03-20-24, Eddie Chumney - The Zadok Priestly Calendar - Part 1

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 228

  • @thechakkim7993
    @thechakkim7993 5 месяцев назад +10

    The most common way for DSS proponents to start the first day of the year is on a wednesday (the 4th day of the week). This will cause the 14th day of the first month to always fall on a Tuesday every year.
    Yeshua died on Passover as our Passover Lamb (I Cor 5:7). Yeshua, himself, even announced to his disciples that he would be killed on Passover (Matt 26:2).
    The passover lamb, according to Deut 16:6, must be killed in the evening of the 14th.
    When we hear Yeshua give prophecies concerning his burial and resurrection we know that he was to be buried for three days and nights, in accordance with the sign of Jonah. (Matt 16:21, Matt 12:40, Matt 17:23, Matt 20:19, Matt 27:63, John 2:19, Luke 9:22, Luke 24:46, 1Cor 15:4). When Yeshua died, Joseph obtained permission from Pilate to take down Yeshua’s dead-body, wrap it in linen and place him in the tomb. It becomes important to see, as stated very clearly in Luke 23:54, “That day was the Preparation, and the [high] Sabbath drew near” [very close before the sun went down].
    It is also important to fully realize when Mary Magdalene (+ other women - Matt 28:1; Mark 16:1; Luke 24:1-3) first went to the tomb, while it was early morning and still dark, meaning that the sun had not risen yet. This was the first day of the week, according to John 20:1, “Now the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early [G-4404 - pro-ee: at dawn, early in the morning], while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb.”
    Yeshua was resurrected from the dead on the Biblical holiday known as First Fruits because he was the first fruits of the resurrection. This holiday is also the first day of the week.
    Mark 16:9 states, “Now after He had risen early on the first day of the week, He first appeared to Mary Magdalene, from whom He had cast out seven demons”.
    This scripture is very clear when it says Yeshua was resurrected on the first day of the week. What this then does is allows us to count how many days and nights there are from the DSS Passover, which is on a Tuesday every year, to the morning of the first day of the week. We are looking for Biblical accuracy in that there should only be three days and three nights from Passover to the first day of the week. If we see more than three days and three nights, we will know that the DSS is inaccurate and not compatible with the Biblical timeline of events. If we use the most prominent DSS method of starting Passover on a Tuesday we count…
    1. Tuesday night
    2. Wednesday night
    3. Thursday night
    4. Friday night
    5. Saturday night
    A total of five nights are counted from the DSS Passover to the resurrection. It becomes most important now to realize that in Matt 26:2 Yeshua said that he would be crucified ON PASSOVER. This is a clear refutation that Yeshua was keeping the Dead Sea Scroll calendar, and a clear refutation of the mathematical compatibility of the DSS calendar compared to the scripture timeline. Yeshua cannot eat the Passover on Tuesday night (the 14th) and then be killed as a Passover lamb the next day (on the 15th). This would disqualify him from being a worthy Passover Lamb since the time of killing the Passover is in the evening of the 14th (Deut 16:6), not the 15th.

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 5 месяцев назад +3

      This post deserves more thumbs up...
      Thank you for this clarification!

    • @netzerNCG
      @netzerNCG 5 месяцев назад +2


    • @michmouth
      @michmouth 4 месяца назад +6

      Easy he died in the Jews Passover - and rose in the sabbath

    • @thechakkim7993
      @thechakkim7993 4 месяца назад +4

      @@michmouth Yeshua said he would die on "Passover" so I believe him.

    • @tarafox6618
      @tarafox6618 12 дней назад +3

      He ate the Passover Meal Tuesday evening with his disciples. He died the next day (Wed) on the day of Prep of those who followed Judaism (Pharisees). Either way, he died on Passover.
      If it was a proper Jewish buriel he was in the grave before morning. All day Thursday (1), Thursday night (1), Friday (2), Friday night (2), Shabbat (day 3) and Shabbat night (night 3). Risen before Sunrise...in the garden when Mary Magdalene came early while it was still dark, after the weekly Sabbath.
      I believe it was First Fruits.
      That's how I understand it. And it make John's gospel more clear as he specifically refers to their timing as the feast of the Jews. Yet, he sat with Yeshua the night before as they ate the Passover with him. Seems there are two calendars. And Yeshua ate on the Priestly one.

  • @thechakkim7993
    @thechakkim7993 4 месяца назад +6

    If you are going to advocate and promote the book of Jubilees and Enoch as authoritative scripture, then you need to advocate for everything contained in these books and not just cherry pick the sections that appeal to your bias.
    Jubilees 30:7 says to put women to death by burning them and stone their fathers if the woman marries a foreigner. (This is an outrageous racist law which is contrary to Torah)
    Jubilees also tries to add several additional commandments concerning the sabbath which are not found in Torah thus breaking the law of not adding to or taking away from the commandments. (Duet 4:2, 12:32)
    Jubilees also has fantastical tales about wars which never happened and promotes that the early patriarchs celebrated the annual feasts long before they were even known of by the Israelites during the Exodus.
    There really is no end to the amount of doctrinal and historical inaccuracies I find with this book.
    The Book of Enoch says that Enoch himself is the promised Messiah. (1 Enoch 37-71), Enoch is taken into heaven and shown prophetic visions concerning an eschatological hero known as the “Son of Man.” This figure is also called the “Chosen One,” “Anointed,” and “Righteous One,” which are all titles referring to the same Messianic figure in the narrative. The author of this section of 1 Enoch clearly draws upon Messianic prophecies from Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc., to develop this figure. At the end of this prophetic journey, the mystery of who the messiah is, is finally revealed.
    Enoch 71:13-14 "And the Head of Days came with Michael and Raphael and Gabriel and Phanuel, and thousands and tens of thousands of angels without number. And he came to me and greeted me with his voice and said to me, “You are that Son of Man who was born for righteousness, and righteousness dwells on you, and the righteousness of the Head of Days will not forsake you.”
    All genuine historians and scholarly journals published attribute the Dead Sea Scrolls to being written within the timeframe of 200 BCE to 70 CE. The scroll of Jubilees was dated to be authored around 150 BCE, and the 3rd section of Enoch called “The Book of Luminaries” is believed by archeologists and linguists to be authored around 100 BCE. Jubilees 4:17-25 says that Enoch "saw in a vision what has happened and what will occur"; the book of Jubilees contains many points of information otherwise found in the "Animal Apocalypse" such as Enoch's wife being Edna. The Animal Apocalypse claims to predict the Maccabean Revolt (which occurred 167-160 BC) and is commonly dated to that time. The consensus since 2008 has been that the Animal Apocalypse came first, and the book of Luminaires & Jubilees after.
    Most of the Dead Sea Scrolls were written by sectarians known as Essenes who wanted to add an addition two illegitimate families to the priesthood.
    The document called “The War Scroll” column 2, line 2 indicates that 26 priestly courses were to be conducted in a 52-week year, and this would cause each course to serve 2 weeks at the temple. The easy breakdown of this is 26 x 2 = 52 weeks. 52 x 7 = 364 days. This is one reason the DSS calendars have 364-day years. More information about the Twenty-Six Priestly Courses can be found in the journal article published by Brill & Paul Winter 1956), pp. 215-217
    The Bible only has 24 priestly courses, not 26. Even in the first century, the historian Josephus claims that there were only 24 priestly courses in Antiq. book 7, Chapter 14, Verse 7, which remained even unto his days. This calendar shows the 364 days revolving around the idea that the community at Qumran wanted to add an additional two courses to the priesthood. The claims that this 364-day calendar was in use prior to Babylonian captivity become erroneous when we see the chief of the priests; the heads of those 24 courses which David appointed in 1 Chronicles 24, returning to Jerusalem in Nehemiah chapter 12. This tells me the 364-day calendar was something which was probably created some time in the intertestamental period, especially since we see the post Babylonian exiles and priests returning to Jerusalem using transliterated Babylonian Hebrew month names for their calendar.

    • @XavierPutnam
      @XavierPutnam 4 месяца назад +2

      Some great points!

    • @michmouth
      @michmouth 4 месяца назад +1

      It’s too bad that David wrote 364 psalms for each day of the year and 52 for each the sabbaths of the year. The priestly watches fit perfectly with this calendar they do not work the the pagan Babylonian calendar.

    • @thechakkim7993
      @thechakkim7993 4 месяца назад

      @@michmouth David wrote at least 73 not 364. About the Priestly watches. Most dead sea scroll calendars use a 364 day calendar. The document called “The War Scroll” column 2, line 2 indicates that 26 priestly courses were to be conducted in a 52-week year, and this would cause each course to serve 2 weeks at the temple. The easy breakdown of this is 26 x 2 = 52 weeks. 52 x 7 = 364 days. This is one reason the DSS calendars have 364-day years. More information about the Twenty-Six Priestly Courses can be found in the journal article published by Brill & Paul Winter 1956), pp. 215-217
      The Bible only has 24 priestly courses, not 26. Even in the first century, the historian Josephus claims that there were only 24 priestly courses in Antiq. book 7, Chapter 14, Verse 7, which remained even unto his days. This calendar shows the 364 days revolving around the idea that the community at Qumran wanted to add an additional two courses to the priesthood.

    • @BereanEchad
      @BereanEchad  3 месяца назад

      Thank you for the comment. We are looking for people who would be interested in a peer review group. Please watch the following video with a recommendations and an invite.ruclips.net/video/PSKALOzJe-Y/видео.htmlsi=pVrLvAd4vUTsDdt4

    @3.ONE4ONE5NINE2SIX5 4 месяца назад +3

    Isaiah 1:13-14 13 Bring no more vain offerings; incense is an abomination to me. New moon and Sabbath and the calling of convocations- I cannot endure iniquity and solemn assembly. 14 Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hates; they have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them.

    • @hiswordheals7677
      @hiswordheals7677 4 месяца назад +1

      This verse clearly states the REASON He hates their feasts... because of their iniquity, their sin. Kind of like sinning all year long and then going to church services once or twice per year. Never said anything about the dates being wrong.

    • @hiswordheals7677
      @hiswordheals7677 4 месяца назад

      ALSO VERY INTERESTING that the Hebrew word translated as 'moon' in Isa 1:14 that you quote above is CHODESH... if this were truly about them observing a lunar calendar that He hates would He not have used yurach?

    • @RahabScarletCord
      @RahabScarletCord 3 месяца назад


  • @JeffAmos-p7r
    @JeffAmos-p7r 4 месяца назад +8

    So what you have here is a “Theory “? And you are going to turn everything upside down based on your assumptions and guesses. Sounds totally untenable.

    • @XavierPutnam
      @XavierPutnam 4 месяца назад +1

      It's nice to read comments from people that aren't taken in by this nonsense. Thank you.

    • @RahabScarletCord
      @RahabScarletCord 3 месяца назад +1

      Nice to read comments from people who do not do their own homework, suffer from Cognitive dissonance and take the easy way out.
      The Ruach is trully sifting, sifting, sifting...

  • @GregAuman-wv5wv
    @GregAuman-wv5wv 4 месяца назад +8

    Its a sad day for the Messianic community to see that we have teachers of the Messianic faith splitting the body of believers with this Zadok calendar with no authority or peer review of qualified Hebrew teachers who know history. I guess we will continue till the Lord comes back to have people that will divide us like this. Please remember that these people who do this are dividers of the flock and let them be know as such. Eddie used to follow the calendar of God and has always had the stance that he came out of Babylon before this calendar. Well now he accuses other brothers and sisters in Christ who had that same calendar he was following and he has placed them back in Babylon now that they are not following his teaching on the Zadok calendar. Its pretty easy to see these false teachers arising in our time now as the word of God has warned us of such events. Monte Judah is a follower of Eddie. Just follow the money trail and you will see. All these new teachings will set the stage for false leading and dividing. All religions use this same passage they continue to say as there way of saying we are correct. Rev 18:4 Says come out of her my people. Very sad that if you don't follow them then you are back in Babylon. This is a divider of the flock person who does this and says this. I personally have tried to ask questions about this Zadok calendar with just using scripture. Psalm 91:3. Psalm, Psalm 104:19. What about 3 days and 3 nights. Zadok does not fit the word of God in many ways. Their first fruits theory is way off. Read John 20 all of it but focus on verse 19. Christ arose the first day of the week and went to the father to be approved and returned back that same day and breathed the Holy Spirit on them in the upper room later the same day. He would have to be approved in order for him to breath the holy spirit on the Disciples. Thomas was not there and so Christ returned 8 days later to meet with Thomas. Christ did not go to heaven for 7 days like they claim in order to be cleansed. It happened that day of the resurrection. Just read the scriptures and let God lead us. Don't listen to these people that are dividing. Lets work together to do peer review and show our worthiness to God and quit using these other writings to tell us what the Holy Spirt is supposed to do. when this was presented to our congregation and it was always left to Eddie and the Bishops to answer which they did not. The Bishops writings has maybe , perhaps, could be, possibly etc.. at least 45 times in their book. That is not sure footing by any means. Sounds like building your house on the sand if you ask me. They use Jubilees a lot from chapter 6 on in the Bishops book. Lets test Jubilees and see. Read Jubilees 50: 12 and 13. This talks about fasting on Sabbath. It says that you are worthy of death if you fast on a Sabbath. Well, we have a problem here if you remember the story of God and Moses fasting for 40 days. I think there might just be a Sabbath or two in 40 days. So believers in Jubilees out there you must think that God and Moses deserve death because they fasted on a Sabbath? Read Exodus 34:28-35. I can go on all day with the Zadok errors. Please do your own study and please don't get caught up in these dividers of the flock. These people need to be held accountable like the son's of Aaron if they are teachers of the faith. Look at Duet 4:2 and Rev 22:18 to see how the sons of Aaron faired out when adding to or changing what God established. God and God alone is our judgement. Eddie and others that treat you like you are an outcast because you don't follow their teaching on this should be ashamed and we need to stick together to call them out for not seeking peer review on this. Our congregation has been fractured and many left because they took a hard stance and said we are doing this Zadok calendar and if you don't like it then you can leave. Read between the lines on this folks. This is forced compliance. I was originally open to this calendar but just the way it was presented and for the fact it does not align with scripture there is something very wrong here. I just pray God will not judge harshly on those who fall into this unproven Zadok calendar. You may or may not like the current president we have right now in the USA but he is still the president just like who was leading the people in Israel at that time. We still have to obey times and laws. The good part is we can still keep the true feast of the Lord as well. Watch out for those dividers out there. Shalom

    • @JeffAmos-p7r
      @JeffAmos-p7r 4 месяца назад +5

      Well said my friend. I’m with you. Sadly I saw this coming and have been praying for my brothers and sisters under the spell of false teachers. Glad to see you have not fallen for this crazy stuff. Keep it up and be encouraged that you are not alone.

    • @XavierPutnam
      @XavierPutnam 4 месяца назад

      Some good thoughts here. Thank you for commenting.

    • @tsehelbenyosef2503
      @tsehelbenyosef2503 4 месяца назад +2

      Eddie is not accusing you nor anyone today. He is only speaking to what he has learned and passing his knowledge on to those who have ears to hear. May Master יהוה Eloheinu open all of our ears, hearts and minds up to His truths.

    • @JeffAmos-p7r
      @JeffAmos-p7r 4 месяца назад

      @@tsehelbenyosef2503 I pray for all those that are misled whoever they may be.

    • @RahabScarletCord
      @RahabScarletCord 4 месяца назад +1

      Is not called splitting...is called separating.
      Mainly the goats from the sheep...
      Your grave accusations regarding bribes harsh and unfortunately unlawful according to the Torah.
      See if for what it is....a presentation with evidence.... and make up your own mind without adding unfounded accusations.
      The Almighty is separating and sifting, and you have a big mouth (in this case, busy fingers) accusing a brother of being a false teacher.
      I would repent if I were you...fast

  • @JeffAmos-p7r
    @JeffAmos-p7r 4 месяца назад +2

    ““Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, to all the exiles whom I have sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon, ‘Build houses and live in them; and plant gardens and eat their produce. Take wives and become the fathers of sons and daughters, and take wives for your sons and give your daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters; and multiply there and do not decrease. Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare.’ For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, ‘Do not let your prophets who are in your midst and your diviners deceive you, and do not listen to the dreams which they dream. For they prophesy falsely to you in My name; I have not sent them,’ declares the Lord.”
    ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29‬:‭4‬-‭9‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬
    You cannot come out of Babylon until the Lord calls you out in His timing.

  • @thechakkim7993
    @thechakkim7993 5 месяцев назад +10

    The moon is used in several locations of scripture having relation to months.
    The moon, is always translated from ירח (Yod Resh Hey) “yerach” (H3391), “yaw-ray’akh” (H3394), or (H3393) “Yārēach”, which is the Aramiac version. There is no difference in the ancient Hebrew spelling of these three words yerach, yaw-ray’akh or Yārēach. The reason that the Strongs Concordance gives them three separate numbers is because, even though they were spelled the exact same, there was a difference in pronunciation depending on if you were using the word “moon” in poetry or just as a relative statement. Psalms is a book of poetry, so when the word “moon” is used in the text it is believed to be pronounced “yaw-ray’akh”. The book of Kings is not poetry, and thus the word “yerach” is used. After the invention of Hebrew vowel points, the Hebrew language was able to show the difference in pronunciation, which gives rise to the reason why we seemingly have two words for “moon” in Hebrew represented in the Strongs Concordance.
    The word “month” in Hebrew is “Chodesh”. Exo 13:4 “This day you came out in the chodesh of Aviv”.
    The Hebrew scriptures are limited with what names they used for months. Aviv is the first month of the year. The second month is called Ziv, the seventh, Ethanim, and the eighth is called Bul.
    In 1 Kings 6:37-38 it reads, “In the fourth year the foundation of the house of [יהוה] was laid, in the month [H-3391 yerach] of Ziv. And in the eleventh year, in the month [H-3391 yerach = ירח] of Bul, which is the eighth month [H-2320 chodesh], the house was finished in all its details and according to all its plans. So he was seven years in building it."
    We can see this again in 1 Kings 8:2, “Therefore all the men of Israel assembled with King Solomon at the feast in the month [H-3391 yerach = ירח] of Ethanim, which is the seventh month [H-2320 chodesh].”
    Ezra 6:15 says, “And this house was finished on the third day of the yārēach Adar, which was in the sixth year of the reign of Darius the king.”
    The prophet Daniel also used the word “Yārēach” when describing months in Dan 4:29 which reads, “At the end of twelve yārēach he walked in the palace of the kingdom of Babylon”.
    Deut 21:13 states, “and put aside the mantle of her captivity, and shall dwell in your house, and mourn her father and her mother a month (“Yerach”) of days. And after that you shall go in to her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife.”
    Notice YHWH’s commandment here of not allowing a Hebrew man to marry a captive woman until a full lunar month has passed.
    God himself uses the moon as a method for the lunar cycle observations of goats, as we see in Job 39:2, “Can you number the moons (“yerach”) that they fulfill? Or do you know the time that they bring forth?”
    Exo 2:2 says, “And the woman conceived and bore a son. And she saw that he was a lovely child, and she hid him three moons (“yerach”).
    Therefore, after sharing all of these scriptures, it should become explicitly obvious to conclude that Biblical months must involve the MOON, which must include “cycles of the Moon” to determine each MONTH.

    • @JeffAmos-p7r
      @JeffAmos-p7r 4 месяца назад +2

      Seems clear doesn’t it 😊

    • @thechakkim7993
      @thechakkim7993 4 месяца назад

      @user-ve7sc8xn2j it does but liars find a way

    • @YochananMat
      @YochananMat 4 месяца назад

      Is it possible that we have not yet understood the Zadock calendar? Because I can't separate the moon from the month. (we have been keep the new moon from its disappearancem as with the day)

    • @thechakkim7993
      @thechakkim7993 4 месяца назад +2

      @@YochananMat I found about 19 different calendars in the DSS. THis is why people who try to follow the DSS calendars end up keeping the feasts on different days as other dss followers.

    • @XavierPutnam
      @XavierPutnam 4 месяца назад +2

      Yep: this entire calendar, pseudo-Enoch, Jubilees, and other Qumran writings can all be disproven immediately by citing some of the details you do here, which show that the moon is for months. Good job.

  • @netsiteing
    @netsiteing 6 месяцев назад +14

    Zachariah, father of John was a priest attending services as described in the Gospels. He would have operated according to the established calendar practiced by the then Priesthood. This would indicate there was no issue with the calendar being kept around Messiah’s birth and likely a century before and after.

    • @hiswordheals7677
      @hiswordheals7677 5 месяцев назад +6

      Amen! Also read Psalms 104:19 Scripture trumps the dead sea scrolls. Problems with the DSS calendar... 1) the writers of SOME of the scrolls claim to be 'Sons of Zadok'... there were apostate Zadok priests as well for example the brother to the high priest in Jerusalem (both from the direct line of Zadok) married the daughter of Sanballat (a foreigner appointed governor of Samaria by King of Assyria) and when he would not divorce his pagan wife he had to leave the priesthood in Jerusalem. Sandbalet then made him high priest in Samaria and he conducted sacrifices in the Samaritan temple on Mt Gerizim (many other apostate priests probably also from the line of Zadok left Jerusalem with him rather than divorce their wives as well) (see Neh 28:13 which is expounded upon by Josephus). 2) How do we know the DSS "sons of Zadok" had any kind of real authority or were even truly sons of Zadok? Muslims claim to be 'sons of Abraham' (many rightly so) however that doesn't make the Islamic religion or calendar correct 3) Interesting to my knowledge the 'sons of Zadok' writers of the scrolls such as the Damascus scroll never give their names or lineage (i.e. such as Judah son of Jacob) so that their claim to authority can be authenticated... even the so called 'teacher of righteousness' is not named. Everyone with authority in scripture has their name and lineage recorded for posterity. We know all about Moses, Aaron, Joshua, etc. They weren't just called preacher, teacher, leader, etc or righteousness. 4) this 'teacher of righteousness' very well could be mentioned briefly in scripture Act 5:36 for before these days Theudas rose up, saying that he was someone, to whom a number of men joined themselves, as it were four hundred, who was slain, and all, as many as were obeying him, were scattered, and came to nothing. (Anyone who has studied the DSS/inhabitants of Qumran can see it is possible that is the group being spoken of here and Theudas could be the teacher of righteousness which was killed and then the inhabitants likely dispersed) 5) The DSS were spread out in like 11 caves if I remember correctly. It is possible that many of the scrolls especially the biblical ones were from the temple library. Qumran is in the wilderness of Judea and there were some priests who believed in Y'shua still in Jerusalem and who would have known the admonition to flee when they saw Jerusalem encompassed with armies. They could have fled to the wilderness of Judea with scrolls just prior to the 70ad destruction of the temple. THERE ARE JUST TOO MANY UNKNOWNS TO 'CHANGE TIMES AND LAWS' BASED UPON A CALENDAR SCROLL FOUND IN A CAVE WHICH ACTUALLY CONTRADICTS SCRIPTURE AND Y'SHUA OUR EXAMPLE DID NOT SAY ONE WORD ABOUT THE CALENDAR IN USE IN THE TEMPLE BEING WRONG. IF IT WAS SUCH A CONTROVERSY THEN HE WOULD HAVE AT LEAST MENTIONED IT, WOULDN'T HE? WE ARE TO WALK EVEN AS HE WALKED AND HE OBSERVED THE LUNISOLAR CALENDAR.

    • @ginasparks7669
      @ginasparks7669 5 месяцев назад +4

      They killed Zechariah that should tell you something!

    • @hiswordheals7677
      @hiswordheals7677 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@ginasparks7669"They" who and please provide the documentation for that so we can all study that out ourselves.

    • @ginasparks7669
      @ginasparks7669 5 месяцев назад +1

      I am not home until unleavened bread is over but will get back to you with information.

    • @grcleve7053
      @grcleve7053 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@ginasparks7669Thank you! Was about to add this very comment.

  • @hopesmom77
    @hopesmom77 3 месяца назад +3

    I have never heard of this calendar all these years in the Hebrew roots understanding. We have kept the Hillel calendar that was given to the diaspora by the Sanhedrin and it’s the same one Yeshua followed himself. But there are many different calendars and dates. For that it has created division and a lack of being able to meet up as a community bc people are keeping so many different dates for the feast. For that alone I know the father is not in multiple calendars just like HE is not in many religions or gods. There is one God and there is one calendar so all can join in unity on the feast and keep community. Let’s imitate Yeshua as we are told to do…he kept the Hillel calendar we are NOT greater than our master. Shalom!!

    • @HarmonicWave
      @HarmonicWave 2 месяца назад +2

      Are you 100% sure that Yeshua followed the Hillel calendar? It's easy to assume who did what at what time. This is not a new calendar idea just because you haven't heard it before. I was aware of it many years ago when I first started looking at the idea of a biblical calendar, and there are plenty of RUclips videos on the subject, not just this one.

    • @danwilliams1700
      @danwilliams1700 Час назад

      There are several clues that indicate that Yahusha did not follow the calendar of the religious Jews of His day. For instance, He kept the Passover correctly with his disciples on the 3rd day of the week (Tuesday), at evening. The religious Jews were not celebrating the Passover that same night or they would not have come to arrest Yahusha. But he was crucified on Wednesday which began the Feast of Unleavened Bread that night for the Jews on the Hillel calendar (If they were following sunset to sunset and/or keeping Passover on Wednesday night.) He was in the grave 3 complete nights (Wed., Thurs., Friday) and 3 complete days (Thurs. Fri., Sat.) and rose before the 3rd day ended which was while it was still dark Saturday night). And who was the man carrying the pitcher of water who owned the house where Yahusha kept the Passover? It is believed that he was an Essene who were the people who did not adhere to all the concessions of the Hasmonaean dynasty who were trying to enforce the Babylonian calendar which is why they left and formed the community at Qumran. I agree that we need to follow what Yahusha actually did, but if we dig into that we may find that all is not as we thought. Jer. 16:19 says that there will come a time when it will be said, "we have inherited lies."

  • @WestTexasGentleman
    @WestTexasGentleman 5 месяцев назад +5

    Is there any indication that Yeshua (and His disciples) were cognizant of a discrepancy between the calendar of Yeshua and the calendar utilized by the Pharisees?
    It seems (to me) that the discrepancy would have been most readily apparent at the ‘Last Supper’ if it was, in fact, a Passover Seder.

    • @grcleve7053
      @grcleve7053 5 месяцев назад +5

      That year, the true observance day was just a day apart. Just like it happened last year. Read again in the 4 "Gospels" where they speak about (approaching, during, and after) what was being said and was done regarding that time frame. In one of those the Pharisees were speaking about why they were not going to Pilate and/or Herod when Yeshua/Jesus was being brought before them.
      Yeshua/Jesus clearly said he would be in the belly of the earth (Sheol) for 3 days and 3 nights. He resurrected in the nighttime before daybreak of the first day of the week when the women arrived at the tomb.
      Also, in one of the Feast observations Yeshua/Jesus delayed his attendance a few days late. Someone in the past has added in a commentary regarding why they think he did that...because of fear of the Jews? He feared no man! Fact!!
      Another place where an opinion has been placed is regarding Judas on why he may have left them during the Passover meal. This shows that there was a differing calendar observance by some.

    • @grcleve7053
      @grcleve7053 5 месяцев назад +1

      The Seder is man/Jewish tradition.

    • @JeffAmos-p7r
      @JeffAmos-p7r 4 месяца назад +1

      The only discrepancy is pure conjecture on their part. Yeshua understood authority.

    • @XavierPutnam
      @XavierPutnam 4 месяца назад

      No, there is no evidence of any discrepancy whatsoever, once you understand that Yeshua dies on the sixth day of the week and eats the meal the night before (a bitter pill for many in this movement to swallow).

    • @michmouth
      @michmouth 4 месяца назад +4

      Yes in Luke 22 he said he kept the Passover and it was on the Zadok calendar and died of the Jews Passover. Just as he called it. Check Avi ben Mordachi’s passion week podcast to see how both calendars work!!

  • @PerfectTorah
    @PerfectTorah 4 месяца назад +3

    Could it be, that the Jewish Calendar only has the failure in using Babylonian month names? The system of 12 or 13 months so far makes sense.

    • @HarmonicWave
      @HarmonicWave 2 месяца назад +1

      There are other problems with it. The Jewish calendar starts the year in the Fall, while the true biblical calendar starts the year around the beginning of Spring. Totally different systems, not just different month names.

  • @sarabismom1994
    @sarabismom1994 6 месяцев назад +11

    I'm researching this. Thank you, Eddie.

  • @thechakkim7993
    @thechakkim7993 5 месяцев назад +8

    Luke 2:41-42, which explains explicitly that Yeshua, at age 12, along with His parents, went to the Temple in Jerusalem EVERY year to keep the Passover and the feast of Unleavened Bread. This shows that the Aaronic priests who officiated at the services in the Second Temple did use the correct calendar because Yeshua, being without sin, means He kept the Biblical Feasts and Sabbaths at the correct appointed times. Furthermore, we see the apostle Paul went to Jerusalem to the temple as he stated in Acts 18:21, “I must by all means keep this coming feast in Jerusalem; but will return to you again…”

    • @elizabethprov2894
      @elizabethprov2894 5 месяцев назад +2

      Then Yeshua’s family left after the week of Unleavened bread was over and returned 3 days later to find Him still in the temple and what did He say to them when they found Him?
      “Why were you seeking Me? Did you not know that I had to be about my Father’s Business?”
      And after that He left with them.
      He was keeping the correct Feast of Unleavened Bread.

    • @thechakkim7993
      @thechakkim7993 5 месяцев назад +5

      ​@@elizabethprov2894 All it said was he was about his fathers business. It said nothing about him being there for the correct feast. You are making huge imaginary assumptions. Don't get a job as a detective.

    • @JeffAmos-p7r
      @JeffAmos-p7r 4 месяца назад

      Whether the calendar was correct or not is not as important as it was the “Authorized” one that Yeshua was on.

    • @XavierPutnam
      @XavierPutnam 4 месяца назад +1

      Yep. Nice. Eddie brushes this point aside when someone brings it up in the previous video, at around 2:14:40-46. He claims that appealing to this text is starting from the "wrong premise." In other words, he has shoehorned his entire view through his incorrect interpretation of Ezekiel 44's statement about the Sons of Zadok. He said that we have to show him his premise is wrong.

    • @grcleve7053
      @grcleve7053 2 месяца назад

      ​@elizabethprov2894 👍💯

  • @netsiteing
    @netsiteing 6 месяцев назад +6

    There doesn’t appear to be condemnation of first century calendar by the Messiah or Apostles/Disciples, and no writings by them appear to suggest issues on the calendar that Jews kept at the time. With later dispersion and Sanhedrin accepting the developed Hillel II reckoning, if the Temple services were reinstated now, which calendar would Israel be keeping?

    • @benjuhl9069
      @benjuhl9069 5 месяцев назад +1

      If Yeshua was keeping a different calendar than the Pharisees were (which I believe he was), does that indicate condemnation, acceptance, or ?? I suspect you already have an idea about that. But if you are actually asking Eddie or the Berean group what calendar the temple services will follow, then I think you are trying to bait somebody.

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 5 месяцев назад +6

      The Pharisees DID keep a "different" calendar...
      They kept a different calendar than the Sadducees...
      The Pharisees kept the "Passover" on the 15th Day of the Month and they referred to the ACTUAL Passover as the "Day of Preparation"...
      The Sadducees kept the Passover on the CORRECT and Biblical 14th Day of the Month...
      What I have just stated is verifiable and historical fact...
      This is one of the reasons why Yeshua condemned them for keeping the "traditions of men" making void the Commandments of GOD...
      I wholeheartedly disagree with this teaching that is spreading like a cancer and WILL ABSOLUTELY cause even more division in the Body of Messiah...
      It is err and most of the "Facts" are grounded in the Non Canonical Apocrypha Books that produce the same deluded concepts such as the "Lunar Sabbath" and belief in "Flat Earth"...

    • @JeffAmos-p7r
      @JeffAmos-p7r 4 месяца назад +1

      Yeshua will set everything straight when He returns and appoints His priests.

    • @michmouth
      @michmouth 4 месяца назад +1

      Great video by kingdom in context , Waht calendar did ancient Israel keep.

    • @michmouth
      @michmouth 4 месяца назад +1

      @@benjuhl9069 Yeshua kept the Zadok calendar and the one where he lived - kind of like we live on the Gregorian in our jobs but a different one for religious observances.

  • @danwilliams1700
    @danwilliams1700 4 месяца назад +7

    The humble seeker after truth must not have a knee-jerk reaction to this teaching. Understandably, those who have closed the door on this new revelation don't want to upset that which has been taught and handed down for generations. As an observation, everyone that I have seen who are understanding and receiving the Zadokite Calendar are very humble and loving. The condemning, critical, and angry voices seem to be coming from those who do not want to research this.

    • @hiswordheals7677
      @hiswordheals7677 4 месяца назад

      That isn't true... I'm not angry and all of our posts have been respectful and factual. Actually your post seems to be one of the few who attack the character of those with opposing viewpoints. We've researched it extensively and have 3 messages posted on our website regarding this topic full of FACTS and SCRIPTURE. It would be good for those of you who are following popular leaders without doing research and listening to opposing studies to do so. Respectfully posted, Shalom. His Word Heals DOT com

    • @RahabScarletCord
      @RahabScarletCord 4 месяца назад


    • @BereanEchad
      @BereanEchad  3 месяца назад +1

      Thank you for the comment. We are looking for people who would be interested in a peer review group. Please watch the following video with a recommendations and an invite.ruclips.net/video/PSKALOzJe-Y/видео.htmlsi=pVrLvAd4vUTsDdt4

    • @BereanEchad
      @BereanEchad  3 месяца назад

      Thank you for the comment. We are looking for people who would be interested in a peer review group. Please watch the following video with a recommendations and an invite.ruclips.net/video/PSKALOzJe-Y/видео.htmlsi=pVrLvAd4vUTsDdt4

  • @KatrinaTahar
    @KatrinaTahar 6 месяцев назад +6


  • @AlephTavWay
    @AlephTavWay 6 месяцев назад +12

    Thanks for your faithfulness to show us truth

  • @GregAuman-wv5wv
    @GregAuman-wv5wv 3 месяца назад +1

    Let's take another angle here in this calendar. I think we all agree that Yeshua died and that he was in the ground 3 days and 3 nights. That's pretty foundational. The questions is what is the state of a person once that person has been risen after death. Is that person clean or unclean? Do they need to go somewhere or perform a cleansing process? If Yeshua is our example and he is our first fruits then John chapter 20 sums it up pretty clearly that he arose that first day of the week and then went to heaven and then returned that same day. He breaths the Holy Spirit on them that day not 8 days later as is claimed by some. Look at all the people that Yeshua rose from the dead. Did they need to go somewhere to be cleansed? What about all the people that touched these people after they arose. Remember they are not dead now they have risen. How about Lazarus, or the daughter of Jarius. Luke 7:11-16, Mark 5:21-43, Matthew 9:18-26, Luke 8:40-56, John 11:1-44. What about all the healing he did as well like the lepper in Mark 1:40-45. They were healed and cleansed instantly. Like the scripture says. We will be raised in an instant in the twinkling of an eye. 1st Corinthians 15:52. These people he raised and healed did not have to go anywhere to be cleansed after being raised or healed. Yeshua is our example of being raised and cleansed that same day he arose. No way that the father would not have excepted him and then give him the power to breath the Holy Spirit on all disciples except Thomas that happed 8 days later. Number 19 that the Zadok calendar believes that Yeshua being a high priest had to go to be cleansed for 7 days. That is taken out of context. He died but was not dead at the time they claim. This scripture is about touching someone dead at that time. Not someone who was dead and is now alive. This waiting for unleavened bread to be over and waiting till the next Sabbath for first fruits is not correct teaching. No extra books are needed to prove this out. Scripture does that all by itself. I have been communicating with other Zadok calendar keeping groups that have been keeping this calendar for years and once I present what is above they quit communicating. I wonder why?

  • @carramrod95
    @carramrod95 5 месяцев назад +7

    Our congregation near Summerville SC is also keeping this Calendar. We are starting our third year.

  • @GregAuman-wv5wv
    @GregAuman-wv5wv 4 месяца назад +1

    Scripture should be the way we resolve anything correct? Lets see if you have eyes to see and ears to hear. Using scripture only! Acts 1 verse 3 says Christ was with us for 40 days before ascending to heaven. Do you deny that? Counting the Omer is one of the most profound ways he instructs us to count. The Zadok calendar starts counting the Omer on the 14th day. That is 12 days past Passover. How do you get 3 days and 3 nights out of that? The Gospels tell us he was in the ground for 3 days and 3 nights. If he is our Passover lamb and we except that he died and rose 3 days later no mater where you want to put the numbers you can't get 3 days and 3 nights out of the start counting the Omer on the 14th. I don't know why people will not just read John chapter 20 all of it but main focus is verse 19. He arose after 3 days and 3 nights. He appeared to the disciples that same day but later that day. The biggest part of this is he breathed the holy spirit on them that day. All disciples but Thomas was there. He came back 8 days later to meet with Thomas. You don't start counting the Omer unless you deny he is our Lord 12 days later. He did not go to heaven for 7 days to be cleansed as the Zadok group teaches. Scripture says he breathed the Holy Spirit on them that day but later that day. He had to be an approved Messiah in order to give anyone the Holy Spirit. Counting the Omer in our family allows us to experience the blessings of who we say our God is. We claim to know that he was in the ground 3 days and 3 nights as the word of God says. he arose on the 3rd day according to the Gospels. This is day one of counting the Omer according to Lev 23:9, 10,11 and Duet 16:9,10,11,12. It says nothing about waiting 12 days. It clearly says in Lev 23:11 that you are to wave the Sheaf the day after the Sabbath so it will be excepted on your behalf. He was approved on the 3rd day according to John 20:19. Lets focus now and Read verse 22. He breathed the Holy spirit on the disciples. This is an approved Messiah. At least my approved Messiah. By the way, Eddie did say that we are in Babylon if we don't follow this Zadok teaching. Maybe not on this site but other sites. I will stay with scripture and scripture only. I can find all the answers without going to these other books. The only way you can get the teachings the Zadok way is to use these other books. There is not enough in scripture alone to come to the Zadok ways. Even though Eddie has a lot of teachings on this subject, you can see a lot of assumptions on his teachings that the Lord does not say is so according to his word. You can get there however if you add these other books. I don't need to add what these other books say to allow me to know what God says. He gave me the Holy Spirit as well and I do know how to listen and follow his ways. A good way to know a counterfeit is to just study the real word of God. Even the governments of this world do that to catch counterfeit money. They study the real deal and when a fake comes along you can easily point out the errors.

  • @bonniehamann5896
    @bonniehamann5896 4 месяца назад +1

    Isn't coming out of Babylon what Terah, Abraham's Father was told? He made it as far as Haran but was already on his way to Canaan.

  • @daxfitzgerald8847
    @daxfitzgerald8847 2 месяца назад +1

    My Father made the clock in the heaven.

  • @hernandez-yanezboldvoyager2623
    @hernandez-yanezboldvoyager2623 4 месяца назад +2

    May God bless you and empower you even more, amen! Subscribed.

  • @XavierPutnam
    @XavierPutnam 4 месяца назад +1

    Starting at 1:35:00, someone from the crowd logically asks, following Eddie's premises, shouldn't we look at pseudo-Enoch and Jubilees as authoritative if Qumran did? (we shouldn't, obviously, but using Eddie's own logic, we should). He thankfully stops short of calling them scripture. But why? If the so-called (false) Sons of Zadok at Qumran rule in controversies (Eze. 44), and accept these books, which are controversial today, then why not accept them as well?
    Eddie is totally inconsistent here. I'm glad though, because the alternative is accepting these Jewish fables as scripture.

    • @BereanEchad
      @BereanEchad  3 месяца назад

      Thank you, for the insightful comment. Please watch the following video with an invitation for a peer review group.ruclips.net/video/PSKALOzJe-Y/видео.htmlsi=pVrLvAd4vUTsDdt4

  • @His1355
    @His1355 5 месяцев назад +5

    A guy online called John speaks about intercalation being done by picturing a Menorah with 7 lamps. With the 4th lamp being like the 4th gate- the Great Gate- Our Great High Priest, and so at the time of the equinox it’s like a pendulum that swings back to the closest 4th day. ( which is the middle of the week, the middle of the Menorah, which is who? Our Messiah. Everything comes back to Him.

    • @inapretorius4792
      @inapretorius4792 5 месяцев назад +2

      Thank Abba so much for this teaching... thank you Eddie .... this confirm hesitation on the Biblical/Jewish calender... just note as i wrote info down... on 46:44 > speaking about the new moons on what days for 2nd batch of months is 2, 5, 8(not 7), 11. (just for notification)
      With much love -
      May יהוה bless and keep us all.

  • @davegreen8915
    @davegreen8915 День назад

    Wondering how this affects the year of Jubilees? how many have occurred and where are we in the count?

  • @bowman826
    @bowman826 6 месяцев назад +16

    My family does the priestly zadok calendar and we absolutely love it.

    • @ginasparks7669
      @ginasparks7669 5 месяцев назад +4

      We've kept the Zadok Priesthood calendar since 2007 it's so amazing seeing so many people coming to the knowledge in these last days! Praise yah!!

    • @carramrod95
      @carramrod95 5 месяцев назад +4

      Our congregation near Summerville SC is also keeping this Calendar. We are starting our third year.

    • @GregAuman-wv5wv
      @GregAuman-wv5wv 4 месяца назад +2

      @@carramrod95 How do you get 3 days and 3 nights when the Zadok ways start counting the Omer on the 14th day after Passover? This does not fit the scripture. Read John chapter 20: 19 and focus in on verse 22. He was an approved Messiah after 3 days and 3 nights. That is when you start counting the Omer not 12 days later. Read Lev 23 and Duet 16.

    • @RebelPilgrimLife
      @RebelPilgrimLife 4 месяца назад +1

      @@GregAuman-wv5wvhe wasn’t yet waved on thenSunday they went to the tomb because they couldn’t touch him…then the next Sunday, Thomas was able to touch his wounds

    • @XavierPutnam
      @XavierPutnam 3 месяца назад

      @@RebelPilgrimLife Then your family is deceived.

  • @gordonteats298
    @gordonteats298 5 месяцев назад +6

    No such thing as the book of Enoch, it was junk then and now

    • @RiëttaduToit
      @RiëttaduToit 16 дней назад +1

      That is a Roman Chatolic mindset. And thats fine, if that works for you.

  • @danwilliams1700
    @danwilliams1700 5 месяцев назад +20

    We have been keeping this calendar for several years now. Thank you Eddie for your boldness in coming out with the truth about this calendar. Excellent teaching. We highly recommend!

    • @JeffAmos-p7r
      @JeffAmos-p7r 4 месяца назад +1

      So who are you going to follow when a correction has to be made since they have nothing in the DDS instructing on how to do that?

    • @XavierPutnam
      @XavierPutnam 4 месяца назад

      @@JeffAmos-p7r I don't think you'll get a good answer to that good question.

    • @SetApartSoldiers
      @SetApartSoldiers 3 месяца назад +1

      Good to know my brother just started since before Passover . It's actually such a blessing and a relief.

    • @ChesterThoede
      @ChesterThoede Месяц назад

      Shalom Brothers and Sisters!!
      Yahuah has revealed some things with His Heavenly Signs and pray this is received in all humbleness as I know you want to keep Yahuahs Sabbath Covenant Calendar.
      Those that use the luminarie signs such as the equinox or moon phase to set “their” religious feasts by will be worshipping with the nations as the sun, moon signs were given to the nations as stated in Deut 4:19. If you want to be counted/judged with the nations, please feel free to use/worship on their calendars.
      To be counted under Yahuahs Sabbath Covenant and Abrahams Seed and Heirs according to His Promises - then we must worship on His Sabbath Calendar which is set by time and not a luminary sign.
      Yahuah told us His True Calendar start and the number of days in it just recently.
      The April 8 th eclipse sign is the beginning and end of His Sabbath Covenant Calendar Year. 4/8 is the first day of spring (adjusted from the false date of 3/21 due to the calendar reform in 1582). From 4/8 one year to 4/8 the next year is 364 days long and fits neatly in a 365.25 day solar civil year. The calendar repeats for 5-6 years without interruption and then Yahuah gives us a week break- a “spring” break before His Worship Calendar starts again.
      Abib 1 is the first Wednesday on/after 4/8 as the luminaries were made on the 4th day.
      No sighting of any moon phase or equinox is needed as long as the civil time keeping solar calendar dates are not reformed again.
      We are only told to “guard” the month of Abib-not all 12 months with moon sightings which is arbitrary depending on time and location. Imagine such confusion having to look for a moon every month!?! I have tried it and it is frustrating and not found in scripture anywhere.
      The equinox is a sign spring is coming but it just turned in the third gate and still has two weeks to go. This is also a difficult sign for one to measure.
      Trust the 4/8 sign Yahuah gave us and not man’s doctrines/teaching of sighting moons and straight shadows that are elusive and hardly verified by anyone with any degree of accuracy.
      Yahuahs Calendar only requires knowing the civil date of spring. Abib 1 is the first Wednesday on/after 4/8 and then count from 1 to 364. The 7th day Sabbath is Saturday and all other Sabbaths will be found throughout scripture including the removed books. It is His Covenant and is all over scripture. The 4 added days are seasonal marker days added by Noah and approved by Yahuah as stated in His Word.
      His Calendar has no confusion and is so easy even a child can learn/count it- Teach us to number our days and Guard the month of Abib.
      All praises to The Most High! We are to Repent of false worship and worship with Yahuah on His Sabbaths which are below…and then keep counting.
      Feast of New Oil- 9/29
      Trumpets- 10/9
      Atonement- 10/18
      Sukkot - 10/23-30
      Hanukkah - 1/1/25-1/8/25
      (how many are celebrating something else on this 1/1 Sabbath day?!?)
      All praises to The Most High for revealing His Sabbath Covenant for those with eyes to see and ears to hear!!

    • @KatrinaTahar
      @KatrinaTahar 8 дней назад

      Those days are way off ​@@ChesterThoede

  • @jenniferheath4844
    @jenniferheath4844 5 месяцев назад +1

    Tekufah - 4 Quarters of Year in Enoch Calendar: ruclips.net/video/DFLLaF832ng/видео.html

  • @donettecabrera7493
    @donettecabrera7493 8 дней назад

    One interesting thing I have observe in fellowship with both believers thatbobserve Daystart at sunrise and other that observe Daystart at sunset is thier Feasts endvup being celebrated duringvthecsame Daylight. Note, sunset was not observed until after Babylonian captivity. Even Josephus and many secular historians point this out. And YHWH commandsvthe Day and Night ate to be separate.

  • @dianefaust6218
    @dianefaust6218 8 дней назад

    Thank you, Eddie. Shabbat shalom. ❤

  • @monikasandner8677
    @monikasandner8677 Месяц назад

    Jewish authority, priestly authority - I thought Yeshua handed over authority to Peter.

  • @SetApartSoldiers
    @SetApartSoldiers 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank you my brother Eddie Chumney. Continued prayers for you and your ministry. 🖖✝️

  • @daxfitzgerald8847
    @daxfitzgerald8847 2 месяца назад

    My comment below, i meant, the clock in Heaven might be a bit off cause of sins...it was good in the begining

  • @dsouder59
    @dsouder59 6 месяцев назад +4

    The answer to your first question by your in-house expert was incorrect. The “front end” equinox group generally starts the year on the fourth day of the week, the Wednesday following the equinox, for on the fourth day, the sun, moon and stars were created. In my opinion, that is the correct start of the priestly calendar.

    • @BereanEchad
      @BereanEchad  6 месяцев назад +2

      Thank you for your comment. We simply hosted Eddie and shared his presentation here. You can contact him through his website: hebroots.com
      We also hope to present more information on this subject and also have a venue to address other subjects in the future.

    • @Zion-jw3gm
      @Zion-jw3gm 6 месяцев назад +2

      Correction, it's not "generally" but always the year begins on the 4th Day as you correctly pointed out on the (Wednesday) after the equiniox.
      There is a nuance however, what if the equinox falls on the Wednesday, do you begin your year count at that time or do you wait for the following Wednesday?
      I won't awnser that question but leave it for each one to do their research.

    • @Zion-jw3gm
      @Zion-jw3gm 6 месяцев назад +2

      Always remember its a agricultural and priestly calendar focused on heavenly times. Don't mix the roman/jewish/babylonia calendars created of earthly means to understand heavenly things.

  • @daxfitzgerald8847
    @daxfitzgerald8847 2 месяца назад

    but it might be off a bit cause of sins, im mot sure, But it was good in the begining

  • @tarahall7964
    @tarahall7964 2 месяца назад

    Adjusting the calendar before the Zadok priesthood is restored (Eze 45) is putting the horse in front of the cart. We do not have the legal authority to make such changes, no more than we can change the speed limit on a highway just because people used to driver faster on that particular road. Any changes must be vetted through the legislative process, which will occur when the Messiah returns. Otherwise, we just have confusion, which is not of God.

    • @tarafox6618
      @tarafox6618 12 дней назад

      So we just follow Babylonian Talmudic Judaism?

  • @michaelfoster8530
    @michaelfoster8530 5 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you for this video. I have been following a Ministry for the last 4 months, that have been preaching, "Come out of her my People." To come out of Babylon. Then for my first Passover I realize that they are following the Babylonian Lunar Calendar. Quite hypocritical.

    • @gretchenohnstad7054
      @gretchenohnstad7054 4 месяца назад +1

      Please be kind and humble. Extend grace and mercy. Everyone is on a journey. This is your first Pesach. Maturity is essential. Blessings.

    • @gregauman313
      @gregauman313 4 месяца назад

      Every religion uses come out Babylon. Eddie and all these hacks that are misleading people do not have the authority. Duet4:2 Rev 22:18. All they are doing is bringing the word down to these books. Should be ashamed of themselves. Lev 15 and 16 talk about Aaron's sons and what happened to them when they tried to change things. Jubilees also says anyone who fasts on a Sabbath is worthy of death. Well the Lord and Moses fasted for 40 days. I think there must of been a Sabbath in that 40 days somewhere? Read just the word and allow God's spirit to speak to you only and quit listening to these people who are proven hacks of God. They have no peir review of any value.

    • @JeffAmos-p7r
      @JeffAmos-p7r 4 месяца назад

      Come out of her my people refers to the end time. I found Salvation here in Babylon. We should shine the Light while we are here. Jeremiah teaches us to live in exile until it’s time to go home.

  • @wwb1958
    @wwb1958 6 месяцев назад +4

    Thank you Eddie! HalleluYAH!
    I know intercalation is still a big argument within Zadok Priestly Calendar circles. You may want to explore the Menorah method of keeping the new year regulated perfectly and perpetually.
    The servant lamp marks the Vernal Equinox, and the branches point to the nearest Day 4 (Wed), either forward or backward.
    This allows the 364 day cycle to be fixed and regulated perfectly and perpetually within the annual 365-66 day solar cycle.

    • @BereanEchad
      @BereanEchad  6 месяцев назад +4

      Thank you for your comment - the Menorah method does seem like something we should look into.
      We simply hosted Eddie and shared his presentation here. You can contact him through his website: hebroots.com
      We also hope to present more information on this subject and also have a venue to address other subjects in the future.

    • @ginasparks7669
      @ginasparks7669 5 месяцев назад +3

      We do the menorah method and because it stays in line with the sun moon and stars believe it is the best method after studying all the evidence. 😊

    • @hebraicroots
      @hebraicroots 2 месяца назад

      The Third Ruling is
      EXODUS 13:10
      Then you shall have kept this statute at its appointed time from days to days
      The Second Ruling is
      EXODUS 22:29
      Your bounty and your pressings YOU SHALL NOT DELAY TO OFFER
      The third rule is:
      Exodus 23:14
      Three feasts by foot you shall keep for me in the year
      Please note Exo 23:14
      I From this it may be inferred that Passover may be no later than it must be according to the other two rules. There is a rule that the first crop shall not be consumed until the 16th day of the first month (cf. Lev. 23:14). There are also commandments to love mercy and justice. Delaying Passover farther than the first two rules require would also contradict these two additional rules as it would deprive the poor and needy or those short of stored food the use of the new crop at the soonest possible time.

    • @donettecabrera7493
      @donettecabrera7493 8 дней назад

      Yes ! I haven't heard it called the Menorah method, but that is how we keep the 1st day as the Wednesday closest to the Equinox. My family has been keeping this calendar since 2015 but we're blessed to be in fellowship with others who have kept it for 40+ years. I first learned of this calendar from a study of thev66 books. Here are several reasons for that interpretation: 1. An internal group on FB has been tracking the physical visual observance of the sun/moon/equinox for years as well as using solaria to look at hundreds of years past and present and this "closest Wednesday" has stayed on track.
      2. The Qumran group recorded both a solar calendar with Feast and Sabbath occurrences PLUS a Mion observation calendar which indicates by the Full moon in the quinox week, which years resulted in a 7 day intercalation on 5th or 8th year as per Enoch.
      3. Enoch says do not fall too far past or before the start of the year. If Aviv 1 was always after equinox that verse would be superfluous.
      I am really excited that Lion and Lamb is successfully transitioning to Zadok, yet disappointed we will celebrate a week apart next year. I will continue to pray on this matter fir discernment, revelation and unity for all of us.

  • @RahabScarletCord
    @RahabScarletCord 4 месяца назад +4

    We are following the true calendar, the Zadok calendar, for more than 8 years!
    Thank you Mr. Chumney!
    The Ruach is sifting the goats from the sheep mightily these days❤

    • @BereanEchad
      @BereanEchad  3 месяца назад +1

      Thank you, for the comment. Please watch the following video with an invite.

    • @SetApartSoldiers
      @SetApartSoldiers 3 месяца назад +1

      Likewise and Amen.

    • @Damian05660
      @Damian05660 3 месяца назад +1

      Shalom brother .
      Can I get your understanding on the intercalation at the end of the 6 years?

    • @SetApartSoldiers
      @SetApartSoldiers 2 месяца назад

      @@Damian05660 ruclips.net/video/6mF1wDwncKw/видео.htmlsi=nUEMuD6iSmyuvy2C

  • @michmouth
    @michmouth 4 месяца назад +2

    Go to Hebrew professor Rachel Elior’s lecture at Chicago University about the Dead Sea scrolls - she is who teaches the true origins of the Dead Sea scrolls- it’s not what the world told us but they were the exiled and killed Zadok priests. The history that was hidden from us for 2200 years that needs to be understood. It’s will be an eye opener. I promise.

    • @hiswordheals7677
      @hiswordheals7677 4 месяца назад

      While you are there check out the rest of Rachel Elior's lectures... on Jewish Kabbalah, Spiritism and more! Her thoughts on the DSS are controversial even in scholarly circles and she certainly is not a believer in Y'shua. Accept her teachings for informational purposes only and do your own research by also checking out opposing views.

  • @dsouder59
    @dsouder59 6 месяцев назад +1

    I would love to make a donation for the slides that you used to do your presentation. Would that be possible?

    • @BereanEchad
      @BereanEchad  6 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for your comment. We simply hosted Eddie and shared his presentation here. You can donate to him through his website and contact him to potentially get his slides: hebroots.com
      However, if you are unable to get a response, you can contact us at Grijalva.Moises@gmail.com and I can provide the slides.

    • @benjuhl9069
      @benjuhl9069 5 месяцев назад

      I had the exact same thought. They were hard to see clearly in the video...

    • @rocdajacable
      @rocdajacable 5 месяцев назад

      Usually it's all free on his site

  • @bonniehamann5896
    @bonniehamann5896 4 месяца назад

    Wouldn't that calendar actually go back to the time of Adam in Genesis 2 ('eth-' Ha'adham in Hebrew) not the same as the Adam in Genesis 1.
    This explains how Cain and Abel knew when to do the 1st fruit sacrifices.

  • @jenniferheath4844
    @jenniferheath4844 5 месяцев назад +1

    They did find Esther in the Dead Sea Scrolls, even with some candy

    • @JeffAmos-p7r
      @JeffAmos-p7r 4 месяца назад

      Ha ha

    • @jenniferheath4844
      @jenniferheath4844 4 месяца назад

      @@JeffAmos-p7r it's amazing how many mockers are out there, isn't it?

    • @JeffAmos-p7r
      @JeffAmos-p7r 4 месяца назад

      @@jenniferheath4844 what do you mean?

    • @michmouth
      @michmouth 4 месяца назад +1

      They didn’t find Esther which makes it questionable.

  • @RogerFranklin-lf8ib
    @RogerFranklin-lf8ib 4 месяца назад

    Such a mixture of opinions, it is difficult discern the Truth. I wonder what it would mean if the Babylonian calender came from the influence of the Melchezedeks Adam to Abraham. Rather than Judah getting a calender from Babylon. I tend to believe God's establishing the first of the year with Moses , directed when the Holy Days fell the rest of the year. I like how the Barley ripeness , for the First Fruits offering, was a continuous witness every year, for establishing Holy and Feast days. References Ive had says that about two years out of seven, Barley was not yet ready, the additional month was added. Mathematically, when the 50th year Jubilee was observed, God had already provided for the provisions for that year.

    • @BereanEchad
      @BereanEchad  3 месяца назад

      Thanks for the comment. Please watch the following video with an invitation.ruclips.net/video/PSKALOzJe-Y/видео.htmlsi=pVrLvAd4vUTsDdt4

  • @wendyrussell8982
    @wendyrussell8982 5 месяцев назад

    Intercallation is not done according to Enoch. Equinox is the 1st day of the year. 1st Enoch mentions and names day 365 and day 366 every 4 years. Helo Yasef and Asfa'el which basically mean El has added or augmented. So it is a 364 day calender fitting on top of the solar year. 1:43:38

    • @BereanEchad
      @BereanEchad  3 месяца назад

      Thank you for the comment. We are looking for people who would be interested in a peer review group. Please watch the following video with a recommendations and an invite.ruclips.net/video/PSKALOzJe-Y/видео.htmlsi=pVrLvAd4vUTsDdt4

  • @vickivanneste4583
    @vickivanneste4583 4 месяца назад

    So when will Shavuot occur this year?

  • @joancalantjis644
    @joancalantjis644 4 месяца назад

    Thank you. Question..who developed the concept of 364days per year?

    • @XavierPutnam
      @XavierPutnam 4 месяца назад

      These heretics at Qumran may have developed it. If not, they popularized it.

    • @michmouth
      @michmouth 4 месяца назад

      It was taught and Given by and angel to Enoch

    • @hiswordheals7677
      @hiswordheals7677 4 месяца назад

      @@michmouth Supposedly and maybe... who knows but that was before Torah, before the flood, and before Y'shua IF IT WAS INDEED WRITTEN BY the actual Enoch and not in the couple centuries BC as many scholars think. Too many unknowns to supersede scripture.

  • @harrykimerdman2659
    @harrykimerdman2659 6 месяцев назад


  • @davidvaldez3604
    @davidvaldez3604 5 месяцев назад +4

    I am glad to see the that YHVH is bring people to the real appointed times starting with the 4th day of creation when the sun moon and stars where appointed for days, and years,
    love the perfect calendar 364.

    • @JeffAmos-p7r
      @JeffAmos-p7r 4 месяца назад +2

      If the sun was created on the 4th day then why do you count the first, second, and third day of creation leading up to the seventh day sabbath, without the sun the first three days?You didn’t count the first, second, and third days of creation leading up to the fourth day which you say is the first day of the month ? And then you never use the moon for anything ever again. How can the moon be a sign of the seasons Moedim if you don’t use it? “He made the moon for the seasons; The sun knows the place of its setting.”
      ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭104‬:‭19‬ ‭

  • @mirelac8507
    @mirelac8507 4 месяца назад +1

    Finally someone says something about the false calendar! Except that every month has 30 days and the 5/6 days at the end of the year are not counted in the year and are called the days of nothing! Even Job asked God that his birthday may be one of the days not counted in the year!!!!

  • @michmouth
    @michmouth 4 месяца назад +1

    If you want to learn more of 364 go to discussion 364 day calendar kingdom in context

    • @BereanEchad
      @BereanEchad  3 месяца назад

      Thank you, for the comment. Please watch this video with an invite. ruclips.net/video/PSKALOzJe-Y/видео.htmlsi=pVrLvAd4vUTsDdt4

  • @lisalaney42
    @lisalaney42 6 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you Eddie!

  • @qadashayamofyasharal
    @qadashayamofyasharal 5 месяцев назад +1

    Shalum, I used to follow the zadok calendar, but there are a few issues. Please seek this out with me and let us reason together. 1st 364 days is the length of each year in ALL of our generations (Enoch 72, Jubliees 6). The pattern of 7 is established in Genesis 1 by The Most High, and cannot be broken (6 days you shall labor and the 7th day you shall rest). So, every calendar being 364 days (52 weeks) perfectly divisible by 7 shall have the creation week anniversary in the 1st week of every year. Now, we will see that the desire to keep a "saturday" shabat has led many to break the pattern of 7 in the 1st week of their calendars (including the zadokite calendar). Further moons are for the marking of seasons in months 1,4,7, & 10 (Jubilees 6). I have a playlist on my channel and would ask any and all of you to test it and come and reason with me, thank you (tadah rabah) and Shalum Shalum 🙌👑💛

    • @qadashayamofyasharal
      @qadashayamofyasharal 5 месяцев назад

      WITH REGARDS TO INTERCALATION (sp) would you think it possible that on the 7th year...they took 7 days off. this fits the pattern of the jubilee as well right. Thank You :).

    • @HAChrist
      @HAChrist 4 месяца назад +1

      Shalum, I'm not following, how does it break the 7-day weekly cycle? RE: Zadok calendar, since it purported to always start on Wednesday and Saturday is designated as Shabbat.

    • @qadashayamofyasharal
      @qadashayamofyasharal 4 месяца назад

      @@HAChrist if Wednesday is day 1 then Saturday is day 4 correct?

    • @HAChrist
      @HAChrist 4 месяца назад

      @@qadashayamofyasharal I don't follow it; however, in their interpretation Wednesday is day 4, and Saturday is on day 7. But on the outside as an observer, without interpretation, it looks like Day 1 and Day 4 for Saturday.

    • @qadashayamofyasharal
      @qadashayamofyasharal 4 месяца назад +1

      @@HAChrist so they begin on Day 4 but Yahuah began 3 days earlier. Thats my point exactly 💯. Did Yahuah make a mistake? BY NO MEANS. Did the 7th day change? NEVER!!!.
      The pagan Wednesday is the 7th day based on Enoch 72 and Yarushalam, where Yahuah has placed HIS name. HallaluYAHUAH 🙌 👑 💛

  • @alisas0214
    @alisas0214 4 месяца назад +1

    Very good info! Great presentation

    • @JeffAmos-p7r
      @JeffAmos-p7r 4 месяца назад +1

      Opinion conjecture guesswork. Definitely not enough information to change my position on the calendar issue. Who is going to determine the one and a quarter day correction? Eddie is at least honest about what he doesn’t know, which turns out to be quite extensive.

    • @JeffAmos-p7r
      @JeffAmos-p7r 4 месяца назад +1

      God has not recognized the Zadok priesthood yet. He will in the future according to Ezekiel 44

    • @alisas0214
      @alisas0214 4 месяца назад

      @@JeffAmos-p7r there are others who follow this calendar who have great info on the 4 intercalary days that are added. Check out my house ministries presentations they have done at various places. You can find them on RUclips and hanging on his word is another channel that has done research and study on it as well

    • @alisas0214
      @alisas0214 4 месяца назад

      @@JeffAmos-p7r I would say that it’s already done because time isn’t the same for us as it is for Yahweh so they are established from what I read. Just not on earth at this time in our linear timeline

  • @johnjones8112
    @johnjones8112 5 месяцев назад +1

    Respectfully, few claiming the Zadok calendar are doing it. I have tried for years, and know different versions.
    Last week, after fasting and praying, HE gave it to me. And when I saw it on paper I immediately had to look away in reverence, as though I had seen HIS face.
    Keep studying folks... but be prepared to realize the perfect law of the CREATOR is too great for a human to perceive... as though HE stepped out on a cloud HIMSELF.
    Keep fighting for truth, but also cling to the WORDS sacrifice.

    • @tonydileo1756
      @tonydileo1756 5 месяцев назад

      What did he reveal to you ..??

    • @johnjones8112
      @johnjones8112 5 месяцев назад +2

      How the luminaries work and the numbers enoch gave us make sense. It's essentially pi in the sky. So just like the number pi, most look at a long strings of never ending integers and think "that's cool", but the people who want perfection literally go crazy like in the movie "pi"

    • @tonydileo1756
      @tonydileo1756 5 месяцев назад

      @@johnjones8112 I’m not sure that I follow. But I think you’re right that people are driving themselves crazy trying to find a “perfect” pattern, at least what we tend to think is perfect

    • @johnjones8112
      @johnjones8112 5 месяцев назад

      @tonydileo1756 the spring of 1938 appears to have been the start ofa shemitah, and the spring of 1939 the start of a jubilee, and a very significant one... possibly the 4th jubilee in a count of 7 jubilees... this means 2001 and 2008 were also shemitahs, as the financial stuff seems to verify. The heavens also seem to indicate an ongoing 50 year count, despite jubilees being 49 years apart, but is like the thing that then makes the count to every 500 years division of the 1000 year heavenly day/night halves.
      If even some of this makes sense to you, hope it helps. Shalum

    • @johnjones8112
      @johnjones8112 5 месяцев назад

      Sorry I can't give more details but I only went back 100-120 years and it took me three days... but it clearly shows the 10/20/perfect count of the moon, the ongoing 364, etc.
      If YAHUAH ever says, I will share, but not until and only if I can do so anonymously somehow because HIS truth is HIS, not ours to profit on or claim.
      Have a good weekend.

  • @JeffAmos-p7r
    @JeffAmos-p7r 4 месяца назад

    Eddie I think you are mixed up. Are you Babylonian?

    • @RahabScarletCord
      @RahabScarletCord 3 месяца назад +1

      Hmmm....stop pointing fingers (also based on your other comments on this thread) and study for yourself...including the Torah.
      You are judgemental with no evidence. That is illegal in the kingdom according to the Torah

  • @MrTurkeybreath
    @MrTurkeybreath 5 месяцев назад

    Does the passover on Zadok calander match up with the passover of Yeshua's death?

    • @HAChrist
      @HAChrist 5 месяцев назад

      It really depends what year they believe the crucifixion occurred. There's only one year that fits and if they pick the wrong year, then the Zadok calendar is invalid. If they're smart, they'll just pick the year with the least amount of contention. But the masses won't know otherwise, just like the Roman CCurch got away with the 33AD, since you had to be a mathematician to call them out on that date. Satan rules by subterfuge and small white lies.

    • @thechakkim7993
      @thechakkim7993 4 месяца назад

      No it does not.

    • @XavierPutnam
      @XavierPutnam 4 месяца назад +2

      No, it does not. This calendar is unscriptural.

    • @michmouth
      @michmouth 4 месяца назад +2

      Check out Avi ben Mordachi’s passion week podcast - this will show you the two concurrent calendars used in Yeshua’s time.

    • @hiswordheals7677
      @hiswordheals7677 4 месяца назад

      @@michmouth I tried to listen to it but way too much scriptural gymnastics to get to where he wants you to go. Y'shua doesn't even resurrect on the Feast of First Fruits as the first fruits of the dead as scripture clearly says He did...

  • @sonjamoore4735
    @sonjamoore4735 6 месяцев назад +4

    Jubilees and Enoch is Torah, Test and prove out❣

    • @rocdajacable
      @rocdajacable 5 месяцев назад

      The Enoch we have is fake

    • @thechakkim7993
      @thechakkim7993 4 месяца назад

      I did test it out and found out they are false books. The book of Enoch says that Enoch is the promised Messiah that will save the world 😆

    • @rocdajacable
      @rocdajacable 4 месяца назад +1

      False empirical evidence against Enoch is overwhelming

    • @GregAuman-wv5wv
      @GregAuman-wv5wv 4 месяца назад +1

      Look at Jubilees 50:12,13. This talks about fasting on Sabbath. Then read Exodus 34:28-35. Looks like Jubilees should be putting God and Moses to death for fasting for 40 days? Is this where you stand? These books are not even worth the paper they are written on. Try praying to the Holy Spirit to guide you and not these books. You don't need them. That is why we have the Holy Spirit.

    • @rocdajacable
      @rocdajacable 4 месяца назад

      @GregAuman-wv5wv better than that the fact are it's later period Hebrew absolutely positively established fake and added in the nonsense