@@invasivegrube9983 my thought process is this: stegos treated swimming and attacking deinos like a game. They're swim across, then start swinging the second their feet hit the ground if a deino dared swim behind them or even in front of them to attack. There's no reason the land sub-apex should not fear the current water apex if it steps off the land and into the water.
its ok if the o2 wasnt draining so fast, and stam could regenerate 50% faster in water, OR in water while sitting at the bottom of water... maybe double or triple the O2 level
Lol I'm not a fan of deino gameplay usually, but with the adult stego grab I had to get in there and cause excessive amounts of suffering to stegos in particular xD
I know I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating- your narration is fantastic. I know videos like this take longer to make, but please know it isn’t unappreciated. You’re my favorite Isletuber! Also that ending was amazing. I usually can’t help but feel bad in those situations, but it was such a comedy of errors from those Stegos that it made me laugh my head off.
Insane ending and crazy how many people still have no idea that they can get grabbed as an fg stego. With all the stegos I met while playing they all were just comfortably swimming in water.
Thank you! And for reals, I watched 4 swim across the swamp when I was too small to do anything to them. Would have loved to give them a good respawn screen
Lol at 15:30 that was me, my friend and a random cera. We didnt even notice that you killed the rando at first lmao. And you were correct we were not hungry as we killed a adult stego further on land. That sub stego was killed for sport lol.
Lmao the random was truly disposable xD I was surprised y'all were so nonchalant about my approach. One of you didn't even stand up. I could have killed two of you easily in that moment. But I'm not one to just slaughter (anything but stegos) if I don't have to and with both carcasses I was plenty good to go
@@dinometta hahaha yes looking back my friend sitting was very lucky xD he was on his phone and healing after the fight. The one you killed took a beating and I think thats why you one hit chomped him. We are new players and it was actually our first stego kills. After you killed the random we got scared and called it a night lmao. Untill next time I guess ;) (hopefully not lol)
metta u don't know how much i hated u when u got my stego baby at the end ;-; i watched that stego grow from fresh spawn to almost an adult, protected him with my life and u come and get him xD was so sad for my poor little teno heart ;-;
Came for amazing Isle content. Got exactly what i was looking for. Great video Metta, looking forward to the next one. God i love seeing stegos suffer.
when I play deino, I always have a duo. when food gets low enough, we start starving, I take one for the team lmao. can't count how many times he's eaten me because of starvation on evrima.
@@dinometta I have been binge watching your videos, I don’t understand why someone would hack in a fricking dinosaur game, I find it lame that someone would do that, but unfortunately it seems kind of common. :/
@@pedroanim Fair play! I was afraid to try and travel outside of my swamp and river simply because I am not great at sticking to an efficient path and I didn't want to die along the journey
Deino v deino is truly peak isle combat 😂 It's honestly way more fun if both deinos try to fight in the water because you have to be much more precise in your movements and bites(because you can actually dodge and what not). Unfortunately most prefer to go on land where they can just stand there and bite
I grew 7 100% dienosucas on officials in about two weeks I been playing. With "NO" cannibalism, and keep 2 100% on two servers I like. The two dilos on the island was hilarious lol.
@@dinometta yeah the server changes how I lost most my full grown dienos but I have 2 again now at least. Nice work on the stegos btw pretty darn good hunting there at the end.
Oh my god I just know that final fight felt amaaazing. What time to you play on petits pieds? I've been interested in that server for quite a while but it always seemed dead around the time I play so I havn't had a chance on it.
When full grown and stealing food from carnivores, its best to just ignore thwm and keep eating. That way you have stam to get back to water if angry stegos show up to body camp. Even full grown carnos cant hurt you enough to be am issue while you are eating
Yeah, I wasn't too worried on this server. Body camping gives a social score decrease and interrupting carnivore v carnivore fights as a herbivore isn't allowed (and also decreases your social score). On officials I'd absolutely be more careful though
Idk if u know or not. But if u dont, if you had gone for alt bites on the head instead of biting their backs you could kill them in like 5 bites more or less and thus killed all of them
I think it's about 7 alt bites to the head to kill an adult stego, but yes. Very likely could have killed them all if I'd been a more experienced deino player
I dunno, deino has about an hour hunger bar. It's still rough to keep it filled because they require so much food, but once full, you've got time before you're desperate again
Nah bro this herd had a chance to only lose 1 but they decided to lose 3 of the 4 members 💀 That what would mother nature do - get rid of the stupid ones Epic video
If the stego is swimming, absolutely. I recommend taking them as far from land as possible or putting them in a place they can't easily escape from. You may not have enough stamina to fully drown them otherwise.
Wish there were more Beipis... annoying large Deinos on Beipi is the best thing ever. Especially when they get tired of you spoiling their ambushes so they become land Deinos of impotent rage
@@dinometta I have great desire to play as Deino, the whole laying-in-wait style appeals to me but the never ending cannibalism exhausts me. I’m not very good at PVP so I lose most fights. But still have fun.
@@nerdoutreachprogram5358 I really recommend playing it on petits Pieds. There's less deinos overall due to population control, so you get cannibalized far less often than on officials
Lol every clip of you killing a prey is followed by a clip of you with an EMPTIER stomach. It's a hard life. I get why deino's are such merciless players now. Is there any species that can be comfortably fed or is everybody just constantly starving? 12:10 LOL that ptera just fed itself to the ceratosaur
Usually I'd eat and then just wander the swamp or Delta for a while until I was desperately hungry due to lack of prey options. Felt like gateway only wanted to feed me when I was at deaths door!
Fire video, also jeez a lot of youtubers are on petits pieds, how many “rules” are on that server I might try it out lol.(?) Also yeah my opinion on land deinos is, they can be annoying if theyre super cocky but if theyre actually trying to eat or are just super bored and want pvp then I understand, but yeah, I bet its annoying losing a kill to a deino, considering they eat everything in about 2 bites except things their size. Speaking of which how does a what, like, freah sub stego give more food than a full grown carno lol?!
@@dinomettaoh ok nice, guessing you meant the rules part lol, if you played officials and like this even more then that’s 100% what I’m guessing you meant 🤣
A large sub/fresh adult, full adult, and an adult teno. The second adult stego swam back to the juvie while I was regaining stamina and facing off with the c pattern male
i want to play the isle with you but omg my freaking frames are trash and i don't understand because i have an high end pc the need to fix the game but they never will 9 years later and the freaking only game that i truly love is not even optimized
Omg guys she pronounced Deinosuchus "correctly" this time!!!1!!!
Wait so What server you played on?
@@Ari-vt7pv this all took place on Petits Pieds
no way!!!!!!11111!1111
@@dinometta ahh okay! I heard you saying what server but I couldn't understand 😭
r e a l
Enabling it to grab fully grown Stegos when both are swimming was the best thing the devs have ever done for Deino.
I agree. The water is the deino's domain. Stegos have no reason to comfortably swim in there!
@@dinometta Yea ! Though I am also glad those Stegos at the end of the video didn't learn that yet lol
Idk if it was the right choice though 😵
@@invasivegrube9983 I think it was, I don't think there is a scenario where this would be a bad idea.
@@invasivegrube9983 my thought process is this: stegos treated swimming and attacking deinos like a game. They're swim across, then start swinging the second their feet hit the ground if a deino dared swim behind them or even in front of them to attack. There's no reason the land sub-apex should not fear the current water apex if it steps off the land and into the water.
This ending was a pure pleasure, thanks Metta
Thanks for watching
Deino hunger drains far to fast for a cold blooded reptile
Hard agree honestly
They want us to sit and wait in one place and then get the rest of the game to hate us because we'll just starve if we do 💀💀
its ok if the o2 wasnt draining so fast, and stam could regenerate 50% faster in water, OR in water while sitting at the bottom of water... maybe double or triple the O2 level
Several stegos were harmed in this video
And I'm here for it
They were indeed >:]
I hate playing Deinosuchus but like watching others suffer xD
Lol I'm not a fan of deino gameplay usually, but with the adult stego grab I had to get in there and cause excessive amounts of suffering to stegos in particular xD
I know I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating- your narration is fantastic. I know videos like this take longer to make, but please know it isn’t unappreciated. You’re my favorite Isletuber!
Also that ending was amazing. I usually can’t help but feel bad in those situations, but it was such a comedy of errors from those Stegos that it made me laugh my head off.
Thank you
@@AmiciArt thank you
watching the stegos getting annihilated in the end was sooooo satisfying
Slaughtering stegos is my favorite thing on deino! Thanks for the sub!
Insane ending and crazy how many people still have no idea that they can get grabbed as an fg stego. With all the stegos I met while playing they all were just comfortably swimming in water.
Thank you! And for reals, I watched 4 swim across the swamp when I was too small to do anything to them. Would have loved to give them a good respawn screen
19:42 2 WHOLE Stegos and one teno
That was amazing best I ever did before deinos buff was 1 adult stego and a juvie steg at once
I was absolutely thrilled! Couldn't believe my fortune!
I liked this style of video. The solo experience with you explaining what you’re doing telling the story. Good watch
I'm glad, this is my preferred type of video to make
Lol at 15:30 that was me, my friend and a random cera. We didnt even notice that you killed the rando at first lmao. And you were correct we were not hungry as we killed a adult stego further on land. That sub stego was killed for sport lol.
Lmao the random was truly disposable xD I was surprised y'all were so nonchalant about my approach. One of you didn't even stand up. I could have killed two of you easily in that moment. But I'm not one to just slaughter (anything but stegos) if I don't have to and with both carcasses I was plenty good to go
@@dinometta hahaha yes looking back my friend sitting was very lucky xD he was on his phone and healing after the fight. The one you killed took a beating and I think thats why you one hit chomped him. We are new players and it was actually our first stego kills. After you killed the random we got scared and called it a night lmao. Untill next time I guess ;) (hopefully not lol)
Great video! I love both Stego and deino, and I'm excited that Stegos have something to fear now.
Funny enough, stego is my plan for the next video! I'm glad you enjoyed watching!
@@dinometta I CAN'T WAIT! (squee!)
metta u don't know how much i hated u when u got my stego baby at the end ;-; i watched that stego grow from fresh spawn to almost an adult, protected him with my life and u come and get him xD was so sad for my poor little teno heart ;-;
Rip to your child
@@dinometta i was thinking the same, i was so hearbroken that i died too xD
Its great they allowed Deino the ability to take down a swimming adult Stego :)
I agree, I think it's a good balance. Can't grab them on land, but keeps them from getting too confident in deep water
You suffered a lot but you also survived like a champ, good job.
Bonus points to you for reducing the population of the stego menace.
Many near starvations, but absolutely worth it for the stego population control!
Lol that pterosour just straight up flew into the other dino's mouth at 12:13
Boi tried to peck it and crashed xD
@@dinometta Ah, makes sense
that last bit was awesome! super clever use of the steep riverbed
Thank you! I was so excited that it went so nicely!
always a great day when metta uploads a banger video, and eating dinner whilst watching. also that stego at the ending deserved dying so much lol
He absolutely did!
great video at 6:40 you made that fight alot harder than it needed to be ggs tho.!
Yeah, I only very seldom play deino x] I don't often know what I'm doing on it. I was just glad I wasn't the dead one haha
@@dinometta great video non the less.
Great video.
I really enjoyed the story.
Thank you
Came for amazing Isle content. Got exactly what i was looking for. Great video Metta, looking forward to the next one. God i love seeing stegos suffer.
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it
when I play deino, I always have a duo. when food gets low enough, we start starving, I take one for the team lmao. can't count how many times he's eaten me because of starvation on evrima.
Honestly, fair play! Deino is rough alone, especially when the water is infested and cannibalism becomes the only real option
WoW.. last two kill was so impressive.. you are king of the swamp..
@@Suou-q4n Thank you!
i love the end where u got the most cocky one that was satisfying xD
Lol thank you, it was fun xD
I would love you and Owltime to do a collab on one of these!
Maybe someday! He's got such a large channel I'll admit I'm a bit intimidated to even consider reaching out to him at this point
Good job! I would never be able to grow or fight or have the patience for dieno.
Deino is rough, but honestly not too difficult if you know what you're doing
First video I watched and now I’m subbed
Thanks for the sub! Hope you enjoy my channel!
@@dinometta I have been binge watching your videos, I don’t understand why someone would hack in a fricking dinosaur game, I find it lame that someone would do that, but unfortunately it seems kind of common. :/
@@KipH-uc1mo yeah it's quite unfortunately more common than you'd like to hope :/
It makes me sad the fact that people take pleasure in killing people while hacking, it’s just so unfair, like that speed hacking deino or carno :(
@@KipH-uc1mo yeah, it really ruins the experience at times. Especially because growth takes so long
That ending was absolutely glorious
@@H4WK6969 it remains the highlight of my deino experience
Awesome vid of my favorite Dino. Great job!
Thank you!
Omg the fight with the adult stegos was epic
@@emimartinic I think it remains one of my favorite experiences in the isle
Loved it. The play and commentary.
Thank you very much
@@dinometta I play deino myself but I like to travel to inahabitated lakes 😅
Competition is low and land dinos arent expecting
@@pedroanim Fair play! I was afraid to try and travel outside of my swamp and river simply because I am not great at sticking to an efficient path and I didn't want to die along the journey
@@dinometta its risky but only possible while juvenile. The east lake is no longer reachable, but west one is lovely.
Damn this is the happiest ending ever!
For reals though 😂
6:46 some truly riveting combat
Deino v deino is truly peak isle combat 😂
It's honestly way more fun if both deinos try to fight in the water because you have to be much more precise in your movements and bites(because you can actually dodge and what not). Unfortunately most prefer to go on land where they can just stand there and bite
That poor PT during the Cera fight LOL
@@aliimii 😂
That last clip was awesome! You wiped out almost an entire heard solo! 💯🦾
Can you imagine what we could have done as duo deinos xD
I haven’t seen a dienosuchus player kill this many stegos in a long time
I was thrilled honestly xD
Poor smol albino croc :(
I thought he was cute
@@Dragonex-y9b poor guy, but a gator must do what it must do to survive sometimes
Love seeing stegos get humbled LOL. Especially that last stego at the end, should've cut his losses with his friend.
@@coffeecatzz He absolutely should have xD silly thing haha
Great scriptwriting and effort! Gained a sub from me
Thanks for the sub!
Whats the background song at 0:57 name?
It's called "Lightless Dawn" by Kevin MacLeod
@@dinometta Thanks!!!
That ending was so beautiful
@dinometta I haven't played in awhile till yesterday when did they make baby deino so small and unbearably slow 😅?
@@TheSprykilla a few updates ago
@@dinometta can't even grab the elite fish it's a painful juvenile life lol
I grew 7 100% dienosucas on officials in about two weeks I been playing. With "NO" cannibalism, and keep 2 100% on two servers I like. The two dilos on the island was hilarious lol.
I got to about 50% on officials before a pair of adults slaughtered me. Then the next three attempts got deleted by server issues x]
@@dinometta yeah the server changes how I lost most my full grown dienos but I have 2 again now at least. Nice work on the stegos btw pretty darn good hunting there at the end.
@@derpyou8679whats the best area for catching dinos
You sound like an old friend of mine I used to play with, her name was Ajax. cool content!
@@jaycolon5116 thanks for watching!
I love the Swamp biome the most out of any game I've played. I wish it was a populated spot.
Swamp is gorgeous. I love it there too, minus the recent sound bugs causing fatal errors if you exist there
just finished watching one of your videos and i enjoyed it much . keep up the good work
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed!
Oh my god I just know that final fight felt amaaazing. What time to you play on petits pieds? I've been interested in that server for quite a while but it always seemed dead around the time I play so I havn't had a chance on it.
I victory screeched xD
I'm usually on from 9am-3:30pm MST. It's generally pretty full by 11-ish and starts to decline around 4pm
@@dinometta Ah yeah that would be why, my prime gaming time is 6-9 pm pst x'D well after the rush
When full grown and stealing food from carnivores, its best to just ignore thwm and keep eating. That way you have stam to get back to water if angry stegos show up to body camp. Even full grown carnos cant hurt you enough to be am issue while you are eating
Yeah, I wasn't too worried on this server. Body camping gives a social score decrease and interrupting carnivore v carnivore fights as a herbivore isn't allowed (and also decreases your social score). On officials I'd absolutely be more careful though
@@dinometta oh nice, sounds like a cool server!
Idk if u know or not. But if u dont, if you had gone for alt bites on the head instead of biting their backs you could kill them in like 5 bites more or less and thus killed all of them
I think it's about 7 alt bites to the head to kill an adult stego, but yes. Very likely could have killed them all if I'd been a more experienced deino player
the ending is hillarius lmfao
How do you do the doubble bite?
That's just a visual glitch, if you're spamming your bite it'll happen sometimes, but doesn't do any damage
@@dinometta gotcha, thank you for so fast response. Very cool video!
Deino is one of my favorites to play 🤷🏻♀️
I just struggle with the lack of mobility. I like to wander
@@dinometta yeah I get that. I enjoy hiding and waiting. Also helps because my computer struggles a bit when there are lots of players around.
I also hated that stegos were just hyper aggressive and didn’t fear anything, the fact that they can get grabbed now by my main no less is bliss.
This is one of my favorite changes. Gives fishing stegos reason to fear
Seeing you kill all those stegos was satisfying 👌
Thank you :] I was so thrilled
great story telling suckt me completly in the vid amazing
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed!
Always a good-no.. a GREAT FUCKING day when Stegos die. But 2 ADULTS?? You’re a damn queen for that ❤
Spreading death and destruction among stegos is my favorite pastime >:]
How do I spell the name of the server you’re playing on?? 😅
Petits Pieds
@@dinomettaomg thank you!!
@@dinomettaagain, this time from the correct account, thank youuuu!! 😊
Finally deinosuchus is actually a threat for stegos!
Indeed! I love it!
@@dinometta same :D
I always found that hunger drains too quickly for deino to be fun.
I dunno, deino has about an hour hunger bar. It's still rough to keep it filled because they require so much food, but once full, you've got time before you're desperate again
This was satisfying
Never underestimate a Deino...
Heck yes!
They should add tiny swamp bugs, pretty sure baby crocs hunts dragon flies n atuff
I do believe they mentioned in a Dev blog something about insects and rats coming in the future!
the narrative was quite funny lol
Thank you :]
17:49 the dream.
cab you give your skin code?
hahaha the ending what a feast! >:D
They were absolutely delicious >:]
Gud vid as always!👍
Thank you
amazing video
Is there a double bite button? Nice work..
Nah, that's just a visual bug! Happens when you're spamming the bite
I prefer raptors, but my inner FL man hears the call of the swamp.
Heed the call. Slaughter stegos
was waiting for this one !
It's a good one! I was pleased with my ultimate success
Fantastic book series and show honestly
@@dinometta Real. Reminds me I need to get back on watching the show.
Great deino video
Its harder to hunt as a deino , but yes , its stronger now❤
Stego grabbing is very rewarding honestly!
ayy nice vid
Thank you!
that was a really nice play
Thank you :]
How do you pull the guys you want from a corpse?
Bite the body until the cavity opens, then tap e
@@dinometta oh interesting
Nah bro this herd had a chance to only lose 1 but they decided to lose 3 of the 4 members 💀 That what would mother nature do - get rid of the stupid ones
Epic video
Natural selection at its finest!
wait can deinos grab full grown stegos?
If the stego is swimming, absolutely. I recommend taking them as far from land as possible or putting them in a place they can't easily escape from. You may not have enough stamina to fully drown them otherwise.
great vid!
Thank you!
Not me watching this while growing a steg👀
*Beware the water* >:]
@@dinometta what’s worse is I’m also currently in the swamps
@@AnimosityDaGoat lol watch where you swim xD
Wish there were more Beipis... annoying large Deinos on Beipi is the best thing ever. Especially when they get tired of you spoiling their ambushes so they become land Deinos of impotent rage
Haha beipi is a ton of fun
Nice 👍
I like defeatpete but this was some fucking platinum Deino play right here.
Defeatpete is great, very good consistent deino skill. But I'm definitely proud of how I got along in this growth cycle
@@dinometta I have great desire to play as Deino, the whole laying-in-wait style appeals to me but the never ending cannibalism exhausts me. I’m not very good at PVP so I lose most fights. But still have fun.
@@nerdoutreachprogram5358 I really recommend playing it on petits Pieds. There's less deinos overall due to population control, so you get cannibalized far less often than on officials
what is your cpu and gpu? :D
CPU is an I-5 13600k, GPU is an RTX 3080
Does anyone know what the update was this morning?
Fixes to a few known bugs and AI spawning looks like
@@dinometta where did you find that? I didnt see it in steam
@@grahamphillips57 in the isle official discord
Are there any laptops/pcs that can run this game properly that anyone knows of?
I recommend anything with a 30 series RTX graphics card and 32gb ram
Lol every clip of you killing a prey is followed by a clip of you with an EMPTIER stomach. It's a hard life. I get why deino's are such merciless players now.
Is there any species that can be comfortably fed or is everybody just constantly starving?
12:10 LOL that ptera just fed itself to the ceratosaur
Usually I'd eat and then just wander the swamp or Delta for a while until I was desperately hungry due to lack of prey options. Felt like gateway only wanted to feed me when I was at deaths door!
Fire video, also jeez a lot of youtubers are on petits pieds, how many “rules” are on that server I might try it out lol.(?) Also yeah my opinion on land deinos is, they can be annoying if theyre super cocky but if theyre actually trying to eat or are just super bored and want pvp then I understand, but yeah, I bet its annoying losing a kill to a deino, considering they eat everything in about 2 bites except things their size. Speaking of which how does a what, like, freah sub stego give more food than a full grown carno lol?!
Average DBrex comment:
Not many at all.
@@dinomettaoh ok nice, guessing you meant the rules part lol, if you played officials and like this even more then that’s 100% what I’m guessing you meant 🤣
@@dtbrex08 yeah that's what I meant, sorry xD
@@dinometta ur good lol
Love this game but very upset about the update, lost all my adult gators
Ah, so unfortunate!
@@dinometta yea, it is and servers still fucked up not been able to play they need fix there bs
u can drown a deino ?
Yup, if it can be grabbed, it can be drowned
wash that 3 adult stegos killed?
A large sub/fresh adult, full adult, and an adult teno. The second adult stego swam back to the juvie while I was regaining stamina and facing off with the c pattern male
how u so good lmao
@@Luis-kj4pt way too many hours in the game xD
I don’t know why I have lost every single 1v1 vs other Deino :( event with auto alt bite
It's a really rough fight. It can often come down to who got the first bite
Это охуенное, Метта, просто круто
No cute croc voice ? 😢
@@dinometta nice thx 😂
i want to play the isle with you but omg my freaking frames are trash and i don't understand because i have an high end pc the need to fix the game but they never will 9 years later and the freaking only game that i truly love is not even optimized
What are your specs?