Just my experience, but I diluted a little bleach; one part bleach to three parts water and let my white laces soak in them for about half an hour and then washed them and they came out looking brand new.
Try dawn dish soap, peroxide and baking soda for the stain on your shoe scrub it with a brush, like a tooth brush…then put some shout on it, let it sit for a few mins, then wash them.
I liked your closet a lot In your room tour so I was especially excited when I saw this!
Just my experience, but I diluted a little bleach; one part bleach to three parts water and let my white laces soak in them for about half an hour and then washed them and they came out looking brand new.
What up I like to say a smart ASMR
Try dawn dish soap, peroxide and baking soda for the stain on your shoe scrub it with a brush, like a tooth brush…then put some shout on it, let it sit for a few mins, then wash them.
Those are some nice shoes
Under 5 min gang
What u know about Larry bird
Under 2 min gang
Yoooo u still hate me.🥰I hope soo🥰🥰🥰🥰