Text of the reflection: When I started this series I briefly thought about putting “nofilter” as a hash tag, indicating that the footage is not manipulated. But would that be accurate? I do not play with the colours to change the aesthetics. But that doesn't mean that the footage is not filtered. Photos and by extension videography are, I dare say, very pleasing forms of lying. Not necessarily because they go through photoshop or colour correction. They don't always alter reality, but they always curate it. When I say they are lies, I mean that they are akin to lies by omission. For they cannot show everything but necessarily select an angle. When I show these shots from a pilgrimage 10 years back I'm may be able to create for some viewers a sensation of wild beauty. Now what you don't see in the image is the road - and, I forget, maybe even a power line running behind the camera. It was not a particularly ugly road or powerline. It was part of reality. But it was not pretty and I chose not to show it. I'm saying this because I do not want you to get the wrong impressions from these videos. That is also true of my person. People have visited over the past few years to do a stories about my life and they have generally painted their portraits in a kind light. No surprise, the reason they came here was to find and show to their viewers something they feel would be inspiring. But it is a truncated view of reality and I'm somewhat uneasy at the admiration that I have received in comments and messages on those occasions. So let me make this clear. I'm not a guru. I'm not a spiritual master. I'm not a person to aspire to meet or even talk to. You don't need me. You don't need to discern any secrets in my life or take me as an example. I am fundamentally like you - a man, a fallible man, a human. If you find any of the propositions in these videos helpful; if anything that is said rings true - or at least, if any of the questions do, it is not because I'm a source of wisdom. Truth is not something we make. It is something already there in the things as they are. It is something we merely discover. Reality, if you really seek it out, will have answers about who we are, how we are and what we are called to be. If anything that I say is true - it is not because of me, but because of everything else If on the other hand you watch these videos primarily because your find them pleasing, I'm happy you enjoy them. But enjoy them like a story - like one of these movies with the disclaimer “based on real events”, of which we all know that they take some liberties. The liberty taken here is not that I go looking for drama or invent something to show you, but, as I said, that I choose not to show everything. If thirdly you find these videos not only instructive or relaxing but inspiring, may they inspire you to live your own life. I'm not going to give you the “hamster wheel” talk, so popular with motivational speakers. I'm not going to tell you that you should leave the treadmill of the ordinary life to follow wild dreams. I'm not suggesting you break out from your 9-5. I simply propose that you choose to lead an extraordinary life. And you do not have to go anywhere to do that. I contend that a life is extraordinary only inasmuch as the ordinary things are done with an extraordinary amount of love. If you are married for 48 years and kindly put up with your spouse's frailties, your life is extraordinary. If you are a father who goes to work in an office not because of self-fulfillment but just in order to put food on the table for you family of six, your life is extraordinary. If you are a single mother in tears helping your teenage daughters to navigate this crazy world with the compass of virtue that many have forgotten, your life is extraordinary. If you have lost your wife to cancer and after years of letting grief take over, you begin struggling to rid yourself of alcohol addiction, your life is extraordinary. If your sister gave you grief but you chose to forgive her from the bottom of your heart, your life is extraordinary. If someone was unjust but you overcome feelings of revenge, your life is extraordinary. Any of these lives, and many more like them, in fact are more extraordinary than a life in which one escaped to the woods on the slope of a mountain. They may be less instagramable, but they are more extraordinary because they require a greater love. For it is love that makes any life extraordinary.
This time I related to your reflection, honestly I have so far been quite lukewarm how about them. Not quite sure what it is you might want to tell us on this platform. I at least I'm not here for religious or spiritual teaching per se, and religions have certainly not always made the world a better place to be. I come to these videos to hear others life experiences. And I love seeing how others are making their lives, in other parts of the world, in other climates etcetera. My own path into Christianity and patriarchy, have taught me as a female to be especially aware of overt or even quite diluted talks and teachings from those who speak from a spiritual and religious platform. But today in this reflection, I must say I find your discussion of what makes for an exceptional choice of life quite humbling. Yes, truly exceptional are the many small ways that people make the lives of others better. A cup of coffee or words of encouragement, a smile, all these things are the hand of the Divine itself. It shows that people are looking at each other, caring, and responding, and just making life a little easier for the other. No heroics needed here! The truth is that each of us should have a RUclips channel showing exactly what we do during the day, we would be amazed at what others do to help make this world go round. No filters!
Your closing comments touched me deeply. As a single mom, I have spent many tears over life, my children and myself, never did I see myself as extraordinary. I often see others through a lens of extraordinary but never did I consider that of myself. Thank you for the suggestion to take a different perspective and see myself differently.
The most extraordinary people are those who view themselves as ordinary. Your videos are calming, informative, inspiring and thought provoking as well as technically excellent- thank you.
Your reflection is amazing. My small dog died 3 days ago and I realize how lucky I was to have had her in my life for 15 years. I now know how extraordinary she was. In my heartache and sadness, I have found a bit more peace in my soul with the loss. Thank you
The entire video resonates deeply and I love it. I love the garden, the bugs, the frogs, the birds, your physical strength, your intelligence, the beauty, the craftmanship. You are mirror for all of us - this is a beautiful life. Thank you.
So glad we are watching your videos. Honestly, I’m not a religious person but I really love your comments at the end of each show. And your garden is stunning.
I especially loved your comment segment today- helpful to so many! Very much enjoying this series. The videography in this episode was so beautiful and inspiring. Thank you.
Johannes….I think why we all enjoy your channel so much is because maybe you remind us how rewarding life can be. The simple things as hard work or just listening to the things around you. Not only do I find much delight in your video’s I also get inspired to be a little better person and enjoy this short time we have on earth, thank you ❤️🇨🇦
I marvel at how the frogs found their way to your watery ecosystem so far up the mountain! Extraordinary captures of the dragon flies emerging.... to finally flight! Your cinematography is so beautiful. The solution to your retaining wall is impressive! I wanted to see where the water run-off would be going and how you'd divert it there! "curating reality"... Yes! Such a beautiful way to "lie." :-) Beautiful closing reflection. You are not a guru. You are a man, like most others, flawed, perhaps, but a beautiful example of a man finding his own extraordinary path by processing the ordinary. Thanks for your channel.
Peaceful Sir, I am a city "70yr. old" girl, in the USA, but my heart longs for beauty in nature. I find beauty in God's creation, surrounding you in the alps. I aspire to self reliance, after seeking God's will & way. I believe in working for what you want/need, not wishing for it or waiting for someone to come along and do it for you. It is so peaceful to hear the bird's song in the background. I admire that you take care of things & are educated to do it. It is one of the talents I admire or enjoy watching Martijns videos also which is how I found yours. It's a peaceful way to live, but hard work to do it. I don't see how one can view mountain majesty or scenic beauty in God's handiwork in your face, as the alps are. Perhaps that's why people see your spirituality so clearly. In a peaceful, quiet space, you can reflect, pray, plan, dream and hear God. Fewer & fewer people have that at all or else just a little of that, due to their busy work, home lives. God bless you, stay safe & warm. Success with your endeavors which ever direction they take you.
Thank you for your videos and wise words. I watch to find calm and hope in a world where the news is relentlessly bad, to know that there are places and people of peace and morality. I do not build up a rosy picture or need someone to idolise but need to be reminded of the goodness and beauty still to be found. To me you are mediating something of the Divine through video: so for your willingness to mediate, many, many thanks.
Oh, I love that sentiment! Yes, after decades of no longer attending church for personal reasons, I too will consider these videos and closing thoughts as my link with the greater power.
Thanks again Brother Johannes. Your life choices are inspiring. and as some one else said. " your closing reflections are always a particularly special gift" as much my favorite part as any of the whole. They are the only religious conversations that have ever spoken to me personally.
Best $12 I've ever spent! I've watched all 12, three or four times each already. I hope that episode 12 will not be your last. They're the best thing on the Internet.
If you loved God then you will love and care for his creation which is nature with all its life form. In this way you are at peace with yourself and all the others around you.
Your reflection struck home today. You may not be a guru, as neither is Martijn, but your posts bring about a sense of peace and I reserve watching them when I have time to reflect on their contents. Thank you.
Thank you, Johannes for all your videos. The nature scenes and your activities in the garden are peaceful to watch. I’ve been taking care of my elderly mother lately, which has challenges and blessings. Your closing commentary puts things into perspective.
Thank you for the reminder that I have, and am leading an extrordinary life. I believe life itself is extrordinary. I have enjoyed your series very much. I find your voice and reflections a comfort . May the Lord bless you as you live your extrordinary life. - Utah, USA
Having traveled just a bit, I’ve known adventurous people who have traveled far. I’ve known some who have never traveled in the world yet have been to the ends of space and time. All are searching for the same thing, happiness, and sometimes they find it. Happiness is never found over the mountain in the next valley. It is not in understanding the nature of the universe. Happiness is always found inside oneself. The trick is to know it.
I know this video is 1 year old, I met Jahannes through Martjin Doolaard's channel... but the monologue at the end... raised all the hairs on my body, thank you for inspiring even if you don't really intend to, and in today's world I can say, thank you for existing
I love it when you don't speak over your nature footage to let all the natural beauty and detail speak for itself. I love it that you explain so well and with such simplicity the practical work in the garden and why it needs doing, and I always love your end messages... Beautifully done! I think we all constantly edit our lives as we go along. We remember what pleases us and forget or disregard what doesn't. We are constantly filtering away from harsh reality....
Wie auch immer, lieber Johannes, Deine Videos und die heimlichen Geschichten, die Du bildlich und erzählerisch vor uns ausbreitest, sind eine besondere Kombination - es gibt immer eine Melodie, die mich tief innerlich berührt, so als würde Eis schmelzen und sich schmerzende Knoten, von denen ich davor gar nichts gewusst habe, auflösen. Es ist auch eine leise, sanfte Form des Trostes, den Du vermittelst. Eine Art von Dach, unter das ich mich stelle, wenn es gewittrig ist. Und wie gesagt, ich wusste nicht, dass ich so etwas brauche, ich nehme es dankend.
I’m not a believer, but your life in the mountains and the beautiful house and the lovely garden is so amazing. Your storytelling is one of a kind, thank you Johannes 🙏
Dragonflies are to mosquitos what falcons are to rabbits, they love to strike from above. Put a couple of long, straight sticks next to the pond and all spring and summer long you can see their wings glimmer in the sunlight while they sit motionless on the sticks, waiting for an opportunity to pounce. And pounce they do. So fast it looks a bit like teleportation. I heard somewhere that they are the most effective hunter on the planet, and although i don't know if it's true i have seen them at work enough to be inclined to believe it. They are also quite territorial and their battles in the sky are a sight to behold. When they chase eachother it always is an exciting thing to watch. They are so agile! Seeing them in the garden never fails to put a smile on my face.
Your calm voice and all the sounds of God’s creations were a comfort last night. I am on week four of my recovery from a torn Achilles tendon. For some reason last night was the most painful. Thank you for your message of calm, serenity and comfort.
Perhaps looking at your videography in the light of an artistic endeavor and you as the artist of your life on the mountainside would set your mind at ease. Whether an artist "paints" with water colors, oils, or light, he or she is still an artist and we see on a canvas or a video the view as translated by and through the artist. It has always been so in art, poetry, and writing. Why would a video need to be any different? The artist cannot help but add some essence of their own soul to their work. It seems to me you are doing so, as well. Your humility and love of nature - God's handiwork and your sharing of it - is inspiring! Thank you.
I very much enjoy your videos. Much because they are peaceful, fulfilling and inspiring. I escaped the 8-5 in 2017 when the company I worked for closed and I would've had to commute longer than I was willing to to enslave myself to yet another job that would've taken too much of my life with too little return. Of course, I am blessed with having a husband that loves his work and loves to work. I get to now work from home 2 days a week and do bookkeeping for 4 guys that run their own businesses, but don't need a full time bookkeeper. I love my work now, too. When I started watching Matijn's videos and "met" you, I wished for videos from you and your life on the mountain. My wish has been fulfilled for 2024. ❤
If you pay attention to the simplest details of your life, and see the beauty (as Johannes shows us in his videos), even when you struggle massively elsewhere - your life is extraordinary.
The dragonfly metamorphosis was fascinating. Loved seeing the bees 🐝, tadpoles, frogs 🐸and other creatures. 🦋 The songbirds were wonderful also. Beautiful content.
amazing, yes these vids are a look into your reality, an idea of your thoughts, you being you as we should be us as individuals 😊 i think if we all reallised that we are all one reality each and not some reason to be someone else we would be better as ourselves as individuals. i really feel i wished id found your videos before, they are very unique 😊
Johannes - In regard to your reflection, which I enjoyed hearing, I respect what you have said - you are a man; like me. But you are a mine who is pursuing his life in a purposeful way and I admire that and want to do similarly. Two things strike me about your videos: 1) The excellent quality of the video, editing and audio. There is just enough speaking to explain things, but most of the content can be enjoyed just by watching. 2) Your methods of overcoming physical obstacles by manual methods. I admire the way you take your time and build or repair things one bucketful of soil, rock or sand at a time.
Video molto belli e interessanti, istruttivi e rilassanti. Piano piano li sto guardando tutti. Ti ammiro per la vita che conduci. La pace sia sempre con te.
I would like to compliment you on your nature photography. It us quite beautiful. I like to the way you chose to talk about it as well. I have never heard anyone talking about their work also talk about what they left out. You talk about each person’s life being extraordinary. I agree. But I would add that life itself is extraordinary because it simply is. In all of its manifestations. Nowhere else in the universe do we find this extraordinary thing called life. I think you are both humble and wise.
These are peaceful videos. I'm ill this week with a severe cold and felt the need of calm and peace. I appreciate the honesty you share at the end also. I see the beautiful results of the extremely hard work you have put into creating this pleasant environment. Thank you for inviting us in and sharing the lessons you have learned from your experience.
Nature is all the inspiration I require. You capture many aspects of it and it's beautiful. It can give us moments to forget about the horrors that are happening all over the world and be at peace with everything. I look forward to your videos each week and appreciate your words. Thanks. 🐝
Johannes, you bring God’s Peace to my home. Not that he was not already here,, but with you he comes via the internet….. a wound surely felt by the evil one. ☘️🔥
Alabado sea Jesucristo !! Buen y Bendecido día hermano mío, qué gusto saber de su entrega a nuestro Padre Eterno y Bueno en medio de tanta soledad y naturaleza, también estoy en éste camino de la vida Eremítica, un abrazo fuerte y muchas Bendiciones desde Cuba, Oraimy Carrillo Pérez (José María de Jesús) éste es mi nombre religioso, seré miembro de la comunidad de Ermitaños del Corazón de Jesús desde éste próximo día de San José con mis primeros votos religiosos, unidos en Jesús y María, rezaré por usted, rece por éste hermano, que Dios Santo sea siempre con usted, AMÉN.
Thank you for the heartfelt truths expressed in your closing reflection. An excellent reminder that we are surrounded by countless "ordinary" people performing countless acts of kindness, imagination, hard work, courage, and forbearance every day... most of which are known only to themselves. It's beauty that remains invisible. But it's also an excellent thing if people chose to share parts of their lives and surroundings, and make that beauty visible for others to enjoy and celebrate. Such as your videos. They are a much-needed counter to the negativity that can dominate public discourse, and strengthens me on my own journey. Once again, thank you.
Donjojohannes - don't worry about filtering - our senses filter the physical world, interpret on our behalf, and there's no way to know for sure that this filtering is the same for everyone. I suspect it is close, but I don't know that green for me is green for you. For my part, I enjoy hearing your musings about life and the world, and enjoy even more seeing what you build, as I know you share the gains of that effort with those around you - I've seen it, in your videos and in Martijn's. You've put effort in, through these videos, to extend your gains outward to others, spiritually and physically. You may not be a guru, but you are a man considering the world around you. Knowledge of that, in these times, is uplifting, at least to me. Thank you!
Thank you Johannes, I am so in awe of you. I live in Israël, Haifa. You inspire me. It's so wonderful to see you work "the dirt" and make something tangible. Your videos calm me, especially now. Your words calm me. Thank you
Grazie, Padre Johannes, per le sue riflessioni finali. Mi è piaciuto sentirla parlare in italiano. Parla molto bene. Sono una trentina che vive negli USA. Tutto quanto lei fa: orto, giardino, cucina, stufa (Kachelofen), la sua meravigliosa Cappella, tutto, mi riempie il cuore di nostalgia e riconoscenza.
How important it is to simply be yourself. This world of illusion and fantasy is continually bombarding us with deceptions which are presented in such a way that we are to feel 'inferior' if we do not mimic them. The reality is in nature and I understand your attraction to it. We can find our balance when we surround ourselves with what is real and true. Simplicity, Humility and Purity...help us to accept ourselves and love one another. Thank-you for sharing. Health and blessings.
As others suggested before me... It’s like a drink of fresh, thirst-quenching 'living' water: “it is Love that makes life extraordinary“. Thank you Johanne.
Text of the reflection:
When I started this series I briefly thought about putting “nofilter” as a hash tag, indicating that the footage is not manipulated. But would that be accurate? I do not play with the colours to change the aesthetics. But that doesn't mean that the footage is not filtered. Photos and by extension videography are, I dare say, very pleasing forms of lying. Not necessarily because they go through photoshop or colour correction. They don't always alter reality, but they always curate it. When I say they are lies, I mean that they are akin to lies by omission. For they cannot show everything but necessarily select an angle. When I show these shots from a pilgrimage 10 years back I'm may be able to create for some viewers a sensation of wild beauty. Now what you don't see in the image is the road - and, I forget, maybe even a power line running behind the camera. It was not a particularly ugly road or powerline. It was part of reality. But it was not pretty and I chose not to show it.
I'm saying this because I do not want you to get the wrong impressions from these videos. That is also true of my person. People have visited over the past few years to do a stories about my life and they have generally painted their portraits in a kind light. No surprise, the reason they came here was to find and show to their viewers something they feel would be inspiring. But it is a truncated view of reality and I'm somewhat uneasy at the admiration that I have received in comments and messages on those occasions. So let me make this clear. I'm not a guru. I'm not a spiritual master. I'm not a person to aspire to meet or even talk to. You don't need me. You don't need to discern any secrets in my life or take me as an example. I am fundamentally like you - a man, a fallible man, a human. If you find any of the propositions in these videos helpful; if anything that is said rings true - or at least, if any of the questions do, it is not because I'm a source of wisdom. Truth is not something we make. It is something already there in the things as they are. It is something we merely discover. Reality, if you really seek it out, will have answers about who we are, how we are and what we are called to be. If anything that I say is true - it is not because of me, but because of everything else
If on the other hand you watch these videos primarily because your find them pleasing, I'm happy you enjoy them. But enjoy them like a story - like one of these movies with the disclaimer “based on real events”, of which we all know that they take some liberties. The liberty taken here is not that I go looking for drama or invent something to show you, but, as I said, that I choose not to show everything.
If thirdly you find these videos not only instructive or relaxing but inspiring, may they inspire you to live your own life. I'm not going to give you the “hamster wheel” talk, so popular with motivational speakers. I'm not going to tell you that you should leave the treadmill of the ordinary life to follow wild dreams. I'm not suggesting you break out from your 9-5. I simply propose that you choose to lead an extraordinary life. And you do not have to go anywhere to do that. I contend that a life is extraordinary only inasmuch as the ordinary things are done with an extraordinary amount of love. If you are married for 48 years and kindly put up with your spouse's frailties, your life is extraordinary. If you are a father who goes to work in an office not because of self-fulfillment but just in order to put food on the table for you family of six, your life is extraordinary. If you are a single mother in tears helping your teenage daughters to navigate this crazy world with the compass of virtue that many have forgotten, your life is extraordinary. If you have lost your wife to cancer and after years of letting grief take over, you begin struggling to rid yourself of alcohol addiction, your life is extraordinary. If your sister gave you grief but you chose to forgive her from the bottom of your heart, your life is extraordinary. If someone was unjust but you overcome feelings of revenge, your life is extraordinary. Any of these lives, and many more like them, in fact are more extraordinary than a life in which one escaped to the woods on the slope of a mountain. They may be less instagramable, but they are more extraordinary because they require a greater love. For it is love that makes any life extraordinary.
This time I related to your reflection, honestly I have so far been quite lukewarm how about them. Not quite sure what it is you might want to tell us on this platform. I at least I'm not here for religious or spiritual teaching per se, and religions have certainly not always made the world a better place to be. I come to these videos to hear others life experiences. And I love seeing how others are making their lives, in other parts of the world, in other climates etcetera. My own path into Christianity and patriarchy, have taught me as a female to be especially aware of overt or even quite diluted talks and teachings from those who speak from a spiritual and religious platform. But today in this reflection, I must say I find your discussion of what makes for an exceptional choice of life quite humbling. Yes, truly exceptional are the many small ways that people make the lives of others better. A cup of coffee or words of encouragement, a smile, all these things are the hand of the Divine itself. It shows that people are looking at each other, caring, and responding, and just making life a little easier for the other. No heroics needed here! The truth is that each of us should have a RUclips channel showing exactly what we do during the day, we would be amazed at what others do to help make this world go round. No filters!
U can't have it both ways Johannes Your vlogs inspire.ifvu don't want appreciation/admiration for your work,don't post😮
Thank you brother. Peace and Prayers. Extraordinary❤
Your closing comments touched me deeply. As a single mom, I have spent many tears over life, my children and myself, never did I see myself as extraordinary. I often see others through a lens of extraordinary but never did I consider that of myself. Thank you for the suggestion to take a different perspective and see myself differently.
Johannes, because of your words I have decided to forgive. To let go of the anger so I can love again, freely. Thank you.
Thank you Johannes your closing reflections are always a particularly special gift
💯 pure wisdom!
It’s like a drink of fresh, cold water: “it is Love that makes life extraordinary “
“This frog kindly hosts a mosquito”. 😆
Beautiful video and beautiful ending. Thank you Johannes!
This reflection is beautiful. Thank you for showing us love, passion and the beauty inside ourselves and in nature. This is truly inspiring.
This is by far the most beautiful end reflection you've given so far. A welcome breeze in a chaotic world
"You don't NEED me..". Perfect sentiment in four words. That'll do me.
“Nature never did betray the heart that loved her”
William Wordsworth.
🙏 ‘Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey’ for anyone wanting to read the full text
The most extraordinary people are those who view themselves as ordinary.
Your videos are calming, informative, inspiring and thought provoking as well as technically excellent- thank you.
Your reflection is amazing. My small dog died 3 days ago and I realize how lucky I was to have had her in my life for 15 years. I now know how extraordinary she was. In my heartache and sadness, I have found a bit more peace in my soul with the loss. Thank you
My condolences, I lost my 19 yrs old cat on Oktober 8th. Knowing of the good years we had makes it easier
The entire video resonates deeply and I love it. I love the garden, the bugs, the frogs, the birds, your physical strength, your intelligence, the beauty, the craftmanship. You are mirror for all of us - this is a beautiful life. Thank you.
So glad we are watching your videos. Honestly, I’m not a religious person but I really love your comments at the end of each show. And your garden is stunning.
I especially loved your comment segment today- helpful to so many! Very much enjoying this series. The videography in this episode was so beautiful and inspiring. Thank you.
Johannes….I think why we all enjoy your channel so much is because maybe you remind us how rewarding life can be. The simple things as hard work or just listening to the things around you. Not only do I find much delight in your video’s I also get inspired to be a little better person and enjoy this short time we have on earth, thank you ❤️🇨🇦
Thank you for those beautiful words which brought tears to my eyes.
You are…extraordinary.
I marvel at how the frogs found their way to your watery ecosystem so far up the mountain!
Extraordinary captures of the dragon flies emerging.... to finally flight! Your cinematography is so beautiful.
The solution to your retaining wall is impressive! I wanted to see where the water run-off would be going and how you'd divert it there!
"curating reality"... Yes! Such a beautiful way to "lie." :-)
Beautiful closing reflection. You are not a guru. You are a man, like most others, flawed, perhaps, but a beautiful example of a man finding his own extraordinary path by processing the ordinary.
Thanks for your channel.
You have beautifully stated what I was thinking, but was unable to put into coherent words.
Your closing soliloquy brought tears to my eyes...so true. ❤
Don Johannes, Sie sind wuderbar. Ich bin zwar jüdisch, aber Ihre Vlogs sprechen immer zu meiner Seele. Danke schön. Daniela
Translation: Don Johannes, you are wonderful. I may be Jewish, but your vlogs always speak to my soul. Thank you very much. Daniela
Thank You, Johannes for this beautiful video. The dragonflies emerging, and then flying.....❤
Your words are always heartfelt.
Peaceful Sir, I am a city "70yr. old" girl, in the USA, but my heart longs for beauty in nature. I find beauty in God's creation, surrounding you in the alps. I aspire to self reliance, after seeking God's will & way. I believe in working for what you want/need, not wishing for it or waiting for someone to come along and do it for you. It is so peaceful to hear the bird's song in the background. I admire that you take care of things & are educated to do it. It is one of the talents I admire or enjoy watching Martijns videos also which is how I found yours. It's a peaceful way to live, but hard work to do it. I don't see how one can view mountain majesty or scenic beauty in God's handiwork in your face, as the alps are. Perhaps that's why people see your spirituality so clearly. In a peaceful, quiet space, you can reflect, pray, plan, dream and hear God. Fewer & fewer people have that at all or else just a little of that, due to their busy work, home lives. God bless you, stay safe & warm. Success with your endeavors which ever direction they take you.
Beautiful! I do hope you continue to share your story with us. Thank you!
Thank you for your videos and wise words. I watch to find calm and hope in a world where the news is relentlessly bad, to know that there are places and people of peace and morality. I do not build up a rosy picture or need someone to idolise but need to be reminded of the goodness and beauty still to be found. To me you are mediating something of the Divine through video: so for your willingness to mediate, many, many thanks.
These Sunday videos are my church attendance. Thank you.
Oh, I love that sentiment! Yes, after decades of no longer attending church for personal reasons, I too will consider these videos and closing thoughts as my link with the greater power.
Wow your closing reflection was amazingly inspiring for me. So moved. Thank you.
Just realized, your wonderful work is a nice addition to the work of Martijn. I hope both continue a long time.
"they require a greater love. For it is love that makes any life extraordinary" Amen
Your words are inspiring and ... make you extraordinary ... thank you!
Herein is love,not that we loved God ,but that He loved us and gave His Son as an atoning sacrifice for son. I enjoyed your beautiful work
Danke schön führ diese Stunde mit dir und dein leben 🍀🍀
Thanks again Brother Johannes. Your life choices are inspiring. and as some one else said. " your closing reflections are always a particularly special gift" as much my favorite part as any of the whole. They are the only religious conversations that have ever spoken to me personally.
Best $12 I've ever spent! I've watched all 12, three or four times each already. I hope that episode 12 will not be your last. They're the best thing on the Internet.
how do you pay him €12 ?
If you loved God then you will love and care for his creation which is nature with all its life form. In this way you are at peace with yourself and all the others around you.
The opening with the bee with its head rammed into the flower-eating. To the drone shot over the mountains - “I was the bee” - exciting and fantastic!
Your reflection struck home today. You may not be a guru, as neither is Martijn, but your posts bring about a sense of peace and I reserve watching them when I have time to reflect on their contents. Thank you.
Thank you, Johannes for all your videos. The nature scenes and your activities in the garden are peaceful to watch. I’ve been taking care of my elderly mother lately, which has challenges and blessings. Your closing commentary puts things into perspective.
Darn.... the closing reflections made me shed a few tears... that was beautiful ❤❤
Love the terrace. What a nice job.
Compliments on the beautiful scenery and plant videos. Thank you.
Thank you for the reminder that I have, and am leading an extrordinary life. I believe life itself is extrordinary. I have enjoyed your series very much. I find your voice and reflections a comfort . May the Lord bless you as you live your extrordinary life.
- Utah, USA
Having traveled just a bit, I’ve known adventurous people who have traveled far. I’ve known some who have never traveled in the world yet have been to the ends of space and time. All are searching for the same thing, happiness, and sometimes they find it. Happiness is never found over the mountain in the next valley. It is not in understanding the nature of the universe. Happiness is always found inside oneself. The trick is to know it.
I know this video is 1 year old, I met Jahannes through Martjin Doolaard's channel... but the monologue at the end... raised all the hairs on my body, thank you for inspiring even if you don't really intend to, and in today's world I can say, thank you for existing
Thank you for the beautiful reflections. The love you are sharing with us all is extraordinary.
I love it when you don't speak over your nature footage to let all the natural beauty and detail speak for itself. I love it that you explain so well and with such simplicity the practical work in the garden and why it needs doing, and I always love your end messages... Beautifully done!
I think we all constantly edit our lives as we go along. We remember what pleases us and forget or disregard what doesn't. We are constantly filtering away from harsh reality....
God allows U TURN
Absolutely agree, the nature footage is restorative ❤
Wie auch immer, lieber Johannes, Deine Videos und die heimlichen Geschichten, die Du bildlich und erzählerisch vor uns ausbreitest, sind eine besondere Kombination - es gibt immer eine Melodie, die mich tief innerlich berührt, so als würde Eis schmelzen und sich schmerzende Knoten, von denen ich davor gar nichts gewusst habe, auflösen. Es ist auch eine leise, sanfte Form des Trostes, den Du vermittelst. Eine Art von Dach, unter das ich mich stelle, wenn es gewittrig ist. Und wie gesagt, ich wusste nicht, dass ich so etwas brauche, ich nehme es dankend.
What an amazing picture… the valley below then clouds/ mist and then a mountain top! God’s wonderous works!
Your closing thoughts brought me to tears.happy thoughtful calming peaceful tears
Beautiful photography, beautiful video beautiful words of wisdom, I love that the basis of your life is love, love is all we need❤️😃🤠🌺🧑🌾🌻🙌🏼
I’m not a believer, but your life in the mountains and the beautiful house and the lovely garden is so amazing. Your storytelling is one of a kind, thank you Johannes 🙏
Dragonflies are to mosquitos what falcons are to rabbits, they love to strike from above. Put a couple of long, straight sticks next to the pond and all spring and summer long you can see their wings glimmer in the sunlight while they sit motionless on the sticks, waiting for an opportunity to pounce. And pounce they do. So fast it looks a bit like teleportation.
I heard somewhere that they are the most effective hunter on the planet, and although i don't know if it's true i have seen them at work enough to be inclined to believe it.
They are also quite territorial and their battles in the sky are a sight to behold. When they chase eachother it always is an exciting thing to watch. They are so agile!
Seeing them in the garden never fails to put a smile on my face.
Your calm voice and all the sounds of God’s creations were a comfort last night. I am on week four of my recovery from a torn Achilles tendon. For some reason last night was the most painful. Thank you for your message of calm, serenity and comfort.
Your aerial films are like how we dream ... without the falling back into ourselves before waking up. I look forward to every new movie.
Amazing photography…. The insects, the fish! The birds are constantly communicating! I so enjoy hearing them!
Perhaps looking at your videography in the light of an artistic endeavor and you as the artist of your life on the mountainside would set your mind at ease. Whether an artist "paints" with water colors, oils, or light, he or she is still an artist and we see on a canvas or a video the view as translated by and through the artist. It has always been so in art, poetry, and writing. Why would a video need to be any different? The artist cannot help but add some essence of their own soul to their work. It seems to me you are doing so, as well. Your humility and love of nature - God's handiwork and your sharing of it - is inspiring! Thank you.
Beautiful,thanks! Thanks for pointing out we are extraordinary.
Just being here is extraordinary!
Danke für die bewegten und bewegenden Bilder und Worte!
Дуже дякую за Ваші слова про кохання і особливість.
For it’s love that makes a life extraordinary. AMEN
Thank you Johannes, another beautiful episode and a gift at the end with your reflection.
Pax Christi
Thank you for the reminder to look for the extraordinary in our own lives. I agree that love is what makes it so.
I very much enjoy your videos. Much because they are peaceful, fulfilling and inspiring. I escaped the 8-5 in 2017 when the company I worked for closed and I would've had to commute longer than I was willing to to enslave myself to yet another job that would've taken too much of my life with too little return. Of course, I am blessed with having a husband that loves his work and loves to work. I get to now work from home 2 days a week and do bookkeeping for 4 guys that run their own businesses, but don't need a full time bookkeeper. I love my work now, too.
When I started watching Matijn's videos and "met" you, I wished for videos from you and your life on the mountain. My wish has been fulfilled for 2024. ❤
Hope you continue to portray the beauty of nature.
I am thankful for your videos as they have brought a great healing to my heart.
That is very kind of you to speak and chat to your neighbor even though you were busy. In the US neighbors don't know each other or say hello.
I'm not a believer, but you just inspired me. You home is beautiful, and your many skills are impressive. I enjoy your channel very much.
If you pay attention to the simplest details of your life, and see the beauty (as Johannes shows us in his videos), even when you struggle massively elsewhere - your life is extraordinary.
Time 7:36 How beautiful - what a picture! And this video is 'extraordinary' Thank you Donjojohannes
Thank you for turning off mid-roll ads so we can all follow your video is peace. Makes a big difference. 🙏
Beautiful words.. Thank you.
Your ingenuity blows my mind!! Using sifted sand from rocks you mix cement!! Brilliant and at one with the land you are on!!
Thank you Johannes. Very nice video again!
The dragonfly metamorphosis was fascinating. Loved seeing the bees 🐝, tadpoles, frogs 🐸and other creatures. 🦋 The songbirds were wonderful also. Beautiful content.
Absolutely, very inspiring to see detailed views of nature and reflect on God's presence .
Your video's are a peaceful escape from the realities of life, thank you.❤
amazing, yes these vids are a look into your reality, an idea of your thoughts, you being you as we should be us as individuals 😊 i think if we all reallised that we are all one reality each and not some reason to be someone else we would be better as ourselves as individuals.
i really feel i wished id found your videos before, they are very unique 😊
Johannes - In regard to your reflection, which I enjoyed hearing, I respect what you have said - you are a man; like me. But you are a mine who is pursuing his life in a purposeful way and I admire that and want to do similarly. Two things strike me about your videos: 1) The excellent quality of the video, editing and audio. There is just enough speaking to explain things, but most of the content can be enjoyed just by watching. 2) Your methods of overcoming physical obstacles by manual methods. I admire the way you take your time and build or repair things one bucketful of soil, rock or sand at a time.
Video molto belli e interessanti, istruttivi e rilassanti. Piano piano li sto guardando tutti. Ti ammiro per la vita che conduci. La pace sia sempre con te.
Please give a thumbs up to help Johannes channel, he deserves all our support.
Danke vielmahls Johannes für diese ermutigende😅 Worte am Ende dieser Episode Mai. Ich war sehr gerürt. Freundlichen Gruss aus den Niederlande.
En entendant vos paroles en fin de video que je découvre , je ne sais pas pourquoi, j'ai les larmes aux yeux
Thank you for sharing your extraordinary masonry work and extraordinary ability to accept our struggles with our own choices.
I would like to compliment you on your nature photography. It us quite beautiful. I like to the way you chose to talk about it as well. I have never heard anyone talking about their work also talk about what they left out. You talk about each person’s life being extraordinary. I agree. But I would add that life itself is extraordinary because it simply is. In all of its manifestations. Nowhere else in the universe do we find this extraordinary thing called life. I think you are both humble and wise.
These are peaceful videos. I'm ill this week with a severe cold and felt the need of calm and peace. I appreciate the honesty you share at the end also. I see the beautiful results of the extremely hard work you have put into creating this pleasant environment. Thank you for inviting us in and sharing the lessons you have learned from your experience.
Nature is all the inspiration I require. You capture many aspects of it and it's beautiful. It can give us moments to forget about the horrors that are happening all over the world and be at peace with everything. I look forward to your videos each week and appreciate your words. Thanks. 🐝
Thank you Johannes
Danke lieber Johannes für deine wunderbaren Worte..extraordinary!! Liebe Grüße aus Wien❣️Joy
Johannes, you bring God’s Peace to my home. Not that he was not already here,, but with you he comes via the internet….. a wound surely felt by the evil one. ☘️🔥
Forgive me l should have capitalised “He”.
Alabado sea Jesucristo !! Buen y Bendecido día hermano mío, qué gusto saber de su entrega a nuestro Padre Eterno y Bueno en medio de tanta soledad y naturaleza, también estoy en éste camino de la vida Eremítica, un abrazo fuerte y muchas Bendiciones desde Cuba, Oraimy Carrillo Pérez (José María de Jesús) éste es mi nombre religioso, seré miembro de la comunidad de Ermitaños del Corazón de Jesús desde éste próximo día de San José con mis primeros votos religiosos, unidos en Jesús y María, rezaré por usted, rece por éste hermano, que Dios Santo sea siempre con usted, AMÉN.
Incrível. Muito obrigado! 🙌
Heureusement que vous êtes costaud Don Johannes, vous avez pu résoudre le problème avec ce tuyau d’évacuation. Bravo aussi pour votre jardin.
Thank you for reminding us of our extraordinary lives
Nature is where everything makes sense. Thank you for sharing the astonishing beauty you captured.❤
🇺🇸Thank you 🙏✝️❤️
Thank you for the heartfelt truths expressed in your closing reflection. An excellent reminder that we are surrounded by countless "ordinary" people performing countless acts of kindness, imagination, hard work, courage, and forbearance every day... most of which are known only to themselves. It's beauty that remains invisible. But it's also an excellent thing if people chose to share parts of their lives and surroundings, and make that beauty visible for others to enjoy and celebrate. Such as your videos. They are a much-needed counter to the negativity that can dominate public discourse, and strengthens me on my own journey. Once again, thank you.
Donjojohannes - don't worry about filtering - our senses filter the physical world, interpret on our behalf, and there's no way to know for sure that this filtering is the same for everyone. I suspect it is close, but I don't know that green for me is green for you. For my part, I enjoy hearing your musings about life and the world, and enjoy even more seeing what you build, as I know you share the gains of that effort with those around you - I've seen it, in your videos and in Martijn's. You've put effort in, through these videos, to extend your gains outward to others, spiritually and physically. You may not be a guru, but you are a man considering the world around you. Knowledge of that, in these times, is uplifting, at least to me. Thank you!
Thank you Johannes, I am so in awe of you. I live in Israël, Haifa. You inspire me. It's so wonderful to see you work "the dirt" and make something tangible. Your videos calm me, especially now. Your words calm me. Thank you
Thank you, Johannes! Beautiful closing words.
Grazie, Padre Johannes, per le sue riflessioni finali. Mi è piaciuto sentirla parlare in italiano. Parla molto bene. Sono una trentina che vive negli USA. Tutto quanto lei fa: orto, giardino, cucina, stufa (Kachelofen), la sua meravigliosa Cappella, tutto, mi riempie il cuore di nostalgia e riconoscenza.
How important it is to simply be yourself. This world of illusion and fantasy is continually bombarding us with deceptions which are presented in such a way that we are to feel 'inferior' if we do not mimic them. The reality is in nature and I understand your attraction to it. We can find our balance when we surround ourselves with what is real and true. Simplicity, Humility and Purity...help us to accept ourselves and love one another. Thank-you for sharing. Health and blessings.
As others suggested before me... It’s like a drink of fresh, thirst-quenching 'living' water: “it is Love that makes life extraordinary“. Thank you Johanne.