Firework Archer Becomes Mad Mechanic - In the Dynasty, people who specialized in pyrotechnics made special fireworks for the next New Year party. One day, one pyrotechnic invented fireworks claws (mad mechanic's claws before they were what they are now), that shot fireworks and would make a great addition. A few other pyrotechnics laughed and said, "What a joke. Do not bring these to our parade." The next day, he decided to "spice" up their parade and use the claws. But, he shot them at the shrine and it broke apart. Samurai were chasing him and saying, "Stupid big, metal claws!" and eventually, the pyrotechnic tripped stupidly and fell into the hole. As he woke up, he wondered where he was. Reaper said he was in the dead realm. For a few years, he had to cut pumpkins and place candles. Rage boiled inside him, and then he went berserk. In a candle-making house, he transformed his claws into shooting spirit fire. He ran down the path and saw the broken door. The black goop grabbed and eventually pulled him in. There, he met Sentinel and Shadow Walker. They need more torches so they could see in the dark lands. As the Mechanic helped, he soon made a name for his self: Mad Mechanic. The mechanic eventually found the Void Monarch, and told him to bring him to the living realm to kill the other pyrotechnics. Void Monarch agreed, but only if he makes more fire claws. Mad Mechanic makes it to the living realm with a couple of Shadow Walker friends. They kill the pyrotechnics, Mechanic makes a profit with his claws, and is a popular icon in the Evil realm.
Idea:Demons invades Heaven and Zeus becomes Angry Zeus & wreaks havoc over Hell & deletes Hell & the creatures living in Hell then Angels shoot down unholy people with their bows & Zeus becomes out of control that he becomes corrupted Zeus and wreaks havoc on the Universe then Super Peasent flies into Corrupted Zeus boxing him repeatedly and slams Corrupted Zeus into the ground knocking the Corruption out of Zeus then Super Peasent stopped attacking & saved the Universe. The end.
Firework Archer Becomes Mad Mechanic - In the Dynasty, people who specialized in pyrotechnics made special fireworks for the next New Year party. One day, one pyrotechnic invented fireworks claws (mad mechanic's claws before they were what they are now), that shot fireworks and would make a great addition. A few other pyrotechnics laughed and said, "What a joke. Do not bring these to our parade." The next day, he decided to "spice" up their parade and use the claws. But, he shot them at the shrine and it broke apart. Samurai were chasing him and saying, "Stupid big, metal claws!" and eventually, the pyrotechnic tripped stupidly and fell into the hole. As he woke up, he wondered where he was. Reaper said he was in the dead realm. For a few years, he had to cut pumpkins and place candles. Rage boiled inside him, and then he went berserk. In a candle-making house, he transformed his claws into shooting spirit fire. He ran down the path and saw the broken door. The black goop grabbed and eventually pulled him in. There, he met Sentinel and Shadow Walker. They need more torches so they could see in the dark lands. As the Mechanic helped, he soon made a name for his self: Mad Mechanic. The mechanic eventually found the Void Monarch, and told him to bring him to the living realm to kill the other pyrotechnics. Void Monarch agreed, but only if he makes more fire claws. Mad Mechanic makes it to the living realm with a couple of Shadow Walker friends. They kill the pyrotechnics, Mechanic makes a profit with his claws, and is a popular icon in the Evil realm.
3:58 Owch his head turned
Suggestion:- Make a story about Elemental Creatures like-- Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth, Air, Using the new Unit Creator Abilities.
He already has
@@angrychild2909 but not with the new abilitys like the banshee scream or the ice breath
Yo my guys head just snapped. 3:58
I love these Tabs stories
Power climbing 101 Storian. :D
You are so good, you have inspired me to try to create my own stories.
Epic moment 4:02
Poor soul keeper. He needs the promotions
Hey, I made a Halfling Faction and a Halfling Campaign. They're in the workshop (by zombplayyzmc). You can use them for a story if you want to 😉
why tho captain sauce is gonna snap
good idea but still captainsauce will probably go mad
@@piglin469 why would he mad?
@@2tz1871 Captainsauce hates halflings because yotube thought he was racist for it so yeah
@@piglin469 oh
So basically he got a Daedalus stormbow
I made a faction called kanon's army. just putting it out there. it's also my first faction.
4:02 look at That doging sheees
I really like your stories, would it be good if you made your own gaming videos?
i always liked your videos since i bought TABS
edit: 2 hours ago
he is herobrine archer lol
You should try out my robot and Zelda factions also my halfling squad and undead army.
Also good job with the stories you never cease to amaze us
Make a story about a weak halfing into a strong god halfing
He dodge one of the arrows at 4:01
Billy in the matrix be like:
Idea:Demons invades Heaven and Zeus becomes Angry Zeus & wreaks havoc over Hell & deletes Hell & the creatures living in Hell then Angels shoot down unholy people with their bows & Zeus becomes out of control that he becomes corrupted Zeus and wreaks havoc on the Universe then Super Peasent flies into Corrupted Zeus boxing him repeatedly and slams Corrupted Zeus into the ground knocking the Corruption out of Zeus then Super Peasent stopped attacking & saved the Universe. The end.
Notice 5:36
i love the story line lol
Builly taver day any day any motn he a god
who gave him x10 arrow shots
Who kills puppies?
*Why don't you ever add mods spice it up abit add some mods my G.*
I have a amazing idea the new dragon ablities can you make a fairy tail reference. ( Everybody looking at my comment) NO NO NO NO NO NO
7th lol
Who tf cares, this trend has been going on for 3 or 4 years now.
ur not idot
His channel is dying D: