StarCraft 2: Dark's 100+ MUTALISKS vs Classic! (KSL Finals)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 108

  • @croakertheannalist3457
    @croakertheannalist3457 Год назад +125

    He did it! He did the thing! He is Lowko!

    • @werb---
      @werb--- Год назад +4


    • @chiram5599
      @chiram5599 Год назад +3

      Hello everyone my name is Lowko and welcome to another game of starcraft 2

  • @Jelly1024
    @Jelly1024 Год назад +86

    I love watching you cast Dark's games. His playstyle is so different from what is "standard" and the games you cast featuring him are so entertaining.

    • @DarsusD
      @DarsusD Год назад +3

      Sad times when he actually goes to his MMS.
      He is so fun to watch.

  • @PeterBressau
    @PeterBressau Год назад +30

    This lovely intro with your buttery voice - thank you!!! and thanks for another great game of Dark vs. Classic
    Two of my favourites!

  • @ed0c
    @ed0c Год назад +22

    upgraded muta's are underrated imo. with splash damage if you have enough of them, they can be un-stoppable. upgrades are KEY though

  • @yamilabugattas3895
    @yamilabugattas3895 Год назад

    I love watching Dark games, by far my favourite Zerg player right now. It will be sad when he leaves for his military service. Great cast Lowko! (Plus I love that classic intro)

  • @squidhgf9997
    @squidhgf9997 Год назад +32

    It's crazy how the day doesn't seem right without the intro, and I'm not even one of the veterans who would feel nostalgic

  • @christopherbarnette8350
    @christopherbarnette8350 Год назад +5

    You had me at "I would aVOID that". Like was smashed.

  • @shikanoin_vik_gaming
    @shikanoin_vik_gaming Год назад +8

    The genuine “Oh no Classic’s falling apart…” from lowko in game 3 left me laughing for 5 minutes hahaha

  • @zakx66
    @zakx66 Год назад +5

    Man I love to watch Dark play. His playstyle is so refreshing and you can really feel he is just living his best life, having fun while holding the muta button

  • @PathOfMathias
    @PathOfMathias Год назад +2

    "Mooom.... Dark's Cheesing again!"

  • @Shardarki
    @Shardarki Год назад +10

    Lowko's day off from streaming and he got us his classic intro in his YT Video ❤he really does care about us 😢

  • @strickenlol
    @strickenlol Год назад +5

    Was having a rough morning then I heard the intro, thank you Simon ❤🎉

  • @YodasMessenger
    @YodasMessenger Год назад

    its crazy how happy it makes me to hear the old school intro

  • @DaevorTheDevoted
    @DaevorTheDevoted Год назад +1

    Woohoo! The original vampire intro (velcome back to...)!!! ❤

  • @glockenspeal
    @glockenspeal Год назад +1

    I love Lowko, through many a replay even up until a week ago he was absolutely convinced mutas were a useless unit unless you were in the top 3 players in the world, then comes out and says he's been playing with mutas and they're really strong.
    never change buddy, keep up the great casts!

    • @mattprater8828
      @mattprater8828 Год назад

      I noticed that too. I've been playing the zerg brood war campaign. Mass mutas that I micro just win.

  • @awerg
    @awerg Год назад +13

    dark is my favorite player, zerg is my favorite race.

    • @牙籤-q3y
      @牙籤-q3y Год назад +1

      and lowko is your favorite caster, your welcome

    • @awerg
      @awerg Год назад

      @@牙籤-q3y yes, thank you

  • @davidholland4713
    @davidholland4713 Год назад +2

    This series really shows why Dark has such a crazy style. It's to provoke opponents into cheesing back, and Dark's micro in crazy positions is so good, you can see why he backs himself. Of course, he can macro and late-game too, but why waste time and energy?

  • @danc6167
    @danc6167 Год назад +1

    Watching Dark play with his food is pure bliss

  • @DaveTestaSC
    @DaveTestaSC Год назад

    Sick cast! Thanks for all of your casting Lowko!

  • @meander112
    @meander112 Год назад +2

    Traditional intro! Hooray!

  • @CatoKern
    @CatoKern Год назад

    Good stuff. Dark is a madman. I see why you're such a fan

  • @BluePatch-pc7sx
    @BluePatch-pc7sx Год назад +1

    Thanks Lowko!!!

  • @TritonTv69420
    @TritonTv69420 Год назад +1


  • @nickhutchinson7886
    @nickhutchinson7886 Год назад +3

    Classic intro, must be a great video by default

  • @kyleschlief4857
    @kyleschlief4857 Год назад

    I love the classic intro. :)

  • @flymoolahman2763
    @flymoolahman2763 Год назад

    that 1st game by dark was so nice

  • @slavdecepticon
    @slavdecepticon Год назад

    The intro made my day!

  • @iskandar7688
    @iskandar7688 Год назад +1

    Hey lowko, I was wondering if you could use the "units" info tab mainly instead of the production when the main type of unit stacks. It would really help to follow air battles and understand who is winning :) Thanks

  • @elliebarrett3648
    @elliebarrett3648 Год назад

    Lowko, you're fantastic

  • @Alloran
    @Alloran Год назад

    Dude no way. How long has it been since I opened a video and got drilled in the ear brain junction by Lowko? Well played my man and good cast.

  • @SquintyGears
    @SquintyGears Год назад

    Dark is just out here keeping it entertaining for himself

  • @kajetanmalinowski892
    @kajetanmalinowski892 Год назад

    Going deeper into the melody and overall feel, it reminds me of Porcupine Tree

  • @wojurera3131
    @wojurera3131 Год назад +1

    What kind of cheeze do we have today?🤔🧀 Brie? Ghouda? Swiss? Aged cheddar?

  • @skywalker6078
    @skywalker6078 Год назад

    Man i missed your voice, finally coming back to this game after a longer pause

  • @DrakeyC
    @DrakeyC Год назад

    Do you know who the snarkiest Protoss unit is? Adepts, they're always throwing shade.

  • @chir0pter
    @chir0pter Год назад

    12:36 disappointed it wasn't "Classic following this up in a classic Classic way"

  • @ItsAuk
    @ItsAuk Месяц назад

    The void ray jokes are unavoidable

  • @akomis5007
    @akomis5007 Год назад +1

    Nice. I have a soft spot for muta games.

  • @hivetech4903
    @hivetech4903 Год назад

    I smashed like for "a-Void that". I'm a good viewer. 😊

  • @dominiknoack3736
    @dominiknoack3736 Год назад +1

    INTRO :D

  • @vacekto
    @vacekto Год назад

    "he is doing side quests" lol :D

  • @marcinp3608
    @marcinp3608 Год назад

    best welcome ever :D

  • @zellbi
    @zellbi Год назад


  • @SimplyDingo
    @SimplyDingo Год назад

    Going in to a mental warfare against dark probably feels like playing chess against the joker.

  • @jamoecw
    @jamoecw Год назад

    i like the intro, but you said it is hard on your voice. have you tried recording the "Hello everyone my name is Lowko and welcome back to a professional match of Starcraft 2!" line and then playing it using the fancy audio system you have?

  • @mangamer2818
    @mangamer2818 Год назад +1

    hi lowko, would love to see more of erik if possible, and some viewer submited games

    • @LowkoTV
      @LowkoTV  Год назад +1

      I haven't seen any of his replays in recent packs I'm afraid

    • @miguelgutierrez853
      @miguelgutierrez853 Год назад

      We need more bronze hero’s.

  • @catamenia8485
    @catamenia8485 Год назад +1

    Lowko MVP!

  • @danielbirkholz4059
    @danielbirkholz4059 Год назад +2

    I only click the like button when he says the thing 😊

  • @themistercoolest
    @themistercoolest Год назад

    what are the things in the corner at the beginning?

  • @finnandjake6653
    @finnandjake6653 Год назад

    I’m a simple man I see dark I like and watch and rewatch and rewatch

  • @sethkatz4475
    @sethkatz4475 Год назад

    Proper intro

  • @gautley
    @gautley Год назад

    Dropping the like already!

  • @frankwinkler6914
    @frankwinkler6914 Год назад

    I love how Lowko knows more about SC2 than almost anybody but still calls it a "Vespian" geyser. 😆

  • @cuper3000z
    @cuper3000z Год назад

    He did the thing the thing guys😂😂😂

  • @andrekasper4274
    @andrekasper4274 Год назад

    I love you Lokow❤

  • @hirzo6287
    @hirzo6287 Год назад

    Can someone explain to me why protoss upgrades always start with weapon and armor not shields?
    I mean shield health points are lower than normal hp on most units but shields always have to be pierced through to get to the armor part which they upgrade.
    Is there something I'm missing?

    • @joshuakim5240
      @joshuakim5240 Год назад

      Its a habit formed for PvT matchups to not waste resources vs Ghost emps. Another reason is that all shields start at 0 "armor" so to speak and most protoss units have at least 1 base armor, so increasing a high base armor usually negates more damage in a prolonged fight since 2 armor negates more damage than 1 shield.
      Shields are good to upgrade if you're going for a more hit-and-run style (basically reaper self-healing on steroids), but protoss for the most part only do 1-2 of those at the start of the game (obligatory adepts and/or oracles) so in the long run the main benefit of the shields, that being rapid non-combat regeneration, rarely ever ends up useful outside of the first early harassment skirmish. In a prolonged fight, shields kind of suck (imagine if Terran bio could only heal half their hp in-combat and couldn't heal further than that unless outside of combat), and protoss is mostly in big, prolonged fights.

    • @hivetech4903
      @hivetech4903 Год назад

      @@joshuakim5240 It has nothing to do with Ghosts - in PvT its still preferable to start armor first even if Ghosts didn't exist. Yes base armor is a factor but the main reason is that most Protoss ground units have much more Health than Shields - Zeolots for example have twice as much Health, are melee & have to tank damage whereas Stalkers are ranged, have Blink & don't - so prioritizing armor upgrades will give much more army longevity, regardless of what the base armor was.

    • @ibiree
      @ibiree Год назад

      In addition to other comments, shield upgrades are considerably more expensive the ground weapon or armor upgrades

    • @hirzo6287
      @hirzo6287 Год назад

      thx alot folks

    • @cyberkekosis
      @cyberkekosis Год назад

      basically the only unit NEEDING this upgrade is Archon; the rest units have too much base HP compared to shield HP so pros only invest in shields if there's nothing else to spend money on

  • @comod
    @comod Год назад

    Game of the year for shore

  • @rabidkoalamk1624
    @rabidkoalamk1624 Год назад

    The thing. Yay

  • @JoePhillips-th6nq
    @JoePhillips-th6nq Год назад

    fair enough. fair enough. fair enough

  • @Neloish
    @Neloish Год назад

    I hope you get to cast, that would be epic to cast in Saudi Arabia!

  • @Erebus2075
    @Erebus2075 Год назад

    7:56 good protoss, calc how much that recall would summon for you and whether or not its worth the literally 3-4 apm :P

  • @Dakota_B_
    @Dakota_B_ Год назад

    Very nice.

  • @NoseborN
    @NoseborN Год назад +1

    I'm really not excited about Saudi Arabia increasing its softpower with SCII.

  • @jonsolo32
    @jonsolo32 Год назад

    Dark is the Uthermal of Zerg.

  • @davidbardwell712
    @davidbardwell712 Год назад

    dat intro🎉

  • @김동훈-v4v
    @김동훈-v4v Год назад +2

    At some point, we have to ask - Can there be too much Lowko intro??

  • @seansimpson8758
    @seansimpson8758 Год назад

    Dad jokes are strong with this one, like smashed.

  • @likharoopak297
    @likharoopak297 Год назад

    Do you need gas to build Mutas? Dark doesn’t seem to think you need gas for Mutas. Now I’m starting to doubt if you need gas for Mutas. Guys, I don’t think you need gas to mass Mutas.
    I thought Mutas were gas heavy but what do I know.

  • @Keln02
    @Keln02 Год назад

    If you use the mutas to perma snip the gas, the opponent can effectively not counter you

  • @Zero-hd5sz
    @Zero-hd5sz Год назад

    Lowko you're so funny

  • @daveburgan
    @daveburgan Год назад

    The word anion is pronounced ANion...not anIon. It sounds essentially like saying "an ion" as two separate words. So
    anion sounds like "an ion"
    cation sounds like "😺ion"

  • @d.l.3807
    @d.l.3807 Год назад

    Heeeellloooooo Lowko!

  • @icecream6256
    @icecream6256 Год назад

    i'm a Dark's fan, but man i feel sorry for Classic, especially at that game 3 where he makes small mistakes everywhere and seems that his mental health isnt as good. Mannnnnnn lmao

  • @Aspharr111
    @Aspharr111 Год назад

    Scouts spire way before it finishes. Refuses to get archons or storm. Well...

  • @MetalMan1245
    @MetalMan1245 Год назад


  • @leonx9181
    @leonx9181 Год назад

    Hello Lowko....

  • @gyanrahashya6416
    @gyanrahashya6416 Год назад

    When did mutas join StarCraft 2 🤔

  • @Erebus2075
    @Erebus2075 Год назад +2

    16:17 no its bc Z literally put 100+ muta= 10.000 mineral / 10.000 gas.
    while P only put in like what? 500 min on each base defense.
    just use half of that on base defence and you don't even have to micro.
    meaning 5k,5k; so that
    10 shieldbat,
    10 photons,
    3 nexus (for overcharge, recalls, EHP buffer), and
    13 pylons so your defense isn't easily pylon offline that's 5k minerals,
    and 5000/300= archons to place within the defensive structures simcity...
    then you can basically just forget about zerg harass and this is only HALF of what zerg used in harass units... its not too much to ask..
    built static, so many P lose games constantly bc they don't, both offensively and defensively... its soooo cheap and it strengthen your army extremely and lessons the apm need making your micro more meaningful and harder to stress

    • @Erebus2075
      @Erebus2075 Год назад

      25:46 just 2 pylons 3 shieldbat and 1 photon here instead of the wasted on extra units, then wait for 1 cycle of unit,. push and now when you retreat you 100% get an extremely cost efficient fight and a good pushing point

    • @Erebus2075
      @Erebus2075 Год назад

      33:01 ling counter stalker, if your opponent mass nothing but stalkers why mass anything but lings ;)
      honestly if he actually used just minimum tech he would do better.
      i am disappointed in classics play, lowskill on built and tactics vs basic stuff.

    • @SD-jf7nb
      @SD-jf7nb Год назад

      Classic toss tactics since SC I, the Golden Armada sitting on a cannon wall, toss bases are easy to defend with shieldbats, warp in's, etc.
      Zerg buildings are cheaper, but harder to defend, its a losing strat for zerg, while the highest probability of success lies in not letting the other guy GET to late game, P or T.

  • @imaguy7070
    @imaguy7070 Год назад

    HE DID THE THIMG instant like

  • @Shazbot277
    @Shazbot277 Год назад

    Goulda Cheese :)

  • @TheMasterhomaster
    @TheMasterhomaster Год назад

    LowKo eats a COUPLE of boogers.

  • @CubeItself
    @CubeItself Год назад

    a great time to be proud for being a saudi arabian, and i am one :)

  • @xanjames350
    @xanjames350 Год назад +1

    My recent schedule is doctorate research, IT work, vertical farming project, dog walks, gym, Ukraine war blogger coverage, and absolute bangers of high-level matches of Starcraft 2 cast by Lowko

  • @Waldo13453
    @Waldo13453 Год назад

    Ope, I liked the video already, can you guess why?

  • @genericanimeguy
    @genericanimeguy Год назад

    lowko loves upgrades more than he loves women

  • @jerrehy795
    @jerrehy795 Год назад

    howda kas

  • @TheyForcedMyHandLE
    @TheyForcedMyHandLE Год назад

    Miss Netherlands 🤮

  • @AndrejD303
    @AndrejD303 Год назад +1

    protoss falling apart from zerg thats building just zerglings... time to nerf protoss i guess... but dark is crazy good with his build... lets build 60 mutalisks... lets build 200 zerglings... wow what a great strategy... but no no no dont buff voidray tooo dangerous.... dark building 30 drones in no time after yoloing is fiiiine.... balanced.... protoss unable to do anything about zerg air units balanced.... lets build archon and templar! yeah archon with arm lenght range and zero speed will surely nuke all mutalisks - glad to know they have improved regen... build in... uf.... no wonder classic struggles i would be pissed

  • @RavagHer
    @RavagHer Год назад

    i say zergs should just cheese all the time now that terran and protoss got them buffs. chsnces are ur gonna win or ur gonna cheese when they cheese