Does the Milescraft Track Saw Kit live up to the hype? Come find out!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 78

  • @pawpawstew
    @pawpawstew 11 месяцев назад +2

    I noticed play in the sled on the track. It appears as though that can be tightened up with those side adjusters. One note on these things... Always use the same type of blade with the same kerf on the carbide teeth. Otherwise, your cut will be slightly off if you switch to a blade with a wider kerf.

  • @Steve_in_Texas
    @Steve_in_Texas 11 месяцев назад +3

    Great video!! Thanks for taking the time to make and upload. Question: how much gap is there between the bottom of the saw base and the top of the stock? Looking at the video, I estimate it's about 1/2 inch? I'm just wondering how much depth-of-cut is lost when the saw is on the track.

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  11 месяцев назад

      More 3/16” to 1/4” is my estimate

  • @CBBC435
    @CBBC435 Месяц назад

    I just ordered this and the extensions so we can trim down the width of a heavy louvered door that would have been nail biting to run through the table saw. It's definitely the way to go.

  • @jeromeb1878
    @jeromeb1878 Год назад +2

    Thank you for this video! I was able to find this through Infinity tools when Amazon was out of stock. A bonus was that I was able to get them to work with a budget parallel guide system and now have the confidence to try making some cabinets. Thanks again and have a great day!

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  Год назад

      Thanks for watching and the comment!! Love it

    • @Naddan49
      @Naddan49 10 месяцев назад +1

      What brand and where did you get the parallel guide system?

  • @brianEVANstull
    @brianEVANstull Год назад +1

    I recently purchased, prior to viewing this video based of a few things had read. was out of stock for several months. I went with the Kreg version and the saw attachment is plastic, also does not attach very well. This video was great and I look forward to getting the Milescraft into action this weekend!

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  Год назад +2

      Yeah this is wayyyyy better than the Kreg. It’s made so much better

  • @MCSapp-fj2jn
    @MCSapp-fj2jn 4 месяца назад +1

    Does this work for left cut saws as well ?

  • @chuckbratcher9866
    @chuckbratcher9866 Год назад +1

    Great video. I just bought one of these and was wanting to know others opinions about it. From what I saw in this video I beleive I made a good purchase

  • @CBBC435
    @CBBC435 Месяц назад

    Looks well made.

  • @jamesblock1319
    @jamesblock1319 3 месяца назад

    Thanks for the video, I'll be putting mine together tomorrow.

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  2 месяца назад

      It’s a great kit. They did a great job with it

  • @coincollector315
    @coincollector315 6 месяцев назад

    I just wish they would work with track guide squares like TSO. I have this track and extensions.

  • @computerz009
    @computerz009 Год назад +3

    wonderful review. your review tipped the scales in favor of the milescraft system for me think over the kreg accu-cut

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  Год назад

      Appreciate you watching and the comment!

    • @drumfanatik316
      @drumfanatik316 9 месяцев назад

      Me too! The Accu -cut is all plastic, doesn’t come with clamps, and from the reviews I’ve read, the biggest problem with it, is the play leading to sloppy, inaccurate cuts! The Milescraft is all aluminum and comes with those track adjustment guides taking all the play out of it! This is definitely going to be my next purchase for my projects!

  • @m.d.d.3051
    @m.d.d.3051 Год назад +2

    The thing I noticed - and I don't own one, but have been looking for something like this - is when the tracks go together, the seams just d i s a p p e a r. The only way I could tell - in video - where the seams were was by the non-slip strips and the splinter strip. I've seen several reviews of the expensive to the inexpensive (like this one) and I could always tell where the tracks were joined. I mention this, because that tells me the machining is done well on these kits. One thing not mentioned, and a concern since even their add-on kits are just two more 27.5" tracks, is track flex in the 110" mode. Curious about that.

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  Год назад +2

      Any long track has flex but as long as the edge it true that’s all that matter. There isn’t a long track anywhere without flex. This one is extremely well made

    • @m.d.d.3051
      @m.d.d.3051 Год назад +1

      @@DettorreCustoms appreciate the response.

  • @TheSn1per
    @TheSn1per 2 месяца назад

    Great video. Could not help but notice you have a C02 laser... all that dust cant be good for the mirrors. throw a cover over that machine. :) My shop is littered with a wide assortment of equipment. and when Im ready I want every watt my laser can deliver. best wishes.

  • @ProTechEpoxyFloors
    @ProTechEpoxyFloors Год назад +1

    Great video, I just used your affiliate link to buy bundled with their drill press. Was going to go with the Wen/Powertec setup but I really think this is going to do the trick 😀

  • @ronkrueger3496
    @ronkrueger3496 Год назад +1

    You mentioned the bevel cuts. Have you attempted a plunge cut? Looks like it could be a little janky...

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  Год назад

      Remember you’re using a normal circular saw which isn’t exactly easy to plunge with. For $99 hours his will suite 90% of everyone’s use. I have the Festool and desalt and I don’t think I’ve ever done a bevel cut on either. Plunge yes but bevel no

  • @jckid66
    @jckid66 Год назад +1

    I am curious.
    How the set up would be accurate depending depending on the kerf of the blade you're using. Hypothetically if you set it up with a 60 tpi blade then switched to a 24 tpi blade Wouldn't you lose 1/8 th inch because the difference in the kerf of each blade

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  Год назад

      You could say that about any track saw then

    • @pawpawstew
      @pawpawstew Год назад

      With a track saw like this, or any of the type, really, the "keep" part of the piece is under the track, and the waste is exposed, so the only concern with regards to the size of the kerf is how much of the waste is wasted.

    • @pawpawstew
      @pawpawstew Год назад +1

      Ugh... Won't let me edit... To continue. If one does use a blade with a larger kerf, what may happen is more of the edge guard will be cut off. So, if a blade with a larger kerf is used, make a pass away from the cut line to allow the blade to cut the extra material from the edge guard, then align the track with the new edge. As a rule of thumb, it's a good idea to keep the same type/tooth count blade set aside for track saw use, and keep it sharp.

  • @gamerscircle
    @gamerscircle Год назад +1

    If I can ask, which Dewalt saw do you have and how many teeth on the blade?

  • @drmgillan
    @drmgillan 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks for taking the time to review this. Just curious about dust collection, how do you address that?

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  10 месяцев назад

      That’s saw related so it will depend on which saw you attach

  • @richardscarlett7942
    @richardscarlett7942 7 месяцев назад

    the cuts you made dont look like they were the same thickness from end to end. Is there that much deflection of the joined tracks?

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  7 месяцев назад

      There isn’t any. Maybe just a bad film angle?

  • @RecklessRick
    @RecklessRick 5 месяцев назад

    Thanks I just got one

  • @jhippl
    @jhippl Год назад +1

    I wonder if it would work with the flex inline 6 1/2 saw

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  Год назад

      I wish I could give you an answer on that

    • @laurylavoie9633
      @laurylavoie9633 Год назад

      I have a 6.5” Makita LXT and the base fits, just barely, but it fits

    • @Hakuna_Frittata
      @Hakuna_Frittata 11 месяцев назад

      Did you ever try this on the Flex? I'm in the same boat wanting to buy the track..

    • @jhippl
      @jhippl 11 месяцев назад

      @@Hakuna_Frittata not yet I haven’t started the new shelves project yet

    • @Don-ds2sn
      @Don-ds2sn 3 месяца назад +1

      Just tried to set mine up for a Makita 6 1/2 cordless circ saw. Probably less than half of the saw base rested on the track saw base. I couldn’t secure the saw baseplate with the two longer side clamps. Just a little info.

  • @rashpalsingh1298
    @rashpalsingh1298 4 месяца назад

    Hi brother I have question after I watched your video I just bought a milescraft saw guide this is not a long enough to cut the whole long side plywood what you suggest should I order only track extension or should I buy another one because price difference is only $20 whole set is $99 and extension is $79 but if I buy another set of milescraft it will work with the one I have can I make it track longer

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  4 месяца назад

      You could get another track but honestly I’ll usually just slide the track a tiny bit near the end

  • @CBBC435
    @CBBC435 Месяц назад

    One thing you want to do is to true up your saw blade to your saw's base plate so you have a true 90° before you begin calibrating your saw to the guides.

  • @thatguythatdoesstuff7448
    @thatguythatdoesstuff7448 16 дней назад

    12.2.24 - Currently on sale at Home Depot for $84.99.

  • @derrickthesen7008
    @derrickthesen7008 Год назад +1

    Is there adaptors for a router and or jigsaw?

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  Год назад

      Not that I’m aware but I bet I could 3d print those accessories

  • @rayfab5668
    @rayfab5668 Год назад +1

    How does it work for blades on the left side ?

  • @OuroborosArmory
    @OuroborosArmory 8 месяцев назад +1

    What is the difference between this and Kreg Accu cut?

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  8 месяцев назад +1

      This is way better quality, acts and feels like a traditional track saw, not wobble

  • @Rich32262
    @Rich32262 Год назад +2

    Just a note, the directions from Milescraft say the initial cut to trim off the excess rubber from the edge should have the blade no more then 1/8" below the material being cut. I see he has the blade completely lowered. There are a few other nuggets in the directions not mentioned here either. I realize he's not giving a setup tutorial here he's just showing the product so no dig at him here.

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  Год назад

      What they say to do isn’t wrong. It’s called a scoring cut. Do a cleaner cut. This was close to a new blade so I wasn’t concerned over that party

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  Год назад

      What other questions do you have? Happy to help

  • @MisterDivineAdVenture
    @MisterDivineAdVenture 5 месяцев назад

    Invest in a dust collection port adapter (pretty cheap), a vortex dust separator (HF=$35, + 5 gallon bucket), and some clear acrylic roll material to cover things better like a real track saw. Use magnets and washers for instant on-off. YEAH - IT'S NOT A PIECE OF CRAP MATERIAL WISE, and nice and thin plate - unlike the F'n KREG version. SICK OF THAT thick sled. I had to upgrade my saw to make it through a 2x in one pass.

  • @daftnord4957
    @daftnord4957 Год назад +1

    i wonder if this sled works with 10 1/4" saws

  • @realprojecttools3543
    @realprojecttools3543 5 месяцев назад

    even thought i dont have this, but its definitely 10x better than kreg accucut! kreg is horrible on laminate sheets and tends to flex halfway on the cut and give you whack cuts. main reason is the sled keeps on flexing and theres no adjustment like a normal track saw, but milescraft have it! that alone gives it better quality cut and consistency plus its made of entirely aluminum! the sled on kreg was cheap plastic and wobbles a lot! never use kreg on high end laminate sheet, but its ok for rough carpentry.

  • @douglaspetitjean6194
    @douglaspetitjean6194 Год назад +1

    How does it perform at a 45 deg angle

  • @Mark-kc9uz
    @Mark-kc9uz 8 месяцев назад

    Does this work with a worm drive saw?

  • @arthurporter9397
    @arthurporter9397 5 месяцев назад

    Lots of sawdust flying about the place!

  • @shaynesabala
    @shaynesabala 3 месяца назад

    How do you know it’s square?

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  2 месяца назад

      The same way you know any other track saw is square. It’s really no different

  • @hopenavajo1391
    @hopenavajo1391 5 месяцев назад

    By watching milescraft track saw guide is beginning to grow on me.

  • @robeccs
    @robeccs Год назад +2

    Shame on you for not covering your delicate laser. I see the lid up.🧐😳😄🍻✌🏽

  • @BobHolster-om8rf
    @BobHolster-om8rf Год назад +1


    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  Год назад

      I have the Festool and the DeWalt and neither of those do that and neither does this one

    • @BobHolster-om8rf
      @BobHolster-om8rf Год назад


  • @Goodellsam
    @Goodellsam 6 месяцев назад

    But was it square?

  • @kevinohara1908
    @kevinohara1908 Месяц назад

    They need to sell 1400 length or and 2900 length

  • @marcxu6173
    @marcxu6173 Год назад +2

    Make $800 track saw nervous 😂😂😂

  • @motomatta1
    @motomatta1 Год назад +3

    Out off stock 😢

    • @DettorreCustoms
      @DettorreCustoms  Год назад +1

      I’m stock at

    • @sxintas
      @sxintas Год назад +1

      It's back in stock, I just got mine yesterday 5/17/2023