Not the person who made this video, but can you add rings to EH? I love how you go through the stage and see all of the things you did in the past, but the spikes ALWAYS get me, in the beginning part of the stage, you jump on a spring, and whenever I jump on a spring, I tend to move right, I do that and bam, headfirst into spikes.
This comment needs more attention! Well,add some more details like make the bad ending more depressing you know... and make some custom Animated sprites just like sonic triple trouble 16 bit, and even more details like make the level design more cool, i know all of these are hard to make but that's just to make people love you're game
@@HusseinAnimates Make the bad ending more depressing you say? Interesting, I never thought I'd see somebody say that. People usually say that the original 8-bit Sonic 2 ending is a bit too much of a downer, but I'll consider it, thanks. ALZ 2 is one of the levels that definitely needs a level design overhaul. Anything specific in the level design of other levels you think needs tweaking?
@@Sovic91ALZ 2 is underrated it Reminds me of one of the zones in sonic CD do what you like in it, also when that act ends make a cutscene where it shows sonic how he gets to green hills, some zones are kind of empty and safe add some more spikes and badniks it will make the zones more fun
8-Bit Sonic 2 actually takes place in South Island like how both the 8-Bit and 16-Bit Versions of Sonic 1 do. 8-Bit Sonic 2 is also before the 16-Bit Version.
I'll give you the South Island point, that is 100% fair. The taking place before 16-bit Sonic 2 on the other hand is very much debatable. Truth is, trying to place the game in the 16-bit games' continuity in the first place is a bit of a fool's errand. It is impossible to do without any issues, wherever you place it, there's gonna be some kind of problem. Approach 1: Place it before Sonic 2 (16-bit): The main problem here is that Tails is in the game. Canonically Sonic and Tails meet in 16-bit Sonic 2. That is an established event and is not up for debate. So, having them interract before this point is kinda problematic. Approach 2: Place it right after Sonic 2 (16-bit): Here the main problem is the Death Egg and the events of Sonic 3K. Acording to the cannon timeline after Sonic 2 (16-bit) the Death Egg falls on Angel Island where Eggman meets Knuckles and he fools him into teaming up against Sonic. If place Sonic 2 (8-bit) between Sonic 2 (16-bit) and Sonic 3K, that means that instead of trying to launch the Death Egg back into orbit, Eggman left the Death Egg on Angel Island and went on a sidequest to kidnap Tails, and he didn't bring his new ally with him. That just feels kinda weird, even though it might not be immediately obvious. Approach 3: Place it after Sonic 3K: This gets rid of the contradiction of events. Tails is there, because him and Sonic already know each other and Knuckles isn't there, because him and Sonic are no longer enemies. But let's be real, we can't possibly put a game called Sonic 2 after a game called Sonic 3, that just feels totaly wrong. I think Approach 2 is the lesser of 3 evils, but that's just my oppinion. But like I said already, no matter which approach we take it's gonna mess with the cannon and people will have a problem with it, which is why the prologue is optional. Those who don't like the fact that it messes with the cannon can simply ignore it.
@@Sovic91"Everything is canon", like the saying goes. I go off the J's Reviews headcanon timeline. It's possible you could reinterpret S28-bit and Sonic Chaos as taking place on Westside Island before the events of S216-bit.
But this game shows that the death egg robot was the one to fall in emerald Hill, not the entire death egg, so if we take this in count, the death egg would still fall in angel island
This is a very nice game. It really brings the 8 bit vibe to the 16 bit world. Unfortunately it is not a real MD rom but a rewritten PC game. I wish I could play this on real hardware.
@@Sovic91 Not to speak for anyone else, but the most obvious problem IMO is the Aqua Lake intro, the timing is very off there. (In the original, those notes are thirds, if that helps.)
@@JovianCloudfarmer I think that actually helps. I had a really hard time making that intro sound even remotely right. It's in a different time signature to all the rest of the song just to make it work.
IMO it's nice when a demo has some meat on its bones and isn't just the first zone. It makes me feel more confident that the project won't get abandoned.
This is fantastic. Ive read some of the critiques and thankfully they seem rather minor. I just hope one day this somehow becomes playable on official hardware
This is really cool. The opening was especially interesting, and I love the scenery changes between acts, and your use of various gimmicks. Here are my critiques in case the dev may see this: Underground's background should palette cycle a little slower. Since you are using Hill Top Lava, I'd suggest looking at how that level's palette cycles. The Underground boss is far better with the arena you gave it, but simply jumping side to side doesnt make for a compelling battle. I'd add another hazard... maybe have the boss fire shots at you while you dodge Eggman. If possible, I recommend making the camera shifting more gradual. Such a rapid shift can be jarring. Finally, I would consider fully realized zone transitions. You seem to have them in place for entering a new zone... it'd be cool to see them for exiting the prior zone.
A very impressive 16 bit rendition of Sonic 2 8 bit. Very awesome demo. Hopefully it gets more work done. I’d love to see Gimmick Mountain, Scrambled Egg, and Crystal Egg remade.
I still don't understand why Eggman catches Sonic before he falls into the lava. What is the reason? He wants to beat him, there's a good opportunity here. However, he picks him up and takes him to the arena with the boss. It's illogical. And yes, the boss has become even easier due to the fact that now Sonic can escape from each attack to the other side of the arena. The other bosses have a similar problem. They make one attack, Sonic dodges, the boss moves to another part of the arena, and so on constantly (exept bird boss).
A bunch of interesting 2D Sonic games this year, not all cringe for a change. Though still, mostly just demos again instead of a full release. SFGHQ hardly has a reliable system to stay updated either. 😂
@H6dfys Well, if you're making a user picked OST, me personally, I'm always a fan of the gamecube games, so I'd say any of the Sonic games from the Gamecube era.
Well, you seem to be the first one to make a video on the game, so have any thoughts or feedback? Things we should consider in the future?
Not the person who made this video, but can you add rings to EH? I love how you go through the stage and see all of the things you did in the past, but the spikes ALWAYS get me, in the beginning part of the stage, you jump on a spring, and whenever I jump on a spring, I tend to move right, I do that and bam, headfirst into spikes.
This comment needs more attention! Well,add some more details like make the bad ending more depressing you know... and make some custom Animated sprites just like sonic triple trouble 16 bit, and even more details like make the level design more cool, i know all of these are hard to make but that's just to make people love you're game
@@HusseinAnimates Make the bad ending more depressing you say? Interesting, I never thought I'd see somebody say that. People usually say that the original 8-bit Sonic 2 ending is a bit too much of a downer, but I'll consider it, thanks. ALZ 2 is one of the levels that definitely needs a level design overhaul. Anything specific in the level design of other levels you think needs tweaking?
@@Sovic91ALZ 2 is underrated it Reminds me of one of the zones in sonic CD do what you like in it, also when that act ends make a cutscene where it shows sonic how he gets to green hills, some zones are kind of empty and safe add some more spikes and badniks it will make the zones more fun
@@HusseinAnimates Interesting. Well, thanks a lot for the feedback.
Wasn't expecting the game's plot to go like this, but I actually love the cutscenes and the zones derived from the Game Gear version
Master system version too.
8-Bit Sonic 2 actually takes place in South Island like how both the 8-Bit and 16-Bit Versions of Sonic 1 do. 8-Bit Sonic 2 is also before the 16-Bit Version.
I'll give you the South Island point, that is 100% fair. The taking place before 16-bit Sonic 2 on the other hand is very much debatable. Truth is, trying to place the game in the 16-bit games' continuity in the first place is a bit of a fool's errand. It is impossible to do without any issues, wherever you place it, there's gonna be some kind of problem.
Approach 1: Place it before Sonic 2 (16-bit):
The main problem here is that Tails is in the game. Canonically Sonic and Tails meet in 16-bit Sonic 2. That is an established event and is not up for debate. So, having them interract before this point is kinda problematic.
Approach 2: Place it right after Sonic 2 (16-bit):
Here the main problem is the Death Egg and the events of Sonic 3K. Acording to the cannon timeline after Sonic 2 (16-bit) the Death Egg falls on Angel Island where Eggman meets Knuckles and he fools him into teaming up against Sonic. If place Sonic 2 (8-bit) between Sonic 2 (16-bit) and Sonic 3K, that means that instead of trying to launch the Death Egg back into orbit, Eggman left the Death Egg on Angel Island and went on a sidequest to kidnap Tails, and he didn't bring his new ally with him. That just feels kinda weird, even though it might not be immediately obvious.
Approach 3: Place it after Sonic 3K:
This gets rid of the contradiction of events. Tails is there, because him and Sonic already know each other and Knuckles isn't there, because him and Sonic are no longer enemies. But let's be real, we can't possibly put a game called Sonic 2 after a game called Sonic 3, that just feels totaly wrong.
I think Approach 2 is the lesser of 3 evils, but that's just my oppinion. But like I said already, no matter which approach we take it's gonna mess with the cannon and people will have a problem with it, which is why the prologue is optional. Those who don't like the fact that it messes with the cannon can simply ignore it.
@@Sovic91"Everything is canon", like the saying goes. I go off the J's Reviews headcanon timeline. It's possible you could reinterpret S28-bit and Sonic Chaos as taking place on Westside Island before the events of S216-bit.
@@Sovic91people really forgot triple trouble huh.
But this game shows that the death egg robot was the one to fall in emerald Hill, not the entire death egg, so if we take this in count, the death egg would still fall in angel island
I love how emeralds hill is empty now considering sonic has destroyed all the badniks before
And destroyed all the monitors and got All the rings
This is a very nice game. It really brings the 8 bit vibe to the 16 bit world. Unfortunately it is not a real MD rom but a rewritten PC game. I wish I could play this on real hardware.
Pretty interesting demo, i’m not too fond of the music but the rest is actually dope
Do you have any particular gripes with a track or tips for improving the music?
@@Sovic91 Not to speak for anyone else, but the most obvious problem IMO is the Aqua Lake intro, the timing is very off there. (In the original, those notes are thirds, if that helps.)
@@JovianCloudfarmer I think that actually helps. I had a really hard time making that intro sound even remotely right. It's in a different time signature to all the rest of the song just to make it work.
This game's level design could really benefit from adding the drop dash.
@@DashPadGames Noted.
@@Sovic91 Sweet! Also I love the work ya'll put into this project! I wish it a very bright future!
I hate the drop dash. I pretty much hate anything Mania introduced except Studiopolis and Egg Monarch.
@@genyakozlov1316Why do you hate drop dash? This is actually better than regular spindash
That’s some demo lol that’s pretty much half the game!
Well, what can I say. We didn't quite have enough time for the other half.
IMO it's nice when a demo has some meat on its bones and isn't just the first zone. It makes me feel more confident that the project won't get abandoned.
Average Touhou Project demo
Man, that demo was amazing!
finally, a short jaypin88 video
This is fantastic. Ive read some of the critiques and thankfully they seem rather minor. I just hope one day this somehow becomes playable on official hardware
This is what I awlays wanted, the MS/GG games in the Genesis style, it looks beautiful
This Game İs Very Cool Thank You Jaypin 88😊❤
This is really cool. The opening was especially interesting, and I love the scenery changes between acts, and your use of various gimmicks. Here are my critiques in case the dev may see this:
Underground's background should palette cycle a little slower. Since you are using Hill Top Lava, I'd suggest looking at how that level's palette cycles.
The Underground boss is far better with the arena you gave it, but simply jumping side to side doesnt make for a compelling battle. I'd add another hazard... maybe have the boss fire shots at you while you dodge Eggman.
If possible, I recommend making the camera shifting more gradual. Such a rapid shift can be jarring.
Finally, I would consider fully realized zone transitions. You seem to have them in place for entering a new zone... it'd be cool to see them for exiting the prior zone.
@@retrokoh The devs do see this and the devs say thank you.
Also, correct me if I'm mistaken, but weren't you at Noah's stream?
A very impressive 16 bit rendition of Sonic 2 8 bit.
Very awesome demo. Hopefully it gets more work done. I’d love to see Gimmick Mountain, Scrambled Egg, and Crystal Egg remade.
A genesis game ❤❤❤❤
Awesome walkyhrought,Jaypin88
Poor Tails Miles Prower
Jayyyyyyyypiiiiiiiin (Segaaaaaaaaaa)❤❤
I still don't understand why Eggman catches Sonic before he falls into the lava. What is the reason? He wants to beat him, there's a good opportunity here.
However, he picks him up and takes him to the arena with the boss. It's illogical.
And yes, the boss has become even easier due to the fact that now Sonic can escape from each attack to the other side of the arena. The other bosses have a similar problem. They make one attack, Sonic dodges, the boss moves to another part of the arena, and so on constantly (exept bird boss).
damn sonic can't even get a chili dog in between games
I wish it was a real sonic game 😊
Sonic 2 Master Stystem 16 bits
A bunch of interesting 2D Sonic games this year, not all cringe for a change. Though still, mostly just demos again instead of a full release. SFGHQ hardly has a reliable system to stay updated either. 😂
Second Zone
I thought SMS Sonic 2 took place before Genesis Sonic 2.
I loved your video and content 😊
RE!!! Sonic the Hedgehog 2 1/2
5:47 "You almost fell in lava, but i got you and i will kill u myself."😂😂
And soon: Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball re: 8bit to 16!!! Or in US, Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball Returns
Rom hack?
I love your videos
Like RE!!! Sonic the Hedgehog 1/2 and RE!!! SONIC AND TAILS!! AND RE!!! SONIC AND TAILS 2.
Heya jay which music you want to replace in s3air? (Edit im making user picked ost)
@H6dfys Well, if you're making a user picked OST, me personally, I'm always a fan of the gamecube games, so I'd say any of the Sonic games from the Gamecube era.
@@jaypin88 hmmmm alr
Sonic 2 8 bit
Is it playable on mobile?
Philippians 2:9-11: "That every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father"
Sonic exe
First and reply please and also pin me
please do not do the following:
Say “first”
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The only pin you gettin is the *pin of shame*
Oh you mean the pin of shame that you're bullying me you little s***t