like if u agree :))
I love you 3000 XD
I had watched End game yesterday it made me sad (Ok i WON'T spoil the ones who didn't watch the movie yet so you better watch it!)
Most people already watched it when it came out
Iron man dies
Thor is fat
Captain America's hammer
1:47 That noise is obviously thanos's gauntlet.
Ironman If u don't want spoilers do not go here👇
Iron man kills Thanos that's why I like him.
Thanks for 3 likes👍🤘
There’s 12 for u
but iron man died and i like thanos saying i am enebitible then iron man be like you thought i am iron man
giorgi terashili and he also dies
giorgi terashili but iron man also dies
It PrEtTy HeAvY
~Guava Juice 2019
My sons favorite is black panther wakanda forever leave a like if u like black panther
Spiderman is my favourite but it is a little different from what I know but where do you think you will find that jump on your own or have Spiderman carry you
My favorite avenger is Iron Man and Spider-Man and Black Widow.
I Love You 3000 ❤❤❤
Rest In Peace❤❤❤
I love your coment
She deaad
I am inevitable
me? totally doctor strange
who like doctor strange leave a like!
Im sooooooooooooooo happy when seeing doctor strange came back in endgame
"My favorite Avenger is probably...Iron Man *makes sad face*"
Everybody felt that. Rip Tony.
Also rip Chadwick D:
@@jenniesheram7863 but he died in endgame:(
@Marwan Masri nope Rdj is fine they just killed off Tony in endgame
R.I.P Chadwick Boseman :(
My favorites are iron man,thor,loki,spider man,doctor strange,black widow well basically all of them lol
Roses are red ketchup is too
Hey I got my first like! Why is it blue?
I’m not worthy I can only lift this many pounds
Wow yoy can hold 97 pounds your so strong! Lol
I am Worthy
Like begger
@@lazycrew7982 that's rude.
Me: did you get the mystery box?
Guava: yes
Me: what did it cost?
Guava: 3000$
Me is stor lort
@@molinauupierre6578 i dont understand abut it.
luv iron man 3000
Thor is my favorite avenger
A buzzfeed quiz told me I was worthy to pick up the hammer
I’m obviously worthy 🙄
Yet you are never gonna be worth to UNLOCK THE WIFI PASSWORD
My WiFi password is WiFi password
Late squad where u at? 😂
Wishing everyone a great day today 💗love from a small channel wishing to hit 17k 😊
I am subbed
CheezitVlogz subbed
you will hit it soon just be patient and make sure you record it when it 17k lol
CheezitVlogz I'm part of late squad
Ironman : and i..... am....... ironman
Capt. America : cause i will be with you till the end of the line.
Capt. Rogers/comment
ayu kursia XD nobody likes cap XD
ayu kursia iron man
And cap
ayu kursia on your left
Lisa Zheng your wring
This super hilarius like super😂😂😂😂😂😂
My favorite is captain marvel, Wanda, star lord, and groot❤️💛💚
What about tony stark?
How about Gamora?
Star Lord😵😵
I no everything about marvel
@@omariwitter6693 you dont know everything about spelling
that's kinda mean to say :/
Lol right
The"fire"is Scarlett's power.
Yasss i love her
it’s the eternal flame
She is so cute
Whoever is watching this in 2022 is a
Captain America of the OG
Spider-Man as the new Avenger
My favorite avenger is .....
Gamora: what did it cost?
Guava juice: $3000
I’m watching this three years after endgame
Like if iron man is the best
EB Vlogs2 I subscribed to your channel can you subscribe to mine and join
EB Vlogs2
Iron dies
When he screamed “THANOSSSS” at the flame thing I loST IT 😂😂
Gavin Gilreath g
Peter:mr.stark, i don't feel so good
Tony:dont die son
Peter:but i have to
Stark:no no no NO
Tony: No son 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 THANOS YOU WILL REGET SNAPPING
My favorite is Thor because he controls lightning