undisputed series is one of the best ever. scott is great fighter and he deserves all respect to keep his body so tuned and keeping his stamina to do all this acrobatics. he realy is dedicated to what he does. respect man
+Ramon Homjak He definitely had very good MA skills. But to be a "fighter" you need to step into the ring and win. Scott I don't think has done that. Great martial artist YES. "Fighter" I don't think so.
you probably dont care at all but does any of you know a method to log back into an instagram account? I somehow lost the login password. I would love any tricks you can give me.
He does well with villain roles. Very talented martial artist. I'd like to see him in more movies too. They wasted him so much in Expendables 2 - they should have given him a lot more screen time.
I use to watch videos like this, wishing I was strong, wish I looked the way scott Adkins did. Wishing, just wishing, then. Turn 2019, I started working on my body, I started hitting the gym, and fast forward nearly 2 years I finally feel like I’m becoming a superhero, it’s the most incredible feeling in the world being able to look yourself in the mirror with a completely new body. I feel sorry for the people that die never have taken their body’s to their limit, it’s the most incredible feeling I can describe.
I know what you mean, I had alot of size and strength in high school, as well as martial arts. This video was an inspiration. I got outta shape twice, I'm going back again. I'm going to be better than I was. God will help me reach my goals AMEN!!!🙏🏼❤️👑
He's fucking amazing. Better than anyone I've seen in movies. Don't understand why he's not in major movies. His skill is off the wall. Could only find Undisputed 1. The rest.... I have never seen it anywhere and they are probably the best movies if you talk about the skills and techniques he displays in those movies. My favorite martial arts actor!
Scott Adkins deserves way more recognition. If his movies were released in the late 80's and early 90's he would be a household name. It's too bad that martial arts movies kind of fly under the radar these days.
I love this video I seen this so many times when I show people about Scott Adkins I use this video THANK YOU SO MUCH WADE Best Scott Adkins Tribute video :D
I think he should do a sub zero movie as a spin off from mortal kombat because in ninja he so looks like scorpion or sub zero. He is good as batman too. I hope he gets bigger roles because he is talented.
He should definitely play Batman. He's a good actor, he's an extremely good fighter that actually fights like Batman from the cartoons and the games and he can play different variations of a character as we have seen. Plus, he kinda looks like Ben Affleck.
futureshock Nah. It would be a waste of his talents. Kraven was pretty much a laughing stock and an annoyance to Spiderman rather than a credible villain. I am pretty satisfied with the Deadshot in "Arrow". If Adkins played a villain, he should be a legitimate threat.
Alexander Angelus In a movie i am sure they would get a diffrent a ctor to play deadshot,unless arrow is part of the DC movie universe. Scott would be perfect as FLoyd Lawton/Deadshot. I think Scott is a good actor but he is not ready for a role like Batman just yet. The reason I said Kraven is because Booyka looks like him,Maybe Scott can play Frank Castle/Punisher
Mon ami Scott Adkins (nacido el 17 de junio de 1976 en Sutton Coldfield, Inglaterra), es un actor de cine y television y artista marcial inglés, conocido por interpretar el papel de Boyka en las películas de acción Undisputed II: Last Man Standing (2006) y Undisputed III: Redemption (2010). También trabajó como doble en la película X-Men Origins: Wolverine en las escenas Sus padres John y Janet Adkins lo criaron en un ambiente familiar de clase media. Scott no era un muy buen estudiante en la escuela, pero se destacaba en cualquier actividad física que practicara, era un atleta por naturaleza. Desde pequeño era fanático del cine marcial e idolatraba a Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan y Jet Li. Tiene varios Cinturones Negros en distintos estilos como Judo, Taekwondo, Wuso, deporte de contacto Kick Boxing Además de entrenar artes marciales Adkins complementó su formación con pesas y gimnasia olímpica desarrollando una gran capacidad acrobática extraordinaria por gimnasia olímpica y Wushu, la cual se puede apreciar en películas como: Ninja y Undisputed III: The Redemption, donde combina increíbles acrobacias a su estilo de pelea y lo adapta, lo cual logra con éxito y sin necesidad de usar cuerdas durante la filmación o efectos especiales en la edición y sin usar dobles. Su arte marcial favorita es el taekwondo También tiene conocimientos de Ninjutsu y Muay Thai Gracias Maestro por hacernos disfrutar de tus entrenos y en señanzas Shalom Shihan Scott
I was weak, now I am strong. Thanks to videos like these.
An underrated actor to this day.
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undisputed series is one of the best ever. scott is great fighter and he deserves all respect to keep his body so tuned and keeping his stamina to do all this acrobatics. he realy is dedicated to what he does. respect man
+Ramon Homjak He definitely had very good MA skills. But to be a "fighter" you need to step into the ring and win. Scott I don't think has done that. Great martial artist YES. "Fighter" I don't think so.
you probably dont care at all but does any of you know a method to log back into an instagram account?
I somehow lost the login password. I would love any tricks you can give me.
@Sage Cade Instablaster :)
His Body Of Work,
Is A Masterpiece,
You Are A True Martial
Arts Master
His fighting skill is like poetry in motion
Scott Adkins is inspiration.
He does well with villain roles. Very talented martial artist. I'd like to see him in more movies too. They wasted him so much in Expendables 2 - they should have given him a lot more screen time.
this is one of the best if not the best tribute to Scott Adkins, the music, the quality, the editing, the scenes used, WOW
Scott Adkins, one of thee BEST ever. I'd love to see a movie about my favorite kick boxer of all time, Andy Hug, with Scott playing the role.
I use to watch videos like this, wishing I was strong, wish I looked the way scott Adkins did. Wishing, just wishing, then. Turn 2019, I started working on my body, I started hitting the gym, and fast forward nearly 2 years I finally feel like I’m becoming a superhero, it’s the most incredible feeling in the world being able to look yourself in the mirror with a completely new body. I feel sorry for the people that die never have taken their body’s to their limit, it’s the most incredible feeling I can describe.
I know what you mean, I had alot of size and strength in high school, as well as martial arts. This video was an inspiration. I got outta shape twice, I'm going back again. I'm going to be better than I was. God will help me reach my goals AMEN!!!🙏🏼❤️👑
I have no words to describe Boyka.
He is stupendous.
Well, there are….The most complete fighter in the world!
Lots of good stuff here.. Nice tribute!!
Scott should be in bigger movies.. One of the best action star right now if not the best..
Scott Adkins for the next James Bond. Please vote this up.
looks too russian to me xD
Yes SIr!!
1:40 that flying armbar, very nice
He's fucking amazing. Better than anyone I've seen in movies. Don't understand why he's not in major movies. His skill is off the wall. Could only find Undisputed 1. The rest.... I have never seen it anywhere and they are probably the best movies if you talk about the skills and techniques he displays in those movies. My favorite martial arts actor!
He is my fav..... I love his all fights
Scott Adkins defenitivamente un grande!! excelente video! saludos!
Scott Adkins deserves way more recognition. If his movies were released in the late 80's and early 90's he would be a household name. It's too bad that martial arts movies kind of fly under the radar these days.
The New Batman!
"I'm the most complete Vigilante in the World" - Scott Adkins as Batman
Watching Adkins gives me motivation
Scott in terms of fighting skills is a real-life Bruce Wayne.
Still want this guy as Batman
2021 and Scott Adkins still ain't Batman. The world's a cruel place, I can't 😞
Thank you for your contribution! Let's all share a collective prayer and ask the gods of martial arts for an Undisputed 4.
The most talented martial artist popular today, the inspiration or one day becoming like him is what i want
This was amazing
Yuri Boyka... Most awesome martial arts character ever, gotta love his style.
Scott Adkins is a beast I love this video
He's simply just to good!
thank you very much...this video is awesome man!!!
Shinedown have some catchy tunes, they go well with Scott Adkins moves
Should be a massive star, very under rated.
Scott Adkins is the best!!!!!
The most complete fighter in the world ❤
Thanks man it was fun to make!
That'd be friggin awesome. Fingers crossed!
Scott Adkins is awesome, he is a badass, along with Jean-Claude Van Damme, Jason Statham, Wesley Snipes, Michael Jai White, and Steven Seegal.
And jackie chan, donnie yen, tony jaa, jet li and of course the greatest of all Bruce Lee
Martial Artist Aw man I forgot about them, thanks for remind me especially the legendary Bruce Lee
And Frank Grillo 😎
Man I'm your fan! You're too much, love seeing their struggles, their films. I wish one day I can meet you!!
WOW, i saw him in a couple of movies, actually he fought against Jason Statham and that was a BADASS fight in the Expendables 2 movie!
Good video keep it up
Scott Adkins is amazing
Laura Hudson see Scott is amazing
Brian Schultes no, YOU are amazing.
killnetic bane thx
great music choice,love this song
scott adkins as Batman asap!
Thank u :)
amazing as hell!
This vid deserve a million audience.
My new Idol! :D
I love this video I seen this so many times when I show people about Scott Adkins I use this video THANK YOU SO MUCH WADE Best Scott Adkins Tribute video :D
Much respect to Scott Adkins.It's amazing that how he can get so much muscle mass in his roles!
looking good like always.
If they ever made a Assassins Creed movie , Scott would be perfect for the main role :DD
They're making one, he's not in it though
They are making the Piece Of Eden.
+Anton Kuripko I agree with you !! Thats an awesome idea !
+Selss He can learn , he can learn
They did make an Assassins Creed movie without Scott Adkins which is it sucked even though Michael Fassbender was pretty good it still sucked
Thanks :)
The song is: Shinedown-Diamond Eyes
nice work
this guy should be BATMAN
🖕Fuck batman🖕
@@murathakan9750 fuck you
love this Video simply perfect
I would love to see Scott Adkins in John Wick 4
Scott is ultimate perfection
Woah, IDOL! ! ^_^
Ladies and gentlemen i think we've found our new batman
that's incredible
scott adkins el mejor luchador
Scott adkins o melhor lutador de todos os tempo
He’s an actor, not a fighter. Not tryna be a smart ass but just sayin
That's my boy Kiragure! Scott Adkins for governor!
I think he should do a sub zero movie as a spin off from mortal kombat because in ninja he so looks like scorpion or sub zero. He is good as batman too. I hope he gets bigger roles because he is talented.
I hear he is being considered for Guile in that Street Fighter Web Series
that's great video I like it very much ,very motivational video
Scott Adkins should at least do the stunt work for Batman in Man of Steel 2. He does kinda look like Ben Afleck.
i think scott adkins can be batman in a movie
Wolverine too!
He should definitely play Batman. He's a good actor, he's an extremely good fighter that actually fights like Batman from the cartoons and the games and he can play different variations of a character as we have seen. Plus, he kinda looks like Ben Affleck.
Alexander Angelus
I would rather see him as Deadshot in a Batman movie or Kravan the Hunter in a Spiderman movie
futureshock Nah. It would be a waste of his talents. Kraven was pretty much a laughing stock and an annoyance to Spiderman rather than a credible villain. I am pretty satisfied with the Deadshot in "Arrow". If Adkins played a villain, he should be a legitimate threat.
Alexander Angelus
In a movie i am sure they would get a diffrent a ctor to play deadshot,unless arrow is part of the DC movie universe. Scott would be perfect as FLoyd Lawton/Deadshot. I think Scott is a good actor but he is not ready for a role like Batman just yet. The reason I said Kraven is because Booyka looks like him,Maybe Scott can play Frank Castle/Punisher
thanx for sharing this vid
Scott Adkins is the best fighter ever but unfortunately not that famous
The most complete fighter in the world, ever !!!!
5:25 almost as Weidman vs Silva ;x
Awsome and exceptional fighter!
A capacidade fisica desse camarada é de impressionar muito. Muita força muscular aliada a técnica.
Perfeito resumo!
Es el mejor de todos un Dios de las Artes marsiales Scott Adkins
+Leonela Jean es verdad
That's good!
Mi actor favorito con mi canción favorita
Thx :) and your avatar i have wallpaper for my phone whit Boyka :) is the best !
Now this guy would make a good Goku
Scott adkins great master
the song is diamond eyes by shinedown
Hardworking person and awesome Martial artist
Esse Scott Adkins luta demais... um ótimo ator... excelente profissional
Very nice,the best!!!!
Awesome actor .... he is a pro martial artist ... i think he is better than m. jay white and j. c. van dam .... My Idol.
Scott Adkins, the ultimate fighter.
love undisputed,they should make the 4.
They are
Warren Day o.o
Saw it last night.
Scott Adkins= New Wolverine
shinedown - diamond eyes
Sem comentarios este cara é demais os filmes deles Todos sao bons..
This guy deserves some A-Movies!
Mon ami Scott Adkins (nacido el 17 de junio de 1976 en Sutton Coldfield, Inglaterra), es un actor de cine y television y artista marcial inglés, conocido por interpretar el papel de Boyka en las películas de acción Undisputed II: Last Man Standing (2006) y Undisputed III: Redemption (2010). También trabajó como doble en la película X-Men Origins: Wolverine en las escenas Sus padres John y Janet Adkins lo criaron en un ambiente familiar de clase media. Scott no era un muy buen estudiante en la escuela, pero se destacaba en cualquier actividad física que practicara, era un atleta por naturaleza. Desde pequeño era fanático del cine marcial e idolatraba a Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan y Jet Li. Tiene varios Cinturones Negros en distintos estilos como Judo, Taekwondo, Wuso, deporte de contacto Kick Boxing Además de entrenar artes marciales Adkins complementó su formación con pesas y gimnasia olímpica desarrollando una gran capacidad acrobática extraordinaria por gimnasia olímpica y Wushu, la cual se puede apreciar en películas como: Ninja y Undisputed III: The Redemption, donde combina increíbles acrobacias a su estilo de pelea y lo adapta, lo cual logra con éxito y sin necesidad de usar cuerdas durante la filmación o efectos especiales en la edición y sin usar dobles. Su arte marcial favorita es el taekwondo También tiene conocimientos de Ninjutsu y Muay Thai Gracias Maestro por hacernos disfrutar de tus entrenos y en señanzas Shalom Shihan Scott
Shadow of a Tear is best ninja movie since 80's.
This song has been to Donnie Yen Tribute also.
1:01 is Metal Hurlant Chronicles and 2:55 is The Tournament
He would be perfect for playing moon knight or iron fist