Little Free Libraries cleared out in metro Denver communities

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024
  • On the sidewalk outside Kate Schneider’s Wheat Ridge home, dozens of books are neatly lined up inside a small wooden box.
    Schneider takes great care to make sure her little free library has something for everyone, from thrillers to children’s books.
    “I really like to keep it fresh with some good stuff,” said Schneider. “I’m a little selective about what goes in here.”
    But on May 15, she noticed her library was completely empty.
    “I was a little shocked,” she said. “There was absolutely nothing in there, and I had just restocked it.”
    She estimates someone took between 40 and 50 books, so she posted a warning about it on social media.
    Other neighbors quickly replied saying the same exact thing had happened to them.
    “I guess I’m a little naïve, I guess I had no idea this was something people did,” she said. “I’m not sure if whoever’s doing this is coming from a place of desperation, or if they’re really having a lot of success with stealing and re-selling books.”
    Lacy Allaire shared a video with 9NEWS of someone apparently clearing out her little free library in Westminster last week.

Комментарии • 3,4 тыс.

  • @kaycampbell8532
    @kaycampbell8532 4 месяца назад +2126

    Not only does the woman take a pile of books.....she has the nerve to stand there and argue. So disgusting!

    • @lolwtnick4362
      @lolwtnick4362 4 месяца назад +17

      she made a good point. im sorry you're disgusted by minority opinions

    • @Catherine.Dorian.
      @Catherine.Dorian. 4 месяца назад +201

      @@lolwtnick4362How did you make this racial? Behavior like that is why we can’t do things like this because one greedy person, of any race or gender, ruins it for the bunch. If you can’t see it’s bad behavior you need some self reflection

    • @brianc4632
      @brianc4632 4 месяца назад +96

      @@Catherine.Dorian.Probably a troll. Don’t feed them, they only want a rise out of you for saying something so ridiculous.

    • @CuriosityQueue
      @CuriosityQueue 4 месяца назад +80

      I’m attempting to be neutral arbiter…so, I just wanted to point out that I believe @lolwtnick4362, was noting that this person’s opinion was in the minority…not denoting race or ethnicity, but rather, her opinion was not shared by the majority.

    • @josephmayfield945
      @josephmayfield945 4 месяца назад

      @@lolwtnick4362”I’m a moron.”

  • @carlosspeicywiener7018
    @carlosspeicywiener7018 4 месяца назад +1133

    It's not desperation, it's greed, plain and simple

    • @MikeBarbarossa
      @MikeBarbarossa 3 месяца назад +32

      Put a notice out " first book is free, more books are $100 each" then it's theft

    • @sunnyday7843
      @sunnyday7843 3 месяца назад +10

      @@MikeBarbarossa I like that !

    • @jakeburns6566
      @jakeburns6566 3 месяца назад +9

      ...and free stuff. Unneeded or not, some people just like the FREE.

    • @user-wi9hv2pb2q
      @user-wi9hv2pb2q 3 месяца назад +26

      The word "library" already implies the property is to be returned.

    • @Karamoonsage
      @Karamoonsage 3 месяца назад +16

      Greed comes from somewhere. Usually, it is rooted in a fear of not having enough, aka a scarcity mindset. Not everyone is aware of this enough to seek support and help. All that being said, it is important to remember the lessons taught in kindergarten, especially the lesson about sharing with others. I have a local Little Free Library sharing box in my neighborhood, but I rarely visit. This video has inspired me to donate books I think others will enjoy. Hopefully, one good deed will help balance out others' missteps, even if only slightly.

  • @MadHax-wt5tl
    @MadHax-wt5tl 3 месяца назад +565

    There's always that one person, who absolutely - whether intentional or not - has to ruin everything for everyone else.

    • @EricRedekop
      @EricRedekop 3 месяца назад +7

      It's always a woman, though. ALWAYS.

    • @catherinemartinez5542
      @catherinemartinez5542 3 месяца назад

      ​@@EricRedekopBULLSHIT. You're just another woman hating man. Do you feel that way about your own mother? Little boys like you are the worst.

    • @kaycampbell8532
      @kaycampbell8532 3 месяца назад +11

      @Eric.....Maybe in your life.🙄

    • @christopher9727
      @christopher9727 3 месяца назад

      Romans 6:23
      For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
      Come to Jesus Christ today
      Jesus Christ is only way to heaven
      Repent and follow him today seek his heart Jesus Christ can fill the emptiness he can fill the void
      Heaven and hell is real cone to the loving savior today
      Today is the day of salvation tomorrow might be to late come to the loving savior today
      John 3:16-21
      16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
      Mark 1.15
      15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
      2 Peter 3:9
      The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
      Hebrews 11:6
      6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

    • @luigivincenz3843
      @luigivincenz3843 3 месяца назад +8

      i was taught at an early age, that there will ALWAYS be someone in ANY group, is the troublemakers. Judas, Benedict Arnold etc. Even with your group of long-time friends. One of them (at least one) will eventually turn on you.

  • @paca_bill4863
    @paca_bill4863 4 месяца назад +495

    Not surprising. I built a self-serve egg sale booth with a mini-fridge, where I could sell off our excess eggs and raise a little money to buy the chicken feed. We had someone come by at night in a minivan, not once, but twice, and clean out the 4 or 5 dozen eggs each time. I put a sign up then saying we had a thief stealing eggs and to call our home phone if people wanted eggs. When the egg thief came by the next time and saw the sign, he squealed his tires and sped off (he must have been upset to be called out). Had the guy just taken a dozen eggs, that'd be one thing. But to clean out all of them, not once, but twice......just goes to show there are some people who would steal a lollipop out of a toddler's mouth.

    • @mommalion7028
      @mommalion7028 3 месяца назад +23

      What a creep!!!! I am so sorry he did that. People suck. I want to start raising quail once both my kids are in school. ❤

    • @biblehistoryscience3530
      @biblehistoryscience3530 3 месяца назад +36

      Sociopaths cannot understand that other people have rights and feelings.

    • @dsa2591
      @dsa2591 3 месяца назад +4

      Maybe it wasn't someone who was stealing them to resell. Maybe it was a desperate parent who needed to feed his family. These are crazy times. We can't jump to conclusions.

    • @TheRazorTongue
      @TheRazorTongue 3 месяца назад +11

      @@biblehistoryscience3530they understand, they just don’t care.

    • @paca_bill4863
      @paca_bill4863 3 месяца назад +70

      @@dsa2591 Taking about 8 or 9 dozen eggs over four days isn't someone who is desperate. I wouldn't mind if they needed one or two dozen - I'd gladly have let them have it. If we end up with extra eggs at the end of the week, we'll take them to the local food bank for distribution. But to come by after dark and take them? Nothing but a common thief.

  • @phillhuddleston9445
    @phillhuddleston9445 3 месяца назад +801

    Those are the same people who take the whole bowl of candy left on the porch on Halloween!

    • @WhenImBackInChicago
      @WhenImBackInChicago 3 месяца назад +17

      In the late 1990s,
      I worked the front desk of a 5-diamond hotel.
      We placed heavy-crystal candy dishes in front on every station. (14 total)
      shockingly, about once-a-month,
      a guest would dump them all in her purse.
      (Rates were $200.+/eve.)
      On Halloween,
      oddly, there was always someone that would dump the entire pumpkin of candy, into their purse, while I checked them in.
      I wasn't brought up do even think about doing such thievery.
      It starts with the parents, and having a foundation in Christ, even if you become an atheist, the teachings stick with you, to the end.

    • @Spiritof_76
      @Spiritof_76 3 месяца назад

      @@WhenImBackInChicago BS. The foundation in Christ also was seen vandalizing the nation's capitol and threatening to hang the VP. I raised my kids atheist AND to be kind and considerate to others. It worked, and they don't believe in supernatural super-beings.

    • @Spiritof_76
      @Spiritof_76 3 месяца назад +7

      @Austrian_Painters_TopGuy "Peter, what are you doing?"
      "What the f**k?"
      "Hey, at least I'm not drinking, Brian."
      "Yeah, this isn't exactly a good substitute. Where'd you get crack?"
      "From blacks."
      "Yeah, right behind Black's Hardware Store. There's a white guy selling it."

    • @avosmash2121
      @avosmash2121 3 месяца назад +9

      It's bad enough when it's bratty kids or teenagers doing things like that, they are bored or spoiled and don't typically know any better, for them it is often an obnoxious petty amusement /brag worthy glory thing, and often involves sharing the loot with friends and siblings. That's not cool, but from a child's point of view, I can totally get it. What sickens me is when adults who should know better, who have plenty of spare time and money to buy THEIR OWN candy in as much quantity as they could wish for, do stupid stuff like that. That shows you have a real problem. Kids usually don't have the ability to always buy their own candy, and if you are homeless and starving and this whole bowl is what will feed your clan for the next two days, whatever, fine. But if you're not clearly homeless and near starved to death, and you're not under the age of 14, there is no reason such a dumb idea should even cross your mind.

    • @WhenImBackInChicago
      @WhenImBackInChicago 3 месяца назад +4

      By the 1980s, my grandparents stopped giving out chocolate bars, because some kids would take more than one, from their bowl.
      They switched to one-cent candy, sadly.

  • @phoschnizzle826
    @phoschnizzle826 3 месяца назад +276

    Anybody who would steal a small library's collection should get mandatory public service. Ditches need to be dug, weeds need to be controlled.

    • @kathleensaeva2649
      @kathleensaeva2649 3 месяца назад +2

      I really like this idea!

    • @zerotodona1495
      @zerotodona1495 3 месяца назад +3

      I hate to tell you but manual labor like that is considered illegal now.

    • @aliengoboom-t9k
      @aliengoboom-t9k 3 месяца назад +8

      Nope. Our no slavery amendment has an exception for punishment. Manual labor is legal. We also have legally required community service as an occasional punishment in the court system.

    • @YowzaBowzaWowza
      @YowzaBowzaWowza 3 месяца назад +4

      Make them pick up dog poop.

    • @timjballin
      @timjballin 3 месяца назад

      A “Free library” cannot be stolen. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  • @practical1-j3f
    @practical1-j3f 4 месяца назад +1061

    Standing there trying to justify stealing ALL the books by blaming the lady who puts them out. She's just a common thief.

    • @El1society
      @El1society 3 месяца назад +56

      ‘i wouldn’t have stolen your purse if you didn’t leave the house with it’ is basically what she’s saying

    • @jeanallan8106
      @jeanallan8106 3 месяца назад

      Maybe she’s just dumb and had no idea what a little library is 🤷‍♀️
      People often put items they don’t want on the curb with “free” signs and it sounded like this lady thought it was the same deal. Once she had it explained to her, she shouldn’t have agrued though.

    • @user-wi9hv2pb2q
      @user-wi9hv2pb2q 3 месяца назад +31

      Its even more disgusting to ruin a nice thing with your theft

    • @loribelmores6061
      @loribelmores6061 3 месяца назад +17

      Little Free Libraries are a blessing in a neighborhood! I take my grandson to them all the time!

    • @Michael-n2p5w
      @Michael-n2p5w 3 месяца назад +9

      I live in Washington; I was especially pleased when I found a Little Free Library in the Magazine District in New Orleans.
      Definite favorite: one near where I live that's shaped like a TARDIS; it's lined with mirrors so it looks bigger inside.

  • @RenaissanceMan888
    @RenaissanceMan888 4 месяца назад +987

    That woman taking more than a book or two has no shame and no concept of sharing and goodness. She’s despicable.

    • @askew9976
      @askew9976 4 месяца назад +41

      She’s likely a hoarder. 😢

    • @cartoonraccoon2078
      @cartoonraccoon2078 4 месяца назад +25

      75 IQ as well...

    • @420saralou
      @420saralou 4 месяца назад +7

      How do you know she wasn't sharing the books with others? I've taken whole bags full of books from free libraries. Not a big deal.

    • @carolinematusevich889
      @carolinematusevich889 4 месяца назад +50

      She's a free loading opportunist, is what she is.

    • @carolinematusevich889
      @carolinematusevich889 4 месяца назад +33

      @420saralou Because she didn't say so. 🙄
      Even libraries are removing the UPC nowadays, due to book sellers showing up to take the entire lot by crate loads.

  • @herbderbler1585
    @herbderbler1585 3 месяца назад +301

    Fifty bucks says the book thief found out used books aren't worth any real money, them just dumped them on the ground somewhere.

    • @mentalphilanthropist35
      @mentalphilanthropist35 3 месяца назад +12

      Why did they have to blur her face?

    • @GBRyker61
      @GBRyker61 3 месяца назад +2

      @@mentalphilanthropist35 more than likely because it's not certain if the same person is involved in either case.

    • @mentalphilanthropist35
      @mentalphilanthropist35 3 месяца назад +9

      @@GBRyker61 But here you clearly can see her stealing, it's just to protect the criminal.

    • @hamie7624
      @hamie7624 3 месяца назад +7

      ​@@mentalphilanthropist35 if they're free, it's not stealing.

    • @kotor610
      @kotor610 3 месяца назад +1

      Didn't sign a release to have their face revealed.

  • @suraangel6956
    @suraangel6956 4 месяца назад +307

    "If you don't want people to have them, why do you put them out?"
    Lady, key word is "people", not just ONE person hogging everything

    • @ronaldhudson169
      @ronaldhudson169 3 месяца назад +25

      This strongly resembles the trash person teaching her kids to empty an unattended Halloween candy bowl. Pirates per Jack Sparrows's definition - Take what you can, give nothing in return.

    • @sunnyday7843
      @sunnyday7843 3 месяца назад +3

      @@ronaldhudson169no gratitude either - that quote by Jack sparrow is a motto it seems . My parents called people sponges or leeches - also rationalizes or more like blaming the lady who tends this book lending stand . So what happened next ? We want the rest is the story .

    • @mynameisworld
      @mynameisworld 3 месяца назад +4

      She was giving them to people. How about finding out the facts first???? The woman put them out to give away. The other woman collected them to deliver to kids in need. Now the first woman wants to complain because her reason for putting them out in front of her house was to get praise for being such a saint. And she put a SECURITY CAMERA on them????? Of course she just wants the praise. She can't let someone collect them to give to people in need!

    • @jimtrue1465
      @jimtrue1465 3 месяца назад +23

      @@mynameisworld And what evidence do you have that she was giving the books to people in need? Or to anyone, for that matter?

    • @JohnnyAngel8
      @JohnnyAngel8 3 месяца назад +25

      @@mynameisworld It is set up as a book swap, not a book giveaway. Otherwise, the books would have been simply left on a table with a sign saying, "free books". As for the woman who set up the box, she has my praise because she deserves it. The woman who took the books is annoyingly bold, showing no regard for the concept of sharing.

  • @_HolyHell_
    @_HolyHell_ 4 месяца назад +1374

    Why do trash people always have to ruin good things for everyone else? Can’t anyone just be happy anymore

    • @jens7898
      @jens7898 4 месяца назад

      No. This is just another contrived story to justify needing a digital identity to access everything including food. If you are seeking world domination you will not succeed unless you can get the majority of the masses to accept it. Wake up people. Learn to discern.

    • @_Just_Another_Guy
      @_Just_Another_Guy 4 месяца назад +113

      See, these public amenities only work in certain countries like Japan where the population is more worried about maintaining their integrity to the public and not being the local shame of the neighborhood and their own family. Something that's certainly lacking in the U.S. nowadays.
      Bring back public shaming, bring back integrity before you can do these types of public good will installations.

    • @marthabonelli3093
      @marthabonelli3093 4 месяца назад +17

      Thank goodness my dirty neighbors are moving Their dog trashed my garden.Karma for haters.

    • @boathousejoed1126
      @boathousejoed1126 3 месяца назад +10

      Don't give in,don't give up!

    • @doverbeachcomber
      @doverbeachcomber 3 месяца назад +14

      The Seven Deadly sins haven't changed, and Greed is one of them.

  • @trishoconnor2169
    @trishoconnor2169 3 месяца назад +312

    Any honor system will always encounter a dishonorable person at some point.

    • @HKim0072
      @HKim0072 3 месяца назад +18

      And, then you have Tokyo.
      _In a study comparing dropped phones and wallets in New York and Tokyo, 88% of phones “lost” by the researchers were handed into the police by Tokyo residents, compared to 6% of the ones “lost” in New York. Likewise, 80% of Tokyo wallets were handed in compared to 10% in New York._

    • @63artemisia63
      @63artemisia63 3 месяца назад

      @@HKim0072 Wow, that’s an eye opener! But otoh, that’s Trump’s city, so there you go.

    • @YowzaBowzaWowza
      @YowzaBowzaWowza 3 месяца назад

      @@63artemisia63: Nice try Comrade. Hate to break it to you but NYC is overwhelmingly (85+%) populated with Democrats, Liberals, Leftists and Progressives. In other words, the exact OPPOSITE of Trump and Trump supporters.

    • @sitka49
      @sitka49 3 месяца назад +1

      Parasite, is more like it.

    • @deborahblackvideoediting8697
      @deborahblackvideoediting8697 3 месяца назад

      Very well put!

  • @psychedelicpython
    @psychedelicpython 4 месяца назад +139

    There’s an old woman in Spokane, Washington who is going around the South Hill doing this exact same thing. She carries two large reusable shopping bags and goes to the little libraries and takes all of the books. If there is little toys in the library box she takes them too. It’s these kind of people who ruin the little libraries for others no matter what city they live in. It’s beyond inconsiderate for people to take all of the books, and unfortunately it’s not a crime.

    • @sarah2.017
      @sarah2.017 3 месяца назад +10

      It's like the woman in my old town who would come into my church and help herself to the food pantry donations. Thing is, if she had asked, we would have allowed her to take whatever she wanted.

    • @cyclone8974
      @cyclone8974 3 месяца назад +3

      @@sarah2.017 seems like she did

    • @jfm14
      @jfm14 3 месяца назад +8

      ​@@cyclone8974 The asking part is key, though.

    • @Capohanf1
      @Capohanf1 3 месяца назад +9

      ISN'T IT FUNNY THIS ONLY HAPPENS IN LIB, BLUE PLACES???? There is a "Little" Library a few blocks from where I live, in a RED area of the same state AND THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A PROBLEM HERE!!!!!!!!!

    • @stephanieb1574
      @stephanieb1574 3 месяца назад +39

      ​@@Capohanf1oh give me a break we had it happen to one of our local little libraries....I live in Texas, you don't get much redder . Grow up and stop saying such stupid things.

  • @ilovephotography1254
    @ilovephotography1254 3 месяца назад +67

    👍Kate is a great example of a fine citizen. If I lived near by, I would be happy to contribute books to her Library.

    • @jerrybrickley2115
      @jerrybrickley2115 3 месяца назад

      Donate to the local public library.

    • @ilovephotography1254
      @ilovephotography1254 3 месяца назад

      @@jerrybrickley2115 I have...
      Sometime they turn down book donations.

  • @FolkloreLover
    @FolkloreLover 4 месяца назад +478

    People like this ruin it for everyone one. Let her be identified to be publicly shamed!

    • @nonamegivenatbirth
      @nonamegivenatbirth 3 месяца назад +15

      Public shaming did have its place. 🤔

    • @doverbeachcomber
      @doverbeachcomber 3 месяца назад +19

      Agreed. There is more to the interaction of people in a community than what is defined in the legal system. Society can and should know who isn't playing by its rules, and apply the classic, healthy remedy of public shaming. Stop blurring out the cheater's face.

    • @byronshepherd8415
      @byronshepherd8415 3 месяца назад +6

      @@nonamegivenatbirth it only works on those who actually have shame

  • @libertybell1574
    @libertybell1574 4 месяца назад +352

    Such an endeavor requires a high-trust society.

    • @tracycase4520
      @tracycase4520 4 месяца назад +42

      You see who steals them. This is why we can't have nice things.

    • @cassandraknight8804
      @cassandraknight8804 4 месяца назад +10

      Not high trust, just a trust that should be normal 😢 I wanted to have one of these but I know on my street that it would not work well 😢

    • @richardmullens4707
      @richardmullens4707 4 месяца назад +3

      OK.... Where does it say on her book stand that you can only take one book or that it's bring one take one? Imagine if someone had a box of apples outside saying "free, help yourself". Someone would take the box of apples, right? Would the owner of the house then be whining saying "I intended it to be so everyone just takes one apple". If things are put out for free for people to take then they are free for people to take, whether a person takes one or the whole lot. If something is put out for free that is not stealing!

    • @Supersquishyawesomeness
      @Supersquishyawesomeness 4 месяца назад

      @@richardmullens4707holy shit. You don’t belong in a civilized society making that argument. You are the parent encouraging their child to take the whole bowl on Halloween.

    • @jens7898
      @jens7898 4 месяца назад

      @@tracycase4520 No. This is just another contrived story to justify needing a digital identity to access everything including food. If you are seeking world domination you will not succeed unless you can get the majority of the masses to accept it. Wake up people. Learn to discern.

  • @Deirdre-v7r
    @Deirdre-v7r 3 месяца назад +62

    I needed to get rid of a large item once. I put it in front of the building. But I needed it gone real fast. So I put a For Sale sign on it instead of a Free sign to guarantee that it would be stolen immediately. It was. 😂😂😂

    • @jasonhawn1908
      @jasonhawn1908 3 месяца назад +1

      Wow.. that's funny and pretty sad 😔.

    • @davidl4191
      @davidl4191 3 месяца назад +3

      I had an TV that had quit working, and before it finally quit, the screen was starting to go bad anyways... so even if it was "fixed" the colors were all screwed up with a bunch of dead pixels.
      I installed the new TV, put the old one in its box, left it on my doorstep, and within 2 days some very helpful porch pirates hauled my old, non-functional TV away, free of charge! 😆

    • @Deirdre-v7r
      @Deirdre-v7r 3 месяца назад +2

      @@davidl4191 we have a free trash day in my town. People set large stuff on the sidewalk. Other people drive around and grab stuff before the garbage trucks arrive. It's a free for all. My mother had a male cat that pissed into the back of a small white TV. It looked great but if you turned it on the tubes would heat up. Turned it into a horrendous cat-piss plug in. It could clear a room in under 60 seconds. I put it nicely cleaned on the top of our pile. I watched from the window as 3 men drove up in a van and grabbed it. I simply chuckled. 🐈 📺 😁

    • @miac4455
      @miac4455 3 месяца назад

      Haha good story David!

    • @jackseifert3610
      @jackseifert3610 2 месяца назад

      What was the item?

  • @mastercraftsman4213
    @mastercraftsman4213 4 месяца назад +1233

    Why blur out the lady theif...public expectation of privacy on a public street what so ever

    • @petemarron6677
      @petemarron6677 4 месяца назад

      Right? She should be shamed as the little pig that she is.

    • @SpartacusColo
      @SpartacusColo 4 месяца назад +29

      It's a private recording and no crime has been committed. You want to go hassle some lady with no standards and nothing to lose? Teach her a lesson, maybe?

    • @troymiller885
      @troymiller885 4 месяца назад +112


    • @censorbleep3018
      @censorbleep3018 4 месяца назад

      Blurring and protection in the media disproportionately affects people of color

    • @aznthy
      @aznthy 4 месяца назад

      no crime? you are trash

  • @marjiscriven9657
    @marjiscriven9657 4 месяца назад +112

    My little library was cleared once or twice, but mostly the neighborhood keeps it up and restocks it. When I first put it out, the weather was drizzling for a week, so I hadn’t gotten out to put books into it. When I went out, it was already stocked by the neighbors!

    • @larsonfamilyhouse
      @larsonfamilyhouse 4 месяца назад +16

      Wow! So awesome.

    • @outoftheforest7652
      @outoftheforest7652 3 месяца назад +4

      I always feel guilty when I find a book in the Libraries donated book bin... I didn't want to steal from them if they were goingv to sell it at a fundraising book fair.

    • @Doobydoobydoowah
      @Doobydoobydoowah 3 месяца назад

      @@outoftheforest7652libraries pay a lot more for books than we do when we buy them retail- this helps to ensure that authors still make money when their books are sold to libraries. So libraries can’t lend out donated books. Selling donated books does help them buy more books to lend out, though! So it’s still good to donate

  • @herbderbler1585
    @herbderbler1585 3 месяца назад +52

    Some people have zero self-control or scruples. Their core programming is to take as much as possible whenever possible. If it's not nailed down, it must belong to them. Of course these same people often cry the loudest when anything bad happens to them.

    • @abc33155
      @abc33155 3 месяца назад +3

      Case in point: our former president. He boasted that not paying your bills and taxes is being smart. People loved him for it.

    • @andrewkaminskas7721
      @andrewkaminskas7721 3 месяца назад +8

      Oh yea please tell us how “your”current president is doing

    • @YowzaBowzaWowza
      @YowzaBowzaWowza 3 месяца назад +6

      @@abc33155: Your TDS is showing.

    • @warpartyattheoutpost4987
      @warpartyattheoutpost4987 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@abc33155, you said that you don't speak English well.
      Who is your former president?

    • @abc33155
      @abc33155 3 месяца назад

      @@warpartyattheoutpost4987 Donald Trump

  • @LinFo23
    @LinFo23 4 месяца назад +364

    I absolutely would have shown her face. Everyone needs to see this individual.

    • @SRose-vp6ew
      @SRose-vp6ew 4 месяца назад

      Probably a poor migrant worker trying to resell the books as a survival tactics after finding out things in America aren’t that great when you pay druglords to sneak you over the border because Democrats acted like the border was open when it’s not actually a good idea to pay gangs to cross unless you want to be a liberals farm slave. 🤷🏽‍♀️

    • @MrPGC137
      @MrPGC137 4 месяца назад +15

      Exactly; when you see that person in the neighbourhood, _look out!_

    • @DriftWizard750
      @DriftWizard750 3 месяца назад +27

      My guess is she was “diverse”

    • @MrPGC137
      @MrPGC137 3 месяца назад +14

      @@DriftWizard750 Probably; where "diverse" goes, trouble follows...

    • @Frennemydistinction
      @Frennemydistinction 3 месяца назад +14

      Not w hite enough to have her face shown.

  • @mm-yt8sf
    @mm-yt8sf 3 месяца назад +133

    "if you don't want them..."
    "do you know how libraries work?"

    • @abeiradapraia
      @abeiradapraia 3 месяца назад +17

      The thief doesn’t sound very literate, so I would wager no!

    • @leinonibishop9480
      @leinonibishop9480 3 месяца назад

      It’s not a lending library where you bring the books back a week later.
      If that’s what she is expecting then she needs to put up better signage.

    • @milomilo55
      @milomilo55 3 месяца назад +10

      @@leinonibishop9480 No it's not a "lending" library but, as her sign says, an exchange library, i.e., "take a book, leave a book".

    • @leinonibishop9480
      @leinonibishop9480 3 месяца назад

      @@milomilo55 if she’s expecting a one to one exchange then she needs to build the box to only open once you deposit a book into it. Most ppl take a book or two and then bring other books to drop off at a later time. But there will always be ppl that just take books and never bring any back. When you give stuff away you don’t get any say in what happens to it afterwards.

    • @alexk3088
      @alexk3088 3 месяца назад

      How libraries work: you bring an ID, register for membership and also expected to return books on time, or pay a late fee. And they are also funded by tax revenues, so not really free. This is an attempt at make-believe communism. Moderated with a dose of reality 😁

  • @robynmasters335
    @robynmasters335 4 месяца назад +249

    I went to my local used book store last week and got 20 used books for only $14. It's such a shame that so many people are finding new ways to commit crimes. While this was not particularly illegal, it's still so disappointing.

    • @ghostchick5275
      @ghostchick5275 3 месяца назад +5

      I would argue that it is a crime. The books are still on her property. She's just allowing people to borrow them in exchange for another book. That bum of a woman is technically stealing the books.

    • @johnchandler1687
      @johnchandler1687 3 месяца назад +2

      My grandma would find yard sales with a lot of books and go back at closing time and get them all for a couple dollars. Then we'd go to the used book store and trade them 2 for one and get books we wanted to read. This thief probably did something like that. Shame on her.

    • @EricRedekop
      @EricRedekop 3 месяца назад +1

      It's always a woman. ALWAYS.

  • @DenmarkL-j5v
    @DenmarkL-j5v 4 месяца назад +74

    This woman, Kate, sure is positive. Keeping calm, empathetic and not giving up trying to share with her community. An example for all of us.

    • @suzanneblaylock9598
      @suzanneblaylock9598 3 месяца назад +3

      Much agreed and I'm so glad that she had a few minutes on the local news.

  • @tracycase4520
    @tracycase4520 4 месяца назад +423

    Ferals would steal cut grass if there was money in it.

    • @oldauntzibby4395
      @oldauntzibby4395 4 месяца назад +10

      I'd guess that gardeners might buy bags of cut grass to use as mulch and compost ingredients. I'm surprised no one is selling it along with bags of leaves. I'd consider buying it if people didn't use chem-lawn poison.
      But I get your point with regards to this story.

    • @tracycase4520
      @tracycase4520 4 месяца назад +10

      @@oldauntzibby4395 It's labor for a fair wage. Ferals steal. So that counts those people out.

    • @lolwtnick4362
      @lolwtnick4362 4 месяца назад +7

      lmao. it's not easy money but there is money. been to a craft store? they sell craft wood, rocks, hay bales for $29. those things are literally free. but rich yuppies keep buying

    • @alpyki2588
      @alpyki2588 4 месяца назад +7

      Can confirm people steal cut grass/hay. Mostly for livestock from the ranchers, especially if there is a drought or its the winter. Giant bales of hay.

    • @tsugima6317
      @tsugima6317 4 месяца назад +18

      I'm not laughing..... I used to have a little patch of fragrant violets in my front yard that I loved a lot until someone dug it up by the roots one night.

  • @wwgbert
    @wwgbert 3 месяца назад +5

    I love her attitude at the end of this clip, I will continue putting out books for my community. Love it!

  • @RoboChachi
    @RoboChachi 4 месяца назад +235

    Just another example of ‘No good deed goes unpunished.’ Unfortunately there is always someone looking to exploit or ruin good intentions

    • @floodlime8620
      @floodlime8620 4 месяца назад +2

      Then how do you explain all the thousands of Little Free Libraries where this isn’t happening?

    • @jens7898
      @jens7898 4 месяца назад

      No. This is just another contrived story to justify needing a digital identity to access everything including food. If you are seeking world domination you will not succeed unless you can get the majority of the masses to accept it. Wake up people. Learn to discern.

    • @Jimmy_Jingles
      @Jimmy_Jingles 4 месяца назад

      ⁠@@floodlime8620 unfortunately it’s happening to those little free libraries too. Not all 1000 but the number is growing :/

    • @thekingsdaughter4233
      @thekingsdaughter4233 4 месяца назад +7

      ​@@floodlime8620 some people were raised differently. A sense of belonging and community was planted in them. I was blessed to be raised by my grandmother who made sure I knew I wasn't the only one in the world, that I was certainly not the most important person in the world, and that I was to be mindful of other people. Also, that when you borrow something, you give it back in good clean condition. Even more so, NOBODY _owes_ us ANYTHING. - I only realized in recent years that not everyone had a Grandma like mine.

    • @thekingsdaughter4233
      @thekingsdaughter4233 4 месяца назад +4

      ​@@floodlime8620 I was just writing under some other comment that where I live (small, rural community), I'm aware of three such libraries in our townships nearby, and I'm sure there are more. Well stocked, well kept, great flow of give and take. Now, 25 miles north in the "big city", I have seen also one, even in a wide open public place. Empty, vandalized, discontinued. 🤷

  • @wideawake5630
    @wideawake5630 4 месяца назад +127

    Does she even understand its a library, you read them and bring them back.

    • @SpartacusColo
      @SpartacusColo 4 месяца назад +7

      But nobody even charges late fees anymore. The bar in society has been lowered and lowered over the years. I am rather astounded that people are shocked and offended that this happened.

    • @EricaGamet
      @EricaGamet 4 месяца назад +36

      With little free libraries it doesn't necessarily work like that. It's like "need a penny/leave a penny." One or the other. I will often find a book that I like and keep it for a long time... if it's near me, I will leave other books I don't want. It's not a one to one thing... more of a "you want one, take one... you have one, leave one." A way to keep books moving around. Taking all of them is definitely not normal... if she had taken one or two and even kept them, there would still be enough for everyone. She's reselling them for sure.

    • @SharonElizabethWhitfield
      @SharonElizabethWhitfield 4 месяца назад +5

      How do you know she wasn’t planning to return the books when she finishes reading them?

    • @rhondennis979
      @rhondennis979 4 месяца назад +30

      The same way I know the tooth fairy doesn't exist.

    • @stoverboo
      @stoverboo 4 месяца назад +18

      @@SharonElizabethWhitfield Because that's not what she said she was doing. She's just emptying them for her own gain, and she thinks there's nothing wrong with that. She's a creep.

  • @lia53233
    @lia53233 3 месяца назад +11

    This happened at one near me as well. I put like 30 books in there and I checked it an hour later and they were all gone. Whoever it is misses the point of the little free libraries. They are libraries, not freebox. You don't go into a library and take all the books.

  • @marilyndee969
    @marilyndee969 4 месяца назад +42

    I had a similar thing when we lived in a cottage behind a rental house of students. We grew vegetables in our little corner of the yard right by our cottage. One of the students asked if he could have some vegetables. We said yes. Then we saw him, and he was taking all of them. He was simply clearing them all out. We were home and asked what he was doing. He got angry at us about it. I don't remember what happened next. But to some people free means winner takes all. I will simply have to leave it at that.

    • @genxx2724
      @genxx2724 3 месяца назад +12

      My mom’s lemon tree was loaded. She told the cleaning lady she could take some lemons. When she came home, the cleaning lady was gone and she had picked the tree clean. Tacky.

    • @marilyndee969
      @marilyndee969 3 месяца назад +10

      @@genxx2724- So it happened to your mom, too? Why would anyone do such a thing? The student who was busy taking every last vegetable in our garden was not only rude, he got angry at us when we asked what he was doing. With your mom's cleaning lady, what in the world could anyone do with more than a couple of lemons? It is mind boggling to me that anyone could ever act this way. Sadly, your mom experienced it, too. How can these people live with themselves? How can they look in the mirror after that? It is quite beyond me.

    • @jfm14
      @jfm14 3 месяца назад +10

      My mom hired a handyman to help clean up our barnyard. He asked if he could bring his kids; she said fine. So he shows up with kids in tow and his mom to look after them. My mom couldn't help but notice that this woman spent a lot of time in the overgrown front yard not watching the kids, who were getting into all kinds of trouble around the farm. It looked to my mom like the woman was picking up sticks.
      As they were leaving, my mom noticed a big box chock full of morel mushrooms and asked where they came from. Turns out the woman was picking every morel she could find in our yard. Didn't bother to ask. And then she had the audacity to argue when called out, saying that if my mom wanted them she would've picked them already! My mom didn't even know they were there and besides, WHOSE YARD IS IT? Some people are not only selfish, but have zero shame.
      The morels never came back, by the way. That's what happens when they're over-harvested.

    • @KameraShy
      @KameraShy 3 месяца назад +6

      I once invited a neighbor to pick some tomatoes out of my garden. She picked it clean. Never offered again, but she moved not long after.

    • @suzanneblaylock9598
      @suzanneblaylock9598 3 месяца назад

      He's a self-serving jerk.

  • @robinhightower9031
    @robinhightower9031 4 месяца назад +72

    Vertical lines cancels out UPC codes, NOT horizontal lines. Buy a stamp to mark the inside cover or the fore-edge.

    • @alpyki2588
      @alpyki2588 4 месяца назад +9

      There are also places that simply do not care what's in the book or how its marked. Could be marked up and down and on every page, and they'll still give a little money to you and then sell it for a markup. Really its a precaution only in the theoretical world where there's only one unscrupulous party.

    • @3DJapan
      @3DJapan 4 месяца назад +8

      Of course that was a Borders UPC anyway and Borders no longer exists so that bar code means nothing.

    • @PaulMcCannWebBuilder
      @PaulMcCannWebBuilder 3 месяца назад +5

      @@3DJapan And the Border's UPC was a sticker you could peel off. The ISBN under it is different, and is a book code.

    • @AmericanVet.4everJesusAmen
      @AmericanVet.4everJesusAmen 3 месяца назад +1

      Usa libraries also mark page 29 with a stamp of ownership along with front and back.

    • @pluto9000
      @pluto9000 3 месяца назад

      Books can be used for keeping warm. Desperate times. 🔥📚🔥

  • @theotheleo6830
    @theotheleo6830 4 месяца назад +57

    It's no secret that people in this country will steal if given the opportunity. After all, porch piracy and theft via self-checkouts are a huge problem.

    • @sashaashby
      @sashaashby 4 месяца назад +2

      all of humanity since the beginning of time

    • @theotheleo6830
      @theotheleo6830 4 месяца назад +7

      @@sashaashby I wouldn't say that it is all of humanity. In a few countries, it's common to leave a smartphone or laptop on a public table for a short while without fear of it being stolen.

    • @sashaashby
      @sashaashby 4 месяца назад +6

      @@theotheleo6830 fair enough, lol
      but for sure, a walk through history will show that humans are capable of some truly wonderful and awful behavior, i love the news/videos that show people helping one another, so heartwarming

    • @gonzarellious6102
      @gonzarellious6102 4 месяца назад

      @@theotheleo6830 being stupidly naïve and believing nothing would happen isn't the same as the risk of being stolen being nonexistent.

    • @binnie2150
      @binnie2150 4 месяца назад +1

      ​@@theotheleo6830 Japan has it pretty bad with umbrella theft

  • @dhoward5757
    @dhoward5757 3 месяца назад +26

    It's a hoarding situation, that lady who took the books on the video is a hoarder, she probably has them stacked to the ceilings in her home

    • @helpfulcommenter
      @helpfulcommenter 3 месяца назад

      I don’t think you get what is happening. She’s not a hoarder she’s a reseller. The lowest rung of society. She steals things and then tries to resell them to people online or flip them to used book stores. For profit.

    • @Decaturdan
      @Decaturdan 3 месяца назад


    • @helpfulcommenter
      @helpfulcommenter 3 месяца назад

      @@Decaturdan no. She’s a reseller. That was made clear, though indirectly.

    • @Decaturdan
      @Decaturdan 3 месяца назад

      @@helpfulcommenter if it’s indirect, how is that clear?

    • @helpfulcommenter
      @helpfulcommenter 3 месяца назад

      @@Decaturdan it’s clear if you’re of reasonable intelligence and have the ability to contextualize

  • @deborahbaker4770
    @deborahbaker4770 4 месяца назад +99

    That is a little RIDICULOUS to take all of those book’s I can’t believe that woman had the nerve to argue about what she did ‼️

    • @scarygary-qq1pj
      @scarygary-qq1pj 3 месяца назад

      Yes you can.

    • @outoftheforest7652
      @outoftheforest7652 3 месяца назад +2

      Listen to this story...
      I was in a very nice neighborhood one day and saw this car with these two women dumping their garbage out of their car into the street. They pulled off and I was so shocked I flipped them off as they sped away.. THEY had the audacity to pull back around and confront me about why I "flipped them off" and I said "why did you dump your garbage on the street ??" they guffawed and tried to make me look like the asshole.. I was pointing at the garbage on the road. They got back into their car and sped off. It was ridiculous.

    • @sunnyday7843
      @sunnyday7843 3 месяца назад

      @@outoftheforest7652 Been lying / blaming/ and running away their entire lives

  • @alisont.6940
    @alisont.6940 4 месяца назад +55

    This is so weird. People are always giving away books they don't want anymore. I gave probably 1000 to the local library store before I moved. Now I use little free libraries as intended - I take 2-3 books if I can find ones that look interesting and drop off the latest books I've picked up elsewhere and finished. I also drop some off at libraries and buy their used books. If whoever this is wants to sell books, all she has to do is put some ads or online listings out there offering to pick up used books. People are desperate for places to put their used books without throwing them out.

    • @SeanPat1001
      @SeanPat1001 4 месяца назад +8

      The woman is putting books out there so others can read them, not because she wants to get rid of them.

    • @3DJapan
      @3DJapan 4 месяца назад +14

      If she just wanted to get rid of them she could bring them to Good Will. That's not what these are for.

    • @1ACL
      @1ACL 3 месяца назад +15

      The op is talking about the thief. Thief is reselling the books she stole. The op is saying there are tons of other places to get free and cheap books to resell, rather than steal from the little library.

    • @genxx2724
      @genxx2724 3 месяца назад +4

      @@3DJapan Exactly. Nobody designs and builds a darling little cabinet for the purpose of “getting rid of” anything. And if she just wanted to get rid of the books, as offensive as it is to a reader, she could just throw them in the trash.

    • @SeanPat1001
      @SeanPat1001 3 месяца назад +4

      @@GSutton apparently, you’re unaware of how society works. She was sharing, not funneling books to someone who would then just sell them for personal profit. She wanted them to remain in circulation.

  • @hunterericson6782
    @hunterericson6782 3 месяца назад +18

    this is the lady that would take the whole entire candy bowl off the porch on halloween

    • @KameraShy
      @KameraShy 3 месяца назад +1

      I had that happen during the pandemic when I left a bowl of candy with a "take one" sign. Some kid came along and emptied it. I now have video cameras.

  • @lauralafauve5520
    @lauralafauve5520 4 месяца назад +69

    That's weird. I found another Little Library in Wheat Ridge also empty - and I had donated over 10 books to that same location maybe two weeks before. It had been completely full. 🤔

    • @IceLynne
      @IceLynne 4 месяца назад +2

      This is a sad turn of events.

    • @lauralafauve5520
      @lauralafauve5520 4 месяца назад +2

      @@IceLynne people are still desperate.

    • @carolinematusevich889
      @carolinematusevich889 4 месяца назад +15

      Probably the same people. They're book sellers. They'll sell them all, but they're in it for those rare first editions.

    • @evilsharkey8954
      @evilsharkey8954 3 месяца назад

      @@lauralafauve5520Not desperate, just greedy. They take the books and resell them.

    • @sawas2421
      @sawas2421 3 месяца назад

      ​@@lauralafauve5520Someone who has time and energy to go around to private homes, stealing used books to sell online, doesn't seem that desperate, just lazy. If they truly are desperate and they have that kind of time and energy on their hands, they could get a job doing something other than selling stolen merchandise.

  • @nata3467
    @nata3467 3 месяца назад +17

    I used to carry books in a bag on my dog walk so when I found a great book I was ready to trade out. Some people suck the fun out of everything

    • @joralemonvirgincreche
      @joralemonvirgincreche 3 месяца назад

      I do this now, without a dog. I just walk around with a tote bag leaving books. I'm trying to empty out my parents' house of books. Sometimes I take a book.

    • @J0Mamaa
      @J0Mamaa 3 месяца назад

      That's such a cute idea, I wanna try that

  • @RogueA.I.
    @RogueA.I. 3 месяца назад +10

    There’s one on my block. I makes me smile every time I pass by.

  • @petemarron6677
    @petemarron6677 4 месяца назад +62

    She's the kind of person who goes to an all you can eat buffet and puts cheese in her purse.

    • @LyndaOblinger
      @LyndaOblinger 4 месяца назад


    • @sunnyday7843
      @sunnyday7843 4 месяца назад +3

      Also the kind who is very greedy on Halloween at the “ rich “ houses - and at parades when candy is thrown - Costco samples ? Picks other people’s flowers from yards - classy !

    • @TheLostWorldFanChann
      @TheLostWorldFanChann 3 месяца назад +4

      Cheese?? ?? You mean four large fried chicken breasts and unlimited amount of dinner rolls.

    • @petemarron6677
      @petemarron6677 3 месяца назад

      @@TheLostWorldFanChann I knew a woman who put cheese in her purse. True story.Very classy.

    • @sunnyday7843
      @sunnyday7843 3 месяца назад +2

      @@petemarron6677 I have been known to stash a roll in my purse back in the day- lol

  • @TheErnie1964
    @TheErnie1964 4 месяца назад +17

    Thank you for not letting people's bad actions change your positive outlook,you continue being you.thanks

    • @Murphy007
      @Murphy007 3 месяца назад

      We all start out positive.

    • @TheErnie1964
      @TheErnie1964 3 месяца назад

      @@Murphy007 sounds like people's bad actions have changed your outlook ,you can do it Murphy don't let them get you down

  • @marilynjackson5752
    @marilynjackson5752 3 месяца назад +3

    Thank you, Kate for your kind generosity.

  • @ajmatt574
    @ajmatt574 4 месяца назад +26

    I have taken a book or two before and didn’t leave any, but I’ve also donated more than I’ve taken. I’ve also read some of those books and returned them. I would never clear out a tiny library

  • @robinhooper7702
    @robinhooper7702 4 месяца назад +17

    Your heart is in the right place. Thank You for caring. We need more of you.

  • @eus2ks
    @eus2ks 3 месяца назад +6

    Kate, im so sorry so many out there cant grasp the concept of sharing and community. Dark times indeed. Thanks for your efforts in contributing to a more literate and civil society.

  • @askew9976
    @askew9976 4 месяца назад +257

    People ruin everything.

    • @Sunset4Semaphores
      @Sunset4Semaphores 4 месяца назад +3

      *You own nothing and are happy!*

    • @VoidHalo
      @VoidHalo 4 месяца назад +6

      I am nothing and not happy. I just am. I exist im a state of death without dying. Nullification of the soul. Hence my name. It used to just be "Nothing" until they changed them all on us.

    • @SpartacusColo
      @SpartacusColo 4 месяца назад +1

      Kind of like how people ruined the Colorado lifestyle, and now everyone is just looking for their free stuff. I know.

    • @debracisneroshhp2827
      @debracisneroshhp2827 4 месяца назад

      Not, "people", "asshole people". 💩😒

    • @jeffw1267
      @jeffw1267 4 месяца назад +18

      No, they don't. Certain types of people ruin everything. It's easy to spot them, too. Nomesayin'?

  • @raygrunzinger1815
    @raygrunzinger1815 3 месяца назад +13

    Thanks to Ms. Schneider for promoting a wonderful concept of literacy for ALL people. The individual who is unable to grasp the concept of take a book leave a book needs a wellness check by social services.

  • @lilyann168
    @lilyann168 3 месяца назад +7

    If it helps anyones hope in humanity, ive lived in 2 different states in two small cities, with little free libraries, and this never happened.

    • @7thZeppelin
      @7thZeppelin 3 месяца назад +1

      What two cities?

    • @catherinemartinez5542
      @catherinemartinez5542 3 месяца назад

      Were they predominantly red or blue cities? Asking for a friend.

    • @lilyann168
      @lilyann168 3 месяца назад +1

      @@7thZeppelin Ann Arbor and Buffalo

    • @lilyann168
      @lilyann168 3 месяца назад

      @@catherinemartinez5542 Ann Arbor and Buffalo

    @ZERODESTRUCTION 4 месяца назад +32

    To black out a upc code, use vertical lines. I'm so sorry to hear about the thefts.

    • @ryanjohnson3615
      @ryanjohnson3615 4 месяца назад +1

      I thought that too, though I doubt re-selling the books for cash is even a motive.

  • @cherylthomas2459
    @cherylthomas2459 4 месяца назад +37

    Leave "A" book, take "A" book!

    • @Patrick_Bard
      @Patrick_Bard 3 месяца назад +1

      So taking two books at the same moment would already be unacceptable?

  • @eliterry3785
    @eliterry3785 3 месяца назад +29

    A thousand years ago my mom took us trick or treating. There was a house that had set out a nice wooden box filled with paper bags full of various penny candy. The box was by the road unattended. A sign said something like happy Halloween. Please take one. We did. Mom was watching. Another group of kids came along sans parents. They grabbed every bag in the box laughing all the while.
    They won. We lost.
    There’s no happy ending to this story and it plays out millions of times a second.

    • @markkostka6897
      @markkostka6897 3 месяца назад +10

      At least you didn't try to say in the good old days kids didn't steal and everyone respected parents. I grew up in the 60's and you couldn't leave your house unlocked and parents and kids stole things. That good old nostalgia stuff is always slanted nonsense.

    • @TylerN737s
      @TylerN737s 3 месяца назад +10

      I’d say you won by a long ways. You had good parents that taught you right & wrong. You “won” valuable life lessons. The other kids got penny candy.

    • @TrancingWithSpirit
      @TrancingWithSpirit 3 месяца назад +6

      What goes around, comes around. People like this may think they are getting one over on someone else or everyone else and not care, but chances are their life is nowhere as blessed, abundant, happy, fulfilled and lucky as the people who are the most generous for the right reasons for the benefit of all.

    • @underated17
      @underated17 3 месяца назад


    • @lindasterling4547
      @lindasterling4547 3 месяца назад +6

      You didn't lose, you had a good upbringing and have a conscience. They're the losers.

  • @dw7922
    @dw7922 3 месяца назад +11

    I’ve donated a whole container of books and been happy to see the little library go from empty to full. Two days later passing by it I saw the little library was completely empty. I expect it’s being ransacked but I don’t really understand why.

  • @kriscent1
    @kriscent1 4 месяца назад +21

    Someone took all of the books from my little library twice. I got all all new books and labeled them. Taped "free little library" right to the front cover so they couldn't sell them

  • @pacificoceantsunami8497
    @pacificoceantsunami8497 3 месяца назад +4

    When I drove school bus in Denver, I saw these spring up and thought "What a great idea!" Sad that some gotta abuse that!

  • @drew7257
    @drew7257 4 месяца назад +25

    Why are thieves blurred out when they're caught on CCTV?

    • @kevinkline6835
      @kevinkline6835 4 месяца назад

      In America certain people are protected. Like criminals. Victims are treated like criminals. It's a Biden Cult thing.

    • @sophierobinson2738
      @sophierobinson2738 3 месяца назад +2

      Possible defamation suit.

    • @madmartigan1634
      @madmartigan1634 3 месяца назад +5

      Because das rayciss

    • @AmericanVet.4everJesusAmen
      @AmericanVet.4everJesusAmen 3 месяца назад +1

      When you're in public, the scouts say you're in public tuff dodo

    • @lia53233
      @lia53233 3 месяца назад

      It's not actually illegal to take books out of a little free library. It's just rude and inconsiderate. They could get sued for putting her picture up.

  • @amberthistle2803
    @amberthistle2803 4 месяца назад +24

    As someone with a little free library, we had to put a security camera up due to minor, repeated vandalism. I have a sign right on the door that says video surveillance in use. Haven't had a problem in over a year now.

  • @kitkakitteh
    @kitkakitteh 3 месяца назад +9

    And that’s exactly why we can’t have nice things.

  • @rmann8357
    @rmann8357 4 месяца назад +31

    People take the joy out of everything! So sad!!!

    • @scarygary-qq1pj
      @scarygary-qq1pj 3 месяца назад

      No they don't.

    • @jamesascholl9216
      @jamesascholl9216 3 месяца назад

      *@Austrian_Painters_TopGuy people take the joy out of everything.

    • @EricRedekop
      @EricRedekop 3 месяца назад

      "WOMEN take the joy out of everything." FTFY

  • @bronwenable
    @bronwenable 4 месяца назад +89

    We discontinued our Giving Boxes because of hoarders.

    • @evonne315
      @evonne315 4 месяца назад +11

      Dont blame you. It goes from treasure to trash just like that.

    • @anniesshenanigans3815
      @anniesshenanigans3815 4 месяца назад +20

      that was my first thought, that she was just a hoarder. Could not resist free stuff.

    • @thekingsdaughter4233
      @thekingsdaughter4233 4 месяца назад

      ​@@anniesshenanigans3815 I don't know about "hoarders"; but there are certainly those who grab free and cheap stuff by the caseloads, and then SELL it for a profit. 😠 I was told that certain charity shops upped their prices to discourage that. And yes, I have to be _told_ about that - my mind just doesn't bend that way. 🤷

    • @NoSpam1891
      @NoSpam1891 4 месяца назад +1

      Giving Boxes?

    • @MichaelBradley1967
      @MichaelBradley1967 4 месяца назад

      @@anniesshenanigans3815 Just as likely the books went on ebay within a few days, unless there's a used bookstore nearby.

  • @billyd7628
    @billyd7628 3 месяца назад +11

    "imagine if you didn't eat breakfast today, how would you feel?"
    "but i did eat breakfast today tho"
    "how would you feel if you didn't?"
    "but i did eat breakfast"

  • @evies1050
    @evies1050 3 месяца назад +5

    I used to give my Dad my paperbacks that I had read so he could use them for the Take a book, leave 2 books that some stores had. When he passed, he left my boys all his westerns which included a lot of Louis L-Amour and Zane Greys.

  • @johngriffon2118
    @johngriffon2118 3 месяца назад +33

    Those little library books are almost always just old unwanted books. It's just stuff for someone to read who doesn't have better access. That lady just took them because they were there, not because she wanted them. That's a habitual thief if I've ever seen one. Who the fuck steals books from a birdhouse library? Someone who just wants to steal something. Don't let her in your house folks.

    • @arawilson
      @arawilson 3 месяца назад +2

      Birdhouse library ✅

    • @joralemonvirgincreche
      @joralemonvirgincreche 3 месяца назад +6

      The contents of the libraries vary enormously from neighborhood to neighborhood, street to street. Where I live there are tons of really good quality books. Absolutely tons. And I've never seen anyone steal the entire contents of a library.

    • @brennanarmacost1762
      @brennanarmacost1762 3 месяца назад +3

      That's an awful thing to say about the Little Free Libraries. Why don't you curate one and see what it's like? Rather than disparage them for no reason. It shows your absolute ignorance!

    • @mysterycheez
      @mysterycheez 3 месяца назад +3

      I don't think I agree that they're unwanted books. I have seen several good things in those little libraries, and have contributed books, too, that I thought would be enjoyed.

  • @SewingBoxDesigns
    @SewingBoxDesigns 3 месяца назад +15

    It cracks me up that there's a little free library across from our city library.

    • @sarah2.017
      @sarah2.017 3 месяца назад +1

      My local library operates 3 LFRs around town.

    • @heroineburgh
      @heroineburgh 3 месяца назад +1

      That's because it's just this woman's personal little virtue signal. Better off to donate her bland suburban housewife books to random poor people, and to make sure everyone publicly knows she's doing it, than to just simply throw them away, or take them across the street so the library can make a couple bucks on a used book sale, or drive them to a Goodwill where nobody can see her virtuous donation, right? But heaven forfend someone should take more than one book at a the library cop from Seinfeld, or even better yet, call the TV station!

    • @samanthac.349
      @samanthac.349 3 месяца назад

      😂 I’m sure the librarians are the biggest fans of that free little library.

    • @edstar83
      @edstar83 3 месяца назад +9

      ​@@heroineburgh There's always that one cynical person in every gathering.
      First of all who TF throws out books? Secondly, it clearly states "Take *A book* *(AS IN ONE BOOK)* *"LEAVE A BOOK"* No where does it say Free books take them all.

    • @heroineburgh
      @heroineburgh 3 месяца назад

      @@edstar83 Then there should be more cynical people, or more people regarding the world as it is, rather than they imagine it to be. Lots of people throw out books if they have no more convenient way to get rid of them - it's not unusual. As for the statement on the box, that's just a statement and a suggestion with no legal standing. It can't be enforced unless a guard is hired to enforce it. My take? Free libraries are great, but they are pure virtue signals. Think about the time it takes to build a box, set down the ground rules, maintain it from weather, and stock it constantly, when it would be so much easier to just accumulate a stack of books and, every now and then, box them up and donate them to the library. No muss no fuss. The library enforces their borrowing rules, and the books are all completely *free* there, too. In this instance, the suburban white woman's progressive ideals run up against the reality of raw urban anarcho-capitalism and she can't stomach the results. Think about it: it's not like these books are unique, DIY, self-published tomes. They're nothing special. They're printed by huge corporate publishing houses who've already made their money a million times over. So let that poor woman make her few bucks - the books are probably going to a used bookstore anyway where they are now available to others once again, inexpensively (just not free) rather than at corporate full prices. The Karen gets rid of her books, they're saved from the garbage heap, and everyone wins.

  • @benitaavera873
    @benitaavera873 4 месяца назад +5

    My adult son tried to support one in our state. He would purchase books to help out. He filled it 3 times within a month. It took less than 24 hours for it to be empty 😢 he finally quit and it now remains permanently empty.

  • @tinadixon8186
    @tinadixon8186 3 месяца назад +4

    This nonsense aside,well done and thank you for actively making the world a better place. I’m sure there are people who have really benefited from your generosity,so don’t let this incident get you down.

  • @Yazz2014
    @Yazz2014 4 месяца назад +81

    She won’t say it but I will, these are haters and they associate these little libraries with a certain culture that they want to annihilate. BRAVO! for not letting them intimidate you.

    • @Yellowbanana2024
      @Yellowbanana2024 4 месяца назад +9

      Hmm. I hadn't thought of that. About a year ago there was a news piece on TV that said books are considered a luxury item.

    • @Frennemydistinction
      @Frennemydistinction 3 месяца назад

      Yes this w hite, likely liberal, woman has no idea how much her beloved diversity actually h ates her. This blissful ignorance is a huge problem.

    • @deniseherud
      @deniseherud 3 месяца назад +8

      Agreed. They want to remove all books that they don't approve of, that don't fit their narrative

    • @reginaoneill9372
      @reginaoneill9372 3 месяца назад +17

      Resellers, not book banners, are probably the ones clearing out the LFLs. Just my opinion.

    • @edt.5118
      @edt.5118 3 месяца назад +3

      I think you identified the core driving force in these thieves.

  • @Zozette27
    @Zozette27 4 месяца назад +11

    I feel guilty if I take a book when I haven’t left a book. However I know that overall I have left more books in Free Little Libraries than I have taken. My favourite library lets you leave many other things besides books - jigsaws, DVDs, toys, games, household goods, potted plants etc

  • @AL.BUNDY.
    @AL.BUNDY. 3 месяца назад +5

    There's always someone in our society that ruins things for everyone else. Sad story of human nature.

    • @Tony.D.
      @Tony.D. 3 месяца назад

      Although, great people like Kate and Lacy deserve some recognition.

  • @josephippolito7528
    @josephippolito7528 4 месяца назад +41

    Times are tuff, when you got to steal kids books 😆

    • @naomihatfield3015
      @naomihatfield3015 4 месяца назад +14

      They’re not THAT tough, that’s just greed right there.

    • @suedenim9208
      @suedenim9208 4 месяца назад

      It's taking the kid's books that make me think the woman must be unusually stupid or mentally ill. If she was selective I'd figure she was hoping to resell them, but I doubt the whole collection of kid's books is worth the bother of carrying them to a car.

    • @SRose-vp6ew
      @SRose-vp6ew 4 месяца назад

      Too many people are out of touch with reality of what’s going on in America right now because they’re so far distance from it. Times are tough for the one in seven people that are first-generation Americans. Maybe you’re making over 55,000 a year as a middle class liberal, but not everyone has it as good or wants to be a Democrat’s migrant farm slave hot under the sun if that’s all that they get trafficked into. Democrats lured immigrants into America under false pretenses of hope, but there are not good jobs for those without an education, understanding of culture or laws, and it’s hard to find jobs for those without English who knowingly broke laws to come in and now seek a way to pay for a place to sleep. 🤷🏽‍♀️ This video actually proves how out of touch those who call themselves “kind” really are.

  • @Summit2012
    @Summit2012 4 месяца назад +18

    Sad that some people believe if it's not nailed down, they're allowed to steal it.

    • @Murphy007
      @Murphy007 3 месяца назад +2

      They’ll steal if it is nailed down.

  • @rbowdenscipio3408
    @rbowdenscipio3408 3 месяца назад +5

    I worked with someone like this. A new hire in the C-suite had trays of delicious cookies delivered to the office on a Friday, but half of the employees were out. At the end of the day, one young chick (she isn't deserving of the title lady or woman) decides to help herself by grabbing a dozen of them! From my cubicle, I watched her and counted, only interrupting her once she reached her ninth pilfering. She said she'd leave some for me if I wanted, but when I asked her to consider the other half of employees who would be in the office on Monday she seemed completely dumbfounded. I don't know if it was intense narcissism on her part, or if she was just completely broken inside. Reprehensible either way.

    • @_BirdOfGoodOmen
      @_BirdOfGoodOmen 3 месяца назад

      Depending on how the company does things I would've figured the cleaning staff bins it. Where I work if things are left out on a Friday they're getting trashed.

    • @EricRedekop
      @EricRedekop 3 месяца назад +2

      It's what folks with uteruses do.

    • @juliantheapostate8295
      @juliantheapostate8295 3 месяца назад

      ​​@@EricRedekopyou're not allowed to hit them and it shows

  • @HopskotchBunny
    @HopskotchBunny 4 месяца назад +40

    I’m so sorry to hear this. We have these little free libraries all over my neighborhood as well, and I’ve always thought they were a nice idea to share books. At garage sales books go for something like 50 cents each and at Goodwill $1 each. You don’t make much selling used books online either. So the people stealing them seem to me to be mentally ill.

    • @LyndaOblinger
      @LyndaOblinger 4 месяца назад +8

      I thought the same. Hoarder?

    • @scarygary-qq1pj
      @scarygary-qq1pj 3 месяца назад

      ​@@LyndaOblingerJust because she's a thief doesn't mean she's a prostitute!

  • @JT-xh4zm
    @JT-xh4zm 4 месяца назад +30

    Seems like there is always someone that ruins it. The woman taking them all was probably reselling them. So rude.

  • @JanetBullard
    @JanetBullard 4 месяца назад +9

    Those will be resold on ebay, etsy, etc.

  • @factchecker6674
    @factchecker6674 3 месяца назад +3

    I noticed that happened to the box of books I put out in a neighbor’s library recently. It’s the same person who as a kid took all of the Halloween candy from an unattended bucket.

  • @JamesWilliams-gp6ek
    @JamesWilliams-gp6ek 4 месяца назад +26

    I live in a small town in the Adirondacks and was having this same issue two years ago. It was a migrant family that was taking all my books. They had zero concept as to why it was wrong. I barred them from taking any more books until they brought dozens back. They never brought any back and I have had no further issues. It has been positive having a free library.

    • @TalkingWeirdStuff24
      @TalkingWeirdStuff24 4 месяца назад

      They had no concept as to why it was wrong????
      ...How?? I'm not calling you a liar, I'm just REALLY struggling to picture how someone can't realize that...did someone explain it to the family and they still didn't get it?

    • @JamesWilliams-gp6ek
      @JamesWilliams-gp6ek 4 месяца назад +8

      @@TalkingWeirdStuff24 Because it said free library. They thought it was all free or something. Yes, I explained it to them, and they still did not understand.

    • @LisaKelly-k8s
      @LisaKelly-k8s 3 месяца назад +3

      Let them have the books.

    • @JamesWilliams-gp6ek
      @JamesWilliams-gp6ek 3 месяца назад

      @@LisaKelly-k8s You come and replace them all. What a fool you are.

    • @Murphy007
      @Murphy007 3 месяца назад

      @@LisaKelly-k8s Yes one at a time.

  • @jerrycargill5062
    @jerrycargill5062 4 месяца назад +5

    It's book re-sellers who have ebay and amazon shops. I'm surprised they don't use their little scanners to find out which ones are worth taking. These are the same people who are the first in line at library sales with totes and dollies to scoop up hundreds of books at a go.

    • @pegatheetoo1437
      @pegatheetoo1437 3 месяца назад

      Not necessarily! I 'show up' at library book sales and grab all the free books that interest me. I'm a senior and don't drive. These books keep me busy for the entire year or longer. Then I either keep them or give to family.

  • @SwyTashee
    @SwyTashee 3 месяца назад +1

    This was my main reason why I haven’t started one in my area. I’ve been thinking about it for years.

  • @GarC170
    @GarC170 4 месяца назад +17

    I’d get a rubber stamp made and stamp the front cover of each book so the local book stores know the origin without even having to check inside the cover

  • @jameslyons6655
    @jameslyons6655 4 месяца назад +7

    I might do this to permanently get rid of books, easier than donating.

  • @AmericanVet.4everJesusAmen
    @AmericanVet.4everJesusAmen 3 месяца назад +4

    Move the lending library up closer to your front door. You can put a sign in or around the other FLL. Keep the camera on, and on your property, you don't blur the pictures.

  • @Lifestinks
    @Lifestinks 4 месяца назад +8

    The sad part is that woman probably turns around and sells them online or elsewhere.

  • @Pam-hw3gz
    @Pam-hw3gz 3 месяца назад +1

    Thanks to Kate for being the ❤Good Neighbor❤

  • @philliplewis3754
    @philliplewis3754 4 месяца назад +18

    When a bookseller just has a pile of non selling books the publisher calls for their destruction. The booksellers must tear the backpage of every paperback before packing it for destruction. This told everyone this book is a problem, even at yard sales. Figure out what would make your book awesome as an exchange but a deterrent to yard sellers.

    • @caronstout354
      @caronstout354 4 месяца назад +12

      For paperback, the front cover is removed.

    • @philliplewis3754
      @philliplewis3754 4 месяца назад +5

      @@caronstout354 my sister was a manager of a Borders Books. One night I remember helping her tear covers off by the thousands. How do they handle hard covers? I seem to remember her shipping those back.

    • @LyndaOblinger
      @LyndaOblinger 4 месяца назад +5

      In the 70s, we had a store that sold paperbacks without covers. I always wondered “why?”

    • @shamadayart
      @shamadayart 4 месяца назад +7

      NOW it finally makes sense to me why books have this phrase on it: If you purchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that this book is stolen property. It was reported as "unsold and destroyed" to the publisher, and neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for this "stripped book."

    • @robroy6924
      @robroy6924 4 месяца назад

      @@philliplewis3754 Hardcovers get remaindered. Boxed up and re-sold at pennies per pound on pallets. They become the $4.99 books on the sale tables. And they (Store, Publisher and Author) still make a profit going from $30 to $5. I managed several big box books stores in the 90s.

  • @sandevieira5674
    @sandevieira5674 4 месяца назад +9

    I worked with people like that woman. If anything was free they'd take. One guy always seemed to know if there was free food anywhere in that 20 story building. What he couldn't gobble down would go home to his family.
    He was a senior manager 🤣😂

    • @genxx2724
      @genxx2724 3 месяца назад +3

      Narcissists get promoted.

    • @KameraShy
      @KameraShy 3 месяца назад +1

      I always hear stories about office workers stealing others' food left in the fridge.

  • @KitKatToeBeans
    @KitKatToeBeans 3 месяца назад +2

    The point of a Library is that you don’t KEEP it. You borrow, enjoy, and RETURN it for a different book. 📚
    If you’re an especially nice & appreciative person you might even add a few books yourself. You don’t take ALL the books & ruin it for everyone else. 🙇🏽‍♀️

  • @nigelcarren
    @nigelcarren 4 месяца назад +7

    Sad to see such a well-meaning community centred concept being abused, but then today I would be shocked if it wasn't!
    Here in France there is a free library in the old village phone box, which is sadly located in the public urinal!! This at the minute is FULL of English books and bizarrely Alec Baldwin VHS cassettes! (The phone box not the urinal).
    They don't like the English in my village, so frankly I am surprised they books even made it to the phone box!!
    Anyway, Kate seems wonderful... and I am sure her kindness will be rewarded in many ways. 🇬🇧🌞🇺🇲

  • @Joseph-j9h7q
    @Joseph-j9h7q 4 месяца назад +15

    People are disgusting

  • @Raul_Gajadhar
    @Raul_Gajadhar 3 месяца назад +1

    Books are good, i love them ever since i was 6 after having eye surgery, to be able to see anf read is a good thing. I am sure i am one of the few that even reads instructions manuals and EUA.
    Bless this woman, she's doing a good thing there.

  • @jackieknits61
    @jackieknits61 4 месяца назад +14

    Our neighbor has a little free library that she stocks with both books and shelf stable food. She does this because we have neighbors who have problems with food security, too. It's not unusual for the food to disappear totally, so we don't worry about that. (Our block donates both books and food for the library). Until someone caught someone clearing it out of food and then ducking into the alley to toss all of it in the trash. It was an older gentleman who, when confronted , said he didn't want homeless people and thieves in his neighborhood. There really isn't much you can do about this, but shaming him into not doing it again. And warn other neighbors to watch out.

    • @suzannedaniel2057
      @suzannedaniel2057 4 месяца назад +2

      That is terrible!

    • @Kamdrimar
      @Kamdrimar 4 месяца назад +8

      Did you point out the irony of stealing things because he doesn't want thieves in the neighborhood?

    • @andrewbrendan1579
      @andrewbrendan1579 4 месяца назад +1

      That's good to learn about the free food. I live down the street from a Little Free Library and next to it is a little pantry. There are many homeless people in this town and in the area where I live. I'm happy to put items in both the L.F.L. and the pantry. Not long ago in the pantry was a piece of paper torn from somewhere and on it the words "THANK YOU". The man who doesn't want homeless people in the neighborhood may not realize homeless people may already be there.
      Also something I found at the local Target store and even the grocery store (in the section where you can travel-size items such as bottles of shampoo) are reasonably priced men's or women's travel packets that contain items such as toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, shaving cream and some gender-specific items. I've also found packages of hygienic wipes in the store aisle that has paper towels and toilet paper and such. And sometimes I'll place a roll of toilet paper in an opaque plastic bag in the pantry. Some people have even donated condoms and the medication used when someone overdoses.

    • @jackieknits61
      @jackieknits61 4 месяца назад +3

      @andrewbrendan1579 you don't have to be homeless to be food insecure. Sometimes you are faced with a choice between rent or electricity or whatever and food. Having simple, low key ways to help our neighbors fill that gap is good for us all. If you do have a lot of homeless or people without kitchens, make sure you choose things that don't need to be cooked. Also, canned goods that don't need a can opener. Though we make a practice of putting a can opener in there as well. As well as all the plastic utensils and extra paper napkins restaurants give out whether we need them or not. While I avoid single use plastic etc, for certain 6 are very important.

    • @andrewbrendan1579
      @andrewbrendan1579 4 месяца назад +4

      @@jackieknits61 Great comments. I live in a university town that has exorbitant housing costs and know of working people who have homes (barely) and are not getting the medications they need. I know of someone had worked in a university departmental office for 25 years and when she got a new place to live was through Habitat for Humanity! That's how so called liberal, caring Indiana University treats it workers. -- I also leave canned goods that have a pop-top. I do put soup cans in the pantry and they are taken. I think there's some type of rehab place or shelter near me and I suspect that whoever takes the soup cans is staying there and can do some cooking. There are also some homeless encampments where people might do some cooking. When I drop off items I make a point to leave right away so as to allow people some privacy and to not be embarrassed. I'm very thankful for the pantry that is so close to me and that makes it so easy for me to help out.

  • @_Just_Another_Guy
    @_Just_Another_Guy 4 месяца назад +7

    See, these public amenities only work in certain countries like Japan where the population is more worried about maintaining their integrity to the public and not being the local shame of the neighborhood and their own family. Something that's certainly lacking in the U.S. nowadays.
    Bring back public shaming, bring back integrity before you can do these types of public good will installations.

    • @joralemonvirgincreche
      @joralemonvirgincreche 3 месяца назад +1

      This is a news story about ONE community. I live in a city where I have never seen whole libraries emptied out. There are more than 100 libraries within a 2 mile radius of my house and they get a lot of activity, lots of turnover and never once have they been emptied by a thief. You cannot generalize to "the U.S. nowadays."

    • @rhondennis979
      @rhondennis979 3 месяца назад

      How wonderful you live somewhere that hasn't experienced this level of trash in your neighborhood. Bravo! But like a virus, it can spread, and I'll be the first to say I told you so when it does. Because you're not immune from the sh*t that crawls around in this country.

  • @stevefritz5182
    @stevefritz5182 3 месяца назад +3

    We definitely have a thief culture going on in our country. If you don't punish small criminals, they grow into bigger ones. Technically, this isn't a crime but the mentality is the same.

  • @kgraham5820
    @kgraham5820 4 месяца назад +28

    An adult… 🤦‍♀️ WHY didn’t they SHOW HER FACE?? It might not be criminal, but it sure is SHAMEFUL and her mug should’ve been shown!! The neighbors have a right to know there’s a THIEF among them who’s SO LOW, she’ll even steal from children in neighborhood!!
    With crappy adults like this old woman, is it any wonder kids are running amok??

    • @user-kl8lo6rj5i
      @user-kl8lo6rj5i 4 месяца назад

      how do you know her age?

    • @mommalion7028
      @mommalion7028 3 месяца назад +1

      @@user-kl8lo6rj5ishe sounded old. Our vocal cords change and sag as we get older. Once you’ve been around long enough you can usually guess a persons age pretty close from voice alone.

    • @user-kl8lo6rj5i
      @user-kl8lo6rj5i 3 месяца назад

      @@mommalion7028 There are a lot of other factors to voice, such as illness, stress, genetics, etc.

    • @Murphy007
      @Murphy007 3 месяца назад

      @@user-kl8lo6rj5i Just stop.

  • @420saralou
    @420saralou 4 месяца назад +17

    I have a free little library outside my house. I just cleared out a bunch of kids books. Filled an entire reusable bag! Nieces were thrilled! I've taken my own books and distributed them around my neighborhood in the free libraries. Nobody questions anyone about how many books they're taking.

    • @DMS_6482
      @DMS_6482 4 месяца назад +5

      This is thee best post, thank you. The majority of the other people who posted, spewing their hatred, are despicable.

    • @Roheryn100
      @Roheryn100 4 месяца назад +6

      @@DMS_6482”Spewing hatred”….??
      What part of “Take a book -LEAVE a book” is difficult to understand ?

  • @sundog3150
    @sundog3150 3 месяца назад +7

    I had a little free library and found that someone from the neighborhood was actually taking all the books and selling them to a local resell book store. They either get cash for the books or store credit. Sad.

  • @blampfno
    @blampfno 3 месяца назад +4

    The honor system only works if everyone has honor.

  • @BooksbyAFoster
    @BooksbyAFoster 4 месяца назад +68

    The problem... Either it is free or it is not. You can not force people to do a thing... It is sad... but true. I fill the boxes up all the time with books... all over town and the next day they are often completely empty. I do not lose heart, however. If a single book reaches a real reader my goal of spreading literature is achieved. I also include DVD's and Patterns for Sewing at times. These are expense for some people and sharing them is better than giving them to the Good Will to make more money for the CEO's... Never lose hope. Keep giving. Keep trying. Books by A. Foster... Enjoy friends. Life is short. Be happy... and laugh often.

    • @dudleyboycott7331
      @dudleyboycott7331 4 месяца назад +19

      I use to think Salvation army was helping to poor until a CEO bought a Condo in my building on the hudson river and drove a Jag

    • @zammmerjammer
      @zammmerjammer 4 месяца назад +8

      You know there are actual literacy programs in your community you could donate your time and money to? Things that are actually proven effective, rather than just tossing books into the wind?

    • @evonne315
      @evonne315 4 месяца назад +35

      The problem isn't freedom its culture. Some think its ok but in truth its rude to take all and they know it.

    • @debracisneroshhp2827
      @debracisneroshhp2827 4 месяца назад +29

      Of course, free means free. However, the cabinet doesn't say, "free to whoever wants them"__it says, "free lending library", "take a book, leave a book".
      At the same time, if one doesn't know how to read, one shouldn't be taking books. 😱

    • @lolwtnick4362
      @lolwtnick4362 4 месяца назад +3

      @zammmerjammer whoa whoa there. you can't suggest actual solutions! then where will these people rant about their virtues of free random giving of books and cash?? it's totally helping that they can't see the people that benefit, only happens in their minds

  • @protow5041
    @protow5041 4 месяца назад +5

    People see free stuff they think they can make a buck off it. greed has permeated every facet of life

  • @edwinrodeo
    @edwinrodeo 3 месяца назад +1

    Good for you young lady.. reading 📖 is power

  • @renel7303
    @renel7303 3 месяца назад +2

    These are the same sort of people who strip the fruit off of homeowners trees without even asking. I caught one with 3 grocery bags full. She said my husband told her it was ok. I'm not married. And the fruit wasn't ripe yet.