My goodness they're terrific, each so distinct yet every one of them is so placid and affable. I simply adore bassets I think they're wonderful hounds. I can't wait to add some to our family, I hope they end up like these wonderful specimens here. Congratulations on this litter, they look fantastic I'm very impressed with the work you've put into them, it clearly shows 🙏
Thank you guys for making my day 😊 I love the names you chose ,especially for the stud . "King of the dwarves" I have no doubt these little ones are going to make a lot of families happy.
Ive not had the pleasure of being around bassets. Are most bassets this calm/docile at this age? Amazingly calm, and of course im in love. Thank you in advance for your response.
All those little fat bellies so cute, lucky people getting one of your puppies, everyone is just beautiful. How many hounds do you have , that live with you & your family 🐾🐾
I want 1 or 2 of these puppies. Please tell me price and everything you need from me. Beverly Farmer and I live in Texas. I am from Oregon, I have a brother in Bend and sister and son in Portland. I would love to reserve and travel to pick up.
Beautiful pups
My goodness they're terrific, each so distinct yet every one of them is so placid and affable. I simply adore bassets I think they're wonderful hounds. I can't wait to add some to our family, I hope they end up like these wonderful specimens here. Congratulations on this litter, they look fantastic I'm very impressed with the work you've put into them, it clearly shows 🙏
they all have a sweet disposition
Look at these doggies.
I'm gonna have to go to eastern Oregon for my next basset. Beautiful hounds!
Thank you guys for making my day 😊
I love the names you chose ,especially for the stud .
"King of the dwarves"
I have no doubt these little ones are going to make a lot of families happy.
I love all the names they have.
Oh my god Waffles! What a cutie.
Mines 6 months old and hes like a pit bull 😮 pinnned my cat to the floor the other day. Very naughty
Gorgeous ❤️❤️❤️
Ive not had the pleasure of being around bassets. Are most bassets this calm/docile at this age? Amazingly calm, and of course im in love. Thank you in advance for your response.
Velvet ears❤🐾
puppies!!!!!! ❤❤❤
All those little fat bellies so cute, lucky people getting one of your puppies, everyone is just beautiful.
How many hounds do you have , that live with you & your family 🐾🐾
I want 1 or 2 of these puppies. Please tell me price and everything you need from me. Beverly Farmer and I live in Texas. I am from Oregon, I have a brother in Bend and sister and son in Portland. I would love to reserve and travel to pick up.
Please message me privately for any information.
@@bluemountainbassets4829 where do I find the private message for you?
@@beverlyfarmer9311 I'm on Facebook and Instagram, Blue Mountain Bassets.
When are the next babies to be born.
Any chance of importing to India
How much do this cuties cost