Chinese people may be confused that the admiral Zheng He was San Bao (三寶). No, they were not, they were 2 different persons. Zheng He did visit in Semarang and Cirebon on assignment by emperor Yong Le. Zheng He assigned San Bao to do emperor's duty of establishing friendship trades with allies. There is written record that his surname was Wang (王). Zheng He was eunuch he couldn't marry a girl. And San Bao Wang married Nyai Rara Rudra, the daughter of a chief harbor master of Singapura (now it is Merta Pura north west of Cirebon). That is why there is a road named after San Bao Wang, the local called him Dampu Awang. That road on Indramayu beach is called Dampu Awang. There is s written record on a stone describing his story in this 三寶宮 Sam Poo Kong temple.
You need to visit Lasem east of Semarang 130 Kms away. There you can visit many old chinese mansions built around late 1600 to about 1800. Those old chinese mansions architecture you won't find them anymore even in China.
Apakah kamu org Indonesia? Di video juga uda dijelasin kenapa Zheng he itu dipanggil shan bao, jadi dia adalah org yg sama. Zheng he juga dikenal org China dan punya buku sejarah dinegara asalnya.
Hello there, I am a Semarang citizens. i've been watched your previous videos in Semarang, I found a difficulty when you try to interact with chinnese Indonesian. Lemme tell you, most of Indonesian chinnese are using javanese and Bahasa Indonesia. However, it is quite rare to find the Indonesian Chinese that still capable speak hokkien and Chinese.
Jika anda tau.. Laksamana ceng ho...sudah d patenkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia,sebagai bagian dari pahlawan Indonesia..d kala jaman penjajahan...ikut perjuangan...
There are 8 chinese temples inside semarang chinatown : 1. 大覺寺 Tay Kak Sie 2. 威惠宮 Hwie Wie Kiong 3. 西河宮 See Hoo Kiong 4. 東璧廟 Tong Pek Bio 5. 靈福廟 Ling Hok Bio 6. 壽福廟 Siu Hok Bio 7. 厚福廟 Hoo Hok Bio 8. 感福廟 Kam Hok Bio And the biggest one is 三寶宮 Sam Poo Kong outside of chinatown.
This video is too short hehe .. Do you know 4th President of Indonesia is a Chinese descent, but his ancestor come to Indonesia very long time ago within Zheng He periode.. it's just a family story so it's still debatable
negara kami memiliki lambang Garuda Pancasila yang cakar kakinya menggenggan pita bertuliskan "BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA" yang berarti "berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu" bermakna perbedaan bukan halangan tapi saling melengkapi atau menyatu, perbedaan bukan penghalang sebab itu adalah penghubung satu sama lain
Zheng He probably never landed in Semarang 三宝垄 but instead the next generation of Chinese. They were probably inspired by the story that Zhenghe met severak Chinese communities who lived in South Sea 南海 like in Palembang, Tuban, and even in Majapahit capital.
😅 kalo kalian berpendidikan KALIAN tidak akan buang sampah ke sungai Hadeh Ini kebiasaan buruk yang tidak pernah bisa dirubah meski Harus mengajari kalian seribu tahun lamanya
Iya cuy, tadi ngeliatnya malu maluin.Sampah dimana mana, semarang sekarang Jauh dari kata maju.Seharusnya Semarang bisa mencontoh kota2 lainnya di China.
终于能看到你们参观三宝垄大觉寺了。这段视频确实拍得非常好. 点赞。加上赵雪也顺便烧香,跋贝等。愿神佛菩萨一直保佑你们。🙏
Thanks for the video 🙏🙏 wishing you success Sherry
Indonesia memiliki 1300 suku.dan 730 bahasa..
Tetapi dipersatukan oleh sumpah pemuda❤
Finally Sam Poo Kong Tample.
I was born and raised in this city, but have never visited this temple. Just passing by on the main road.
Cece coba pergi ke Singkawang itu daerah seribu kleteng dan banyak warga Cina ny
Chinese people may be confused that the admiral Zheng He was San Bao (三寶). No, they were not, they were 2 different persons. Zheng He did visit in Semarang and Cirebon on assignment by emperor Yong Le. Zheng He assigned San Bao to do emperor's duty of establishing friendship trades with allies. There is written record that his surname was Wang (王). Zheng He was eunuch he couldn't marry a girl. And San Bao Wang married Nyai Rara Rudra, the daughter of a chief harbor master of Singapura (now it is Merta Pura north west of Cirebon). That is why there is a road named after San Bao Wang, the local called him Dampu Awang. That road on Indramayu beach is called Dampu Awang. There is s written record on a stone describing his story in this 三寶宮 Sam Poo Kong temple.
You need to visit Lasem east of Semarang 130 Kms away. There you can visit many old chinese mansions built around late 1600 to about 1800. Those old chinese mansions architecture you won't find them anymore even in China.
Apakah kamu org Indonesia? Di video juga uda dijelasin kenapa Zheng he itu dipanggil shan bao, jadi dia adalah org yg sama. Zheng he juga dikenal org China dan punya buku sejarah dinegara asalnya.
I like this
Hello there, I am a Semarang citizens. i've been watched your previous videos in Semarang, I found a difficulty when you try to interact with chinnese Indonesian. Lemme tell you, most of Indonesian chinnese are using javanese and Bahasa Indonesia. However, it is quite rare to find the Indonesian Chinese that still capable speak hokkien and Chinese.
去 西加里曼丹 ,山口样 那边有印尼最大的伯公苗
Halloo salam kenal 😊😊😊
Datanglah ke Surabaya kota terbesar kedua di Indonesia untuk mengunjungi masjid Cheng Ho.
Jika anda tau.. Laksamana ceng ho...sudah d patenkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia,sebagai bagian dari pahlawan Indonesia..d kala jaman penjajahan...ikut perjuangan...
Itu mah laksamana John Lie .. Ceng Ho itu hidup sekitar masa majapahit gak ada hubungannya sama penjajahan 😂
wkwkwkwk.. kalo maksud lu pahlawan nasional...itu ngaco lu.... bener atas gua laksamana john lie yang sudah jadi pahlawan nasional...
There are 8 chinese temples inside semarang chinatown :
1. 大覺寺 Tay Kak Sie
2. 威惠宮 Hwie Wie Kiong
3. 西河宮 See Hoo Kiong
4. 東璧廟 Tong Pek Bio
5. 靈福廟 Ling Hok Bio
6. 壽福廟 Siu Hok Bio
7. 厚福廟 Hoo Hok Bio
8. 感福廟 Kam Hok Bio
And the biggest one is 三寶宮 Sam Poo Kong outside of chinatown.
Visit city of Lasem, consider stay at Rumah Oei
Next from Semarang city to Lasem city +/- 130 km land journey to see Little China Heritage
In Jakarta there is also a mosque called Lautzhe, which is a Chinese Muslim mosque.
Coba kakak belajar bahasa indonesia dan berinteraksi dengan orang indonesia saya rasa view kakak akan banyak
This video is too short hehe .. Do you know 4th President of Indonesia is a Chinese descent, but his ancestor come to Indonesia very long time ago within Zheng He periode.. it's just a family story so it's still debatable
For parking please keep in mind that you need to give them since some of them controlled by organizations. Please do this in every part of Indonesia.
but they didn't park the car so no need to give
@healthylife9073 if they don't park, then no need to give
有很多外国博主都有一个错误的认知以为印尼是一个回教的国家 !真正的印尼其实是一个世俗邦查西拉的国家,pancasila里含有五项原则,博主有时间或感兴趣可以更深入的了解一下,印尼的回教徒占比例确实比较大所以也难怪常让外国人误解😊
negara kami memiliki lambang Garuda Pancasila yang cakar kakinya menggenggan pita bertuliskan "BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA" yang berarti "berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu" bermakna perbedaan bukan halangan tapi saling melengkapi atau menyatu, perbedaan bukan penghalang sebab itu adalah penghubung satu sama lain
是的,印尼不是一个伊斯兰国家,它只是世界上穆斯林人口最多的国家,印尼有 6 种宗教
Zheng He probably never landed in Semarang 三宝垄 but instead the next generation of Chinese. They were probably inspired by the story that Zhenghe met severak Chinese communities who lived in South Sea 南海 like in Palembang, Tuban, and even in Majapahit capital.
You should read history or search on Google whether Zheng He ever landed in Semarang.
You should read history or search on Google whether Zheng He ever landed in Semarang.
You should read history or search on Google whether Zheng He ever landed in Semarang.
You should read history or search on Google whether Zheng He ever landed in Semarang.
😅 kalo kalian berpendidikan KALIAN tidak akan buang sampah ke sungai
Ini kebiasaan buruk yang tidak pernah bisa dirubah meski
Harus mengajari kalian seribu tahun lamanya
Iya cuy, tadi ngeliatnya malu maluin.Sampah dimana mana, semarang sekarang Jauh dari kata maju.Seharusnya Semarang bisa mencontoh kota2 lainnya di China.
神様はインドネシア語を理解できるのでしょうか?🙄 天の神様にも通訳がいるじゃないですか。🙏
神が話す言語を知っていますか 😂
@@healthylife9073 神はイタリア語を話します😄