耶穌是在伯利恆出世的。Born in Bethlehem, exactly as the old prophecies foretold. When Jesus grew up, He lived in Nazareth. But He was not born in Nazareth. 聖經記載的一直都是耶穌生於伯利恆,而且聖經是一本歷史書,所有發生的史事,人物,時間,通通都有得對證,都是史實。耶穌出生在伯利恆是真係發生過的事。Jesus born in Bethlehem is a solid historical fact with solid proof.
耶穌是在伯利恆出世的。Born in Bethlehem, exactly as the old prophecies foretold. When Jesus grew up, He lived in Nazareth. But He was not born in Nazareth. 聖經記載的一直都是耶穌生於伯利恆,而且聖經是一本歷史書,所有發生的史事,人物,時間,通通都有得對證,都是史實。耶穌出生在伯利恆是真係發生過的事。Jesus born in Bethlehem is a solid historical fact with solid proof.