Taekook moments during Fansigns in fancams look so pure (Taekook compilation)

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 202

  • @ttk0ok258
    @ttk0ok258 3 года назад +90

    The most passionate and powerful together 💜💚 Taekook indeed.

  • @jungkookcutebunny
    @jungkookcutebunny 3 года назад +109

    Their relationship is getting more mature and strong throughout the year's and that's really beautiful>3
    Ahh..I just woke up and crying hard while watching it~Their bond is so pleasing and soothing for heart 🥺❤️
    True love doesn't need proof.The eye's told what heart felt~♡
    I can't even express how much I love them.. I've loved u both and I'll love you forever

  • @opliaoplia716
    @opliaoplia716 3 года назад +86

    I’m happily married woman (already 20 years) but never ever in my entire life I saw such a beautiful couple of these two gorgeous people… really. It sometimes makes me even scary of how beautiful their relationship are. Shoot me straight away if they are not a couple, no one can prove this sh….. to me. They are like married couple, they behave like married couple, they look like married couple… Or maybe I’m completely wrong…that means - I know nothing about love at all… Just let em be, please let em be 💜 I purple you 💜🙆‍♀️

  • @snehachaudhari4921
    @snehachaudhari4921 3 года назад +16

    Taekook bond is getting stronger from the beginning itself and still continuing. It's a match made in heaven. 💚💜

  • @harshita8477
    @harshita8477 3 года назад +43

    I lowkey cried watching this my taekook missing hours is going on now

  • @kookie3732
    @kookie3732 3 года назад +68

    *Tae : ican't live without kookie* 💜
    *Kookie : i can't live without taehyungie hyung* 💜
    *Me : I can't live without you guys* 😭💜

  • @ma.elmatanena3005
    @ma.elmatanena3005 3 года назад +75

    Back then JK was really cute and adorable that's why V is so fond of him. V is so touchy and wants to cuddle him always. Everytime they are together its chaotic. 😁All members are really and adorable too....

  • @sweetncool98
    @sweetncool98 3 года назад +10

    You can really see how they relationship has evolved and how close they were even then...😭 it's so beautiful!

  • @greytk7051
    @greytk7051 3 года назад +39

    How cute, charming, Taekook since 2013 ... In fact all BTS ... But babies are too cute 🤗💜
    *TAEKOOK FOREVER* 💚🤟💜🐻🐰💫❤
    ¡Thank you, Taekook-lives! ❣

  • @jazmean25
    @jazmean25 3 года назад +36

    They are the sweetest when with each other since their younger years. Nothing change. 💚💜 TK 4ever 🙌🏻

  • @purpleyoutaekook5102
    @purpleyoutaekook5102 3 года назад +43

    Taekook forever 💜 every taekook moment is beautiful and memorable 💜

  • @Vkook61
    @Vkook61 3 года назад +27

    Taekook cuteness overload in their teens borahe

  • @Darkest_Soulxx
    @Darkest_Soulxx 3 года назад +12

    Tbh they are the cutest , sweetest & purest couple I have ever seen in my life.
    Taekook Foreverrr~~~ 🐯💜💚🐰

  • @100bangtanlover3
    @100bangtanlover3 3 года назад +11

    I think they literally handover their personalities each other 😘cute babies I am so in love with their friendship 😍Such a pure relationship 😍🤗

  • @a.c.p2297
    @a.c.p2297 3 года назад +9

    I love how they grow up together... They appreciate eachother.. More blessings to V and Jk... Borahae ✌️💜

  • @linaborges4570
    @linaborges4570 3 года назад +10

    They r the best experience of true bond I have been looking n adore

  • @lorelihernandez1347
    @lorelihernandez1347 3 года назад +34

    Que hermosos recuerdos !y ellos quieren formar nuevas memorias lo dijo TAE en el último concierto..que siempre sigan juntos!!!💚🐯🐰💜

  • @taetaeuk7744
    @taetaeuk7744 3 года назад +10

    Just such a beautiful relationship. Taekook forever 💜

  • @Bloomingflower859
    @Bloomingflower859 3 года назад +9

    Thanks to V who made kookie come out from his shell and overcame his shyness.
    I hope their affection for eachother stay forever 💜💚

  • @-v-3997
    @-v-3997 3 года назад +5

    *This Couple represnting "TRUE LOVE" and "LOVE HAS NO GENDER" they are such an inspiration to others💜💚❣️* #taekookforever

  • @sjoy.2608
    @sjoy.2608 3 года назад +26

    I adore BTS and Taekook forever

  • @boraboravbora8130
    @boraboravbora8130 3 года назад +21

    Some things that haven't changed with taekook :
    2013 - when Tae and JK stood together they where glued together ( no space couple ) they are still the same.
    2013 - They made each other smile goofing around when they are together, still the same.
    Thing that has changed with taekook :
    They have become bolder in showing their love for each other. As JK said " SO WHAT".
    Love these two 🐯💜🐰💚

  • @suvikulmala2123
    @suvikulmala2123 3 года назад +30

    They are just so in love. Have been from the start🥺❤ and forever will be, I just know that. This is the most beautiful love story. Just wish I knew if it will have a happy ending or sad😔

    • @_strawberriesandcigarettes
      @_strawberriesandcigarettes 3 года назад +7

      why would you doubt it if you believe in it? they'll probably not come out, what's personal and intimate to them will remain that way.. just appreciate and support their relationship

    • @suvikulmala2123
      @suvikulmala2123 3 года назад +2

      @@_strawberriesandcigarettes ?? I was just saying that I hope they have their own happy ending, and I appreciate everything about them and all their moments?

  • @Aurie_d
    @Aurie_d 3 года назад +16

    Excuse me while I go get my tissues 😭 I'm not crying, okay? 😭😭
    They're so cute, it's unhealthy for me 😌🤭

  • @ofu4123
    @ofu4123 3 года назад +5

    I think that they are so clingy each other from the beginning until now...my heart so weak for their bond......😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
    Thank you my dear Bahare....i purple you...i love taekook so much..and i will support them whatever they do and want.....OMG...i'm sorry for my bad English....☺️

  • @mirnaquinonez133
    @mirnaquinonez133 3 года назад +30

    Soy nueva apenas hace 1 año que les sigo...y justamente empese cuando vi el dorama (ITAEWON CLASS ) Con la cancion de V "SWEET NIGHT".. gracias a esa musica conoci BTS . Luego vi al Taekook que me hace creer en el destino y amor... TAEKOOK FOREVER💜💜💜

  • @bts_army_taekooka6821
    @bts_army_taekooka6821 3 года назад +6

    Me encanta verlos desde chiquitos como se llevaban tan bien. la química siempre fue buena taekook forever

  • @analuisagarate2101
    @analuisagarate2101 3 года назад +38

    Hermosos recuerdos desde su debut, como fueron cambiando sus actitudes, tan infantiles y tiernos los primeros años, ya el 2015 hubo un cambio para bien y se nota en el trato, pero el vínculo siempre se fué fortaleciendo, gracias Bahare por tan tiernos y bellos recuerdos ILY 🤟💚💜

  • @Neo719
    @Neo719 3 года назад +12

    Taehyung и Jungkook это чудо!!! 🥰💖 ТЭХЕН, выздоравливай!!!!!!💜 Ребята,берегите себя!!!💕💕 Видео можно смотреть всю жизнь, спасибо!!!

  • @ggukscloud
    @ggukscloud 3 года назад +14

    watching them evolve from fetus taekook 🥺

  • @nanea465
    @nanea465 3 года назад +8

    I hope the concerts in LA are the beginning of the return of fancams.

  • @СветланаБогданова-ъ2и

    Это для наших мальчиков : Просто люблю ,просто дышу , просто ценю , просто гляжу .Сердце мое ,свет моих глаз , это-твое , это- о нас .Ты -моя жизнь ,сила моя .Так и живу ,нежность храня .💜💚💕💖💖💖💖💖💖💋

  • @ОксанаТерещенкова-ю3п

    Очень понравилось видео прекрасные моменты вигуков спасибо 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💕💕💕💕💕

  • @tkheart
    @tkheart 3 года назад +7

    The most beautiful love in the world. I hope everything will be fine soon as possible. Taekook are really lucky to have eachother & we're lucky to have Taekook for our life. I'll love & support Taekook until the very end. There is nothing like Taekook!❤️
    *Taekook Forever!💚💜*

  • @Aartizarekar8174
    @Aartizarekar8174 3 года назад +4

    Taekook💜💚two beautiful soul's who deeply ,truely,really love with eo💟💟they enjoy each n every sec of eo 's compny..since teenagers to still date..😇😇💞💞that's the purest bond they hv💝💝god bless them with this kind of love for each other ever ever and forever😍🤗🌹🌹

  • @noeliafeliz4548
    @noeliafeliz4548 3 года назад +19

    Amo lo hermoso de sus sentimientos 💜🇩🇴

  • @ВалентинаУткина-ц7я
    @ВалентинаУткина-ц7я 3 года назад +6

    Спасибо за видео ✌️✌️✌️ очень понравилось, Милые, очеровательные 💕💞💜💕💞💜💕💞💜

  • @rmpfby1963
    @rmpfby1963 3 года назад +3

    They are so adorable. Playing and enjoying each other's company so much!

  • @MariaRai-vb8rr
    @MariaRai-vb8rr 3 месяца назад

    Daily dose of taekook. I can't live without them....

  • @susanglim4049
    @susanglim4049 3 года назад +2

    Taekook really cute since they were young 😍 they were so fondly with each other 😍
    We love TeaKook forever 💜♥️💚💘🤟💫🌟😘😍🥰♥️♥️♥️

  • @rubymacaraeg9152
    @rubymacaraeg9152 3 года назад +12

    They are cute adorable babies...i luv their friendship so much

  • @michaelhunter7564
    @michaelhunter7564 3 года назад +10

    Aw they are so cute 🥰💜💚

  • @Tae_95.
    @Tae_95. 3 года назад +7

    Ahh q pequeños estaban😭😭 los veo ahora ya adultos.. Taehyung tuvo un cambio drástico, creo q es el que más cambio tuvo tanto en físico como en el carácter... tan imperactivo que era!!! No se quedaba quieto y cuando estaba quieto, haya iba kooky a molestarlo jajaja los amoooo!!!!! Taekook!!!!💚💜🥰

  • @kthv95_012
    @kthv95_012 3 года назад +4

    I love you both... Taekook forever! 💜💜

  • @arvindashaw9230
    @arvindashaw9230 3 года назад +1

    Two sweetest shots of the Universe 🐰💜🐻🌟🌟

  • @salmahnaava9059
    @salmahnaava9059 3 года назад +2

    I don't know if it's only me, but baby Taekook is my weakness 🤧🙆 I ever made an entire folder just for baby taekook only 🤗💜 I can't stop myself from loving them day by day 😍😍😍 they're my personal inspiration when it comes to love...they tougt me not to be scared or feel bad of who I am 😭🤧 the only thing I can say is that, I'm really grateful for you Taekook, truly I'm 🤗💜🌼 you will always be my happy pill 😚😚😚

  • @MoonchildV
    @MoonchildV 3 года назад +2

    ISTG THEY WERE FREAKING CUTE BACK THEN! This is so overwhelming😭💔

  • @sanjuluv7096
    @sanjuluv7096 3 года назад +5

    I love them more than me🐰🐯

  • @SharonGitau
    @SharonGitau 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for this Bahare.💜 These moments are so beautiful! They were so sweet with one another! Nothing's changed. :) 💜💚

  • @rubyrose49
    @rubyrose49 3 года назад +5

    Tissues won't do, I need a towel for this video. 😭😭😭

  • @jungkooksdarling2532
    @jungkooksdarling2532 3 года назад +1

    When your love for them increases by every increasing days

  • @juliecraig422
    @juliecraig422 3 года назад +3

    I love your positive intros! You always make me smile, even when it's been a bad day! Thank you!❤❤❤ And thanks for this awesome compilation of Taekook! Saving it to my BTS Favorites list!!! ❤💚💜🌈🔥🔥

  • @fancyqueen7995
    @fancyqueen7995 3 года назад +3

    How I wish both of them can see this video🥰

  • @huyi7068
    @huyi7068 3 года назад +1

    so precious moment of our taekook, that time look at them really pure I like to seen their all of moments 😘

  • @ld484
    @ld484 3 года назад +4

    So, so adorable😊.

  • @mithudhali_
    @mithudhali_ 3 года назад

    They were such a pure souls and so innocent, now too. Their bond and love just got deeper with the passing days

  • @NguyenQuynh-ck3ho
    @NguyenQuynh-ck3ho 3 года назад +4

    I went on facebook today and read some rumors about BTS. However, most of them say it's not real 🥺 Although I always believe Taekook in my heart, those rumors still make me uncomfortable. So I had to look into your videos to lift my spirits and heal my soul 🥺

  • @michelleruparell
    @michelleruparell 2 года назад

    Love all your kind words in all your introductions I’m sure they help a lot of people watching your vids

  • @tonyaa5093
    @tonyaa5093 3 года назад +1

    This video was awesome! You really took us down a trip down memory lane!! :)

  • @blueside5181
    @blueside5181 3 года назад +6

    i know it's a Taekook vdo but plz look at Namjin at 1:22. they're so cute!

  • @Kookietaetan
    @Kookietaetan 3 года назад +1

    Tae is JK’s hype man, he really does love listening to him sing. Taekook has always been something more than friends, bandmates, brothers, they may not have understood their feelings at 1st, but I know that it has never changed, they love each other now, just as they did back then, maybe a bit more now that they are mature. I have noticed a lot of TK moments when they were younger, before they made it big over in the US, I believe that since their country is homophobic, these young fans only saw them as bandmates and friends/brothers, to them it wasn’t a big deal, but once they started becoming such a hit over here in the states we noticed it as two people in love, here we are not so homophobic, or it’s more widely seen here and it’s normal to see, maybe other countries too, I can only speak for my country, all I know is I am glad they have remained strong together, didn’t shy away or hide it, I just wish they were able to be even more free, everyone deserves to love whomever they love and not be afraid to show it, the color or gender identity of the couple shouldn’t matter, seeing 2 people happy and in love is all that one should see.

  • @laurah9089
    @laurah9089 3 года назад +2

    So babies ..how adorable 🥲😚💜💚🌷💕

  • @lyvermuhin3325
    @lyvermuhin3325 3 года назад +2

    Omooo..they are so so close from start and the end😍😍😍

  • @nilakshipriya7659
    @nilakshipriya7659 3 года назад +2

    Every moment was really really lovely 😍❤

  • @know9081
    @know9081 3 года назад +1

    Even though I have no one to love me... I feel loved when I see taekook videos... I don't know if I should be saying this... But I'm really thankful for those seven angels that helps me keep fighting 🥺🥺🥺
    💜💜💜 FOREVER 💜 ARMY 💜💜💜

  • @quinnx_06
    @quinnx_06 3 года назад +2

    omg I'm early o-0 ilyyyyy and your videos uwu thank you for always having a kind intro...no one ever says those things to me

  • @rosemie7165
    @rosemie7165 3 года назад +3

    Wow na wow first time palang may something na feelings na Yong dalawa love u taekook so much💯💜💜💜💜💜🐰🐯

    • @mhariz1364
      @mhariz1364 3 года назад +1

      Sana sila n lng hanggang sa huli

    • @rosemie7165
      @rosemie7165 3 года назад

      @@mhariz1364 wish ko yan bhe🥰

    • @nancynavarro8999
      @nancynavarro8999 3 года назад +1

      Ang cute nila attracted na sila sa isa't isa lalo na si jk kung makatitig kay tae, si tae naman playfull pa hindi pa nya siguro sure kung ano ang feelings nya kay jk. 😍😍😍❤❤❤

    • @rosemie7165
      @rosemie7165 3 года назад +1

      @@nancynavarro8999 ya right bhe that time maybe laru laru lang Peru feel na nila yong magnit na feeling and in the end talaga feel na nila inlove to each ather I think baby tae yong nauna magka crush kay baby kookie 💜 and then baby kook para sa kanya bro lang Peru ang clingy ni baby tae so baby kookie ay nainlove nrin sa tagal tagal nilang ganyan at ngsasama s isang group nahulog ang loob ni baby kookie kay tae us in malalalim na loves 💘 na kuha mo bhe

    @BTSIPURPLEYOU-zi4mk 3 года назад +2

    Taekook sure do love each other 💜💜💚💚

  • @voosgoogie3175
    @voosgoogie3175 3 года назад

    They look at each other with soo much fond u can never see anywhere ❤️

  • @enzang10
    @enzang10 3 года назад +1

    Hi...it's just today that I have subscribed on "taekook-lives"...it has been maybe 2-3 months that I learned about BTS V & JK, I read about them & that is when I felt that I'm interested to them & days passes by I'm beginning to love them...I'm not any younger anymore to be a fan of them, but I dunno why I really like/love them that much...thank you for having this kind of news about them, I trust you that's why I subscribed among others...

  • @CindersVale
    @CindersVale 3 года назад +4

    How very young everyone looked back in the early days.

  • @cherrycordova3189
    @cherrycordova3189 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for this beautiful and sweet video.... TAEKOOK forever ❤️❤️❤️

  • @anoldladysiest
    @anoldladysiest 3 года назад

    Thank you,my friend !💐💐💐 #Taekookforever💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜✌✌✌#staysafeandhealthy🙆

  • @gyongyijagyugya9377
    @gyongyijagyugya9377 3 года назад +1

    Sweet memory.adorable two artist.borahae clip.thank you

  • @rumaAkter-jy3hw
    @rumaAkter-jy3hw 3 года назад

    I've never seen this type of relationship. It's unbreakable.

  • @kimcandy3992
    @kimcandy3992 3 года назад +1

    You back I am really happy

  • @clauflores1554
    @clauflores1554 3 года назад +4


  • @evelyntorres4155
    @evelyntorres4155 3 года назад +2

    Me encanta y estoy enamorada del sentimiento de ellos soy mamá Army con 52 años y hace 4 meses que conozco BTS y VKook me alegra la vida me hace creer en el amor puro e inocente.... pero también me duele cuando se pelan y alejan son lindos los 2 niños ojalá s sea real su relación y sigan juntos 💚💜🕊️❣️

  • @rosebix
    @rosebix 3 года назад +2

    I think they had started out as being 'brothers' to each other. Not knowing one day the bond grew into more than that. I think at one point they might have gone through the 'confusion' stage, where things can get out of control. Anyway, this is just my POV.

  • @jourie3835
    @jourie3835 3 года назад +1

    To be honest only this kPop idol i started to follow up now.. since my boss allowing me to use phone ( im a household worker) and then now i watched all their videos from how they started.. so very Proud to them,. And now im so kilig😍😍 of this two V and JK💜💚 so #sweetcouple

  • @silviaarmella4810
    @silviaarmella4810 3 года назад +7


  • @lika6236
    @lika6236 3 года назад +4

    Taehyung was such a tomboy.👍💜

  • @Personal_CreativityPB
    @Personal_CreativityPB 2 года назад

    Taekook videos are healing for me.💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 love u so much both and all the members..💜💜💜 Thank u for being born...💜💜😘😘 and thank u god that now they are the part of my life as well. Thank u so much GOD for making me one of the member of their family i.e. ARMY..💜💜💜💜💜💜

  • @claudi634220
    @claudi634220 3 года назад

    둘이 마주보며 웃는 모습은 내 마음도 따뜻하게 녹게 만든다😍💜

  • @btsarmyuma9490
    @btsarmyuma9490 3 года назад +1

    RM hugging Jin.. and by seeing tht V hugged JK innocently... soo cute 😘😘

  • @gigihpinata7670
    @gigihpinata7670 3 года назад +3

    BTS AND TAEKOOK FOREVER💜💜💜💜thanks for vidio

  • @Yippee253
    @Yippee253 3 года назад +1

    The first clip... Taekook and Namjin 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕

  • @wandareyes_2007
    @wandareyes_2007 Год назад

    They were so young and adorables 🥰

  • @JennTrendbyJenny
    @JennTrendbyJenny 3 года назад

    I love them with all my heart 😢😢😢😢😢💜💜💜💜💜 without any reason I'm crying so hard! My cute babies 💜💜💜

  • @leslypinto7099
    @leslypinto7099 3 года назад +1

    Que adorable como amigos muy lindos que bien ser amigos como lo son la verdad que interese son un ejem

  • @btsot7taekookbeliever932
    @btsot7taekookbeliever932 3 года назад +3

    That time they can interact with e/o freely....i wish i could support them from the beginning...they are so cute together then and now...i don't know they are dating or not but i will support them till then end💚💜

  • @leihann
    @leihann 3 года назад +1

    1:44 look at the manager smiling (i think that's not manager sejin but still yeeet) while looking at taekook 😂

  • @hax1325
    @hax1325 3 года назад +3

    Taekook forever

  • @ljhope770
    @ljhope770 3 года назад

    I'm literally smiling the whole video

  • @taekook_believer
    @taekook_believer 3 года назад +2

    1:56 spot the couples Guys 😅
    Yeah i know its taekook and namjin ❤️

  • @btsbias7010
    @btsbias7010 3 года назад

    Ty for that trip down Fetus Taekook memory lane💚💜

  • @mel-nq3kx
    @mel-nq3kx 3 года назад +1


  • @om533
    @om533 3 года назад

    I smiled like crazy during the whole video. 😁✌💜💚

  • @adrianagarzon9593
    @adrianagarzon9593 3 года назад

    Su debut fue lo máximo mira sus caritas todas inocentes 🥰🥰y ahorita todos pícaros 😍😍💚💜

  • @kathunter1670
    @kathunter1670 3 года назад

    man. i actually cried a little.