They Actually Lived In This…

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @CaseyLaDelle
    @CaseyLaDelle  Год назад +95

    Check out Troy’s channel at

    • @franklinwright7248
      @franklinwright7248 Год назад +2

      When you gonna start building some crazy off the wall stuff man? lol

    • @davidwoermansr
      @davidwoermansr Год назад +2

      What kind of help you looking for you've made this comment many times without saying what kind of help you want that makes me think this is a scam if so it makes you 1 of the lowest people around using cancer and kids losing daddy to tug at heartstrings to scam people please elaborate and prove my doubt wrong or remove the scam you've spammed all over this page that's about helping people in need

    • @davidwoermansr
      @davidwoermansr Год назад

      Pineapple princess is to homeless and hippie camps what lot lizards are to truckstops except you knock on their door they don't knock on your door since I know you know trucker lingo it's the easiest way to explain it and little ones still not understand

    • @wesman7837
      @wesman7837 Год назад

      @@davidwoermansr Who are you talking about?

    • @davidwoermansr
      @davidwoermansr Год назад

      @@wesman7837 the guy that either deleted his post or RUclips got enough reports they took them all down claiming his wife had cancer was dieing and he couldn't work and take care of her and the kids so they'd be taken from him please help he spammed so many comments and on 8 channels I saw if you asked him to explain more and a general area he lived so you could help find resources nothing if you asked how you could help within seconds there was a WhatsApp link and a Telegraph link both with different names also different than the one he was using to beg I hope nobody fell for it but I know some good hearted people sent terrorist money

  • @michelekuhne4500
    @michelekuhne4500 Год назад +854

    Just because you are poor does not mean you have to be filthy.

    • @jonhaynes1577
      @jonhaynes1577 Год назад +44

      You are right but it is not easy to be homeless you don't have water or a place to wash your self and no way to get in and back out of town

    • @thatdave86
      @thatdave86 Год назад +35

      Watch places where the poor live in poverty and learn to shacks ,they mostly still have some pride regardless of their situation.
      The saddest part here is that where do the people go ,that's why they resort to do this ,like the big Cities homeless problem,all they do now is move them on each month , sometimes to the next block .
      Look a Venice beach ,they cleaned it out ,but now it's back again ,these are people don't forget .America not so great ???

    • @davidwhitten928
      @davidwhitten928 Год назад +8


    • @turnerg
      @turnerg Год назад +63

      To be fair, normal people can be pretty messy as well, went on a 12 mile round trip hike a few summers ago, no homeless but a decent number of hikers, i came back out with three 55 gallon trash bags full to the brim with trash. (Im not defending the people who made the mess in this video, just pointing out that it isnt just homess (poor) people that suck).😢

    • @joaninga1
      @joaninga1 Год назад +44

      It's mostly laziness. I see it all the time in truck stops. You are parked next to a garbage can , but you just kick your crap on the ground.

  • @andreamellon3025
    @andreamellon3025 Год назад +11

    NO EXCUSES !!!! Don't care who you are, or what your circumstances are. DONT POLLUTE !!!! RESPECT MOTHER NATURE !!!!

  • @tonytrumble
    @tonytrumble Год назад +261

    It's a shame and a crime in so many ways that people do this to nature! I've been homeless and had to live out of my vehicle but I was always clean and you could never tell by looking at or in my vehicle! I always respected the place I was in and around!!

    • @wrangler6977
      @wrangler6977 Год назад +15

      Thank you for the homeless who take care of the area that they live in instead of thrashing the area around them. It is extremely inconsiderate especially when they just walk away and leave the mess and filth for others to clean up.

    • @tonytrumble
      @tonytrumble Год назад +10

      @@wrangler6977 we only have this one world that we live on and it's a beautiful world with Mother Nature wonders. I always leave a place better than I found it. I always pick up trash because I can't stand seeing it degregraded.

    • @leecowell8165
      @leecowell8165 Год назад +6

      exactly, Tony. there's absolutely NO excuse to live like trash. I can be a bit of a slob at times but I have reasonable limits. And I would never trash my grounds like this there's absolutely NO excuse to abuse nature. we can be homeless but we do NOT need to be trash homeless.

    • @Darkdevil1584
      @Darkdevil1584 Год назад +8

      i was in north cal a nd these tweakers almost started a forest fire cuz their generator lit on fire, they started to panic and almost threw it into a bush to hide it? thankfully my fire captain at the time herd the commotion and walked over like NO STOP WTF, and shoveled dirt over it lmfao

    • @mixedmediaartgirl300
      @mixedmediaartgirl300 Год назад +11

      homeless a lot of times in every tier of homelessness, and yes, i was cleaner homeless because i kept it secret too, for many reasons including basic safety. small spaces require frequent cleanings to maintain not only dignity, but sanity

  • @donnawest2316
    @donnawest2316 7 месяцев назад +5

    Thank you and everyone for what you do. You all are AWESOME

  • @carmenevans7651
    @carmenevans7651 Год назад +166

    I have come to believe that scenes like these are visual/physical manifestations of the invisible things happening in the psyche. Broken people do broken things.

    • @BillO964
      @BillO964 Год назад +15

      Still, there is no excuse. Whatever their situation does not excuse this.

    • @sherirodgers6811
      @sherirodgers6811 Год назад +6

      You could absolutely be on to something there.

    • @carmenevans7651
      @carmenevans7651 Год назад +13

      In my experience, drug users are self medicating a mental health issue. I worked for a company who offered fully funded drug rehab for one of our workers. She refused and later overdosed. Broken people do broken things.

    • @richardprofit6363
      @richardprofit6363 Год назад

      I think you are right...anyone on meth is unconsciously suicidal- EVERYONE knows meth is going to hurt them badly before they start doing it...

    • @richarddemp2413
      @richarddemp2413 Год назад

      Is "Broken" code for lazy drug addicts?

  • @Mechanicslife1984
    @Mechanicslife1984 6 месяцев назад +1

    Remember people are watching have a heart that's why you have subscribers 👍🏿

  • @calva70
    @calva70 Год назад +117

    Thank Casey for helping in these clean ups. It is sickening to see the way people treat these beautiful wooded camp sites.

  • @timothydarrow9474
    @timothydarrow9474 Год назад +45

    There is no excuse for the lack of respect for nature shown by the people who created this disaster. My hat is off with the utmost respect for all of you working to clean it up. There has to be a way to hold those responsible for this mess accountable.

  • @tomellington-taterroadfarm668
    @tomellington-taterroadfarm668 Год назад +217

    You all are some good people cleaning up that mess. But for real, something needs to be done to stop this.

    • @outlawbillionairez9780
      @outlawbillionairez9780 Год назад +20

      I left Central Oregon (Bend) in 1999. There wasn't anything like this then. I know, because I had a dual sport bike I rode everywhere in the woods.

    • @BobbieJeanM
      @BobbieJeanM Год назад +21

      @@outlawbillionairez9780 times have changed almost everything that was good in this country. I guess we are still better than many other places in the world but catching up to them faster than I ever thought possible.

    • @randyking1715
      @randyking1715 Год назад +28

      You have to understand these are open air drug markets rather than homeless camps. Oregon has a HUGE issue all over the state with what Casey is showing. Very liberal policies with all drugs are legal in Oregon, a $1000 stipend each month from the State and prosecutors that simply turn their heads to the rapid downfall of a once great State.

    • @BobbieJeanM
      @BobbieJeanM Год назад +14

      @@randyking1715 I guess this is a good example of reaping what they have sown. Unfortunately, I bet the legislators don’t use the public lands so they aren’t directly affected by the mess. Wonder what would happen if they had to do the work and use their own money to clean up these places.

    • @outlawbillionairez9780
      @outlawbillionairez9780 Год назад +18

      @@BobbieJeanM our legislators live in the district they represent.
      They are not by and large the wealthy of the State. Corporations and billionaires pay nothing in taxes. What little they do pay is a tax write off. And the decriminalization of small amounts of hard drugs have proven to be massively effective. We have a moratorium on building prisons and jails since 2012. That money saved has been used for drug programs and housing.
      Per Capita, we're a lower income State. We are making better use of our little money than most other states.
      And Central Oregon is not a liberal county by any stretch.

  • @maryc3808
    @maryc3808 Год назад +13

    THANK YOU!!! Watching this gave me hope that we can reclaim some of these beautiful forests.

  • @caminoblue79
    @caminoblue79 Год назад +49

    It’s definitely gotten much worse out there. Let me know when the next clean up is, I’d like to help with that. I love our woods and this is just sickening.

  • @lonhoschar1943
    @lonhoschar1943 Год назад +14

    I can't believe the amount of junk left in the parks. That place was trashed!! Thanks to you and all the other volunteers who donate so much to cleaning the parks and public lands so we can ALL enjoy them!!! YOU ARE ALL AWESOME PEOPLE!!!

  • @WCTarheel
    @WCTarheel Год назад +165

    This seems to be a very common problem in Oregon, from the East side of the state all the way to the coast. The problem is if you keep throwing out cheese, the rats will never leave.

    • @Patrick.Weightman
      @Patrick.Weightman Год назад +21

      You mean the west coast as a whole

    • @PeakDecline
      @PeakDecline Год назад +32

      @@aprillester3212 Homelessness has gotten worse across the US. But let's not pretend the West coast isn't the absolute worst. The politics of states like Oregon, Washington, and California make those places into "homeless mecca." The users and abusers of the world flock to those places because of lax laws and copious amounts of programs that give them free stuff. All they've got to do is scrounge up enough to pay for their habits and then a place to squat.

    • @rogerstlaurent8704
      @rogerstlaurent8704 Год назад +4

      @@aprillester3212 100% correct from North to South to East and West there is a Huge problem ... where i am from in Rhode Island there was a Homeless Camp underneath an overpass on I 95

    • @frankmoreau8847
      @frankmoreau8847 Год назад +5

      I saw a sign beside a riverwalk in a NW city. It said "Please Don't Feed the Birds." It doesn't take a genius to understand why and why that sign is so apropos to the homeless problem.

    • @garrydurfey9700
      @garrydurfey9700 Год назад +5

      Not just in Oregon. Drive 2 different roads in Colorado Springs and you see the same crap! Right along the 2 creeks.

  • @barneygirl9643
    @barneygirl9643 6 месяцев назад +2

    “It’s not the size of the hammer, it’s how you swing it”🤪😂😂You guys were having too much Fun during this clean up! WOW!😳So hard to believe that people lived in that filthy RV😵‍💫😢 Thank You and all of the volunteers that use your time and resources to clean your public lands. God bless and stay safe out there!❤️🙏

  • @Danuvox117
    @Danuvox117 Год назад +10

    I Live in a RV i could never imagine treating my home or the surrounding area like that i take care of it because it and my car is all i have.

  • @jonbaier9812
    @jonbaier9812 Год назад +15

    It is so nice for all of you guys to volunteer your time and services to help keep our forest clean and beautiful.

  • @JoAnneBusch-qh2rd
    @JoAnneBusch-qh2rd Год назад +49

    The good attitude and humor among those cleaning up this mess leaves those watching with admiration and a good feeling.

    • @avap2677
      @avap2677 Год назад +3

      For me it's sad to see for the owners . And make fun of them ? Maybe I'm wrong in this .

    • @davidwoermansr
      @davidwoermansr Год назад

      @@avap2677 what owners the Department of natural resources AKA the DNR goes around weeks before a cleanup puts a letter on the camper door or under the wiper blade of a vehicle or somewhere visible it won't blow away stating we have a cleanup happening this day please clean your camp area of trash and junk if you can't haul the trash out bag it and place it near the trail and if those requirements are met all they'd grab is the bagged trash and not touch campers or vehicles when DNR comes in days before a cleanup nothing's changed the note is still there an orange tag goes on vehicles and campers the place gets cleaned up because the stuff was forfeited to the DNR the money from junking the vehicles and campers pays the landfill fee and the cycle continues

    • @avap2677
      @avap2677 Год назад +1

      @@davidwoermansr Thank you for this message ,I didn't know .We don't see this in the Netherlands . I think we are too small to let it get to that point .

    • @davidwoermansr
      @davidwoermansr Год назад +1

      @@avap2677 it's a big problem worldwide in big countries and the trash in the ocean is affecting smaller islands that have no way to clean it or put it last time I was in the Philippines there was a dock area we call them a marina I can't remember their name but it was packed so full of plastic and trash boats couldn't get to it and people couldn't fish from it that really hurts a place where fish is the main income

    • @avap2677
      @avap2677 Год назад

      @@davidwoermansr This is really sad and so hope more people will stap up like you.
      Keep up the good work and sorry I didn't understand the first video directly.

  • @larrymondelo9867
    @larrymondelo9867 Год назад +2

    The state of Oregon should be VERY proud of themselves !

  • @marinemom351
    @marinemom351 Год назад +23

    I lived in Bend for 15 years and never thought I would see something like this in that beautiful place. Very heartbreaking. Thank you for what you are doing to clean it up😢

  • @sandyoi5301
    @sandyoi5301 Год назад +1

    You never know what other's are going through...
    especially elderly not having support nor health... doing their best through life challenges!!!
    Compassion, Kindness, Non-judgement, and Empathy Is Everything!!! 🙏 ❤ 🙏

  • @williamerdman3349
    @williamerdman3349 Год назад +32

    Casey I know it is a losing battle to keep the forest clean, but I really appreciate how hard you and your friends work at cleaning it up. It just turns my stomach to see so much human destruction and waste. I just can not find it in my heart to have compassion for those who do this to nature. They must be filled with so much hate for nature and society.

    • @davidwoermansr
      @davidwoermansr Год назад +3

      It's more laziness than hate of nature and society

    • @williamerdman3349
      @williamerdman3349 Год назад +1

      If they were so lazy they would not put so much effort into moving so much trash into the middle of the forest. It takes a lot of work to clean all of that up, it took work to get it out there.

  • @Krawlergarage
    @Krawlergarage Год назад +16

    Be real careful. There could be anything in those shitboxes. This makes me sick. Thank you for cleaning this mess up.

  • @kenkizer2206
    @kenkizer2206 Год назад +133

    I used to hunt in that area a few years ago and it was never like that, It is so sad that "people" (and I use the term loosely,) can treat the earth that way... Thank you Casey and all who help clean it up..

    • @FarrellMcGovern
      @FarrellMcGovern Год назад +16

      There is that, but what put them in a situation where they had to live out there. I bet very few of them would have chosen it if they had a viable choice. These encampments are not the problem, they are a symptom of the problem.

    • @Digitydan
      @Digitydan Год назад

      These people are bums, no excuses. They have a viable choice not to leave these areas the way they do. They have a choice not to completely trash and tear apart the vehicles they drag out there. They need to start busting these people before they get their meth mobiles out there.

    • @ToddSaw
      @ToddSaw Год назад +11

      @@FarrellMcGovern Yep. Symptom of the lost values of our once great country.

    • @FarrellMcGovern
      @FarrellMcGovern Год назад +13

      @@ToddSaw Today's society has lost it's empathy. And societies without empathy are just one step from fascism.

    • @ToddSaw
      @ToddSaw Год назад

      @@FarrellMcGovern I think we are already there. Dims shutting down free soeach, cancel culture, they are the fascists and have corrupted our youth. It’s like a mirror of early 30’s Germany.

  • @citizenfirst5826
    @citizenfirst5826 Год назад +5

    A big thank you to all who volunteer to clean these messes up.

  • @larrycox3290
    @larrycox3290 Год назад +4

    Straight from Wikipedia : "Pineapple Princess" is an American pop song made popular by Annette Funicello in the summer of 1960. "Pineapple Princess" was written by the Sherman Brothers. Stay safe, Casey, and thanks for what you do!

  • @suklinkner8684
    @suklinkner8684 Год назад +1

    Unbelievable how some people live. Just disgusting. Then people like you have to come in and clean up their mess. I don't live anywhere near but I still thank you for your service. God bless.

  • @anthonydecamp3126
    @anthonydecamp3126 Год назад +54

    Thank you Casey for what you do and may God bless you and your family

  • @jasonlang5585
    @jasonlang5585 Год назад +1

    I haven't heard yet what all the camper junk is from but thanks for cleaning up the trashes trash. Some people just don't deserve oxygen. Kudos to you and the group who were there.

  • @scottmartin3985
    @scottmartin3985 Год назад +61

    What a mess is right it's sad that the authorities let it go this far thank goodness for people like you and the other volunteers great job Casey

    • @RockingJOffroad
      @RockingJOffroad Год назад +12

      I think the USFS needs to have the people who created this mess clean it up themselves!

    • @bluegrallis
      @bluegrallis Год назад +7

      @@RockingJOffroad The problem with that might be catching them in the act. Like Casey said in the last video, they have no way of knowing who left the vehicle there. Many are stolen, or if they were bought, the title was never registered to the new owner.

    • @RockingJOffroad
      @RockingJOffroad Год назад +5

      @@bluegrallis if the FS people would get out there regularly they could catch the people in the act, they obviously lived there for quite a while! I feel the FS people are sitting in their warm offices and not wanting to actually confront the squatters! I familiar with the Deshutes National Forest and how they work. I think They feel it is beneath them to have to deal with this! They are the stewards of our National Forest and they get a pretty nice salary to do their jobs! These squatter can not legally stay longer than 30 days with in the forest. They should be charged with trespassing on day 31! I know this sounds kind of heartless, but they are criminals, and most are tweakers!

    • @freddybee4029
      @freddybee4029 Год назад +2

      @RockingJOffroad, one day you may be in their position and eat your key board warriors words. Karma may come your way sooner than later.

    • @RockingJOffroad
      @RockingJOffroad Год назад +3

      @@freddybee4029 I’ve been there, but it wasn’t due to drug addiction, but rather a total disability that had me bed ridden and zero income and I was told I didn’t qualify for even food stamps because I couldn’t prove my zero income, I was a male and I was white! I had no income for three years. The only way I got to eat was my girlfriend made sure I got some food. But I managed to get through that and recover!

  • @LaurielMason
    @LaurielMason День назад

    I am praying hard, your tires hold up, thank you, 🙏 for sharing

  • @chrisbyers386
    @chrisbyers386 Год назад +30

    Holy hell what a mess thanks for the work you and the crew do

  • @ralphlindberg1299
    @ralphlindberg1299 Год назад +4

    Years back a few of us helped some "friends" that were evicted move... their apartment reminded me of the inside of that MotorHome... When we got home people stripped before going inside our own homes.

  • @timsmothers8740
    @timsmothers8740 Год назад +44

    You're risking your health going into that thing but if you don't then it may not move for the next 10 years. Love your content and you Casey are a special person. God bless You!

    • @mom_im_losing_it
      @mom_im_losing_it Год назад

      Your risking your health

    • @leathalynn8745
      @leathalynn8745 Год назад

      They are making at least $5000 for this rv. Possibly 20000.

    • @leathalynn8745
      @leathalynn8745 Год назад

      Not including the value of the vehicle they took!

  • @davidnaylor3876
    @davidnaylor3876 9 месяцев назад

    Being a former AAA tow truck driver I really love this the future of the world relies on people that aren't afraid to get their hands dirty😊❤ God bless

  • @nathans3094
    @nathans3094 Год назад +13

    Hi Casey, you guys are doing an awesome job, thank you all for your time, also i hope everyone has their shots up to date

  • @dougpark1025
    @dougpark1025 Год назад +13

    What a mess! It is great to see everyone helping to clean up.

  • @johnpruitt2534
    @johnpruitt2534 Год назад +11

    That area make "living in squalor" take on a whole different meaning.

  • @Mikesroadtrip-ec5kp
    @Mikesroadtrip-ec5kp Год назад +12

    You guys are awesome!! The forestry need to stay on top of this. Funny how my family was traveling and the Rangers said you can't stay more than 14 days. We had brand new camper and a nice Dually. But these people can get away with this crap!!

    • @LoBeau53
      @LoBeau53 9 месяцев назад

      You have assets that they can go after. The people who leave these messes have nothing of value and it is an unfunded cost to the various government agencies to deal with them. On top of that , if they evict them they become responsible for them so it is easier just to ignore the problem.

  • @ianabrams1704
    @ianabrams1704 Год назад +7

    Great video. I don't know what it is but watching a professional do something that they are clearly very good at is fascinating and I can never get enough. Found your channel by accident but I'm subscribed now.

  • @pat5043
    @pat5043 Год назад +12

    It breaks my heart to see something like this, it could have been a great little village of rvs with little flower gardens and so much beauty but no one had any pride and thankfulness that they at least had a roof over their heads. Thank you for taking the compassion for God's green earth and trying to clean it up. We need more people like you, quirks and all. Love from Vermont

    • @mrromantimothy
      @mrromantimothy Год назад

      You have no idea who those people were or what they stood for, but if they would have planted a flower garden in the poor soil of a forest they would have been okay with you? let no man be the judge of another.

    • @IxnayMalarkavitch
      @IxnayMalarkavitch Год назад

      If people had that kind of mindset, they wouldn’t have ended up there in the first place.

  • @elizabethturel78
    @elizabethturel78 Год назад +3

    Yes, our state is broken. I can say a lot more. However, I am so thankful for your good work.

  • @johndej
    @johndej Год назад +5

    Thank's to you and everyone else who is helping with this cleanup!!

  • @kevinfiori7737
    @kevinfiori7737 Год назад +30

    Casey. You all doing a great service getting the abandoned cars and trucks out of there
    Thank you and a couple of atta boys for each and every one of you that are there. Great video!!

  • @timothydarrow9474
    @timothydarrow9474 Год назад +4

    Thanks! I know it's not much but I just wanted to help support the good work that you do.

    • @Complete.cyclepath
      @Complete.cyclepath Год назад +1

      I can't give anything but a view at this point but this is the content creation we need to support with everything we can. I'm a new viewer so I suppose he can have a new subscriber to boot.

  • @richardthomas1743
    @richardthomas1743 Год назад +149

    Thank you Casey and thank you to everyone that has been there to volunteer their time and equipment to help clean up the land to make it safe for all to enjoy with out fear of being pierced by hypodermic needles and what ever other nastiness resides in that filth. It is really sad that this happens there again and again. I wish that I was on the West Coast , if I was I would be there to assist in the clean up. I am sorry that you caught so much shit in the comments on the last video. That was totally uncalled for , I guess that is where the saying comes from , "no good deed goes unpunished"........ Again , thank you for all that you do for others Casey and for the environment! 👍💯

    • @michaelbeelby1995
      @michaelbeelby1995 Год назад +7

      You do know, 'Richard', that you could volunteer to 'assist in the clean up' right in your own backyard. Regardless of where you live there are areas that need clean up, maintenance, improvement, or even all 3 to 'make it safe for all to enjoy'. Instead of just offering platitudes in a comment you could take the initiative to make wherever you're from a little bit better....Just like Casey does.

    • @richardthomas1743
      @richardthomas1743 Год назад +1

      @@michaelbeelby1995 I do Michael Beelby. Instead of you being condescending to somebody that you know nothing about maybe you can benefit by taking a long hard look at yourself "Michael" and ask yourself exactly why it is that you are such an ass? 🤔

    • @denal0u
      @denal0u Год назад +4

      @@michaelbeelby1995 Well said. You’re right. I can do the same as a matter of fact.
      I’m going to start tomorrow. Helping clean up my area!

    • @michaelbeelby1995
      @michaelbeelby1995 Год назад +2

      @@denal0u Glad to hear it. If you don't act as a 'good steward' of your own neighborhood/city/county/area/state etc how can you ask others to do so?
      All too often I see comments on videos that say similar 'I wish I was there I'd help/do that too, or just I wish I could do that'......The thing is.....every one of them COULD if they really wanted to. Saying is easy and costs nothing...DOING requires a bit more effort.

    • @user-ug5kd2iy9f
      @user-ug5kd2iy9f Год назад +7

      You know the best thing for the environment, stop having kids

  • @rone.albright4237
    @rone.albright4237 Год назад

    WOW! 😱
    Shame on the Mess!!
    Great Job Bro! 👍✌😄

  • @firehydrant315
    @firehydrant315 Год назад +9

    Great to see you out in the woods. Huge generosity to see you using your big truck for these missions.

  • @nicklehammer762
    @nicklehammer762 Год назад +1

    I would Love to see you meet up with Steve Wallis and do an episode of camping and love of the land we all camp on!

  • @cbg4662
    @cbg4662 Год назад +28

    Thanks for all you and other volunteers do in these camps. Regardless of a person or families circumstances there is no excuse for not picking up after yourself and properly disposing of your trash. Its a shame there's no way to force those responsible to clean up after themselves.

  • @MrStanwillis
    @MrStanwillis Год назад

    Great job men. Things have changed in the forest in 50 years, sad.

  • @danacarlile9521
    @danacarlile9521 Год назад +16

    I hadn’t been up there in the northwest in a long time and I was horrified not long ago when I took a load up there at how bad it is. What used to be a beautiful area has been so trashed and allowed to be torn up. I’m sorry it takes big hearted people like you to try to clean some of the filth out. God bless you for caring and doing your part to try to clean things up. I’m just sorry it was allowed to get to this.

  • @abeautifullife5303
    @abeautifullife5303 Год назад +1

    I appreciate this. Thank you. You guys are totally awesome cleaning Mother Earth like you are doing.

  • @nanabettyg
    @nanabettyg Год назад +4

    Hi Casey, new sub here from AR, I’m home taking care of terminal husband, came across your channel tonight.
    I enjoy watching people who give back, and I’ve never seen anything like this before. I’m going to watch some of your past videos to see more. Amazing work!

  • @jeremycleveland899
    @jeremycleveland899 Год назад +1

    The mess can be seen from Google Earth. Good work by all of you to clean it up.

  • @Uglidan307
    @Uglidan307 Год назад +8

    I love how much of your time you put into cleaning up the land around you! You deserve millions of subscribers for that alone!

    • @dtm7909
      @dtm7909 Год назад

      If their wasn’t some sort of monetary payment no one would care about the land around them . Maybe it’s scarp price or who knows what but literally no one cleans the earth up for free.

  • @zdub4611
    @zdub4611 Год назад +2

    I’m glad they finally decided to clean this up I hated driving by it

  • @georgevindo
    @georgevindo Год назад +14

    You guys are so committed to getting things cleaned up. Its awesome to see. Thank you.

  • @TwinSister1957
    @TwinSister1957 Год назад +1

    A huge shout out for you and your team/volunteers ! The hard work and dedication to restore the environment is appreciated. Please wear protective gear when you enter these vehicles. Fentanyl even in small amounts can kill. I live here in Florence on the Coast. The amount of these types of RV's (but still operating) are increasing daily. They park here on 42nd street by Fred Meyers with busted windows, expired tags, etc. Code enforcement will cite them, they move 6 feet, repeat the cat & mouse game 24/7. They dump human waste, huge amounts of trash, needles etc. into the brush/gutters. I have been cleaning the areas daily for over 2 years. Locals drive by and thank me. It may be just one area but, the reward is huge knowing I can make a difference even at age 68. Thank you to the RV folks that stay and leave respectfully. FYI; I relocated here from my home state California after 65 years due to the chaos. I love Oregon❤ I respect the community and the environment.

  • @krishanson1639
    @krishanson1639 Год назад +5

    Thank you for volunteering your time and services to cleaning up after other people! Huge shout out to those you brought along too. People need to clean up their own messes not just move on to make a mess of another place.

  • @clrd4tkoff
    @clrd4tkoff Год назад +4

    What you and the other guys there are doing is awesome!! Thank You!! 👍🏻 👍🏻

  • @dietrichgw
    @dietrichgw Год назад +11

    Proud of You Casey!!

  • @CherCubsMom
    @CherCubsMom Год назад +1

    I've lived in Sisters for most of my 54 yrs and I've never seen it this bad around here! Thank you for helping to clean up our beautiful forests. I can't tell you how many calls I see on my Pulsepoint app for calls for fires and medical out that way!

  • @Voyagersk9
    @Voyagersk9 Год назад +8

    Dang I wouldn’t go into them! Be careful Casey!!! I love how you are always there to help clean up other people’s mess! Sometimes people just suck!!

  • @coachgeo
    @coachgeo Год назад +30

    Casey please careful of Fentanyl exposure. Make sure folk are at these cleanups that have adaquate amounts of Narcan..... and know your medical issues and any reaction you may have to something like Narcan

    • @Unknown_Ooh
      @Unknown_Ooh Год назад

      Fentanyl isn't going to magically absorb into you and throw your body into an overdose like in movies and TV shows. Yes it can absorb but the skin is a tough barrier and the fentanyl would have to absorb through your palm and it would take a significant amount like a fentanyl patch not traces of some powder. - a paramedic who sees overdoses almost daily.

    • @splashhash12
      @splashhash12 Год назад +1

      The only way a person can have a reaction to fentanyl is by ingesting it, not by touching it, not by being in the same vicinity of it, etc.

    • @coachgeo
      @coachgeo Год назад +1

      @@splashhash12 "...(individuals) can be exposed to fentanyl in one of five ways: skin contact, inhalation, ingestion, contact with a mucous
      membrane (eyes, nose, etc), or with a needlestick. ..."

    • @coachgeo
      @coachgeo Год назад

      can also be exposed via a discarded pharmaceutical fentanyl patch

  • @KnogMakkan
    @KnogMakkan Год назад +3

    That truck and how you have equipt it with tools and attachments can do so much great work! I love it! Regards from Sweden. 🇸🇪

  • @cathtf7957
    @cathtf7957 Год назад

    I'm seeing comments on several RUclips channels that give me much hope and I believe we as a community can help to turn the current situation around. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. "

  • @Knightraven000
    @Knightraven000 Год назад +19

    😂 "Please don't be a body!" Sorry, I had to laugh! There has to be something that can be done about these people! Kudos for your work on this!

    • @davidwoermansr
      @davidwoermansr Год назад

      Wouldn't have been so funny had it been someone who overdosed

    • @richardprofit6363
      @richardprofit6363 Год назад

      better to do something FOR them...

  • @micahhenry4998
    @micahhenry4998 Год назад +1

    Thanks Casey for helping with the cleaning stuff up could smell that RV from here and we're on the east coast

  • @CXensation
    @CXensation Год назад +7

    Really looks like an endless job !

  • @joedeaton656
    @joedeaton656 Год назад

    Please thank you and God bless you 🙏

  • @mattpitts3205
    @mattpitts3205 Год назад +6

    Hi Casey, I know this probably sounds boring to most, but I would love to see a video about all the buttons, switches, levers, etc.. in that truck. Like, what do you do when driving, stopping, loading, and unloading in a few different scenarios. Just a suggestion.

    • @Retiredmom2
      @Retiredmom2 Год назад +2

      I also would like that. Not boring at all

  • @georgiareddirtroad9919
    @georgiareddirtroad9919 Год назад +1

    My Sweet Daddy always said~ “You may not have anything but a pot to piss in, but there ain’t no reason you can’t keep that pot clean”!!

  • @dougngwenlawson3886
    @dougngwenlawson3886 Год назад +3

    As I said before, Casey you are awesome and Troy and the other guys are just as awesome. I am following both of you guys and loving everything you guys do. Thank you for everything.

  • @billkenosky3825
    @billkenosky3825 Год назад

    its nice to see everyone working together.

  • @bigchevy350boy
    @bigchevy350boy Год назад +6

    Woah 😳 that's quite the 'ol rig to haul! I bet it'd be ahh blast to work with you for the day! Thanks for all you do! 💯

  • @douggregoryHOTMotorsports
    @douggregoryHOTMotorsports Год назад

    Urban dictionary for the meaning. There are several. Excellent work you all are doing.

  • @gigasipke
    @gigasipke Год назад +7

    Yikes, so sorry to see this happening.

  • @danstubbs5032
    @danstubbs5032 Год назад

    Can not believe you made it. Impressive 👍👍

  • @petgranny194
    @petgranny194 Год назад +4

    Sad to see the Rockwood destroyed along with the lives of those living out there. I understand poor (I've lived in an RV) but trashy I will never understand - and I am grateful that I don't. Nice work on the clean-up.

    • @stuckasfuck
      @stuckasfuck Год назад

      I think the secret to being able to stay is keeping it clean. We have a gentleman with his dog that’s lived in a parking lot in our small town for 7 years now. He sweeps the parking lot everyday. No one bothers him. He doesn’t cause any problems.

  • @brentsmith5647
    @brentsmith5647 Год назад

    Brilliant man ❤👀👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • @ericsvalland4417
    @ericsvalland4417 Год назад +12

    That Rockwood looked like it had a salvageable Onan generator on it.

    • @renasmith4123
      @renasmith4123 Год назад +1

      Looked like it was a nice vehicle at one time so sad . Thanks

  • @BrentKamrath
    @BrentKamrath Год назад +1

    Such. A Stud!!

  • @patricksjeeps
    @patricksjeeps Год назад +14

    That is unbelievable to me. I live in the Rocky Mountains. We have a lot of Forest Service land, but I've never seen more than one at a time here and there ("homeless" RV dwellers)

    • @davidwoermansr
      @davidwoermansr Год назад +4

      It depends where you go in the Rockies there's places in the foothills but with so much snow on the Rockies for so long it keeps the camps down low

    • @davidwoermansr
      @davidwoermansr Год назад

      @@goysb4jays566 I own 10 houses and a hunting lodge and still,prefer my 87 Peterbuilt extended hood motor home with my 40 friend toy hauler I have to be pushing 100 ft long rolling down the road I spend more time living in it than the house I don't rent out but I don't stray far from home in the summer because my 10 acre garden supplies my veggies the rest of the year and I do alot of farmers markets and food bank donations I work out of my rig but take my 4x4 sidexside and all the fun trail toys for when I'm not working I'd rather be out in the middle of nowhere away from people myself though I'm looking at older smaller RVs as I close in on retirement it'll be sad letting this 1 go I've got over a million miles on her and turning the kids loose with it all but my rentals pay my fuel to get to meetings and playing on the trails I usually hit hunting season in 8 different states that's where my meat comes from the living quarters of my toy hauler has been converted into a processing plant with 2 big chest freezers

  • @Jack-r1r8y
    @Jack-r1r8y 7 месяцев назад

    Casey. Just started watching your channel.. Nice to see a real professional at work.. Sure you can work around any situation..

  • @brentsmith5647
    @brentsmith5647 Год назад

    Brilliant people ❤️👀👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • @brentsmith5647
    @brentsmith5647 Год назад

    Brilliant video thank you very much ❤👀👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • @drumorrison7625
    @drumorrison7625 Год назад +4

    Pineapples are used to show people that your open to swinging. Found out about this from folks that go on cruise ships and see them on cabin doors.

  • @daviddaw999
    @daviddaw999 Год назад

    It's deplorable that people the land in this way, and I am glad that you and others give of your time to clear up their mess. It's also deplorable that the American economy (and that of other countries) fails people and makes them homeless.

  • @gregoldham4986
    @gregoldham4986 Год назад +5

    Casey, you should be wearing a mask if you go in side one of those vehicles. cooking Meth.

  • @lindamarie6574
    @lindamarie6574 Год назад

    God bless these people!

  • @reggiec2924
    @reggiec2924 Год назад

    I am amazed with the way these gentlemen make the job look easy. Wow!

  • @glenbo2464
    @glenbo2464 Год назад +6

    I live in between Seattle and Tacoma and our town has been trashed by the druggies. Especially down by the river on county land where the city cant touch them. Very frustrating to live around. Motorhomes , piles of trash , stolen cars and crowds of tweakers.

    • @armyretired28
      @armyretired28 Год назад

      Most of the Big cities around the USA are trashed now, by druggies and w O k E policies.

  • @daveholte7658
    @daveholte7658 Год назад

    Thanks to you Casey and crew for cleaning up after these disgusting monsters..

  • @martinmicheal4595
    @martinmicheal4595 Год назад +7

    The problem is two fold one homeless that just want a place to call home and two the amount of drug addicts that are homeless can’t keep anything halfway decent cause of there problem. We need a huge push in drug rehab forced drug rehab and then more things to assure they are not on drugs like drug testing and we need places for people to go that end up homeless to get back on there feet especially if they are not addicts they should get preferred treatment and help.

  • @dioncrighton4980
    @dioncrighton4980 6 месяцев назад

    First came across troy when he had like 2 or 3 videos and from watching older videos of yours that ive missed over time ive now come across him again and starting to watch through his other videos.

  • @waynevandolah4189
    @waynevandolah4189 Год назад

    You and the volunteers are doing such a good job thank you very much.yipyip..

  • @1944chevytruck
    @1944chevytruck Год назад +5


  • @rogerdudra178
    @rogerdudra178 Год назад

    Greetings from the snowy BIG SKY.

  • @nunyabuziness8421
    @nunyabuziness8421 Год назад +7

    Most of us are only a paycheck from being homeless so hypocrites have negative comments. Livin on credit wont last forever

    • @arthurmario5996
      @arthurmario5996 9 месяцев назад

      my father drank half of what he made when was was working at all, but I still have money that I made on my paper route. Once you're 30 yo, you did it to yourself.

    • @stevenrichards9490
      @stevenrichards9490 9 месяцев назад

      Maybe so but this is totally unexcusable. Absolutely no reason for it