English Lab: Jalan- jalan (Ep. 14)

  • Опубликовано: 3 дек 2024

Комментарии • 923

  • @DindaHasibuan678
    @DindaHasibuan678 20 часов назад

    I like traveling with my friends and happier natural roadtrip,eco tourism and city tourism

  • @GitscaAnandakia
    @GitscaAnandakia 21 час назад

    Assalamualaikum Ustadzah
    I like going on vacation to nature tourism and carrying a backpack.

  • @AsriatiSiregar
    @AsriatiSiregar День назад

    Assalamualaikum ustadzah
    Thanks ustazah

  • @IbnuIbrahim-w5f
    @IbnuIbrahim-w5f День назад

    Lake toba natural tourism is very beautifull

  • @AnneRufayda
    @AnneRufayda День назад

    Assalamualaikum ustazah i'm ANNE RUFAYDA i'm from E2
    "I like camping and vacationing at the beach looking at the sea, sunset and the views around the sea"
    Thanks you ustazah vocabulary

  • @VivoKotapinang-v9j
    @VivoKotapinang-v9j 20 часов назад

    Assalamu'alaikum ustazah,
    "I like camping and vacation at the beach looking at the sea sunset and the views around the sea"

  • @N_zwa153
    @N_zwa153 День назад

    Assalamu'alaikum ustadzah 🙏🏻
    I'm from A dormitory..
    When vacation I have wonderlust to park because park very beautifull when I look.
    Thanks ustadzah 🙏🏻
    Wassalamu'alaikum ustadzah 🙏🏻

  • @NurhasanahSiagian
    @NurhasanahSiagian День назад +1

    Assalamualaikum mom
    My name nurhasanah siagian
    B dormitory
    I really like culinary adventures with friends

  • @Ratniasnurintan17
    @Ratniasnurintan17 День назад

    Lake Toba natural tourism is very beautiful

  • @risnawatiPadang
    @risnawatiPadang День назад

    I like traveling with my family and enjoying natural eco- tourism we usually carry backpacker everywhere

  • @Anggilubis-b6c
    @Anggilubis-b6c День назад

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh mom
    Present mom..
    Thank you mom..

  • @MindaIkhsana-t4b
    @MindaIkhsana-t4b День назад

    Holiday with roadtrip is amazing

  • @renipulunganU
    @renipulunganU День назад +1

    Assalamu'alaikum wr wb
    My Name is Renita putri
    From Dormitory E1
    1.Saturday and Sunday my family and I have a staycation
    2.I prefer ecotourism to city tourism
    3.My friend and I went on a culinary adventure

  • @anidawatipohan1079
    @anidawatipohan1079 20 часов назад

    my sister and i want to camping in the mountains enjoying the beautiful views

  • @ronirambe2594
    @ronirambe2594 День назад

    I want to camp in the mountains enjoying the beautiful views

  • @AdemaliaHasibuan
    @AdemaliaHasibuan День назад +1

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatu
    My name: Ade Malia Hasibuan
    Musrifah: Uk Basariah Ritonga

    1.On my big day i staycation
    2.She fought the wanderlust for a vacation
    3.We like culinary adventures
    4. We enjoy roadtrip
    5. I enjoy nature eco tourism
    6. We went on city toursm
    7. We spent the night in camping a week ago
    8. We used backpacker
    9. I went wellness gateway
    10. She has mindfulness retreat

  • @delisma-yw2pm
    @delisma-yw2pm День назад

    Assalamualaikum ustzah
    Thank you ustzah vocabulary ❤

  • @PermatasariantikaAntika
    @PermatasariantikaAntika День назад

    The view on the beach is very beautifull

  • @ianp1000
    @ianp1000 День назад

    Assalamualaikum, thanks for beautiful background video. My sentence: I've roadtrip from my village to medan city for city tourism when i was child

  • @delapuspita8754
    @delapuspita8754 День назад +1

    He is exploring Indonesia for his first culinary adventure.

  • @faddiyahsukmahafifi2613
    @faddiyahsukmahafifi2613 День назад

    Assalamu'alaikum, i'm faddiyah Sukma Hafifi, from D1 dormitory, my advisor UK Andelis Fauziah, I really like the holidays Ustadzah

  • @GustinaHarahap-t2b
    @GustinaHarahap-t2b День назад

    I like the culinary in Rantau Prapat
    I like nature tourism

  • @HafsahSiregar-c9j
    @HafsahSiregar-c9j День назад

    Assalamu'alaikum ustadzah
    I'm hafsah siregar from D1
    Thanks to vocabulary today

  • @RezkinaZahra-u2v
    @RezkinaZahra-u2v День назад

    I really love culinary adventure to enjoy my vacation

  • @MoriniAgustina-y5s
    @MoriniAgustina-y5s День назад

    I enjoy city tourism with my family

  • @nelfiardaniahharahap4604
    @nelfiardaniahharahap4604 День назад

    Assalamualaikum ustadzah I'm Nelfi ardaniah hrp,from E2 dormitory ,uk adawiyah
    1.I like Traveling with my friends and happier natural Roadtrip , eco tourism And city tourism

  • @inapra
    @inapra День назад

    Culinary adventure is one of the main goals of my holiday

  • @monasyahputri43
    @monasyahputri43 День назад

    Eco tourism in Banda Neira is very beautiful

  • @KhodijaNasution
    @KhodijaNasution День назад

    Assalamualaikum ustadzah I'm khodijah from D¹ , ukhti Kabiro andelis Fauziah thanks you vocabulary ustadzah

  • @DwiRindahyu
    @DwiRindahyu День назад

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatu mam. I roadtrip from Padang sidimpuan to Jakarta with my friends

  • @NadiaAnnisa-p3u
    @NadiaAnnisa-p3u 20 часов назад

    Eco- tourism in Indonesia is numerous and very beautiful

  • @CahayaSiregarCahaya-d8n
    @CahayaSiregarCahaya-d8n 21 час назад

    Assalamualaikum ustadzah
    My name is cahaya Siregar
    Dormitory D3
    I took a walk to see the beauty of natural tourism

  • @Sefty-r3m
    @Sefty-r3m День назад

    I love camping in beautiful places

  • @Suprapto2021
    @Suprapto2021 День назад

    we enjoyed nature tourism in Lombok

  • @AriNi-q6w
    @AriNi-q6w День назад

    Assalamualaikum mam thank you the vocabulary in the morning
    I went camping with my friends

  • @WindaYani-l3z
    @WindaYani-l3z День назад

    Assalamualaikum ustdzah
    I really like seeing natural attractions

  • @anggunsiregarrr0
    @anggunsiregarrr0 День назад

    assalamualaikum mam
    -really like culinary adventure anywhere
    -the view on the beach is very beautiful

  • @SoibatulAdawiyahsiregar
    @SoibatulAdawiyahsiregar День назад

    Thanks for mom the vocabulary
    My family and I went to see eco tourism in North Sumatra

  • @MurniNasutio
    @MurniNasutio День назад

    From : E2
    * There' s nothing I love more than camping .
    * Holiday with roadtrip is amazing.
    *I really like nature tourism

  • @SyapaRahmadinaPohan-n1q
    @SyapaRahmadinaPohan-n1q День назад

    The beach is a very beautiful place at sunset

  • @aisahahmad-t4g
    @aisahahmad-t4g День назад

    I like nature tourism

  • @MutiaraNawavilla
    @MutiaraNawavilla День назад

    There's nothing I love more than camping.

  • @yuniannisa8181
    @yuniannisa8181 День назад

    Assalamualaikum ustadzah I'm Yuni from D-1 , ukhti Kabiro andelis Fauziah .I'like camping

  • @MasniMasni-m1w
    @MasniMasni-m1w День назад

    The vlew on the beach is very beautiful

  • @NurAzizahSiregar-i2m
    @NurAzizahSiregar-i2m День назад

    Assalamualaikum wr wb
    I'm nur Azizah Siregar from D-1 dormitory ustadzah adinda Maharani my advisor uk andelis Fauziah thank you vocabulary ustadzah

  • @NafiahNst
    @NafiahNst День назад

    Assalamu'alaikum ustadzah
    I like culanary adventure, vocation, and wonderlust, and camping

  • @AjjahsaimaPutri
    @AjjahsaimaPutri День назад

    assalamualaikum ma’am
    thanks to vocabulary ma’am

  • @MutiaradivaSalsabilah
    @MutiaradivaSalsabilah День назад

    Assalamu'alaikum ustazah my name's Mutiara Diva Salsabilah from dormitory one member UK Nur Asiah
    "I like to staycation but I also like roadtrip, camping, culinary adventure, eco-tourism, city-tourism to wellness gateway"

  • @AiniNur-fj1rl
    @AiniNur-fj1rl День назад

    Thank you mis:The view on the west coast is very beautiful, my friends and I like to watch the sunset there.

  • @AlyaNinda
    @AlyaNinda День назад

    Assalamu'alaikum ustadzah🙏
    Example : I love culinary adventures

  • @liamawaddah257
    @liamawaddah257 21 час назад

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
    My name's Lia Mawaddah
    I'm from D-3 dormitory
    Every time we visit Yogyakarta, we never forget to go on a culinary adventure

  • @ahdaramadhaniharahap4173
    @ahdaramadhaniharahap4173 День назад

    My friend and I went on a culinary adventure when we visited Yogyakarta.

  • @LatifahAsmir
    @LatifahAsmir День назад

    Nama: Saidah Al Lathifah Asmir
    Asrama: B-2
    Musyrifah: UK Nur Sakinah Hsb
    "During the holidays my family and i went to city tourism"

  • @SitiAminah-f8d
    @SitiAminah-f8d 2 дня назад

    Ex:holidays in natural tourism are very enjoyable

  • @NurulhanifaNasution
    @NurulhanifaNasution День назад +1

    Name: Nurul Hanifah Nasution
    From:E 1
    3.road trip
    1.our school is having a camping trip
    2.Eco-tourism in the province of Bali is very beautiful
    3.our road trip for 2 days

  • @mutiasmj
    @mutiasmj День назад

    he loves healing with road trips

  • @YuliNurAssyahSitompul17
    @YuliNurAssyahSitompul17 20 часов назад

    this is vocab very interesting, I really like it camping, when i was in high school i often camping

  • @marianiSirait-b8w
    @marianiSirait-b8w 21 час назад

    Assalamualaikum ustadzah
    I'm Mariani from D3 dormitory
    I went camping with my friend


    assalamualaikum ustadzah i'm Fathul lestari Simamora dormitory E3
    - I really like culinary adventure anywhere
    -my brother always bring a backpacker when hiking

  • @SalsabilaRamadhani-p2f
    @SalsabilaRamadhani-p2f День назад

    My family dan i went on a roadtrip during the holiday

  • @MirasasmitaSiregar
    @MirasasmitaSiregar День назад

    Camping on Mount Bromo is very exciting with friends.

  • @boruhasian5083
    @boruhasian5083 День назад

    My name shintia
    I love culinary adventure ECO-tou rism is very enjoyable staycation with my parents

  • @Maymunahsaudah
    @Maymunahsaudah День назад

    I'm going to on holiday to a city tourism with my family

  • @NadiaNainggolan-fk1yq
    @NadiaNainggolan-fk1yq День назад

    Assalamu'alaikum ma'am. I'm Nadia Nainggolan from b dormytory.
    So many eco-tourism are found in the lake toba area.

  • @auliasyahromadani960
    @auliasyahromadani960 День назад

    My family and I went to the beach to see the beautiful scenery.

  • @IsyanaRaudhah
    @IsyanaRaudhah День назад

    I go to Bali by Roadtrip
    Every holiday l go to eco tourism
    I like camping to Mountain with my Friend

  • @TaniaAmelisa
    @TaniaAmelisa День назад

    I am enjoying eco tourism with my friends next Sunday

  • @MutiaJuliantiHasibuan
    @MutiaJuliantiHasibuan День назад

    Eco tourism is very beutiful

  • @azizahfebyutarisiregar3378
    @azizahfebyutarisiregar3378 День назад

    I like natural tourism that is far from home, such as Aceh beaches

  • @fandialfalahlubis2581
    @fandialfalahlubis2581 День назад

    I like eco-tourism and city-tourism

  • @yuridasucianaharahap
    @yuridasucianaharahap 10 месяцев назад +1

    we brought a tent and camping on the beach with my friend

  • @ichasyahputri5196
    @ichasyahputri5196 2 дня назад

    1. This year I am taking a staycation
    2. Enjoy road trip
    3. Eco tourism is very beautiful

  • @darmipusriani4482
    @darmipusriani4482 День назад

    Assalamualaikum ustadzah
    I'm Darmi dormitory e1
    1.I had a culinary adventure in Malaysia
    2.I went on holiday to the city tourism
    3.I went on holiday to the Eco- tourism

  • @WahiddSatuu
    @WahiddSatuu День назад

    Wa'alaikumussalamm mom thanks Vocabulary vacation

  • @ririndwiatarii
    @ririndwiatarii День назад

    staycation are the perfect way to recharge and refresh

  • @dinnahapijahnst
    @dinnahapijahnst День назад

    I like trying new culinary delights

  • @NurJamilah-i1c
    @NurJamilah-i1c 2 дня назад

    The view on the beach was very beautiful,my friend and i like to watch the sunset.

    • @SabrinaAzura-j5k
      @SabrinaAzura-j5k День назад

      Assalamualaikum ma'm
      My name's Sabrina
      Exam: I went on a culinary adventure in Java with my family
      Thanks ma'm

  • @SabilaAfrilia-y3t
    @SabilaAfrilia-y3t День назад

    assalamualaikum ustadzah i'm Syabila Aprilia form D 1 dormitory from ustadzah Adinda Maharani Nasution M.E from My advisor UK Andelis Fauziah thank you vocabulary today ustadzah

  • @DindaNovitaRitonga
    @DindaNovitaRitonga 10 месяцев назад

    I really like the view on the beach, especially when I watch the sunset while listening to music, enjoy the sunset, I even take photos occasionally

  • @IntanRambe-h2c
    @IntanRambe-h2c День назад

    Assalamualaikum ma'm
    1. Let's go culinary adventure
    2. We are roadtrip to beach

  • @HikmaNataly
    @HikmaNataly День назад

    Assalamu'alaikum ustadzah
    Last night I was on vacation with my family.

  • @RifkaSaliyah
    @RifkaSaliyah 10 месяцев назад

    1) We had a great time camping in the mountains last weekend.
    2) Instead of traveling far, we decided to have a staycation and relax at home.
    3) Our roadtrip across the country was filled with amazing sights and experiences.
    4) City-tourism allows you to explore the vibrant culture and attractions of urban areas.
    5) My wanderlust keeps me yearning to explore new destinations and immerse myself in different cultures.

  • @FauziahNasution-q7s
    @FauziahNasution-q7s День назад

    Assalamualaikum Ustadzah
    My name is faujiah
    My advisor uk andelis
    My dormitory D1
    I like english and thank you mem vocabulary today

  • @YulianaSipahutar29
    @YulianaSipahutar29 День назад

    holidays to natural attractions are very enjoyable

  • @MawaddahMawaddah-v9w
    @MawaddahMawaddah-v9w День назад

    He is exploring Indonesia for his first culinary adventure

  • @diniazzarah3443
    @diniazzarah3443 День назад

    Assalamualaikum ustazah i'm DINI AZ ZAHRA HASIBUAN i'm from D-1
    "I like camping and vacationing at the beach looking at the sea, sunset and the views around the sea"
    Thanks you ustazah vocabulary

  • @Nelsaselpani
    @Nelsaselpani День назад

    my name Nelsa from E1
    1.Eco-tourism promotes sustainable travel practices that help protect natural environments while supporting local communities
    2.Her wanderlust led her to travel to new countries every year,
    3.We decided to have a staycation this year to relax and explore our own city

  • @Syariah-0106
    @Syariah-0106 День назад

    Aek sijorni is eco-tourism beautifully

  • @SopiaAdelia-l7l
    @SopiaAdelia-l7l День назад

    Thai street food is where your next culinary adventure is headed

  • @LadyaRahmasyahira
    @LadyaRahmasyahira День назад

    I'm on holiday in aceh roadtrip
    My family and I like to go on vacation to natural attractions

  • @ddisaqonita2054
    @ddisaqonita2054 День назад

    Name : Adisha Qonita Putri Arisandi
    Dormitory : B
    Musyrifah : U.K Sakinah
    My roadtrip to Padangsidimpuan was quite enjoyable

  • @nurannisa6317
    @nurannisa6317 10 месяцев назад

    - i just staycation cause i dont have plan for this holiday
    -holiday with roadtrip is amazing
    -i like eco-tourism

  • @AriskaMandaRambe-tp8up
    @AriskaMandaRambe-tp8up День назад

    I really like nature tourism

  • @BungaSari-s6o
    @BungaSari-s6o День назад

    Assalamualaikum mom
    From D1 dormitory
    The view on the beach is very beautiful

  • @ginam-i9i
    @ginam-i9i 10 месяцев назад

    I really like camping with my friends in the mountains, enjoying various views, and we brought backpacker for storing goods

  • @ZulfikarLubis-ky4xj
    @ZulfikarLubis-ky4xj День назад

    Assalamu'alaikum mam i really like the view on the beach especially whe

  • @TiaAmanda-qw3td
    @TiaAmanda-qw3td 2 дня назад

    Assalamualaikum Miss
    TIA Novrianti
    1.I don't have wanderlust
    2.our family is camping
    3.they are enjoying eco tourism

  • @analatifahhsb
    @analatifahhsb День назад

    Assalamu'alaikum mam
    I'm Ana Latifah
    From Dormatory D1
    My Advisor Uk Andelis Fauzia
    Thanks mam for the learning😊

  • @salsanamila
    @salsanamila День назад

    thanks to vocabulary mom

  • @rohanita03
    @rohanita03 День назад

    We had a backyard camping trip two years ago.