This car meet was a briskets and burnouts car meet so burnouts were allowed but not aloud to do too much so that’s why it was a quick and simple burnout and yes police were aware of the meet as long as people didn’t get too crazy with them 💯 I only did it for the people there I don’t do burnouts usually for anything unless I’m racing or content so thanks
@Jerry Brown I mean ig it's not a muscle car. I'm just gonna assume u like chopstick cars with butterfly wheels that or ur a squated truck man and if that's the case ur opinion definitely doesn't matter
Absolute shit. I watched the video but didn’t see a burnout at all. Mate that was a baby powerskid. Because a burnout should be him doing doughnuts and having that street smoked up 😂
Jesus is the only way to heaven Being a good person won’t get you there “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 ESV Repent from your sin(disobedience to God) and turn to God and follow Him so that you will be saved “No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” Luke 13:3 ESV
As a mom in her Tesla plaid gaps him on accident cus she’s late to pickup the kids from soccer and that’s just a shitbox Tesla drive around cali highways trying to drag in that hellcat you will be humbled fast
These losers literally put it in park then Rev it. Then put it in drive to do a burn out. Source: my gf has a mentally challenged challenger neigbor and he does this on a daily basis. They're all attention seeking incels. He does it when he gets home from his bfs house to let everyone know he still lives with his parents at 40
Sometimes car meets are about just chatting and talking about em and just walking around with your buddies having a chill day. Doesn’t always have to be loud revving and burnouts man
Burnouts typically ruin car meets just bc then they have to be closed. If you actually liked cars you'd just enjoy them for maybe sound and look that's it
Not on a slab with with the drag coefficient of a Winnebago they aren't. Am I the only one that thinks diffusers have no place on a 4-door? Shit just looks silly, like he couldn't decide what other mods to use. "Just slap one of them diffuckyoulaters on there".
Totally agree there my dads 79 lil red express would have spun both tires for half a mile as his way of a burn out or just keep breaking until both tires are gone
I love it when people buy a car off the showroom floor and take it to car shows. Like, bro, I literally see 50 of those things a day on the street. Go buy a car that needs restoration and get your hands dirty. Them come back
This car meet was a briskets and burnouts car meet so burnouts were allowed but not aloud to do too much so that’s why it was a quick and simple burnout and yes police were aware of the meet as long as people didn’t get too crazy with them 💯 I only did it for the people there I don’t do burnouts usually for anything unless I’m racing or content so thanks
W comment
But WTF call it the "craziest burnout" when 93.3334% of the video was just him revving? LAAAAAME
@@Lions7.62mm😂😂yea still decent burnout tho he jus hyped it up to much
keep up--I sure will in my ZL1 that has tires that have full tread and a good driver that does not abuse their car
If only you spent as much time learning how to spell words and punctuate, as you have modding your car.. 🤦
That was honestly a mature burnout. You don’t see that often. Quick. Not slowing down traffic. Not causing accidents. Love it.
It’s bc the car is built to hell nd back 😂 but that was clean asf it’s definitely slowing down traffic with that smoke 🤣😁
@@Sage-cp5hh it’s not that fast fanboy
@@bstl-ryan9660 alright mr hellcats ain’t fast 😭
Probably a old white dude was driving😂
Quick simple and straight to point 😂
Now THAT is a burnout.
Get it going, get on it, and gtfod
I love the exhaust blowing all the smoke. I with you. To sit there and cook the tires is dumb. People just wanna see the smoke 😂
Exactly or at least rolling burnouts no traffic...
Went straight to the ⛽️
Fr 😂
and the dealership😂
When you got that kindve money I'm sure gas prices and mpg are the least of your worries.
@@fuqqbiden1616 it’s just a hellcat my guy he’s not rich 😂
the "K33P UPP" plate is gold
Bro I was just about to say
@@DominusMessor95 me too lol
It's also an Ohio license plate
@@forgeeternalit's also in New York City number plate
Now THAT'S a Crazy Burnout for This Charger SRT Hellcat, Hell Yeah Bro!
That mf sound good as hell
Yes but that aero on the front is terrible looking and pointless though
That do not sound good that is not a Muscle.Car😂 Sounds like one of those toys that you wind up.😂
@Jerry Brown I mean ig it's not a muscle car. I'm just gonna assume u like chopstick cars with butterfly wheels that or ur a squated truck man and if that's the case ur opinion definitely doesn't matter
Again it sounds horrible🤣
@@jerrybrown1501 again nobody asked u we think it sounds great
Idc how old I get, I probably never will stop enjoying seeing a Hellcat do a burnout.
Absolute shit. I watched the video but didn’t see a burnout at all. Mate that was a baby powerskid. Because a burnout should be him doing doughnuts and having that street smoked up 😂
Jesus is the only way to heaven
Being a good person won’t get you there
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
1 John 1:9 ESV
Repent from your sin(disobedience to God) and turn to God and follow Him so that you will be saved
“No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”
Luke 13:3 ESV
@@feetyeet8538shut up
I love the way you can see the exhaust gases cutting through the tire smoke, so f****** sweet
Bruh I love that shii
It’s all tire smoke it’s not exhaust gasses 😂😂😂
@@robcappa8632 no if you look hes talking about how the exhaust pushes the smoke as it takes off it looks bad ass like a rocket
@@4kt_38s that's exactly what I was talking about
That hellcat burnout was sick, also I love that classic Mercedes
that whine gives me goosebumps 😩
Can always tell a car enthusiast when you see one.
100% , imagine a takeover idiot with this kind of monster 😅bad day on the street
Damn right sound like he put her in 3rd
A car enthusiast doesn’t put canards on there non track car charger
@@impection7879 *Their
hes not a car enthusiast 😂😂
he just knows how to handle his car, unlike the rest of the mopar owners
Respect for not stopping anyone or endangering anyone
That Benz took all my attention 🔥🔥🔥
That license plate was tuff “ K33P UPP” 🗣️🔥
Damn that license plate is tough af..."K33P UP" 👌👌👌
Lol right?! So badass!
kinda cringe ngl id name mine something cool like h0ly since its a HELLcat i can be dat angelboy in hell or sumn sh
As a mom in her Tesla plaid gaps him on accident cus she’s late to pickup the kids from soccer and that’s just a shitbox Tesla drive around cali highways trying to drag in that hellcat you will be humbled fast
@@h3ck774 don’t think some soccer mom is gonna be in a $100,000+ car but I get what your saying 😂 Hellcat is still no joke though
Shoutout to my neighbors for overhearing me listen to cars I can’t afford 😂😂
They literally finance those dodges to anybody, go get one.......
If it’s not your time then keep positive “YOU’LL GET IT I PROMISE” HARDWORK bro
@@rexracer7192i'd rather not sign over two thirds of my income for the next ten years with a compound interest rate for that.
@@kugelblitz1557 “They’ll sign anyone go for it” is terrible advice because you’re right they’ll get you on interest
Speekers on Full bast you say make sure the doors open the Neighbors will love on you a little more😂
Mr.goddammit is on his way 😂😂
The fuck is that
You really shouldn't use the Lord's name in vain!! There's no call for it!!!
Burnouts never get old for me. 🤙🏻
Best sounding hellcat ive ever heard! I cant stop replying the end 😂
Such a nice family sedan.
2023 intrepid 😂😂
That was a really clean burnout especially the way he rolled out. Racecar driver quality.
Rolled out calm and slow asl 🤣
yeah…. no anyone who knows how to drive half decently can do a good burnout it ain’t hard
Respect to that hellcat driver for making sure he was past that OG Mercedes before doing the burnout👍🫡
So no ones gonna talk about that K33P UP plate
The VR6 Jetta at the start driving by also sounds really Good
Burnouts are soooo effortless for Hellcats 🔥💨💨
The Oldtimer Mercedes at the beginning of the clip is sooo beautiful 🥰🥰🥰
Nah that's a BMW 325i
Sounds good asf but that Mercedes at the start was toooooo clean
“Keep up” CHILLLL DAWGG😂😂😤❤️
Legend has it.. its still shreddin tires to this day😂
definition of badass right there
No one can burn out like the Aussies.
Sounds badass ❤
Dang, that engine noise on the hellcat is SO LOUD RIGHT? I love it!
That dodge sounds so good man ❤
Yo that old school Benz tho 😍
Makes the cobra look bad
I know right? I had my eyes on that too. ❤
That’s a Heritage Motors Mercedes 500k kit car from the late 80s, early 90s.
We not finna talk about that Mercedes 😍
old man cars r irrelevant
@@harrizon 🤓
That Mercedes is a Heritage Motors kit car from the early 90s. Camaro subframe and rear end.
the plate was so good I had to make it my plate in every Roblox game fricking possible
Funniest part is putting it into neutral to rev, then back into drive to move a bit forward. Then back into N. I want to see someone neutral drop.
Is that what the hell they doing lol?
These losers literally put it in park then Rev it. Then put it in drive to do a burn out.
Source: my gf has a mentally challenged challenger neigbor and he does this on a daily basis. They're all attention seeking incels. He does it when he gets home from his bfs house to let everyone know he still lives with his parents at 40
Yeah that was pretty clean. But he did burn about five gallons of gas while doing it😂😂
But? I just don’t think the owner cares about fuel consumption.
It's a muscle car dough boy
If that's the "craziest"...... that car meet was weak sauce
Sometimes car meets are about just chatting and talking about em and just walking around with your buddies having a chill day. Doesn’t always have to be loud revving and burnouts man
Burnouts typically ruin car meets just bc then they have to be closed. If you actually liked cars you'd just enjoy them for maybe sound and look that's it
@@SCOOGgr facts! ……… Hell Cats are capable of waaaaaaay more then this . Cats are street legends . Glad I got one 😂
@@SCOOGgr cole Bartlett probably drives an accord anyways
Bro probably thinks degenerates destroying their cars at "takeovers" is fun and a lot of sauce😂😂
i watched this multiple times and still aint gotten tired of it. Loved this burn out
Bro hotboxed the entire streat
That kitty sounds like it’s ripping the asphalt off the road
love it bro... it was so good seeing you at Dayton Cars And Coffee last saturday
Sounds like taco bell when im done eating
Who even eats Taco Bell 😟
Lol right thing is expensive
That was a smooth burnout not flashy not cocky but perfect display of power and beauty of that car
Hold on the first car lowkey sounded like a RB26
Damn that's a bad ass car.
call it a boat all you want but it’s still one of the best looking cars to ever be made
The Hellcat??? One of the best looking cars? Ever made??!! Just wow....
Those canards are not doing a fucking thing to help that poor hellcat
Not on a slab with with the drag coefficient of a Winnebago they aren't. Am I the only one that thinks diffusers have no place on a 4-door? Shit just looks silly, like he couldn't decide what other mods to use. "Just slap one of them diffuckyoulaters on there".
@@derekedge2089 🤣🤣🤣 righttt, nice burnout I’ll say that other than that it’s just another boat with an un educated “car enthusiast”
they really arent doing shit but bout to stab a pedestrian and prolly making his car slower
The amount of exhaust due to the Supercharger made that cat look like the driver engaged booster rockets.
We need more Dodge SRT Challenger Demons.
No the fuck we don't. That's why they're going bye bye 👋
No we don't everyone in da hood and they mom's own one🤣🤣🤣 I'm from Philly trust💯
That smoke screen 😍
Hellcats are like minivans..everybody has one with exhaust and big burnout..nothing new.
Jealous much?
He knows what’s he doing‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Bro almost died getting too close 😂
The tire is gone 😂
An Ohioan just knows this is Ohio in the first 5 seconds… that Ohioan is me 🤣‼️
You can hardly hear the supercharger, this guy spent all his money cutting the mufflers off instead of an intake and pulley.
Thats a scatpak 😂
@@jackhoff9096when u can clearly see the Hellcat badge on the side 🤦
@@SwitchVicious anyone can buy a badge and stick it on any car. Are you stupid?
@@jackhoff9096 dude no one buys a scat and puts a supercharger on it when they can just buy a hellcat
@@SwitchVicious nah its a scat with hellcat badge.. there is absolutely no supercharger noise
"yea, my car is pretty cool🗣" The car in question💀
I got you with a one time gift and one time gift only. Bless up Richie
This generation is lost , thats a normal burnout
In Australia, hes just playing around.
People truly *send it* here
Totally agree there my dads 79 lil red express would have spun both tires for half a mile as his way of a burn out or just keep breaking until both tires are gone
I use to smoke up the whole block and no one could see
Literally the npcs of car guys
Just wait until he learns about pulley swaps
You hating for no reason 😂😂😂 get off his meat
Holy shit that was a lotta smoke for how quick
That is one amazing cat right there
Pt. 2 video:
Donuts in a parking lot and slams into another car taking out 7 bystanders.
Hellcats are eventually going to get every single meet shut down
Revving the automatic lol 😂 Need attention?
Sounds like a scat I hear no whine
You gotta listen carefully
Damn that old mercedes was clean💯🔥
Dude that owns that vintage Mercedes should beat his ass for flinging gravel and molten rubber on his car.
Exactly it’s a fucking dodge you see every day on the road compared to a classic you’ll never get again
you think he’ll catch up?
People who saw the vet in the background
I do respect the driver. Was very mindful of everyone
Dang bruh this my first time seeing a hellcat burnout bro I’ve never seen that before bro🤯🤯🤯
Bro got em leg chopper 9000's on the front 🥶
The most respectful burnout I’ve ever seen must be a old guy driving 😂🤣
Bro left them in the smoke 😶🌫️ 🔥💀
damn that hellcat sounds good asf
I love it when people buy a car off the showroom floor and take it to car shows. Like, bro, I literally see 50 of those things a day on the street. Go buy a car that needs restoration and get your hands dirty. Them come back
Sick! Sounds like some exhaust work was done too.
that defuiser looks CRAZY
That hellcat had the craziest burnout that it made everyone in the world cough and made the earth filled with smoke or cloud
Nothing is as beautifull as a hellcat doing a burnout
Notice how he's hitting the gas hard as hell and still keeping the exact same speed. This drivers been around the block once or twice! 👌🤟💨💨
Bro took eat my dust to a new lvl
Oh my goodness such a mystical , beautiful, wonderful, absolute angel of a car 🔥
that burn out was amazing don't see much burn out's like this one
I absolutely love this hellcat.
Imagine having to put your shit from D to N just to rev 🤣 sounds good af tho lmao
“Lemme heat my tires rq” 🗿🍷
that exhaust tho🔥
my brother let me drive his all day today and idc what any hater says, it was the most fun day of my life. was SO fuckin fun.
That license plate though? He ain lyin😂😂😂
When I saw the Mercedes, I thought I was gonna be upset. Good on you for getting away from the cars before doing your thing 🔥
Proof, you can own a hellcat, do a burnout, and be respectful. Quick, safe (reasonably) and gone. Doin us responsible Mopar owners proud.
One of us is straight boned up rn♥️🤘🔥