Bashar Event Highlights & AAA Manifestation Formula

  • Опубликовано: 4 фев 2025

Комментарии • 112

  • @parrisjon
    @parrisjon 2 года назад +2

    watching this in 2022 after finding Bashar recently, truly amazing and life changing power!

  • @SeniorSucculent
    @SeniorSucculent 7 лет назад +65

    Thanks for the Manifesting POWER….
    heres a few things that have helped me….
    Number One: VISION. Vision, Vision, Vision. Simply meaning, have an image. Have an idea. Have a dream. Have a wish. Have a vision, have a picture, of "what you say you want." Now, again, many of you have heard these ideas, expressed in a number of ways. And it's alright if you have heard them before, and certainly we have discussed them before in a number of ways and in great detail. But for now, again, this is just a simplification, any word can do as long as it IS representative of the concept of 'having some initial concept or vision' that you want.
    Number Two: DESIRE. And this goes hand and hand with the idea of excitement. The thing that you see that you say you want must be accompanied as a strong energy. A strong "E"motion. "Desire" is as good a term, for now, as any. Because that energizes the vision, literally "pumps", as you say, energy into it. "E"-"MOTION". "Energy In Motion". Desire. STRONG. INTENSE. ALL CONSUMING, Desire. For the manifestation of that Idea. Of that Reality. Of that Thing.
    Third: BELIEF. You must know, and you must explore, and you must examine, within yourself, that you have the BELIEF that it is possible to manifest this thing. You have the BELIEF that you deserve this thing. Whatever it is that you get in touch with within the concepts of your definitions of "LIFE", your BELIEFs, are what are going to allow this thing to be possible. If you don't BELIEVE you are capable of it, if you don't BELIEVE you deserve it, it isn't going to Manifest no matter how much Desire you may have, no matter how much Vision you may have, no matter how clear that Vision may be. If you do not believe it's possible, it can not Manifest. So get in touch with the idea of what you DO believe, and find out what you would PREFER to BELIEVE. Find out where the beliefs you have came from. Find out why you insist on maintaining them, or HAVE insisted on maintaining them. Find out why they HAVE worked for you, or why you are motivated to believe those definitions. And, determine for yourself, by creating in your imagination, NEW DEFINITIONs, that you say are more representative of what you really want, what you really desire. And then know. Know, know, know, know, KNOW.
    That those new beliefs are in effect, and that's the FOURTH Step: ACCEPTANCE. Vision, Desire, Belief, ACCEPTANCE. You must totally accept yourself, and the new belief, as TRUE, just as you accepted the old belief to be "TRUE", without question. "Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt". Total acceptance of yourself, that it is possible for you to manifest this idea, total acceptance of the new definitional belief that can make it so.
    The first four steps, are what you call, in effect, "The SETUP". The last three are: Once you have the Vision, once you have the Desire, once you have the clear belief, once you have accepted it TOTALLY, then you need the INTENTION.
    You must INTEND to manifest it. You can "want" something, but you may not necessary INTEND, with your Will, with your Focus, to manifest it. So you must have the INTENTION to do so. It must be a Conscious CHOICE. Focus. Intention. Will. Not an effort. Not an effort. But a Focus, an Intention, you must INTEND it to be so. This is also known as your CONSCIOUS COMMANDMENT of your Reality.
    After you thus then have intended it, ACTION is the Sixth Step. You must ACT like you are already in the STATE of that Reality you want. You must BEHAVE as if that reality already exists, in the present. You must DO the things you would do, in the WAY you would do them, if the Reality already existed for you. You must GROUND all the idea of the Vision and the Desire and the Belief and the Acceptance and the Intention IN THE ACTIONS that you do, so that your behavior and your body language are different that they used to be, and representative of the Reality that you are now focused on, rather than representative of the Reality that you no longer prefer. Because BODY LANGUAGE is very telling about what you really BELIEVE to be true, what you really BELIEVE you are capable of, and what you REALLY BELIEVE exists for you at present.
    So ACTION. ACTION, ACTION, ACTION, is important. And after you have built up that intense clarity of Vision, that intense EMOTIONAL DESIRE, that CLEAR, CRYSTAL CLEAR BELIEF of Definition, after you have TOTALLY ACCEPTED that this is true for you, after you have FOCUSED your INTENTION, and have ALLOWED your ACTIONS to Reflect it, you have to totally, Totally, UTTERLY, and absolutely, DETACH from any Outcome at All.
    ALLOWANCE is the Last Step. You have to let it go UTTERLY. UTTERLY! UNCONDITIONALLY. That's the power of PARADOX. You're using the power of the Paradox of the existence of Creation. The Dark and the Light, the Day and the Night, both sides of the polarity you have to have, in order to manifest anything, an absolute INTENSITY of what you want, with absolutely NO EXPECTATION that it has, to manifest, at all. That's the Balance State you need to be in, in order for the Manifestation to be Effortless. You have to Let it Go. Totally. And KNOW, that everything is already Perfect As it Is.
    Once you accept that the "Way it Is" is Perfect, then the "Way it Is" can become, another "Way", that it "Is". That is more in Alignment, more of a Reflection, of what you have Set yourself to Be, your Vibration, to Be. The Universe, remember, is not OUT THERE. There is no "OUT THERE". It isn't even that the Universe, that PHYSICAL REALITY, "reflects" back TO you, what you believe, it's not that "IT" reflects "TO" you.

    • @5555emerson
      @5555emerson 7 лет назад +12

      Timoty, Bashar has a video on this and just want to say that it was so kind of you to take the time to type this out. Thank you. I could hear Bashar's voice as I was reading this.

    • @emilynolin9739
      @emilynolin9739 7 лет назад +3

      Thank you for this!!!!!!! Brilliant!!!!!! So many things on their way to me, I see them coming now!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!! (more importantly, I FEEL THEM!!!!!!)

    • @5555emerson
      @5555emerson 7 лет назад +5

      Good for you Emily, feelings is the barometer.

    • @emilynolin9739
      @emilynolin9739 7 лет назад +3

      thank you Gil Marin!

    • @5555emerson
      @5555emerson 7 лет назад +3

      Emily, should you ever want to share a success story or a thought, You are more than welcome to e-mail me at: zapmarche And you are welcome, we are all in this together.

  • @emilynolin9739
    @emilynolin9739 7 лет назад +1

    Lana, I appreciate this!! I LOVE A-Hicks and Bashar is so cool, too. I love seeing the way their messages converge, and I find that acknowledging both within my mind seems to strengthen my understanding and my power of allowing. Thank you for your energy and clarity and focus and brightness here! I've only seen one other of your videos so far, and I'm really enjoying the way you speak and deliver your energy to the audience. Great job, thank you!!!!!! Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Em

  • @SeniorSucculent
    @SeniorSucculent 7 лет назад +22

    "Physical Reality" IS a REFLECTION. That's all it IS. IT doesn't reflect TO you, it IS a REFLECTION. There is no Physiological Reality, apart from the Concept that it is, simply a reflection of your STRONGEST belief, your STRONGEST desire, what you believe is True about yourself or Possible for you.
    And as a refinement on your understanding of the ideas that you ask for, make sure that you are asking for the thing itself, not the MODE. Not the PROCESS TO that thing. The THING ITSELF, the ESSENCE, the idea, the specific THING ITSELF, not "I need This, to get That". Just the THING. All the DETAILS will work themselves out Automatically about HOW it would be the path of least resistance and the BEST FOR ALL CONCERNED that that Reality Manifests. You do not have to worry about HOW it manifests, it will manifest Automatically in the best possible way for All Concerned if you build up that intensity of INTENTION and then just, let it go, no expectation, no structure, no insistence, just allowance. Total Allowance.
    And Remember, and here's the "Cap", as you say, [clears throat] many of you Ask for the things you Ask for because you Expect, even when you are following your Joy, that your reality is supposed to "support" you. Now we have used that phrase many times but only because it is a phrase that makes sense to you. It is a convenient phrase for explaining things, but it is also a misleading phrase. Your reality has NO Power to support you. Your reality does NOT support you. YOU support your REALITY. That is a profound difference.
    The things you do. If you look to the things you do, again even the things that are representative of your Joy, if you look to them to support you: they will not. If you support your REALITY, your reality will reflect the support back to you that you are giving to it. The POWER to be supported does not come from your Physical Reality. It never has, it doesn't now, and it never will. It comes from you, supporting yourself, by BELIEVING in what you KNOW is TRUE for YOU.
    And supporting the reality that is a reflection of that knowledge. And NO OTHER REALITY. One more time: NO OTHER REALITY. "Well if I just do this a little bit that'll be alright, I know I'm really doing mostly what I really want to do BUT if I just do a little bit of what I don't wanna do, well, that will still be alright". Well maybe it will be for you, and that's alright, and it's VALID if that's what you want to do because every reality is valid, every choice is valid, every path is valid, however I am simply telling you, don't expect to get 100% of what you say you really prefer if you're not supporting that reality as 100% possible. If you're only supported at 70% possible, you can only get that much of it.
    And sometimes not even that much. Because if you "Mix and Match", (shall we say?), the idea of a Vibration, if you support the belief, if you support a reality that you know is not your preference as NEEDING TO BE TRUE FOR YOU, because you are AFRAID to let it go, all the energy you are expending in the direction of your fear will in may ways prevent you from even RECEIVING what it may be that you DO support about the thing you DO prefer. Because you will be, in may ways, muddying the waters of your perception, of your ability to perceive even those gifts, even those reflections that may be coming to you from the direction of your excitement, just because, you still think you HAVE to contain other things that are not representative of who you would prefer to be.
    In the same way we have said very often, you may be 99.9999999999999% "up to speed", as you say, but if you are a very efficient engine that requires 100% focus, in order to run smoothly, then even that small, what seems to be infinitesimal percentage of doubt, of fear, could seize the entire engine, because it needs to be perfectly clean in order to operate at all. So sometimes even 1/10th of 1% is enough to stop the entire thing from running, even if the rest of it is focused in the direction of your preference. Because the cleaner your belief, the cleaner the engine needs to be, the easier it is for the smallest particle that doesn't belong there to stop the entire process.
    So. [clears throat] This NOW, is a time on your planet, and especially NOW, in this your YEAR, as you understand it, this timing, right now, especially now, is a time of Manifestation, your reality, your physical reality, because you are exploring this concept of Consciousness, because you KNOW that you are more than just your Physical Body, your physical reality is now becoming much more plastic, much more fluid, must more MALLEABLE than ever before could it have been experienced by you.
    So now is the time for you to see that you can Manifest what you really prefer, and these Seven Steps can be a good reminder for you as to exactly how to go about doing that. And stay in that balanced State where you know your Reality will reflect what you believe most strongly to be True.

    • @thegreenfury_
      @thegreenfury_ 7 лет назад +1

      Wow! Very helpful! I think I just found exactly what I needed to know!

    • @focusanddiscipline4946
      @focusanddiscipline4946 7 лет назад +1

      Thank you! thank you! thank you! :)

    • @alejandrogonzalezlopez5883
      @alejandrogonzalezlopez5883 7 лет назад +2

      Wow, great transcripts, amigo!
      Just curious, do you share the feeling that the learning is totally different and deeper when the info is read as well as heard?
      >One Love<

    • @alejandrogonzalezlopez5883
      @alejandrogonzalezlopez5883 7 лет назад +1

      Hi Sylvia, I just found out abut some sort of "spring training" for us to develop the habit of positive thinking, it's called the 7 Day Mental Diet by Emmet Fox.
      Would it be ok if I share a cool trick to do before going into the diet that doubles our shots at finishing?
      >One Love<

    • @alisag.2223
      @alisag.2223 6 лет назад +2

      Timothy should write a book, so uplifting.

  • @DanielBeverly
    @DanielBeverly 8 лет назад +6

    This was very good. You have an excellent way of explaining things. I enjoyed listening to this as much as I enjoy listening to Bashar haha!

  • @edcastelli
    @edcastelli 9 лет назад +5

    Excellent video. Thanks for sharing your experience. I´m a huge Bashar fan, hope one day I can attend one of his events. Greetins from Brazil.

  • @cheryljacobs444
    @cheryljacobs444 6 лет назад

    Hi Lana, nice to meet you. You do iit so well and bring the messages home. Thank you so much for sharing and helping☺from South Africa

  • @lauragonzalez1676
    @lauragonzalez1676 9 лет назад

    Loved hearing the different perspective about pregnancy! I'm not currently pregnant, but do have 2 little ones and hearing this made me emotional (in a very good way, of course!). Thank you for sharing!

  • @natalitodorova9918
    @natalitodorova9918 7 лет назад +2

    I am practicing this in my life. Thank you very much for sharing. I wish you a great life!

  • @clarklandishays2242
    @clarklandishays2242 6 лет назад +3

    Thank you. Love them both, those intelligences moving through Darryl and Esther.

    • @joshuacollins7027
      @joshuacollins7027 4 года назад

      I noticed that synchronicity started to become very evident in my life and opportunities were opening up. All of a sudden an unexpected situation arose and I became homeless - I was living from my car and everything I owned was in storage. Things were looking pretty bleak, but somewhere inside me I heard a voice say that I would know why this was happ"I must start by saying how much I'm enjoying,[ Check Details Here *4ManifestAll. Com* The Manifesting Manual - How to Raise your Manifesting Vibration!" I just can't get enough of it. I have printed a copy so that every spare moment I have is spent reading this incredible information!"

  • @masumiintheworld
    @masumiintheworld 4 года назад +1

    I am from Asia. I feel I am familiar to this way of manifestation though, this video makes me to think logically about how we can allow ourselves to surrender to the reality and attract what is preferable for us in each desirable way. I have been leaning this kind of way of thinking from various practitioners on RUclips, books and so many. It is something very important but not be acknowledged in public education, it is stuff that only people who look for life strategy seriously can find, understand and use for themselves. I have a child. I would like to show him how we can receive gift that we can live as who truly we are, from the universe in a natural way.

  • @johnruman453
    @johnruman453 9 лет назад

    Wonderful commentary! Thank you so much for sharing your experience and Q&A with Bashar.

  • @MadhaFakha
    @MadhaFakha 9 лет назад +1

    Hi Lana! It's funny how "abrahamed" you are, I totally get you. (: Because of you I discover Bashar, and I understand the message because I am a HUGE Abraham follower, and sometimes it's more simple the content of the message.
    I'll try the AAA formula just for for fun (and because I want to go to the european cruise YEAH! )
    Greetings and love from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • @katrinagauld7340
    @katrinagauld7340 6 лет назад

    These are really wonderful videos they are insightful and exciting and helpful very well done compared to others I have watched.

  • @ziam8558
    @ziam8558 5 лет назад

    if we came a cross of this video in our individual reality's means we manifested it our selfs, take the advise that you give , reflections are everywhere and focus on your self to be that perfect shiny reflection so we can see our selfs there and to have a choice to choose if we want to be that this time or no , but give thanks for the delivery there is no difference for me bashar or you its all me my dear self ))) BUSTED lolol !!!)))

    • @ziam8558
      @ziam8558 5 лет назад

      Luv you dear self)))

  • @Tokoa144
    @Tokoa144 4 года назад

    I love your energy and insight.. Masterminding is a great idea as I feel it through your description...

  • @GeniusMagic1
    @GeniusMagic1 7 лет назад +1

    Lana! You are such beautiful gal! I love your energy, and the way you explain things! Stay blessed ❤️

  • @CaveWomen88
    @CaveWomen88 7 лет назад

    That is so awesome you got to talk to Bashar. Amazing exchange of information.

  • @blisswkc3344
    @blisswkc3344 5 лет назад

    Thank You so much dearest 💐
    You’re Such an inspiration 🥰
    Be Blissful Eternally 🙏😇

  • @emilynolin9739
    @emilynolin9739 7 лет назад

    I clicked on this for Bashar in general but I'm expecting to become pregnant soon with my partner and so this is amazing to me that this came up in this video-- I have never heard an answer like this before! Thank you! Amazing!!!

  • @MichaelKlinePhotoVideo
    @MichaelKlinePhotoVideo 7 лет назад

    Many thanks for the AAA info. Just that little tidbit was very helpful. Cheers!

  • @kipikartist1075
    @kipikartist1075 7 лет назад +2

    I have never heard anyone say 'ah-K-nowledge' before haha!!! - love Bashar. Amazing energy.

    • @imyuri953
      @imyuri953 4 года назад

      She believed it. You do know beliefs create reality correct lmao,

  • @buffedtrainer1
    @buffedtrainer1 3 года назад

    I interpreted the first "A" Acknowledge to be, acknowledge what we have in our life, not what we don't have, in other words, acknowledging the money we already have in the bank, acknowledging our bodies trillions of cells that know what to do, acknowledging the roof over our head....etc.

  • @thenondualshow
    @thenondualshow 3 года назад

    Love the video..u are awesome 🙏🏻💯💥

  • @1AjA1
    @1AjA1 9 лет назад

    Thank you, this is lovely! You have great energy :)

  • @lovingtruth4577
    @lovingtruth4577 4 года назад +3

    I have 9 children. Wow! I AM having twin sons and a few more sons with my lifetime husband Roy. 💖💖💖

  • @utleyf
    @utleyf 4 года назад

    Lana, thank you for this enlightened information!

  • @empp6013
    @empp6013 6 лет назад +1

    Is this why so many women experience post-partum depression? Because they haven't surrendered to the process of co-creating and Allowing this being to tell the story of the new, more resonant version?

  • @Shalushalu1
    @Shalushalu1 7 лет назад

    hi Lana... i want to ask that the energy which you were talking about while on hot seat, was that energy tangible or was that the result of you being very excited and nervous.....
    I am a spiritual geek, but as i never had any psychic experience , so many times i get bit skeptical that are these beings real, why dont i have tangible proof etc,,, as a result i go on doubting everything said by them in my low phases..
    pls comment

  • @friederikesonne1954
    @friederikesonne1954 8 лет назад +3

    Dear Lana, what does acknowledgement mean ? Is it to acknowledge my desire for whatever ? That was my question. Thank you for your presentation. Much Love Kirsten

    • @MegaShriyash
      @MegaShriyash 7 лет назад

      Thank you thank you thank you .. Lana you have no idea of how much I appreciate u upload this video.. it is superb and it hasn't been uploaded on the bashar communication channel ..

  • @realmeditation891
    @realmeditation891 4 года назад

    This is so beautiful!

  • @sacramentallyill
    @sacramentallyill 3 года назад

    "I dont really listen to the esoteric things".... Manifestation is esoteric.

  • @yajayra.vargas
    @yajayra.vargas 7 лет назад

    I notice the book Ask and it is Given on your shelf. What other books are there, I am curious :) pls

  • @laisbravoserra
    @laisbravoserra 8 лет назад +1

    I am loving loving loving your videos!

  • @calman7812
    @calman7812 7 лет назад +1

    Thank you for your enthusiastical information n congratulation on your pregnancy~^^

  • @cassieprice4382
    @cassieprice4382 9 лет назад +1

    I love what they said about pregnancy. Anything else you can share about that? I'm particularly interested in co-creating with the soul before conception.

  • @wildbrasil8037
    @wildbrasil8037 4 года назад +1

    So beautiful

  • @johnjancar6152
    @johnjancar6152 7 лет назад +9

    Gee I thought I was going to see Bashar. Not 12 minutes of you lol

    • @Jo-si3ot
      @Jo-si3ot 5 лет назад +1

      John Jancar yeah me too, but I’m glad I stayed.

    • @aminawynne
      @aminawynne 5 лет назад

      John Jancar good thing I decided to read the comments before watching...thank u 😅

    • @vrthar
      @vrthar 5 лет назад +1

      Good day to you all. Surprise!

  • @ellenlittler7465
    @ellenlittler7465 7 лет назад +1

    Yes Yes your amazing

  • @eternalexpansion7868
    @eternalexpansion7868 6 лет назад

    Thank you so much for sharing! So so powerful. I went through my spiritual Awakening while I was pregnant and felt something really special about this baby.
    I manifested (had the expectation) that because of the peacefulness the beingness that I could feel from him that he would be born on 1111, and he was when I added the dates and even the time of his birth.

  • @nicolasboehm
    @nicolasboehm 8 лет назад

    hi, great video! could you tell me the name of the Bashar event? thanks

  • @soniagrindstaff2416
    @soniagrindstaff2416 7 лет назад

    Love your videos Lana! I want more! You have inspired me. Please share Bashar stuff. Love it.
    Or how do I attended? I will start manefesting. Thank you again.

  • @sanyfoxsuccess529
    @sanyfoxsuccess529 6 лет назад

    You're amazing, great energy.

  • @LowVlogDrives
    @LowVlogDrives 5 лет назад

    Your glowing ❤

  • @violet-fl9ve
    @violet-fl9ve 8 лет назад +2


    @ILOVE2FeelGOOD 6 лет назад +7


    • @meer9176
      @meer9176 5 лет назад +1

      I have to say, at first I was really doubtful this method would work. However right after going through this manifestation guide
      the guidebook as well as the extraordinary equipment it provide, it`s helped me manifest more miracles into my life than I ever thought possible.

  • @peony1435
    @peony1435 5 лет назад

    Thank you this is great:)

    @ILOVE2FeelGOOD 7 лет назад

    Brilliant thank you 💜💛💚

  • @LowVlogDrives
    @LowVlogDrives 5 лет назад

    I love Abraham!!! ❤

  • @michaellyran5007
    @michaellyran5007 9 лет назад

    Thanks for the video!! :-) xx

  • @Scorpeva
    @Scorpeva 9 лет назад

    Beautifull insights!

  • @xaviermaynard8565
    @xaviermaynard8565 7 лет назад

    amazing insight

  • @silvermine923
    @silvermine923 5 лет назад

    Bashar is an extraterrestrial. He is channeled by Darryl Anka.

  • @holoversehd1245
    @holoversehd1245 7 лет назад

    omg I cannot find bashar stuff anywhere like I used too.. :(

    • @5555emerson
      @5555emerson 7 лет назад

      Yup, Darryl & staff made a business decision. He provided so much for so long, so therefore I am extremely grateful for that.

  • @winnie2222
    @winnie2222 6 лет назад +1

    Did u really say bashar is a little weird!? & he talks about aliens etc when Abraham doesn’t... 😂 what do u think Abraham is!?

  • @SuperFilipman
    @SuperFilipman 9 лет назад

    Good stuff

  • @fati8473
    @fati8473 7 лет назад

    Thank you

  • @DiegoArcega1
    @DiegoArcega1 7 лет назад


  • @jamespappas6663
    @jamespappas6663 3 года назад

    kind of a con job ? - when I see Bashar pic in the photo, I expect to hear him speak an not some wanta be (no disrespect intended) - Its I only have time for the real deal, first hand only ~!~ - Blessing to her an her baby ~!~ AN good luck to here an her new POD cast when she gets it going !

  • @hanniffydinn6019
    @hanniffydinn6019 6 лет назад

    Acknowledge appreciate allow

  • @mumumeme8496
    @mumumeme8496 5 лет назад

    🤣 you don't like listening to esoteric things, yet you do listen to channeled entities from outer space? isn't that a nice contradiction? 🤣 that amuses me a lot! anyway, I wish you all the best!

  • @queencard1111
    @queencard1111 4 года назад

    Ack-knowledge... 😂

  • @fereidoonct
    @fereidoonct 5 лет назад

    You are so beautiful.

  • @poilochio
    @poilochio 8 лет назад +1

    you are a very pretty woman i must say ;)

  • @mreudeco
    @mreudeco 3 года назад

    Only 4 minutes are relevant

  • @fernandovargasmejia740
    @fernandovargasmejia740 7 лет назад

    You *are* supposed to take care of the babyŕ

  • @nkehndame2155
    @nkehndame2155 3 года назад

    Acknowledge Appreciate Allow