JIMMY SWAGGART: FALSE | "Expository Study Bible"

  • Опубликовано: 20 окт 2024

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  • @limenator3956
    @limenator3956 2 года назад +28

    Wow. Thank you for this message. We need more people speaking out truth... From the word of God. Bless you

    • @alanhales1123
      @alanhales1123 Год назад

      Limenator , do not believe only one truth, because he is just as Biblically ignorant as Jimmy Swaggart.
      Jimmy Swaggart is right about
      2 Thess 2: 3, and only one truth is wrong.
      so, DO NOT believe him.

    • @trustnonlythelord3065
      @trustnonlythelord3065 Год назад

      Amen 🙏

    • @MarcusGlasscock-x4p
      @MarcusGlasscock-x4p Год назад

      U have to remember Jesus talking to the rich young ruler and all were still under law and commandments, Jesus had died own the cross yet after the cross we keep his commandments because our faith is in what he did on the cross cross that's how u keep them. I don't agree on everything he teaches, I go straight to my Bible for the truth. Man never gets it all right that's why u go to God's word of truth God can not lie. I stay with my kgv don't need all that other added red letter words.

    • @bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh1
      @bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh1 Год назад

      The mess this dude is puking out is not truth, he is speaking only half or less stories... he does not know what he is talking about..

    • @hoffnana
      @hoffnana 8 месяцев назад +3

      The rapture is happening first

  • @philipcrane8406
    @philipcrane8406 2 года назад +17

    I haven’t heard Jimmy Swaggart preach anything that wasn’t Bible. Where in this study Bible is his notes wrong? I haven’t seen anything wrong with his study Bible.

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад +2

      You obviously have not read it all or, you don't truly understand most of the Bible.
      But, it helps many, which is good. I'm just commenting on your comment to say, it has errors. So do all commentaries.

    • @philipcrane8406
      @philipcrane8406 2 года назад +1

      @@michaelalbertson7457 point out some of these errors if you would please. Give specific examples.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +1

      2 Thessalonians 2:3 the Bible says there will be a great falling away before the coming of the Lord. Swaggart says the opposite by saying there will be a catching away rapture in place of it. He says we have a sin nature inherited from Adam so he changes in the Bible where it says flesh to sin nature to try to solidify his point. The word flesh does not mean sin nature. It’s the Greek word sarx, which simply means the meat that covers the bone. God said we are born upright in Ecclesiastes 7:29. Swaggart says we are born filthy sinners. In Ezekiel 18:20 it says Adam’s sin was not passed on to us. He said Adam’s sin was passed on to us. Who are you going to believe? God or Swaggart. In sincerity and love. P. Don

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад +2

      @@philipcrane8406 Read it yourself. Don't make me do work that you will probably dispute. You have to be sure yourself. Me telling you won't prove anything.
      I actually don't read it. I got it in case the Bible, my understanding and the Concordance can't answer a question. Used it less than 10 times in 4 years.
      If you like it, fine. I'm just saying, it isn't entirely correct, and I think if Jimmy could change some things, he would. But it has enough of truth in it that others can be saved and walk in salvation, it seems.
      I don't read commentaries. I depend on God to show me as I read the Bible and listen to preaching and teaching.

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth 2 Thessalonians 2:3. You are correct in that falling away from the faith is what it means. It is called apostasy, which if it gets bad enough, the rapture will happen. Swaggart's interpretation leaves out a falling away (calling it a departure, should have added, from the faith), which he shouldn't have done. His belief about the rapture is correct before the antichrist is revealed, because the Holy Spirit will be gone, only He who now letteth will let, until He be taken out of the way. 2 These. 2:7b.
      Then shall the Wicked, the antichrist, be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 2 Thess. 2:8.
      Even in spite of his interpretation error, he speaks truth of the rapture.
      I know you don't believe, but we will see soon.
      As for original sin, we will see about that, too, soon.

  • @pieterjohnnewman152
    @pieterjohnnewman152 2 года назад +30

    I don’t have that Bible yet, but what I can tell you Sir is that if you have faith in how faithful you can be in following and abiding in the Law, you have fallen from Grace. Do not be fooled. Any man that believes that he has no sin is a liar and the truth is not in him. That is why I hang onto God’s Grace through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ to be saved. Because of what Jesus has done for me, I am so thankful which is the reason why I follow Jesus to do His righteous works. There is a lot of things that you say, which I do not agree with, but I understand you also are not perfect in your interpretation of the Scripture. Do not judge Jimmy for his failures. Trust God to save yourself by His Grace

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +2

      Jesus said; unless you repent you shall likewise perish. Sir, you need to remove the beam from your eye before you try to remove the spec from another. Please quit mis- quoting scriptures. Read 1 John from the beginning of the 1 st chapter. These people do not have fellowship with him, they do not have a fullness of joy, they are walking in darkness, they are gnostics. They must first admit that they have sin ( 8) they must confess and forsake their sin( verse 9) then they are forgiven and cleansed leaving them without sin. I hope you wake up and quit sinning and get saved before it’s too late. In sincerity and love. P. Don

    • @terryfonz4603
      @terryfonz4603 2 года назад +4

      Belief in Jesus alone not of works lest any man should boast.

    • @carlgrant6109
      @carlgrant6109 2 года назад +3

      The blood of Jesus cleanse us from ALL unrighteous.

    • @glennfregia6955
      @glennfregia6955 2 года назад

      U do nt know

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +1

      Belief in Jesus is obeying Jesus, for they are one and the same! If you have only a conceptual belief, you have no greater a belief than the demons. For James says, even the demons believe and tremble. According to Hebrews 11 by faith Noah feared God and built an ark! Did he have something to boast in? God gave him the design of how to build it. What could he have boasted in? Jesus told us how to live and what is acceptable to the Father. What could we boast in if we merely obey how He said to live.
      John 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.
      No Room To Boast!
      Luke 17:10 So likewise you, when you have done all those things which you are commanded, 👉say, ‘We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do.’ ”

  • @michaelharrison421
    @michaelharrison421 2 года назад +8

    Let’s talk about some sins you haven’t been caught committing. Why bring up his past?

    • @toddstacy7237
      @toddstacy7237 2 года назад +2

      This man is giving his opinions about the Bible,why can't Jimmy swaggert! I wonder how many souls this man has won,by tearing down,we support to lift up as Christians, what this man is doing is unbilical and a curse in God's eyes

    • @lesliesmith719
      @lesliesmith719 2 года назад

      Why? Because Swaggart is not qualified to be a pastor. Notice he NEVER even calls himself that. He calls himself an evangelist. Well he pastors a church
      First time he got caught visiting a prostitute I New Orleans in Oct. 1987 he was FORCED to publically repent on tv. Second time he was caught he told his church God told him to say it was none of their business. No repentance there, only arrogance. Third time was in 1995 in Port Allen Louisiana and a cop pulled him over in the prostitution area. The cop said ON TAPE that first Swaggart said he was lost and than changed his story to he was out to check on his radio tower. Well John Camp, a great investigator, said it is public record that Swaggart sold that tower many months earlier. So Swaggart lied about that. And no public repentance either. By the way John Camp on tape caught up with France's and Jimmy in a parking lot and Camp asked Jimmy about the 1995 stop. Swaggart lied again to Camps face.
      When Swaggart was summoned to the Assembly of God headquarters in 1988 about him being caught on tape visiting a prostitute Swaggart told all 13 elders of Assembly of God that he had been visiting prostitutes since 1960 in every city he goes to. One of the elders went public with this. Google it.
      Do you think the 3 times he was caught were the only times he visited prostitutes. Of course not. The man NEVER was qualified to be be a minister and proclaim the beautiful message of Jesus. Yes there is forgiveness for Jimmy. But he is not qualified to be a minister.
      Look up the qualifications in both Timothy and Titus to be a minister. By the way Swaggart changed in Timothy the heading QUALIFICATIONS to QUALITIES in the section in Timothy about qualifications to be a minister. Swaggart CHANGED THE WORD OF GOD. Qualifications and Qualties are two totally different words. Talk about how Swaggart himself knows he is not to be a pastor and minister.
      Go look up the book swaggart and get the authors name. He has a fantastic website that reviews in detail how Swaggart is a false prophet.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +1

      Wrong. The Bible commands us to expose those that do what he is doing. Ephesians 5:11 and Jude 1:3-4 The one who says: I know him ( is that you?) and does not obey his commandments ( is that you?) is a liar and the truth is not in him. 1 John 2:4. Go and sin no more john 8:11; 5:14. In sincerity and love. P. Don

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +2

      That’s fine. I have sinned horribly in my past, but was not a pastor as I am now. A pastor or elder must be blameless, pure, and holy. That means no sin. That is the requirements found in 1 Timothy 3:2 and Titus 1-5-9

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth In their spirit. Their life will be a godly one.
      But when they trangress God's ways, in even the smallest of matters, they will grieve before God with godly sorrow, seeking forgiveness from Him.
      And they will get closer to the Lord.
      You are getting farther from the Lord by not seeking His forgiveness, even though you may gain in knowledge, you won't in all, for you deny His whole word, in your teaching.
      Stating some of God's word and leaving out some, means you have denied His whole word, because you need to believe it all to know the truth of salvation.
      Put scripture together as God says it.
      The Bible is written to Christians, with some warnings.
      Sometimes unbelievers take those warnings and get saved.
      You draw from the old covenant too much to make your points, and thereby lean heavily in the new covenant on the same scriptures.
      But you leave off the mercy and grace of God, which is in the old covenant also in subtle and not so subtle ways.
      You leave off eternal salvation.

  • @michaelbryant1914
    @michaelbryant1914 2 года назад +5

    Most preachers that run another preacher down are usually jealous of the other preachers. I don’t hear Jimmy running nobody down he just preaches the word

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      Are you kidding? He has run down Catholics for years. He ran down Marvin Garmin and that’s why he got caught in his past sin of adultery.Jesus said beware of false prophets who come to you in sheeps clothing but inwardly are ravening wolves. This is how you know. By their fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit evil fruit is sin.Matthew 7:15-23 he admittedly preaches that one will always sin including himself. Jesus said; go and sin no more. John 8:11, 5:14 Swaggart says you can’t go and sin no more because you have a sin nature inherited from Adam. God said Job was perfect, upright and did not sin. Job 1:8,21 Swaggart says no one is perfect except Christ . So you choose to believe Swaggart over God and Jesus Christ. Jesus said be perfect as our father in heaven is perfect.. Swaggart says you can’t. Who is lying? Matthew 5:48. The one that says they know him ( that’s you) and does not obey his commandments ( is that you?) is a liar and the truth is not in them. In sincerity and love. P. Don

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth The Roman Catholics are a false religion. He should warn against them.

    • @db90990
      @db90990 Год назад

      A m e n !!!

  • @mattewcline991
    @mattewcline991 2 года назад +11

    You will never live a life completely devoid of sin as long as you're in this carnal body

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +4

      So false and a lie from the pit of hell. That statement is calling God a liar who said Job was perfect and upright and did not sin job 1:8,21. Jesus said be perfect, Matthew 5:48 you say you can’t. God said Job did not sin when he spoke of him. You said job did sin. Jesus said go and sin no more john 8:11, 5:14. You say don’t go and sin no more because you can’t. 1 Peter 4:1-2 says this man quit sinning who was once sinning in his past and lives the rest of his life to the will of God( no sin) but you say that’s a lie. Who is the liar and deceiver? That would be you. I hope you repent and do what Jesus said. Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him not disobey him. Hebrews 5:9. In sincerity and love. P. Don

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад +1

      @@OnlyOneTruth You have the same spirit of other deceivers. You refuse to look at your life honestly. You quote scriptures and apply the ones to your life where you think you are saved and that you don't sin, so you don't have to know what you are really like.
      I know you don't have it in you to ask the Swaggarts what they think of you, nor any of the pastors, not Carl Brown, either.

    • @coracee7653
      @coracee7653 2 года назад +1

      @@OnlyOneTruth So you go right ahead and live your sinless life. We are not perfect like you but we thank God for His Grace.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +3

      The grace of God is not a cover for sin, but it teaches you to deny ungodliness and worldly lust!
      Titus :211 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, 12 teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age,
      If you think that it is a license to keep on sinning I recommend that you read the book of Jude!
      Jude 1:4 For certain men have secretly slipped in among you--men who long ago were marked out for the condemnation I am about to describe--ungodly men who have turned the grace of our God into a license for evil and who deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

    • @sistermonee
      @sistermonee 2 года назад

      ✝"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us."
      ✝"For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good. But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find. For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.
      I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God-through Jesus Christ our Lord!"
      ✝"What shall we say then? SHALL WE CONTINUE IN SIN that grace may abound? CERTAINLY NOT! How shall we who died to sin LIVE any longer in it? Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
      For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the boddy of sin might be done away with, that we should NO LONGER BE SLAVES OF SIN. For he who has died HAS BEEN FREED FROM SIN. Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him, knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, dies no more. Death no longer has dominion over Him. For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
      Therefore do not let sin REIGN in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts. And DO NOT PRESENT YOUR MEMBERS as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For SIN SHALL NOT HAVE DOMINION OVER YOU, .... F O R Y O U A R E N O T U N D E R L A W B U T U N D E R G R A C E!
      Dear Brethren!
      Keep it BALANCED!!! 🙏❤
      If we are in JESUS CHRIST (i.e. on THE WAY, in THE TRUTH, having THE LIFE) then we should be also led by the Holy Spirit ... seeing, hearing, feeling ... and keeping the BALANCE of the WORD OF GOD!
      1) Jesus is Holy and He CAN'T CONDONE SIN ... BUT!!!
      2) also, ... He's a LOVING GOD who came and sacrificed Himself for us, vile sinners!!! He's suffered and died in our place so we could have chance to recognize our sinfulness and need for a Savior, turn away from our old SINFUL life, call upon HIS name, be forgiven, become children of GOD, and go back home. ❤🙌
      3) & YES, we have to get rid of SIN! BUT FIRST & FORMOST in our own life!!!
      We definitely have to expose false teachings & deceptions in the church, also humbly warn/correct/teach/ one another and point to things in our life that GOD's WORD labels SIN ... but also this have to be done IN HIS LOVE. (We shouldn't have to "stone or execute" the sinner! First of all because only God knows anyones heart, and for second because the "ultimate judgment" is always GOD's privilege!
      YES! SIN IS A VERY SERIOUS MATTER in any Christian's life ... but that DOES NOT MEAN that we should go back "under the law" starting to "judge and hang" one another! Just let me remind you all of the famous sentence of Jesus... "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first."
      Besides, OUR MAIN RESPONSIBILITY IS > OUR OWN LIFE (our thoughts/deed/decisions). That is, what we'll be held accountable for ... most of all.
      ... 🙏🙏🙏
      "Get your house in order! - I hear the Spirit say
      There's a movement back to holiness that God demands today...
      He's pulling back the curtain revealing what's inside
      Cleaning house from PREJUDICE, SINFULNESS AND PRIDE
      There's a cloud of Glory coming and you better make some room
      There's a glow on the horizon cause the Son is coming soon
      And He is holy ... this sin has got to go
      Cause God is holy, ... that's why I preach it hard
      Cry, turn blue, but whatever you do, you better get your business straight with God
      ... Get outta that corner, you can't hide
      ... God told me to tell you, that you can't hide "

  • @jefferywood6594
    @jefferywood6594 2 года назад +7

    I trust jimmy swaggerd ,I feel in my heart what he preaching is the truth.and he has got forgiveness from God so if god as forgiven him why do you bring his past back up. Who sinning now we should be uplifting each other not tearing each other down.

    • @josephzammit8483
      @josephzammit8483 2 года назад +1


    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +1

      I was a fool for trusting Swaggart once when I attended his church. God forgave David but still wrote about his sin to us. Paul fotgave Demas but still wrote about his sin to the church. Paul forgave Alexander the coppersmith, philetus and hymaneus and the Cretians but still wrote about them to the church. The scripture commands us to expose those who bring false doctrines that will send people to hell like Swaggart is doing. 1 Timothy 5:20 Them that sin rebuke before all that others may fear. I have no unforgiveness for anyone, only love. Ephesians 5:11 Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them. I hope you repent and go and sin no more. John 8:11, 2 Corinthians 7:10-11 In sincerity and love. P. Don

    • @db90990
      @db90990 Год назад

      A m e n

  • @ann2017carter
    @ann2017carter 3 года назад +13

    If Jimmy Swaggart is wrong in his teachings (I've never met a preacher yet that I totally agree with, we are all here to learn and grow) and if he is wrong in putting out a Bible meant to help people better understand God's Word that is between him and God, whether he is right or wrong! I do not agree with every word Jimmy Swaggart has written in red. A big portion of it is just his opinion and does not explain the verses as I feel he should have, but I do have and love my Expositors Bible.
    I don't listen to Jimmy Swaggart but I do like I stated have his Expositors Bible. That doesn't mean I agree with everything he writes in red or says. By the way man came up with Jesus's words being written in red not Jesus.
    I, like you, have also criticized another's work for the Lord but Holy Spirit set me straight on that. Years ago a man and his wife had put out some movies that just didn't portray the stories of the Bible as I believed them to be. And I said, "That is not what the Bible says, they have gotten this all wrong." And as soon as the words came out of my mouth I heard Holy Spirit say, "Well at least they are doing something." And I had to repent to God for judging another man's work for the Lord and for being slothful in doing God's will for His kingdom.
    We are not put here on this earth to judge another but to help each other. We are to pray for the lost and spread the love of Jesus. And those out there criticizing his neighbor's work for the Lord, be careful, because you just might be going against God's anointed. And nothing good can come from that.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад +2

      It’s not about what we think but it’s about what the Bible says. I agree with every word Jesus and his disciples said and live by it. His red writing says many things that are the opposite of scripture . As I have shown in this video. Stick to the word of God and if you have trouble defining a word, look it up in the strongs concordance for a broader definition. Cursed is the one who trust in man Jeremiah 17:5. Blessed is the one that sits in the counsel of the godly but cursed is the one who sits in the counsel of the ungodly. Psalms 1:1 in love and sincerity. P. Don

    • @pjm8433
      @pjm8433 2 года назад

      Wow !!! You said it perfectly & you said what I tried to say. I agree with you completely & also read my expositors Bible everyday & most of what’s in red is his opinion , some biblical & I don’t think swaggart is changing the Bible it’s his opinion. Question for you do you think that we sin & are sinners ? I don’t mean bad sins but like a bad thought or a hateful word . & do you think that it’s an on going process & that’s how we’re being sanctified ? I love the way you stated your beliefs. God Bless you

    • @imjrthegreat
      @imjrthegreat 2 года назад

      @@pjm8433 What you have failed to understand is that Jimmy Swaggart is leading you to the Lake of Fire where you will die the second and eternal death. Swaggart is of his father, Satan.

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад +1

      Ann Carter, Very true, all of what you wrote. I had to repent of harsh criticism because I didn't agree with a ministry I didn't totally agree with, JSM, and learned a lot when they responded to me, which made me a better Christian, more understanding, even though I don't completely agree with all they said. But they are so close that I was able to see things from their viewpoint, it helped me. And, many believe like them, and live right. I would like things more clear, but then again, the Holy Spirit is the only one that can show us and change us. Praise God.

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth Sorry, I see nothing in Jimmy now that is ungodly.
      You are not supposed to judge a man as you do, you are supposed to learn truth as you judge about the word of God as you hear.
      I've caught you in error. I've stated it in other comments. Does that mean you're a hell bound sinner? If you tell me that Jimmy is basically wrong, I know you don't know the truth. You have blatant error in the little you have stated. But you don't know it. How come I know it? Because I'm taught by the Holy Spirit, Who is the Only interpreter of the Bible. Your mind interprets the Bible. The mind of Christ interprets the Bible for us.
      You must be born again to get the mind of Christ.
      Your relationship is with the Bible, but not God, for you don't know what He means.
      Think about this. Many like you exclaim, Bible says this, that and the other thing. And YOU ALL COME UP WITH DIFFERENT EXPLANATIONS!!
      And you all think you're right. Doesn't that show you that you are wrong?
      For none of you let the Holy Spirit teach you. If you did, you would say the Holy Spirit showed me, and the true Christians would agree with you. But they don't.
      God will not even let you say the Holy Spirit showed you, because God will not let you lie about Him. He did not show you.
      And if you start to say it, your spirit will know it's a lie, unless you're demonized, and you will not be convincing to a true Christian.
      You have a lot to learn. Is your heart humble enough to take correction? That depends on if it's a true desire to know the God of love. What you show isn't love. Look at yourself on the video, if you won't acknowledge what I say. The love of God should be coming out of you. Even in tough love it should come out. You're in the flesh. You should not be teaching anything. You should seek God. The devil will lie to you, God won't. God brings peace to a soul. You don't have it. Think.

  • @swamplilylovesjesuschrist5468
    @swamplilylovesjesuschrist5468 4 года назад +26

    Romans 5: 12Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: 13(For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. 14Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
    15But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many. 16And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification. 17For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)
    18Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.19For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. 20Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: 21That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

    • @GI4JYT
      @GI4JYT 3 года назад +12

      Correct! It looks to me like it is one false teacher, rebuking another. I was taken in here until I heard the man in the video say that Adam's sin was not passed to us. I didn't expect to hear that one quite so blatantly.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      Ecclesiastes 7:29.

    • @rickyc664
      @rickyc664 2 года назад +2

      @@OnlyOneTruth try to explain away Romans 5:12

    • @matthewvanwyk6813
      @matthewvanwyk6813 2 года назад

      This is the same Scripture that came to my mind when I heard you say there is no scripture that teaches that sin passed from Adam. I disagree Sir.
      I agree with everything you say about Jimmy Swaggart Sir, his twisted and changed the Bible for his own gain and comfort which is a great sin and he will be dealt with by God for this, but the Apostle Paul clearly teaches in Romans 5 that sin is inherent from Adam. It's not that we are "responsible" for Adam's sin, but that sin, in and of itself is spread to each man who comes from the loins of Adam (which the entire human race comes from, we are all descendants of Adam, therefore we are all fallen). This is the doctrine of depravity. I also firmly believe God does not send little new borns to hell. There is a place or phase in our lives when we are sin conscious and aware of our wickedness and I trust that the Judge of all the Earth knows how to judge righteously!!! The Bible says in 2 Samuel 12:18-23 (paraphrasing) when David lost his new born (when he sinned with Bathsheba), that he refused to eat or bath when the baby was sick, he spend days on his face praying and begging God, but when the baby died, he got up from his low state and began living as usual. The servants were shocked and asked him why are you okay when the baby dies but was sad and miserable when the baby was sick and David replied "I cannot bring my child back now but when I die I will go to my child." David is assured his new born is with God.
      It's so true what theologian RC Sproul said "We really don't grasp and comprehend the holiness of God." Even if a baby is just a new born and is thrown into hell. So what? (Not saying that He does) But imagine Romans 9:16 says "So it is God who decides to show mercy. We can neither choose it nor work for it." And in verse 21 it says "When a potter makes jars out of clay, doesn't He have the right to use the same lump of clay to make one jar for vessels of honour and another for vessels of destruction?"
      These are very scary questions the Apostle Paul throws out to us, with the intent of revealing the sovereign power of God that cannot be questioned or fully grasped.

  • @jimmycrackcornidontcare446
    @jimmycrackcornidontcare446 3 года назад +5

    I mean you are putting down this man and his family, do you not think he has led a lot of souls to christ, he is a child of God as well you are, you not even just talking about his doctrine. You are putting him and family down. He was caught again we all fall short of the glory of God, how do you know what he told cops. Just saying calling someone a hypocrite is a strong word. You will never be completely without sin, maybe not same one's over and over. Dude worry about your own ministry, if you dont like his, dont follow.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад

      Hello Jimmy,
      I also have lived here in Baton Rouge area for 68 years. I attended his church and know Donnie, Francis and Jimmy. I love all of them but I must confront false doctrine that sends people to hell. Ephesians 5:11 Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them. That is exactly what I am doing. Read also Matthew 23.You said that no one will or can ever stop sinning just like Swaggart says. The Bible says the opposite as you guys. Read 1 Peter 4:1-2 Arm yourselves with the same mind as Christ, he that has suffered in the flesh has stopped sinning and lives the rest of his life to the will of God. Who stopped sinning? Not Christ because he never started sinning. You say this scripture is a lie. Shame on you. I hope you repent by humbling yourself to Gods word before it’s too late. Jesus didn’t say go and sin less. He said go and sin no more. Obedience is necessary for salvation. Hebrews 5:9 Jesus is the author of salvation to all that obey him not those who disobey him like you are saying.

  • @vickiegilbert3549
    @vickiegilbert3549 Год назад +2

    I do hope people watch you since you are perfect! You are preaching love and running down your brother.😢

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  Год назад

      He is not my brother. Read 2 John 1:9-11 The one who sins, transgresses and does not continue in the teachings of Jesus Christ DOES NOT HAVE GOD. Read it all in context. Who is my brother but the one who does the will of my father.Matt 12:48-50. P. Don

    • @FreeSpiritWriter
      @FreeSpiritWriter 16 дней назад

      same thinking here🤔

  • @justaman3916
    @justaman3916 3 года назад +11

    You may give your review (positive or negative) on Pastor Swaggart's Expository Bible but it is not your place to judge his personal life.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад +3

      For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?
      (1 Corinthians 5:12, KJV)

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад +5

      We are commanded to judge those that claim to be Christians according to 1 Corinthians 5:12-13. It would be sin not to. We must obey the scriptures not your opinion. Ephesians 5:11 Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them.

    • @ann2017carter
      @ann2017carter 3 года назад

      We can judge someone and pray for them. I don't believe we are to beat them down continuously with our tongue.

    • @robincoar9824
      @robincoar9824 2 года назад +1

      People who do nothing the least or do nothing complain about those who are doing for the Lord. If they would do all that happens at SBN they wouldn't have time to complain. Lov ya from a Media MemberSBN

    • @CrossStreamNL
      @CrossStreamNL 2 года назад

      I guess in the past when he was with them he was hurt. 10 minutes of Jimmy Swaggart fills me with hope and hunger for Jesus, 10 minutes of you here makes me feel bored, depressed. Do you pray for Jimmy and his family? I guess not.

  • @mikeytorres8511
    @mikeytorres8511 2 года назад +3

    Do you judge other commentators of there commentaries like D.L. MOODY; ECT.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      Jesus said beware of false teachers that come to you in sheep clothing but inwardly are ravening wolves. You shall know them by their fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit (sin). Matthew 7. Ephesians 5:11. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them. Thank you. P. Don

  • @nadwoanimako4515
    @nadwoanimako4515 3 года назад +7

    I read the comments and you responded to someone by saying you have not sinned since you became a Christian
    It’s either you are ignorant of what sin is or you are delusional
    You have sinned even in this video by twisting the man’s words to suit your argument and by exhibiting ungodly anger
    He has never ever said the message of the cross is a license to sin, he is in fact against that. Neither has he said when children die they will go to hell. He has only preached that we are saved by putting our faith in Jesus Christ and there is power in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross to free us from the bondage of sin and help us to walk according to the Spirit and not the flesh. He talked about the sin nature as being the nature inherited from Adam as scripture clearly displays, and talks about the battle between the flesh and the Spirit as Paul clearly illustrated in scripture and points to what Jesus did on the cross as having the power to liberate us. He talks about Jesus Christ forgiving us of future sins not that it is a license to sin, but that there is the potency to sin because of the sin nature which remains with us to the point of death or at the rapture where we will be glorified, and God’s provision of forgiveness should we sin. No truly saved person wants to sin, however should sin occur because of the sin nature, God has made it clear in His word that if we confess our sins He is Faithful and Just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
    If there is anyone who is perverse, confused and twisting the scriptures, it is you

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад

      You obviously advocate for sin also. You use no scripture, only your opinion which is worthless next to the true word of God. 2 Timothy 3:25-16. My Bible tells me we were born upright not in Adam’s sin as with a sin nature inherited from Adam. Ecclesiastes 7:29. Ezekiel 18:20. A Christian defined by scripture is one who is walking in obedience. Hebrews 5:9, John 14:21-23, 1 John 2:4, 1 John 3:7-10, 1 , Galations 5:24John 5:18…etc

    • @nadwoanimako4515
      @nadwoanimako4515 3 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth your problem is, you don’t read or listen, if you did you would know that I never said what you are accusing me of saying. You are very defensive.

    • @nadwoanimako4515
      @nadwoanimako4515 3 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth when studying God’s word, ensure that your interpretation is within context, otherwise you will get the interpretation wrong
      The word of God doesn’t contradict but rather compliments.
      So whenever you realize that your interpretation of a scripture contradicts what another scripture clearly explains in context, go back and read in context and you will realize how it all comes together to give a complete meaning of what God intends to communicate
      I see too many Christians using scripture against scripture and it’s heart breaking

    • @nadwoanimako4515
      @nadwoanimako4515 3 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth also study God’s word holistically
      Never build a doctrine based on only one scripture. Look at what the entire Bible says about the subject and it will give you a clearer picture of what God is trying to communicate
      When you draw conclusions and go to God’s word for scriptures to back them up, it’s highly likely you will read your conclusions into the scripture and misinterpret it

    • @nadwoanimako4515
      @nadwoanimako4515 3 года назад

      Kindly read Romans 5:12-21
      It elaborates on the sin nature

  • @dougsikes4809
    @dougsikes4809 Год назад +1

    if you read the king james bible , which revised version is correct? there are numerous grammer revisions in ALL the revised/changed king james bibles. Get YOUR facts straight, please. By the way, THE GOSPEL is Jesus paying your debt with HIS death and resurrection. New Covenant. The BIBLE says Sin came by one man, ADAM and was paid for by JESUS. YOU are wrong sir. Get saved and maybe you will not be so bitter and angry. Jesus can help you with your anger and pride.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  Год назад

      I am not bitter , nor angry. You judge me absolutely wrong. The gospel is the word of God, the message by Jesus Christ and his other disciples. For instance the gospel according to John, the gospel of Jesus Christ, etc.. you may want to read 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 Jesus is coming back in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that 👉 obey not ( that’s you) the gospel of Jesus Christ. What is that gospel? It is what Jesus said. Go and sin no more John 5:14, 8:11. Be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48, etc… why don’t you obey the message , commandments and gospel of Jesus Christ? Look at the 7 churches in revelation 2 and 3. What did Jesus tell each one of them? He was judging them by their works and told each one of them unless they overcome they will not inherit eternal life. That was after his death and resurrection when he said this, new covenant. Jesus said why do you call yourself a Christian and don’t do what he says? Luke 6:46. You have distorted your interpretation of Romans 5.19 Not everyone was made a sinner through Adam unless they follow his example and not everyone is made righteous unless they follow Christ instructions of godly sorrow and repentance. 2 Corinthians 7:10-11. James 2:24 a man is justified by works and not by faith alone. Did you read that? NOT BY FAITH ALONE. Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him. NOT DISOBEY HIM. Hebrews 5:9 read it. You don’t have salvation if you don’t obey him. Awake to righteousness and quit sinning before it’s too late. 1 Corinthians 15:34. P. Don

  • @christianabuque6014
    @christianabuque6014 3 года назад +15

    Salvation is not by works through obeying the law, but by grace through faith (eph. 2:8-9). So, you twist the truth.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад

      James said in the second chapter verse 14. Can faith save you? He answers by saying; absolutely not. Faith without works I’d dead 17. By works a man is justified and not by faith alone 24. That’s not my words, that’s Gods words. Take heed before it’s too late for you.

    • @aaronwood1846
      @aaronwood1846 3 года назад +5

      @@OnlyOneTruth you took that verse out of context. By God's grace and mercy, we are saved by faith. However, James was referring, faith is dead when you have no works. He is talking about when you're saved, but you don't provide any works, so the faith is dead. You should read the whole chapter, because it also talks about the law. Works can not save you.

    • @jasonradford1768
      @jasonradford1768 2 года назад +1

      I was about to comment the same thing. It is about accepting the finish work of the cross. You accept that in yourself you can do nothing, but you can do all things through Christ which strengthens you. This man is trying to obtain salvation through works or the law. Well the Jews couldn't do it or Jesus wouldn't have ever died. The law is a stumbling block making you think it's by your works that your saved. He's fooled like so many old fashion pentecostals

    • @mommaof6
      @mommaof6 2 года назад

      Works is the effects of Jesus living im our hearts. Its a way that sets us apart from the ways of the world. Salvation is only by faith of what Jesus did. Otherwise Jesus wouldnt have had to go to the cross if it were by works.

    • @jasonradford1768
      @jasonradford1768 2 года назад +1

      @@mommaof6 it's by his works and our faith so yes your right brother

  • @joec4014
    @joec4014 8 месяцев назад +1

    Ephesians 2:8-9
    For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  8 месяцев назад +1

      Luke 17:10 after you have done all that he commanded you say that we are unprofitable servants. We are only doing that which is our duty to do. Ecclesiastes 7:29 he created us upright. We are only going back to the way he created us to be. No room for boasting. P. Don

  • @michaelalbertson7457
    @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад +8

    When the Concordance doesn't give me the meaning of a scripture I need to know, I go to the Expository Bible, for most of the explanations are satisfactory. There are a few that I don't agree with, so I ignore them.
    In every doctrine I have ever read or heard about, there are errors.
    So I listen to whatever is said, and let the Holy Spirit reveal to me the truth.
    So as far as I see, all doctrines, new Bibles, etc., can be proven not completely true, so in essence, they have false doctrines in them.
    I disagree with the little I have heard here.
    It does not matter how long one is in sin, what matters is that they repent and stay in a repentant state.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      There is no such thing in the scriptures of staying in a repented state. Repentance is a departure of sin, a change of mind that results in a change of behavior. It’s godly sorrow that leads to repentance to salvation not to be repented of.2 Corinthians 7:10-11 what do you think repenting of your salvation is? It’s going back to sin. Why would you go back to your sin? Jesus said go and sin no more john 8:11; 5:14. Why would you go and sin again? Do what Jesus said Luke 6:46 why do you call me Lord and do not the things that I say? Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him not disobey him P. Don

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад +1

      @@OnlyOneTruth Do you ever let God show you anything outside of scripture, yet it agrees with scripture? No, I didn't think so.
      Being in a repentant state means you stay in a state of mind that rejects sin and accepts God's ways. And you live godly in your life. That's salvation.
      The Bible is how many pages? Do you really think the only things He spoke are in the Bible?
      But what He speaks to His people, is backed up by the Bible. Glory to God!
      You need to hear from God. You limit Him so much, as if He can't do everything, or reveal anything. You have a small God.
      Yet God is big. So you miss much. You lack His knowledge.
      The Bible says we perish for lack of knowledge.

  • @gregshirk7220
    @gregshirk7220 2 года назад +2

    Buddy, do you have the established righteousness of Christ? Can you face the Lord based on your character and conduct? By your works? No you can’t. You think you can establish your own righteousness to earn eternal life. No, you can’t. I’m a Calvinist. It’s by the imputed righteousness of Christ. You a Jimmy are on the same page. Except Jimmy more right than you. He confesses the cross, but you, by works. You better look into the mirror, you sin too.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      Jesus is the only way by which a man can be saved. Jesus said unless you repent you will perish Luke 13:3. Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him not disobey him. Abraham was imputed righteousness before Christ died on the cross. You are saying it’s only through the cross you can be imputed righteousness. You got it wrong. When one has godly sorrow and then repents ( departs from sin) then they have salvation not to be repented of. In other words don’t ever go back to sin. 2 Corinthians 7:10-11. If anyone preaches otherwise and does not consent to the wholesome words of Jesus according to holiness, he is proud knowing nothing. 1 Timothy 6:3-4. Go and sin no more. In sincerity and love. P. Don

  • @jaimealbarran6719
    @jaimealbarran6719 2 года назад +7

    Nothing but the truth, I’m experiencing that problem in my home because my wife is following jimmy swagger ministry, and as a result there’s no peace but hate and division in my house , I been experiencing so many negative things that are not biblical I know and is because that terrible spirit influence in my home , pleas pray for me and my family to make this deceiving spirit to go out of my home.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      We would love to pray with you, would you mind sending us an email? (help@onlyonetruth.net)

    • @suekennedy8917
      @suekennedy8917 2 года назад

      Big 10-4! I know the feeling. Jimmy Swaggart Bible and his records. He is the most violent and repulsive religious hypocrite deceiver ever. He is total propaganda and encourages confrontation and violence. I ripped up the Jimmy Swaggart Bible and threw his records in the garbage. Those were given to me by a satanist who was into programming little children.

    • @robincoar9824
      @robincoar9824 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth don't get connected to garbage Teller Only one Truth he's a rep of Satan

    • @danielman2greatestcomandments
      @danielman2greatestcomandments 2 года назад +3

      Maybe it could be you brother just saying as your blaming your wife.

    • @6097-d1k
      @6097-d1k 2 года назад +2

      Hebrews 4:12; The word of God is sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder....you can read the rest.

  • @royaltee8676
    @royaltee8676 2 года назад +16

    So I am going to have a different comment than most. I totally love this Bible and enjoy reading it. It is a Bible college contained within the pages. The comments are from research and years of study, not out of his head. As far as his past sins, God doesn’t remember them and neither should we. I fully support this ministry and people need to be careful how they speak against the man of God. They have a worldwide ministry and hundreds of thousands across the world have been saved. I think the negative reviewers of this Bible are just jealous that God didn’t use them to do this first.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +3

      He that sins (transgresses) and does not continue in the teachings of Jesus Christ does not have God. If any man does not bring this teaching, do not let him in your house neither bid him Godspeed ( blessing). For he that bids him Godspeed is a partaken of his evil deeds. I hope you repent before it’s too late. In sincerity and love P.Don

    • @royaltee8676
      @royaltee8676 2 года назад +3

      @@OnlyOneTruth so are you saying that The Blood of Jesus wasn’t enough to cleanse his sin? He repented publicly and received forgiveness. But you are entitled to your opinion and I will continue to follow his ministry as he follows Christ.

    • @kevins4222
      @kevins4222 2 года назад +2

      @@royaltee8676 Swaggart got busted twice more after he repented in 1988. The second time he got busted he told his congregation it was "none of their business". Swaggart is all about the $$$

    • @royaltee8676
      @royaltee8676 2 года назад +4

      @@kevins4222 I guess some of us are perfect and never sin. Those of us that do ask for forgiveness and Jesus’ Blood washes us clean. I know he had his failures but he hasn’t been “busted” since. Were you part of the congregation when and if he said it was none of your business? Just asking.

    • @kevins4222
      @kevins4222 2 года назад

      @@royaltee8676 well…I’m not perfect but I’ve never been caught with prostitutes THREE times while preaching morality.

  • @cherithieben8422
    @cherithieben8422 Год назад +8

    A very courageous message! And what a blessing it has been to me!
    Thank you for exposing the false teachings of Jimmy Swaggart.
    Praise God! The Lord has been opening my eyes to the many false teachings that are coming into our Churches today!

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  Год назад

      Thank you so much for your comment. That is very encouraging to me. Love Jesus with all your heart, soul , strength and mind and never offend him again by sinning. Go and sin no more. John 5:14, 8:11. P. Don

    • @robincoar9824
      @robincoar9824 5 месяцев назад


  • @joec4014
    @joec4014 8 месяцев назад +1

    Jimmy Swaggart's Expository Bible clearly states what is Bible Text and what his explanation is. The words in red doesn't mean he's trying to be like the writings of Christ or adding to them. Bibles with red writings of Christ started being published in the early 1900's. The Message that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour is loud and clear. The message of the Cross and that we are saved by his Grace is there and hasn't been touched. Have you spoken to Jimmy Swaggart and the scholars that have helped him write it? You are putting a lot of words in their mouths. You are showing way too much anger. Explain yourself with gentleness. Leave the judging to God Almighty. Telling people to burn the expository Bible you don't agree with is a very dangerous thing. People have been saved reading that Bible.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  8 месяцев назад

      People have always known that the red letter editions of bibles are bibles that have Jesus writings in red . He reversed that after all these years and put his writings in red as being the authoritative words. Red letter editions showed Jesus words in red for a reason. To give attention to what Jesus said as being the authority above all else. Matter 28::18 . I was not mad at anyone but the devil and those that have hardened their hearts. Mark 3:5 Jesus looked about him with 👉 anger because of the hardness of their hearts. Would you criticize Jesus also for being angry? Isaiah 58:1 cry aloud, lift up your voice like a trumpet and show my people their sin. Swaggart is leading and has lead more people to hell than most that I know with his false teachings. Swaggart says that you can’t stop sinning. Jesus said go and sin no more. John 5:24, 8:12. Be perfect as your father in heaven. Matthew 5:48. Paul said awake to righteousness and quit sinning. 1 Corinthians 15:34. Swaggart says that’s all lies. Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him. Not disobey him like Swaggart says. Etc.. p. Don

  • @abelsandoval3932
    @abelsandoval3932 4 года назад +7

    If Man is not born under the curse...then why did Christ have to Die and pay our Sin debt?

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад +1

      Because we chose to sin and had need of the lamb of God and high priest to go to for forgiveness of our own past sin.if there was a sin nature from Adam , then why did God tell Cain that he must rule over sin if he could not do it because of his dads sin. He chose to sin just like we did, therefore without Christ, the perfect offering we cannot have forgiveness of our past sin. I hope this helps you. There is no sin nature in the word. Ezekiel 18:20 We are responsible for our own choices.

    • @swamplilylovesjesuschrist5468
      @swamplilylovesjesuschrist5468 3 года назад +1

      2 Peter 1:3-4
      [3]According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
      [4]Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the DIVINE NATURE, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
      Without the HOLY SPIRIT, our flesh is naturally sinful. Sin entered the world through Adam, and through Jesus the works of the devil are KILLED.

    • @swamplilylovesjesuschrist5468
      @swamplilylovesjesuschrist5468 3 года назад

      This is the reason Jesus died on the cross:
      1 John 3:8-9
      [8]He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
      [9]Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
      Nobody can stop sinning without the power of God removing their sin. Jesus said, "GO AND SIN NO MORE!!"

    • @bigt6227
      @bigt6227 3 года назад

      He didn't.... its all a lie. The bible was written to control ancient illiterate, middle easternern people.

    • @samranisar3919
      @samranisar3919 3 года назад

      You dont need
      Just repent
      Ask forgiveness from father

  • @sharoncrawford3042
    @sharoncrawford3042 4 года назад +7

    My dad got saved watching Jimmy on TV before all the stuff came out about Jimmy. It wasnt long before he was commiting adultry which he had problems with for years before he got saved. He continued to go to church. There were other sexual sins he was commiting, but didnt admit to anyone but 2 people. He had one of those bibles and read from it all the time. He even taught sunday school adult classes, because no one knew what he was doing. After being in a nursing home for a year, he died Oct1 of this year 2020. I was with him when he died. He had cancer and dementia. I dont know if he ever got things right with God? I had tried to talk to him once. Told him to make sure everything is right before the Lord. He said, Well, Ive been thinking about that. I hope he did. He died peacefully. But again, only God knows for sure if he made things right with God. Please pray for me. Im having a hard time because of the uncertainty of where he went. If I think about it, I get really disturbed about it.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад +6

      I understand. My prayers are with you. One thing I do know and tat is if he were here , he would want you to follow Jesus by doing his will. You are still here and you have the opportunity to make things right in your heart and trust God for everything else. Follow Gods instructions for your life. Have godly sorrow for all your past sins by confessing them to God. Be broken and get things right in your own heart if it is not, then repent (depart from sin) never to go back to sin again. Then you will have salvation not to be repented of, 2 Corinthians 7:10-11 I also am very grieved over how many professing Christian men look at pornography on a regular basis (over 70 percent) and pastors ( over 56 percent). We know that those who do this shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. Galatians 5:19-21 revelation 21:7-8 and many more scriptures say so. This is the reason I preach the true gospel to a lost snd dying world. The first requirement of a pastor or preacher is to be blameless, pure and just. 1 Timothy 3:2 Titus 1:5-9. See my site for the message on the biblical requirements of a preacher or pastor. I’m praying for you Sharon. Im sorry for your loss. P.Don

    • @georgeotieno1442
      @georgeotieno1442 3 года назад +3

      You are the one misinterpreting the king James Bible.

    • @georgeotieno1442
      @georgeotieno1442 3 года назад +6

      We are all born in sin....you see how you are lying. How did we get sin through the blood, life it's in the blood. By Adam commiting sin, all who were born through him have committed sin.

    • @suekennedy8917
      @suekennedy8917 2 года назад

      Have you ever read the "Jimmy Swaggart Bible" or listened to any of his records. The guy is pure evil and picks fights with whoever he can. His hate propaganda is the stuff satanic cults are really into.

    • @TherealAmySquirrel
      @TherealAmySquirrel 2 года назад +1

      A year later, and how are you doing, sister? I still prayed for you, but am hopeful the Lord has already given you peace which surpasses all understanding

  • @lawrenceterrell1166
    @lawrenceterrell1166 2 года назад +3

    Earlier in his preaching Jimmy used to say that the word "Falling away" means a loosing like a loosing of one's grip if i would paraphrase i would say it be more like a love for something growing cold like the truth not a catching away like a rapture. That is the reason that God will send strong delusion to people because they loved not the truth and causing them to believe a lie and be damned also think it would be hard for the man of sin to enter the church if there was a strong love for the truth with out a strong love for the truth guarding the door it would easier for false doctrines to creep in one more thing many false doctrines have creep in the door down through the years past

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      Falling away will usher in the rapture. He used to have a weird interpretation, but has since changed it to what I typed, which is what most scholars believe. I am not a scholar.

    • @lawrenceterrell1166
      @lawrenceterrell1166 2 года назад

      The falling away will usher in the the man of sin the day of Christ can't come until the man of sin appears now i am not a scholar either but there are many

    • @lawrenceterrell1166
      @lawrenceterrell1166 2 года назад

      That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us,
      as that the day of Christ is at hand.
      Let no man deceive you by any means:
      for that day shall not come, (the day of Christ)
      except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад +1

      @@lawrenceterrell1166 Yes, very true. Many scholars believe that the true Christians will be raptured, caught up to meet Jesus in the air, and with them goes the Holy Spirit, and most of the world be will fooled by the man of sin, for they will have no Holy Spirit to show them. I think some will get saved immediately after, because they knew of God, but would not obey Him. But they will have to remain in the tribulation period, and 1/3 all people will die, I think the Bible says. Worst period the earth will ever know.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      Amen . I totally agree with you. Thank you for your comment. P. Don

  • @LetTheTruthBeTold8324
    @LetTheTruthBeTold8324 2 года назад +2

    there are two gospels within the church today.
    One will rely on Works and performance to have right standing with God,
    The other will rely on Faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross alone.

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      If you believe the whole Bible, they are both true, when done at God's bidding. Read Ephesians 2:10. God's works to do that He put in us.
      James chapter 2. Faith without works is dead. That is talking about the works God put in us.
      If we don't do the works God put in us, we will go back to carnal works and living, becoming carnally minded, which is death. That means hell. Read Romans 8:1-14. Please read this statement again and think on it. Observe life, many have become carnal minded, not knowing nor believing Ephesians 2:20. Truly, most preachers don't preach nor expound on it. They do God a disservice.
      God only has to say things once for it to be true.
      When you have faith in Christ's finished work on the cross, you will obey Him.
      Psalm 138:2 God esteems His Word above His name.
      Even the world says a man is only as good as his word. They got that from God...Ps. 138:2
      The whole gospel is a covenant, God has done His part, we must do ours to complete it for us. He gave us the Holy Spirit so we can know the way and follow Him to heaven.
      All glory to God.

    • @LetTheTruthBeTold8324
      @LetTheTruthBeTold8324 2 года назад

      our part is faith in Christ and works follow true faith, however, the works that follow faith do not save you, it is faith in Christ that saves us.

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      @@LetTheTruthBeTold8324 Can you answer this question?
      If you do no works that God has told you to do, are you saved?

    • @LetTheTruthBeTold8324
      @LetTheTruthBeTold8324 2 года назад

      yes. this is the work of God, that you believe in the one that God has sent.
      no work that we do can save us.
      Titus 3:5
      Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost.

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      @@LetTheTruthBeTold8324 Can you tell me what Ephesians 2:10 means?
      If we don't do the works God puts in us, what will we do?
      Romans 8:1-14 should tell us, and what the results are. Are you able to tell me what that would be?

  • @MercyProduct
    @MercyProduct 4 года назад +16

    OMG my mother encouraging me to listen to Jimmy Swaggert ministry she has his Bible and studies it and wanted me to buy his Bible 😱

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад +12

      Hello Reba,
      I’m glad you listened to this message. I hope it helped you to stay away from false doctrine. Let us know if we can help you. Don

    • @adamrobles7748
      @adamrobles7748 4 года назад +12

      I have a jimmy Swaggart Bible, don’t you worry, ain’t nothing wrong with it I agree with a lot of what it says

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад +8

      Adam Robles
      Adam you are wrong. I suggest you research it out. There is no sin nature inherited from Adam or anyone else. Ezekiel 18:20, Genesis 3. You are responsible for your own choices to sin or not to sin. We are not born sinners. God gave us a choice so stop sinning. 1 Corinthians 15:34 You’ve been warned, your blood will not be on my hands. Please repent before it’s too late.

    • @lydiewato3985
      @lydiewato3985 4 года назад +10

      @@OnlyOneTruth but Jesus said those who said that are without sin is a liar. And if we could not sin then we wouldn't need Jesus.! But we do! Everyday! Becuase we aren't perfect, and we are sinful by nature, becuase of Adams fall. Yes repent, yes turn away from wickedness, yes do your best to obey God, but it's a process of sanctification. And NO ONE will reach to full sanctification(to be perfect/like jesus) until we get to heaven. I get where you are coming from. And we should take sin seriously but at the same time we are saved by Grace through faith, at what Jesus did at the cross. Not of ourselves. No one is sinless, once born again. Im still a bit confused... God bless.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад +6

      Thank you for your comments. I hope I can help clear up your confusion. Please read 1 John 1:9 and the following verses to help clear up your confusion. If you confess all your sin , will he forgive you all your sin and cleanse you from all sin ( unrighteousness) ? If yes, then how much sin do you have that he didn’t forgive you for? None! So that means you are free from sin! Just like Jesus said in John 8:31-36. Also look at 1 Peter 4:1-2 this person ceased ( stopped) sinning and lives the rest of their life to the will of God. This could not have been Christ because Jesus never started sinning. Galatians 5:24 says; those that are Christians have (past tense) put to death the passions , lust and desires of the flesh(sin). 2 Corinthians 7:10 says godly sorrow must come first, then repentance, then salvation. You cannot have salvation until their is godly sorrow and repentance first. You have been lied to and told all you need to do is accept the Lord and ask him to forgive you. That is not salvation. That is mans way, (the broad way) Read 1 John 3:7-10 Don’t be deceived. He that does righteousness is righteous even as Christ is righteous. He that sins is of the devil. Etc... 1 John 1:4 the one that says they know him and obeys not the commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him Please read the whole book of 1 John in the King James Bible which is taken from the majority text together the real meaning clearly.Romans 3:25 says; Christ has forgiven us from our past sin. We cannot save ourselves in that sense.we need to be forgiven for all our past sin and quit sinning to enter the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 15:34 wake up to righteousness and quit sinning. The only reason a person keeps sinning is because they love this world( 1 John 2:15 the lust of flesh,lust of eyes and pride of life) Please cry out to God, repent and quit sinning before it’s too late. I plead with you in sincerity and love. P.Don

  • @BillYenair0077
    @BillYenair0077 2 года назад +1

    JSM is the most far reaching ministry…ever. Look it up fool. Any body who lies about a man who only preaches “Christ and Him Crucified “ is deceived. The fruit of his repentance has made his ministry stronger. Get it right Mr. Judge.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      We don’t put up with calling names and your ugliness. I hope you repent. P. Don

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад +1

      @@OnlyOneTruth Jesus called people names, as in, thou fool. Sometimes, it's the only way to wake someone up.

  • @teeay3587
    @teeay3587 2 года назад +11

    THANK YOU BROTHER for exposing jimmy swaggart. I had the same thought about jimmys expository bible...he is ADDING to the word of GOD. Oh my gosh! This is a terrible sin!!! The bible warns us not to do this!!!!

    • @lorainbronkhorst8803
      @lorainbronkhorst8803 2 года назад

      This man is speaking a bunch of shit, false prophet. Dit you become God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @annmangum3476
      @annmangum3476 2 года назад

      What you don't know is God told him to explain every scripture so the people would understand and God helped him with it. Why don't you call him and have a discussion with him about what you think. He hasn't changed a word in any scripture. So don't try to make other people think he is a traitor of God's Word and cause others to feel like you do...
      Touch not God's anointed. Besides if he did anything against God's Word, God would certainly chastise him.
      Have a great day and God bless.

    • @robincoar9824
      @robincoar9824 2 года назад +1

      Bro Swaggat explains the verses in the Bible. Liar those without sin cast the first stone

    • @robincoar9824
      @robincoar9824 2 года назад

      Why do you hate Swaggart and lie. Swaggart didn't add anything to word of God

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      Tee Ay, Swaggart is not adding to the Bible. His explanations are a form of a study guide that almost all other bibles have. The difference is that Jimmy's study guide is after each scripture, as he strives to give meaning to each scripture, which is a good way to teach the word.
      I used to listen to Raul Ramirez of Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, CA on the radio, and he taught line by line. It was really good teaching, probable better than Jimmy's Bible. But Jimmy studies much and gets some interpretations from old time Christian writers. I don't agree with all he writes, some things I think he even would like to change, but that is true about a lot of doctrines written in margins, and separate sections, in other bibles.
      He isn't changing the Bible, he's putting his doctrine line by line. The words that are not his (which are not in parentheses), are straight from the King James Bible. No changes.

  • @believer7280
    @believer7280 2 года назад +2

    A two year old child will hit another child out of jealousy...fighting over a toy. Who taught that child how to be jealous. Or, when the child is told "don't open that cabinet"...and they deliberately disobey their parents and open the cabinet. That's pride. Who taught that child that? Nobody. It comes natural. We sin because we're sinners. We are born with it in our blood.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +1

      No sir. Where there is no law , there is no transgression. Look at Deuteronomy 1:39 the children have no knowledge between good and evil. Jesus was born of the seed of Abraham with the same flesh and blood as us of Mary’s egg. He didn’t sin. Hebrews 2:14-18. John the Baptist was born filled with the Holy Ghost not a sinful nature. You can’t have the Holy Ghost and yet be defiled with sin. Acts 5:32 Luke 1:15. We are born upright ( no sin or sinful nature) p. Don

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад +1

      @@OnlyOneTruth Then how come they knowingly sin when they get to an older age? It is always in us.
      Don't you disobey what, you know or feel, is right at times?
      My prayer for you is that you are surrounded by honest men and women who are not afraid to say something to you when they feel you do and say something that is wrong.
      You are in danger of becoming, or already have become, a cult leader.
      Then what are you going to say?
      When they saw it or heard it.That the bible says Christians don't sin?
      So they will see a contradiction in how you live and talk, and what you preach. You are not supposed to talk and act wrong, as you believe. And you deny the scriptures that condemn you.
      So Jimmy is condemned because he lived opposite of what he preached, while you claim he taught error? But you are not condemned, even though you do the same thing, preach one thing and live the other way?
      Your guilt is as Jimmy's was, even though far less severe, you must repent of it.
      You use human, devilish logic.
      You have half right in how to live, but deny the truth about the scriptures say about your sin.
      Paul wrote his letters to churches. So why would he put in the scriptures about sin? Because Christians sin. If Christians didn't sin, Paul never would have put in anything about repentance, forgiveness for them. Nor James or any of the other writers. Can you not see this?
      Listen to others around you.

  • @kindnessandseverityofgod9187
    @kindnessandseverityofgod9187 4 года назад +6

    Jeremiah 23:16-17 NLT
    This is what the LORD of Heaven's Armies says to his people: "Do not listen to these prophets when they prophesy to you, filling you with futile hopes. They are making up everything they say. They do not speak for the LORD! [17] They keep saying to those who despise my word, 'Don't worry! The LORD says you will have peace!' And to those who stubbornly follow their own desires, they say, 'No harm will come your way!'

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад +1

      Amen Good word

    • @ticktockcardiology524
      @ticktockcardiology524 3 года назад +1

      @@OnlyOneTruth Man, this my grandparents watch him a lot. And I mean a LOT. They have no idea about his sex scandals and such. I don't know what I should do, I feel like they would be crushed if I told them this.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад +1

      Telling the truth is always best. Ephesians 5:11 says to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them. 12 For it is ashamed to even speak of those things done in secret. The qualification of an elder must be as such; blameless, holy and pure. 1Timothy 3:1:2 also Titus 1:5-9. 1 Timothy 5:17-22 The elder that is caught in sin rebuke before all that others may fear

    • @ticktockcardiology524
      @ticktockcardiology524 3 года назад +2

      @@OnlyOneTruth Ok, sounds good. In James, it says, "Do not merely read the word, do what it says!" They are technologically illiterate, and this is just about the only Christian channel they have. However, they have something much better. The word of God itself. (the Bible)

    • @gailthomas1283
      @gailthomas1283 3 года назад +1

      @@ticktockcardiology524 Greetings. I am not a proponent of Swaggert. Please be careful regarding your statement regarding Swaggert sin.. He who has not sin cast the first stone. Remember God used a donkey? God will and can use anyone to bring Him Glory. Walk in love not slander. Above all Love.

  • @margotblanchette3767
    @margotblanchette3767 2 года назад +2

    My goodness what a gossiping tongue you have. This happened years ago. And it is true Jimmy Swaggart Truly repented of his sin. It wasn't an act, as you claim. Who are you to judge a person's heart? Only God has the Right to do it. We can only judge a persons 'Actions'
    If anyone on here listens to you, then they are under the same spirit as you are. Are you truly Born again?
    I doubt it.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      Wow! You just did the thing you accused me of. You just judged me. I believe Swaggart did repent. Perhaps the third time he got caught. I hope so. There is nothing wrong with speaking of what we are others did in our past ax Gid did with King David, Moses, Solomon, etc.. are Paul did with Demas forsaking him, loving this world or Alexander the coppersmith who did wrong or Hymaneus, etc… the Bible commands us to expose those who bring forth false teaching that will send people to hell. Ephesians 5:11, Jude 1:3-4. In sincerity and love. P. Don

  • @michaelbryant1914
    @michaelbryant1914 2 года назад +31

    Jimmy Swaggart one of the most anointed preach I ever heard and his teaching is the way I believe. He explains everything to were anybody can understand the word. I have everyone of his commentaries

    • @anthonyfiorani1858
      @anthonyfiorani1858 2 года назад


    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +1

      See other reply

    • @michaelrumfield9125
      @michaelrumfield9125 2 года назад +1

      I do believe you may be confusing 1 thing for another. Refer to Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus re: born again and Romans 10:9-13.
      Rms 10:9,10 is the heart of the gospel (my conclusion). Jesus' charge to the "people" to make disciples etc being a directive to His disciples to "do" going forth.
      He was speaking to those who had become saved by believing the gospel of His work on the cross and believing that GOD the Father testified of the veracity of that work, by the resurrection of Jesus afterwards.
      It seems you are intimating that the gospel of salvation is solely tied into DOING what Jesus says to do... which is a good thing to do, of course. However how is that different from obedience to what the Law says to do? If man can do that, why is it necessary for Jesus to by crucified and die on my behalf?
      Therefore, my contention is that the gospel is the power of God manifest thru the weakness of preaching... the basis of believing who Jesus is by God's personal testimony alone.
      I know that without the care of the Holy Spirit working in and thru me I will fall and sin again... so in then, without the coming, dieing and being of Jesus the Christ... there proves to be a force at work in me that desires to usurp and decline the Righteousness of God in, about my life or being.
      Per Gal chapter 5 particularly and A LOT more... there is a sin nature within (to the degree of maturity lived by the individual).

    • @gordoncochrane6325
      @gordoncochrane6325 2 года назад

      Praise God Brother!

    • @LetTheTruthBeTold8324
      @LetTheTruthBeTold8324 2 года назад +3

      Jimmy Swaggart is most likely the best bible teacher of this generation.

  • @williamboylejr.9098
    @williamboylejr.9098 Год назад +1

    There is a lady in my congregation, who shall remain nameless, that has a Jimmy Swaggart Bible. Please pray for her.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  Год назад +1

      I will. Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him. Hebrews 5:9 Do what he said. Go and sin no more. John 5:14, 8:11. P. Son

    • @robincoar9824
      @robincoar9824 5 месяцев назад

      For 9098
      You need prayer.this site from a con.luar. JSN REFUSED TO HIRE HIM HES A CON LIAR

  • @kindnessandseverityofgod9187
    @kindnessandseverityofgod9187 4 года назад +14

    I remember elders of the church putting there arms around me when I was remembering of my past sins, crying out to God please forgive me. Elder said all your future sins will be forgiven. In my mind I said what? I am heart broken and your telling me about future sins. I dont want any part of future sin. I am broken from my past sin. I know the elder was telling me a lie. I felt it deep with in. We must look to Jesus in these dark days not to any man. Blessings Kenny

    • @TheRootedWord
      @TheRootedWord 4 года назад +5

      Amen! The Holy Spirit revealed that to you about that elder.

    • @zwigoma2
      @zwigoma2 4 года назад +2

      I hear you brother PRAISE GOD he showed you that.

    • @abelsandoval3932
      @abelsandoval3932 4 года назад +2

      We sin daily..And will sin.. Paul said sin will not dominate us but in this flesh will constantly be battling... That's why he said those of us that are being saved we're being saved for being washed by his blood daily

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад +5

      Hello Abel,
      I hope you really don’t believe that because it is the opposite of what the word of God says. Hebrews 5:9 says that Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him.Are you obeying him? You said not. This means you do not have salvation. You need to repent(depart from your sin) 2 Corinthians 7:10-11 through godly sorrow for your sin,confess and forsake them(Proverbs 28:13) and then you will be forgiven and have salvation not to be repented of. Do this before it’s too late!! Don’t be deceived, wake up and quit sinning. 1 Corinthians 15:34. P. Don

    • @georgeotieno1442
      @georgeotieno1442 3 года назад +5

      @@abelsandoval3932 1Jo 1:8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

  • @jamie-gy6bd
    @jamie-gy6bd 9 месяцев назад +2

    Expositors study Bible is king James Version......You are so ignorant to God Word

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  9 месяцев назад

      The Kings James Bible is good but the commentary of his interpretation in red is the real problem as to change the meaning of what is said. Fall in love with Jesus and you will never hurt or offend Jesus again John 14:23. Jesus said go and sin no more. John 5:14, 8:11 Paul said go and sin no more. 1 Corinthians15:34. Read it! Swaggart says that you can’t do what this says, indicating that Jesus and Paul are liars. Repent, confess and forsake your sin so you can have mercy to be saved. Proverbs 28:13, Luke 13:3,5, 2 Corinthians 7:10-11. P. Don

  • @arnolddenny9953
    @arnolddenny9953 3 года назад +6

    You speak the truth sir, Jesus said to trust in Him, He says I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life, and there is no other way into His kingdom

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад +2

      Amen Arnold. Thank you fo your edifying comment. Please continue to join with us in serving our Lord

    • @robincoar9824
      @robincoar9824 2 года назад

      The man spewing lies on this site tried to get hired by SBN THEY wouldn't hire him he's crazy

    • @joelhamill9662
      @joelhamill9662 2 года назад +1

      Your statement defines Jimmy Swaggart's truthful Gospel. Only One Truth is a false teacher.

    • @kwitster1
      @kwitster1 Год назад

      Wrong, Jimmy preaches the Cross. Even that slight deviation is heretic.

  • @rojas2428
    @rojas2428 2 года назад +2

    Amen brother ! Please continue to the end , in faith and obedience to JesusChrist our Lord .

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      Thank you my brother for the encouragement. You as well. P. Don

  • @swamplilylovesjesuschrist5468
    @swamplilylovesjesuschrist5468 4 года назад +11

    That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
    -John 3:6-7

  • @SalvationSoulBeautiful
    @SalvationSoulBeautiful 2 года назад +2

    And we keep that by placing our faith in the finished work of Christ Jesus Brother Swaggart teaches this also.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +2

      The Bible doesn’t say “Place your faith in the finished work of the cross nor anything like it”. The Bible says the opposite here:
      “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”
      ‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3:9‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)
      In sincerity,
      Brother Sedrick

    • @kwitster1
      @kwitster1 Год назад

      Swaggart speaks out of both sides of his mouth. He’s a snake oil salesman

  • @christianabuque6014
    @christianabuque6014 3 года назад +20

    Salvation is by grace through faith, not by works (Eph. 2:8-9)

    • @dougmanley4714
      @dougmanley4714 3 года назад +1


    • @shanejones5522
      @shanejones5522 3 года назад +3

      the context of Ephesians 2:8-9 is circumcision.
      look at verse 11. circumcision is mentioned in verse 11.
      Obviously the works mentioned in verses 8 and 9, are in reference, to circumcision mentioned in verse 11.
      Do not play silly.
      Do you have any idea how bad it makes you look when you quote a verse that says we are not saved by works of circumcision, how ignorant and uneducated can you possibly be to associate the works mentioned in verses 8 and 9 with ALL works, instead of the clear context of the verse, which is works of circumcision.

    • @WayneLeWag
      @WayneLeWag 2 года назад +2

      @Christian Abuque
      Are you referring to "not sinning" as a work?.. If so, then "not sinning" is actually an ACT of "obedience" and NOT of works.
      And even though we are not under the curse of the law, that does not mean that we have a licence to sin. Even Christ Himself after EVERY action and/or performance "quite clearly" said to those involved; "Now Go And Sin No More"! And throughout other parts of God's Word, it continually speaks about and advises believers to strive towards righteousness, holiness, forgiveness, hospitality, love and so on! No where in Scripture does it EVER say it's Okay to sin while under the graceful forgiveness of our LORD. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • @BeyethereforePerfect777
      @BeyethereforePerfect777 2 года назад

      Study the word Faith. = faithfulness = obedience = holiness Hebrews 12:14
      Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:
      To be a peacemaker is to not sin. No sinner can enter heaven. 1 John 3:9-10
      9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
      10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.
      May the Lord Jesus lead you to all truth
      Acts 10:35
      But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
      Psalms 37:27
      Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore.
      Matthew 5:8-9
      8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
      9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      The next verse says the opposite. James 2, also says, in verse 24, you’re justified by works and not by faith only.
      You have to take the wholesome word of God, into account. 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

  • @afruitfulvine5285
    @afruitfulvine5285 4 года назад +9

    Great job! Can you do one on Kenneth Copeland? My mom is deep into his ministry. And all she refers to when talking to me is what Kenneth and Gloria Copeland said. She gives me their materials to read and I don't feel God wants me reading it.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад +4

      Fruitful for Him
      I am wiling and will see what God directs. Look for it coming out soon. Don

    • @sedrickcarterjr
      @sedrickcarterjr 4 года назад +2

      Dr. Alan Hales | one leaven leavers the whole lump, please cease sir.

    • @howardmanley3388
      @howardmanley3388 4 года назад +3

      Fruitful for Him stay away from Copeland they r corrupt...

    • @Rabbitburnx
      @Rabbitburnx 4 года назад +2

      @Dr. Alan Hales Copeland is surely of the Devil. I'm confident he worships money.

    • @luisasterioquerubin6829
      @luisasterioquerubin6829 3 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth Thank you for exposing false teachers like Jimmy Swaggart. Please expose and confirm if Joel Osteen, Joyce Myers, and other prosperity preachers are also deceiving the flock.

  • @marvindavis4901
    @marvindavis4901 2 года назад +5

    ALL have SINNED and come short of the Glory of God. There is not one good, no, not one. Has Jimmy sinned? Have you sinned? Have I sinned? The answer is an emphatic YES and will continue to do so until the Lord comes. As long as I remain in this mortal body, I will resist the temptation of sin with the help of the Holy Spirit.
    The Expositor's Study Bible, is just that, a STUDY BIBLE! Notes are in RED and the KJV Bible is in BLACK. The only text from the original Elizabethan text that is changed is the THEE and THOU and THINE pronouns to the modern You, I and Them, etc. Nothing else has been "doctored". The incorporated "commentary notes" are just that and not "doctored text"
    Now, as to this gentleman's video and its content, I say to that "You cannot curse, what God has Blessed"!

    • @julietspoto9652
      @julietspoto9652 2 года назад

      I get what you mean. The thing is "they are held to a higher standard than regular folk. There's no perfect person out there. I think all of us need brushing up on our eagerness to be honoring God in heaven by tightening up ourselves.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +1

      Marvin you are in serious danger of eternal judgement. Yes, we have sinned in our past. Have sinned( past tense. You say you will always sin and judged everyone the same way. Jesus said if you die in your sin that you will go to hell. John 8:21, Ezekiel 3:20-21. The Bible says in 1 Peter 4:1-2 the one who has suffered in the flesh like Christ has stopped sinning and lives the rest of his life to the will of God ( no sin) you are saying that no one can stop sinning. Is God lying are you lying?. Who stopped sinning here? Christ never started sinning, so it’s definitely not talking about him. Who stopped? Admit that you are opposing Gods word and repent before you face God. Wake up and quit sinning 1 Corinthians 15:34. In sincerity and love. P. Don

    • @marvindavis4901
      @marvindavis4901 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth Sin? Who, Me?
      “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.”. 1 John 1:8
      More people are claiming they don’t believe in sin. With the rise of secularism, the concept of sin is fading. If there’s no God (at least, no personal God) there are no divine rules to govern us. So why feel guilty?
      A person recently said, “I came to the realization that I don’t believe in sin. I still admire Jesus a lot.” The contradiction of that statement was lost on the man. He has a form of godliness without its power, purpose, convictions, or realities.
      As a preacher once said, “You have to get people lost before you can get them saved.” In other words, if people don’t realize they are lost, they won’t sense their need for salvation. That’s why we must preach the “whole counsel” of God, including its demands, warnings, and judgments. In times like these, it’s dangerous to ignore the reality of sin.
      I thank God that I am covered by the precious blood of Jesus and that I am free from the "penalty of sin".
      As long as I remain in this fleshly body, I will be under attack from the Evil One and I look to the Holy Spirit to guide me closer to the Lord. He will lead me to all truth. There was only one person to ever walk the face of the Earth without "Sin", and his name is Jesus.

  • @eddiehaywood5392
    @eddiehaywood5392 2 года назад +1

    Sir there is a lot you are missing. We are born with a sin nature. A child has to reach the age of accountability to then be judged by his or her sin. I won't get in the the entire word with you without a direct conversation with you. There's just too much to type.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      I’ll leave you with this one passage:
      “The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.”
      ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭18:20‬ ‭KJV‬‬.
      Brother Sedrick

  • @kelliets
    @kelliets 4 года назад +9

    Ezekiel 18:24“But when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live? All the righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; because of the unfaithfulness of which he is guilty and the sin which he has committed, because of them he shall die.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад +3

      Kelly Husted
      Thank you for your comment Kelly

    • @coracee7653
      @coracee7653 2 года назад

      Thank God for grace. Try to Iive without it.

  • @t.4493
    @t.4493 2 года назад +1

    You are so wrong sir! Jimmy Swaggart is not perfect and he does not pretend to be. Don't jugje God's anointed. His ministry has lasted for quite sometime and if it weren't blessed it surely would have failed by now!

    • @t.4493
      @t.4493 2 года назад

      You need to forgive brother!!!

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      I do not have any unforgiveness in my heart toward anyone. Man can cross land and sea to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him twofold the child of hell than yourselves. Matthew 23:15. Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him not disobey him. Swaggart says that you can’t obey him. Hebrews 5:9. Jesus warned us of false prophets who come to you in sheep clothing but inwardly are revenging wolves. Beware. This is how you know them. By their fruit. A good tree does not bring forth evil fruit( sin) Matthew 7:13-23. he admittedly says you will always sin until you die. He is a wolf in sheep clothing according to Gods word. I hope you repent before it’s too late sir. In sincerity and love. P. Don

  • @melissaowens9527
    @melissaowens9527 3 года назад +5

    If you have a problem with his expository study Bible why keep bringing up his past? The Bible also says that’s wrong! Sins are remembered no more as far as the east is from the west - so we shouldn’t keep bringing it up -

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад

      I am simply telling you of my experience with going to his church during this time and what happened. I believe he has repented of the adultery affairs but is in devilish false doctrine. When you read of David’s adultery affair in the Bible do you condemn those or God who wrote about it saying that they should not bring up David’s affair because he was forgiven?

    • @pjm8433
      @pjm8433 2 года назад

      Right on , you said the dhole truth & I feel the same way

  • @saulcuello9622
    @saulcuello9622 4 года назад +13

    Truly the meaning of the message of the Cross is (1) how to walk in the Spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh Galatians 5. (2) how to walk after the Spirit and not the flesh so that you won't be condemn Romans 8:1. (3)what the believer must do to get the the Holy Spirit to work inside the believer progressive holiness, in other words progressive sanctification (4) what the believer must do to get free from the law of sin and death, the sin that dwells within, and not live a Romans 7: 5-24 life. (5) How to live the Victorious Christian life ..... And the answer is Galatians 2:16- 3: 5. The object of your faith, your trust must only be in in in in JESUS finished work on the Cross! Not in your prayers to ABBA, following the promptings of the Holy Spirit, nor reading the Holy Scriptures.... No no no. Don't trust in the Christian disciplines .... Don't trust in in in in in you reading the Bible and praying, don't trust in in in in in your repentance of sins and confession of sins.... Trust only in in in in JESUS finished work on the Cross. Romans 1:16,17. 1 Corinthians 1:17, Romans 5:19, 2 Corinthians 5:21. You tube Sonlife broadcast network live... Experience the Holy Spirit. Amen

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад +2

      Hello Saul,
      In order to obtain salvation you must follow Jesus instructions, not yours are anyone else unless it agrees with the Lord. 2 Timothy 2:5 . Jesus was asked this question by the rich young ruler and he said obey the commandments, do not commit adultery, do not steal,etc...Luke 18:18-24 He was also asked by a lawyer in Luke 10:25-28 Jesus asked him,what is written in the law? The lawyer answered what was written in the law and Jesus told him his answer was correct, this do and you shall live. Jesus never told anyone they needed to trust in the finished work of the cross to be saved. He told them that unless you repent, you shall perish. Luke 13:3-5. 2 Corinthians 7:10 gives instruction also that brings salvation 1st there must be godly sorrow which leads to repentance ( confession of sin and turning from all sin) then comes salvation. You see salvation is not obtained until repentance. Sin must stop before salvation. Hebrews 5:9 says that Jesus is the author of salvation to all those that obey him .obedience is necessary for salvation. Either you are sanctified or you are not. As in many letters to the churches, he writes to them who are sanctified (holy) Jude 1:1 . If you are not sanctified, then the letter is not even written to you. You are putting salvation before repentance which is false teaching and sending most people to hell. If you follow Jesus instruction the you will be free from sin (sin free) John 8:31-36 . Galations 5:24 says those that are Christians have crucified(put to death) the passions and desires of the flesh. Stopped sinning. Free from sin. 1 Peter 4:1-2 He that has suffered in the flesh like Christ has ceased (stopped sinning) Please obey Gods instruction and quit sinning before it’s too late. 1corinthians 15:34 wake up and stop sinning. Sincerely and love. P.Don

    • @emmettsanson3752
      @emmettsanson3752 2 года назад +2

      Truly I have followed Swaggart s ,but they want read out of nothing but their bible an that's what the jehovah witness do with the whatch tower bible

    • @robincoar9824
      @robincoar9824 2 года назад

      @@emmettsanson3752 Jimmy Swaggart Ministries has nothing like JWS. THE Exp. BIBLE is KJV explained by Pastor Jimmy Swaggart. SBN is very great for its teaching preaching music. JWS are reps of Satan Lov ya Bro Swaggart

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth I couldn't find my comment to you asking you to say if you sinned or not, but found your answer responding to that question in someone else's comment and I responded to it.
      I am going to leave this thread, I can say no more. Your mind is made up.
      I leave you in the hands of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад +1

      Saul cuello, I think my problem is that in your comment, there is no reference of obedience to God in it.
      I know the JSM believe in obedience, yet I understand why Jimmy was told of the message of the cross by the Lord. He needed that part of the gospel in his life, in addition to what he already had that God had showed him. So do all of us, yet we cannot leave off other godly instructions.
      Read Ephesians 2:10. The JSM ministers live it, yet do not often teach it. They should. If we do not obey it, we will go back to carnal living and become carnally minded, which Romans 8 says is death.
      We need the whole Bible. Yet, JSM is the best world wide ministry there is. They explain the whole Bible, and concentrate on the message of the cross. They answer all questions with wisdom from God. They have a foundation where we can get truth of the bible from God. I do not agree with a few things, but for most, what they say will lead them to, and teach them to stay in, salvation. When we believe, we obey. Isn't that the way it is in life, when it comes down to our decisions? Praise God.

  • @mikeytorres8511
    @mikeytorres8511 2 года назад +1

    FYI!!!!!!!!! LAMENTAATION 5:21-22> God delights in His people and long to bless bless them, but if we sin, He will chasten us. If we repent and confess our sins, He will forgive us (1John 1:9) and give us a new beginning. " It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the livingGod" (Heb. 10:31).

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +1

      Amen. Mikey. Thank you for your comment. P. Don

  • @BeyethereforePerfect777
    @BeyethereforePerfect777 2 года назад +5

    Amen brother keep preaching truth of God’s Word! May the Lord bless you and give you power to proclaim! Pray for me also that I will have boldness to preach and teach the Gospel

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +1

      Amén. We would love to encourage you, would you be willing to fellowship with the brethren here on a weekly basis? We fellowship 3x a week online, and would love to exhort you.
      Reply, if you’re interested. God bless you,
      - Brother Sedrick.

    • @BeyethereforePerfect777
      @BeyethereforePerfect777 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth yes I would love to fellowship with like minded brothers 🙏❤️

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      @@BeyethereforePerfect777 here’s my number: (225) 400-5325. Send a message, and we’ll go from there.
      God bless you,

  • @jamestruett2694
    @jamestruett2694 2 года назад +1

    The guy who introduced this video showed correct conclusion that jsm did not know the truth.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      Thank you for your comment James. Go and sin no more and be blessed. P. Don

    • @jamestruett2694
      @jamestruett2694 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth you were just correct in pointing your finger like a lot of false teaching pastors do, but you do not teach the Way in Jesus you simply act on the Words but give no instruction in how the Word is followed and accomplished. Get mad at the false teaching but offer no instruction on how to walk in the Way in/of Jesus shows you are just as bad because you push Words not knowledge. Isked if you will listen to the prophet God tells us of in Isa.30:20-21,25 and you said stick to the bible not mans opinion. Hence calling a prophet of God an opinionated fool. And that's disgusting evidence you dont know shit. You need to grow up and quit hating the prophets Word of sharing WHAT IS THE WAY AND HOW DO YOU WALK IN THE WAY IN/OF JESUS???

    • @jamestruett2694
      @jamestruett2694 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth and one more thing even a born again believer will sin some sin so saying go and sin no more only applies to the sin you removed by walking in the Way and becoming one. But we will still sin other sins because we only have a measure of faith to stand on. As we await being given the fullness of measure when Jesus returns. To say you don't sin means you are a liar. So quit pushing the lie that a saved person will not sin again. "A righteous man falls 7 times." Yes after becoming righteous by being born again we will still sin and fall 7 times before we find the knowledge we perish for the lack of and learn to overcome the repeating sin. But other sins can still be committed.

  • @chuck8305
    @chuck8305 4 года назад +4

    Yes, some may sin but you are wrong and do not know what you are talking about. If someone sins and asks for forgiveness they are saved by the blood of Christ Jesus. My the Lord God have mercy on you.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад

      Wrong Chuck. If you ask for forgiveness and keep doing your sin then you are not forgiven. I’m not the one saying that, God is. Examine these scriptures. Luke 24:47 repentance for the forgiveness of sins must be preached in all nations. Proverbs 28:13 You must confess and forsake your sin to be forgiven. Repentance ( departure from sin ) comes before forgiveness for salvation. First godly sorrow , then repentance,then salvation not to be repented of. 2 Corinthians 7:10-11. I hope you repent and become a Christian before you die in your sin and go to eternal torment. P.Don

    • @chuck8305
      @chuck8305 4 года назад

      Well I'm sorry that you feel the way that you do and I will be praying for you that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад

      @@chuck8305 again, John 9:31 says , you’re prayers are not being heard if you’re in sin. Period.
      only one truth

    • @chuck8305
      @chuck8305 4 года назад

      That right there is only one truth and that is the message of the cross and God always heard my prays and answer them

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад

      Chuck are you kidding me? So you are saying it’s wrong to obey what Jesus said? No, your doctrine is wrong . Jesus is the way, truth and life. Not your doctrine. Your doctrine will not save you by believing it. It’s only through belief and obedience of what Jesus said that will sVe a person.John14:6. Luke 6 :46 Jesus said; why do you call me Lord, Lord Nd do not obey the things that I say. Why are you saying you are a Christian and don’t obey the commandments as Jesus said. I would suggest you get a real bible, like the King James and look at what it says. I can’t find anywhere that it says to trust in the finished work of the cross and you are saved. That is your man made doctrine. Listen to what Jesus said and go and sin no more. John 8, Repent or you shall likewise perish. Luke 13:3-5. Can you tell me who stopped sinning in 1 Peter 4:1-2 ? It wasn’t Jesus because he never started sinning.When you can be honest and answer this question then reply, otherwise don’t. Because you are not wanting the truth. P.Don

  • @rongriffin9569
    @rongriffin9569 2 года назад +1


    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      Thank you for your comment Ron. P. Don

  • @lisatagliabue6395
    @lisatagliabue6395 2 года назад +23

    I love that Bible!!

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +4

      This is a scripture which comes to mind:
      And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Rev. 22:18-19.)
      God is very serious.
      Brother Sedrick.

    • @LetTheTruthBeTold8324
      @LetTheTruthBeTold8324 2 года назад +4

      i’ve got the Bible and nothing has been taken away or added to the word of God.
      it’s a study Bible that has the commentary within the text.

    • @danmorris447
      @danmorris447 2 года назад +1

      @onlyonetruth, Don’t misrepresent the Expositors Study Bible. It is what it says it is, a study Bible. Jimmy Swaggart did NOT add to scripture, he only added commentary notes for understanding of the scriptures. Your accusations are FALSE ! REPENT NOW !

    • @cocodrake
      @cocodrake 2 года назад +1

      It is a good one

    • @protruth1
      @protruth1 2 года назад +1

      so he is a false teacher because of where he has clealy placed his commentary?
      are you listening to yourself?

  • @drdecker1
    @drdecker1 2 года назад +1

    One of the things we have to be very careful about. Is accusing your brother incorrectly. We see this very prevalent even in the Book of Revelation. Where God rebukes 6 out of the seven churches. So what is the difference ? It is the Church of Brotherly love he does not rebuke. Jesus warned us first of all the Love our brother.
    The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
    21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
    22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.[g]
    1 John 3:15 says this, Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.
    1 John 4:20 - If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
    Matthew 5:22 - But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
    23 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee;
    24 Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.
    Always be very careful of what you speak. Unless you know the brothers condition with the Lord. Be very careful. For example one of the things that Job's friends did was falsely accuse him because they were not in on the meeting between God, Job, and the devil. They were not aware of what God was doing in Job's life. So they falsely accused him of doing wrong.
    Unless you know exactly what is occuring in a persons life. Be very careful of what you tell others. The devil is the false accuser of the brethern.
    I am saying here unless you have all the truth. Be very careful of what you say to others. God is not going to hold you accountable for what you do not know. He is going to hold you accountable for you telling others the condition of another, if it is not based on truth of that individual. Be very careful, because if you do not really know the condition of that brother, and you falsely accuse him. It can lead you into big trouble with him. So be very careful with how you speak about your brother.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      I have no unforgiveness in my heart toward anyone. I love my Nieghbor as myself. Ephesians 5:11 says to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them. Jude 1 says there would be those who would turn the grace of God into a license to sin. The grace of God teaches us to deny all sin and worldly lust and to live sober upright and godly lives in this present world. Did you see that? In this present world. You seem to be saying the opposite. Jesus said go and sin no more and be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect john 8:11, 5:14, Matthew 5:48. Swaggart says you can’t be perfect ( live without sin) God said Job was perfect , upright and did not sin Job 1:8,21. Swaggart said that you can’t go and sin no more. God said go and sin no more john 8:11, 5:14. Who are you believing? In sincerity and love. P. Don

    • @drdecker1
      @drdecker1 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth I have just finished living the life of Job for him. When I was saved in 1994 he wanted me to commit my life to him, after I was heavily convicted to read that book. After completely reading it. I was shocked in a good way, what I seen in that scripture. So I volunteered to become his Modern Day Job. But I had to keep it all silent until the appropiate time. Which I did.
      I fell of a 20 foot wall and landed on a concrete floor. Lost three fingers, leaving me with just 7 fingers. Heart attack, cancer, financial lost, and then my wife left me because of my testimony of him. I always told her God comes number one in life.
      I am about to finish writing a book on it all. To glorify Jesus. He has even showed up in my home in Spring of 2021. I will leave you the video of the face I saw that night in my home. There is a long story behind that one. Which will be in my book. Along with me being visted by angels or him. I could not see anyone during those encounters.
      One time I also woke up after someone was nudging my hand. I felt a fingernail digging into my flesh. Like someone who had not cut their fingernails all the way down. My wife steps in seconds later.
      It is not accurate that everyone gets forgiven. We see this on the cross where only two go into Paradise. Then in Exodus 23 an angel is told by God about who he should forgive, and who he should not forgive. Also notice it comes under the 23 Chapter. Like the number 2/3 of angels who are good. God is a genuis at math. 2 Chronicles 7:14 about humbleness is another area. Notice that 2 x 7 = 14. Isn't that amazing.
      God also reminds us in scripture to always be careful who you are speaking to as a Christian. Because you never know who is on the other end of the conversation.
      In my home. I did not recognize this face at first. But like Samuel of Old, Elijah, and Gideon who heard God's voice. So did I that night, after waking up and seeing him there. All the previous paintings of him was not like this painting. It is why I did not recognize him at first.
      He told me I would soon know who this person was that I saw. Sure enough after a couple of weeks later. I came across this video of the exact same face on youtube.
      Another individual has also now come forward and said this is the same face he saw. After a NDE and he went to heaven. He said the face in Akiane's painting is the same face he saw in heaven
      Jesus always keeps his promises. He also gave me 2 verses relating to this painting. It will all be released in my book. You will be amazed at what he said to me regarding the painting.
      He's a pure genuis. Matthew 5:48 refers to this fact. Also read the Psalm of Protection. Psalm 91. Read about this individual he is speaking about in verses 14 - 16. Pay attention to verse 15 in particular. Sound like someone in particular.
      I have also been building this website for him. I will leave you this link to it. It has a lot of fascinating stories on there. All about Real Christians.

  • @loraineellzey1951
    @loraineellzey1951 2 года назад +46

    I watch Jimmy Swaggert every day My life is so much better because of JSM

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +7

      Unless you repent ( depart from sin) you will likewise perish. Luke 13:3,5 Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him, not disobey him. P. Don

    • @justtruth8310
      @justtruth8310 2 года назад +14

      @@willardpinson1197 This man is right on. JS should have stepped down form the ministry and become a congregant not a preacher or teacher. This man here is quite right on what he says about JS on so many levels. Just because someone is blessed by someone or something does not make it right. The barometer of truth is determined by doctrine not opinion or by feeling.

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      Just Truth (but not really), God restored Jimmy Swaggart, and called him to do what no one else would or could do. That is worldwide evangelism, sending out bibles, on radio all over, as well as TV.
      You are still holding him accountable for something decades ago? Do you even listen to everything he says concerning the Bible and the gospel? No, you only look to find fault and then bring up past, and forgiven sins. Some truth that is. Smh.
      God will judge Swaggart right, don't worry about it.
      But meanwhile, he's reaching the world for Christ. The only one who opposes him is the devil...and you and others of your ilk, along with Satan's people. Wolves in sheep's clothing.
      God would not have you what you're doing, tearing down a man of God, whose ministry is of God.
      You don't even know all he stands for doctrinally. I find this ministry lacking in basic Bible understanding, while professing to be wise. I know you can't understand, but that's your fault, you can know the truth, but something is wrong with your heart.
      It just came to me...If you don't forgive others, God can't forgive you.
      Not a bright future for you, and eternity is a long time.

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад +12

      @@OnlyOneTruth Your bitterness borders on hatred, and you claim love. You're deceived.
      You falsely accuse Jimmy, and nit pick everything you can about him, even distorting what the scriptures mean concerning him.
      Your name is true, but you are not in it. That is very sad.
      You don't even know what he stands for.
      God will judge him....and you.
      Methinks you're concentrating on the wrong one.

    • @TherealAmySquirrel
      @TherealAmySquirrel 2 года назад +2

      @@bigbruno56 psalm 22 speaks of the crucifictuon. It was prophesied. The scriptures are wonderful, aren't they?

  • @MrSamuelrobles
    @MrSamuelrobles 9 месяцев назад +1

    You don't understand the Gospel.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  9 месяцев назад

      Unless you repent, you will perish. Luke 13:3, 5. Repent is to confess and 👉 forsake your sin. Proverbs 28:13 read it. If you don’t do both then you cannot have the mercy from God to have salvation. 2 Corinthians 7:10-11. Fall in love with Jesus with all your heart and never hurt or offend him again by your sinning. John 14:23. Do what Jesus said: go and sin no more, less a worse thing come upon you. John 5:14, 8:11 Paul said the same. 1 Corinthians 15:34 don’t be deceived. Wake up to righteousness and quit sinning. P. Don

  • @mosesmanaka8109
    @mosesmanaka8109 2 года назад +8

    “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, the person who hears My word [the one who heeds My message], and believes and trusts in Him who sent Me, has (possesses now) eternal life [that is, eternal life actually begins-the believer is transformed], and does not come into judgment and condemnation, but has passed [over] from death into life.
    John 5:24 AMP

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +4

      I assure you the word says in Hebrews 5:9 that Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him not disobey him. If you disobey him then you do not have eternal life. The one who says they know him ( that’s you) and does not obey his commandments (is that you?) is a liar and the truth is not in him ( is that you?)

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад +4

      @@OnlyOneTruth Are you obeying Him in all things?
      How about loving your brother?
      Can you honestly answer that?
      And again, do you obey God in all things?
      Do you dare respond to me here?
      If not, you don't obey God in all things.
      So you put upon the people what you won't do. But, honestly, no one obeys God all the time. Only Jesus did that.
      What say you?

  • @BenjaminGonzalez-wv3cy
    @BenjaminGonzalez-wv3cy 2 года назад +1

    Did not the Prophet Isaiah say, through the inspiration of Holy Spirit, "Let the sinner RETURN to the Lord; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be WHITE AS SNOW," and for you to druge upn Jimmy's past is just poor judgement, because once Jimmy repented of his sins - he was forgiven (See 1 John 1:9), and cleansed! Did not GOD Himself say, that as far as the East is from West, so has He casted all our sins away from His Presence, including placing them all in the sea of forgetfulness! You are in serious error!!!

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      The point in this particular verse is this person, has repented (turned away from their sins) Jimmy he other hand, has continued to minister error, being deceived and deceiving others.
      If there’s anything we can do to help you, please let us know.
      Brother Sedrick

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth I say that to you. You are ministering error.
      On judgement day, we will both know who is right and who is wrong.
      Don't be wrong. Eternity is a long time, brother.

  • @debraasanchez726
    @debraasanchez726 2 года назад +4

    Hi myself was devastated when brother Jimmy fell into sin,, but my Heavenly Father spoke to my heart and told me “HE IS JUST A MAN” 🙏🏼 Let him with out SIN cast the first stone 😠
    WELL is that you❓

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +1

      I don’t know what voice you are hearing. A just, righteous man does not commit such horrible sin. Jesus said my sheep hear my voice and will not follow the voice of a stranger( the devil). He followed the voice of a stranger therefore he was not a sheep. John 10:4-5. Jesus warned us of false prophets. He said they would come to you in sheep clothing but inwardly are ravening wolves Matthew 7:15-23. Jesus said BEWARE. By their fruit you shall know them. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit(sin). CANNOT, but you say they are just. I’ll stay with the words of Christ. 1 Timothy 5:20 says those that sin rebuke before all that others may fear. I hope you start fearing and repent before it’s too late. In sincerity and love. P. Don

    • @robincoar9824
      @robincoar9824 5 месяцев назад

      That was Bro Swaggart former life he is 89 years old great manof God.

  • @toddstacy7237
    @toddstacy7237 2 года назад +2

    It's God's Place to say who is wrong,not other preachers!! The greatest king of Israel,a man after God's own heart,was sexually mischievous,You are double standard!! Quit giving false information man!! Talking about a false prophet , look at yourself dude!! Jimmy swaggert is winning souls by the millions, what are you doing??

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      I think he is trying to pull them back to hell, as an unwitting pawn of the devil.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      Thank you for your comment Michael. P. Don

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      Wrong. Ephesians 5:11 says we must expose those that preach false doctrine that will send people to hell.By telling people lies is not saving people but hindering them from the truth. Swaggart teaches that you will always sin and go to heaven in your sin. The Bible says in Hebrews 5:9 that Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him not disobey him. Jesus said go and sin no more john 8:11, 5:14 Swaggart says you cannot go and sin no more. Jesus said be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48 Swaggart says you can’t be perfect. God said Job was perfect and upright and did not sin. Swaggart said, no way. P. Don

  • @rockyrichardson8090
    @rockyrichardson8090 3 года назад +3

    You lost me sir on the sin nature part. The scripture is full of man's nature that has been severely held in bondage to sin. Adam is our Federal head all have sinned Romans 3. Jerimaiah 17:9 psalm 14:1-4 romans 8:7-8 genesis 6 genesis 8:1 many more psalm 51. You stand on the totality of Scripture. Not some of it.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад

      Some versions use the word sin nature in some passages and others use the word flesh. The Greek word is sarx. This word is simply the meat that covers the bone, not a sin nature inherited from Adam. We were not born in Adam’s filthy sin upon us. We were born upright Ecclesiastes 7:29. However we did go our own way and sinned against God putting ourselves into bondage of sin, needing a savior to free us from sin. Ezekiel 18:20 is clear. The sin of our father(Adam) was not passed on to the son(us). Psalms 139:14 says that we were wonderfully and marvelously made. Remember Jesus was of the seed of Abraham, born in the flesh just like us in every way Hebrews 2:14-18. That would mean according to your false assumption that Jesus was born in sin also. Accordingly you would have to say every baby was born in Adam’s sin and sin cannot enter Gods kingdom (Revelation 21:27)which would mean the child would go to hell like the Catholics teach. I hope this helps you. Adam was responsible for his sin and did not have a sin nature passed on to him just like we are responsible for our sin. Quit blaming your sin on Adam and take responsibility and repent and quit sinning or you will go to hell. 1 John 3:7-8 if you sin you are of the devil.

    • @rockyrichardson8090
      @rockyrichardson8090 3 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth appreciate your time to respond sir however, you have much contradictory in explaining the texts used to support your ideology. What I see in the biblical truths of the word of God are very clear on our fallen nature Going back to Genesis. So either God got it wrong and you got it right or God got it right and you got it wrong. Let God be true and every man a liar.

    • @tracyellis7530
      @tracyellis7530 2 года назад

      We were born with a sinful nature!! Psalms 51:5, 58:3, Romans 5:12, Eph. 2:3. Be careful!! In the last days so many people will be deceived, some deceiving themselves!! This is the time that we should be spreading the love of Jesus Christ, Faith without works is dead!!

  • @kratomgaming
    @kratomgaming 3 года назад +1

    What's your opinion on the KJV's verses being changed, such like the Lion and the Lamb verse is now wolf will lie down with the Lamb?

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад +1

      The king James in its original form is and was the closest version we have to the majority original manuscripts. Any changes today in my opinion are not good because of the corruption done to all the new versions from 1881 to now. My advice is to stick with the original King James Version to avoid further corruption. Thank you for your questions and comments. P. Don

    • @kratomgaming
      @kratomgaming 3 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth Which KJV do you recommend?

    • @pjm8433
      @pjm8433 2 года назад

      I don’t like it it feels creepy to me & im now 62 & I’ve never heard that the wolf lays with the lamb. It really freaked me out because all my life I’ve heard & read the lamb will lay with the lion. Some say it’s the Mandela effect but I don’t know what it is but it was new to me when I saw it a few yrs ago .

  • @blizzard37100
    @blizzard37100 2 года назад +5

    If I lived In Close by I would go to Jimmy"S Church, Family Worship Center..I know I would be Blessed.Paul who was named Saul, was Killing Christians and was on his way to kill more Christians when God knocked him off his horse and changed his heart..Thus Paul wrote Most of the New Testament..David had an affair and Lost his first born child..Yet God forgave him.Peter denied Jesus 3 times But Jesus told Peter Feed My Sheep..

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      The problem is he false doctrine he is preaching that will send a person to hell.obedience is necessary to enter Gods kingdom. He said it’s not. This opposes the Bible. Hebrews 5:9 Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him not disobey him. P. Don

    • @blizzard37100
      @blizzard37100 2 года назад +1

      @@OnlyOneTruth I am Not Jimmy Swaggarts Or Anyones Judge.I Certainly cant judge anyone..I Love His Ministry and Will Continue to Support and Learn from him and All of their Pastors..

  • @scottgroves8876
    @scottgroves8876 2 года назад +1

    This man needs to learn his Bible better. First I have the Expositor's Bible and study it carefully. The Bible says we are born in sin from our mothers womb. Careful investigating using the Hebrew language in the falling away spoken about can mean a departure or ascention. Love cannot fulfill the law. No man can. Only Christ himself can. Also, his comment stating that a baby will go to hell by not being saved is false. This question was asked on Francis and Friends and Francis, Donnie and others on the program stated that infants that die belong to God. I can prove his other comments false also about what they teach. He either has something against the Swaggarts or else he needs to learn his Bible. No translation questions change anything compared with a standard King James Bible which incidentally uses foot notes making translation questions.

    • @scottgroves8876
      @scottgroves8876 2 года назад

      @@jesseandjan First of all I investigated his Bible before I purchased it. This guy makes a big deal about God's words in black and his words in red. It was only done to show his commentary. The colors it is written in doesn't matter to God. Obeying his word does. The Bible teaches pre tribulation. 1Thessolonians 5:9. Sin entered the world through Adam. Romans 5:12. If the falling away in the case discussed means the church that would be impossible bc the church will be gone at the revealing of the anti Christ. Falling away in Hebrew and Greek have different meanings depending on the situation. Any time I question anything I go to a Greek and Hebrew concordance. It really, really helps. And if you watch SBN and their shows Message of the Cross and Francis and Friends all of what this man says is incorrect. The Expositor's Bible is definitely correct. The Old Testament does lead us to the Cross. Sorry for the sermon. Lol. Start at 26 minutes in. Jimmy Swaggart does not teach that babies go to Hell. Thank you for hearing me out.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      Actually you are not telling the truth. The Bible says we are not born in sin. Ecclesiastes 7:29 says we are born upright. That means we are born righteous not sinful from Adam. Ezekiel 18:20 says Adam’s sin was not passed on to us. You say it is. I believe the word of God. In Genesis 3 no such curse from him of his sin being passed on to us is ever said by God. You say love can’t fulfill the law when the Bible clearly says that love is the fulfillment of the law. Roman 13:8. If you are teaching that you are born with sin and that is the case, then you are condemning children dying in the womb and newborns into hell because you cannot enter Gods kingdom with sin. John 8:21, Ezekiel 3:20-21, revelation 21:27, 22:14-15. Take heed to what you are saying. Liars will not inherit the kingdom of God either. Revelation 21:8. I hope you repent before it’s too late. In sincerity and love. P. Don

    • @scottgroves8876
      @scottgroves8876 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth In reading your statement I will reply. First, Ecclesiastes 7:29 is talking about wisdom not sin. Read the whole verse. In Ezekiel 18:20 it is speaking of children being akin to their parents. One cannot be held responsible for the others sin as the Pharisees taught. But the one commiting the sin may bring hardship on the entire family. In Romans 13:8 Jesus is speaking of his commandment to love one another. Paul believes it included the 10 commandments. I will agree with that. You make the claim I believe babies unborn or born and die go to hell. I said the opposite and you made a false claim. And read Psalms 51:5. We are sinners in the womb. Lastly you accuse me of being a liar. Read Exodus 20:16. Have a good day

    • @scottgroves8876
      @scottgroves8876 2 года назад

      @@jesseandjan Amen !!!

  • @christineadams6732
    @christineadams6732 2 года назад +10

    I absolutely love Jimmy Swaggart ministries it has and always will be a blessing in my life

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +4

      I don’t love that they are leading you and others to hell. Wake up and quit sinning before it’s too late 1 Corinthians 15:34. James 2:24 a man is justified by 👉 works and NOT BY FAITH ALONE. Jimmy says you are justified by faith alone. James, here in the Bible says that’s a lie. Who do you believe? You are in big trouble by going against Gods word. Repent and get out of there before it’s too late. In sincerity and love. P. Don

    • @SaneNoMore
      @SaneNoMore Год назад +4

      @@OnlyOneTruth James teaches that those who are saved will have the evidence of that salvation through the works they do. Anyone teaching works are required to be saved is a heretic. Salvation through faith in Christ and NOT the filthy rags of our works is the primary difference between Christianity and ALL false religions.

    • @SaneNoMore
      @SaneNoMore Год назад +4

      Yes we must repent of our sins as part of that process and agree with God that our sins are evil and wrong and turn from them. That does not mean we will never sin again. Now I am in no way defending Swaggart but your statement that a man is justified by works is rank heresy.

    • @thesolaraquarium
      @thesolaraquarium Год назад +1

      Sanenomore. What God has made clean, you shall not call profane. Acts 10:15. Our works. How little you know our God. He works and so should we. Swaggart believes heaven is full of lazy people who do nothing. Foolishness.
      Swaggart’s ministry is a selfish one which only cares about himself. How can I be saved? It is all about him. God does not desire such selfish people in his kingdom. Caring for others is what God is all about, not a dead Faith that does nothing. The faith of Swaggart.

    • @trustnonlythelord3065
      @trustnonlythelord3065 Год назад +1

      I'm praying our Lord opens yours eyes to truth Amen 🙏

  • @pennyshipman4633
    @pennyshipman4633 2 года назад +1

    Of course he is going to say that his study bible is the best, he wants your money. If it wasn't for the singing at his church I would never listen to him. And, if you don't know the bible, jimmy Swaggart will fool you completely ......

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      Amen. Thank you for your comments. P. Don

  • @GI4JYT
    @GI4JYT 3 года назад +12

    I have two copies of this bible and a N.T. and I have listened to a lot of Mr Swaggart Sr. They, his immediate family, treat this bible as though the notes themselves are inspired. Swaggert comes over for most of the time as convincing, but as you listen you will spot the error if your bible knowledge is good from experience. Listen to his programmes with an open bible and you will get the point eventually. This is the gospel. See Ephesians 2:8-9 then in v10 read about works. Folks out there, don't just listen to a man, Swaggart or anyone else, but check out what they teach with a copy of the Word of God in front of you!! Personally I would not recommend burning any bible for this reason, people may begin to burn the KJV and say it is in error. The NiFB do this with what they perceive as 'false versions' in front of small children. They are KJV only. That in my view sends the wrong message. No, best to examine for yourself as far as is humanly possible 'all that you hear and read'!

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      I would refer to Jeremiah 17:5.

    • @GI4JYT
      @GI4JYT 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth True, so why have preachers and teachers in that case? No, we are to evaluate them all in accordance to what they teach especially over a period of time.

    • @robincoar9824
      @robincoar9824 2 года назад


    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      @@GI4JYT I find the same fault with them concerning Ephesians 2:10. Then when you read James, you know faith without works is dead.
      Yet the Swaggarts, the ministers, most of the congregation are doing the works of God, so for them to have the position they do, or used to (I haven't had a TV for 8 months), that works are not essential for salvation is incorrect. Our works, even if they are in the Bible, to obtain salvation, won't work. But to do God's works that He put in us, Eph. 2:10, that shows we're saved. I've heard them say it, but then they go back to works don't save. They refuse to explain the difference completely, and stick to it. Maybe they have changed now. Even prayer is a work that God put in us.
      May God bless you with the joy of your salvation!

    • @GI4JYT
      @GI4JYT 2 года назад

      @@michaelalbertson7457 I heard Donnie say the other day referring to the men meeting Jesus on the road to Emmaus: '...the reason they didn't recognise Him was Jesus appeared in a 'spirit body'. No scriptural proof for this assertion was given. I was stunned when I heard Donnie of all people say that. There are other areas where the Swaggarts, get it wrong, but when they are eventually challenged, they tend to adopt some kind of 'amnesia'!

  • @bobbyhendrix8536
    @bobbyhendrix8536 2 года назад +2

    Thank God for ppl like you, to point out the differences in many bibles! The enemy trying to distort the truth of God!!!

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      You are so right Bobby. Thank you for your comment. P. Don

  • @pumpkinbud4802
    @pumpkinbud4802 2 года назад +10

    Amen and thank you for this. I don’t mind reading a separate bible commentary but truly believe no one person should rewrite the bible, worse still adding their opinion on it. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding Psalm 46 is very true.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +1

      Thank you for your comment. Go and sin no more john 8:11, 5:14. P. Don

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад +5

      All commentaries on bibles are "opinions". All doctrines have some error. Let God show you the truth in each one.
      He did not rewrite the Bible, it's the King James Bible with notes after most scriptures.
      Why do people keep making false accusations?

    • @LetTheTruthBeTold8324
      @LetTheTruthBeTold8324 2 года назад +4

      he didn’t rewrite the Bible, he put his commentary within the text.

    • @coracee7653
      @coracee7653 2 года назад +2

      Jimmy Swaggart did Not rewrite the Bible. He gives explanation to make it easier to understand. What is bad about that? Some people read it all their lives and don't understand it.

    • @LetTheTruthBeTold8324
      @LetTheTruthBeTold8324 2 года назад

      @alex cohen
      Any opinion of one of the greatest bible teachers and preacher of the century

  • @FreeSpiritWriter
    @FreeSpiritWriter 16 дней назад

    hang on mister, after my NDE it took me 6 or so years to break down and repent🤔 4 years on im still stopping most sin but have a few to go, none of us are as pure as Jesus, even on the day we die!🙏

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  14 дней назад

      1 John 3:2-3
      Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. [3] And 👉every man that hath this hope in him 👉purifieth himself, 👉even as he is pure.
      Read it . You are wrong. The word of God says every man that has this hope purifies himself even as Christ is pure..
      1 John 2:6
      He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.
      Read it . The word of God says to walk, even as he walked. Do it. obey him two verses up says this 1 John 2:4
      He that saith, I know him, ( that’s you ) and keepeth not his commandments, ( is that you ?) is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
      1 Peter 2:21-22
      For even 👉hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, 👉leaving us an example, that 👉ye should follow his steps: [22] 👉Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth.
      1 Peter 4:1-2
      Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, 👉arm yourselves likewise with 👉the same mind: for 👉he that hath suffered in the flesh hath 👉ceased , stopped sinning 2] That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but 👉to the will of God.
      Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him. Hebrews.5:9 did you read that? It says if you disobey him, you do not have salvation.. Repent of all your sins by confessing and forsaken your sin . Proverbs 28:13
      He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. P. Don

  • @ivangodin1850
    @ivangodin1850 3 года назад +5

    I love Jimmy Swaggart's expository Bible. And what I appreciate most about his work are the texts in black.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад +4

      Yeah right! He took away Jesus words in red and put his own words in red?

    • @TheChristianOutdoorsman496
      @TheChristianOutdoorsman496 2 года назад

      Red letter bibles came out around 1900 as a marketing ploy to sell more bibles. Before that they were all black letter. Come on man, why not drop the red letter argument.

    • @ivangodin1850
      @ivangodin1850 2 года назад +1

      You obviously didn't get what I meant

    • @TheChristianOutdoorsman496
      @TheChristianOutdoorsman496 2 года назад

      @@ivangodin1850 my comment was directed more towards only one truth. But obviously you didn’t get my point either.

    • @ivangodin1850
      @ivangodin1850 2 года назад

      I understand the marketing point you're talking about and I agree.
      Just wanted to emphasize that Swaggart's personal comments in red are sometimes so inaccurate that the original texts are what should be considered only. There was obviously a little sarcasm in my comment to emphasize my point.

  • @jayjay-bz3rr
    @jayjay-bz3rr 2 года назад +1

    1384 Wycliffe Bible
    1526 Tyndale Bible
    1535. Coverdale Bible
    1539. Crammer Bible
    1576. Breeches Bible
    1583. Beeza Bible
    1608. Geneva Bible
    All say, “ Departing first”
    2nd Thessalonians 2:3

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      The Bible says there will be a great falling away as confirmed by many scriptures . 1 Timothy 4:1 last days departing of faith. 2 Timothy 4:3 they do not endure sound teaching etc.. Matthew 24 the love of many shall wax cold because sin shall abound etc….

    • @jayjay-bz3rr
      @jayjay-bz3rr 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth You are correct. 1st Timothy 4:1 refers to departing from the faith.
      However, Christians have been departing from the faith since the early church up to now.
      How much more departing from the faith does there need to be before the man of sin is revealed?

  • @Husky9310-c5t
    @Husky9310-c5t 3 года назад +4

    Have you ever sinned after you got saved? Because it seems like trying to say that you don’t commit any type of sin

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад +1

      Of course I have not committed any sins that transgression Gods law. In whom the son sets free, he is free indeed. Everyone who sins is a slave to sin John 8:34. I have obeyed Gods command that says to wake up to righteousness and quit sinning. Why not obey what he said. It’s your choice.

    • @nadwoanimako4515
      @nadwoanimako4515 3 года назад +2

      @@OnlyOneTruth hypocrisy at it’s peak
      You’ve not sinned since you became a Christian and thus you don’t need God’s forgiveness thus trusting in your self righteousness for salvation?
      Your righteousness is like filthy rugs before a Holy God
      We are saved by faith alone and the Holy Spirit works in us so that we can bear works of Righteousness. However Our righteousness is the evidence of our salvation and not what gets us saved. We act righteously because we are saved not the other way round

  • @victormparrales
    @victormparrales 2 года назад +1

    Now, that no one is justified by the Law before God is evident; for, “the righteous one will live by faith.” Galatians 3:11.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +1

      Remember Paul, the same one that wrote Galatians said in chapter 5:19-21 that they who do the sins of adultery, fornication,etc… and such like will not inherit the kingdom of God. We are not under the mosaic law but we are under the law of Christ. Paul said this in 1 Corinthians 9:21. The one who says they know him ( is that you?) and does not obey his commandments ( is that you?) is a liar and the truth is not in them( is that you?)

  • @jordand.trottasr.9738
    @jordand.trottasr.9738 Год назад +2

    i needed to hear this my brother. no one speaks of repentance anymore and keeping the commandments of the Lord and when i was first born again i was so filled with the spirit that i was made to feel as if i was crazy for wanting to keep the commandments and so i continued in my sin and did not trust in my own encounter with the Lord and this lead me to stop reading his word, which also made me seek out council from Worldly Preachers and then eventually i came across swaggart and watched him for months but still made no progress. i got worse. even abondoned prayer and scripture all together. but today after looking into him i came across your video because something just did not feel right to me about him, his ministry, and his "expositors bible". after watching your video i picked my bible back up and i am gonna give this another try. i have to get back to what worked. reading the bible, praying, and living a life of repentance and turning from sin. Thank you and God Bless You. so many false teachers even the Elect would be decieved. But Jesus will not Lose even one who the Father has given him.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  Год назад

      You made my day. Please seek him with all your heart. Yes, go back to your first love and obey what he says. Proverbs 28:13 Confess and forsake your sin and he will have mercy on you. Don’t let anyone ever talk you out of your obedience to him again. You can and must live your life completely for Jesus. Philippians4:13, 2 Corinthians 2:14, Romans 8:37, 1 Corinthians 15:57. Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him. NOT DISOBEY HIM. Hebrews 5:9. Jesus said; go and sin no more. John 5:14, 8:11. Do what he said. Luke 6:46. The one who sins, transgresses and does not continue in the teachings of Jesus DOES NOT HAVE GOD. 2 John 1:9-11. Paul said wake up and quit sinning. Be encouraged! You need encouragement and fellowship. Come and be with us live on you tube or zoom on Sundays 11:00 am , Wednesdays and Fridays at 7pm. If there is anything I can help you with please let me know. I will be praying for you. P. Don

  • @lilmissfire1111
    @lilmissfire1111 4 года назад +10

    My Mom loved Jimmy Swaggart & listened to him all the time. I recently found the The Expositor’s Study Bible at my local Goodwill & bought it. Now I want to get rid of it, a lot of his explanations are false.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад +2

      Thank you for your comment. You are so right!! Don

    • @Elsupermayan8870
      @Elsupermayan8870 4 года назад +2

      I remember a caller who spoke with Donnie on the show Frances And Friends. The caller, a woman from New York, asked about the expositors notes regarding Judas the traitorous Apostle. She pointed out Jimmy Swaggart claimed in the notes that Judas was married and had children and she wanted to know where was the scripture confirming this. Donnie quickly went to the writings of Josephus to see if there was any reference to this, which he couldn't find.
      So he told the caller they'll look into it and deal with her question on the next show.
      They never did.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад +2

      Wow!! That does not surprise me.Stick to the true word of God. Thank you for your comment.

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      @@Elsupermayan8870 Do you really think Donnie knows every source that his father used for his commentary?
      The subject isn't even important for salvation or holy living.
      You nit pickers strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.

  • @renaelimburg2510
    @renaelimburg2510 8 месяцев назад +1

    thank you

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  8 месяцев назад

      Thank you. Love Jesus with your whole heart and never hurt or offend him again by sinning. John 14:23. He is precious. P. Don

  • @papawx3
    @papawx3 2 года назад +5

    Thank you brother, I really needed to hear this. I believe the Holy Spirit led me to this video. So many have and are deceived, I hope some eyes have been opened by this message. I know mine have.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      Thank you for your comment. Go and sin no more. John 8:11, 5:14 P. Don

    • @jamestruett2694
      @jamestruett2694 2 года назад

      This video does not teach the Way in/of Jesus so it can't help you.

    • @jamestruett2694
      @jamestruett2694 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth everyone sins if you say you don't you are a liar. We can learn to overcome the sin we do but don't want to do but are warned to not sin that sin again.

    • @jamestruett2694
      @jamestruett2694 2 года назад

      Yes he has sinned but even he can be saved and overcome his affliction and walk in the love the truth he finds in repentance reveals. As we all can.

  • @claragracekohlmankohlman129
    @claragracekohlmankohlman129 2 года назад +1

    Who is this guy never heard of him but I wonder what he is doing to preach to the lost? How many he’s witnessed to that have gotten saved.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      I preach the gospel everywhere I go along with constant street preaching and Pastor a church in Louisiana and zoom and utube people in all over the world in our services. The false prophet is the one Jesus warned us of. Matthew 7:15-23. You will know a false teacher, prophet, etc.. by their fruit is what Jesus said. Beware! A good tree does not bring forth evil fruit. He does not sin. Evil fruit is sin. That’s why the scripture gives the requirement for an elder as to be blameless, pure and holy ( no sin) 1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1: 5-9. Go and sin no more. P. Don

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth You know, there's a Roman Catholic priest in my area who has billboards up, godly words on it, but he's in a false religion and most don't know what he teaches, because they wisely won't go to his church.
      So, we see, all who are visible all over town, don't always teach truth. You are proof, we know your error, unlike the Catholic father, but we know he's in error, by his denomination. You're wrong, by your stated doctrine. True Christians know what I type is true.

  • @jayjay-bz3rr
    @jayjay-bz3rr 2 года назад +3

    26:40 “…. going to hell in other words a baby that’s born without coming to a conversion it’s gonna go to hell ….”
    No, a baby that is 6 months old will not go to hell. Unless it grows up to the age of accountability to choose right or wrong.
    There are no babies in hell. Children who reached the age of accountability and rejected God are in hell.
    Also Romans 5:17 makes it clear that death reigned through Adam.
    But through Jesus Christ we will reign in life.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      You are saying that baby is born in sin. Therefore you are condemning that baby to hell. John 8:21, Ezekiel 3:20-21 if you die in your sin you go to hell. Revelation 21:8, 27 nothing unclean or defiled ( sin) will enter the kingdom of God. Quit condemning everyone to hell! We are wonderfully and marvelously made. You are even condemning Jesus because he was made just like us of the seed of Abraham and of Mary’s body ,egg, also. Hebrews 2:14-18. John the Baptist was in his mothers womb and was born filled with the Holy Spirit. Luke 1:15 in order to have the Holy Spirit you must be free from sin Acts 5:32. You can’t have light and darkness in you.2 Corinthians 6:14, acts 26:18. I hope you repent and come to Jesus by true repentance ( departing from sin) Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him not disobey him. Hebrews 5:9.

    • @jayjay-bz3rr
      @jayjay-bz3rr 2 года назад +2

      @@OnlyOneTruth “ I hope you repent and come to Jesus by true repentance (departing from sin) ……”
      So you are suggesting that if I don’t agree with you 100% in your theology, that I am not saved?
      Jesus Christ is in me according to 2nd Corinthians 13:5.

    • @jayjay-bz3rr
      @jayjay-bz3rr 2 года назад +1

      “ Quit condemning everyone to hell! ….. You are even condemning Jesus because He was made just like us …….”
      Your accusations are ridiculous. I never condemned everyone to hell nor have I condemned Jesus. I never stated such a thing.

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth Come on, you know a baby doesn't know what's it's doing. So they have no sin the God can convict them of, because they don't have the God given ability to know when they sin. Until they know, they are innocent, yet they were born in iniquity. A contradiction seemingly. But that's how God sees it, it's mercy and grace to let a baby who dies into heaven, even though we see them do wrong, what we call sin.
      We cannot use human reasoning to determine God's judgements. Believe the word of God as written, and when seeming contradictions come up, realize both are true. The mind of Christ we receive at true salvation, will hear the truth from God.

  • @albertruschel6167
    @albertruschel6167 Год назад +1

    Hi Brother. I know about his red letter with his opinions. Does the Black letter words change in this book also?

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  Год назад +2

      No. The black letter is the king James edition, of the translation of the word of God, taken from the majority text. Follow the teachings of Christ. Luke 17:10 after you have done all those things that he commanded you, say that we are unprofitable servants. We have only done that which he commanded us. P. Don

    • @robincoar9824
      @robincoar9824 5 месяцев назад

      Red letters from publisher not Jimmy Swaggart you devil person
      For 6167

  • @shellyshellz581
    @shellyshellz581 4 года назад +10

    OMGGGGGGGGGGosh thank you SO MUCH!!! I AM IN TEARS. Thank you Holyspirit for guiding me to the truth. I knew something was wayyyy off - that Expository Bible, his arrogance, and this "new gospel" ......

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад +2

      Thank you for your comment Shelly. You are right on. Read a good old fashion bible like the King James in the simplicity of the truth and follow Gods instruction. 2 Corinthians 7:10-11 godly sorrow first, repentance second, then salvation not to be repented of, in other words never go back to sin. Be blessed! P.Don

    • @shellyshellz581
      @shellyshellz581 4 года назад +1

      @@OnlyOneTruth I saw something today. You know how their ministry focuses on "The Message of the Cross" - I heard Donnie Swaggart's defense : (Although he used 'their bible' I looked this up in King James >" 1 Corinthians 1:18
      New King James Version
      Christ the Power and Wisdom of God
      18 For the [a]message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." He says that's the message of the cross?

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад +4

      Shelly Shellz
      Hello Shellz,
      Thank you for your comment. Jesus died on the cross as a spotless lamb and perfect high priest so that we could have forgiveness for all of our past sins ,for the blood of bulls and he goats could never take away our sins of the past nor cleanse our consciousness from them Hebrews 10. He through the cross destroyed him who had the power of death whom we were all of our lives in bondage, that is the devil. Also he was manifested to destroy the works of the devil, sin. It’s not as Swaggart says; that trusting in the finished work of the cross saves you but through godly sorrow for our past sins to repentance from them to salvation not to be repented of that saves us. 2 Corinthians 7:10-11. Hebrews 5 :9 Remember Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him. Obedience is necessary for salvation. Be blessed my dear friend.

    • @luisasterioquerubin6829
      @luisasterioquerubin6829 3 года назад

      Swaggart is a hypocrite and selfish person.

    • @pennyshipman4633
      @pennyshipman4633 2 года назад +1

      We all need to listen to this man giving the truth about Jimmy Swaggart and his teachings....,his teaching is vain.....that entire church and preaches and singers treat Jimmy Swaggart as if he himself is a god......come out from among this church.....

  • @tbsschiro1393
    @tbsschiro1393 2 года назад +1

    He didnt change it! The first English translations said "departure". You are wrong about this!

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      The scripture says a great falling away just as it says in Matthew 24 because sin shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. That’s the falling away. He said if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived. All the translations here back this up. Kjv, nkjv,niv,esv, Darby,adv,net,cab, Nasb, etc….

    • @tbsschiro1393
      @tbsschiro1393 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth The first english translation by william tyndale, says "departing" look it up!

  • @abelsandoval3932
    @abelsandoval3932 4 года назад +3

    You just accussed The preacher as saying babies go to hell...no He did not say that...He says babies go to heaven...a man reaches an age of accountability...So You too brother better be CAREFUL ALSO🕵

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  4 года назад

      Really, where does it say in the Bible that there is an age of accountability? You are saying that babies are born with a sin nature inherited from Adam. Where in the Bible does it say that? I can give you scripture that say they are not. Ezekiel 18:20 . Shame on you for saying my God is that cruel , for having a child born into this world doomed for hell because of sin . The sins of my father Adam are not passed on to me. I am responsible for my choices and cannot blame them on anyone else. Why don’t you quit blaming others for your behavior and take responsibility and quit sinning by having godly sorrow and repent so you can have Salvationist love and sincerity. P.Don

    • @josephzeigler6486
      @josephzeigler6486 3 года назад

      So if we're not born with original sin then what did Paul mean in Romans 3:23 all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God? This is a basic scripture for salvation. Either we all are in need of a savior due to sin or we're not in need. Why did Jesus die if no one had sinned? It makes no sense. Please explain. I do know from a historical perspective that the only ones who did not believe in original sin were the gnostics. I'm pretty sure you are not claiming to be a gnostic.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад

      All have sinned by choice. He didn’t say you were born in Adam’s sin. We were born with no sin Deuteronomy 1:39-We were born with no sin. Sin is the transgression of the law 1John 3:4. We were born upright, no sin. Ecclesiastes 7:29. All we like sheep have gone astray but now I have returned to the bishop of my soul that told me to go and sin no more of which I am obedient to Christ command. I needed Jesus to wash away my past sin. Isaiah 53:6, john8:11,31-36

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад

      If you are. Born with Adam’s sin then where do you think you will go? No sinful people in heaven. No such thing in the scripture that says or give an age of accountability. That’s another one of your man made doctrines. Stay with the word of God. Where does the Bible say or give an age of accountability? Quit judging me without Gods word to back it up.

    • @georgeotieno1442
      @georgeotieno1442 3 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth God is merciful and Just. He doesn't Judge who have no knowledge of good or evil. But the Time you knew you enter into God's judgment. This is the reason why children aren't judged before they knew the knowledge of good or evil. Stop misinterpreting the Bible!!!

  • @stevenjames1503
    @stevenjames1503 2 месяца назад

    I trust in God. One cannot repent of anything unless the father first draws them unto repentance. John 6:44

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 месяца назад

      “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”
      ‭‭John‬ ‭12‬:‭32‬
      He has drawn all men. He was lifted up on the cross and Drew all men. Read the scriptures.
      1 Timothy 2:4
      Who will have 👉all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
      2 Peter 3:9
      The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, 👉not willing that any should perish, but that 👉all should come to repentance.
      P. Don

  • @pobo6689
    @pobo6689 2 года назад +7

    I love JSM you cant deny the anointing.
    The Expositors Bible is so sweet. And guess what Jesus loves you too!

    • @TherealAmySquirrel
      @TherealAmySquirrel 2 года назад

      My pastor had a wonderful sermon regarding what teachers and pastors are
      I think it would bless you greatly

    • @myralail7563
      @myralail7563 2 года назад

      I can tell you he's not teaching all of God's Word correctly. He twists the Word to make it say what Jimmy wants to believe, not what it really days!

  • @MarleneKerr-p6x
    @MarleneKerr-p6x Год назад +1

    If swaggart read the bible 50 times why do people need an expository one all we need is faith prayer and the holy spirit and the holy spirit will make it clear for us to understand

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  Год назад

      Amen. The simplicity of Gods word. How hard is it to understand go and sin no more? John 5:14, 8:11.

  • @wendywinans3035
    @wendywinans3035 2 года назад +4

    I have been singing in the choir at Mr. Jimmy Swaggart's church for 10 years now. I would like to share a couple of dreams. Although I have had my own dreams given to me by the Lord concerning Jimmy Swaggart I would prefer to share 2 dreams that 2 separate men had. One of the Ushers at Mr. Swaggart's church is a good friend of mine and he is the one who relayed these dreams to me. There was a gentleman who told my usher friend that God showed him in a dream Jimmy Swaggart standing there in a military uniform with metals stretched from one shoulder all the way across to his other shoulder and the Lord spoke saying, "Jimmy is the General in my army."
    Some time later during a camp meeting someone from out of town came for the meeting when he arrived he ran into this same usher friend of mine. The brother said I would like to share with you a dream I had about Mr. Jimmy.....my friend stood still to listen. This man said I saw brother Jimmy wearing a military uniform and he was covered in metals and God said he was the General in his army. These dreams were given to 2 different people who did not know each and at 2 separate times.
    I myself have been given dreams concerning Mr. Jimmy Swaggart. Without going into great detail the Lord showed me that this ministry is a work in the Light. Just wanted to share🙂

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +1

      Thank you Wendy for sharing but I don’t live by dreams. Many times they can be wrong messages from the enemy and not God. It could be that he is a general in the devils army because the devil is a liar and sinner as Swaggart proclaims himself to be and everyone that professes to be a Christian saying we have a sin nature from Adam and will never be able to stop sinning. That’s a lie and the devil is the father of all lies. If you sin, you are of the devil 1 John 3:8. Wake up and quit sinning 1 Corinthians 15:34. Paul said to quit sinning and Swaggart says you can’t. Which one is lying. Jesus said go and sin no more in john 8:11 and john 5:14. But Swaggart says you can’t stop sinning. Who is lying ? God said Job was perfect, upright ( no sin)and did not sin job 1:8,22. Swaggart said you can’t be perfect ( moral excellence, no sin). Is God lying or Jimmy? You believe Swaggart over God? Are you crazy? I hope you come out of there and repent before it’s too late. Revelation 18:4. Ephesians 5:11 P. Don

    • @douggauzy6258
      @douggauzy6258 2 года назад

      That probably is of the devil ! Swaggart is so puff up regarding himself . Swaggart always been arrogant . He loves to use people as examples : I knew a man - I knew a lady then proceed to tell about that persons short comings but arrogant Jimmy “ NEVER talks about him or his family . Gods General give me a break !

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      Wendy, thank you for sharing that. I may have even seen you on TV. Praise God.

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth This is what I mean. Anytime someone says something you disagree with, you immediately respond negatively.
      It is so ingrained in you that you cannot break out of it. It's bondage, not freedom in Christ.
      Did you earnestly pray? What you did is mutter a quick prayer and the devil gave you your answer.
      You will be free in Christ when you have godly joy. You don't have it now. You feel good about your ministry now, but you don't have godly joy because you disagree with God.
      You must know it is true. Everyone wants joy, but it is only truly found in Christ.
      For me, her dreams and the other 2 dreams are confirmation of JSMs.

    • @rmorgan2042
      @rmorgan2042 2 года назад

      Dear Wendy. You are as deluded as Mr Swaggart.

  • @dh1335
    @dh1335 2 года назад +2

    Sir, I just pushed the subscribe button , I also was influenced by Swaggart back in the 80s and living a hypocritical life believing I was saved, by certain select scriptures , pounded into my head by the pundits on TV. When I started digging into the Bible for myself I knew I was lost. I repented of all my sins and have been living a Godly life for the last 7years come September. The one teacher that helped me the most was Mike Desario teaching videos on RUclips, a true Bible teacher. Sir, God bless you.

    • @roger3238
      @roger3238 2 года назад +1

      Amen. And I understand he wants to help people but I feel there's a hint of " legalism" in the message and God delivered me years ago from that spirit and I don't want to go back to it, but God bless you and your family. You are in my prayers, friend.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      Praise the Lord! Please join us tonight at 7 pm central time on onlyonetruth live. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for tuning in. P. Don

    • @coracee7653
      @coracee7653 2 года назад +2

      Thank God for the Blood that washes as white as snow.

    • @roger3238
      @roger3238 2 года назад

      @@coracee7653 Amen. It's not by our works but by His grace that we are saved, and that through our faith of course. 🙂

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      1 John 3:7 Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.
      Again, don't be deceived!
      1 Corinthians 6:9 Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? 👉Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
      This applies to worldly people and professed christians alike! There is no addendum saying it don' t apply to someone who confesses christianity!

  • @ryanlowrance1109
    @ryanlowrance1109 3 года назад +8

    I went to Jimmy swaggart Bibld college. The jimmy swaggart study Bible is great.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад +2

      How can you say that. Look at Jimmy’s writings? The red letter editions have Jesus speaking sin red. He changed that and put his in red and Jesus in black to highlight his words over Jesus words. He changed 2 Thessalonians 2 to say catching away instead of what the Bible says of falling away to try to make his pre tribulation doctrine fit. He changed the word flesh into sin nature from Adam knowing that the word flesh in the Bible comes from the Greek word sarx which is the meat that covers the bone ( just flesh) not a sin nature from Adam to support his false doctrine of original sin when the Bible says we are born upright Ecclesiastes 7:29. Do I need to say more?

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад +2

      @@OnlyOneTruth The red in his explanations are to differentiate from the scripture. You'd make a great Pharisee.

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      @alex cohen Isn't that what the Lord is about? Putting us in the fields of work we should be in.
      They teach you in their college how to live and talk as a true Christian, wherever you work.
      Not many work for a church. Only the ones God chooses.

    • @kwitster1
      @kwitster1 Год назад

      Well of course you would. You need to be deprogrammed

  • @Re_DEEMD
    @Re_DEEMD 2 года назад +1

    So you don’t believe in a pre trib rapture? I didn’t know Jesus spoke in red. 🤔and you should be aware that the “sin nature” detail is bc the definite article is there in the Greek which equates to “the sin” it seem that your not being totally forthcoming in everything you’re saying. I don’t doubt you’re love for God but you know you’re not being totally truthful. But you know the way. Bless you brother. Oh and if you see this I’m curious if you believe in sinless perfection?

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      The Greek word for flesh in the scriptures he is inserting sin nature is sarx as you should know. This word simply means the meat that covers the bone. The flesh counts for nothing.John 6:63. Those that are Christian’s have ( past tense) put to death the flesh ( you call the sin nature) with the passions and lust thereof. Romans 6:6 knowing this, our old man ( old self) has been crucified that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we shall not serve sin. I believe you must be obedient to Gods word to inherit eternal life. If you do those sins in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21 and Revelation 21:8 you will go to hell as it says unless you repent ( depart from sin) 1 Corinthians 15:34 awake to righteousness and quit sinning.

  • @GI4JYT
    @GI4JYT 3 года назад +3

    As in Adam all die...' See 1 Corinthians 15:22. Sir you are wrong on this. This is just one reason you need scripture to test what people teach. Actually because of Adam's sin death was passed to all men! Jimmy Swaggart has never said that babies go to hell. What he teaches is, and he is not in error on this point, that children below the age of accountability are protected by the blood of Christ, but those who truly understand the gospel must accept it by faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. Swagger's false teaching is more subtile than this! Sir you are not critiquing Swaggart properly and I'm not the only one here expressing this fact! You see the sin nature is like this: your mom had to change your diaper when you was a baby, but when you matured you had to take care of things yourself, however, to but it politely, the problem is still there!

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад

      You are in error. The word he is using to say sin nature is simply flesh, sarx. The strongs definition means the meat that covers the bone. We are not born with a sin nature as you propose. We are born upright Ecclesiastes 7:26. Psalms says we are are wonderfully and marvelously made. No sin from Adam or any man is passed on to us Ezekiel 18:29. You are responsible for your own sin. Get rid of this Augustine doctrine. This comes from the Catholic teachings which is why they hurry and baptize babies after they are born , fearing if they die they will go to hell because of believing Adam’s sin was passed on to us like you believe. Death came on to us because we chose to follow Adam’s transgression and sin. Physical death however is part of the curse on all mankind because in Genesis 3 God removed Adam from the tree of life ad well as we cannot eat of it and live forever because of Adam’s transgression but one day we will eat of it again and live forever. You need to go back and see where you and Swaggart doctrine comes from on original sin. It’s not in the Bible. You have no excuse for sin. You cannot blame it on Adam or anyone else. You will stand in judgement for every sin you commit unless you repent ( departure from sin) and be converted.P.Don

    • @GI4JYT
      @GI4JYT 3 года назад +1

      @@OnlyOneTruth So how did flesh come to be tainted as God made Adam perfect? If we don't inherit sin form Adam why did Jesus have to die on a cross? I think you have the answer in some of the other posts below. I agree we choose to obey the dictates of the flesh, but it is because we have a sin nature common to all people whither we care to admit it or not. You and I must be reading different bibles? See also Romans 5:12ff for added proof of your error!

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  3 года назад

      Spiritual death comes upon us when we sinned. Romans 5:12 fo that all have sinned. Look at Genesis 3 and examine the curse for his sin. Physical death came upon all but not spiritual death. What kind of cruel God would create us with a sin nature so that we could not help but sin and go to hell. You cannot blame your sin on God or Adam. You sin because you choose to and we suffer because of our own sin. If what you are saying is correct ,then man would have an excuse for his sin to God as an unjust God sending people to hell for Adam’s sin. Read it! The sins of your father (Adam) are not passed on to us. Ezekiel 18:29. Jesus also would not be without sin also because he was born of the same flesh and blood as us and tempted in the same way. He was born of the seed of Abraham ( mans seed) Hebrews 2:14-18

    • @GI4JYT
      @GI4JYT 3 года назад +2

      @@OnlyOneTruth Sir you need to do a lot more bible study? Why was Jesus born of a virgin? Sin leads to death that is the point of Romans 5. Sir with all due respect to you I've lived and worked in the evangelical world for most of my life and I've never heard the doctrine you propose that Adam's sin was not imputed to us. You even deny the clear words of scripture that clearly state that because Adam sinned then we as a result have a 'sin nature', but we also have a will and can resist sin when we are renewed by the Holy Spirit. God does not and never will send anyone to hell, we do it by ourselves, by rejecting Christ's offer of mercy by his 'death' on the cross. You do not have to teach a toddler to misbehave or rebel, they do it by nature. Scripture talks about the sin nature. Please do a study on that?
      Now as for the Swaggarts, they are spot on, on the basics, it is in some other areas, which you have touched on that they err. See 'Sting of Truth' channel for a proper exposition of the 'Expositors Study Bible', you should get some more enlightenment there.

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      @@GI4JYT He does Bible study, and still is in error.
      So Bible study does not help him.
      He's better better off giving the Bible away, and living life in reality and calling upon the name of the Lord to save him because of his sinful life that was destroying him. And then heed to all God said from a godly preacher in doctrine as it pertains to his life.
      He uses the Bible as a cover for his sin. This is a grave error. He may not be a big sinner, but he is a sinner, of any magnitude, is hellbound.
      He does not understand that saints sin. But we know we do. And we confess to God, Who forgives us.
      He needs to surrender his whole life to Christ, and then God would show him what a miserable wretch he is.
      The he would confess to Him in tears and humility. He would know he needs forgiveness after every transgression he committed, for God would show him. It is the same for all Christians, even for mature true Christians.
      This preacher has removed real life from his doctrine, and lived in a fantasy world of thinking he is perfect in this body. Even sinners know that is not true. I know rank sinners who say, I make mistakes, but this preacher doesn't say it and we all, including him, have a carnal body here? He is mightily deceived.
      We all go through that those who have taken the way of the cross went through, the shame and pain of disobeying God, even in small things. But we have a mighty Deliverer and Savior, out Lord Jesus Christ. All glory praise and honor to Him!! 🙌👏🙏

  • @saintsheepy6682
    @saintsheepy6682 2 года назад +2

    I never cared for Swaggart really, especially not when I found out about the scandal he committed. There's a really good book called "Swaggartism" that I'm thinking of buying, and based on what I'm reading on a website talking about it...welp, his rabbit whole goes far deeper than I thought, and I don't even know how he still has any followers. Good comparison between King David, and I'd say Swaggart's more acting like a modern day King Saul.
    And if there is any Old Testament Bible verse that applies perfectly to Swaggart, it's Jeremiah 14:14: Then the Lord said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      Thank you for your comments. Walk with Jesus in holiness. In love and sincerity. P. Don

  • @stevenjames7667
    @stevenjames7667 2 года назад +6

    Jimmy Swaggarts is a God sent.

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      He is.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад +1

      His doctrine is sending many people to hell. Hebrews 5:9 Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him, not disobey him. Wake up and quit sinning. 1 Corinthians 15:34. Swaggart says you can’t quit sinning. Jesus commands us to go and sin no more john 8:11, 5:14. Why don’t you listen to Jesus instead of Swaggart. Luke 6:46. In sincerity and love. P. Don

  • @michaelalbertson7457
    @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад +1

    You are preaching against Jimmy for something you said he committed in 1995?
    We are in 2022. Is Jimmy still committing those sins? Is that why you are accusing him?
    You are so angry and bitter for something last committed over 27 years ago? You need to repent and receive the Holy Spirit Who teaches all truth.
    The more I listen to you, the more my spirit is grieved. But it is my spirit influenced by the Holy Spirit.
    You are grieving God, brother.
    You need to do something about that.

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      You are mis judging me. I am not nor ever have been bitter are angry against him. What will it take to wake you up? Don’t you see the fruit of this? I went to the church regularly before this happened. He was preaching the opposite of what he was doing at the time. I believe he has repented of what he did in that circumstance. He now has changed his mind again and preaching a false doctrine sending many people to hell in their sin. Proclaiming that you have a sin nature from Adam that will keep you from obeying God. Jesus said go and sin no more john 8:11, 5:14 he said you cannot go and sin no more. The opposite of what Jesus said. He said you can’t be perfect. Jesus said be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48. Jesus said Job was perfect and upright and did not sin. Job 1:8,21. Swaggart said the opposite, that no one is perfect. Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him. Swaggart says you can’t obey him. Don’t you see the error? In sincerity and love. P. Don

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth I will accept at your word that you are not bitter and angry at him.
      The sin nature will war with the new nature from God. It WILL keep those who are not truly saved from obeying God in offenses that will result in eternal damnation. They are listed in 1 Corinthians 6:9,10 and Galatians 5:19-21, also scattered about the new testament.
      When he says is that the sinful nature which we received from Adam, is keeping us from obeying God in ALL things ALL the time.
      Foolish jesting is a sin, unjust judgements are a sin, many others things also, but if we repent of them, we draw closer to God.
      I have heard no one will be perfect until they get to heaven.
      Concerning be ye perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect, God is talking about a perfect heart, for the heart is what He judges. David had it, Solomon did not. Was Solomon saved? Some say yes, because he wrote of the folly of his life, some say no, because there is no written proof in the Bible that he did. I look at it this way. His life was an example of how not to live, yet, at times, it was a good one. God will judge him right. I must make sure I'm right with God.
      It is obvious no one is perfect in the body, we offend people not with God's truth, but with our unkind words, insolent attitudes, curt and unreasonable reactions, the list goes on and on. Confess to God, 1 John 1:9, we are forgiven and made clean. Until we do it again. Simple, yet pride keeps many from confessing to God, they sure don't want people thinking ill of them. But if they only experienced the joy of being forgiven for a sin of yelling at their spouse, or a loved one, they would not be hesistant to go to God every time they said or did an unseemly word or action. It takes a few seconds to confess to God and receive forgiveness, we confess and receive it, in our heart.
      It is basic knowledge that if we sin, we ask God for forgiveness. He hates sin.
      You see, in the Spiritual realm, Christians are saints, no sin is attaching itself to them, because they repent and God forgives them. But in the carnal realm, it is a battle every day to be cleansed of sin.
      The Bible speaks of both, we need to understand what God is saying.
      There is a big difference in yelling at your wife and being wrong about it, and adultery. Adultery is listed as an offense, if kept up, that will put one in hell. Yelling at your wife and being wrong about it is not listed as that kind of offense...unless, it is a continuous sinful anger problem, then it is an offense that sends us to hell.
      The biggest thing that many Christians miss is we are obeying God and His Word when we confess our sins to Him. It is part of keeping God's commandments.
      Now we have a contradiction as to obedience, it seems. But, no, we don't. Believe the keeping commandments scriptures and 1 John 1:9, and let God perfect our lives as we obey the whole word of God.

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад

      @@OnlyOneTruth 1 John 1:8 says if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
      While God looks at true Christians, in heart, He knows and sees we don't always act right. And people even see that we don't, and even Paul told Timothy to rebuke, correct, believers in the church if they were, or acted wrong.
      We must apply scripture to real life, not only try to figure it out by our own understanding.
      Every Christian I know say at times, that God corrects or rebukes them. They ask God to forgive them and say thank you Lord for correcting and then forgiving them.
      The ones who don't say that, they don't really have joy, for their confidence is in their flesh, rather than the Spirit.
      No joy. No Spirit.
      No joy of the Lord that shows in our lives, no Holy Spirit abiding in us.
      One of the easiest ways to judge ourselves to see if we be in The faith.

  • @mikemanners1069
    @mikemanners1069 Год назад +1

    I understand Swaggart's secretary typed out the whole Old Testament for this Bible. I can tell because she ignorantly forgot to include words that the original KJV translators put in italics. The KJV translators did that for a good reason. The words in italics in the King James Bible are words that were added by the translators to help the reader. This is usually necessary when translating from one language to another because a word in one language may not have a corollary word in English and idiomatic expressions often do not easily move from one language to another. Hence, the words in italics are words which do not have any equivalence in the Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek text. By adding these words, the translators’ goal was to make the meaning of the sentence clearer and produce a more readable translation that read smoothly, yet was true to the original. However, to make sure that the reader understood that these words were not in the manuscripts, they set them in italics.
    Swaggart's secretary just completely ignored (or was ignorant of) all of this and just went ahead and typed the whole text in normal type. This shows a gross lack of knowledge about the History behind the KJV. I understand that the names of 5 theologians were printed in the front of the Bible implying that they had input into the Expositor's content. Could not one of those 5 scholars have informed Swaggart's secretary of her embarrassing error?

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  Год назад

      You are so right. Like Ecclesiastes 7:20 the word there is in italics because it was added. Take it out and it says an entire different thing. Like 3 verses up. There is a just man upon the earth as in conjunction with many, many other scriptures. Thank you for pointing that out. P. Don

  • @jimmycrackcornidontcare446
    @jimmycrackcornidontcare446 3 года назад +6

    I have followed jimmy swaggart a longtime. Being a Christian how can you get up in front of world, and judge this man , a bunch of people are being led to God by his ministry, he does great work for the lord. You can have your opinion but come on judge Judy. He did not put red lettering to put out Jesus, it is the same as my king James dude. All the stuff he does around the world, you are pretty judgmental, you do what he does, and write a bible

    • @OnlyOneTruth
      @OnlyOneTruth  2 года назад

      You’re not a Christian if you’re in sin. (1 John 2:6)

    • @robincoar9824
      @robincoar9824 2 года назад +2

      @@OnlyOneTruth you speak filthy lies. A Christian still sins but it has no dominion over him. Christian sin less and less.Root of your hatred is your a unsaved person.

    • @murfkuhls3494
      @murfkuhls3494 2 года назад

      Totally agree! Well said!

    • @robincoar9824
      @robincoar9824 2 года назад


    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 2 года назад +1

      @@OnlyOneTruth Robin Coar is right. Sin doesn't have dominion over Christians and Christians sin less and less, growing in the grace of God.

  • @dougmanley4714
    @dougmanley4714 3 года назад +2