Rammstein 'Adieu' Lyrics Translation & Meaning Explained

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024

Комментарии • 163

  • @MrLAntrim
    @MrLAntrim Год назад +35

    I just have to leave a comment about how amazing your videos have become. The set up looks great. The cuts are well done. The B-roll is on point.
    All of that is awesome, but I guess I never paid too much attention to how elaquently you speak. You clearly have an artistic mind, which allows you to make connections to the art that I would not have made. Also, as a native English speaker, I am amazed at your vocabulary choices. Maybe I have spent too much time out of the academic circles of the university, but I don't think I could have said what you said and Daveinately not as well as you did.
    Awesome video.

    • @last_days_of_summer3760
      @last_days_of_summer3760 Год назад

      Ich kann Dir von einem Mal ansehen, genau sagen um was es geht. Und diese Deutung ist zuverlässig, weil es die biblische Prophetie widerspiegelt....natürlich aus der Sicht Satans.
      Christen die an das Evangelium glauben (und das sind bei weitem nicht alle Christen), werden vor der Drangsal/Apokalypse in den Himmel entrückt werden, auch bekannt als Wiederauferstehung. Denn die Toten werden auferstehen. "...denn es wird eine Zeit der Drangsal sein, wie es noch keine gab, seitdem es Völker gibt, bis zu dieser Zeit. Aber zu jener Zeit wird dein Volk gerettet werden, jeder, der sich in dem Buch eingeschrieben findet. 2 Und viele von denen, die im Staub der Erde schlafen, werden aufwachen; die einen zum ewigen Leben, die anderen zur ewigen Schmach und Schande." (Daniel 12,1)
      Das heißt Menschen werden verschwinden und ein Teil der Toten. Der Rest der Toten ist dann hier. Hallo Zombiefilme.
      "...denn der Herr selbst wird, wenn der Befehl ergeht und die Stimme des Erzengels und die Posaune Gottes erschallt, vom Himmel herabkommen, und die Toten in Christus werden zuerst auferstehen. 17 Danach werden wir, die wir leben und übrigbleiben, zusammen mit ihnen entrückt werden in Wolken, zur Begegnung mit dem Herrn, in die Luft, und so werden wir bei dem Herrn sein allezeit." (1. Thessalonicher 4, 16-17)
      Eine Rettung ähnlich wie bei Noah, Lot oder Israel in Ägypten. Nach der Entrückung werden die gefallenen Engel (oder Titanen) welche noch unter der Erde gebunden sind, losgelöst werden.
      Der ballernde Christen-Till ist als nächstes in einem Thronsaal mit biblischen Wandbemalungen zu sehen. Der Thronsaal Gottes. Ballernde Christen-Till deshalb, weil diese "Entrückten" nach 7 Jahren mit Jesus wiederkommen werden. Wobei der Kampf eher weniger so stattfinden wird, wie hier suggeriert werden soll.
      Die gefallenen Engel und insbesondere Luzi wollen nämlich gerne selber auf diesem Thron sitzen. Und irgendwie hat er etliche Dumme gefunden, die ihn dabei unterstützen wollen. Wobei die meisten, das alles für Blödsinn halten. Noch.
      Jedenfalls schauen die "Titanen" nach oben, weil sie denken gegen Gott kämpfen zu können.
      "Wie bist du vom Himmel herabgefallen, du Glanzstern, Sohn der Morgenröte! Wie bist du zu Boden geschmettert, du Überwältiger der Nationen! 13 Und doch hattest du dir in deinem Herzen vorgenommen: ›Ich will zum Himmel emporsteigen und meinen Thron über die Sterne Gottes erhöhen und mich niederlassen auf dem Versammlungsberg im äußersten Norden; 14 ich will emporfahren auf Wolkenhöhen, dem Allerhöchsten mich gleich machen!‹ 15 Doch ins Totenreich bist du hinabgestürzt, in die tiefste Grube!" (Jesaja 14, 12-15)
      Am Schluss liegen die entrückten Christen tot in der Thronhalle. Hm. Wird zwar nicht so geschehen....aber nuja ....Luzi und seine Lakaien glauben wohl daran und es gibt etliche...ich meine...eeeeeetliche...."Musiker" die alle genau dieses Thema aufgreifen .
      Wir, die wir glauben wissen es und Die wissen es. Nur die 95% der anderen haben keine Ahnung und klatschen Beifall.
      Das Evangelium: durch das ihr auch ❗️gerettet❗️ werdet, wenn ihr an dem Wort festhaltet, das ich euch verkündigt habe - es sei denn, daß ihr vergeblich geglaubt hättet.
      3 Denn ich habe euch zu allererst das überliefert, was ich auch empfangen habe, nämlich daß Christus für unsere Sünden gestorben ist, nach den Schriften, 4 und daß er begraben worden ist und daß er auferstanden ist am dritten Tag, nach den Schriften,
      1. Korinther 15, 2-4
      Gern geschehen. Maranatha.

  • @RPSchonherr
    @RPSchonherr Год назад +149

    One thing to remember is that Till is not a youngster anymore. He is almost 60 and probably has lost people already and feels his time approaching. Something common to seniors.

    • @bambiexplores
      @bambiexplores Год назад +17

      59 is not old today. He could easily live for 30 years more. I’m 57 and I definitely do not feel like a senior citizen.

    • @lemsip207
      @lemsip207 Год назад +12

      @@bambiexplores But you can lose people throughout your life. In your teens or earlier you lose your grandparents. One died before I was born so I never met him. I have lost people to smoking or alcohol related diseases even passive smoking. Many of the bands I've seen live have lost members to suicide, drug overdose or disappearance.

    • @PeterKnagge
      @PeterKnagge Год назад +1

      Together at last
      p.s. call your mother

    • @lemsip207
      @lemsip207 Год назад

      @@PeterKnagge Why can't your mother call you some of the time?

    • @PeterKnagge
      @PeterKnagge Год назад +1

      @@lemsip207 that's sad, I actually pity you!

  • @abbyschwendler1107
    @abbyschwendler1107 Год назад +46

    I always enjoying hearing your insights into Rammstein songs. This was a very touching song. Zeit hit me harder, but both songs have their place. I wish for people who are not familiar with Rammstein to realize that the band is not all show and fire - that they are truly artists and poets as well as showmen.

    • @ellycerothrock
      @ellycerothrock Год назад +2

      Artists, yes. Painstaking, with keen eyes and ears for lasting work that evolves.

    • @abbyschwendler1107
      @abbyschwendler1107 Год назад

      @@ellycerothrock couldn't agree more

  • @p3rs1st911
    @p3rs1st911 Год назад +9

    I'm from the USA and this song very quickly became one of my all time Rammstein favorites. And live in concert it was just magical similar to Zeit. Great job on this video it's great to dive into the meaning further and also have a german lesson

  • @musicaleuphoria8699
    @musicaleuphoria8699 Год назад +5

    Never thought I'd see Rammstein face off against the Helghast.

  • @jimzielinski946
    @jimzielinski946 Год назад +22

    Even though I don't speak German, I immediately liked this song. Now I understand the meaning a little better. Thank you for your work - I'm beginning to pick up a few words that add to my appreciation for Rammstein's and other German songs.

    • @dermetzgermeister7336
      @dermetzgermeister7336 Год назад +1

      When the video wasn’t released i thought Adieu is a funeral song. Now I don’t know.

  • @shellwilliams6306
    @shellwilliams6306 Год назад +9

    There are no words in ANY language that describes the GREATNESS of RAMMSTEIN. I actually had post concert depression AGAIN after seeing them for a third time this year! GRAMMY, GRAMMY, GRAMMY!!! NO OTHER MUSIC SOLO OR GROUP DESERVES ONE MORE THAN MY BLESSED RAMMSTEIN ❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋💋

  • @TiffanyHallmark
    @TiffanyHallmark Год назад +28

    This is such a good song. Till is an amazing poet and lyricist. I think you managed to handle the topic very well. Vielen Dank

  • @TinaRoxx
    @TinaRoxx Год назад +2

    I lost my dad a few months ago. I understand enough German, that when I heard this song I had to pull over while driving and sob.

    • @Daveinitely
      @Daveinitely  Год назад +1

      I'm sorry to hear that, my condolences! 🙏

    • @TinaRoxx
      @TinaRoxx Год назад

      @@Daveinitely Thank you.

  • @Lady.Kaylow
    @Lady.Kaylow Год назад +3

    M. Till is a poet. This one is sad for people like me who grew up with Rammstein, but the most heartbreaking for me is still Ohne Dich.
    Good channel! I love it!

  • @theinvisibleneonrainbowzeb2567
    @theinvisibleneonrainbowzeb2567 Год назад +11

    This song really got me the first time hearing, despite not being a German speaker. The second time I watched it with lyric and it really moved me.
    It was the last song of the encore they played on the 2 dates I went to of the European Stadium Tour 2022 and both times I was nearly in tears.
    I still think that the album Zeit is basically a 'concept album', the way it opens with a song inviting us to basically "join" them, taking us through different moments in life, and different lives for brief moments. And ending with Adieu.

  • @shannonegendoerfer9335
    @shannonegendoerfer9335 Год назад +24

    My mom passed away on November 25th, the same day the official video for this song premiered. That has been strangely comforting. It's the magic of Rammstein. Thank you for such a wonderful interpretation.

  • @olga2you
    @olga2you Год назад +4

    It sounds like a bedtime/goodbye song for all of their dying fans. Fans are included in the music video and I’m sure they are aware as they get older , so do those who love them.

    • @olga2you
      @olga2you Год назад

      I think I’m the music video they are also grieving their own deaths as they know it will one day be their turn to listen to the song one last time.

  • @dws84
    @dws84 Год назад

    That first verse reminds me of a Till quote from many years ago: "Love is like a flower, even the most beautiful ones die"

  • @kellymm3715
    @kellymm3715 Год назад

    I'm from America. I love your channel. I'm mostly German. With all that being said; I lost a family member just this morning- it wasn't good- from diagnosis to death- less than 2 weeks. I have to say that I already loved this song; it's been very poignant for the past week- along with Zeit... thank you for the in depth translation- it is spot on - how I perceived the lyrics when I first read them. It's actually great to cry to... sounds morbid; but true. If you're already crying and grieving- this must be one of the most perfect songs. 😰 Along with Dante's Prayer by Loreena McKennitt- although those lyrics aren't quite to the point like Adieu; still a mourning type song... at least I look at it that way..

    • @Daveinitely
      @Daveinitely  Год назад

      Hey Kelly, my heartfelt condolences! 🙏

  • @abooogeek
    @abooogeek Год назад +4

    "Er fluester unterm Tannenzeig" is interesting (as well as your interpretation) because we have a say in French as "Ca sent le sapin" (it smells pinetree) to refer to something that is about to crash or go extinct/shut down.

  • @suzanneswain993
    @suzanneswain993 10 месяцев назад

    My life partner passed away Saturday September 16 th 2023, I played this song as the final song at his funeral.☹😭💔II was with him since 1989 till the end .So, this song was perfect

  • @martijndekok
    @martijndekok Год назад +4

    3:25 In multiple songs Tannen (or Pines in English) can be seen as a reference to death. "Ich wirde in die Tannen gehen..." in Ohne Dich and in 'In the Pines' (a.k.a. Where did you sleep) by Lead Belly covered by Nirvana.

    • @Daveinitely
      @Daveinitely  Год назад

      Thanks, didn't think of the 'Ohne dich' reference. Great catch! :)

  • @featherandfawnart
    @featherandfawnart Год назад

    Thank you for your walking through the song. As I don't speak German inhave to rely on others who kindly translate Dear Tills words for me. While this isn't the hardest or softest of Rammstein songs it is actually one of my favorites because of the gentle way Till does say that yes we can only take those last steps alone that the not only do those who go on remember and love but also the person passing does take the thoughts and memories of their life and those they have shared it with even on the solitary path. Maybe for me it just hits harder as a person who's been told they are dying. Even if I can't know specifically when, I know I am limited and this is a journey that even though my friends and family try to support in the end its only me.

  • @magnus2025
    @magnus2025 Год назад +1

    Me as a Swedish man.....and don't speak or understand German but I love the sound of the language. For example I was in all 3 Rammstein concerts in Gothenburg this summer (150k ppl in all 3 conserts) just love this song. It's so.....beautiful. I am maybe the wrong person to type that I don't like this one song :)
    Thanks for this vid. All Love ♥️

  • @eriksward6894
    @eriksward6894 Год назад

    I love Rammsteins lyrics. I used them as translation and interpertation tasks when I studied german back in 2001. Cant remeber enough now to write anything or speak more than a bit but I still understand it :)

  • @garitica3365
    @garitica3365 Год назад

    Thank you! I have to echo what others have said about your English explanations. Your English vocabulary is such that you convey the sentiment (not just the dictionary meaning) of the lyrics and that makes all the difference. Vielen Dank!

  • @thesaltyham7144
    @thesaltyham7144 10 месяцев назад

    Guten tag Dave. This song is very beautiful and I am glad you gave insight on everything I didnt understand. Great video production and I look forward to the future of your channel. Vielen dank und auf wiedersehen!

  • @millieil6510
    @millieil6510 Год назад

    Thank you helping people understand the subtleties and double entendres Till uses in his lyrics. I always feel bad for people who don’t understand German grammar. Makes rammstein more interesting

  • @corinna007
    @corinna007 Год назад

    Rammstein is in a league of their own. I admit I was also a bit concerned at first that this was their final opus, but then I realized that if this really was their goodbye to us, they probably would've used "Ihr" in the lyrics instead of "Du".
    This song, "Zeit", and "Mutter" are probably my top 3 of theirs, because of how deep and emotional they are.

  • @machakio
    @machakio Год назад +7

    You deserve way more views; great as always :)

    • @Daveinitely
      @Daveinitely  Год назад

      Thank you very much! Feel free to spread the word 😁

  • @somniatic
    @somniatic Год назад

    i'm glad this popped up because i did think they were saying goodbye to the fans and taking a break. a lot of my favorite artists who have released an album in the last year sound very depressed with society...i feel that.

  • @andersonmayfield4492
    @andersonmayfield4492 Год назад

    As a Rammstein fan since the 90s (non-German speaker but who has memorized all Rammstein lyrics and their translations!), I can honestly say this is in my top five songs. Rammstein have so many great, heavy songs and so many excellent ballads, but I feel like they hadn't had too many of these sorts of "in-between" ones ("Mutter" being among the exceptions). I feel like it would be great for a movie soundtrack (such as a post-apocalyptic drama/thriller).

  • @MsCat71
    @MsCat71 Год назад +2

    Thank you! My brother passed away, two years ago, and Rammstein was one of his favorite bands (he got me into listening to them). I listened to this song and I love it! Found your video while searching for the meaning of it. Also, subscribed because I miss learning how to speak German. I only know a couple of words, that I learned from my Grandmother, and a short course that I took long ago. Looking forward to more videos! 😀

    • @Daveinitely
      @Daveinitely  Год назад +1

      Thank you, and my condolences 🙏

    • @MsCat71
      @MsCat71 Год назад

      @@Daveinitely TY!

  • @dws84
    @dws84 Год назад

    In response to your closing statements about the song and how international listeners might not like the song as much, personally speaking my German is very limited, nearly all of my German understanding comes from listening to Rammstein and learning the translations to English. I love this song, it's one of my favourite Rammstein songs and everyone I know, who have even less understanding of German than myself love the song too. The emotion, soul and structure of the music and lyrics seem to transcend the language barrier that even non-German speakers can connect with it.
    Putting aside the deeper aspects of the song and the emotional message it delivers, at its core its still an amazing track. Learning about the translation and meaning behind it just makes even more awesome!!!

  • @akemus9788
    @akemus9788 Год назад

    Duuude thank you soon much for this. I'm learning German and want to become fluent + I'm obsessed with literary analysis of anything. This will help me tremendously

    • @Daveinitely
      @Daveinitely  Год назад

      Thank you! There's even more stuff like that on my channel. Keep learning and enjoy the process! :)

  • @davidmanning2859
    @davidmanning2859 Год назад +4

    As a fan I hope they continue touring and making new music for as long as possible. But I do feel like it wouldn't surprise me if they are gonna retire soon at least from touring. They are getting up there in age and have been doing this now for almost 30yrs, that coupled with the toll touring and the magnitude of the shows I just don't c how they can keep doing it without seriously changing their shows. Being as the time between albums being sooo long now and Til having serious health issues with pandemic in the last yr or so they could just st8 retire from music period and maybe just occasionally dropping a song here and there coupled with a music video. As a fan I hope I am wrong but at the same time if that is the case, they deserve it man, the fact they have been 2gether for sooo long and consistency of their music is RARE. I just hope they are all alive if/when they get inducted to the rock n roll hall. I know they probably don't care if they do or not, but they really should be in there sooner or later (German speaking band that has insane success in non German countries for over 20+ years coupled with how grand and fast their tours have sold out).

    • @aileenmayer8412
      @aileenmayer8412 Год назад

      I think Rammstein will be around for a while more. If KISS, the Rolling Stones and Aerosmith toured well into their early 70's, hopefully we still got some more Rammstein to come! But to honest this video was a relief! I thought Rammstein was done!

  • @AsbestiNautiskelija
    @AsbestiNautiskelija Год назад

    for me personally the line "Er flüstert unterm Tannenzweig" reminds me on the beginning of Ohne dich ("Ich werde in die Tannen gehen"). I feel like these two magnificent pieces are connected, though I can't quite explain it

  • @VaheTildian
    @VaheTildian Год назад +1

    About the title of the song : Adieu means Farewell in French, it only is occasionally used because it means you expect to not interact with that person again. Litteraly, it means "To God", probably as "We will see each other again in heaven "

  • @polpotube
    @polpotube Год назад +1

    We never use "Addio" in italian either but rather "Arrivederci" (literally auf wieder sehen) because the former sounds harsh as it implies the wish of never seeing the other person again. That's not the case in spanish however because "Adios" implies no hard feelings at all and it is commonly used.

  • @samclaytonme
    @samclaytonme Год назад

    I think the song is a beautiful parting song, the lyrics are amazing. So many people just get distracted by the music, or for this song the video.

  • @bendamirault
    @bendamirault Год назад

    Great video. As a non German speaking American I immediately loved this song. Even though I didn't understand the lyrics. Understanding the lyrics and the meaning just makes me love it even more.

  • @cryogami
    @cryogami Год назад

    As a american that doesn't speak German, I ALWAYS listen to a Rammstein song before getting a translation as sorta a game to see if I can understand what the song is about, but most of the time SPECIALLY with Adieu, I already had the underlining message understood, thus after I looked at the english translation it honestly sunk in so much deeper and brought a tear to my eye over the meaning. Also I freaked abit thinking they might be saying goodbye themselves.

  • @8teillumin
    @8teillumin Год назад +5

    This whole album is actually quite touching…. Obviously you have a few fun songs but I agree Adieu is an excellent way to end the album…. I have felt that the last few albums have changed style as the band are ageing and i get the feeling that Rammstein are looking at and taking stick of their lives and the inevitable future….

  • @Ebiru2387
    @Ebiru2387 Год назад +4

    If i were the band, i would have held onto this song for my final album or single (if they didn't make a final album once intended). It is a perfect send off song!

  • @Artycarole
    @Artycarole Год назад

    i don;t speak German ..lol i;m to old to learn......but to understand these great songs...your my man

  • @_1____
    @_1____ Год назад

    It couldn't be said any better about the meaning of life and death. I don't think ( pardon me) anyone will do any better.The made the final point!!! ♥️

  • @MaciejChrabol
    @MaciejChrabol Год назад

    What a great explanation! Thank you for that

  • @mowgli2071
    @mowgli2071 Год назад

    "...whispers under the fir branch..."
    Firs are evergreen.

  • @vauxhallvin
    @vauxhallvin Год назад

    Hi there from Scotland UK, I've been a fan of Rammstein since 2002 when I seen them in the movie Triple X with Vin Diesel. Soon after I bought Mutter as my first album, since then I've followed them, been on herzeleid translating lyrics when new songs or albums come out, your videoes give me a view I cannot get myself not being a german speaker however Tills poetic lyrics explained in the way you do so well give me a different perspective, I heard this song when Zeit videoes were put on youtube and it became one of my favourites, Zeit and Adieu really hit home how short life really is and how death is the only eternal. It really motivates me to seize the day and make the most of every day.

  • @mowgli2071
    @mowgli2071 Год назад

    I just like that they got the Helghast from Killzone as the adversaries in the video. I always thought there should be a Killzone movie

  • @Daszombs
    @Daszombs Год назад

    Love whole album , learn a lot of German from Rammstein singing it slow like a story

  • @ChrisJones-qw7bn
    @ChrisJones-qw7bn Год назад

    I LOVE this song...even before seeing this Video. THANK YOU SO MUCH for breaking it down so profoundly!! FANTASTIC WORK!!!

  • @KadriPa
    @KadriPa Год назад +1

    Absolutely great explanation! :) thank you :)

  • @darkxdead
    @darkxdead Год назад

    You explain so wonderfully. I wish my German language professor was like you.

  • @berangere3537
    @berangere3537 Год назад +3

    Danke für das video! It's wonderful to have your translation and insight for us non-native speakers (it's not the same with a dictionnary ^^). May I compliment you on your pronunciation of Adieu? It was perfect :)

  • @jhost94
    @jhost94 Год назад

    As a non native german speaker, I always search for the lyrics, and try to grasp their meaning (of course, I have to rely on other peoples translation so they could be a bit of point) but it's amazing how deep this lyrics get and how though provoking they are. I also like to add how the singer is singing and flow of the current song to help me guide to a better personal intrepertation. I find it amazing how well it is done, even without understanding near any word, they transmit such a clear message from how they sing and play their instruments. I used to love Rammstein when I was teenager because metal, but now I love Rammstein for their lyrics! (and well, also because metal)
    I thinking in also start learing german, not sure I'll be able to though.

  • @davidschramm5153
    @davidschramm5153 Год назад

    love your work.... vielen dank

  • @kristianbradfield1390
    @kristianbradfield1390 Год назад

    It's a fantastic song, I loved this song straight away. Thank you for your Chanel and excellent explanation of Rammstein song's. 😊✨👍🏻

  • @amykolterman3744
    @amykolterman3744 Год назад +1

    You cannot skip the video and the Christian showing of the Ascension. There's a strong connection to that in the video, which makes the lyric a little bit different.

  • @farsc8p
    @farsc8p Год назад

    Dave...love your channel ...

  • @bcrocksaz
    @bcrocksaz Год назад

    Great video. Really punctuates what a poignant and brilliant poet Till Lindemann is and how his lyric melds with the haunting and powerful music of Rammstein.

  • @What-t8n
    @What-t8n Год назад

    Just keep talking dude, love your accent

  • @ralfmeyer9086
    @ralfmeyer9086 Год назад

    What a great Song. I love it. Forget, a amazing Analysis.

  • @amywagner9907
    @amywagner9907 11 месяцев назад

    It is art.

  • @stillman3242
    @stillman3242 2 месяца назад

    Well done 👍

  • @jeronimaskasperavicius5766
    @jeronimaskasperavicius5766 Год назад

    i cried thinking it will be the last song

  • @prestochango1800
    @prestochango1800 Год назад

    The only reason I didn't like this song, was because it's the perfect song to end an amazing concert. I did not want it to end and therefore was not excited to hear that piano intro. I do love the song and the new album. It will be hard for Rammstein to ever top the album "Mutter," which for me was perfect from start to finish. It certainly captured a moment in time for me. I do hope to hear more, the last two albums for me are very solid and a lot of fun to rock out to.
    Thanks for the great video, Dave.

  • @berangere3537
    @berangere3537 Год назад +2

    Hey Dave, are you going to make a video or a livestream about the Adieu short film (certainly we can't call them just "videos" anymore, can we?)? I have to say that, though I enjoyed it immensely, it kind of reactivated my fears that it might indeed be a farewell from the band 😢
    What are your thoughts? I think a lot of us would like to know :)

  • @wendypearce4259
    @wendypearce4259 Год назад

    I understood the first time I listened to the song it was about saying goodbye to somebody before you explained it... I don't know German...

  • @cat.mp4
    @cat.mp4 Год назад

    I'm german, I can interpret these lyrics by myself, I don't need to watch this video. Why am I still here??

  • @wendypearce4259
    @wendypearce4259 Год назад

    I love einsturzende neubauten...🖤🖤🖤

  • @TheJanowar
    @TheJanowar Год назад

    Awesome! You did great!

  • @theundeadkaiser1512
    @theundeadkaiser1512 Год назад

    I don't know why but I'm getting the linkin park one more light vibe going on with this song before the lead singer passed away

  • @Engy_Wuck
    @Engy_Wuck Год назад +1

    tomorrow "Adieu" will be released as a Single plus Musicvideo

  • @Albireo8
    @Albireo8 Год назад +1


  • @andreasnordin1891
    @andreasnordin1891 Год назад

    Thanks. Great video.

  • @doogmann
    @doogmann Год назад

    explaining a song : consumption through emotions

  • @badllama8090
    @badllama8090 Год назад

    As an Englishman with a love of all things German, I Really like (if struggle to understand the language sometimes) these video's & explanations, but can't help feeling, something is lost or something great would be added without/with the actual song/music playing at the same time..... 👍🖖🤘🤙✌👌
    Personally, I think this IS a goodbye from the band..... no matter what is said by certain members....

  • @OM3N98
    @OM3N98 Год назад

    Good analysis, there are some points wich you did not picked up which i like to add here as additional aspect. I am a native speaker as well, so i understand the text in all its nuances.
    As above so below,
    the fight scene in the heaven is an analogy from ancient hindu texts
    which you can find in the Bhagavad Ghita, in which Krishna defeated the darkness on earth and commanded them to leave earth, which the dark/evil forces disobeyed.
    The prison like scene is from greek mythology. In which the Tartarus is displayed,
    that was the prison of the Titans. They where freed for the last battle in which they will die.
    There are a lot of hidden symbols like the heraldic lily which is a symbol for the occult freemasonry and satanism, or the red light. Picking that up Mutter spelled backwards = rettum wich can be translated from latin in to english straightened. And 22 is also from high Symbolic Value, its a master number like 11 22 33
    Burning their clones is symbolic for the ritual sacrifice to clean a spirit,
    like the catholic church did when they burned witches in medieval times.
    Like Monks of that period the Band members all are wearing crosses,
    but historically the evil subverted the catholic church way before medieval times,
    what renders that symbol meaning church and makes it easy to use as distraction.
    From my impression the dammed (rammstein) know that the last battle is or will be lost,
    they know exactly where they have go and they expect all those, who dealt with the evil
    to follow. Each and every one, who did willingly agreed in to some contract with the dark side, even if the EGO ruled (which btw is also a satanic concept), it seems like they expect them to follow. Maybe because thats the time/zeitgeist where humanity is finally divided.
    So they simply say good by for now, knowing that the sealed,
    have to follow in to a more denser reality, so called hell.
    its a morbid way to say by by see you again!
    Don't worry, you don't need trust in Good,
    but the evil trusts in you. ;)

    • @Daveinitely
      @Daveinitely  Год назад

      Thanks for the comment, but this video is only focussed on the lyrics and not the video (which wasn't released when I made this video anyway). Nice interpretation though! You can find an (indirect) reaction + review here: ruclips.net/video/byy02jeXBOU/видео.html

    • @OM3N98
      @OM3N98 Год назад

      @@Daveinitely ah that Info i may skipped so i did Not geht the context right,
      but my Interpretation is just another theory to play with

  • @googleuser7632
    @googleuser7632 Год назад

    I'd really like it, if one day you'd do a literal translation. Because the last line looks like it says (so sing we) I've been told if I learn to speak German properly. Words are back to front and in english wouldn't look right. I'd like to see this.

  • @Ridingon3TN
    @Ridingon3TN Год назад

    felt like it wasn't just death itself, but due to the video they done perhaps the death of male masculinity. Due to how in many countries its considered to be toxic these days sadly. If it wasn't for that very thing we wouldn't have the Rammstein that we have. Also on another note could be a song that they wanted to release and get out before they possibly lost any loved ones that could be looking at death's door and wanted them to hear the song beforehand. Just the video along with the lyrics kinda leaned me towards how society in a majority whole these days looks at certain things and the action, power, toughness that is shown in the video portrays masculinity at its fighting best. Even the part where they all work together to tear down the huge monument with the chains showcases it as well. The only true meaning behind the song though if we were to find out would be told by those that wrote it what they truly intended its meaning. But totally agree that it's not the band saying farewell which so many fans are thinking it is sadly. I do like how you cut it all line by line though as to your idea of what the song was about as well which is death no doubt, but the video would make one ask about the choice unless they are referring to current society's look at males.

  • @robertblack1116
    @robertblack1116 Год назад

    This analysis of the song reminds me very much of Megadeth's A Tout Le Monde.

  • @jonathansanantonio2402
    @jonathansanantonio2402 Год назад

    Till's lyrics in German are so good. I wish the lyrics of the song he sang in English carried the same depth. Basically I love his German songs, I hate his English songs.

  • @TheNativeJuggalette
    @TheNativeJuggalette Год назад

    Can you do a Video for 'Mutter' please?

  • @mariafantasma4409
    @mariafantasma4409 Год назад

    It seems like it does that thin they like to do, where a single can be a tease that they won't be back and then you lose your shit when they come back. That way they don't have any pressure to go back out. It seems like the last few records could've been their last. I'm always surprised when they come back and do another record or tour. They might have another one in them. They are in great shape for being career rack stars for this long playing and doing pretty extreme shit.

  • @factus6
    @factus6 Год назад

    this video just helped me understand the song and a concept that I have hard time with.. death

  • @charleswolfe8896
    @charleswolfe8896 5 месяцев назад

    Can you do a video on Hallelujah?

  • @jcree838
    @jcree838 Год назад

    Nia:wen /Thank You !! Dave

  • @alexasaltz4229
    @alexasaltz4229 Год назад

    Translation can be difficult. The nuance of a word... This song can be taken in so many ways, it's brilliant - in the German language. Having it make sense in English is kinda complicated. Death comes for all of us, eventually. To be present in someone's end of life is really an honor - be it a worthy adversary, or someone much loved. Even if it has to be by your own hand. Of course, you can dumb it way down...

  • @karenkiebooms1373
    @karenkiebooms1373 Год назад

    In this dark time (my life has ended years ago), I make an evaluation - 7 of Pentacles, was it worth my time and input? Being the only one, able to reason on the level of the organism (we're all automonous cells of the oldest organism om Earth - the organism is immortal, but we're not and that means that every life is one unique story rhat the collective can use as an example), I feel inadequate to share my thoughts with the collective - but Till Lindeman helps me in his way. There is a certain click with him, that I already felt when Rammstein had a concert in Oostende, this Summer - he's very forceful, but we 'understand' each other and at least, he's not a hypocrite. It's time to move to better places, although I had everything I needed in this part of Antwerp, called Oud Berchem. People get extremely greedy when I am around and when they understand that I can't be manipulated, they create a lot of disturbance to blind the fool. The worst example I have, is the BGT (Bijbel in gewone taal) that changes the very first sentence (In den beginne was het WOORD) into In het begin was Gods Zoon er al - this show exactly how they change the whole context - word = LOGOS and the numerical value of LOGOS is 3560 (my day of birth, May 3, '60) ... I had an incredible mission that I was not aware of until my 51th birthday, everything came in at once, the good, the bad, and the ugly. My power is limited and I have to make choices, so I decided not to fight for the things that were obvious - when I am gone, people will feel that I filled something in that we had forgotten. It's a lot of work with little or nothing of rewards, but it's something I had to do because I was the only one that COULD. L'histoire se répète and this time, nothing will be left unrevealed. The left hand gets and the right hand gives, that's one of the insights I got when I was in a deep trance - being able to commucicate what can't be uncovered, is why we SPEAK and use the exact words. Acting indignant is a very effective way to reject sonmeone (or someone's ideas), but that doesn't make me guilty and we all have brains to use them wisely. I won't say that I'm the truth, but I'm SPEAKING truthfully. Because I feel alone and rejected, I'm looking for analogies that can reinforce my attempt to making people aware of their complete lack of logic. 356 (my birth number) can be replaced by LEO or CEO - and it's the value of analogy (strong's Greek) and Elon (strong's Hebrew) => I'm not your enemy, but people became mine. Schuld-Schaamte-Spijt is the trinity of LOSS - we can do better than this (and Rammstein is not the Devil either) ... Words carry the history of Mankind and it's time to understand how to use that instrument properly ... In the beginning, there was the WORD (LOGOS) ... and I brought it BACK to you ...

  • @ВальдемарЕнотов
    @ВальдемарЕнотов Год назад +1

    Watched the clip. Impression. Are they really... ADIEU?!!! RAMMSTEIN🙄😳

  • @pariahdog6703
    @pariahdog6703 Год назад

    😥 ❤

  • @aislingsibeallyons3416
    @aislingsibeallyons3416 Год назад

    Oh no I miss old name german Dave? Why did you change name ????

  • @DrunkenRhinoceros
    @DrunkenRhinoceros Год назад

    der tot means the dead, which is different than death.

    • @Daveinitely
      @Daveinitely  Год назад

      Not quite. 'The dead' as in 'the dead person' would be 'der (masculine) or die (feminine) Tote'.

    • @lucienfortner841
      @lucienfortner841 Год назад

      Lmao we really got someone trying to explain German to an actual German here.

    • @DrunkenRhinoceros
      @DrunkenRhinoceros Год назад

      @@lucienfortner841 The first line reads Only the dead wait all time = "eternally". His interpetation of "death lasts" seems incorrect here.

    • @lucienfortner841
      @lucienfortner841 Год назад

      @@DrunkenRhinoceros He's a native German speaker. Imma trust him over some rando.

    • @DrunkenRhinoceros
      @DrunkenRhinoceros Год назад

      @@lucienfortner841 I wouldn't interject if I didn't see his misinterpretation. We basically state the same thing, just thru different filters. Both statements essentially give the same, yet subtle interpetation to the first line. You can see that at least I hope, or are you just being biased?

  • @maorimana
    @maorimana Год назад

    Momento Mori it's a relgious song a reminder of death... ☠️ For christsins Catholics and others who believe in life after death... Strong reminder that death is eternal for them....

  • @aislingsibeallyons3416
    @aislingsibeallyons3416 Год назад

    Why change name german Dave ?????

  • @brianthastrup1232
    @brianthastrup1232 Год назад


  • @timcampbell9765
    @timcampbell9765 Год назад

    Lindermen announced retirement so??

  • @KaiSyversen
    @KaiSyversen Год назад

    To make parts of the chorus more digestible, we can add one word.
    Adieu, Goodbye, Auf Wiedersehen
    Den letzten Weg musst du nicht alleine gehen

  • @BBfanfun
    @BBfanfun Год назад

    the french ADIEU (to God) rather than
    AU REVOIR (til i see you again) ...

  • @K.Kelly87
    @K.Kelly87 Год назад

    However the video is very political, IMO, and depicts the death of government actors, and the destruction of Catholicism, by the bold "common" man, destroying tyranny, in every form, political and religious. That what I got from the video.....

  • @waitemc
    @waitemc Год назад

    Incorrect interpretation . It's actually about ordering chicken nuggets from taco bell actually.

  • @jankompos2330
    @jankompos2330 Год назад

    death is not eternal!! satanist like it depressive sad and tortured,the video to me shows end of the old era leading fallen angels etc.

  • @MVT7100
    @MVT7100 Год назад

    Leider ist der tekst wirlichkeit für mich. Meine freundin ist in der letzte fase von leben. Und ich nehme langsam abschied

    • @Daveinitely
      @Daveinitely  Год назад

      Tut mir Leid, das zu hören! Viel Kraft 🙏