Yulianna Avdeeva - Rachmaninov: Prelude Op. 23 No. 4

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 46

  • @allthumbs3792
    @allthumbs3792 17 дней назад

    Absolutely divine! Every note lusciously placed with artistic intent and precision.

  • @HapeMaschelski-kc6lh
    @HapeMaschelski-kc6lh 4 месяца назад

    Mein Lieblings-Prelude. Very nice.❤❤❤

  • @DavidAbramskyCello
    @DavidAbramskyCello 5 месяцев назад

    So beautifully and thoughtfully played.

  • @lucianoiovino304
    @lucianoiovino304 2 месяца назад

    The best in the World ❤

  • @_tfany6303
    @_tfany6303 3 года назад +1


  • @torotoro2127
    @torotoro2127 3 года назад +2

    I'm watching your You Tube with my 5 year old daughter.
    We are looking forward to hearing your piano in Japan!
    Thank you for the wonderful performance!

  • @dagmarstaub806
    @dagmarstaub806 Год назад

    Mesmerising and comforting piece so beautifully crafted. Thank you so much.🎉

  • @yapsun3017
    @yapsun3017 Год назад

    Most beautiful Rachmaninoff Prelude!❤

  • @kyokosonatefurklavier
    @kyokosonatefurklavier 3 года назад +4

    Thank you very much!!

  • @hyunsang57
    @hyunsang57 3 года назад +9

    This performance let me ponder something that I cannot specify. But it is closer to sadness with silver linings in the end. So much appreciate for sharing it.

  • @marekczekanski1598
    @marekczekanski1598 3 года назад +6

    Thank You, Yulianna, for uploading your beloved Prelude! Your Soul is totally engrossed in this beautiful performance. Musical magic.

  • @tekraynak
    @tekraynak 8 месяцев назад

    Stunning! Gorgeous! Amazing! Absolutely lovely!

  • @さやピアノ教室
    @さやピアノ教室 3 года назад +1


  • @JuliaPikalova
    @JuliaPikalova 3 года назад +5

    My favourite prelude, thank you!

  • @weathersuperman9133
    @weathersuperman9133 7 месяцев назад

    so privileged to listen to this, Chopin piano competiiton winner of 2010, bravo

  • @raulhernandez4176
    @raulhernandez4176 2 года назад

    Great! Greetings from Guatemala!

  • @yulduzaslanova7746
    @yulduzaslanova7746 2 года назад

    Юлиана ваша интерпретация и исполнение как всегда великолепно. Благодарю вас. Я ваша горячая поклонница.

  • @wagnerpolveiro
    @wagnerpolveiro Год назад

    Splendid..., it's delightful to see you and your videos, dear Yulianna, I just love the way you play. Thanks for sharing 💖

  • @AnastasiyaKostikova
    @AnastasiyaKostikova 2 года назад

    Юлианна, шикарная версия! Очень давно играли с ансамблем скрипачей, захотелось сыграть снова ❤ Спасибо

  • @王昭凱-h5s
    @王昭凱-h5s 2 года назад

    I love your piano, thank you~

  • @huenang05
    @huenang05 3 года назад +2

    Wonderful. I'm new here.

  • @claudiogabriele
    @claudiogabriele 3 года назад +1

    Beautiful interpretation!

  • @Icryh
    @Icryh 3 года назад

    I have been fan since I was 7. I’m looking forward to seeing you;)

  • @hiro.k.1758
    @hiro.k.1758 3 года назад


  • @marydavis4724
    @marydavis4724 3 года назад


  • @Daniel_Zalman
    @Daniel_Zalman 2 года назад


  • @surkova_a
    @surkova_a Год назад


  •  3 года назад


  • @MichiyoHaraPianist
    @MichiyoHaraPianist 3 года назад

    Thank you for the performance.
    I'm looking forward to your next visit to Japan!

  • @shota117
    @shota117 3 года назад

    You are the authentic not only as a pianist but a musician and a philosopher. I’m looking forward to seeing you in the very near future!

  • @lorrainesilvers
    @lorrainesilvers 8 месяцев назад

    Better than many of the big names!

  • @emanuelegilio8801
    @emanuelegilio8801 3 года назад

    thank ypu

  • @neilkilleen3911
    @neilkilleen3911 Год назад +1

    This piece is endlessly fascinating because it can be delivered so differently, but convincingly if authentically performed. Your performance (which I was convinced by) is amongst the quicker and more robust interpretations (the tinkly bells on the second last page were a total delight always dynamically beneath the first beat). Contrast this with the dreamy and compelling zeitgeist that Ashkenazy conjours from his magic fingers. I’ve been working on this for a couple of months now (just an amateur) and finally it’s taking some shape. But I truly don’t know what shape I’m heading for. I’m partly limited by my abilities (mainly control) and partly by my instrument (it’s a good Yamaha YUS3 which I’ve recently acquired so I’m still learning to exploit it) and partly by the absence of my own final conception! Goodness, so much rich pleasure to be had figuring these things out !

    • @allthumbs3792
      @allthumbs3792 17 дней назад

      Spoken (written) like a lifelong music seeker and lover. The journey through the study of a piece like this a reward in itself. The destination, a deeply relished satisfaction.

    • @neilkilleen3911
      @neilkilleen3911 17 дней назад

      @allthumbs3792 exactly! I did complete my work on this piece (how now) and made a recording I could tolerate - it’s on my YT page 😉

  • @laborsanonsalesempre
    @laborsanonsalesempre 3 года назад +1


  • @あやちんとミミ
    @あやちんとミミ Год назад

    Nice 🌺
    How about 23-5??😉

  • @福Fukufuji藤
    @福Fukufuji藤 3 года назад +1

    I listened to your performance in Fukushima and Sendai. It was a great experience. I enjoy your performance on CD and youtube. I also pray that I can listen to live music in Japan. Please pay attention to your health. I think your Bach project is a very valuable activity, research and educational activity in history.

  • @ちゃばしら-q6x
    @ちゃばしら-q6x 10 месяцев назад


  • @peterbrenton410
    @peterbrenton410 Год назад

    In bars 11 and 12, I noticed she plays a C# instead of F# on the 5th quaver in the left hand.

  • @Jesse.berberian
    @Jesse.berberian Год назад

    Please record Corelli. If an interpretation can cope with this text, it will probably be yours.
    Regards from France

  • @emanuelegilio8801
    @emanuelegilio8801 3 года назад


  • @earltalentscout9918
    @earltalentscout9918 3 года назад

    You're so great! Have you heard of Sessions? I think you will kill it there!

  • @ProfRonanMC
    @ProfRonanMC Год назад

    Richter said of Neuhaus that as a teacher «he taught me how to sit». You have the same stillness that seems to give the music an almost unbearable intensity of focus.