Ranking ALL of Item Asylum's Gamemodes (that are currently in the game)

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 172

  • @somebodyiguessss
    @somebodyiguessss  Месяц назад +13

    After considering YOUR opinions on these gamemodes, I have more things to say about them.
    MU - I’ll admit I was too harsh on this gamemode, it’d work if it was seperated from IA and I’d think it make a good game, especially with the new roles they’re adding. Unfortunately this isn’t the case, and therefore it receives a lot of backlash from the playerbase, including me. If you can find fun in this gamemode however, then I’m not mad at you for that. It isn’t for me, I want chaos and fighting, and MU doesn’t offer that 7/8 times.
    ELIM - I’m a hypocrite, I hated this gamemode for things that could possibly happen due to RNG, but I didnt hate GG for it. Still, this gamemode has a flaw with its lives system, 3 lives. I’m fine with 3 lives, but the fact that the loadouts are connected to them isn’t ideal, which is why I gave the idea of item rerolling each life. JGN also has 3 lives when you’re a survivor, but the difference between JGN and ELIM is that you don’t have to play as aggressive in JGN as you do in ELIM. In JGN you can just backline with spinbot, chipping down the boss until they notice you or die, meanwhile in ELIM it promotes being aggressive by offering 15 (or 30) health every time you kill someone.
    also winning by being afk isn’t reliable im just saying it because i also saw it happen once
    TDM - There’s actually only 1 spawncampable map and 2 that have potential to be spawncampable, poolparty, chaotical, and 2fort, the rest are fine. The game somehow still finds a way to make rounds of TDM unfair, which is probably due to people ragequitting and creating uneven teams.
    ZS - I prefer being a survivor, despite the odds. I mainly focused about getting a good loadout for myself, but that’s because of the teamwork point I made. Occasionally, people still can find a way to work together though. Also I DO have fun with getting other zombie mutations besides fallen, it just takes forever to get to that point, but that’s for a fair reason I guess.
    BOSS - Clayman is uninteresting from being repetitive.
    Sage gets deleted in like 3 minutes.
    THE SKELETON has its own map selection, which includes moonbase, can go through the map so you can’t shoot him, and he has a move that oneshots when it feels like it.
    Beta requires people to know which order to kill the bosses in (coincidentally it’s in the order of JPX) or else the boss they’re trying to kill will heal 2000 every 40 seconds.
    Trashgang is uninteresting, I literally don’t notice a second phase, and it’s also stupid to fight in servers with a high amount of players.
    Weegee is capable of giving you weapons like vuvuzula even though it can’t reach weegee, you’re better off rerolling for ebony and ivory.
    He also turns the fight into a bullet hell at the last 1/3 of his health.
    Matter has the potential to be enjoyable, but everyone dies and now I’m forced to solo in 2 minutes.
    Uncertified is also boring in the first 3 waves, but it gives mad money at the end if you join in on time. If you die to kamis or whatever melee some dummy spawned with without some random combo that punted you into them you have skill issue.
    TC - Don’t see many complaints about the placement of this, and if they did they didn’t tell me why. I guess people leave a team if the other team is dominating a bit too much and then the match turns onesided.
    GG - This gamemode requires some skill since you’ll never get a different loadout when you die or reset. And by skill I mean killstealing. Yeah I already did that in this gamemode, what’s your point. Don’t act like you can’t killsteal in other gamemodes when micheal p exists. What’s that? The golden weapon is man on a leash? Well that’s good if people are far behind and need to catchup. Also if you think ELIM is above GG, ELIM promotes the same prey on the weak mentality you do here, only that it’s more frequent. ELIM requires you to get kills so you can get more health to prepare for the finale, so you target weakened players so you can get health easier, and GG only forces you to target weakened players on certain loadouts, but not all of them. Still a good gamemode (gg) and you people need to elaborate on why the hell you hate it so much.
    FFA - Vanilla item asylum, if you like it, you like it, and if you don’t, you don’t.
    JGN - I’ll admit it’s boring to be a survivor sometimes. Most of the survivors have to know how to attempt to counter the JGN or else you’re going to have to solo. People also don’t have all the time in the world to play IA for 3 hours straight, and therefore they’ll also only be a survivor most of the time. Being JGN is still fun though.
    KIT - Vanilla item asylum if it was awesome, if you love it, you love it, and if you don’t, you don’t.
    LOBBY - this is first place actually it gives a break time between rounds which people so desperately need.
    But remember! What I’ve said for most of these gamemodes don’t matter much in the grand scheme of things. What truly matters is the MAP, I think certain gamemodes have maps that don’t fit and should probably be removed from it! I don’t mean to discredit any effort put into any of the maps, but betaislands should not be a JGN map. It’s fine literally everywhere else it’s in, just not this one I’m begging you-

    • @noobygaming4454
      @noobygaming4454 Месяц назад

      how dare u disrespect betaisland

    • @shaddysehly5040
      @shaddysehly5040 Месяц назад +2

      my personal complaint with gg is how unfair it feels to get weapons you aren't skilled at but someone else is, plus there us a chance that you might end uopp with a trash ladout and have to deal with, it

    • @noobygaming4454
      @noobygaming4454 Месяц назад

      @@shaddysehly5040 that's not "unfair" it's pure skill (that's why gg can stand for get gud)

    • @shaddysehly5040
      @shaddysehly5040 Месяц назад +1

      @@noobygaming4454 i said how unfair it FEELS read the comment

    • @noobygaming4454
      @noobygaming4454 Месяц назад

      @@shaddysehly5040 fair

  • @superphuc
    @superphuc Месяц назад +14

    One time, I joined a random server about 10 seconds and it chose me to be the jgn

    • @guyonacid0
      @guyonacid0 Месяц назад +2

      First time?..

    • @BethIsBak
      @BethIsBak Месяц назад +3

      i got disconnected from a server when a jgn round was about to start and as soon as i joined back it immediately started and chose me as jgn
      i think if you join the server late enough it doesn't fully register you as just recently joining

  • @ShownSpoon70363
    @ShownSpoon70363 Месяц назад +16

    TDM can be very rng dependent. Yesterday I had 3 players on my team and the other team had 5 players. We still song but just proves that even your team is Rng.

    • @genericguymandude
      @genericguymandude Месяц назад +4

      is bro alright? bro is having a stroke

    • @imastertoast2414
      @imastertoast2414 17 дней назад

      "We still song but just proves that even your team is Rng" what kind of bs are u speaking

    • @ShownSpoon70363
      @ShownSpoon70363 17 дней назад

      @@imastertoast2414 won idk wth I was on

  • @iamnotthatsmart3660
    @iamnotthatsmart3660 Месяц назад +10

    There are only three gamemodes in Item Asylum. FFA, KIT, and JGN. If you disagree with me, fight me. Your opinion is wrong and i'll hook kick you out of the map because of it.
    In all seriousness these are my opinions and there is no hook kicking here

  • @wilfredterry1441
    @wilfredterry1441 Месяц назад +14

    I think that the reason people don’t like gg is everyone has an equal chance at winning and you can’t get lucky and curbstomp the server with smile + lyllinete, which is the whole reason most of the players play ia

    • @OstafrikasaurusOsty
      @OstafrikasaurusOsty 28 дней назад

      Yeah but in gg it only takes one kill and your on your next loadout, like i feel like we should be able to get another loadout after getting 3 kills, because believe me, the many times i had to sacrifice a good loadout just to get some stupid Golden weapon and some money (below 400)

    • @alexandrolamy9645
      @alexandrolamy9645 27 дней назад

      spawn kill is annoying + its the only gamemode where kill stealing is problematic

  • @m--e
    @m--e Месяц назад +3

    Tdm and Tc, because of their unfairness, create a feedback loop i.e the winning teams stomps the losing team causing people to leave the losing team and the winning team to stomp the losing team even harder

  • @notbubby7408
    @notbubby7408 Месяц назад +13

    gg at 3 is an incredibly hot take but i 100% agree good video would watch again

  • @aloevera_001
    @aloevera_001 Месяц назад +1

    i love elim 😭 i just like the concept of only having 3 lives and having to fight eachother a the end with the zone shrinking
    while it can be very unbalanced (spoon, bible, etc.), ive seen many people with other items win against those players. its just fun if youre into that kinda thing :D

  • @Saelent
    @Saelent Месяц назад +3

    GG and MU are some of my favorite gamemodes because they get me to JGN faster

  • @Someone85032
    @Someone85032 Месяц назад +4

    Okay so im here to explain why i hate gg even if none gonna see dis but before that...
    In my opinion most of the placement are right, but it's my opinion even if ffa is for me the best gamemode (espacially when april fools) but we also need to count wich map is good or not for saying that a great gamemode or not, well it's still don't really change anything anyways..
    Annnd also zs is (still my opinion) better than tc (not boss tho) bc surely most of the time im just not playing and Guys it's Item Asylum nothing is fair it's the game. But when you got to have a nice loadout as survivor even if you don't survive it's still enjoyable and rlly funny.
    ANYWAYS back on topic.
    I hate gg for a reason truly. And i think a few people do too (but not everyone tho....)
    And it's just bc it's fast gamemode with most of the time stealing kills or bug when you kill 2-3 people at the same time, and you also have to change your gameplay EVERY KILL and i personally don't like that..
    Also im not speaking having good item or stuff just have a decent loadout (like secare mad sherif and flashbang (23 ks in ffa it was funny)) annnd another reason is when someone have like 3 more kills than everyone well it's an 75% winning (like if you got bad ranged or something). Should i speak abt the fact that gg have no regen and it's the only gamemode not having it... Like you need to kill for you hp and here comes back the kill stealing. It's just purely annoying. Anyways it's still skill in a way because everyone start with the same stuff and you need to know all of the item for knowing to proceed to get kill as fast as possible sooo it's not the worst gamemode but i don't like it
    Whatever people abt hating gg is most because they can't play ks item sometimes or just because you can't play with misc.
    I hope you won't be like most of the community (bruh) and say what you think about this im always curious so dw on saying stuff like you think im wrong because as i say it's my own opinion sooo there is not wrong answer..
    Anyways hope that was helpfull to understand one random guy that don't like gg for some reason and don't forget...

  • @LilWitchRi
    @LilWitchRi 26 дней назад

    elim still is and will likely be the most skill based gamemode if left unchanged, even if it still has an insane amount of luck
    its meant to test your knowledge of the items and combo capabilities, rather than esc + r + entering for OP items like kit and FFA, oh and also, instakills are incredibly rare (other than hazard kills, which no are not as bad as someone esc + r + entering for death note and taking your good kit you worked hard to killstreak for)
    its for this reason that i love elim, is and always will be the most skill based mode likely

  • @ashisalrtaken
    @ashisalrtaken 26 дней назад +1

    You: "if that's your only complaint, that's just one bad experience!!"
    Also you, 6 minutes earlier: "Elim is one of the worst, I had negative experiences and don't feel motivated to play it..."

  • @noideaforanameE
    @noideaforanameE 3 дня назад

    FINALLY SOMEONE WHO LOVES FFA!!! I swear people who hate it are new players who played ia now, they have not knowledge of anything fr.

  • @Basilloon
    @Basilloon Месяц назад +1

    Ironically, despite peole saying GG isn't picked as much, it's still a fun one! Don't get me wrong, getting spawncamped into the void by a comically large utensil sucks, but it's the much more fast-paces brother of FFA and KIT that really sparks me interested

  • @Bela_Bat
    @Bela_Bat Месяц назад +39

    To be Honest Elimation is the worst one in my opinion

  • @whuizar147
    @whuizar147 27 дней назад

    my personal rankings:
    1: kit (it has to be and will always be)
    2: ffa
    3: zs
    4: boss
    5: tc
    6: gg
    7: mu
    8: tdm
    9: jgn
    10: elim
    side note, i enjoy every gamemode, theyre all great really (except jgn and elim, fight me) but this is based on what i like MORE in comparison. also i dont feel like writing a paragraph on my gamemode opinions

  • @TheRetroestRobloxian
    @TheRetroestRobloxian Месяц назад +1

    good tierlist, i have one but be warned, i have a skill issue so this is biased
    1: ffa: i love ffa its just a cool gamemode ( only up here because it reminds me of when i played in 2020)
    2: kit: same reasons he described
    3: tc: Money. So much money. And its also quick, ( most of the time) unfortunately and fortunately.
    4: ZS: honestly, it depends. Being a zombie is fun most of the time.. Unless you have a godsend survivor team. Vice versa.
    5: TDM: again, depends. Its fun to be on the winning side, bad to be on losing. Still alright, for me.
    6: BOSS: If its weegee, i hate it, anything else, yummy.
    7: GG: :(
    8: MU: It's fun when it ends.
    9: ELIM: If you dont have a good kit, its over. And then you watch other people fight and win.
    10: JGN: honestly irank it so low because its just a glorified me vs server. Or me vs boss. And hale.
    thats it ty for reading it this far if you did

  • @epicmanprozyt
    @epicmanprozyt Месяц назад +2

    I know it’s opinions based bit zs at 7 is criminal :edit if kits not number one I’m crashing out

  • @morejakub9230
    @morejakub9230 Месяц назад +1

    i would say the only good TDM map is Doomspire cuz 4 teams

  • @legendman5934
    @legendman5934 Месяц назад

    mu, elim, boss, and jgn, all have a problem where a lot of the times when you die you have to wait for like 5-10 minutes for the round to be over and it sucks more when you server hop and you can’t even play the game for the next hour because somehow every server in the world has those game modes active at one time. But also mu is a good source of like 300 to 600 credits, so it’s good for the grind

  • @Noobustheseknd
    @Noobustheseknd Месяц назад +1

    Heres my list.
    10:GG (ofc)
    9 and 8:Elim or MU ( i cant decide)
    7:ZS (sometimes fun, but usually rng based.)
    6:TDM (cuz its usually just rng based. Once again.)
    5:TC (ITS FOR THE POINTS!!!!!)
    4:BOSS (prun items, and alot of money.)
    3:JGN (its fun, but can be ruined by a sweaty jgn, like me!)
    2:FFA (its good, its lower bc sometimes all you do is get dominated by a smile with stick horse)
    1:KIT (its fun, good, and not as rng based, the problem is that theres a bird up almost every match)

  • @xard4668
    @xard4668 Месяц назад +1

    Ight time to be flamed by everyone in the comment section.
    Kit is just a glorified, overrated ffa where you have to reroll every time you don't get a 3-4 shot kit.
    And most of the kits are not even balanced to their respective categories (An entire kitchen kit with macrowave and the sink, classed "common", is not on the same level as "dunker" kit with two hoppas and a dunk, classed "legendary").
    Point is, unlike ffa where you have a fine mixed bag of everything, where you just roll maybe once or twice, with kit you are always limited to a set of tools, meaning everyone just spends half of the round rolling for SD God kit or any one shot item.
    And gg is just kill stealing and rat tactics. There's no fun in killing someone on low hp with a ranged weapon that has been battling that one dude with cat for the past minute or so.

  • @user-os5ql4yr4e
    @user-os5ql4yr4e Месяц назад +1

    ffa is a W gamemode aslong as you got maps like smallplate, longplate, *ASYLUM*, beta islands, or docks
    for stuff like elim i think you should be given 5 rerolls instead of resets (to make things faster) before going into the match, and a 20 second timer to reroll

    • @irritawaa
      @irritawaa Месяц назад +1

      people unironically like smallplate and longplate? i thought that shit was a joke

    • @user-os5ql4yr4e
      @user-os5ql4yr4e Месяц назад

      @@irritawaa nah its cuz its chaotic and fun

    • @skinnyjosiah
      @skinnyjosiah Месяц назад

      @@irritawaa same smallplate and longplate are genuinely unfun

  • @yunochanishere8616
    @yunochanishere8616 24 дня назад

    Here's my honest opinions in IA gamemodes
    From worst to best
    MU- tbh I just like to speedrun things up and go for competition rather than being a certified spy gaming when I become a murd(kill then taunt then esc + r + enter 'cuz why not). If I become a survivor it's just a battle of clues, speedrun 'til u get 2nd amendment rights(aka gun) or stand there to become a detective...
    TC - I hate this shit, don't judge me pls. Two reasons
    1st - Autobalance
    It can be one-sided or skill based teamwork. Teamwork isn't my motto ingame, especially in public servers. Some ppl have no brains to communicate in chat with team only chat and start revealing my own and my other teammate's plans to win. And I DON'T WANT TO WASTE TIME ON SPENDING BRAINCELLS TO MAKE A STRAT TO WIN!
    2nd - I don't have my own pc 'cuz too broke to afford and time due to school.
    ELIM - I don't play fortnite and I quite hate this mod for some reason
    It's same as jgn but when u get kills, u get +15 hp cap and when it's sudden death, the additional dmg cap u gained multiply based on how many lives u have left and I don't forgor rng tho
    TDM - Pretty simple, teamwork makes the dream work
    Unlike TC where ur patience and brain is used, this is where u just have to commit blitzkrieg and farm kills and win with the most team kills with ur team and its not long as TC
    GG - I play arsenal and it's race battle
    Speedrun til u get 17 kills to get W
    just hope the weapons u get can be utilized well
    BOSS - ah yes, the game mode that makes me want to flip my penny to predict how much skill the players I joined with in public server. It's 50/50, u either met with crackheads or bozos who kept focusing on Xerroz instead of Jean in boss_beta.
    KIT - You can either be skill based chad or brainded kit soy wojack. The fun can also based on the map type, yeetus deletus for open maps while spam AoE with braindead kit cards on closed maps
    JGN - This is where I can test my skill as a jgn slayer or jgn myself. U can pretty much test ur skills on the jgn characters u choose, but beware as u may encounter sweaty ass tryhards who will give u severe skill issue and stupid rng that give a random jgn killer with the most p*ssy ass loadout u have seen(lilynette and holy mantle kekw)
    FFA - Vanilla and my favorite mode. It's simple, u just rely on rng and skill of urs to dominate the game. Nothing else

  • @CoolMan-zz5wx
    @CoolMan-zz5wx Месяц назад

    GG (these are not in a order)
    so uh the thing about gg is the golden weapons, oh my dear, i mean, sometimes you can get stuff like stick or dragon slayer as your golden. but most of the times you will stuff like pro golf or a melee with a very questionable hitbox
    i hate being a zombie, everyone hates being a zombie, and when i am a survivor i just get like the worst loadouts possible, like how am i gonna win with pro golf, lethal shotgun and turtle
    you will mostly die to a dude with built different or intervention and most of the maps for elim have hazards or a huge void area
    why is this here, this thing doesnt even exist anymore
    map reroll yipe, also its literally a walking simulator, you either lose because you missed a shot with mad sherrif or the murderer dies in the first 1 minute of the round
    its fun, execpt when you get a horrible loadout while everyone else gets lilynette or intervention, also hale exists, its like what everyone picks just for a win. Or you either get baited and fall of the map.
    yes, just yes, i know people say the kits are unbalanced but come on, that felling when you dominate everyone with an op kit and then die to a moon or 1. end (also i swear they made that kit like more rare to get)
    boy i sure do love when half of my team is afk or just gets dominated by everyone else, also smile, da capo, lilynette exist.
    its alright, poolparty is spawncamping simulator also again smile, lilynette exist
    the classic gamemode, and its still pretty good, execpt when you get dominated by a dude with fire axe, awp and stick horse
    most of the bosses you wont even be able to defeat in public servers, or you just get garbage in your loadout and you have to solo the boss with 1 minute and 2 lives left, or everyone just gets vaporized by the boss (or bosses) and lose at the 2000, 1000 hp point.

  • @What_are_you_doing.
    @What_are_you_doing. Месяц назад

    Also with tdm. There is "auto" balance, but it's only when you die. When you are dominating the match or the other team is. You or the other team are not gonna die if you or they are dominating. It is not automatic

  • @averagecyndaquilenjoyer-vj8ul
    @averagecyndaquilenjoyer-vj8ul Месяц назад +1


  • @adm456
    @adm456 Месяц назад +1

    gg and tdm switch places

  • @OstafrikasaurusOsty
    @OstafrikasaurusOsty 28 дней назад

    Honestly, MU is somewhat okay if you get 1 clue or more as an innocent, but as a Murderer, your either gonna immediately die from a sheriff, or as a sheriff, your gonna die to a hat, its annoying especially with the axe's extra speed boost, not to mention most of the time Sheriffs dont even get extra attack multiplier, so it just makes it even more unfair, But in all honesty, GG sucks ass and i hope it's gone forever.

  • @FloppyKatSillyGoose
    @FloppyKatSillyGoose Месяц назад +4

    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAYING GG IS GOOD! It is so fun and definitely one of my favorite gamemodes, and i never get to play it because everyone hates it for like no reason. You are probably one of the first people i've seen that actually likes it.
    Might as well put my list.
    10. TDM - Always unbalanced, and i never get put on the good team. I also usually want a free for all in IA but you basically already put all the reasons in ur vid.
    9. JGN - ok ok, i'm so sorry. Everyone will hate me now. There. I said it. I don't like juggernaut. Cope. I get staying in the server for a long time makes you have a greater chance at being juggernaut, but i cant always stay on the game that long. Being on the team trying to defeat the jug is really boring for me, and i will more often than not end of being forced to play as a bad juggernaut that i'm not used to than get one i'm good with when i actually am juggernaut. I really hate how overrated this gamemode is too because people will ALWAYS vote juggernaut over almost anything else! like i would love to play kit but nope everyone is gonna vote juggernaut EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. This gamemode being so overrated probably is one of the big reasons i don't like it. It's a vote magnet for something that is mid for me most of the time so thats a big reason why it's down here. Again, I like a free for all. Sorry! Anyways, let's just move on.
    8. MU - I actually quite like mu. It is a little stale every now and then, but i overall like playing murder mystery in IA. Its not exactly like mm2, and that's why it's fun. It just is usually kinda bland so it's down here. Also, yet again, i like a free for all. But this gamemode and everything above it are gamemodes i enjoy.
    7. BOSS - most bosses are boring and mid. thats all i really have to say. Uncertified, man of nature, and SOMETIMES 10hbm are the only ones i enjoy. Also, sometimes you just get a "ranged" that you cant really use against the boss? like what is brimstone or grasshoar gonna do to weegee like what!??!? But as you guessed I do want a free for all. Also i can not perfect run skeleton for the life of me but i really want that hot rod rider (it replaced my beloved helion, my fav item in the game)
    6. TC - This gamemode is hit or miss. I don't really know what to say about it, but the classes definitely make it more fun. However sometimes one side will be dominating and you cant do anything about it. So that definitely gets annoying. ALSO ITS NOT A FREE FOR ALL-
    5. FFA - hey look a free for all... It's literally called free for all. Really depends on the map, but gets overshined by other unique gamemodes alot. Still fun though, Just don't have much to say about it.
    4. ELIM - Hit or miss again, but more fun. I usually suck at this gamemode but i still have alot of fun in it. Also, i personally think the zone mechanic is a good one, and i like it. And it being a free for all kinda makes it fun. Idk what to say, i just like elim. I also tend to give a tiny bit of sympathy points to overhated gamemodes though.
    3. ZS - Like you, 99% of the time i'm a zombie :(((( (being a zombie in zs is the worst, worse than tdm.) But being a survivor however... That is peak IA. I love playing a survivor in zs, but i never get it. Especially on certain maps. Out of the years i have played IA, i have only been survivor like twice on zs_zombiestation and i have definitely played that map more than 20 times by now.
    2. GG - Everything you said about the gamemode. I just like this a lot more though. Also it being all the same loadout makes this gamemode extremely fair to everyone, and i like that.
    1. KIT - is anyone surprised? also soul survivor is peak IA.
    extremely underrated video btw

  • @memekid4853
    @memekid4853 26 дней назад

    This happened to me once, except I was playing the silly guitar in fear and apparently the other person would’ve won if they didn’t slip up and died to the zone 2:38

  • @LowballKid
    @LowballKid Месяц назад

    at first i didnt really like gg a lot but then i started to, so far kit and tc are my no.1 favs

  • @Massivetheretired
    @Massivetheretired Месяц назад +2

    Guys i think he’s just bored

  • @reactandgamerboos5171
    @reactandgamerboos5171 Месяц назад

    10:12 *Crying in despair of not being choose jgn despite being the oldest most of the time*

  • @noobygaming4454
    @noobygaming4454 Месяц назад

    Tbh i like ffa the most since the combos r not limited and it's also real fun

  • @veryfamus5687
    @veryfamus5687 Месяц назад

    w list, and i understand it completely but ffa is my favorite gamemode and TC goes below MU just off of my experience
    TC does promote teamwork, yes, but it’s usually the kind that devolves into resetting to feed a potential trumpet
    Plus the game is almost always determined by the map, for example i’ve only seen like 3 attacker wins on skerry and i’ve had to do skerry MUCH more than three times
    I understand why you put it where it was though, the gamemode just isn’t for me i guess

  • @Abdallmailk
    @Abdallmailk Месяц назад

    3:05 wait you know hours? let be friends :)
    Edit: 7:55 gg mode is one of my favourite modes tbh
    Another edit: 10:37 kit is my favourite out of them all
    Yet another edit: 11:46 nah I don’t

  • @hamsterstaring5461
    @hamsterstaring5461 Месяц назад

    Y'all dont figt bout gamemode if fair and i will tell you about name of gamemode
    FFA = Freaking Fat Anomaly
    TDM = The Dusty Man
    TC = Too Cursed
    ZS = Zoo Sukar
    ELIM = End Licking In Mouse
    MU = Mom User
    KIT = Kell In Town
    GG = Gok Gok (dont tell why)
    JGN = Jug Get Nat
    * Starman music on *

  • @WegmansFoodMarket
    @WegmansFoodMarket Месяц назад

    Daily reminder to join the church of kit. If not, bad things will happen.

  • @Tortur-in5js
    @Tortur-in5js Месяц назад

    3:55 also you could just pact another person on the other team and when they kill your teammates the kills count

  • @frenchcloaker7311
    @frenchcloaker7311 Месяц назад

    Ngl i do agree that TDM is not fair and so making TDM_pool the worst map overall in the ENTIRE GAME
    There only 1 thing about this map: *you are spawnkilling or you get spawnkilled*

  • @swagubirk
    @swagubirk Месяц назад

    here's my opinions:
    1: kit
    2: boss
    3: ffa
    4: tc
    5: elim
    6: zs
    7: jgn
    8: gg
    9: tdm
    10: mu
    i might update the comment later to explain why but i have to do something rn so i cant lol

  • @relaxedandsilly
    @relaxedandsilly Месяц назад +1

    Personally, i dont like kit unless its with friends.
    for example:
    -in private servers me and my friends usually pick kit_4seasons and its basically become a staple in item asylum for us. We laugh our asses off each time and its loads of fun
    -on the other hand, in public servers its just TOO chaotic. to the point where i avoid the gamemode in public servers. its just too much

    • @Desired_Dawn
      @Desired_Dawn Месяц назад

      4seasons is honestly the map to ever map

  • @nextlevellexxer
    @nextlevellexxer Месяц назад

    I agree with everything on this list but with TC being above GG

  • @Brandon-ct8vo
    @Brandon-ct8vo Месяц назад +2

    I agree with a lot of this, actually! ZS was the only part that really shocked me. I always vote for ZS if it comes up.
    10. MU - sometimes i server hop when this gets voted for
    9. TDM - carrying my team and still losing breaks my heart
    8. ELIM - "i didn't roll a knockback item"
    7. BOSS - public servers suck at beating them, but they're usually a good time
    6. GG - it's sort of stale and mildly frustrating, but winning feels great since you know it was "fair"
    5. TC - intervention my beloved
    4. FFA - ia doesn't exist without it, just wish it wasn't so common in the map selection
    3. ZS - banding together with your team to push back zombies is very fun and jumping the hell out of people as the zombies is hilarious
    2. JGN - playing red mist after getting whooped by the collective server for the previous 2 hours is therapeutic
    1. KIT - you know, once i saw someone vote for MU over this and i just straight up blocked them

    • @charliesgamingplace2371
      @charliesgamingplace2371 Месяц назад

      I personally hate ZS just because of how one sided it is. Usually zombies have a massive advantage but if survivors get one good loadout it’s basically an instant win.

  • @binheve
    @binheve Месяц назад

    10:32 ok i assume you dont like to fight against hale cuz w m1

  • @Tornike-cd8xr
    @Tornike-cd8xr Месяц назад

    1:07 YOU SHOULD reset as murderer, NOW!!!

  • @Kamen55
    @Kamen55 Месяц назад +2

    My list:
    10. Elim
    9. Gg
    8. Mu
    7. Tc
    6. Zs
    5. Tdm
    4. Boss
    3. Jgn
    2. FFA
    1. Kit my beloved

    @IINTFII Месяц назад

    For me it's
    8. gg
    7. ffa
    6. tdm
    5. boss
    4. elim
    3. mu
    2. zs/kit/tc
    1. jgn

  • @Rinne_Z_rank
    @Rinne_Z_rank Месяц назад

    Glad to see that people are finally starting to realize elim is a bad gamemode next to mu

  • @lushiroll
    @lushiroll Месяц назад

    Gg is kinda mid but its honestly the ultimate gamemode reroll, if you get lucky (or have friends, i know most of you dont) you can win in qnout a minute or so

  • @Iunacy
    @Iunacy Месяц назад

    Imagine voting for a gamemode for pure convenience

    • @GenericRobloxUser
      @GenericRobloxUser Месяц назад

      This is literally "MU fans on their way voting the worst gamemode just to make people lose 6 minutes:"

  • @ibaiaroca3848
    @ibaiaroca3848 Месяц назад

    Also, Gun Games is also FAIR, unlike a few gamemodes

  • @amongkid69
    @amongkid69 Месяц назад

    GG sucks as much as ElIM cuz of the fact of like 2/3 of my GG matchs i was going well till everyone in the server get a really bad kit (ex: mono-man on a leash)

  • @disproooving_somebodyiguess
    @disproooving_somebodyiguess Месяц назад

    Here is a detailed argument for every ranking you have made
    10: MU
    You have stated that mu doesn't fit inside of item asylumn in the slightest, which is true. However this element means that item asylumn has something more to it that isn't just brainless killing. It offers a sort of break from the constant chaos and time for people to have a breather. Yes, it isn't the chaotic killing spree you signed up for, but many people can be overwhealmed by the shee chaos of the game and a breather for such. 0:53 “This gamemode is not meant to be played, it's a glorified 1v1 except the people fighting each other don't know who they're suppose to fight.” Uhm no, thats why innocents exist, the sherif is suppose to figure out who they are suppose to fight based on the innocents. And how it's not meant to be played, like bro at least give the gamemode some credit and dont just downright disrespect it. Also most of what you said for mu was just disrespect like “the gamemode is not meant to be played.“ or ”just reset as the murderer, it saves people 6 minutes of their life“ You're outlook on this gamemode appears narrow as you see it as just a 1v1 with the other people just sitting back and hopping it becomes a 2v1. This isn't true... you have to realize that there is literally another game called murder mystery on roblox that is popular. Mu works for the same reasons why that game works. Also you can pick up the gun when the sherif dies so you aren't just doing nothing.
    9: ELIM
    One of your main points is how you can't get a good loadout in 3 lives. ..... Yeah no saying it's a RANDOMIZER game! You're suppose to get random items weather they are good or not. I totally agree with how you should always be able to reroll after you spawn, like maybe having reroll dice when you spawn in on the fourth slot always. Also your argument of how getting a bad loadout is directlly contradictory to what you have stated in gungame because there you are PEERRRMMMANENTLLY stuck with that loadout no matter how many times you reset and no matter how bad it is. Yes I agree, it's annoying when one dude gets commiclly large spoon or built different and just one taps you because of zone of map design. That's annoying, unless you're a masochist. Also how do you win by doing nothing? There is literally a massive KILL sign above your head if you have too many lives. Also you can do that with bosses too (afking). (side note the sudden death soundtrack is FIRE).
    8: TDM
    Yeah you gotta work together to get kills, that's why you are highlighted, so your team can easily bunch up together. Also lute exists, which only requires brainpower on on person's end for the entire team to get buffed. Just the combined firepower of everybody in a team is teamwork. To be honest, pool party is really the only bad map where you get spawn killed. Cave, brickbattle, containers ect all have pretty spread out spawns so people can't just bunch up and spawn camp like they can in pool. Also no the gamemode isn,t a matter of who gets triple lillynets, the GAME is a matter of who gets god items, you're in IA remember?. Yeah it's certainly unfair being on the loosing side (in pool party that's IT). Here's a way to fix it since you can't figure out one, reworking spawns, yeah pool party and brickspire needs a little redecorating but every other map can do this, just let the other team spawn in a group on the otherside of the map and gg.
    7: ZS
    You get extra money for being on the zombie side so it isn't all bad. Also every zombie has their playstyle, firezombies and insane zombies gotta spam their abillites through a wall to annoy the survivors. Pouncers gotta pick off the lonely or catch the last survivor. Tounges gotta snipe survivors from affar. Tanks gotta disrupt the main group and spread them appart. Invisibles gotta reset until they get a better zombie (like bro wth anybody with decent vision can see them). Bobm zombies gotta disrupt the main clump as well. The grey zombies gotta curse as many people as possible to soften the crowd. Oh yeah if you get something terrible, i agree one chance of getting something good is brutal, even for a randomizer game. Fortunately, if one dude gets smile, just let him protect you by following him. ZS survival of the killer is survivable if the survivors go ontop of the treehouse, otherwise just call it wraps and go do 50 pushups.
    Yeah sage is WAYYYY to easy. Man of nature, 10 hour burst man, uncertified, klev prime are all satisfying to learn how to effectively counter. Minos prime is a slight downfall but he is manageable. Also klev prime's infamous unavoidable move is kinda annoying but can be fine if that's the only move your being hit by or have items with I frames. Btw why is weegee might get some hate for being so high up, but no his minions can be dealt with by teammates who can't hit the boss with their loadouts. Clayman tho, he doesn't cook you with rng (most of the time). He is actually fair to fight. The others I kinda agree with, except sage and skeleton should be reversed since sage is the most predictable person known to mankind and dies within 2-3 minutes on public servers.
    5: TC
    honestly, i don't have a problem with this
    the 1k paycheque at the end tho.......
    a solution i have is there to be a 30 seconds left voice line or a 1 minute left voice line like in tf2.
    4: GG
    GUN GAME IS TERRIBLLE, YOU GET LEFT BEHIND WITH MAN ON A LEASH ON LEVEL 2 WHILE EVERYBODY ELSE BOXES YOU WITH LILYNETTE AND FULL ATTACK ASTEROID!!!!! yeah it's a randomizer so womp womp bozo, but like you can't reset your weapons no matter how many times you reset or die! thank god assists count otherwise you would be permanently stuck with macrowave only. Gun game is very short, a bit too short for new players who have no idea what man on a leash is suppose to do. You made the randomizer point in gun game, but then why doesn't it apply to every single other gamemode that is lower? 1v1 me noob (in IA or irl doesn't matter)
    (with all due intent i'm just here to help small youtubers grow with engagement not because I hate this dude's right of expressing his opinions)
    3: FFA
    It's ffa what do you want us to say
    2: JGN
    It's unfair when you get comboed into an oblivion just because that's the jgn meta, to 100 hp combo everybody. If your teammates are all on top of the jgn draining his health then you can't get comboed to death but when red mist m1's you and then activates great vertical then you just cooked, nothing you can do about it. The fact that you have to sit in a game of IA for 3 hours before you can get a good chance of playing jgn isn't good for most people. Not everybody has the time to sit around and play IA for 3 hours straight, they gotta do life, go to the gym, finally bench more than 135lbs (i hate benchpress >;[ ). There are really only 3 juggs in the game that you play against and gets a tad bit repetitive. JGN is still suppper fun when you're the jug tho. Yeah beta islands is not very fair when you get knocked into the void because you were 2 pixels inside of the heavy swing hitbox.
    1: Kit
    Here is what the rankings should be :
    1. Lobby
    2. Mu
    3. ZS
    4. TDM
    5. ELIM
    6. Boss
    7. JGN
    8. FFA
    9. GG
    10. Kit
    fight me (irl or in IA)

    • @Fraddii_First
      @Fraddii_First Месяц назад

      As fraddii first, i agree that lobby is best gamemode

  • @icebane959
    @icebane959 Месяц назад

    I find mu very fun guys trust(i get into extremely hard trickjump spots that require precise timing n shit lmao its really funny cuz the murderer always gets super mad)

    • @icebane959
      @icebane959 Месяц назад

      also the reason nobody likes gg is because if you get lucky at the beginning you're just gonna steamroll the leaderboard until you hit a kill deficit(aka something like bottle, macrowave, camera, etc.) for example, i had this one game where the starting weapons were secare and smth(idk it just was a really bad ranged). Everyone who got an early kill could move on to use better weapons in the pool, but the people with the terrible kits and didn't get a lucky kill/kill steal just got no fun, as you would obviously rather kill someone with weak weapons than someone with strong weapons. Another problem is gg is super buggy, like how getting a kill with donkey jawbone locks you into melee, asteroid full attack particles stay if you get a kill, etc.
      essentially, gg is just a rich get richer situation but exemplified a ton by bad loadouts, kill steals, etc. which makes it very unenjoyable.

  • @Yharimslamsurfavverse
    @Yharimslamsurfavverse Месяц назад

    gg=pray to steal a kill

  • @dragonskalez5309
    @dragonskalez5309 Месяц назад

    My list as a console player:
    10: MU (almost decided on ELIM but your points are too logical to put aside. The only reason i enjoy this gamemode is because it gives me a bit of a break from rapidly pressing down on RT with my right finger and killing my nerves)
    9. ELIM (this gamemode is definitely more fun on larger maps, but faster paced on smaller ones. I do like the fact you gain max hp when getting kills, I feel like that makes it a little more fair. Except sometimes my strategy is to just hide out somewhere until only one player remains)
    8. ZS (honestly such an overrated mode, but thats just my opinion. 40% of the time i play this i just wish I could chat, because whenever Im a zombie and see someone with an item like smile or lilynette I just lose it when people go after the person with spork or pro golf first. But other than that, this gamemode can be fun in some ways, especially in open maps like tundra or neighborville)
    7. TDM (Doomspire is the only reason this isn't further down the list, I love the doomspire map the most because of how more competition can be seen. Other than that, your points about unbalance still stand and I agree with them all.)
    6. GG (gungame is so hated. Its not the best, but at least its balanced and fast. Arcade is my favorite map for GG - idk why.)
    5. BOSS (I actually got stuck deciding whether GG or BOSS were higher, but BOSS is only a smidge higher due to its variety. Uncertified is #1, no statement needed. Also, as a Spookys jumpscare mansion player, I love how similar the clayman fight is to the original boss fight, and the remix really slaps.)
    4. JGN (Idk why everyone never gets JGN, but I get it quite a bit. Although I definitely have more fun fighting the boss than being it. My favorite is either Hale or Mihawk, and Red Mist is the one I wish i could be good with. Onrush is kinda hard to use with a controller, if you could imagine)
    3. FFA (Classic gamemode, still carries as the most simple and enjoyable gamemode. Not much to say on this one.)
    2. TC (in my opinion, its only fun as the uncertified. Playing as a defender is too nerving and nobody knows how to defend a damn statue. Playing as uncertified is amazing. I like playing as a support or melee in skerry the most.)
    1. KIT (easily the best gamemode in the game. I dont even think theres anything to complain about. Someone is dominating with a godlike kit, so what? Its an rng based game. The only thing that gets annoying is when no ones out fighting because theyre too busy rerolling for something good.)
    Anyway thats my list, wasted 12 minutes of my life making this.

  • @e11ttchgameplays55
    @e11ttchgameplays55 Месяц назад

    FFA > all gamemodes
    boss is an honourable mention

    • @BethIsBak
      @BethIsBak Месяц назад

      just my opinion but i feel like gg would replace boss as an honorable mention

    • @e11ttchgameplays55
      @e11ttchgameplays55 Месяц назад

      I like item arsenal small plate and longplate are goated maps for that gamemode

  • @randomisfoda
    @randomisfoda Месяц назад

    quality content

  • @Wukieboyg27
    @Wukieboyg27 Месяц назад


  • @pink_impostor69
    @pink_impostor69 Месяц назад +1

    Let's be clear, elim needs to be eliminated.

  • @pacifistichuman82649
    @pacifistichuman82649 Месяц назад

    yeah i understand what you said about elim and it's absolutely fair but i will still hate it

  • @WhentheblackdeathYT
    @WhentheblackdeathYT Месяц назад

    6:55 I thought TC meant team capture

  • @guyonacid0
    @guyonacid0 Месяц назад

    Wish theres gamemode awp mode or knife game , kinda gets a bit lame with no much minigames , jgn is one example, a good gamemode

  • @eggggyu5
    @eggggyu5 Месяц назад

    -gg at 4th place
    -tc at 5th place
    -uncertified most fun boss to fight (it isn't lmao, dead last and it's not even close)
    never cook again

    • @paraable8110
      @paraable8110 Месяц назад

      Id say weegee and trash gang are worse becausr even with good loadouts you can always count on something dumb ending you, like port 1 shotting you or weegee flinging you off the map, like atleast the other bosses are consistent man

    • @eggggyu5
      @eggggyu5 Месяц назад

      @@paraable8110 1) pruns aren't included, im talking public server version
      2) dumb things ending you in uncertrified:
      -dummy with powerful melee weapon
      -soldier group
      -mage + kami combo
      -mage + dummy with weapon combo
      -3 minos (a complete run ender too)

    • @paraable8110
      @paraable8110 Месяц назад

      @@eggggyu5 why aren't they included though, it's not like there's anything stopping you from making a private server and just fighting them

    • @paraable8110
      @paraable8110 Месяц назад

      @@eggggyu5 also ranged weapons deal with almost all of those problems

    • @eggggyu5
      @eggggyu5 Месяц назад

      @@paraable8110 because this is ranking enjoyability in public servers (and even then uncertrified prun is worse than weegee/trashgang)

  • @Asylumer-lo5gd
    @Asylumer-lo5gd Месяц назад

    Keep cooking

  • @the-h69
    @the-h69 Месяц назад

    one of the strategies that i found if you want to be jgn is that the last person who says something in the chat gets to be the jgn. i dont know how this happens but 90% of the time i see the last person who said something before the jgn round begun as the juggernaut. awesome video btw! you the goat for putting gg higher on the list!

  • @Wukieboyg27
    @Wukieboyg27 Месяц назад

    10:44 thank you for putting kit in first, but why did u chose abyss walker over literally me

    • @somebodyiguessss
      @somebodyiguessss  Месяц назад

      literally me mains when they get hit by a singular allusions m1 and now they’re forced to endure a 6 second cutscene and now no more funny ui combo

  • @limps7168
    @limps7168 Месяц назад

    Zach should be the 8th one it's unfair and how does it do be a zombie everytime? Well you die under a second and I never became a survivor

  • @bearglanb.g9062
    @bearglanb.g9062 Месяц назад

    My top 3 worst its
    1. Elim its just for weats
    2. Mu its just boring
    3. Boss i just hate it except for man of nature

  • @Random_croissant
    @Random_croissant Месяц назад

    I know nobody gives a shit but here’s my Personal ranking
    1: KIT
    2: JGN
    3: ZS
    4: FFA
    5: BOSS
    6: TC
    7: ELIM
    8: TDM
    9: GG
    10: MU

  • @qui6287
    @qui6287 Месяц назад

    Ia players be like: elim sucks because 3 lives
    Elim is decent but not greatest game mode even with fact any item that can ragdoll wins, its much more enjoyable then mu or any team based mode.
    Using argument like "I didnt got good items so game mode sucks" its really dumb, mostly because of fact you playing randomizer game.
    And in fact same argument can be used to any gamemode (well you playing randomizer) and with this you can call anything in this game shit because random.
    Problem with random is simple, in some game modes its really matters, like tc, tdm zs and etc (dogshit). But problem of such game modes they are hella long, while elim not.
    Only ways to fix such "luck issue" its or blacklist (i bet devs not gonna even bother to do such thing) or make lives counter 4-5.
    I see no problems with current elim and i dont agree with you rating it as worst as mu, elim is strong 5-4 place and its not deserves to be that low.
    Also almost every your opinion on game modes really dumb, i mean how you placed tdm on 8 place with reason "1 sided" but other team based modes that share similar problem higher lol

  • @charliesgamingplace2371
    @charliesgamingplace2371 Месяц назад

    I despise ZS with every ounce of my soul (also mu is just bad in general, wish it was removed).

  • @skybommerplayz2922
    @skybommerplayz2922 Месяц назад

    My personal opinion ranking:
    10. MU (Agreed, I mostly vote this Gamemode for rerolling. I mostly find myself not very fun of this gamemode even when I’m murderer.)
    9. GG (I completely disagree with you for GG. I find GG a bit boring and there way better other better game modes I can choose.)
    8. Elim (not a huge fan of Elim, I find this gamemode really just not fun and unfair, esp since people play so passive and then wait to knockback players off the map. Though I rather choose Elim over the rest, because it can bit a fun towards the end trying to stay in the circle while having to fight the other person.)
    7. TDM (Kind of same with you, sometimes one side is like dominating the other and especially when you are on the losing side and getting spawncamped. It’s really not fun but sometimes there are moments when you are having fun working with your team.!)
    6. TC (Smiler with TdM, one side can be dominating the other and it really is unfair but I do put it above TDM because of the unique of the classes)
    5. ZS (I find ZS a bit fun, even though 80% of the time zombies will win. If you work together as a team, it’s really is a fun experience. On the other hand, if you are a zombie. There only like 2-3 classes I like so that’s why it’s in the middle.)
    4. Boss (Really depends on the boss, I do like some of the bosses and if the server at least decent, you can get a lot of coins but bosses like skeleton, sage and Matter just ruin it. Though bosses like Uncerf, Klev etc, are really fun.)
    3. JGN (I personally really love JGN though some of the maps in JGN are horrible *cough coucough cough beta island mihawk* and for me, I really hate Hale users because ITS SO UNSKILL-. But yea besides that, really fun gamemode especially when you are the JGN.
    2. FFA (This was close but I do think FFA deserves here, the chaos and just free will of the gamemode is really fun and that’s what make Item asylum such a good game. FFA is good as it is.)
    1. KIT! (I 100% agree with you, KIT is the best gamemode by far, seeing all the unique Kits in the game and how easy it is to bird up or merge as smiles etc is so fun but it balances out with kits like, End, moon etc. Kit is very fun and definitely deserves number 1.)

    • @GoofyGoober1929
      @GoofyGoober1929 Месяц назад +1

      I struggle with hale, but I can win with every other juggernaut easily. Do I have a skill issue or am I just built silly

    • @skybommerplayz2922
      @skybommerplayz2922 Месяц назад

      If you are still good with other jugs then u r fine. Hale is probably not for you then

  • @nadezhdagalanova2386
    @nadezhdagalanova2386 Месяц назад

    I read tdm as tds. I need ny glasses

  • @LastAmericanHero911
    @LastAmericanHero911 Месяц назад

    Common KIT W

  • @MrDawid06
    @MrDawid06 Месяц назад

    Here are my personal rankings for the gamemodes:
    The gamemodes that are disgusting, horrible and stinky:
    10: MU (Even though this is not my personal least favourite gamemode, it's still objectively the worst gamemode. Like you said, this gamemode just doesnt fit IA at all, and walking around in a huge area to try and collect green squares isnt fun. Being the sheriff and murderer also isnt that fun. Like, when i spawn as a sheriff, i just shoot the first person i see because russian roullete is genuienly more fun than this gamemode.)
    9: ELIM (ohhhhh boy, do i have a lot to say about this gamemode. This is my personal, least favourite gamemode in the entire game. Lets just get the worst part out of the way, and that is that three lives is just way too little. Again, you only have three lives to get something decent, and even if you do get something decent, you will still lose because of another mechanic. The max health increase on kill mechanic. This one might be even WORSE than you only getting 3 lives. What is mechanic is meant to do is discourage players from hiding in one place. What it actually does is make the person with the best loadout just auto-win most of the time, and encourage a "prey on the weak" mentality, which means that the people who get bad loadouts, dont get to do anything for minutes on end.
    I hate this gamemode so much, that whenever its voted, i straight up just leave and join another server. That's how UNFUN it is.)
    Gamemodes that are very mid:
    8: TDM (This gamemode was pretty close to being put in the previous tier, but i decided not to put it in there are some redeeming qualities to it. That being said, this gamemode is still infinitely better than ELIM. The two main problems i have with this gamemode are the some ones you mentioned in the video. One, there's pretty much no teamwork involved, and two, it's super one sided most of the time. Most of the maps that are desicated to this gamemode are also pretty garbage. However, if you do manage to have a balanced game of TDM (which is very rare), it's kind of like FFA but a bit worse. But by far the best thing about this gamemode, is TDM_doomspire. I kid you not, this is my favourite TDM map. The teams are actually mostly evenly split and because there are 4 teams going at eachother's throats, it's way easier to stop the team with the op player, since more people are gonna come after them, and the op dude doesn't have as many people to try and protect him. Aside from TDM_doomspire, pretty much the rest of the gamemode is pretty bad.)
    7: GG (I do agree with your sentiment that GG doesn't have a lot of bad things about it, but at the same time, it doesn't really have that many great things about it. Yeah, it's pretty balanced, but im not really playing IA because it's a balanced game. This gamemode is just the definition of mid. Sure, im not gonna have a bad time playing it, but at the same time, im not really gonna have a great time.)
    Gamemodes that are actually good:
    6: TC (Just like TDM, this gamemode was close to being put in the previous tier, and also like TDM it's pretty unbalanced. Unlike TDM however, it has the addition of classes. I really like this mechanic, since the classes give a sense of controlled randomness. (For example, if you choose support, you know that you're going to have less damage, less defense and start with lute 100% of the time, but your melee could be anything and your misc could be whatever item from a ser of items.) Also unlike TDM, it actually revolves way more around teamwork, with the teleporters and classes. Still, I can't really put myself to rank this any higher, just because a lot of the time it's one-sided, but when it isnt, it can be one of the best gamemodes imo.)
    5. ZS (It was kinda hard to rank this and FFA, but i decided to rank this lower, since ZS has more objective faults, but I would be lying if i said that I didnt enjoy this gamemode a lot more than FFA in a lot of circumstances. First of all, spawning as a survivor feels really good, and if im being honest, i kinda like it more when i spawn with a trash loadout than an op one. It's just trying to help the team with what you have and tryingto survive despite being the weakest link. Also, im not sure if im just getting lucky with the servers i join, but most of the time, the team i have can coordinate decently and at the very least can meet up at one spot. And while being a zombie is like, 5 times less fun than being a survivor, it's still pretty fun to just be a regular zombie and see how much you can rack up yourself. The mutations are also pretty fun (except for riot shield and screamer). Pretty much the only fault i have with ZS is that in most matches, it's either WAY too one-sided for the zombies, or WAY too one-sided for the survivors. It's really hard to find an actual balanced game in this gamemode. Even if it's unbalanced as all hell though, I still enjoy it a lot. Oh, and some of the maps are absolute garbagd like ZS_survivalthekiller and ZS_bloodpond.)
    4. FFA (It's the classic ol' FFA you all know and love. I like this gamemode just because of how chaotic it can be compared to the other gamemodes. Don't really have much to say about it, just a great gamemode with little to no faults.)
    3. BOSS (I'm counting perfect runs into this btw. I honestly have a lot of fun with most of the bosses in the game. The only ones i don't really enjoy is the skeleton, sage, clayman and kinda man of nature. The other bosses range from "meh", to very fun. However, if that was it, i'd place this gamemode below FFA. What really accelerates this gamemode into the number 3 spot is perfect running. Perfect runs add a whole new dimension to the bosses, and are (mostly) a blast and a challenge to play through and complete them. Also trash gang is a fun boss, fight me. (Also, I say that i "kinda" dont have fun with man of nature, because the regular fight is fine, but the perfect run fight is absolute stunlock hell.)
    Gamemodes that transcend beyond just fun:
    2: JGN (in my opinion, this is the superior boss mode. While it does have the same 3 lives that ELIM has, it's way better incorporated here than in ELIM, since you're only fighting one guy and not the entire server. Speaking of fighting the entire server, being the juggernaut is an absolute blast and i really love how each of them have a unique playstyle. And it's also pretty fun to go up against the juggernaut. It's kind of like you're fighting a boss, but the boss has an actual brain they can use. The only real problem with it is that it's kins of one-sided for the juggernaut, but it isnt as one sided as in ZS or TDM. Overall, a very fun gamemode for both sides.)
    1: KIT (I totally agree with you that KIT is the best gamemode. It has that controlled randomness that TC has, but if it was put into a FFA gamemode. I really enjoy the different kits, even if someone of them are unbalanced. This is kind of just a better version of FFA, and FFA is already one of the besg modes. It's good, fun, chaotic and it's also the gamemode where the funny bird up has the highest chamces of occuring.)

  • @user-os5ql4yr4e
    @user-os5ql4yr4e Месяц назад +1

    for kit i think it would be cool if IA added slot machine cards that could replace a regular kit card (10% chance per card), and also really rare but OP mythic kits that are much more powerful than legendary kits, but are only obtained by slot machine cards
    here's how the slot machine cards would work:
    - when you click on a slot machine card, you will have a chance of rolling a random kit rarity
    common (40% chance)
    rare (30% chance)
    epic (15% chance)
    legendary (10% chance)
    mythic (5% chance)
    once you roll the rarity of your kit, you will be given a random kit from that rarity

    • @khanh6247
      @khanh6247 Месяц назад

      lets go gambling!!!

    • @reactandgamerboos5171
      @reactandgamerboos5171 Месяц назад

      No more new rarity, that enough

    • @user-os5ql4yr4e
      @user-os5ql4yr4e Месяц назад

      @@reactandgamerboos5171 only added mythic cuz i keep seeing RED kits in kit idea videos, and they are way more op than legendary

    • @Fraddii_First
      @Fraddii_First Месяц назад

      This idea is super cool

    • @m--e
      @m--e 18 дней назад

      ​@@user-os5ql4yr4e oil tanker and soul survivor are already the better legendary kits

  • @DiglettZone
    @DiglettZone Месяц назад


    • @johnsmitb6779
      @johnsmitb6779 Месяц назад

      if you like mu you deserve nothing

  • @terrariaverycool
    @terrariaverycool Месяц назад

    Cool vid

  • @asokasil
    @asokasil Месяц назад

    gg ranked too high

  • @Arandomguy976
    @Arandomguy976 Месяц назад

    Elim should be last

  • @user-jk4mw5xl5b
    @user-jk4mw5xl5b Месяц назад

    Mu just should be removed. It's boring and has nothing to do unless i am murderer. I always reset every time mu is voted. Dumb gamemode

    • @cloudx1c
      @cloudx1c Месяц назад +2

      same but port is adding more roles so it wont be as boring

    • @user-jk4mw5xl5b
      @user-jk4mw5xl5b Месяц назад

      ​@@cloudx1cstill worst tho

  • @tripham-ot3mc
    @tripham-ot3mc Месяц назад


  • @federicoalonso7514
    @federicoalonso7514 28 дней назад

    I don't like KIT

  • @SmolPotatoFry
    @SmolPotatoFry Месяц назад

    gg aint that bad honestly

  • @nancybui6529
    @nancybui6529 Месяц назад

    Eliminate mode is worst one in my opinion because it bad for new and noob players who are bad or didn’t play it and it good for pro players only and good ones 👎

  • @kingstonlovely7404
    @kingstonlovely7404 Месяц назад

    You're one of the few people who likes uncertified, and i dont not never liked thee for it

  • @user-gp9ms3wn1w
    @user-gp9ms3wn1w Месяц назад

    Of course the overrated gamemode is in 2nd place.

  • @spartagames5808
    @spartagames5808 Месяц назад

    I disagree with GG, but everything else is spot on
    I hate ZS and would put it under MU honestly. I hate it so much
    You either be a Survivor and get cucked by the RNG heavy game by getting 3 mid or bad items, and you cant reroll, because if you do, you become a zombie.....a fate worse then death. Even if you do get good items, the zombie team can just spawn like 5 Tanks and then wash the survivor team
    Even worse is the zombie team
    90% of the time a zombie player is
    Charge survivor
    charge survivor
    charge survivor
    get tank and be happy
    now tell me, is that fun?