Here's the link to the code! See the description for links to mods. Also, there's now an easier install via pastebin (see the readme).
Hey @MerlinLikeTheWizard i know its been a bit since you made this, but im on a minecraft server and i have no clue where to change the floppy disk size cause were running it off a bought server
Dude, I tried making my own tunneler program, it took me a whole day only to code the set up stage. You are a god damn genius this program is simply beautiful, thank you for sharing it!
This helped me so much! Thank you so much for the amazing tutorials and things. I subscribed for sure and will show my friends about this because they are trying to learn lua!
amazing video! btw you should try to make another vid for newer versions like 1.18 or 1.19 because i keep getting broken turtles if they try and go under y=0, but still you are a genius!!
@@adencorey6209 hey it's been a while since I did this but i'm almost certain i fueled the turtles. I'll give it another try at some point. thanks for the suggestion
Forked your code and updated the program to work with the chunk loader from turtlematic, so pairs work again. Added more items to mine list and tweaked some settings. Should be in the list of forks somewhere.
another fine example of me having an idea and then finding someone who has already done it before. Welp, guess i'll have to make more functionality lol, later probably gonna make a web UI with websockets and stuff lol
In case you didn't know, there is now a a mod called Advanced Peripherals for 1.16.5 (as of February 13th) and it has a "Chunky Turtle," which loads chunks just like that one for 1.12.2 and before. Edit: I just checked the pinned comment's link, I can see you already knew that now.
Hey could you make a video on how can you make it a fully automated tunnel tutorial? Also how did you program the turtles to stay in that position after initially sorting them?
When i place the turtles and give them fuel and the code they just move forward and back one block and then just stay there, I can move them manually but when I try to use the return command it just loops "directive: go_to_hold" and stands still, do you know how to fix this?
I know this is an old video, but would you mind a little troubleshooting? When I try to set up a turtle, it refuels fine, it links fine, but when it gets the "calibrate" signal it just sits there. I've already done (and double-checked) everything in the tutorial up to this point, including the instructions on Github. What do?
I'm unsure why but when I go to launch the mining program, all the turtles get in a line and sit on IDLE while mastermine spams go_to_waiting_room I'm running without pairs and use cc tweaked fabric restitch for 1.16.5 All turtles are refuelled and all gps are set up correctly.
If anyone is trying this mod out now and having an issue with the turtle turning right then not working (finding its home) try picking up the turtles and replacing them closer to the mine entrance, for me that worked and they calibrated fine
can you explain it for 1.19.2 , i am in all of fabric 6 modpack and i tried to make this but it doesnt work when i try to put the minions go to the mine , it stays in halt and i did exactly what it says on the video , or sometimes it stays on pair and i dont know what else to do to fix it
@MerlinLikeTheWizard How about updating the script and recording a guide for us for game version 1.19.2 CC: Tweaked 1.19.2 and advanced peripherals 1.19.2 They're pretty stable.
How do you make them start a new mine lower? I made my config wrong and they mined a mine at Y63 and now they won't go lower to what I set it as. It seems like the turtles themselves won't update
Not sure if you're still even seeing these but i've been trying to get this to work on a server but when i go to set up the turtles it tries to move forward and then goes back and stops, after refueling. It does work on singleplayer though so i have no idea what the problem could be
I love to hear that! A great place to start is SethBling's ComputerCraft tutorial (for beginners), which is where I started learning about it. The wealth of most knowledge that you need is the CC wiki, particularly the APIs page (fortunately everything is very well documented). In terms of making the turtles talk to each other in the way they do here, I kind of stumbled through and figured out that protocol on my own, but I'm sure it's similar to other peer-to-peer communication which is something you could read up on. The turtle's mining algorithm is based on Dijkstra's Algorithm. I also tutor coding professionally, and would be glad to get in touch if you are interested in 1-on-1 lessons.
Working for me in 2024 on 1.20.1 with create mod. I was having the issue where my turtles wouldn't move after the initial refuel. Turns out I set my first gps host to the correct -Y but for all the others as well as the mine entrance I left out the - for Y. After that I moved my setup and ran into the same problem. This time I forgot to add the wireless modem on top of my computer. Now all turtles and my pocket pc are running and mapping properly.
You can make it by placing a pick and a modem on either side of a turtle in a crafting table, see examples:
i'm not sure if it has anything to do with lava. they all went down the same strip to the west of home and just stopped in a line. either the last command was PASS or go home
Well the setup won’t really work without the mining turtles because if they go too they will just stop working. Also I’m pretty sure turtles can’t leave unless they have been paired so if you can add mods to your mod pack just try to add PeripheralsPlusOne and the mod it needs otherwise you can’t use the setup. (If I’m wrong someone pls correct me)
@@GartouScape (adding this comment here too) Chunky turtles are now disableable! Head over to github and grab the new code, and then all you have to do is go to the config file and set use_chunky_turtles = false. Be advised, turtles will fall asleep if they reach an unloaded chunk and you'll probably have to go down and find them.
How can i craft the chunk controller for the chunky turtle? I can't find the craft anywhere, i already has JEI installed but it shows nothing to me when i click "r"
UPDATE IT PLEASE!!! in the new verson of perhiperals++ (now called advanced perhiperals) theres NO CHUNK LOADER!!! edit: im dum it has been replaced by chunk controller (but can still be used to make chunky turtl) edit2: idk if i did it wrong but the first mining turtle isnt initializing edit3: managed to make it rotate but not move
The hub is thinking that the mine entrance is somewhere else. When I try to change the mine entrance location in the hub file configs it doesn't update
So i'm running this on a 1.18.2 modpack and had a question... would it be possible to program the turtles to mine a 1x3 tunnel instead of 1x2? I'm more than happy to edit the code, but i'm having a problem determining where an edit might be made for this... (1x2 tunnels are cramped and hard to get flying in.. lol)
@@RayBoy113 Cool okay. The pocket computer is sending a request for data, and then is not getting data sent back. My best guess is that it's not sending it to the right place. Does the hub_id in the pocket computer match the id of the hub? If so then I'm not sure. Work around could be to just manually copy all the files from disk/pocket_files onto the pocket computer, and then to make a "hub_id" file containing the hub id. If they still can't connect then there could be a problem with the network, or there could be some bug in the code I'm not aware of.
When I try to run the command 'disk/hub.lua', the file does not exist. The hub.lua is not an LUA file so I made it an .lua and then it says 'Access denied', help! Error: .temp:16: Access denied FIX: The script detected hub_files folder pre-existing in the computer, so I just made a new one and it's okay now.
@Kilo Glad you were able to fix it. The disk/hub file used to not have the ".lua" extension but I added it in a recent push, so if you downloaded a few days ago then it might be different. Also, if anyone is getting an "Access denied" message after running one of the init programs then there may be an extra dir like "disk3" that's it's trying to delete but can't. If so you may have to edit the program file and add in an exemption for "disk3" etc.
I've actually just made it a bit easier to install. Here's the new instructions: 1. Place your advanced computer next to a disk drive with a blank disk in. 2. Run "pastebin get CtcSGkpc mastermine.lua" 3. Run "mastermine disk" 4. Run "disk/hub.lua" 5. Profit!
@@knowerrr Huh, other people have been having a similar problem. Do you mind telling me what state the turtle is in and maybe what it says on the turtles screen under the "mastermine" tab?
I have the problem that the system classifies all my turtles as mining turtles. I am using Advanced Peripherals on 1.16.5 and the mod adds all the things like the Ender Modem and the Chunky Turtles, but they get assigned the mining type. I dont really know what to change in the code to fix this detection issue, if someone has any ideas or knowledge and would like to share them with me, it would be really appreciated.
I am having this same issue, my chunky turtles using advanced peripherals wont go to the proper designated area and sit with mining turtles and they wont pair at the waiting area because it thinks the chunky turtles are mining turtles, if anyone has a fix for this it would be much appreicated
@@jmargijk-1912 I figured it out a short while after posting. In one of the files, i dont really know which one, there is a part that indicates the type of turtle. It searches for the peripheral "ChunkLoader" on the turtles, but the new Chunky turtles have the peripheral "Chunky". if you would change the name out for chunky, everything should work fine.
@@muxmaus computercraft\disk\0\turtle_files\actions.lua Line 560. Is where i think i did the correct change. After doing so my turtles still arent mining and are just going straight for ever.
For those who might still have this problem(1.18.2): You need to enable the Chunky Turtles in the Server Configuration File from Advanced Peripherals... Otherwise the Chunky Turtle will be detected as mining turtle ;)
How can you set up a second one in the nether, mine just uses the same coordinates as the overworld after multiple attempts of editting the config (I added a second gps "server" in the nether with 4 computers and 1 repeater, could that be the issue?). Also great tutorial, really helped me out. Edit: nvm forgot to reload the hub.lua file after changing the config file
spent some more time and i got them working. and then after awhile someone on my server messed up my gps (removed the modem off one computer) and then after repairing it. half of the turtles are not responding. they are stuck in HALT and mastermine says "calibrated to x x x". any tips on how i can get them to restart or should i trash them and rebuild more turtles
Should be able to get them to restart by sending a restart command to all of them via the hub (either enter "restart" in the usr prompt or use the touch screen). The restart command is overriding and should stop them even if they're mid-action. Glad you got it working + I hope you can again!
Thanks for the awesome guide. I'm trying to reduce the file size for under 125kb and I'm not sure how to delete the pocket files (I don't need them) without breaking the program. Any way you could help me out with that?
Yeah, are you installing by manually copying into the disk directory? If so you should be able to just leave out or delete the "pocket_files" folder and be fine.
@@WizardNamedMerlin Alright, thanks. I think I have it working now. I am having an issue. I've changed the mining level in the config, saved the config, and then updated the turtles. However, it is still mining at the previous levels instead of the newly set mining levels. Not sure why that is or where I'm going wrong.
@@jonathanhimmelberg8961 Right, you also need to update the hub from the disk (assuming you edited the config on the disk), and you can do that by running "update" in the hub shell, or "hubupdate" in the user prompt
@@jonathanhimmelberg8961 Dang. I suppose the last option would be to keep the hub_files and the turtle_files on separate disks. I've never tried it but it should work in theory. Just insert the hub disk when updating the hub, and insert the turtle disk when initializing or remote updating turtles.
I've gotten to the point where I linked the computer, the hub program is up and running, etc, but when the turtle says "linked," and I give it some coal, it just sits there. What should I do? If you have a discord that would be very helpful.
Good question. The way I would do this is to change two settings in the hub_files/config.lua file. First, the "grid_width" is set to 8 by default, and you may want to make this smaller so that turtles get more mining done in a smaller area. The other is to change "mission_length" to something smaller like 32, which will cause turtles not to wander into unloaded chunks until they've mined all they can nearby. All that said, both of these changes make the turtles less efficient, so they may not be able to find enough coal to remain self-sufficient. They'll also run out of space to mine in pretty fast if they can't expand beyond the loaded chunks, depending on how far away chunks are loaded. I hope you get something set up that works for your world!
It has come to my attention that the latest build (0.4a) of the Advanced Peripherals mod for 1.16 has chunky turtles implemented. I haven't tested it yet but theoretically nothing it the code should need to change. Otherwise there's an option in the config to disable pairing but you'll lose the functionality.
@@WizardNamedMerlin I am using the advanced peripherals mod to run this setup and once the turtles are set up and i power them on the chunky turtle goes in the mining turtle line and sits behind the mining turtle and basically waits to be paired with a chunky turtle because it seems to be classified as a mining turtle, so the mining never starts and they just sit in the waiting room. I could be wrong but its what i am guessing, is there anything i could do to fix this? i assumed its because the chunk loader item is different than the one from peripheralsplusone. I dont want to disable chunky turtle pairing because i was looking forward to the usefulness of it, but i cant get them to start mining at all because both the mining turtle and the chunky turtle wait in the same line and wait to be paired with a chunky turtle
@@jmargijk-1912 Hi there! This one's my fault. The code was updated to work with advanced peripherals, but I never updated the pastebin code to the new version (it's a bit of a convoluted process and it slipped my mind). Anyway, it's updated now so whether you're using the github files or the pastebin it should work all the same. Thanks go to vishal272 on github for the compatability update :)
How do you go back in the controls. As in going back to a directory after making a specific code. You ran lua but didn't show us how to go back in the the main shell directory
Navigating to directories is done with the 'cd' command. To go to the previous directory you can run "cd .." with the two dots representing the parent directory. However when I typed "lua" what I was actually doing was opening a prompt, not navigating to a different directory. To exit out of the Lua prompt, you can type "exit()" and hit enter. Hope this is helpful!
@@WizardNamedMerlin Another quick question. When you update the config file but you don't use minecraft to do it, do you still need to hit update on the computer in minecraft or does it automatically update it in game? Don't know if I explained that well.
@@jeffreysom8177 @Jeffrey Som I think I understand... If you use a third party app to edit code it should change in game right away, however whether you're editing in game or out, I think it's better to edit the code on the floppy disk rather than the hub directly. Then you should use the update program on the hub (and update turtles if you changed their code)
Thank you SO Much this script is genious and beats all other mining scripts i could find by a TON it has a great looking GUI and is self sustaining (which i really love) I hope to see more great content by you in the future
Every time I shut down my world and go back into it I have to re-input the gps host coordinates into the gps and repeater. How can I avoid having to do that?
@@rfregia2012 did you make a startup file in your root directory? In theory that file is supposed to run when the computer turns on, i.e. when the world loads. So if the gps script is there it should start running automatically
If I understand right, you want to copy the files directly into the folder of the disk (out of game), but you don't know / can't find the right folder? If that's so, I recommend (in game) making a directory on the disk with a unique name (e.g. "mkdir disk/eggplant"), and then (out of game) searching for the disk folder that contains that directory. Then delete "eggplant" and copy over the files. If I misunderstood the problem lmk
@@WizardNamedMerlin i had second problem. First was solved. in 8:10 yours turtle go forward but my don't go (i refuel him one time and second time). He goes forward one block, one time and get teleported back. Edit. When i type reboot in turtle he do the same thing Edit2. I build second computer with other disk and it's the same problem.
Dude this program is freaking awesome. I keep running into a problem though and its when a pair of turtles will either just randomly stop moving while mining or they get stuck on their way back to return home. Im using 8 turtles in total and the other 6 are already back at base, but the two are still in the mine and I even try remote controlling them (mining forwards, digging up, moving forwards) and they just sit there. Ive even tried rebooting and resetting and all that jazz... My guess is that the mining turtle got stuck under the chunky turtle after it vein mined, but even trying to make the chunky turtle move away doesn't work. Any help would be appreciated :) Edit: okay after a few minutes the mining turtle randomly decided to work, so i was able to make it return, but the chunky turtle is still sitting there and wont respond to any of my remote commands. It has over a thousand fuel and should have the room to move. idk Edit 2 (Possible solution): Alright and now the chunky turtle is going back. What i did was i put it in halt mode and then made it move forward. After I realized the Z coords were changing I made it return and it worked. Was this just weird luck or a glitch, idk.
im gonna cry. i just wanna figure out how to do the thing where when it mining if it finds an ore it will dig out the entire vein then continue the strip mine. :( I cant find a tutorial and the only way i can think to make it work is to use a gps or a home brew coordinate system of some kind and when the turtle finds an ore it saves the place its at, then mines the ore and checks for the near by ores each step of the way until it finds nothing left, then it navigates back to the saved coordinates and continues on its way, but what if it misses part of the ore vein because it sees ores up and down and mines the one above it and moves but then forgets the one it saw below itself a second ago... so would you have to create a list of the coordinates of every ore it sees and then remove them from the list once mined, and then when it sees no more ore it checks the list for any ore it needs to go back and get, then once the list is empty and it sees no more ore it goes back to the mine position and continues. But that seems overly complicated and messy to program... I just wanna make a fully automatic strip mining turtle that doesn't have to mine every single block...
Actually your description was pretty close. In this program, when it sees an ore block it adds it to a list. Then it travels over to the closest block on the list, mines it, and takes it off the list. Then It looks around for any new ore to discover (up, down, and all around), and if there are then it adds them to the list. Repeat until the list is empty. Overly complicated, maybe. You do need a way to keep track of your position and the positions of all the ores, as well as a search algorithm to find the closest one and a route to it (I used "A*"). If you want to take a look at the code on github it's all the in "actions.lua" file. The main function is mine_vein(), and it calls fastest_route() and scan().
@@WizardNamedMerlin Oh my god, thank you so much you're awesome! I cant believe how fast you responded to a comment on such an old video, and you told me where to look to find it in your code as a reference. I cant thank you enough, I could not have been given a better reply! I'm so grateful for you and your work.
It seems like the first pastebin step isn't working for me. When I input "mastermine disk", it says no such program. Is this because I don't yet have PeripheralsPlusOne installed? Or is that irrelevant? Also, can you add these mods to a world that's been created? I am currently on a "test pack please ignore" server which already had computercraft included
Hmm. When you run the pastebin command does it create any new files? Or does it literally do nothing? It seems like a number of people are having this problem but I don't understand because it just seems like the pastebin command itself is broken. It should definitely still download with without the PeripheralsPlusOne mod. And yes, I don't think either mod changes world gen so adding them to a preexisting world should be fine.
I am trying to run it with one advanced wireless mining turtle, but when i run it. the turtle says its pairing. but i won't be able to pair it because no chunky turtle
@@GrandMoffGage Well, I caved. I was holding off on making this change because I had pairs hard coded in, but it seems like a good number of people wanted it so I updated the code. Chunky turtles are now disableable! Head over to github and grab the new code, and then all you have to do is go to the config file and set use_chunky_turtles = false. Be advised, turtles will fall asleep if they reach an unloaded chunk and you'll probably have to go down and find them.
holy crap. logged back in the server and it can't detect 90% of the turtles. the rest are in a "nil" state. and it was going so well! whosemineisitanyway line 87 attempted to index a null value. looks like something went really wrong. no longer any messages in mastermine on the hub or on the turtles. thanks for all the help anyway.
Yikes. Really sorry about that, no idea whats going wrong but clearly it's like 8 things at once. I'm continuing to help others chase bugs, if I find anything I'll let you know.
Hey @merlinlikethewizard , for the mine_levels section, is this bit functioning correctly? from what I can tell the bots will only go down a few levels and start mining rather than randomly selecting a level and mining. e.g. {level = 10, chance = 0.2}, {level = 20, chance = 0.2}, {level = 30, chance = 0.2}, {level = 40, chance = 0.2}, {level = 50, chance = 0.2},
Should be able to, yes. There's no limit on number of turtles, though at some number the wireless traffic may cause lag. Also, too many turtles could cause a traffic jam in the loop, which could be fixed by expanding the main loop in the config file.
To answer in full would take a while, but to sum up... when you click on a monitor a "monitor_touch" event is thrown, so by polling events with os.pullEvent("monitor_touch") you can get the location of the click. My program creates "buttons" that have an x, y coordinate on the monitor, so when a touch occurs its position can be linked back to whatever function that button is tied to. For each of the turtles on the map a button is created that is linked to a turtle ID so that when it is pressed a turtle is selected. Then similarly within the turtle menu, there are buttons linked to functions that send the turtle instructions via rednet.send(). When the turtle gets an instruction like "forward" it runs the function in its own program by that name.
Hello, i made an bugg report on your program on reddit under the name PanGeo i have used the program for a few days non stop but it stopped working with weirdt errors. Hub si chunkloaden and gps too Could you please take a look?
ok i redid the gps system and they seem to be working...better. they no longer go off to the west and halt. they sit in front of the mine entrance. when i power on, they move around a bit but get stuck around the entrance at "go to mine enter" or "go to strip"
@@LeNoLi. I see. If you changed the config to disable pairing, afterwards you want to make sure to update the hub and all the turtles (user commands "hububdate" and "update"). That should stop them from pairing, hopefully. Here's to incremental progress!
@@WizardNamedMerlin where do i put in "hubupdate" ? when i put it in usr it doesn't return anything or seem to do anything. i guess i just trust it works? i have updated them then, and restarted the hub and they still get stuck so far. this is a tough one
@@LeNoLi. Weird, "hubupdate" should automatically restart the computer with a message that says "UPDATED". Maybe instead do "update" in the main shell. This is indeed a tough one.
There are a few ways to do it. You could use the pastebin command and instructions from the README on the github page but if you want to copy and paste from pastebin that should work too, just follow the same instructions afterward.
Hi, I love your tutorial, but I have an issue in the setup process. When I assign the turtles an ID they just run to the left until they are out of fuel (weird xD)
Dang. Yeah I've heard a lot of people have the same problem but I don't know yet what's wrong and I haven't been able to reproduce it. I'll keep trying to figure it out!
Technically there isn't a limit, though at some number the wireless traffic may cause lag. Also, too many turtles could cause a traffic jam in the loop, which could be fixed by expanding the main loop in the config file. I haven't tried more than 4 pairs (8 turtles), but I'm curious to know how many are possible.
I have gotten 6 to run perfect im playing ftb rev so no chunkys. but i can get 10 to run if i place the 4 down then reset them while mining is on and they will act normal until i turn off then on the mining.
Why use an item whitelist? Instead of an item blacklist? I find it easier to blacklist stone and cobble (especially with forge because forge:stone is not just a single block).
Interesting... That could work in theory, the turtles would treat anything not on the list as ore and mine it out. The only issue is, let's say it finds something not ore but not on the list, say the wooden planks of a hidden base. It would treat the planks as ore and mine out the whole base. Depends on the use case but both methods seem to have their strengths
@@WizardNamedMerlin Oh yes, you are right. Especially if your ore-search code evolves around that whitelist. I guess the blacklist is more of a dumb-quarry solution. Thanks for the quick reply btw. Ill have to look at your license, and see if I can search/learn from your code.
@@WizardNamedMerlin Hello I was wondering if you could help me diagnose this problem. Once i update my hub the turtles go off in a straight line for ever. I did how ever edit this (computercraft\disk\0\turtle_files\actions.lua Line 560. Is where i think i did the correct change. After doing so my turtles still arent mining and are just going straight for ever.) due to the fact im using a custom 1.16.5 pack. Doing this made the power on button work but the turtles do not do anything. My Discord is Jazzy Cross#8059
@@jazzycross1227 Hello. The line you edited has to do with determining the type of turtle, right? I'm assuming to make it work with Advanced Peripherals? The latest version of the code has that fixed, thankfully. But the behavior you're experiencing sounds like it could be a GPS thing. I just added a troubleshooting section to the github page, I'd try the things on there and if they don't work let me know.
Hi i linked and refueled my turtle and it turned right then forward then backward and when i move it manually and then call it back home it goes back to the computer. Edit messed up the gps by 1 block and it messed everything up its fixed.
Edit config.lua add spawner to disallow list. not sure if it digs it out already, so I added it. Line: ~88 dig_disallow = { 'computer', 'chest', 'chair', 'spawner', } add newer ores to ore list. line above add comma to the end Line: ~369 ['minecraft:ancient_debris'] = true, ['minecraft:copper_ore'] = true, ['minecraft:deepslate_coal_ore'] = true, ['minecraft:deepslate_copper_ore'] = true, ['minecraft:deepslate_diamond_ore'] = true, ['minecraft:deepslate_emerald_ore'] = true, ['minecraft:deepslate_gold_ore'] = true, ['minecraft:deepslate_iron_ore'] = true, ['minecraft:deepslate_lapis_ore'] = true, ['minecraft:deepslate_redstone_ore'] = true, ['minecraft:nether_gold_ore'] = true, Merlin, if you still read comments, would be nice if it had some sort of Discovered POI logger. So, if a turtle does happen to find a spawner/chest, it would record the location in some sort of log.
the only way to fix it is to start from scratch with a new hub and new turtles. so i did. I let it run for a couple hours. and eventually the turtles go back to the waiting room. the error i get has to do with running out space when copying /mine to disk/hub_files/mine. also whosemineisitanyway.lua:87 attempting to index a nil value which i guess is turtle.strip
Now I think I understand. As the mine grows the /mine/ directory that stores its info get bigger and at some point it maxes out the disk space. I think both you and now @2Bear have run into the problem that the system stops being able to read files once it hits the limit. So that should be solvable by increasing max disk space in the computercraft mod config, or by somehow cutting down on the size of the program. The latter I don't have any great suggestions for
Well if the modem isn't red then the hub isn't able to communicate so the turtle would just sit there like you're saying. Not sure what would cause that but maybe try moving the modem to a different side, restarting the hub, or looking for errors in the different tabs on the hub?
if i click on the github link for PeripheralsPlusOne and then scroll down to go to the curseforge website and then it says error 404 page not found so i cant use it. can you help me?
Yeah, for some reason the curseforge page is down, but the github releases page still has downloads:
So the turtles were running perfectly for a while but I wanted to restart the server to fix some lag issue, and when I came back all of the turtles are in state nil and won't move no matter what I try doing via the main computer. I had toggle the power off and made sure all the turtles were in place before I restarted the server too. Also (whosmineisitanyways.lua:48: attempt to index a nil value)
Tricky. I'm assuming every time you restart the hub it's the same error? Line 48 is within the load_mine() function which is responsible for reading in mine data saved on the computer. If there was en error in that function then the program would exit during startup and the turtles would never get assigned states and they would just sit there. Looking at the code the only thing I can think of is that somehow the mine data has been stored wrong. All of the mine data is kept in the /mine/ directory on the hub. Any way you could upload that file in a way I could get a look inside?
Actually, it sounds like @[] was having a similar problem and said it might have something to do with running out of disk space. I hadn't thought of it before, but as the mine grows it takes up more space and maybe hitting the limit means it starts having trouble reading files. If you try to run "update" from the shell on the hub, does it work or error out?
@@2BearTM Oh well then it's decidedly not that. If you're still trying to get this to work you might want to try the new code on github, it will at least tell you if it's a problem reading the file (which is my guess)
Doesn't look like that mod includes chunk loaders, if I'm not mistaken. Maybe it will in the future? Advanced peripherals is also a potential future candidate.
@@tristantombs8901 Theoretically it should work with 1.7 but I haven't tested it so that could be an issue. If you can try poking around on your own to get the modem to work the way it normally does you might be able to fix it
hey are u still active? I have an error i havent found in the comments: my Turtle tells : /startup.lua:9: /configmlua: No such file // and then // Line 9 fs.copy (`/config.lua`, `/apis/config`) I´m so sorry i dont really know what to do. I am also trying it on a server. is this only for singleplayer?
Hey Merlin. I get to around the ID of the Hub, put it on my wireless mining turtle and he just stares at the disk drive and does nothing lol. I went through "pastebin get CtcSGkpc mastermine.lua", got through edit disk/hub_files/config.lua , changed chunky turtles = false, change everything i needed to and for some reason it doesn't work. not sure if I'm the problem or it just doesn't work for me. if you can help me out, that would be amazing.
@@WizardNamedMerlin yup! actually, it won't even detect the turtle on the screen so I can't look at each turtles tab. The hub displays no error messages; just doesn't do anything. Though it might be because I'm running on 1.16.5? Or maybe it's because when I install mastermine through pastebin, I try to run "Mastermine disk" and it doesn't do anything. I skipped that and went straight to run disk/hub.lua Not sure but thanks for responding! Appreciate the help and the tutorial for this whole thing. Seems like a lot of coding and work lol.
Initialize is the function that turtles use just to sense what peripherals they have and copy over the config info from the hub. I don't believe there's a fail state to that action, so I don't see how they would be stuck on it. Maybe if they were having issues communicating back to hub?
@@LeNoLi. Not sure, when you linked the turtles was it to the same computer you're using now? Cuz otherwise the IDs could be off. Are they getting the "initialize" directive over and over, or was it just the most recent thing they got?
@@WizardNamedMerlin most recent thing. They are linked. They were working fine last night. I should have recalled them and logged off. But I went afk in the hub room and my pc shut down mysteriously over night. This morning, a bunch of dead turtles.
Here's the link to the code! See the description for links to mods. Also, there's now an easier install via pastebin (see the readme).
something is wrong with mine it doesnt go when i linked my turtle its does nothing can you please help me?
edit: nvm i found the problem
@@Julian-of9in Glad you solved it! Mind if I ask what was wrong? Some others are having issues I'm just wondering if it could be the same
i thought i found the problem but i was wrong but im still searching and trying things that maybe work
@@Julian-of9in im having the issue did you find a fix?
Hey @MerlinLikeTheWizard i know its been a bit since you made this, but im on a minecraft server and i have no clue where to change the floppy disk size cause were running it off a bought server
It is good to see somebody to play computer craft on 2020
Dude, I tried making my own tunneler program, it took me a whole day only to code the set up stage. You are a god damn genius this program is simply beautiful, thank you for sharing it!
Still using this tutorial in 2023 !!!! its pretty simpel but awesome job explaining it so anyone can follow !
This helped me so much! Thank you so much for the amazing tutorials and things. I subscribed for sure and will show my friends about this because they are trying to learn lua!
Underrated channel
@@protat0 :D More to come!
Immediately liked the video after hearing my name is merlin like the wizard. LOVE IT.
amazing video! btw you should try to make another vid for newer versions like 1.18 or 1.19 because i keep getting broken turtles if they try and go under y=0, but still you are a genius!!
im on 1.19.2 and when i place my turtles down they just turn right and stay stationary. were you ever able to figure this out?
@@chaz_eptv1430you need to fuel it first
@@adencorey6209 hey it's been a while since I did this but i'm almost certain i fueled the turtles. I'll give it another try at some point. thanks for the suggestion
@@chaz_eptv1430 for me they dont even turn around
what did you do?
@@innno16 idk man. I'm trying it again after a while on the same version and it still isnt working
Forked your code and updated the program to work with the chunk loader from turtlematic, so pairs work again. Added more items to mine list and tweaked some settings. Should be in the list of forks somewhere.
What is your github username? just so Im sure about which fork to download. Thanks.
another fine example of me having an idea and then finding someone who has already done it before. Welp, guess i'll have to make more functionality lol, later probably gonna make a web UI with websockets and stuff lol
hows it going
@@cirkus442 ? oki?
@@gravitowl as in how is progress
In case you didn't know, there is now a a mod called Advanced Peripherals for 1.16.5 (as of February 13th) and it has a "Chunky Turtle," which loads chunks just like that one for 1.12.2 and before.
Edit: I just checked the pinned comment's link, I can see you already knew that now.
No worries, thank you for mentioning it. I wish there were a way to edit the video now but I don't think there is (rip old RUclips)
@@WizardNamedMerlin rip
Hey could you make a video on how can you make it a fully automated tunnel tutorial?
Also how did you program the turtles to stay in that position after initially sorting them?
This is really great! Thank you for everything you have done MerlinLikeTheWizard.
When i place the turtles and give them fuel and the code they just move forward and back one block and then just stay there, I can move them manually but when I try to use the return command it just loops "directive: go_to_hold" and stands still, do you know how to fix this?
Since you raised an issue on github I'll answer there (in case anyone reading this is having the same problem)
Can confirm, works in the latest versions!
This will be handy in the nether for ancient debris ;)
I know this is an old video, but would you mind a little troubleshooting? When I try to set up a turtle, it refuels fine, it links fine, but when it gets the "calibrate" signal it just sits there. I've already done (and double-checked) everything in the tutorial up to this point, including the instructions on Github. What do?
The irony that advanced peripherals for 1.16 was released like a week after this video lmao
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you
I'm unsure why but when I go to launch the mining program, all the turtles get in a line and sit on IDLE while mastermine spams go_to_waiting_room
I'm running without pairs and use cc tweaked fabric restitch for 1.16.5
All turtles are refuelled and all gps are set up correctly.
I should also mention turtles parked never appeares green, I think there may be old turtles still registered or something.
If anyone is trying this mod out now and having an issue with the turtle turning right then not working (finding its home) try picking up the turtles and replacing them closer to the mine entrance, for me that worked and they calibrated fine
mine wont go at all...
can you explain it for 1.19.2 , i am in all of fabric 6 modpack and i tried to make this but it doesnt work when i try to put the minions go to the mine , it stays in halt and i did exactly what it says on the video , or sometimes it stays on pair and i dont know what else to do to fix it
you ever figure this out?
How about updating the script and recording a guide for us for game version 1.19.2
CC: Tweaked 1.19.2 and advanced peripherals 1.19.2
They're pretty stable.
you ever figure this out?
How do you make them start a new mine lower? I made my config wrong and they mined a mine at Y63 and now they won't go lower to what I set it as. It seems like the turtles themselves won't update
also wondering i have edited the config to the level i want but it doesn't seem to update the monitor.
Not sure if you're still even seeing these but i've been trying to get this to work on a server but when i go to set up the turtles it tries to move forward and then goes back and stops, after refueling. It does work on singleplayer though so i have no idea what the problem could be
glad this is here but i would like to make my own do you have any recommendation how to learn to do so
I love to hear that! A great place to start is SethBling's ComputerCraft tutorial (for beginners), which is where I started learning about it. The wealth of most knowledge that you need is the CC wiki, particularly the APIs page (fortunately everything is very well documented). In terms of making the turtles talk to each other in the way they do here, I kind of stumbled through and figured out that protocol on my own, but I'm sure it's similar to other peer-to-peer communication which is something you could read up on. The turtle's mining algorithm is based on Dijkstra's Algorithm. I also tutor coding professionally, and would be glad to get in touch if you are interested in 1-on-1 lessons.
@@WizardNamedMerlin i would love to hear about that
@@nateblanchard2951 Awesome! If you email me at, I'd be happy to get in touch.
Working for me in 2024 on 1.20.1 with create mod.
I was having the issue where my turtles wouldn't move after the initial refuel. Turns out I set my first gps host to the correct -Y but for all the others as well as the mine entrance I left out the - for Y. After that I moved my setup and ran into the same problem. This time I forgot to add the wireless modem on top of my computer.
Now all turtles and my pocket pc are running and mapping properly.
i have an advanced wireless turtle and an advanced mining turtle but no advanced wireless mining turtle. how did you get that?
You can make it by placing a pick and a modem on either side of a turtle in a crafting table, see examples:
@@WizardNamedMerlin ok thanks, they started mining. but they all got stuck in lava and are stuck in HALT
@@LeNoLi. Huh, that's odd. They should go through lava no problem. What do their screens say if you click on the "mastermine" tab?
i'm not sure if it has anything to do with lava. they all went down the same strip to the west of home and just stopped in a line. either the last command was PASS or go home
@@LeNoLi. Okay last question, did they switch to halt on their own, or did you issue any user commands (like return)?
Is there a way to edit this so they dont have to pair and can just send mining turtles? My modpack doesnt have the chunky turtles available!
Well the setup won’t really work without the mining turtles because if they go too they will just stop working. Also I’m pretty sure turtles can’t leave unless they have been paired so if you can add mods to your mod pack just try to add PeripheralsPlusOne and the mod it needs otherwise you can’t use the setup.
(If I’m wrong someone pls correct me)
@@RayBoy113 You were correct but i figured out how to add them to the server and modpack, no big deal! thank you for the guide :-)
@@GartouScape (adding this comment here too) Chunky turtles are now disableable! Head over to github and grab the new code, and then all you have to do is go to the config file and set use_chunky_turtles = false. Be advised, turtles will fall asleep if they reach an unloaded chunk and you'll probably have to go down and find them.
I’m going to see what I can do later on with this mod maybe learn more lua
We can use OpenComputers which is easier that ComputerCraft but for resource and crafting is harder
How can i craft the chunk controller for the chunky turtle? I can't find the craft anywhere, i already has JEI installed but it shows nothing to me when i click "r"
UPDATE IT PLEASE!!! in the new verson of perhiperals++ (now called advanced perhiperals) theres NO CHUNK LOADER!!!
edit: im dum it has been replaced by chunk controller (but can still be used to make chunky turtl)
edit2: idk if i did it wrong but the first mining turtle isnt initializing
edit3: managed to make it rotate but not move
The hub is thinking that the mine entrance is somewhere else. When I try to change the mine entrance location in the hub file configs it doesn't update
Chief gonna have to make a tutorial for this on servers, Also I dont know how to use pastebin with this.
So i'm running this on a 1.18.2 modpack and had a question... would it be possible to program the turtles to mine a 1x3 tunnel instead of 1x2? I'm more than happy to edit the code, but i'm having a problem determining where an edit might be made for this... (1x2 tunnels are cramped and hard to get flying
in.. lol)
For some reason my pocket computer won't work. It just keeps saying sending update request and nothing I do seems to fix it.
Hmm. Is it an advanced wireless pocket computer? And is the hub on?
@@WizardNamedMerlin Yes it is an advanced wireless pocket computer and the hub computer is on.
@@RayBoy113 Cool okay. The pocket computer is sending a request for data, and then is not getting data sent back. My best guess is that it's not sending it to the right place. Does the hub_id in the pocket computer match the id of the hub? If so then I'm not sure. Work around could be to just manually copy all the files from disk/pocket_files onto the pocket computer, and then to make a "hub_id" file containing the hub id. If they still can't connect then there could be a problem with the network, or there could be some bug in the code I'm not aware of.
When I try to run the command 'disk/hub.lua', the file does not exist. The hub.lua is not an LUA file so I made it an .lua and then it says 'Access denied', help!
.temp:16: Access denied
FIX: The script detected hub_files folder pre-existing in the computer, so I just made a new one and it's okay now.
@Kilo Glad you were able to fix it. The disk/hub file used to not have the ".lua" extension but I added it in a recent push, so if you downloaded a few days ago then it might be different. Also, if anyone is getting an "Access denied" message after running one of the init programs then there may be an extra dir like "disk3" that's it's trying to delete but can't. If so you may have to edit the program file and add in an exemption for "disk3" etc.
Can you make a tutorial on how to download the code onto the floppy disk?
I've actually just made it a bit easier to install. Here's the new instructions:
1. Place your advanced computer next to a disk drive with a blank disk in.
2. Run "pastebin get CtcSGkpc mastermine.lua"
3. Run "mastermine disk"
4. Run "disk/hub.lua"
5. Profit!
@@WizardNamedMerlin thank you!
@@WizardNamedMerlin this isn't working for me, my turtles decided to be seven lightyears away from the mining hole when I start
@@knowerrr Huh, other people have been having a similar problem. Do you mind telling me what state the turtle is in and maybe what it says on the turtles screen under the "mastermine" tab?
@@WizardNamedMerlin they are in halt, and it says directive: prepare and then directive: go to waiting room
I have the problem that the system classifies all my turtles as mining turtles. I am using Advanced Peripherals on 1.16.5 and the mod adds all the things like the Ender Modem and the Chunky Turtles, but they get assigned the mining type. I dont really know what to change in the code to fix this detection issue, if someone has any ideas or knowledge and would like to share them with me, it would be really appreciated.
I am having this same issue, my chunky turtles using advanced peripherals wont go to the proper designated area and sit with mining turtles and they wont pair at the waiting area because it thinks the chunky turtles are mining turtles, if anyone has a fix for this it would be much appreicated
@@jmargijk-1912 I figured it out a short while after posting. In one of the files, i dont really know which one, there is a part that indicates the type of turtle. It searches for the peripheral "ChunkLoader" on the turtles, but the new Chunky turtles have the peripheral "Chunky". if you would change the name out for chunky, everything should work fine.
@@muxmaus computercraft\disk\0\turtle_files\actions.lua Line 560. Is where i think i did the correct change. After doing so my turtles still arent mining and are just going straight for ever.
For those who might still have this problem(1.18.2):
You need to enable the Chunky Turtles in the Server Configuration File from Advanced Peripherals... Otherwise the Chunky Turtle will be detected as mining turtle ;)
Another Question: Will this also work underground for the dwarven brethern who hate trees.
How can you set up a second one in the nether, mine just uses the same coordinates as the overworld after multiple attempts of editting the config (I added a second gps "server" in the nether with 4 computers and 1 repeater, could that be the issue?). Also great tutorial, really helped me out.
Edit: nvm forgot to reload the hub.lua file after changing the config file
Yay! I was going to suggest but I'm glad you found it :)
spent some more time and i got them working. and then after awhile someone on my server messed up my gps (removed the modem off one computer) and then after repairing it. half of the turtles are not responding. they are stuck in HALT and mastermine says "calibrated to x x x". any tips on how i can get them to restart or should i trash them and rebuild more turtles
Should be able to get them to restart by sending a restart command to all of them via the hub (either enter "restart" in the usr prompt or use the touch screen). The restart command is overriding and should stop them even if they're mid-action. Glad you got it working + I hope you can again!
@@WizardNamedMerlin didn't work, some moved around and danced some just stayed halted. Trashed them and built more to replace sadly
Thanks for the awesome guide. I'm trying to reduce the file size for under 125kb and I'm not sure how to delete the pocket files (I don't need them) without breaking the program. Any way you could help me out with that?
Yeah, are you installing by manually copying into the disk directory? If so you should be able to just leave out or delete the "pocket_files" folder and be fine.
@@WizardNamedMerlin Alright, thanks. I think I have it working now. I am having an issue. I've changed the mining level in the config, saved the config, and then updated the turtles. However, it is still mining at the previous levels instead of the newly set mining levels. Not sure why that is or where I'm going wrong.
@@jonathanhimmelberg8961 Right, you also need to update the hub from the disk (assuming you edited the config on the disk), and you can do that by running "update" in the hub shell, or "hubupdate" in the user prompt
@@WizardNamedMerlin I get an out of disk space error. Guess I'm too close to the limit on the floppy disk.
@@jonathanhimmelberg8961 Dang. I suppose the last option would be to keep the hub_files and the turtle_files on separate disks. I've never tried it but it should work in theory. Just insert the hub disk when updating the hub, and insert the turtle disk when initializing or remote updating turtles.
I've gotten to the point where I linked the computer, the hub program is up and running, etc, but when the turtle says "linked," and I give it some coal, it just sits there. What should I do? If you have a discord that would be very helpful.
got the same
try typing "refuel 99999"
did you put the wireless modem ontop of the computer?
Is there a way to modify this to work within one chunk? I'm using a modpack that doesn't have the turtle chunk loaders. If so that would be great!
Good question. The way I would do this is to change two settings in the hub_files/config.lua file. First, the "grid_width" is set to 8 by default, and you may want to make this smaller so that turtles get more mining done in a smaller area. The other is to change "mission_length" to something smaller like 32, which will cause turtles not to wander into unloaded chunks until they've mined all they can nearby. All that said, both of these changes make the turtles less efficient, so they may not be able to find enough coal to remain self-sufficient. They'll also run out of space to mine in pretty fast if they can't expand beyond the loaded chunks, depending on how far away chunks are loaded. I hope you get something set up that works for your world!
@@WizardNamedMerlin Was not expecting a response from how old this video is. Ill test it out, much appreciated!
I play on a 1.16.5 modpack so i dont have the peripherals mod so what do i put to replace the chunky turtles or do i just make them go alone
It has come to my attention that the latest build (0.4a) of the Advanced Peripherals mod for 1.16 has chunky turtles implemented. I haven't tested it yet but theoretically nothing it the code should need to change. Otherwise there's an option in the config to disable pairing but you'll lose the functionality.
@@WizardNamedMerlin I am using the advanced peripherals mod to run this setup and once the turtles are set up and i power them on the chunky turtle goes in the mining turtle line and sits behind the mining turtle and basically waits to be paired with a chunky turtle because it seems to be classified as a mining turtle, so the mining never starts and they just sit in the waiting room. I could be wrong but its what i am guessing, is there anything i could do to fix this? i assumed its because the chunk loader item is different than the one from peripheralsplusone. I dont want to disable chunky turtle pairing because i was looking forward to the usefulness of it, but i cant get them to start mining at all because both the mining turtle and the chunky turtle wait in the same line and wait to be paired with a chunky turtle
@@jmargijk-1912 Hi there! This one's my fault. The code was updated to work with advanced peripherals, but I never updated the pastebin code to the new version (it's a bit of a convoluted process and it slipped my mind). Anyway, it's updated now so whether you're using the github files or the pastebin it should work all the same. Thanks go to vishal272 on github for the compatability update :)
How do you go back in the controls. As in going back to a directory after making a specific code. You ran lua but didn't show us how to go back in the the main shell directory
Navigating to directories is done with the 'cd' command. To go to the previous directory you can run "cd .." with the two dots representing the parent directory. However when I typed "lua" what I was actually doing was opening a prompt, not navigating to a different directory. To exit out of the Lua prompt, you can type "exit()" and hit enter. Hope this is helpful!
@@WizardNamedMerlin oh man thank you so much! Got them to work on my server. Friends are straight memorized 😂
@@WizardNamedMerlin Another quick question. When you update the config file but you don't use minecraft to do it, do you still need to hit update on the computer in minecraft or does it automatically update it in game? Don't know if I explained that well.
@@jeffreysom8177 @Jeffrey Som I think I understand... If you use a third party app to edit code it should change in game right away, however whether you're editing in game or out, I think it's better to edit the code on the floppy disk rather than the hub directly. Then you should use the update program on the hub (and update turtles if you changed their code)
@@jeffreysom8177 I'm so glad you got it to work!
Thank you SO Much this script is genious and beats all other mining scripts i could find by a TON it has a great looking GUI and is self sustaining (which i really love)
I hope to see more great content by you in the future
Wow, high praise! Glad you like it. There will be more to come :)
Every time I shut down my world and go back into it I have to re-input the gps host coordinates into the gps and repeater. How can I avoid having to do that?
@@rfregia2012 did you make a startup file in your root directory? In theory that file is supposed to run when the computer turns on, i.e. when the world loads. So if the gps script is there it should start running automatically
1:16 i had problem with copy to floppy disk because game don't show me disk ID... (1.12.2 version)
If I understand right, you want to copy the files directly into the folder of the disk (out of game), but you don't know / can't find the right folder? If that's so, I recommend (in game) making a directory on the disk with a unique name (e.g. "mkdir disk/eggplant"), and then (out of game) searching for the disk folder that contains that directory. Then delete "eggplant" and copy over the files. If I misunderstood the problem lmk
@@WizardNamedMerlin i had second problem. First was solved. in 8:10 yours turtle go forward but my don't go (i refuel him one time and second time). He goes forward one block, one time and get teleported back.
Edit. When i type reboot in turtle he do the same thing
Edit2. I build second computer with other disk and it's the same problem.
@@WizardNamedMerlin i do the same multiple times and one of them turtles go for chest and after get coal they go for random place near computer
Dude this program is freaking awesome. I keep running into a problem though and its when a pair of turtles will either just randomly stop moving while mining or they get stuck on their way back to return home. Im using 8 turtles in total and the other 6 are already back at base, but the two are still in the mine and I even try remote controlling them (mining forwards, digging up, moving forwards) and they just sit there. Ive even tried rebooting and resetting and all that jazz... My guess is that the mining turtle got stuck under the chunky turtle after it vein mined, but even trying to make the chunky turtle move away doesn't work. Any help would be appreciated :)
Edit: okay after a few minutes the mining turtle randomly decided to work, so i was able to make it return, but the chunky turtle is still sitting there and wont respond to any of my remote commands. It has over a thousand fuel and should have the room to move. idk
Edit 2 (Possible solution): Alright and now the chunky turtle is going back. What i did was i put it in halt mode and then made it move forward. After I realized the Z coords were changing I made it return and it worked. Was this just weird luck or a glitch, idk.
this is so cool
Have you done any updates to support the changes in depth to support -Y levels?
Hmm, I haven't but I would assume it would work fine with negatives. I'm curious to know though, as I haven't tested it with negative y values.
@@WizardNamedMerlin it doesn’t work because it goes outside of modem range, I just used Endre modems to solve it
Is there any code that will return the turtles or you just need to do like. Example: turtle.Up() turtle.forward()
im gonna cry. i just wanna figure out how to do the thing where when it mining if it finds an ore it will dig out the entire vein then continue the strip mine. :( I cant find a tutorial and the only way i can think to make it work is to use a gps or a home brew coordinate system of some kind and when the turtle finds an ore it saves the place its at, then mines the ore and checks for the near by ores each step of the way until it finds nothing left, then it navigates back to the saved coordinates and continues on its way, but what if it misses part of the ore vein because it sees ores up and down and mines the one above it and moves but then forgets the one it saw below itself a second ago... so would you have to create a list of the coordinates of every ore it sees and then remove them from the list once mined, and then when it sees no more ore it checks the list for any ore it needs to go back and get, then once the list is empty and it sees no more ore it goes back to the mine position and continues. But that seems overly complicated and messy to program...
I just wanna make a fully automatic strip mining turtle that doesn't have to mine every single block...
Actually your description was pretty close. In this program, when it sees an ore block it adds it to a list. Then it travels over to the closest block on the list, mines it, and takes it off the list. Then It looks around for any new ore to discover (up, down, and all around), and if there are then it adds them to the list. Repeat until the list is empty. Overly complicated, maybe. You do need a way to keep track of your position and the positions of all the ores, as well as a search algorithm to find the closest one and a route to it (I used "A*"). If you want to take a look at the code on github it's all the in "actions.lua" file. The main function is mine_vein(), and it calls fastest_route() and scan().
@@WizardNamedMerlin Oh my god, thank you so much you're awesome! I cant believe how fast you responded to a comment on such an old video, and you told me where to look to find it in your code as a reference. I cant thank you enough, I could not have been given a better reply! I'm so grateful for you and your work.
@@Brenden-H You're very welcome! Don't be afraid to ask if you have more questions :)
bro ur a genius
It seems like the first pastebin step isn't working for me. When I input "mastermine disk", it says no such program. Is this because I don't yet have PeripheralsPlusOne installed? Or is that irrelevant? Also, can you add these mods to a world that's been created? I am currently on a "test pack please ignore" server which already had computercraft included
Hmm. When you run the pastebin command does it create any new files? Or does it literally do nothing? It seems like a number of people are having this problem but I don't understand because it just seems like the pastebin command itself is broken. It should definitely still download with without the PeripheralsPlusOne mod. And yes, I don't think either mod changes world gen so adding them to a preexisting world should be fine.
Is there a way to use this without the Partner and manually load the chunls?. I am playing FTB revelation and do not have access to the Chunky Turtle.
I am trying to run it with one advanced wireless mining turtle, but when i run it. the turtle says its pairing. but i won't be able to pair it because no chunky turtle
@@GrandMoffGage Well, I caved. I was holding off on making this change because I had pairs hard coded in, but it seems like a good number of people wanted it so I updated the code. Chunky turtles are now disableable! Head over to github and grab the new code, and then all you have to do is go to the config file and set use_chunky_turtles = false. Be advised, turtles will fall asleep if they reach an unloaded chunk and you'll probably have to go down and find them.
@@WizardNamedMerlin You are Beyond a legend. Thanks man. you are the greatest turtle meister of all time. all hail MerlinLikeTheWizard
@@GrandMoffGage Lol, thank you very much :) Lemme know if anything breaks!
holy crap. logged back in the server and it can't detect 90% of the turtles. the rest are in a "nil" state. and it was going so well! whosemineisitanyway line 87 attempted to index a null value. looks like something went really wrong. no longer any messages in mastermine on the hub or on the turtles. thanks for all the help anyway.
Yikes. Really sorry about that, no idea whats going wrong but clearly it's like 8 things at once. I'm continuing to help others chase bugs, if I find anything I'll let you know.
Hey @merlinlikethewizard , for the mine_levels section, is this bit functioning correctly? from what I can tell the bots will only go down a few levels and start mining rather than randomly selecting a level and mining. e.g.
{level = 10, chance = 0.2},
{level = 20, chance = 0.2},
{level = 30, chance = 0.2},
{level = 40, chance = 0.2},
{level = 50, chance = 0.2},
you should try rebooting the hub computer
Can you use more than 4 pairs of turtles in one computer?
Should be able to, yes. There's no limit on number of turtles, though at some number the wireless traffic may cause lag. Also, too many turtles could cause a traffic jam in the loop, which could be fixed by expanding the main loop in the config file.
@@WizardNamedMerlin cool! Thanks a bunch man!
how did you get the buttons to work on the monitor to move the turtles, when you click the turtle you want to control
To answer in full would take a while, but to sum up... when you click on a monitor a "monitor_touch" event is thrown, so by polling events with os.pullEvent("monitor_touch") you can get the location of the click. My program creates "buttons" that have an x, y coordinate on the monitor, so when a touch occurs its position can be linked back to whatever function that button is tied to. For each of the turtles on the map a button is created that is linked to a turtle ID so that when it is pressed a turtle is selected. Then similarly within the turtle menu, there are buttons linked to functions that send the turtle instructions via rednet.send(). When the turtle gets an instruction like "forward" it runs the function in its own program by that name.
Hello, i made an bugg report on your program on reddit under the name PanGeo
i have used the program for a few days non stop but it stopped working with weirdt errors.
Hub si chunkloaden and gps too
Could you please take a look?
cool project
For some weird reason the turtle is not mining ores that are on the top of the tunnel
I tried it with 12 turtles and it seems like 6 or more is too many for them to start up properly.
ok i redid the gps system and they seem to be working...better. they no longer go off to the west and halt. they sit in front of the mine entrance. when i power on, they move around a bit but get stuck around the entrance at "go to mine enter" or "go to strip"
now they are stuck at "go to waiting room" LOL
i guess they are waiting to be paired up, but i thought i disabled that
@@LeNoLi. I see. If you changed the config to disable pairing, afterwards you want to make sure to update the hub and all the turtles (user commands "hububdate" and "update"). That should stop them from pairing, hopefully. Here's to incremental progress!
@@WizardNamedMerlin where do i put in "hubupdate" ? when i put it in usr it doesn't return anything or seem to do anything. i guess i just trust it works? i have updated them then, and restarted the hub and they still get stuck so far. this is a tough one
@@LeNoLi. Weird, "hubupdate" should automatically restart the computer with a message that says "UPDATED". Maybe instead do "update" in the main shell. This is indeed a tough one.
How do i put the code on the floppy disk or do I just write the code then transfer it also is there a way just to copy and paste ur code
There are a few ways to do it. You could use the pastebin command and instructions from the README on the github page but if you want to copy and paste from pastebin that should work too, just follow the same instructions afterward.
Hi, I love your tutorial, but I have an issue in the setup process. When I assign the turtles an ID they just run to the left until they are out of fuel (weird xD)
Dang. Yeah I've heard a lot of people have the same problem but I don't know yet what's wrong and I haven't been able to reproduce it. I'll keep trying to figure it out!
@@WizardNamedMerlin if you want I can show you the problem via Discord so you dont have to replicate it. If you want add: Ted#9580
Quick question what is the max mining turtles that the computer can support?
Technically there isn't a limit, though at some number the wireless traffic may cause lag. Also, too many turtles could cause a traffic jam in the loop, which could be fixed by expanding the main loop in the config file. I haven't tried more than 4 pairs (8 turtles), but I'm curious to know how many are possible.
I have gotten 6 to run perfect im playing ftb rev so no chunkys. but i can get 10 to run if i place the 4 down then reset them while mining is on and they will act normal until i turn off then on the mining.
Why use an item whitelist? Instead of an item blacklist? I find it easier to blacklist stone and cobble (especially with forge because forge:stone is not just a single block).
Interesting... That could work in theory, the turtles would treat anything not on the list as ore and mine it out. The only issue is, let's say it finds something not ore but not on the list, say the wooden planks of a hidden base. It would treat the planks as ore and mine out the whole base. Depends on the use case but both methods seem to have their strengths
@@WizardNamedMerlin Oh yes, you are right. Especially if your ore-search code evolves around that whitelist. I guess the blacklist is more of a dumb-quarry solution. Thanks for the quick reply btw. Ill have to look at your license, and see if I can search/learn from your code.
@@WizardNamedMerlin Hello I was wondering if you could help me diagnose this problem. Once i update my hub the turtles go off in a straight line for ever. I did how ever edit this (computercraft\disk\0\turtle_files\actions.lua Line 560. Is where i think i did the correct change. After doing so my turtles still arent mining and are just going straight for ever.) due to the fact im using a custom 1.16.5 pack. Doing this made the power on button work but the turtles do not do anything. My Discord is Jazzy Cross#8059
@@jazzycross1227 Hello. The line you edited has to do with determining the type of turtle, right? I'm assuming to make it work with Advanced Peripherals? The latest version of the code has that fixed, thankfully. But the behavior you're experiencing sounds like it could be a GPS thing. I just added a troubleshooting section to the github page, I'd try the things on there and if they don't work let me know.
@@WizardNamedMerlin After rebuilding the repeater i noticed that it says 1 modem found then the messages repeated number just keeps climbing.
im having trouble finding the PeriferalsPlusOne Jar for 1.12.2 for download. only thing i find is the github
The github page has the releases:
@@WizardNamedMerlin thx!
when i try to put a mining turtle down and type in disk/turtle.lua is just says no such program any help?
would it be possible to use make a bigger monitor?
Yes, the map screen should scale well, but the main menu and turtles menus will cling to the top left
Hi i linked and refueled my turtle and it turned right then forward then backward and when i move it manually and then call it back home it goes back to the computer.
Edit messed up the gps by 1 block and it messed everything up its fixed.
Edit config.lua
add spawner to disallow list. not sure if it digs it out already, so I added it.
Line: ~88
dig_disallow = {
add newer ores to ore list. line above add comma to the end
Line: ~369
['minecraft:ancient_debris'] = true,
['minecraft:copper_ore'] = true,
['minecraft:deepslate_coal_ore'] = true,
['minecraft:deepslate_copper_ore'] = true,
['minecraft:deepslate_diamond_ore'] = true,
['minecraft:deepslate_emerald_ore'] = true,
['minecraft:deepslate_gold_ore'] = true,
['minecraft:deepslate_iron_ore'] = true,
['minecraft:deepslate_lapis_ore'] = true,
['minecraft:deepslate_redstone_ore'] = true,
['minecraft:nether_gold_ore'] = true,
Merlin, if you still read comments, would be nice if it had some sort of Discovered POI logger. So, if a turtle does happen to find a spawner/chest, it would record the location in some sort of log.
Can you make an Operating system and add this as a preinstalled program?
Hmm, I'll look into that
the only way to fix it is to start from scratch with a new hub and new turtles. so i did. I let it run for a couple hours. and eventually the turtles go back to the waiting room. the error i get has to do with running out space when copying /mine to disk/hub_files/mine.
also whosemineisitanyway.lua:87 attempting to index a nil value which i guess is turtle.strip
Now I think I understand. As the mine grows the /mine/ directory that stores its info get bigger and at some point it maxes out the disk space. I think both you and now @2Bear have run into the problem that the system stops being able to read files once it hits the limit. So that should be solvable by increasing max disk space in the computercraft mod config, or by somehow cutting down on the size of the program. The latter I don't have any great suggestions for
in 1.19.2 tehere is no chunky turtle so mining turtles stay in pair stay ,what to do?
I got that fixed but know my turtle says linked and then does nothing (I have refueled it)
also the modem on the hub isn't red
Well if the modem isn't red then the hub isn't able to communicate so the turtle would just sit there like you're saying. Not sure what would cause that but maybe try moving the modem to a different side, restarting the hub, or looking for errors in the different tabs on the hub?
@@WizardNamedMerlin im having a similar problem except the modem is red for me. the turtle just turns right but remains stationary.
is there a way to give the miner turtles a silk touch pik?
if i click on the github link for PeripheralsPlusOne and then scroll down to go to the curseforge website and then it says error 404 page not found so i cant use it. can you help me?
Yeah, for some reason the curseforge page is down, but the github releases page still has downloads:
So the turtles were running perfectly for a while but I wanted to restart the server to fix some lag issue, and when I came back all of the turtles are in state nil and won't move no matter what I try doing via the main computer. I had toggle the power off and made sure all the turtles were in place before I restarted the server too. Also (whosmineisitanyways.lua:48: attempt to index a nil value)
Tricky. I'm assuming every time you restart the hub it's the same error? Line 48 is within the load_mine() function which is responsible for reading in mine data saved on the computer. If there was en error in that function then the program would exit during startup and the turtles would never get assigned states and they would just sit there. Looking at the code the only thing I can think of is that somehow the mine data has been stored wrong. All of the mine data is kept in the /mine/ directory on the hub. Any way you could upload that file in a way I could get a look inside?
Actually, it sounds like @[] was having a similar problem and said it might have something to do with running out of disk space. I hadn't thought of it before, but as the mine grows it takes up more space and maybe hitting the limit means it starts having trouble reading files. If you try to run "update" from the shell on the hub, does it work or error out?
I've updated the code to hopefully give slightly better errors (not fixing the problem though)
i have the config files set to 1000000000 because I didn't want to have to increase it often at all
@@2BearTM Oh well then it's decidedly not that. If you're still trying to get this to work you might want to try the new code on github, it will at least tell you if it's a problem reading the file (which is my guess)
Does this work in 1.16.5 with the new BPeripherals?
Doesn't look like that mod includes chunk loaders, if I'm not mistaken. Maybe it will in the future? Advanced peripherals is also a potential future candidate.
the monitor isnt working but seems like everything else is cant really tell what the issue is though
Year is 1997 August 29th.
Skynet causes judgment day and now years to come the miners are still mining to gather what’s needed to end the resistance.
I can't install peripherals plus one, anyone know where to get it?
the program is on the disk however when i do disk.hub.lua it takes me right back to an empty os screen and thing happens
Odd. If you list files with "ls" it hasn't copied anything over? I assume you typed "disk/hub.lua" like that, with a slash?
@@WizardNamedMerlin yeah i did it with a slash, was a typo in the comment
@@WizardNamedMerlin does this require cc tweaked or can it run of computercraft 1.7 because if not that might be my problem
@@tristantombs8901 Theoretically it should work with 1.7 but I haven't tested it so that could be an issue. If you can try poking around on your own to get the modem to work the way it normally does you might be able to fix it
hey are u still active? I have an error i havent found in the comments: my Turtle tells : /startup.lua:9: /configmlua: No such file // and then // Line 9 fs.copy (`/config.lua`, `/apis/config`) I´m so sorry i dont really know what to do. I am also trying it on a server. is this only for singleplayer?
My monitor is isn’t working and also my turtles won’t go anywhere even if I refuel it can you please help me
it works great with version 1.18 in pack TNP Limitless 5
whenever i place the turtle and open it, it just goes in one direction forever
Hey Merlin. I get to around the ID of the Hub, put it on my wireless mining turtle and he just stares at the disk drive and does nothing lol.
I went through "pastebin get CtcSGkpc mastermine.lua",
got through edit disk/hub_files/config.lua ,
changed chunky turtles = false,
change everything i needed to and for some reason it doesn't work.
not sure if I'm the problem or it just doesn't work for me.
if you can help me out, that would be amazing.
Hmm, I'm assuming you put fuel in? If you go to each of the tabs on the turtle's screen and the hub's are there any error messages?
@@WizardNamedMerlin yup! actually, it won't even detect the turtle on the screen so I can't look at each turtles tab. The hub displays no error messages; just doesn't do anything.
Though it might be because I'm running on 1.16.5?
Or maybe it's because when I install mastermine through pastebin, I try to run "Mastermine disk" and it doesn't do anything. I skipped that and went straight to run disk/hub.lua
Not sure but thanks for responding! Appreciate the help and the tutorial for this whole thing. Seems like a lot of coding and work lol.
turtles are stuck in halt mode
reset does (lost, idle .halt)
can you help me?
i now fixed it but its stuck at idle and takes long time to get pozition
what does it mean when a bunch are stuck on directive "initialize"?
Initialize is the function that turtles use just to sense what peripherals they have and copy over the config info from the hub. I don't believe there's a fail state to that action, so I don't see how they would be stuck on it. Maybe if they were having issues communicating back to hub?
@@WizardNamedMerlin hmmm why would they be having trouble communicating
@@LeNoLi. Not sure, when you linked the turtles was it to the same computer you're using now? Cuz otherwise the IDs could be off. Are they getting the "initialize" directive over and over, or was it just the most recent thing they got?
Also, if you want faster replies you could post an issue on github, I think it's faster at notifying me
@@WizardNamedMerlin most recent thing. They are linked. They were working fine last night. I should have recalled them and logged off. But I went afk in the hub room and my pc shut down mysteriously over night. This morning, a bunch of dead turtles.
So i tried everything but the Turtles just drive off in one direction idk why but i cant fix it, can someone help me with that
where is the right github file like im dyslexic i dont just know what github thing im looking for
advanced peripherals for later versions (1.16/1.17+)
so they dont need to be wireless turtles?