She is has explained that she is so stupid that she forgave him all the pshychological abuse in season 1 just because he gaved her a a first edition of her book ahahahahahhahaha,and know when hes literally totally innocent,she doesnt forgive omg!!
Todo fue por las víboras, el desde el minuto uno estaba loco por ella pero su infancia no le dejaba confiar pero aún a si el enfrenta la muerte por ella si o si
Sila is so young and do brilliant Her performance and Halil’s reaction to every word Absolutely stunning Bravo 👏 👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Seher expressed her feelings and thoughts and told him everything that I was expecting from her calmly and right on Just like after the files Just like when she accepted to marry him Writers did great with these dialogues 👏🙏❤️
She’s kidding right .. she said she knew him.. she saw him and she trusted him yet she believed him when he said he did it.. not once did she saw .. no way you did it.. goes to show she knew nothing and she’s a viper when it comes to tearing him down ..
Que hermosa escena, 😭😭😭y que triste tener que renunciar al amor x el dolor qué hay en su corazón 💔, un corazón roto solo con mucho amor es reconstruido Yaman tendrá mucho trabajo que hacer , me encantan las expresiones de los ojos de Yaman , ríe y llora ala vez 👏👏👏👏👏 Sheher muy bien fue engañada y su corazón roto, aunque esa mentira era para salvar a su hermano vulnerable😭😭😭😭😭😭, me encanta Emanet saludos desde Mexico
Y pues yaman se lo merece se portó muy mal con ella y es lógico que de la noche a la mañana no lo perdone aún sabiendo que no fue el que la mato. Yaman tiene que aprender a confiar en ella y parece que no escarmienta 🤷♀️🤦♀️ Ahora esperar la reconciliación como unos 30 más 🤔😬😁
@@sonam8248 Morning my flight by 5 AM..I m also going for Navami puja n Dusherra celebrations ... But I m not going for a break for its fast forward mode hardly 15mins 😂😂😂...
👏👏👏👏👏👏 bravo Seher, excelente. Pensé en el avance para hoy que ibas a perdonarle pronto y ya estaba odiando que hicieras algo así, pues Yamancito se merece que lo pongan a sufrir
That hurts. Really. I know that feeling when you know yourself that you ruined that one thing that makes you happy and feels secured or in my case almost ruined. Yaman bey all I can see is an opportunity to prove her your feelings. You are Seher's first relationship. Court her formally. She never experienced any of that, you just dated for a day or two in the past. Make her fall in love with you again. It's never too late. Show her your real intentions ❤
@@kakodane3507 yup, she is feeling guilty too... As She said in the cemetery that she has blood on hand & can't hold his hand .. He must make her believe in their love again.
Aveces cuando algo se rompe es súper difícil volver a unirlo. Nada vuelve a ser igual, largo trabajo para ellos y más para Yamancin. Ojalá renazca el amor nuevamente en Seher,ella a sido clara al decir que lo enterró. Veremos qué pasará el total que día a día es una agonía 😔
Söylemek de ayıp olucak ama... Galiba Emanet'i her zaman izliyorsunuz. Her videonun altında yorumlarınız var. Azerbaycandan selamlar ( yalnış anlamayın. Kötü manada söylemek istemedim )
It took a lot of strength to thank him where it was due, while at the same time standing her ground and reaffirming what she's told him at the cemetery. It goes to show that, now that the poison is slowly leaving her system, she's back to her fair and honest self. There's a looooong way ahead for our lovebirds to heal and become 'us' again.
Ahahahahahahhahah strenth? She is so stupid that she forgave him all the pshychological abuse in season 1 just because he gaved her a a first edition of her book ahahahahahhahaha,and know when hes literally totally innocent,she doesnt forgive omg!!
@@anjikamukherjee2518 Completely disagree. Saher has NOTHING to apologise for. He lied to her. Tormented her. Made her shoot him. Made her live in the same house as him. All because he didn't trust her.... did I forget something? Oh right, all the emotional and physical abuse. But sure, she should apologise for believing his like and reacting like any person would.
Hay noooo me da tristeza la cara de Yaman se ilusiona cuando seher le dice "podemos hablar". Pero ese bendito "pero" recibe un balde a agua fría con esa pequeña frase "se terminó” 😭😭😭😭
Por Dios donde estas nuestras hermosas traductoras no puede ser me estoy perdiendo lo mas grande q desespero q le dijo seher a yaman q lo volbio loco auxilio
watching once to see subtitles, repeating to watch their expressions. Again watching to admire them💕💕. Am I the only one who is mad about these two or is there anyone else like me.🤔🤔🤔
@@nandhu239 financial securities??? he hasnt even bought her a pair of shoes LOLOLOL plus Mr. Rich Yaman is saving the salary of a nanny,, please just go sit down u dont even know what your saying!!
@@michellesunnerberg2783 seher is using him for Yousef sake . not for her. She is not able to fulfill his wishes when they were seperated by yaman . sheneed financial help for Yousef .
Yaman ka word seher ko khus kia? Tabhi wo boli now no us, we built our castle. Yaman to lie bahut bola. Kya documents ki baat boli? Jab trust nahi to sehar happy ya hurt hue hogi?
Super lógico. Lo esperaba. Solo con Síndrome de Estocolmo podía Seher, despues de tanta mentira, dolor y tortura psicológica abrirse nuevamente al amor de este hombre en un breve lapso de tiempo. Clava una puntilla en la pared, despues quítala, queda un hueco. Tapa el hueco con masilla, no importa, siempre quedará la hendidura. Se necesitan muchas capas de masilla para emparejar la pared. Eso sucede con los seres humanos tambien. Solo el tiempo podrá predisponerla al perdón, despues al olvido y finalmente al amor. Estimada Naz, esta vez estás siendo coherente con el arroz con mango q armaste. Pero porfa, no la compliques mas y déjanos ver un rayito de sol.
Exacto, mejor explicado imposible. Espero la Naz no se aloque más de lo loca que está y que no ponga a Seher a perdonarlo mañana, que castigue bien a Yamancito 😂
Si, estoy de acuerdo, sería absurdo que ella, pasara la pagina como si nada paso, ella también sufre con esa decisión, porque realmente lo ama, pero no se puede seguir adelante con tantas equivocaciónes, que Yaman cometió y por ende ella, necesita, tiempo eso lo cura todo, con paciencia y mucho amor de parte de Yaman. .
Eu também acho As coisas tem que ir assim mesmo Uma reação muito natural Os autores têm sido consistentes com esta situação Tem que dar tempo ao tempo 🙏❤️
Seher has been through so much. She spoke honestly from her heart. Unfortunately, because she loves him it will be difficult for her to live in the same house with him. If he through actions and words can pour his love on her, she will forgive and reconcile with him. He's got a lot of work to do if he wants to earn her trust and have her want to be with him again.
I understand, but why does he have to work hard to get her back? Yes he wasn't honest with her, but let's be real she probably wouldn't believe him at the beginning. She caused him damaged too, Seher should be working just has hard to get him back. Sometimes things are done because we want to protect who we love and that's actually true. Sometimes when we think we are doing the right thing, it doesn't always seem like it.
@@Carol28160 I actually agree with you. I think they both need to talk openly and honestly about whatever is happening in their life. Keeping things hidden is a form of mistrust, and they are both guilty of this.
Gostei da posição de Seher ela ta certa, tudo isso aconteceu apenas pq ele não confiou nela, é Yaman vc vai ter que trabalhar duro pra reerguer esse castelo novamente.
Traducción al español. Seher, ¿ Podemos hablar? Yaman, estoy escuchando. Seher, recibimos un gran golpe. Ikbal logró hacernos daño incluso desde su tumba. Pero, gracias a ti, la verdad salió a la luz. Si no hubiera sido así, te habría culpado por el resto de mi vida por nada. Te odiaría. Todo hubiera sido más destruido. Pero, ahora veo que no hay un más nosotros. Lo que hemos experimentado, la distancia entre nosotros. Ya no eres el viejo tú y yo no soy la vieja yo. Yaman, no. Seher, sé que después de esta conversación, nos separaremos irrevocablemente. Quizás ya lo hicimos. Nos separamos cuando dejaste de creer en nosotros. Cuando me arrojaste a ese pozo oscuro. Me quedé sin luz, no pude encontrar mi dirección. Estaba triste, asustada, enojada. Cada vez que intenté salir de ese pozo, tú me empujaste más profundo. Amar a alguien significa creer en ellos. Significa confiar en ellos sin importar las circunstancias. Cuando amas a alguien construyes el castillo más fuerte del mundo dentro de ti. Y trabajas duro para no dejar salir al otro y asegurarte de que el castillo nunca sea destruido. Obviamente, contruí ese castillo por mi cuenta. Todo fue destruido al final. Y estamos atrapados bajo este naufragio. Por eso, ya no somos nosotros. Yaman, no lo hagas. Seher, es demasiado tarde. Si no fuera por Yusuf, ya me habría divorciado de ti. Pero ahora, lo único que importa es su felicidad, su comodidad. De ahora en adelante, tú sólo eres el tío de Yusuf y yo solo la tía. No hay otra manera.
Muchas gracias.... Pero no le pidió el divorcio.... Dejó una pequeña luz encendida... esperemos que Yaman sepa poner a arder esa llamita... y se convierta en un gran fuego....
Cierto ahora a enamorarla, pero sutilmente sin que sea obvio, con roces de manos estar cerca y no lejos de ella y Yusuf como antes lo hiciste YAMAN. ❤❤❤
TRADUCCIÓN AL ESPAÑOL Seher: ¿Podemos hablar? Yaman: Te estoy escuchando Seher: Nos dieron un gran golpe. Ikbal aun desde su tumba, logró herirnos, pero, gracias a ti, la verdad salió, sino hubiera sido así, te hubiera culpado por el resto de mi vida por nada, te hubiera odiado, todo se hubiera destruido aun más. Sin embargo, ahora veo que no hay más 'nosotros'. Lo que hemos experimentado, la distancia entre nosotros. Tu ya no eres el antiguo tu y yo ya no soy la de antes. Yaman: Nunca Seher: Yo sé que después de esta conversación irrevocablemente se partirán nuestros caminos, tal vez, ya sucedió. Nuestros caminos se separaron cuando tu dejaste de creer en nosotros, cuando me aventaste a ese hoyo oscuro, me dejaste sin luz. No podía encontrar mi camino, estuve triste, aislada, enojada. Cada vez que trataba de salir de ese hoyo, tu me empujaste más al fondo. Amar a alguien significa confiar en ella, no importan las circunstancias, cuando amas a alguien construyes dentro de ti mismo el castillo más fuerte del mundo y trabajas muy duro para no dejar al otro afuera y te aseguras que no destruyan el castillo, obviamente, yo construí ese castillo sólo para mí. Al final, todo se destruyó y quedamos atrapados bajo este naufragio. Es por eso que no hay un 'nosotros'. Y: No lo hagas Seher: Es demasiado tarde y si no fuera por Yusuf ya me hubiera divorciado de ti, pero ahora, lo único que importa es su felicidad, su confort, entonces, desde ahora tu solo eres el tío de Yusuf y yo soy sólo la tía. No hay otro camino.
*Tradução PORTUGUÊS* Cena: Tudo desabou e nós caímos! Seher: Podemos conversar? Yaman: Estou ouvindo. Seher: Recebemos um grande golpe. Ikbal conseguiu nos machucar até de seu túmulo. Mas graças a você, a verdade veio à tona. Se não tivesse, eu teria culpado você pelo resto da minha vida por nada. Eu teria odiado você. Tudo teria sido ainda mais destruído. Mas...Agora eu vejo que ... Não existe mais 'nós'. O que vivemos, a distância entre nós... Você não é mais o velho você. E eu não sou a antiga eu. Yaman: Não faça... Seher: Eu sei que depois dessa conversa, iremos nos separar irrevogavelmente. Talvez já occoreu. Nós nos separamos quando você parou de acreditar em nós. Quando você me jogou naquele buraco escuro. Fiquei sem luz, não conseguia encontrar minha direção. Eu estava triste, com medo, com raiva. Cada vez que tentei sair daquele buraco, você me empurrou mais fundo. Amar alguém significa acreditar nele. Significa confiar neles, independentemente das circunstâncias. Quando você ama alguém, você constrói o castelo mais forte do mundo dentro de você. E você trabalha duro para não deixar o outro sair. E você tenta garantir que o castelo nunca seja destruído. Obviamente, eu construí aquele castelo sozinha. Tudo foi destruído no final. E estamos presos sob estes destroços. É por isso que não existe mais 'nós'. Yaman: Não faça isso. Seher: É tarde demais. Se não fosse por Yusuf, eu já teria me divorciado de você. Twitter @VanChartSlayer
After 227 episodes! Welcome to the madness of Emanet! The screenwriter Naz return to the beginning! For this wonderful couple Yam&seh❤️happiness, honeymoon Yok! ❤️❤️❤️
La Señorita habla Like she is having so much experience in love 💔que líneas tan ridiculas después de todos lo q YAMAN is been doing for her it’s enough La escritora realmente desperdicia la quimica q existe💔HALIL IBRAHIM CEYHAN you job is amazing great actor de pies a cabeza ojalá q pronto we will see you in different projects ♥️
@@patriciamigal6166 Síí, en eso tienes razón. Pero, a ver si esto le sirve a Yaman para aprender que una pareja son dos, que puede hablar con ella, que le cuente sus preocupaciones que ella lo va a escuchar.
The metaphor of the castle tore me into pieces 💔 But merak etme, Sehercim, because even if you don't believe in your love anymore, Yaman still does and he will fight for it for the both of you 💕 And we all know how stubborn he is, so he will make it
Ya lo decidí, me voy para allá a tratar de arreglar este embrollo, preparo el mate y voy 🤭🤭🤭,a lo mejor puedo convencer a seher que le dé una oportunidad a mi gigante hermoso 🥰
First step kon lia? Lie kon bola? Documents par maaf ki? Wo boli aisa na ki tumpe trust karu ,aur backfire ho. Yaman nahi sikha to jhatka milna chahiye. Kuch episode baad dekna ,phir yaman doubt karega, sehar bolegi,jab trust nahi to wedding ring nikalo. Starting me yaman jalim tha,ab result milega. Yaman ka behavior bhi enough hai.
Oooo mi 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 estás todavía muy herida y enferma de las mentiras, pero has dañado el corazón de mi grandullon hasta lo más hondo , pero el se levantará y verás que su amor es ✨✨✨✨✨✨y 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤❤❤❤
Eventide sehar says can we talk? Yaman has that soft smile on his handsome face.And than she crushes all that hopes he has.i can't bear that pain 😢he is going through. 😥😥
Entiendo a Seher esa mentira de Yaman causo mucho dano en la relacion , tambien siento pesar por el , espero que el busque la manera de enamorarla otra vez y ganar su confianza y su amor para que puedan ser felices.
Se perdió la confianza entre ellos seher tiene vergüenza x lo k hizo le disparó y si lo hubiera matado y después se hubiera enterado de su inocencia se sentiría peor, así que entiende yaman tu ocasinaste esto. Así que mucha paciencia hay que trabajar mucho para ganarse la confianza de seher.
No toda la culpa la tiene Yaman si se echó la culpa para salvar a su hno. Y como dice Seher que no confío en ella si le hubiera contado Yaman la verdad no le hubiera creído, está como cuando le dieron el archivo a Yaman sobre Seher y Selim xq ella no le contó sobre eso si se lo hubiera contado no hubiera pasado x tanto sufrimiento Seher pero se quedó callada viene siendo lo mismo
It was expected they both need time to heal and she's right about something she did build the castle by herself she always trusted him I know a lot of us said she doesn't love him but she loves him so much that's why it hurts her so much cause he didn't trust her And she does feel guilty for the things that she did to him she does have remorse its going to take time but they will overcome this I know it just fiction but put your self in her shoes what would we do ladies . If you were in this situation
Yes Being betrayed by your enemies is bad. Because it’s expected. But being betrayed by your loved ones is more worse. The harder you love the harder you hate. Yaman should understand seher because he went through the same feeling when he found out iqabl betrayed him all those years. And he had a mental breakdown himself.
Do u see her as being hurt? I don't.. the only one in pain in this scene is yaman.. All this dialogue is not out of regret or hurt but because she likes to play victim so she won't take responsibility for the hideous things she did.. She didn't even apologize for shooting him..
@@souhasediri4160 They both are hurt if you can’t see that. Seher is hurt yaman didn’t trust her enough to tell her the truth. Yaman is scared to hurt her because he’s afraid she’s going to leave him like his mom did. He’s also hurt because he didn’t trust seher and made her be in pain. Yaman didn’t apologize for all the stuff he did to seher also. He framed her for a crime she didn’t do because she got custody of yusuf. She got stabbed in jail and almost died because yaman sent her there remember. He never apologized he just acted nice to her and he didn’t want to tell her he framed her either. Until he had to, seher got mad and he didn’t even apologize he just said nice things to her and seher just let it go because of yusuf. For all the stuff he accused her of and did to her he didn’t apologize he didn’t want to because of his mom saying not to be like his father. But cenger, ziya, yusuf, and ali baba had to tell him he needed to apologize he was in the wrong. He finally did because seher was going to leave if he didnt.
@@davinasuon8050 apparently u didn't watch all the episodes... Check ep 160 plz ☺ yaman did apologize to seher.. At least no matter how angry he ever was with her, he never shot her even when he was convinced that she was cheating on him which is a thing that a mafia man cannot take lightly.. Talking about how he made her suffer u must acknowledge that she didn't make his life easy either by always being stubborn by trusting her psycho friends like ozan and selim despite his warnings he was always left to save her..even now by forcing him to accept zuhal in his mansion.. As for betrayal plz don't go there, in addition to faking evidences did u forget that she drugged him too? And let's not forget how she used his past to hurt him by bringing up his mother which was quite harsh even for her...
@@souhasediri4160 You also didn’t watch the episode. He never apologized when she was stabbed in jail. He acted like nothing happened. Betrayal happened because he never trusted her and thought the worse of her when he should of investigate the two snakes in his house. He couldn’t protect many of his family because he let iqabl live in the mansion and run it as well. Ziya was going insane because yaman never investigated who was poisoning him. he never investigated the slander on yusuf mom. and believed it. he didn’t help protect his brother wife and let her get killed in his mansion right under his nose. didn’t investigate that too. not to mention seher was attacked in his mansion and almost lost her legs. He lost custody of yusuf for a reason my dear because he was surrounded by people who wanted him dead or his fortune. seher brought yusuf back to him because she knew it was best for yusuf health and yaman. despite losing him too, if she did. Seher had nothing to do with his enemies she just became a target because she was in the same household as yaman so they though she was his loved one. Just because she made it difficult for him doesn’t mean it’s her fault. Her life became difficult because of yaman and the people who wanted to get ride of him. She drugged him to go to sleep so she can escape not to kill him hun. She was on the run from her sister killer did you forget! Why did seher believe he was her sister killer because he lied saying he killed her. If she wanted it to end she could of told yusuf yaman killed his mom, you think yusuf would want to see him either if he found out. By using the past to hurt him guess what yaman has past issues he still needs to work on that’s why he acts the way he does. If seher was out for yaman she could of left after having custody and never came back.
Podemos ablar el pobre la mira como si ubiera eyotodo loque lea dicho y el es noble y bueno es elmejor artista para mi como tiene en sucara el sufrimiento te adoro cariño eres el mejor ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
His eyes..... There was so much happiness in them when she said she wanted to talk. I wonder how will the writers redeem Seher cuz till now there is no regret or remorse. Are they just going to continue with Yaman being the root of the issue without Seher reflecting on her actions
Ys seher culprit than yaman she almost killed yaman and she is talking about got hurt by him ,she is behaving like innocent.actually she has to be more guilty than yaman but what kind of writer she is how she still showing seher as a innocent infront of yaman
True! For me, if they continue showing her character like this and don't redeem it, I will stop watching this series altogether! It is not worth it. There should be a balance in a relationship and both should shoulder the burden and responsibilities of things gone wrong! Why Yaman alone?
Seher no tiene que tener ningún remordimiento ni arrepentimiento, ella lo que hizo fue luchar por irse de la casa donde creyó que vivía el asesino de su hermana, el único culpable aquí es Yaman. Dan tristeza los comentarios de mujeres que culpan a una mujer inocente que lo único que quería era dejar a ese hombre que amó pero que al enterarse que mató a su hermana no pudo soportarlo, se fue, él se interpuso en su camino porque es tan egoísta que no quería dejarla ir y quiso obligarla a vivir con él aún sabiendo que él la obligó a creer que era un asesino. Sí el no la busca y le obliga a dispararle ella se hubiese ido sin más, no iba a buscar justicia ni venganza, ella solo quería irse y él la obligó a dispararle, luego la encuentra en paz en ese pueblecito y la lleva de nuevo a la mansión por puro egoísmo, Seher es una pobre víctima del orgullo de Yaman, de su egoísmo, de su egocentrismo. Si a ustedes le matan una hermana y el esposo de ustedes es el asesino y ustedes lo perdonan eso es no tener dignidad, ni amor de hermana, pero no juzguen a quien sí tiene dignidad y amor de hermana
TRADUCCIÓN AL ESPAÑOL Seher: ¿Podemos hablar? Yaman: Te estoy escuchando Seher: Nos dieron un gran golpe. Ikbal aun desde su tumba, logró herirnos, pero, gracias a ti, la verdad salió, sino hubiera sido así, te hubiera culpado por el resto de mi vida por nada, te hubiera odiado, todo se hubiera destruido aun más. Sin embargo, ahora veo que no hay más 'nosotros'. Lo que hemos experimentado, la distancia entre nosotros. Tu ya no eres el antiguo tu y yo ya no soy la de antes. Yaman: Nunca Seher: Yo sé que después de esta conversación irrevocablemente se partirán nuestros caminos, tal vez, ya sucedió. Nuestros caminos se separaron cuando tu dejaste de creer en nosotros, cuando me aventaste a ese hoyo oscuro, me dejaste sin luz. No podía encontrar mi camino, estuve triste, aislada, enojada. Cada vez que trataba de salir de ese hoyo, tu me empujaste más al fondo. Amar a alguien significa confiar en ella, no importan las circunstancias, cuando amas a alguien construyes dentro de ti mismo el castillo más fuerte del mundo y trabajas muy duro para no dejar al otro afuera y te aseguras que no destruyan el castillo, obviamente, yo construí ese castillo sólo para mí. Al final, todo se destruyó y quedamos atrapados bajo este naufragio. Es por eso que no hay un 'nosotros'. Y: No lo hagas Seher: Es demasiado tarde y si no fuera por Yusuf ya me hubiera divorciado de ti, pero ahora, lo único que importa es su felicidad, su confort, entonces, desde ahora tu solo eres el tío de Yusuf y yo soy sólo la tía. No hay otro camino.
Looking back how far these 2 have come to where they are now. They have been through so much and deserve to have a happy ending 💓 they were meant to find each other.
Marital union is the strongest type of human relationship, and crises do not arise because of the wrong choice between spouses, but because of the wrong communication between them, and the appreciation of each partner for the weaknesses and strengths of the other. Enough putting Yusuf in the middle of your relationship and think a little bit of yourself Seher 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥.
The dialogue are beautiful... Words are spoken with feelings... .The writers and Naz have perfectly balanced but however the plots aren't.. they are still titling ..
Oh, he is gutted, there is No More Us, only Uncle and Aunt, and she would have divorced him only for Yousf ...How can "Our Couple", live like this, she is destroyed, and he is catching up on this destruction... A, wake up call he didn't expect ...but she had always been truthful and honest with her, and it's too late for him to learn that she built the foundation all on her own..🙂🙂.
Yes it’s sad. Hopefully he can just trust her. She would of divorce but she knows yusuf wants his uncle and she want him in yusuf life too. But if she divorced him they might get in trouble with social service again. So she just wants to raise yusuf with him without the relationship part. She’s been to hurt and she’s done things she wouldn’t think she could do just because of the lies.
Siempre habla de la capacidad de amar pero y ella donde esta su capacidad después de contar todo y de casi morir donde esta su amor el está dispuesto a todo ella ...
Seher has explained herself beautifully!! Halil's expressions nailed it, as always!!
She is has explained that she is so stupid that she forgave him all the pshychological abuse in season 1 just because he gaved her a a first edition of her book ahahahahahhahaha,and know when hes literally totally innocent,she doesnt forgive omg!!
Todo fue por las víboras, el desde el minuto uno estaba loco por ella pero su infancia no le dejaba confiar pero aún a si el enfrenta la muerte por ella si o si
@@nina84374 😊good q thanks 😊
No olvidemos qué hay una guionista dando instrucciones precisas.
Las expresiones de YAMAN escuchando a SEHER que tristeza.
She explained everything well. I can understand how she feels that she built that castle on her own. 🥺
Sila is so young and do brilliant
Her performance and Halil’s reaction to every word
Absolutely stunning
Bravo 👏 👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Seher expressed her feelings and thoughts and told him everything that I was expecting from her calmly and right on
Just like after the files
Just like when she accepted to marry him
Writers did great with these dialogues 👏🙏❤️
Mature decision Seher, let's time to heal what has been so hurt: your soul, your heart, your mind.
Agreed yes!
Agreed 👍👍
Oh my godddd I am sooo proud of Seher!!! Seher rocked! Yaman shocked!
I also really liked Seher. This is one of the few logical and natural moments in this series full of nonsense.
I knew it that it will end in tears this writer is breaking our hearts every day
Seher: can we talk
Yaman: yessss yesss yesss why not baby 😘😘😍😍
Lol 🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍❤❤❤
So beautifully said, "To love someone means to believe them, trust them no matter what." 10/10 for the beautiful dialogues!
Yet she didn't follow her own words .
Absolutely right
Irony from her part 😂
I actually don't think she have ever loved him as much he loves her, or at least they never showed that, it has nothing with her being shy
She’s kidding right .. she said she knew him.. she saw him and she trusted him yet she believed him when he said he did it.. not once did she saw .. no way you did it.. goes to show she knew nothing and she’s a viper when it comes to tearing him down ..
Halil the master of looks he doesn't need words on a scene to me us feel anything he want Bravo Halil and Sila is really good actress
Seher decided finally. But Yaman will fight for both if needed.
Watching these two is such an enjoyment! Their acting is pure magic! Masterpiece🥰
Que nostalgia recordado la primera y segunda temporada los mejor de emanet seher kirimli y yaman kirimli ❤️
Que hermosa escena, 😭😭😭y que triste tener que renunciar al amor x el dolor qué hay en su corazón 💔, un corazón roto solo con mucho amor es reconstruido Yaman tendrá mucho trabajo que hacer , me encantan las expresiones de los ojos de Yaman , ríe y llora ala vez 👏👏👏👏👏 Sheher muy bien fue engañada y su corazón roto, aunque esa mentira era para salvar a su hermano vulnerable😭😭😭😭😭😭, me encanta Emanet saludos desde Mexico
Y pues yaman se lo merece se portó muy mal con ella y es lógico que de la noche a la mañana no lo perdone aún sabiendo que no fue el que la mato. Yaman tiene que aprender a confiar en ella y parece que no escarmienta 🤷♀️🤦♀️
Ahora esperar la reconciliación como unos 30 más 🤔😬😁
Yaman is literally us ..the Audience, getting hopeful at smallest of gestures.... But then hitting the head by falling from the top.
Anda masuk terlalu dlm sehingga terbius oleh kisah merrka .😊😊
😂😂😂 It happens sometimes ..
@@paavanee I am taking a break I'll come back after a week ... 🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🙅🙅
@@sonam8248 Morning my flight by 5 AM..I m also going for Navami puja n Dusherra celebrations ... But I m not going for a break for its fast forward mode hardly 15mins 😂😂😂...
"There's no more "us" anymore".
that literally hurts..😥😥😥
Painful, but fair, in my opinion.
First time i see the actor who have scenes without dialogues because he acts with his expressions and eyes Hats off to this man
Definitivamente quien escribió el guión es una persona muy triste, le gusta la tristeza, el conflicto y las lágrimas.
No cree en el amor y el bien
👏👏👏👏👏👏 bravo Seher, excelente. Pensé en el avance para hoy que ibas a perdonarle pronto y ya estaba odiando que hicieras algo así, pues Yamancito se merece que lo pongan a sufrir
That hurts. Really. I know that feeling when you know yourself that you ruined that one thing that makes you happy and feels secured or in my case almost ruined. Yaman bey all I can see is an opportunity to prove her your feelings. You are Seher's first relationship. Court her formally. She never experienced any of that, you just dated for a day or two in the past. Make her fall in love with you again. It's never too late. Show her your real intentions ❤
E como dói!!😥
It's all on Yamen now.he has tough job now to make her realize how much he loves her .
@@MiniMe1953 he needs to make her realize that she loves him also
@@kakodane3507 yup, she is feeling guilty too... As She said in the cemetery that she has blood on hand & can't hold his hand .. He must make her believe in their love again.
And now, let The real romance begin. NOW, FIANLLY , we will get to see Yaman really courting Seher! Game on!!!💖
Yaman es un tipazo provoca verlo diario hermoso ese hombre habla con la mirada expresa lo que quiere decir
Yaman smiles says it all! 💕 ❤️ 💗
Aveces cuando algo se rompe es súper difícil volver a unirlo.
Nada vuelve a ser igual, largo trabajo para ellos y más para Yamancin.
Ojalá renazca el amor nuevamente en Seher,ella a sido clara al decir que lo enterró.
Veremos qué pasará el total que día a día es una agonía 😔
Oh my Halil's expressions....he screamed with them..all said !! Every time manages to steal the show .❤️
Her şey daha yeni başlıyor❣️
Translate pls
Söylemek de ayıp olucak ama... Galiba Emanet'i her zaman izliyorsunuz. Her videonun altında yorumlarınız var. Azerbaycandan selamlar ( yalnış anlamayın. Kötü manada söylemek istemedim )
Salam canım. Yaman nece sevindi. Gözleri parladıı. CumayA düzeler araları
@@y0nwl4p Evet Emaneti ilk bölümden çok severek izliyorum çok tutkulu fanıyım❤️💫Yok yanlış anlamam sorun yok🥰Sizədə salamlar🌹
It took a lot of strength to thank him where it was due, while at the same time standing her ground and reaffirming what she's told him at the cemetery. It goes to show that, now that the poison is slowly leaving her system, she's back to her fair and honest self. There's a looooong way ahead for our lovebirds to heal and become 'us' again.
Yes, agreed!
Yes, she is doing the right thing. She feels guilty of shooting him and at the same time points out his fault.
But atleast one sorry yaman kirimli very much deserves☹
Ahahahahahahhahah strenth? She is so stupid that she forgave him all the pshychological abuse in season 1 just because he gaved her a a first edition of her book ahahahahahhahaha,and know when hes literally totally innocent,she doesnt forgive omg!!
@@anjikamukherjee2518 Completely disagree. Saher has NOTHING to apologise for. He lied to her. Tormented her. Made her shoot him. Made her live in the same house as him. All because he didn't trust her.... did I forget something? Oh right, all the emotional and physical abuse.
But sure, she should apologise for believing his like and reacting like any person would.
Bravo Seher, bravo 👏👍🙌
Yamans heart just sank with every word she said
Hay noooo me da tristeza la cara de Yaman se ilusiona cuando seher le dice "podemos hablar". Pero ese bendito "pero" recibe un balde a agua fría con esa pequeña frase "se terminó” 😭😭😭😭
Por Dios donde estas nuestras hermosas traductoras no puede ser me estoy perdiendo lo mas grande q desespero q le dijo seher a yaman q lo volbio loco auxilio
watching once to see subtitles, repeating to watch their expressions. Again watching to admire them💕💕. Am I the only one who is mad about these two or is there anyone else like me.🤔🤔🤔
Bravooooo Sahar ...that's our girl 💚🧡❤💛
Hay alguien me dijo una vez, si amas algo dejalo libre si vuelve a ti es tuyo y sino vuelve es porque nunca lo fue...
Eso cierto.
I completely understand why she needed to say what she did but at the same time I think she underestimates how much she truly loves him 💔
There is no love from her side she just acting as her convenience and using yaman and financial and security purposes for yousef
Yes, she absolutelly underestimates her love, she'll see😂😂
@@nandhu239 financial securities??? he hasnt even bought her a pair of shoes LOLOLOL plus Mr. Rich Yaman is saving the salary of a nanny,, please just go sit down u dont even know what your saying!!
@@nandhu239 what financial you are talking about he has been wearing the same shirt for 3 weeks now 😂😂😂
@@michellesunnerberg2783 seher is using him for Yousef sake . not for her. She is not able to fulfill his wishes when they were seperated by yaman . sheneed financial help for Yousef .
That face when they told yaman can we talk ❣️❤️💖💕💓🤣🤣🤣🤣🌹🔥I feel fireworks 🎆🎇
Sila, sei una brava ragazza.. Mi auguro che. Halil, se ne renda conto... ❤️❤️🌷🌹🇮🇹
You can tell Seher's words hurt Yaman to his core...
Yaman ka word seher ko khus kia?
Tabhi wo boli now no us, we built our castle.
Yaman to lie bahut bola. Kya documents ki baat boli? Jab trust nahi to sehar happy ya hurt hue hogi?
Super lógico. Lo esperaba. Solo con Síndrome de Estocolmo podía Seher, despues de tanta mentira, dolor y tortura psicológica abrirse nuevamente al amor de este hombre en un breve lapso de tiempo. Clava una puntilla en la pared, despues quítala, queda un hueco. Tapa el hueco con masilla, no importa, siempre quedará la hendidura. Se necesitan muchas capas de masilla para emparejar la pared. Eso sucede con los seres humanos tambien. Solo el tiempo podrá predisponerla al perdón, despues al olvido y finalmente al amor. Estimada Naz, esta vez estás siendo coherente con el arroz con mango q armaste. Pero porfa, no la compliques mas y déjanos ver un rayito de sol.
Exacto, mejor explicado imposible. Espero la Naz no se aloque más de lo loca que está y que no ponga a Seher a perdonarlo mañana, que castigue bien a Yamancito 😂
Si, estoy de acuerdo, sería absurdo que ella, pasara la pagina como si nada paso, ella también sufre con esa decisión, porque realmente lo ama, pero no se puede seguir adelante con tantas equivocaciónes, que Yaman cometió y por ende ella, necesita, tiempo eso lo cura todo, con paciencia y mucho amor de parte de Yaman.
Eu também acho
As coisas tem que ir assim mesmo
Uma reação muito natural
Os autores têm sido consistentes com esta situação
Tem que dar tempo ao tempo 🙏❤️
Concuerdo contigo. Que no lo perdone tan pronto como con el archivo.
@@teresa-357 y con el archivo tardo unos episodios bueno se ve en fotos sue ella vuelve a llevar el anillo
Her şey güzel olucak Barışacaksınız SehYam
Seher has been through so much. She spoke honestly from her heart. Unfortunately, because she loves him it will be difficult for her to live in the same house with him. If he through actions and words can pour his love on her, she will forgive and reconcile with him. He's got a lot of work to do if he wants to earn her trust and have her want to be with him again.
I understand, but why does he have to work hard to get her back? Yes he wasn't honest with her, but let's be real she probably wouldn't believe him at the beginning. She caused him damaged too, Seher should be working just has hard to get him back. Sometimes things are done because we want to protect who we love and that's actually true. Sometimes when we think we are doing the right thing, it doesn't always seem like it.
@@Carol28160 I actually agree with you. I think they both need to talk openly and honestly about whatever is happening in their life. Keeping things hidden is a form of mistrust, and they are both guilty of this.
Seher! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Well said.
Amar a alguien significa creer en esa persona!
Gostei da posição de Seher ela ta certa, tudo isso aconteceu apenas pq ele não confiou nela, é Yaman vc vai ter que trabalhar duro pra reerguer esse castelo novamente.
Traducción al español.
Seher, ¿ Podemos hablar?
Yaman, estoy escuchando.
Seher, recibimos un gran golpe. Ikbal logró hacernos daño incluso desde su tumba. Pero, gracias a ti, la verdad salió a la luz. Si no hubiera sido así, te habría culpado por el resto de mi vida por nada. Te odiaría. Todo hubiera sido más destruido. Pero, ahora veo que no hay un más nosotros. Lo que hemos experimentado, la distancia entre nosotros. Ya no eres el viejo tú y yo no soy la vieja yo.
Yaman, no.
Seher, sé que después de esta conversación, nos separaremos irrevocablemente. Quizás ya lo hicimos. Nos separamos cuando dejaste de creer en nosotros. Cuando me arrojaste a ese pozo oscuro. Me quedé sin luz, no pude encontrar mi dirección. Estaba triste, asustada, enojada. Cada vez que intenté salir de ese pozo, tú me empujaste más profundo. Amar a alguien significa creer en ellos. Significa confiar en ellos sin importar las circunstancias. Cuando amas a alguien construyes el castillo más fuerte del mundo dentro de ti. Y trabajas duro para no dejar salir al otro y asegurarte de que el castillo nunca sea destruido. Obviamente, contruí ese castillo por mi cuenta. Todo fue destruido al final. Y estamos atrapados bajo este naufragio. Por eso, ya no somos nosotros.
Yaman, no lo hagas.
Seher, es demasiado tarde. Si no fuera por Yusuf, ya me habría divorciado de ti. Pero ahora, lo único que importa es su felicidad, su comodidad. De ahora en adelante, tú sólo eres el tío de Yusuf y yo solo la tía. No hay otra manera.
Muchas gracias....
Pero no le pidió el divorcio....
Dejó una pequeña luz encendida... esperemos que Yaman sepa poner a arder esa llamita... y se convierta en un gran fuego....
Правильно сехер ему сказала , что все разрушено. Он ей не доверился, а почему она должна ему верить . . он опять ее уничтожил. Их только держит юсуф
Muchas gracias.
Jangan khawatir Yaman,nyalakan lagi api cintamuu
Muchas gracias a si sé puede leer mejor que tan rápido
Cierto ahora a enamorarla, pero sutilmente sin que sea obvio, con roces de manos estar cerca y no lejos de ella y Yusuf como antes lo hiciste YAMAN. ❤❤❤
En çok bu sahne.Çok duygulandım.Bütün bunlar neden?Bütün kalbimle ağladım.Bunu beklemiyordum.Aman allahım sabret. 😷😳😥🙏🏻
Azerbaycan dan selamlar😍😍😍😍😍sizi cokkk ama cokkkk seviyorum😍😍😍😍
Seher: ¿Podemos hablar?
Yaman: Te estoy escuchando
Seher: Nos dieron un gran golpe. Ikbal aun desde su tumba, logró herirnos, pero, gracias a ti, la verdad salió, sino hubiera sido así, te hubiera culpado por el resto de mi vida por nada, te hubiera odiado, todo se hubiera destruido aun más. Sin embargo, ahora veo que no hay más 'nosotros'. Lo que hemos experimentado, la distancia entre nosotros. Tu ya no eres el antiguo tu y yo ya no soy la de antes.
Yaman: Nunca
Seher: Yo sé que después de esta conversación irrevocablemente se partirán nuestros caminos, tal vez, ya sucedió. Nuestros caminos se separaron cuando tu dejaste de creer en nosotros, cuando me aventaste a ese hoyo oscuro, me dejaste sin luz. No podía encontrar mi camino, estuve triste, aislada, enojada. Cada vez que trataba de salir de ese hoyo, tu me empujaste más al fondo. Amar a alguien significa confiar en ella, no importan las circunstancias, cuando amas a alguien construyes dentro de ti mismo el castillo más fuerte del mundo y trabajas muy duro para no dejar al otro afuera y te aseguras que no destruyan el castillo, obviamente, yo construí ese castillo sólo para mí. Al final, todo se destruyó y quedamos atrapados bajo este naufragio. Es por eso que no hay un 'nosotros'.
Y: No lo hagas
Seher: Es demasiado tarde y si no fuera por Yusuf ya me hubiera divorciado de ti, pero ahora, lo único que importa es su felicidad, su confort, entonces, desde ahora tu solo eres el tío de Yusuf y yo soy sólo la tía. No hay otro camino.
Gracias por traducir .!!
Muchas gracias
Muchas gracias por la traducción 👍👏👏👏💖
Muchas gracias 😘
Muchas gracias por tu tiempo 🙋♀️🇪🇦
*Tradução PORTUGUÊS*
Cena: Tudo desabou e nós caímos!
Seher: Podemos conversar?
Yaman: Estou ouvindo.
Seher: Recebemos um grande golpe. Ikbal conseguiu nos machucar até de seu túmulo.
Mas graças a você, a verdade veio à tona.
Se não tivesse, eu teria culpado você pelo resto da minha vida por nada.
Eu teria odiado você.
Tudo teria sido ainda mais destruído.
Mas...Agora eu vejo que ...
Não existe mais 'nós'.
O que vivemos, a distância entre nós...
Você não é mais o velho você.
E eu não sou a antiga eu.
Yaman: Não faça...
Seher: Eu sei que depois dessa conversa, iremos nos separar irrevogavelmente.
Talvez já occoreu.
Nós nos separamos quando você parou de acreditar em nós.
Quando você me jogou naquele buraco escuro.
Fiquei sem luz, não conseguia encontrar
minha direção.
Eu estava triste, com medo, com raiva.
Cada vez que tentei sair daquele buraco, você me empurrou mais fundo.
Amar alguém significa acreditar nele.
Significa confiar neles, independentemente das circunstâncias.
Quando você ama alguém, você constrói o castelo mais forte do mundo dentro de você.
E você trabalha duro para não deixar o outro sair.
E você tenta garantir que o castelo nunca seja destruído.
Obviamente, eu construí aquele castelo sozinha.
Tudo foi destruído no final.
E estamos presos sob estes destroços.
É por isso que não existe mais 'nós'. Yaman: Não faça isso.
Seher: É tarde demais.
Se não fosse por Yusuf, eu já teria me divorciado de você.
Twitter @VanChartSlayer
Muchas gracias 👍👏👏
😭😭🥺💔💔Yo moriré sabes 😭😭💔no puedo mas
Sem comentários....bitti😔😔😔😔
Obrigada linda!!
Me encanto, esta novela felicitaciones.
After 227 episodes! Welcome to the madness of Emanet! The screenwriter Naz return to the beginning! For this wonderful couple Yam&seh❤️happiness, honeymoon Yok! ❤️❤️❤️
Mi 🌷🌷🌷🌷 estas sufriendo y tus heridas no están curadas, pero deberías ver que mi grandullon está sufriendo por tí porque quiere darte todo su amor
He is the killer it's true.
He is killing everythings by his acting.
Haha true... 👏👏
@@sonam8248 his the king of facial expression 🙈
@@dwisandra7735 Hallelujah ❤💯💯🔥🔥🔥 he can burn the TV screen easily 🤦♀️🤣
You are absolutely correct ☺️
@@annal2120 I am never wrong about him 😂😆 lol
Ahora se verá si el amor de ellos con esto renazca como el AVE fénix y su amor será más grande y seguro .❤❤❤
Seher, can’t live without Yaman she will see that on the way💕🙏
La Señorita habla Like she is having so much experience in love 💔que líneas tan ridiculas después de todos lo q YAMAN is been doing for her it’s enough La escritora realmente desperdicia la quimica q existe💔HALIL IBRAHIM CEYHAN you job is amazing great actor de pies a cabeza ojalá q pronto we will see you in different projects ♥️
Yaman give her what she wants .stay away from her .she don't even try to understand you .her love and her so called trust are only in words
Cuando le dice podemos hablar? El x dentro todo lo que quieras mi amor", lastima que no escuchó lo que él quería.
Quedo helado yaman 🤭🤭🤭
No escuchó lo que quería pero, escuchó lo que se merecía. Porque lo ha hecho, fatal, fatal, fatal 😡😡😡😡.
@@teresa-357 Seguro Teresa, pero sabes cuál v está siendo el castigo de él, estar cerquita de ella, y a la vez tenerla lejos.
@@patriciamigal6166 Síí, en eso tienes razón. Pero, a ver si esto le sirve a Yaman para aprender que una pareja son dos, que puede hablar con ella, que le cuente sus preocupaciones que ella lo va a escuchar.
@@teresa-357 Yo quiero creer que si, xq otra mentira de él, ya está no va haber perdón. X eso la tercera es la vencida 😂😂
We would like to see yaman stand up for himself also
Hell, yeah!
Yep but he is blind for his Love.
They made him dump and desperate
The metaphor of the castle tore me into pieces 💔 But merak etme, Sehercim, because even if you don't believe in your love anymore, Yaman still does and he will fight for it for the both of you 💕 And we all know how stubborn he is, so he will make it
Ya lo decidí, me voy para allá a tratar de arreglar este embrollo, preparo el mate y voy 🤭🤭🤭,a lo mejor puedo convencer a seher que le dé una oportunidad a mi gigante hermoso 🥰
No vayas Adriana. Yaman la ha cagado y es quien lo tiene que arreglar. Y, por lo que se ve en el avance ya se ha puesto las pilas.
@@teresa-357 tienes toda la razón mi querida Teresa, me salió la metiche de adentro 🤭🤭🤭🙈
@@adrianabeatrizrocca7571 😂😂😂😂😂si vemos que no se arreglan, entonces sí vamos 😜😜😜😜😜.
@@teresa-357 ah ok, te voy a tomar la palabra 😅😅😅😅,gracias por tu buena onda 😘😘😘
@@adrianabeatrizrocca7571 Gracias a ti por la tuya, 😉😉😉😜😜😜😜😜.
Well done Seher! As much as I want her and Yaman to be together, they need time to heal and to trust each other again.
The smile of hope on yaman face ❤️❤️❤️
Magnífico lo que ella dice y muy acertado no se puede pasar página así de fácil, vamos haber todo lo que pasa pero ya sin gritos y maltratos ok
Yaman se queda hecho pedazos y le cambia completamente el rostro, que pena que Seher tome una decision así 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
First step kon lia? Lie kon bola?
Documents par maaf ki?
Wo boli aisa na ki tumpe trust karu ,aur backfire ho.
Yaman nahi sikha to jhatka milna chahiye.
Kuch episode baad dekna ,phir yaman doubt karega, sehar bolegi,jab trust nahi to wedding ring nikalo.
Starting me yaman jalim tha,ab result milega.
Yaman ka behavior bhi enough hai.
He deserves it, bravo seher👏👏👏👏
Have you seen the dizi "" adini sen koy"" ??! ( by naz also) .
Oooo mi 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 estás todavía muy herida y enferma de las mentiras, pero has dañado el corazón de mi grandullon hasta lo más hondo , pero el se levantará y verás que su amor es ✨✨✨✨✨✨y 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤❤❤❤
This is love people💔it will be hard to build trust again🥺but not impossible❤️🙏💫
😱😱😱que dijo Seher en español por favor Saludos desde Santiago de Chile🇨🇱🇨🇱
Bütün kırqınlıklara ramen Aşk kazanacak yine 😍Seh❤Yam 💝
Yaman queda todo bobado cuando ve a Seher🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Si ese hombre se le nota que la ama, lo que pasa que Seher para mi piensa o siente que el no la ama, y yo en manos de Seher pensaria lo mismo jajajaja
No te rinas Yaman insiste porque es por la felicidad de los dos😢😢😢😢
Bravo Nazmia. Again you managed to screw with our heads. We were hoping things will change. But no. It's back to the beginning. 🥺🥺🙈🙈🙈
Not at all with this horrible writer no happiness in the mansion and not for us.
Eventide sehar says can we talk?
Yaman has that soft smile on his handsome face.And than she crushes all that hopes he has.i can't bear that pain 😢he is going through. 😥😥
Whilst I completely agree with everything Seher said and her decision, Yaman's "Don't do it" did make me die inside. 💔
Touché. But there was never really an "us" between Yaman and Seher.
Entiendo a Seher esa mentira de Yaman causo mucho dano en la relacion , tambien siento pesar por el , espero que el busque la manera de enamorarla otra vez y ganar su confianza y su amor para que puedan ser felices.
Se perdió la confianza entre ellos seher tiene vergüenza x lo k hizo le disparó y si lo hubiera matado y después se hubiera enterado de su inocencia se sentiría peor, así que entiende yaman tu ocasinaste esto. Así que mucha paciencia hay que trabajar mucho para ganarse la confianza de seher.
No toda la culpa la tiene Yaman si se echó la culpa para salvar a su hno. Y como dice Seher que no confío en ella si le hubiera contado Yaman la verdad no le hubiera creído, está como cuando le dieron el archivo a Yaman sobre Seher y Selim xq ella no le contó sobre eso si se lo hubiera contado no hubiera pasado x tanto sufrimiento Seher pero se quedó callada viene siendo lo mismo
Omg! Those word hit the most part of Yaman heart..
Solo con un gran amor y buena voluntad se cambia un hombre
Un uomo che finalmente ascolta una donna attentamente senza interrompere, solo nelle serie si vedono.
True 😂
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 certo
It was expected they both need time to heal and she's right about something she did build the castle by herself she always trusted him I know a lot of us said she doesn't love him but she loves him so much that's why it hurts her so much cause he didn't trust her And she does feel guilty for the things that she did to him she does have remorse its going to take time but they will overcome this I know it just fiction but put your self in her shoes what would we do ladies . If you were in this situation
Yes Being betrayed by your enemies is bad. Because it’s expected. But being betrayed by your loved ones is more worse. The harder you love the harder you hate. Yaman should understand seher because he went through the same feeling when he found out iqabl betrayed him all those years. And he had a mental breakdown himself.
Do u see her as being hurt? I don't.. the only one in pain in this scene is yaman.. All this dialogue is not out of regret or hurt but because she likes to play victim so she won't take responsibility for the hideous things she did.. She didn't even apologize for shooting him..
@@souhasediri4160 They both are hurt if you can’t see that. Seher is hurt yaman didn’t trust her enough to tell her the truth. Yaman is scared to hurt her because he’s afraid she’s going to leave him like his mom did. He’s also hurt because he didn’t trust seher and made her be in pain. Yaman didn’t apologize for all the stuff he did to seher also. He framed her for a crime she didn’t do because she got custody of yusuf. She got stabbed in jail and almost died because yaman sent her there remember. He never apologized he just acted nice to her and he didn’t want to tell her he framed her either. Until he had to, seher got mad and he didn’t even apologize he just said nice things to her and seher just let it go because of yusuf. For all the stuff he accused her of and did to her he didn’t apologize he didn’t want to because of his mom saying not to be like his father. But cenger, ziya, yusuf, and ali baba had to tell him he needed to apologize he was in the wrong. He finally did because seher was going to leave if he didnt.
@@davinasuon8050 apparently u didn't watch all the episodes... Check ep 160 plz ☺ yaman did apologize to seher.. At least no matter how angry he ever was with her, he never shot her even when he was convinced that she was cheating on him which is a thing that a mafia man cannot take lightly.. Talking about how he made her suffer u must acknowledge that she didn't make his life easy either by always being stubborn by trusting her psycho friends like ozan and selim despite his warnings he was always left to save her..even now by forcing him to accept zuhal in his mansion.. As for betrayal plz don't go there, in addition to faking evidences did u forget that she drugged him too? And let's not forget how she used his past to hurt him by bringing up his mother which was quite harsh even for her...
@@souhasediri4160 You also didn’t watch the episode. He never apologized when she was stabbed in jail. He acted like nothing happened. Betrayal happened because he never trusted her and thought the worse of her when he should of investigate the two snakes in his house. He couldn’t protect many of his family because he let iqabl live in the mansion and run it as well. Ziya was going insane because yaman never investigated who was poisoning him. he never investigated the slander on yusuf mom. and believed it. he didn’t help protect his brother wife and let her get killed in his mansion right under his nose. didn’t investigate that too. not to mention seher was attacked in his mansion and almost lost her legs. He lost custody of yusuf for a reason my dear because he was surrounded by people who wanted him dead or his fortune. seher brought yusuf back to him because she knew it was best for yusuf health and yaman. despite losing him too, if she did. Seher had nothing to do with his enemies she just became a target because she was in the same household as yaman so they though she was his loved one. Just because she made it difficult for him doesn’t mean it’s her fault. Her life became difficult because of yaman and the people who wanted to get ride of him. She drugged him to go to sleep so she can escape not to kill him hun. She was on the run from her sister killer did you forget! Why did seher believe he was her sister killer because he lied saying he killed her. If she wanted it to end she could of told yusuf yaman killed his mom, you think yusuf would want to see him either if he found out. By using the past to hurt him guess what yaman has past issues he still needs to work on that’s why he acts the way he does. If seher was out for yaman she could of left after having custody and never came back.
Did he deserve that YES YES YES. NO trust, no relationship
Podemos ablar el pobre la mira como si ubiera eyotodo loque lea dicho y el es noble y bueno es elmejor artista para mi como tiene en sucara el sufrimiento te adoro cariño eres el mejor ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
One of the best scenes in this series ...
It is predictable that Seher will say that, but I am not going to worry because it won’t take too long for them to get together again.
Maybe this time she mean it, and yaman will have zuzu as her wife
Yeah, I'm not worried either, just going with the flow😂
I bet she'll only hold until Friday 😂😂
His eyes..... There was so much happiness in them when she said she wanted to talk.
I wonder how will the writers redeem Seher cuz till now there is no regret or remorse. Are they just going to continue with Yaman being the root of the issue without Seher reflecting on her actions
Ys seher culprit than yaman she almost killed yaman and she is talking about got hurt by him ,she is behaving like innocent.actually she has to be more guilty than yaman but what kind of writer she is how she still showing seher as a innocent infront of yaman
Exatamente. Lindo, todo feliz!!
True! For me, if they continue showing her character like this and don't redeem it, I will stop watching this series altogether! It is not worth it. There should be a balance in a relationship and both should shoulder the burden and responsibilities of things gone wrong! Why Yaman alone?
Seher no tiene que tener ningún remordimiento ni arrepentimiento, ella lo que hizo fue luchar por irse de la casa donde creyó que vivía el asesino de su hermana, el único culpable aquí es Yaman. Dan tristeza los comentarios de mujeres que culpan a una mujer inocente que lo único que quería era dejar a ese hombre que amó pero que al enterarse que mató a su hermana no pudo soportarlo, se fue, él se interpuso en su camino porque es tan egoísta que no quería dejarla ir y quiso obligarla a vivir con él aún sabiendo que él la obligó a creer que era un asesino. Sí el no la busca y le obliga a dispararle ella se hubiese ido sin más, no iba a buscar justicia ni venganza, ella solo quería irse y él la obligó a dispararle, luego la encuentra en paz en ese pueblecito y la lleva de nuevo a la mansión por puro egoísmo, Seher es una pobre víctima del orgullo de Yaman, de su egoísmo, de su egocentrismo. Si a ustedes le matan una hermana y el esposo de ustedes es el asesino y ustedes lo perdonan eso es no tener dignidad, ni amor de hermana, pero no juzguen a quien sí tiene dignidad y amor de hermana
There's no more us anymore....ouch .... it's hurt!!!!!
Sustitutos en Español, gracias!!!
Seher: ¿Podemos hablar?
Yaman: Te estoy escuchando
Seher: Nos dieron un gran golpe. Ikbal aun desde su tumba, logró herirnos, pero, gracias a ti, la verdad salió, sino hubiera sido así, te hubiera culpado por el resto de mi vida por nada, te hubiera odiado, todo se hubiera destruido aun más. Sin embargo, ahora veo que no hay más 'nosotros'. Lo que hemos experimentado, la distancia entre nosotros. Tu ya no eres el antiguo tu y yo ya no soy la de antes.
Yaman: Nunca
Seher: Yo sé que después de esta conversación irrevocablemente se partirán nuestros caminos, tal vez, ya sucedió. Nuestros caminos se separaron cuando tu dejaste de creer en nosotros, cuando me aventaste a ese hoyo oscuro, me dejaste sin luz. No podía encontrar mi camino, estuve triste, aislada, enojada. Cada vez que trataba de salir de ese hoyo, tu me empujaste más al fondo. Amar a alguien significa confiar en ella, no importan las circunstancias, cuando amas a alguien construyes dentro de ti mismo el castillo más fuerte del mundo y trabajas muy duro para no dejar al otro afuera y te aseguras que no destruyan el castillo, obviamente, yo construí ese castillo sólo para mí. Al final, todo se destruyó y quedamos atrapados bajo este naufragio. Es por eso que no hay un 'nosotros'.
Y: No lo hagas
Seher: Es demasiado tarde y si no fuera por Yusuf ya me hubiera divorciado de ti, pero ahora, lo único que importa es su felicidad, su confort, entonces, desde ahora tu solo eres el tío de Yusuf y yo soy sólo la tía. No hay otro camino.
@@transformerfan17 gracias primor , que mal va esto uhhhhhh, no le veo buen fin ....
No puedo entender a esta mujer no ve el sacrificio que hizo yaman por su hermano
Looking back how far these 2 have come to where they are now. They have been through so much and deserve to have a happy ending 💓 they were meant to find each other.
Marital union is the strongest type of human relationship, and crises do not arise because of the wrong choice between spouses, but because of the wrong communication between them, and the appreciation of each partner for the weaknesses and strengths of the other.
Enough putting Yusuf in the middle of your relationship and think a little bit of yourself Seher 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥.
Seher is a fool if she thinks they can live together in that house just as the aunt and uncle. Their love is too great.
wont last long those looks and they will be back together in no time
Theresa if I was Yaman one day she was going to find me lying in her bed beside her
@@gracejonas2487 thats so funny 🤣😆
Those words hit him a like rock 😭😭😭😭😭
Cada vez mais estou gostando das séries turcas estão mais uma vez de Parabéns
The love in his eyes whenever he sees Seher its killer
The dialogue are beautiful... Words are spoken with feelings... .The writers and Naz have perfectly balanced but however the plots aren't.. they are still titling ..
Oh, he is gutted, there is No More Us, only Uncle and Aunt, and she would have divorced him only for Yousf ...How can "Our Couple", live like this, she is destroyed, and he is catching up on this destruction... A, wake up call he didn't expect ...but she had always been truthful and honest with her, and it's too late for him to learn that she built the foundation all on her own..🙂🙂.
Yes it’s sad. Hopefully he can just trust her. She would of divorce but she knows yusuf wants his uncle and she want him in yusuf life too. But if she divorced him they might get in trouble with social service again. So she just wants to raise yusuf with him without the relationship part. She’s been to hurt and she’s done things she wouldn’t think she could do just because of the lies.
Siempre habla de la capacidad de amar pero y ella donde esta su capacidad después de contar todo y de casi morir donde esta su amor el está dispuesto a todo ella ...
Es que Yaman ya le hizo sufrir bastante desde que llegó a esa casa es una tras otra por su inseguridad y miente .No cumple su palabra😓
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