Tracklist 00:00:00 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 1 in C Major, R. E.09: I. Allegro moderato 00:06:01 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 1 in C Major, R. E.09: II. Minuetto 00:08:53 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 2 in D Major, R. E.06: I. Andante poco adagio 00:12:02 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 2 in D Major, R. E.06: II. Rondo. Allegretto 00:15:59 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 3 in E Minor, R. E.10: I. Allegro spirituoso 00:22:45 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 3 in E Minor, R. E.10: II. Minuetto 00:24:55 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 4 in G Major, R. E.08: I. Poco adagio 00:28:01 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 4 in G Major, R. E.08: II. Rondo. Allegro moderato 00:34:08 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 5 in G Major, R. E.07: I. Andante 00:36:25 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 5 in G Major, R. E.07: II. Rondo 00:41:38 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 6 in G Major, R. E.11: I. Allegro
¡Hombre, no es una flauta hecha con una caña y una navajilla! Alguna hice en mi infancia jugándome los dedos en la empresa y por supuesto no sonaban así de bien
Never heard. Fresh and modulated, with the flute melodies by the flautist articulated to pleasant heights .Paisiello must feature in international fora . Such talent must never go unrecognised. Titus. Kerala ,Trivandrum.
Escuchar estos cuartetos me hace sentir como si recorriera a pie los campos de la Toscana o la region de Siena durante un dia claro y soleado, muchas gracias por compartir estas maravillosas obras
In my opinion this is the best flute concertos available on RUclips (of course puritans will differ). The exposition itself is so haunting that whenever I remember anything about flute Paisiello flute quartets will come to my mind and drag me in to hear it out if found on RUclips while searching!
Wunderschöne und erfreuliche Interpretation dieser sechs kompakten und fein komponierten Quartette in lebhaften Tempi mit bezauberndem Ton der Flöte, seidigem Ton der Violine, mildem Ton der Bratsche und tiefem Ton des Cellos. Die intime und perfekt balancierte Miteinanderwirkung zwischen den vier Virtuosen ist wahrlich ergreifend. Alles ist angenehm!
Perfect songs to read the subjective forms of the clouds and to follow with a tender eye the grooves of the stems of the trees; appreciate the complex writing of the nested branches, taste the colors of the decomposition of light into water droplets in a garden, and strongly feel the wet soil of ancestral forest to perceive the traces of animals from deep past
I think if our souls could fall in love with certain musical notes,... Definitely pieces like this, could have got the match.... ❤️🎶🎼🎶❤️🎶🎶🎶❤️🎶❤️❤️❤️🎶❤️🎶🎶🎶🎼🎼🎼❤️🎼🎶❤️🎼🎶🎼🎼❤️🎼
O encanto da música barroca sempre renovado em compositores antes desconhecidos. Já tinha ouvido Paisiello aqui. Muito lindo. A internet nos permite tomar conhecimento de uma variedade de gênios antes impossível imaginar. E dizer que um dia o próprio Vivaldi esteve esquecido! Wunderschön! Fantastique! Wonderful! Esplendido! Maraviglioso!
@@LudovicoValoroso paisiello è antecedente mozart. Si sente mozart un bel niente; si sente la scuola napoletana semmai. Finiamola di ragionare in maniera austrocentrica . Sono loro che hanno preso le nostre idee musicali.
@@itadiva1982 hai ragione ma il senso di quello che ho scritto era per sottolineare la “classicità” delle composizioni, rispetto al barocco nominato prima dall’altro utente
@@LudovicoValoroso esatto; come darti torto; ma il senso delle mie risposte è... siamo sicuri che l'estero in particolare il mondo autrocenrico ha offerto la migliore musica? La mia risposta è nemmeno per idea; il barocco è nato in italia.
Giovanni Paisiello born in Taranto, Apulia (Italy) in 1741. Paisiello was a great composer and, in the time he lived, he was much copied by other musicians. He was also paid three times as much as other composers of that time. He was Grand Master at Napoleon's court in France and Court Master for the Tsarina of Russia. The music for Napoleon's coronation mass in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome was composed by Paisiello. Famous was the gesture of Napoleon who, in front of the pope who was to crown him, took the crown and crowned himself.
Paisello is an underrated composer. At his time, we was known about all for his operas. Beethoven composed some rather easy variations (which is un familiar for Breethoven) on an aria of its opera "La Molinara", which most piano students (including myself) are forced to learn !!!!! It htese flute quartets, Paisello of course had to put the soloist forward, as Mozart did for the Dutch flutist Dejean, and could write strings in a very conventional way, which he does not do: we have here an overall quality of inspiration and a careful writing. Mozart wrote his flute quartets without enthusiasm, just to earn some money. Of course, Mozart is the divine Mozart, but from a strictly technical point of view, Mozart's and Paiseelo's flute quartets have most features in common. Hearing flute quartets is not common; but a repertoire of such a quartet should include Mozart of course, but also Paiseelo and some othe talented composers such as the sons of J.S.Bach. Note that, more than one century later (around 1930°, the Franch composer Albert Roussel wrote an absolutely outstanding trio for flute, alto and cello.
I love these quartets so much! Although I knew about Paisiello cause of some Arias all voice students learn, I never heard these before. The flautist is marvelous, I am guessing he is playing a classical early flute. Sounds so sweet, pure, agile. Beautiful ornamentions. I have trying to follow up with a one key Grenser and I am not sure i will ever catch up 😅. Just heard another recording on a modern Boehm flute and even though the music is still charming the flute sounded forced, heavy and with too much vibrato. Looking forward to more recording of Gabrielle Formenti. Love his playing.
Most excellent. Been getting my feet wet in classical the last 10 years. The collection consists mostly of Jazz, Blues, then Rock. With regards to classical I would say that Baroque really catches my fancy. This is my first exposure to this composer. Tackling Classical music is most imposing, so many composers, so many compositions, so many recordings and so many artists and their iinterpretations. Met a guy with 20, 000 classical recordings and he was still collecting. He is professor at Harvard.
What fun! More "unknown" (to me) works from BC, by a composer I only associated with operas, played expertly with a sense of delight in the playing. "Deft accompaniment," also, in the choice of a painting that offers charm without pretense of being high art (anyone else never heard of Waldmüller?). A gem - if not finest diamond, well above costume jewelry. Thanks to all.
Paisiello wrote part of the coronation music for the emperor Napoleon -earlier he had been summoned to St Petersburg to write music for Catherine the Great.In his day he was more popular than Mozart and his music is a bit lighter than Mozarts.
Wonder what made this composer, so much better known than Mozart in its day, composer of the most beautiful chamber music and operas ever, be less known than Mozart today.
*Elenco delle opere di Paisiello e date delle composizioni:* Il ciarlone (12.5.1764 Bolonha) I francesi brillanti (24.6.1764 Bolonha) Madama l'umorista, o Gli stravaganti (26.1.1765 Modena) L'amore in ballo (Carnaval 1765 Veneza SM) I bagni d'Abano (primavera 1765 Parma) Demetrio (Pasqua 1765 Modena) Il negligente (1765 Parma) Le virtuose ridicole (1765 Parma) Le nozze disturbate (Carn. 1776 Veneza SM) Le finte contesse (2.1766 Roma V) [Il Marchese di Tulissano?] La vedova di bel genio (prim. 1766 Nápoles N) L'idolo cinese (prima. 1767 Nápoles N) Lucio Papirio dittatore (verão 1767 Nápoles SC) Il furbo malaccorto (inverno 1767 Nápoles N) Le 'mbroglie de la Bajasse (1767 Nápoles F) Alceste in Ebuda, ovvero Olimpia (20.1.1768 Nápoles SC) Festa teatrale in musica (31.5.1768 Nápoles PR) [Le nozze di Peleo e Tetide] La luna abitata (verão 1768 Nápoles N) La finta maga per vendetta ( 1768 Nápoles F) L'osteria di Marechiaro (inver. 1768 Nápoles F) La serva fatta padrona (verão 1769 Nápoles F) [rev. Le 'mbroglie de la Bajasse] Don Chisciotte della Mancia (verão 1769 Nápoles F) L'arabo cortese (inver. 1769 Nápoles N) La Zelmira, o sia La marina del Granatello (verão 1770 Nápoles N) Le trame per amore (7.10.1770 Nápoles N) Annibale in Torino (16.1.1771 Torím TR) La somiglianza de' nomi (prima. 1771 Nápoles N) I scherzi d'amore e di fortuna (verão 1771 Nápoles N) Artaserse (26.12.1771 Mòdena) Semiramide in villa (Carn. 1772 Roma Ca) Motezuma (1.1772 Roma D) La Dardanè (prima. 1772 Nápoles N) Gli amante comici (1772 Nápoles N) Don Anchise Campanone (1773 Veneza) [rev. Gli amante comici] L'innocente fortunata (Carn. 1773 Veneza SM) Sismano nel Mogol (Carn. 1773 Milão RD) Il tamburo (prima. 1773 Nápoles N) [Il tamburo notturno] Alessandro nell'Indie (26.12.1773 Mòdena) Andromeda (Carn. 1774 Milão RD) Il duello (prima. 1774 Nápoles N) Il credulo deluso (1774 Nápoles N) La frascatana ( 1774 Veneza SS) [L'infante de Zamora] Il divertimento dei numi (4.12.1774 Nápoles PR) Demofoonte (Carn. 1775 Veneza SB) La discordia fortunata (Carn. 1775 Veneza SS) [L'avaro deluso] L'amor ingegnoso, o sia La giovane scaltra (Carn. 1775 Pàdua) Le astuzie amorose (prima. 1775 Nápoles N) Socrate immaginario ( 1775 Nápoles N) Il gran Cid (3.11.1775 Florência P) Le due contesse (3.1.1776 Roma V) La disfatta di Dario (Carn. 1776 Roma A) Dal finto il vero (prima. 1776 Nápoles N) Nitteti (28.1.1777 São Petersburgo) Lucinda e Armidoro ( 1777 São Petersburgo) Achille in Sciro (6.2.1778 São Petersburgo) Lo sposo burlato (24.7.1778 São Petersburgo) Gli astrologi immaginari (14.2.1779 São Petersburgo) [Le philosophe imaginaire] Il matrimonio inaspettato (1779 Kammenïy Ostrov) [La contadina di spirito] La finta amante (5.6.1780 Mogilev) [Camiletta] Alcide al bivio (6.12.1780 São Petersburgo) La serva padrona (10?.9.1781 Tsàrskoie Seló) Il duello comico (1782 Tsàrskoie Seló) [rev. Il duello] Il barbiere di Siviglia, ovvero La precauzione inutile (26.9.1782 São Petersburgo) Il mondo della luna (1782 Kammenïy Ostrov) Il re Teodoro in Venècia (23.8.1784 Viena B) Antigono (12.10.1785 Nápoles SC) La grotta di Trofonio (12.1785 Nápoles F) Olimpiade (20.1.1786 Nápoles SC) Le gare generose (prima. 1786 Nápoles F) [Gli schiavi per amore; Le bon maître, ou L'esclave par amour] Pirro (12.1.1787 Nápoles SC) Il barbiere di Siviglia, ovvero La precauzione inutile [rev] (1787 Nápoles F) La modista raggiratrice (1787 Nápoles F) [La scuffiara amante, o sia Il maestro di scuola Nàpolstano; La scuffiara raggiratrice] Giunone e Lucina (8.9.1787 Nápoles SC) Fedra (1.1.1788 Nápoles SC) L'amor contrastato (Carn. 1789 Nápoles F) [L'amor contrastato o sia La molinarella] Catone in Utica (5.2.1789 Nápoles SC) Nina, o sia La pazza per amore (25.6.1789 Caserta) I zingari in fiera (21.11.1789 Nápoles Fo) Le vane gelosie (prima. 1790 Nápoles F) Zenobia in Palmira (30.5.1790 Nápoles SC) La molinara (1790 Viena) [rev. L'amor contrastato] Nina, o sia La pazza per amore [rev] (1790 Nápoles F) Ipermestra (6.1791 Pàdua) La locanda (16.6.1791 Londres Pantheon) [La locanda di falcone; Lo stambo in Berlina] I giuochi d'Agrigento (16.5.1792 Venècia F) Il fanatico in Berlina (1792 Nápoles F) [rev. La locanda] Il ritorno d'Idomeneo (tardor 1792 Perusa) Elfrida (4.11.1792 Nápoles SC) [Adevolto] Elvira (12.1.1794 Nápoles SC) Didone abbandonata (4.11.1794 Nápoles SC) Nina, o sia La pazza per amore [rev 2] (1795 Nápoles F) Chi la dura la vince (9.6.1797 Milão S) La Daunia felice (26.6.1797 Foggia) Andròmaca (4.11.1797 Nápoles SC) L'inganno felice (1798 Nápoles Fo) Proserpine (28.3.1803 París O) Elisa (19.3.1807 Nápoles SC) [+ Mayr] I pittagorici (19.3.1808 Nápoles SC)
00:00:00 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 1 in C Major, R. E.09: I. Allegro moderato
00:06:01 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 1 in C Major, R. E.09: II. Minuetto
00:08:53 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 2 in D Major, R. E.06: I. Andante poco adagio
00:12:02 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 2 in D Major, R. E.06: II. Rondo. Allegretto
00:15:59 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 3 in E Minor, R. E.10: I. Allegro spirituoso
00:22:45 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 3 in E Minor, R. E.10: II. Minuetto
00:24:55 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 4 in G Major, R. E.08: I. Poco adagio
00:28:01 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 4 in G Major, R. E.08: II. Rondo. Allegro moderato
00:34:08 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 5 in G Major, R. E.07: I. Andante
00:36:25 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 5 in G Major, R. E.07: II. Rondo
00:41:38 Giovanni Paisiello: 6 Flute Quartets, Op. 23 No. 6 in G Major, R. E.11: I. Allegro
¡Hombre, no es una flauta hecha con una caña y una navajilla! Alguna hice en mi infancia jugándome los dedos en la empresa y por supuesto no sonaban así de bien
Another composer I'd never heard of til now. Thank you!
A great one, indeed
Nato a Taranto Puglia Italy nel 1741
Never? It's a famous one. He was famous at his time too. Beethoven composed a set of variations on one of his themes "Nel cor più non mi sento" WoO 70
Probabilmente il compositore più importante mai esistito in Puglia.
Thank you all for sharing this beautiful music with the public!
Never heard. Fresh and modulated, with the flute melodies by the flautist articulated to pleasant heights .Paisiello must feature in international fora . Such talent must never go unrecognised.
Titus. Kerala ,Trivandrum.
Escuchar estos cuartetos me hace sentir como si recorriera a pie los campos de la Toscana o la region de Siena durante un dia claro y soleado, muchas gracias por compartir estas maravillosas obras
Melodioso e incantevole gioco di flauti. Paisiello nacque nella mia Taranto ma a soli 13 anni andò a studiare a Napoli, per sua e nostra fortuna...
Grande Paisiello questi quartetti sono veramente splendidi
How I love this beautiful music. So soft and gentle, soothing heart and soul. Hearty Thanks !!🎶🎶🎶🎶❤🌼❤🎶🎶🎶🎶
In my opinion this is the best flute concertos available on RUclips (of course puritans will differ). The exposition itself is so haunting that whenever I remember anything about flute Paisiello flute quartets will come to my mind and drag me in to hear it out if found on RUclips while searching!
Wunderschöne und erfreuliche Interpretation dieser sechs kompakten und fein komponierten Quartette in lebhaften Tempi mit bezauberndem Ton der Flöte, seidigem Ton der Violine, mildem Ton der Bratsche und tiefem Ton des Cellos. Die intime und perfekt balancierte Miteinanderwirkung zwischen den vier Virtuosen ist wahrlich ergreifend. Alles ist angenehm!
Uplifting and joyful. Thank you Brilliant Classics!
I love Paisiello, his music is so charming and it brings me joy everytime. Thank you Brillant !
Yes, totally charming!!!!
Perfect songs to read the subjective forms of the clouds and to follow with a tender eye the grooves of the stems of the trees; appreciate the complex writing of the nested branches, taste the colors of the decomposition of light into water droplets in a garden, and strongly feel the wet soil of ancestral forest to perceive the traces of animals from deep past
I think if our souls could fall in love with certain musical notes,... Definitely pieces like this, could have got the match.... ❤️🎶🎼🎶❤️🎶🎶🎶❤️🎶❤️❤️❤️🎶❤️🎶🎶🎶🎼🎼🎼❤️🎼🎶❤️🎼🎶🎼🎼❤️🎼
O encanto da música barroca sempre renovado em compositores antes desconhecidos. Já tinha ouvido Paisiello aqui. Muito lindo. A internet nos permite tomar conhecimento de uma variedade de gênios antes impossível imaginar. E dizer que um dia o próprio Vivaldi esteve esquecido! Wunderschön! Fantastique! Wonderful! Esplendido! Maraviglioso!
Credo che sia comunque più periodo classico che barocco, si sente molto Mozart in questi pezzi. Sia nelle composizioni che nei colori utilizzati.
@@LudovicoValoroso paisiello è antecedente mozart. Si sente mozart un bel niente; si sente la scuola napoletana semmai. Finiamola di ragionare in maniera austrocentrica . Sono loro che hanno preso le nostre idee musicali.
@@itadiva1982 hai ragione ma il senso di quello che ho scritto era per sottolineare la “classicità” delle composizioni, rispetto al barocco nominato prima dall’altro utente
@@LudovicoValoroso esatto; come darti torto; ma il senso delle mie risposte è... siamo sicuri che l'estero in particolare il mondo autrocenrico ha offerto la migliore musica? La mia risposta è nemmeno per idea; il barocco è nato in italia.
Comfort of this muic is beyond words
Sadly, another Composer I have never heard of. What enchanting music. Piacere Giovanni. Grazie Mille
It feels like I am dancing with the fairies in the middle of the meadow
Maravillosa armonia de seis
Piękna muzyka kompozytora o którym do dzisiaj nie słyszałem.
This is a great gift to flute lovers
I have'nt heard of this composer till now but I am satisfy to hear this inocent music.
Giovanni Paisiello born in Taranto, Apulia (Italy) in 1741.
Paisiello was a great composer and, in the time he lived, he was much copied by other musicians. He was also paid three times as much as other composers of that time. He was Grand Master at Napoleon's court in France and Court Master for the Tsarina of Russia. The music for Napoleon's coronation mass in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome was composed by Paisiello. Famous was the gesture of Napoleon who, in front of the pope who was to crown him, took the crown and crowned himself.
Paisello is an underrated composer. At his time, we was known about all for his operas. Beethoven composed some rather easy variations (which is un familiar for Breethoven) on an aria of its opera "La Molinara", which most piano students (including myself) are forced to learn !!!!! It htese flute quartets, Paisello of course had to put the soloist forward, as Mozart did for the Dutch flutist Dejean, and could write strings in a very conventional way, which he does not do: we have here an overall quality of inspiration and a careful writing. Mozart wrote his flute quartets without enthusiasm, just to earn some money. Of course, Mozart is the divine Mozart, but from a strictly technical point of view, Mozart's and Paiseelo's flute quartets have most features in common. Hearing flute quartets is not common; but a repertoire of such a quartet should include Mozart of course, but also Paiseelo and some othe talented composers such as the sons of J.S.Bach. Note that, more than one century later (around 1930°, the Franch composer Albert Roussel wrote an absolutely outstanding trio for flute, alto and cello.
Certainly Paisiello was not inspired by Mozart's music; we have every reason to think it actually was the other way round
Light sound that charm yours earns.
delightful! I just discovered his music and shall listen more.
Many thanks for sharing the art of this unjustifiably little known composer.
아름다운 연주곡 잘 들었습니다~감사합니다~🎵🎻🌿🍀☘🌹🌹☘🍀🌿❤❤
Utterly charming! Thanks for uploading. The ❤️🎼🎵🎶👏☘️🇮🇪
Excellent way to start a Sunday, with a beautiful, gentle and sublime music . First time listening to this composer. Thank you for posting it.
I love this music very much❤
Questi flauti sono soavi... Grazie.
Wow. Brand new discovery just this minute. Lovely stuff. Airy and lilting.
same here
Sono un suo conterraneo cosa potrei dire è storia della musica . Flauti perfetti e una melodia incantevole.
Very ORIGINAL, I believe! And so beautiful!
Thank you Brilliant Classics for the Paisiello! As an avid classical music fan, your posts continue to Delight me!
For years, I was only familiar with Paisiello's brilliant mandolin concerto. It's nice to finally hear some of his other music. 💜
Please do listen to his operas, even if you're not inclined to opera.
@@salvadorguinjoan6174 sometimes I am. I'll certainly give them a go!
Such a pleasant and refreshing music! Thanks for uploading
Oh, heavenly! Divine! Thank you so very much! ❤💕❤💕❤
I love these quartets so much! Although I knew about Paisiello cause of some Arias all voice students learn, I never heard these before.
The flautist is marvelous, I am guessing he is playing a classical early flute. Sounds so sweet, pure, agile. Beautiful ornamentions.
I have trying to follow up with a one key Grenser and I am not sure i will ever catch up 😅.
Just heard another recording on a modern Boehm flute and even though the music is still charming the flute sounded forced, heavy and with too much vibrato.
Looking forward to more recording of Gabrielle Formenti. Love his playing.
Thank you Brilliant. Thanks to your uploads, I am discovering composers I have never heard of before.
Bella música 😍💖
Most excellent. Been getting my feet wet in classical the last 10 years. The collection consists mostly of Jazz, Blues, then Rock. With regards to classical I would say that Baroque really catches my fancy. This is my first exposure to this composer.
Tackling Classical music is most imposing, so many composers, so many compositions, so many recordings and so many artists and their iinterpretations.
Met a guy with 20, 000 classical recordings and he was still collecting. He is professor at Harvard.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Classical music. Take your time to explore . . . and try not to get overwhelmed by the abundance of it . . .
@@mmbmbmbmb No, that is exactly the problem. Not enough time.
@@thyslop1737 How sad . . .
Charming. Bravo!
What fun! More "unknown" (to me) works from BC, by a composer I only associated with operas, played expertly with a sense of delight in the playing. "Deft accompaniment," also, in the choice of a painting that offers charm without pretense of being high art (anyone else never heard of Waldmüller?). A gem - if not finest diamond, well above costume jewelry. Thanks to all.
Brilliant indeed ! Thank you for this excellent performance !
Truly balm for the soul! Many thanks 🎼♥️
Thanks 🌹 🌹 froom iraq 🇮🇶
i was born in MOSUL in 1951 i wish i could go to IRAQ to talk to the people of MOSUL, i speak very well mosul dialect.
Lovely. Thank you.
El intelecto total es estas obras de arte
very good ~~~~!!!
you are my latest findings and that is so beautiful , brilliant classics
Beautiful... soulful... fascinating ❤️🎶💕
Giovanni Paisiello (1740-1816), active mainly in Naples, wrote over 100 operas.
Well, that's not correct. He spent part of his life in Rome, northern Italy, Russia, Austria and France.
Paisiello wrote part of the coronation music for the emperor Napoleon -earlier he had been summoned to St Petersburg to write music for Catherine the Great.In his day he was more popular than Mozart and his music is a bit lighter than Mozarts.
Beautiful. 🤗
Magnifique Musique de Paisiello
Fantástico desempenho. Suave e harmoniosa.
What a lovely music♡
한국인이닷! 반갑습니다
Marvelous music. Thank you.
I need to get this on Will sound much better. But this is lovely. A joyous piece of music.
SO beautifull makes you melt of joy.i am in love with this
Wonder what made this composer, so much better known than Mozart in its day, composer of the most beautiful chamber music and operas ever, be less known than Mozart today.
Thank you for the lovely music.
thank you Brilliant, fantastic
Very pleasant and easy to work to.
Excelentes nterpretes,buena musica relajante
Muy bella música, llena de dulzura. Ricardo de Argentina
Gracias muy hermosa.
Beautiful 😎
아름다운 음악을 감사드립니다
alegre y preciosa musica...
La Paz que necesito en mi descanso, o la motivación para inspirarme en mi trabajo. Gracias, aunque no esta conocido para mí, ¡me encantó!
*Elenco delle opere di Paisiello e date delle composizioni:*
Il ciarlone (12.5.1764 Bolonha)
I francesi brillanti (24.6.1764 Bolonha)
Madama l'umorista, o Gli stravaganti (26.1.1765 Modena)
L'amore in ballo (Carnaval 1765 Veneza SM)
I bagni d'Abano (primavera 1765 Parma)
Demetrio (Pasqua 1765 Modena)
Il negligente (1765 Parma)
Le virtuose ridicole (1765 Parma)
Le nozze disturbate (Carn. 1776 Veneza SM)
Le finte contesse (2.1766 Roma V) [Il Marchese di Tulissano?]
La vedova di bel genio (prim. 1766 Nápoles N)
L'idolo cinese (prima. 1767 Nápoles N)
Lucio Papirio dittatore (verão 1767 Nápoles SC)
Il furbo malaccorto (inverno 1767 Nápoles N)
Le 'mbroglie de la Bajasse (1767 Nápoles F)
Alceste in Ebuda, ovvero Olimpia (20.1.1768 Nápoles SC)
Festa teatrale in musica (31.5.1768 Nápoles PR) [Le nozze di Peleo e Tetide]
La luna abitata (verão 1768 Nápoles N)
La finta maga per vendetta ( 1768 Nápoles F)
L'osteria di Marechiaro (inver. 1768 Nápoles F)
La serva fatta padrona (verão 1769 Nápoles F) [rev. Le 'mbroglie de la Bajasse]
Don Chisciotte della Mancia (verão 1769 Nápoles F)
L'arabo cortese (inver. 1769 Nápoles N)
La Zelmira, o sia La marina del Granatello (verão 1770 Nápoles N)
Le trame per amore (7.10.1770 Nápoles N)
Annibale in Torino (16.1.1771 Torím TR)
La somiglianza de' nomi (prima. 1771 Nápoles N)
I scherzi d'amore e di fortuna (verão 1771 Nápoles N)
Artaserse (26.12.1771 Mòdena)
Semiramide in villa (Carn. 1772 Roma Ca)
Motezuma (1.1772 Roma D)
La Dardanè (prima. 1772 Nápoles N)
Gli amante comici (1772 Nápoles N)
Don Anchise Campanone (1773 Veneza) [rev. Gli amante comici]
L'innocente fortunata (Carn. 1773 Veneza SM)
Sismano nel Mogol (Carn. 1773 Milão RD)
Il tamburo (prima. 1773 Nápoles N) [Il tamburo notturno]
Alessandro nell'Indie (26.12.1773 Mòdena)
Andromeda (Carn. 1774 Milão RD)
Il duello (prima. 1774 Nápoles N)
Il credulo deluso (1774 Nápoles N)
La frascatana ( 1774 Veneza SS) [L'infante de Zamora]
Il divertimento dei numi (4.12.1774 Nápoles PR)
Demofoonte (Carn. 1775 Veneza SB)
La discordia fortunata (Carn. 1775 Veneza SS) [L'avaro deluso]
L'amor ingegnoso, o sia La giovane scaltra (Carn. 1775 Pàdua)
Le astuzie amorose (prima. 1775 Nápoles N)
Socrate immaginario ( 1775 Nápoles N)
Il gran Cid (3.11.1775 Florência P)
Le due contesse (3.1.1776 Roma V)
La disfatta di Dario (Carn. 1776 Roma A)
Dal finto il vero (prima. 1776 Nápoles N)
Nitteti (28.1.1777 São Petersburgo)
Lucinda e Armidoro ( 1777 São Petersburgo)
Achille in Sciro (6.2.1778 São Petersburgo)
Lo sposo burlato (24.7.1778 São Petersburgo)
Gli astrologi immaginari (14.2.1779 São Petersburgo) [Le philosophe imaginaire]
Il matrimonio inaspettato (1779 Kammenïy Ostrov) [La contadina di spirito]
La finta amante (5.6.1780 Mogilev) [Camiletta]
Alcide al bivio (6.12.1780 São Petersburgo)
La serva padrona (10?.9.1781 Tsàrskoie Seló)
Il duello comico (1782 Tsàrskoie Seló) [rev. Il duello]
Il barbiere di Siviglia, ovvero La precauzione inutile (26.9.1782 São Petersburgo)
Il mondo della luna (1782 Kammenïy Ostrov)
Il re Teodoro in Venècia (23.8.1784 Viena B)
Antigono (12.10.1785 Nápoles SC)
La grotta di Trofonio (12.1785 Nápoles F)
Olimpiade (20.1.1786 Nápoles SC)
Le gare generose (prima. 1786 Nápoles F) [Gli schiavi per amore; Le bon maître, ou L'esclave par amour]
Pirro (12.1.1787 Nápoles SC)
Il barbiere di Siviglia, ovvero La precauzione inutile [rev] (1787 Nápoles F)
La modista raggiratrice (1787 Nápoles F) [La scuffiara amante, o sia Il maestro di scuola Nàpolstano; La scuffiara raggiratrice]
Giunone e Lucina (8.9.1787 Nápoles SC)
Fedra (1.1.1788 Nápoles SC)
L'amor contrastato (Carn. 1789 Nápoles F) [L'amor contrastato o sia La molinarella]
Catone in Utica (5.2.1789 Nápoles SC)
Nina, o sia La pazza per amore (25.6.1789 Caserta)
I zingari in fiera (21.11.1789 Nápoles Fo)
Le vane gelosie (prima. 1790 Nápoles F)
Zenobia in Palmira (30.5.1790 Nápoles SC)
La molinara (1790 Viena) [rev. L'amor contrastato]
Nina, o sia La pazza per amore [rev] (1790 Nápoles F)
Ipermestra (6.1791 Pàdua)
La locanda (16.6.1791 Londres Pantheon) [La locanda di falcone; Lo stambo in Berlina]
I giuochi d'Agrigento (16.5.1792 Venècia F)
Il fanatico in Berlina (1792 Nápoles F) [rev. La locanda]
Il ritorno d'Idomeneo (tardor 1792 Perusa)
Elfrida (4.11.1792 Nápoles SC) [Adevolto]
Elvira (12.1.1794 Nápoles SC)
Didone abbandonata (4.11.1794 Nápoles SC)
Nina, o sia La pazza per amore [rev 2] (1795 Nápoles F)
Chi la dura la vince (9.6.1797 Milão S)
La Daunia felice (26.6.1797 Foggia)
Andròmaca (4.11.1797 Nápoles SC)
L'inganno felice (1798 Nápoles Fo)
Proserpine (28.3.1803 París O)
Elisa (19.3.1807 Nápoles SC) [+ Mayr]
I pittagorici (19.3.1808 Nápoles SC)
Ma il barbiere di Siviglia, ovvero la precauzione inutile, andò in scena per la prima volta a San Pietroburgo oppure a Napoli.
Complimenti per l'ottima spiegazione. Vedo che sei abbastanza preparato
Wonderful, I didn't know 😬
Una muy agradable sorpresa en este aciago año. Hermoso
Ante tanta decadencia en el mundo hoy está música nos eleva
La flauta te pone de pie. Muy buen estreno, enhorabuena.
Maravilhoso, eu não conhecia 😬
Schoene relaxmusik, danke an alle klassischen Komponisten von leif Dickfeld.
Divina inspiração!
Excelentes melodías acompaña la jornada y suaviza el carácter
Creo tocar el cielo con esta música. Alta vibración. GRACIAS🥰🙏💖
Qué belleza!
this guy, Paisiello, must have been a calm person. He loves silence as much as sounds.
Paisiello, scoperta entusiasmante.
Strange...I have a recoding of 15:59 that claims to be a quartet for oboe and strings by Josef Fiala.
Köszönöm nagyon szép.
Escuchar estas melodias en flauta son notas inspiradoras que me ayudan a despertar el genio que hay dormido en mı.
Es hermoso, muchas gracias
Nota 10. Melhor, 100. Um pouquinho mais: 1000, etc.
Charm ☘
Thank you!Paisiello의 세비야의 이발사 0pera Aria도 부탁드립니다^^♡