Splatters & Shimmer Sprays Recipes | Mixtures Tutorial | Card Making

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 56

  • @MaAllen417
    @MaAllen417 4 года назад +2

    Keep on making videos and you will be a Stampin Up influencer and the will listen to your wants. Thanks for DIY!

  • @inekegeernaert801
    @inekegeernaert801 4 года назад +3

    Hi Cindy-Lynn! Thank you for the link to your video! That was some lesson. Naturally, I saved the video as the only supplies I have are the Stampin' Up spritzers ...

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +1

      Haha no worries! Be sure to check out my last video as I linked the Perfect Pearls kit. It will have all the colors you need 😉❤️

    • @inekegeernaert801
      @inekegeernaert801 4 года назад +1

      @@_MyInkieFingers You know what, Cindy Lynn? I'll fly over to Canada to pick you up, but before we fly to Europe, we visit the Dollar Store together. I'll make sure to ONLY pack bare necessities, such as medication, so I can stuff luggage CHOCK FULL of stuff! Then we fly back to our place and make sure you have an awesome time visiting The Netherlands and spending a LOT of time with other demos around Europe. Thing is: I doubt that hubby Peter will like the plan and we just can't leave my mom or our aging dog Meggie behind. We spent 4 weeks in southern France where our only child lives after marrying the BEST Frenchman you can possibly imagine. Not of the whole world, because I married that guy of course. He's 2nd best. And he already had 4 kids, our daughter had 2 boys and together they got little Gylan. That family meshed together, this is a bond made in heaven. Getting distracted. My mom barely survived those 4 weeks just because I was so far away. I called everyday, like I always do, and the only thing that really kept her going was the knowledge that we could be back within 12 hrs if the need would arise. Nevertheless, both mom (88, 89 next Dec) and Meggie are old, so we will be free to travel to faraway places and Canada IS on or list. Where are you in that HUGE country? Anyways, of course we have similar stores like the Dollar Store. You are QUITE welcome to stay with us though! Hugs & stay safe!

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +2

      Tell hubby to suck it up and big a big boy coz you're comin' to get me! Tell your mom we will bring her home a boatload of Canadian treats and goodies!! 😂😂😂😂

    • @inekegeernaert801
      @inekegeernaert801 4 года назад +1

      @@_MyInkieFingers LOL!
      Covid seems to be taking off again here, so from a business perspective I'm going to need all I can spare to invest ... Besides, flying doesn't seem a safe way to travel in these times. However, we WILL find a way!

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +1

      Until then we will be ships padding in the night... 😂😂😂

  • @created2bless322
    @created2bless322 4 года назад +3

    Binge watching! I had been needing to watch this one. Your videos bring me so much joy, Cindy Lynn! Thank you for sharing yourself with us.

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +2

      Something odd has been happening and my replies (from my phone) have not been posting! So sorry again June! I did not intentionally 'ignore' you. 💗💗 Happy Binge Watching!! 📺😜

    • @craftylittlerthings
      @craftylittlerthings 4 года назад +2

      june Villegas It must be the in thing, I’m binge watching as well. I’ve been off line for about four weeks, so it’s great to be back. Ive just moved house, thats the reason I’ve been off line, so now getting used to a new place with fields all round, and lots of big windows, so will be crafting again soon, i hope lol.......so from me in Uk (dont know where you are) but its nice to have company binge watching. xxxAnnxxx

    • @craftylittlerthings
      @craftylittlerthings 4 года назад +1

      My Inkie Fingers Thank you for your videos, im getting back into my crafting and videos, so until my craft hut is finished, ill enjoy watching all of your. xxxAnnxxx

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +1

      Watch to your hearts content! 💗😊💗 Hope your craft hut is done soon and is everything you dream it will be!

    • @created2bless322
      @created2bless322 4 года назад +1

      Ann's Crafty Littler Things Hi Ann! You new place sounds like a dream! I’ve started a new job and now I have less watch time☹️ but I’m happy for the income and the type of work I do. I’m in The US Happy binge watching! Do you have a blog or channel?

  • @merriedreyer4371
    @merriedreyer4371 4 года назад +2

    What a very difficult time you have been having. It’s hard to imagine how much courage you found in order to come forward and share with us. Thank you for sharing doesn’t quite cover my sentiment but please know that how ever long it takes you to “come back” I will be waiting. Thank you

  • @jenrex4
    @jenrex4 4 года назад +3

    Thank you for the information. I will have to get those shimmer inks in my next order. I am also a SU demonstrator but more for personal then to sell. I am not good at posting videos or even regularly on Facebook.

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +1

      You do what makes you happy. There is nothing wrong with just taking advantage of the discount 😉💗

  • @janncoats3446
    @janncoats3446 3 года назад +2

    I love your purple matt. Looks easy to clean. You can't say where to purchase one?

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  3 года назад +1

      I got it on Amazon. The link may be in the description :)

  • @cardstockcollector
    @cardstockcollector 2 года назад +1

    Thank You!

  • @susantipton8686
    @susantipton8686 4 года назад +1

    Another informative video. Thank you.

  • @CraftoriumCoordinator
    @CraftoriumCoordinator 4 года назад +1

    Thank you so much for sharing.

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +1

      I have it on the list to redo this video as I have new 'concoctions' lol 😜😊

    • @CraftoriumCoordinator
      @CraftoriumCoordinator 4 года назад

      @@_MyInkieFingers now I am really excited..I live in Arkansas..so no ordering from you..just know you have a fan here!!

  • @sharonthompson8932
    @sharonthompson8932 4 года назад +1

    Beautiful. Love it

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +1

      Be sure to check out my updated recipes. I just posted the video today! ruclips.net/video/ezvN8fPJuCQ/видео.html 😉😊💗

  • @margiehill1325
    @margiehill1325 4 года назад +1

    Thanks so much for your amazing ideas!

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +1

      Glad you like them! Thanks for commenting :)

  • @honestly8015
    @honestly8015 2 года назад +1

    Hi, Cindy-Lynn. Loved this video and the results and have a quick question. . . at the beginning of the video you included 70% alcohol in the list of ingredients, so I am assuming that's what you're using to fill the bottles after the powder and heat protector product? Thanks for your cleverness and generosity in sharing.

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  2 года назад +1

      I used to use 70% but I now use 99%. You would be fine with 91% 😁 (or 70% if that's all you have)

  • @created2bless322
    @created2bless322 4 года назад +3

    I have never heard of mixing heat protective spray, brilliant! I guess it helps it adhere better than alcohol or is there another reason? I use alcohol in my sprays and in an aqua painter (I have another brand) with some shimmer paint for cobtroled glimmer, like wink of stella. Thank you for your video!

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +2

      Yes the heat protectant spray helps the mica stick. It's especially helpful with Perfect Pearls :)

  • @carmela3971
    @carmela3971 4 года назад +1

    Hello I have been watching your videos thanks much for sharing . I have a sizzix big short machine so I have dies but can't used it on the big short. I watch videos on how to you but not able to get it yet. How can you help ?

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +1

      I have a cutting/embossing sandwiches video. I don't own a Big Shot (I had a side kick) but they should work for you. ruclips.net/video/Szhl60wERKU/видео.html

  • @staceyperez1889
    @staceyperez1889 4 года назад +1

    I noticed in the video for Splatters and Shimmer Sprays that the voice over says 10 drops of shimmer paint for the splatter and a pop up was added that said to use 4 drops of the shimmer paint. Does the 4 drops apply to the shimmer as well or is that supposed to be 10 drops. I just recently found your website and blog and I love your videos and the cards you create are amazing! Wish I was in Canada so you could be my demonstrator. :) Thanks!

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +1

      No 4 drops is sufficient. I made a verbal mistake. Hope it makes sense now. And as for your demo you can always move hahahaha 🚚🇨🇦🍁🤣🤣

    • @staceyperez1889
      @staceyperez1889 4 года назад

      @@_MyInkieFingers Trust me, that thought has crossed my mind! So 4 drops for both the Shimmer Spray and the Splatter. Got it. Making them now as I am working on the Freezin Fun Scene Standup card.

  • @JourneyTime
    @JourneyTime 3 года назад +1

    SU used to sell Mica Powders.. or Pearl Ex powders... maybe they will bring them back!

  • @candyschuck2694
    @candyschuck2694 4 года назад +1

    Have you ever used the Dazzling diamonds from stampin up to make a splatter or spray?

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +1

      No. The glitter is thick and would not 'spray' through a bottle. It may make for a good splatter though. However, I use mine to mix with regular embossing powders to make a glitter embossing powder 😍

  • @rebeccamiller3248
    @rebeccamiller3248 Год назад +1

    (Warning really dumb questions or Ideas about to come here.)
    Would a hair color heat protectant work better or is just basic heat protectant enough? I know it sounds stupid but I color my hair and if I use a regular heat protectant the color dulls or fades faster than if I use color protector. So wouldn't a color protectant work better with helping colored shimmer spray stay brighter longer? You can buy a basic/clear hair color protection spray. But would it have change the spray type you're using with your shimmer sprays now?

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  Год назад +1

      I've never used one but can't hurt to try it 😉

  • @susantipton8686
    @susantipton8686 4 года назад +1

    Do you fill the spritzer with the heat resistant spray and the shimmer paint?

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +1

      Yes, I do it exactly as I demonstrated in the video😉

  • @carolalanis795
    @carolalanis795 4 года назад

    Hats. Why I get so much mess. It thought it was me weak hands for horrible thick spray. I will get me some dollar tree spray bottles! ❤️

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +2

      The Stampin Up ones are great for splatter but hard to get a soft mist from. Glad you realized it's not just you! Lol

  • @margiehill1325
    @margiehill1325 4 года назад +1

    Could alcohol work splatter instead heat protector. What is you purple mat.

    • @margiehill1325
      @margiehill1325 4 года назад +1

      Thanks so much for your amazing ideas!

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +1

      Alcohol will work yes, but the heat protectant spray helps the 'mica' {shimmer) stick to the paper better :) The purple mat is here: geni.us/eQYAD [Amazon]

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +1

      You are most welcome :)

  • @zan_wild
    @zan_wild 4 года назад +1

    Wanting to make the shimmer spray, but the only alcohol I have on hand is 90% and I am not finding 70% at the store (gee, thanks covid). Would 90% work or would I need to make some adjustments???

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +1

      You can totally use 90% or you can water it down a tad to reserve supplies. It's up to you 💗😚

  • @paulapayne592
    @paulapayne592 2 года назад +1


  • @lindaback9800
    @lindaback9800 4 года назад +1

    can you spell the name of the gold powder? I really like it but don't understand what you are saying when you mention the name.

    • @_MyInkieFingers
      @_MyInkieFingers  4 года назад +1

      Sorry! It's called Shinhanart Rich Gold :)