Vader's Vault: Protector Elite Lightsaber Review

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 50

  • @Silver_Falcon_79
    @Silver_Falcon_79 Год назад +1

    That's the saber I've been looking for.

  • @mattlberge
    @mattlberge 3 года назад +2

    Great review. Just wanted to say some of us do like your close up on the hilt and commentary on the grips and details.

  • @Burzurk1987
    @Burzurk1987 3 года назад +2

    I ordered my Protector Elite back in January!! Cant wait to get it! I also ordered the Sovereign Elite!!

  • @darthevans3593
    @darthevans3593 3 года назад +10

    This is my favourite youtuber, I hope this video is like his other ones, brilliant.

  • @MichaelSherman-dj3rr
    @MichaelSherman-dj3rr 9 месяцев назад

    I ordered my ready to order last weekend based on this review!

  • @DHXRevenge713
    @DHXRevenge713 3 года назад +1

    Another great post! Keep up the good work James

  • @AndrewGalan
    @AndrewGalan 3 года назад +2

    I enjoy your reviews. Regarding your comment on having a leather wrap. For this saber, I asked VV for a solid leather piece rather than a wrap as I wanted the saber to go with my Maelstrom Elite. They did this by putting stitching from close to the covertec wheel and along the underside of the saber. It looks excellent, especially with the light weathering. I have a Battle Wrap Havoc and comparing the solid piece on the Protector to the wrap on the Havoc (which looks good on that saber), for me the solid leather sits better with the shape of the saber than the wrap would.

  • @jcdemp7513
    @jcdemp7513 3 года назад +2

    Hey SirJames, you’re closed in on 100,000 subs. Keep it going man.

    • @michaelmyersplays4992
      @michaelmyersplays4992 3 года назад

      Is he a Star Wars channel now ? I remember he used to do game stuff

  • @xatikz
    @xatikz 3 года назад +1

    James back at it again 💯💯

  • @t0mapl3xe
    @t0mapl3xe 3 года назад +1

    Dude this hilt is so fricking cool

  • @jupitreal1089
    @jupitreal1089 3 года назад +3

    That lightsaber looks like a Jedi lightsaber in ROTS dude

  • @eliasqwe8349
    @eliasqwe8349 3 года назад +9

    How about reviewing the blackseries lightsabers for the people who dont have the cash for the $$$ custom ones

    • @steveperez4647
      @steveperez4647 3 года назад

      Not worth it at all imo

    • @dots1761
      @dots1761 3 года назад +1

      Yeah just buy a DarkWolfSabers or a crimson dawn saber if you want a quality custom saber

    • @jaxoncaiden2604
      @jaxoncaiden2604 3 года назад

      Sorry to be so off topic but does anyone know of a tool to get back into an Instagram account?
      I was dumb forgot the login password. I would love any tricks you can offer me!

    • @aaraveddie3095
      @aaraveddie3095 3 года назад

      @Jaxon Caiden Instablaster =)

  • @juansanchezvaladez7577
    @juansanchezvaladez7577 3 года назад +1

    You can see his abilities with the lightsaber improve with each video

  • @123test-go
    @123test-go 2 года назад

    Just ordered it today.. I Love it!!!!

  • @carsonsnipes2422
    @carsonsnipes2422 3 года назад +1

    its about time ive been waiting for you to review this lol

  • @dots1761
    @dots1761 3 года назад +2

    Idk why you’d want a lightsaber that can play Tetris, but I’m so glad that you can

    • @been01010
      @been01010 3 года назад +1

      Sometimes you get bored waiting for a public transport shuttle, you've got time to kill and a book just doesn't cut it sometimes

    • @dots1761
      @dots1761 3 года назад

      @@been01010 yeah I’ve heard that last weeks smuggler incident kinda slowed down the system

  • @billykoscielny9826
    @billykoscielny9826 3 года назад +1

    Sir James, I messaged you a few months back asking if you could put a prof for board in my Fallen Order hilt from Saberforge. If you could add a colour too that would be great, preferably Medium Blue or Violet.
    Thank you.

  • @maryduarte3248
    @maryduarte3248 2 года назад

    Hi James I was wondering how many lightsabers do you have now

  • @carterkobielski5333
    @carterkobielski5333 3 года назад +1

    Hello, I wanted to ask you about something. I’m going to galaxy’s edge relatively soon and plan to buy a legacy lightsaber.I am between the Jedi temple guard and Kylo ren ones what would you recommend

    • @SirJamesIGamerfuzion
      @SirJamesIGamerfuzion  3 года назад +2

      its about what you will be happy with also what is in stock at the time I've heard the temple guards being sold out

  • @orangechicken5214
    @orangechicken5214 3 года назад +1

    Hey man was wondering if anyone can point in the direction of a saber smith I need help

    • @Chespin-gc1rf
      @Chespin-gc1rf 3 года назад

      Vadersvault, Sabertrio,Saberforge and other quality sabers

  • @l1zrdking
    @l1zrdking 3 года назад

    Pretty nice hilt, I think it'd look really great with a ray or reptile leather wrap. I think, and its just me and my Rebels obsession as of late, I think it would look super cool with a much thinner blade. Ive seen them but I have no idea where to get one or what kind of adapter it would need but when I get a hilt (some day) Im def going to have to try it.
    The Oled screen... I kinda like it, especially when choosing the fonts, Id like it in a diff color though.

    • @adamm8714
      @adamm8714 3 года назад

      Yeah I really want to save up for it cause I have a sample of snake skin that would make a good grip for it

    • @Burzurk1987
      @Burzurk1987 3 года назад +1

      I bought this saber! I can’t wait to get it! I actually ordered it with the brown leather wrap around the handle!!

    • @l1zrdking
      @l1zrdking 3 года назад

      @@Burzurk1987 Nice! It's a beauty thats for sure, I wager it'll look great with that wrap .

    • @Burzurk1987
      @Burzurk1987 3 года назад

      @@l1zrdking for sure!! I’m pretty stoked! I’ll do a review as soon as I get it! I also got mine with the mirror polish, no weathering. You should get one too!!

    • @l1zrdking
      @l1zrdking 3 года назад

      @@Burzurk1987 I havnt found a prebuilt that.. well speaks to me yet. As geeky as that may sound. Im debating on having one custom built for me instead.

  • @nielshaverhals7237
    @nielshaverhals7237 3 года назад

    Hey man, where do you mostly buy ur sabers, and whats your best no budget saber? Pleasse answer

  • @Star_Wars_collector
    @Star_Wars_collector 3 года назад +1

    I’d love to see you expand to fax, theories etc around Star wars

  • @Burzurk1987
    @Burzurk1987 3 года назад +1

    It’s been six months since ordered mine. Still has not arrived. I don’t like that. Way too long to wait for a product! I don’t think I will buy again from VV. Unless when I finally get my saber I am just blown away. But not so sure. I’ve bought from independent saber installers who have products ready in just a few days.

    • @dartheddie245
      @dartheddie245 3 года назад +1

      you will probably get your sabers by September

    • @Burzurk1987
      @Burzurk1987 3 года назад +1

      @@dartheddie245 Not holding my breath. They should at least let us pay half upon ordering and then the other half just before shipment. That’s only fair.

  • @fanatix4906
    @fanatix4906 3 года назад +1


  • @romeovidalrodriguez7754
    @romeovidalrodriguez7754 3 года назад

    hola muy bueno video

  • @gatopro896
    @gatopro896 3 года назад

    Nooooo I was 24 minutes late btw I like the saber

  • @Manicarts3D
    @Manicarts3D 3 года назад


  • @Zaran666
    @Zaran666 3 года назад +1

    game really?

    • @adamm8714
      @adamm8714 3 года назад

      I mean he’s just trying to show the full extent of what this thing can do

  • @medicgaming9117
    @medicgaming9117 3 года назад +1


  • @danwood4853
    @danwood4853 3 года назад +2


  • @seamusb1286
    @seamusb1286 3 года назад +1
