How To Build A FREE BRANDED One Product Dropshipping Store With Shopify 2022

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 451

    @THEECOMKING  2 года назад +83


    • @mattryan8167
      @mattryan8167 2 года назад

      Good content as all ways bro x

    • @trackingbygtm
      @trackingbygtm 2 года назад

      I really Apriciate

    • @robert_crooks
      @robert_crooks 2 года назад +1

      Could you please do a video on taxes,im 14 and want to start dropshipping but i dont have a clue on how to do all the legal things? thank you

    • @Dhanish_Azam
      @Dhanish_Azam 2 года назад

      Nice video bro, but I thought ecom solid is better to use when building stores?

    • @robinostman2800
      @robinostman2800 2 года назад

      i cant see and edit my announecent bar but it says september rea and its october?

  • @TomasV1337
    @TomasV1337 2 года назад +131

    I will be completely honest, your content is the most informative about ecom on RUclips. Thank you.

  • @sirashley2355
    @sirashley2355 Год назад +3

    just made my first site. and its beautiful, for a moment i gotten my tabs confused and i thought my site was one of the better vendors i was looking at. just the confidence I've gotten from this process is priceless. I'm really more optimistic about going through this process with my next few products and stores. thank you so much. this is truly a milestone for me.

    • @powerball200
      @powerball200 Год назад

      how much money u invested for this business?

  • @michaelrichardson4001
    @michaelrichardson4001 2 года назад +14

    You are a life saver man! Hands down the best dropshipping shopify set up. I don't normally comment, but you deserve the appreciation! Thanks again!

  • @mperez4701
    @mperez4701 2 года назад +6

    Ive been watching this video and taking note and this will be the 11th hour...when broken down you can see the true value in his video and work. I will become a millionaire and this is the start. Thank you Kamil.

  • @niharthakkar367
    @niharthakkar367 2 года назад +141

    Hi, I am a 13 year old and I tired dropshipping and actually made money! All thanks to your tips and tricks 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Your are the best! Keep up the good work ❤️

    • @mist_synxmc930
      @mist_synxmc930 2 года назад +9

      i'm 14 and am trying to start dropshipping too, if you don't mind me asking, how much did u make?

    • @niharthakkar367
      @niharthakkar367 2 года назад +11

      @@mist_synxmc930 I made $100 profit today across all 4 of my stores

    • @psycho-rq3lz
      @psycho-rq3lz 2 года назад +4


    • @mist_synxmc930
      @mist_synxmc930 2 года назад +2

      @@niharthakkar367 that’s incredible! Nice

    • @duridurimceka6705
      @duridurimceka6705 2 года назад +2

      Can u give me your insta dude so u can help me out a bit.

  • @CeeFood
    @CeeFood 2 года назад +6

    I paid for two Ecom programs and your RUclips videos are better - thank you ! 🙏🥂

  • @josesaiz2007
    @josesaiz2007 2 года назад


    • @josesaiz2007
      @josesaiz2007 2 года назад

      @THEECOMKING. feels like this a fake account? No thank you if it is.

    @FXRECO 2 года назад +2

    First comment thank you so much for the information man 💪🏽

  • @sleez3529
    @sleez3529 2 года назад +1

    The amount of knowledge i got from looking at this video is crazy

  • @adamwozniak5513
    @adamwozniak5513 Год назад

    Best YT Chanell , I've been watching you for over a year, finally decided to put this accumulated knowledge into practice and after just 10H of following this video 🤯 my store is practically finished! Many thanks for sharing such valuable knowledge for FREE! 👌

  • @ayindebankole1225
    @ayindebankole1225 2 года назад +1

    Amazing!!! Thank you for this information !!!!

  • @adosy1
    @adosy1 Год назад +8

    Can't tell you how much I appreciate your help and guidance through setting up my first store. Happy I found your page, definitely the most informative and helpful page for drop shipping. I thank you for your hard work and ethic, you're a great youtuber and I hope you keep creating and inspiring! Much love.

  • @teresabarnes6931
    @teresabarnes6931 2 года назад +5

    Love your videos. I am going to get there one day. Tired of working a 9-5 everyday with bad arthritic knees.

  • @financialfuss555
    @financialfuss555 Год назад

    I like Kamil, he seems very honest and helpful. Good Luck to everyone! I started with amazon account many years ago without success and I see dropshiping is much easier than selling on Amazon.

  • @roaldemugeoluka3746
    @roaldemugeoluka3746 2 года назад +1

    This was very useful. thanks man

  • @fameus598
    @fameus598 2 года назад +13

    Wow! So much value in this video!! I was just about to pay to get a store done... I needed help! Thanks, as this was priceless!

  • @jrwilfred
    @jrwilfred 2 года назад +6

    Yessir, whipping the notebook out✍🏼

  • @Chrickle
    @Chrickle 2 года назад +11

    Just turned 14, currently trying to find a product to start dropshipping. Thanks for the awesome advice!! I have a lot to learn.

  • @AestheticFeminine
    @AestheticFeminine 2 года назад +27

    The store design was amazing ✨

  • @fancysophiaandvictoria
    @fancysophiaandvictoria 2 года назад +2

    Hands down one of the most informative videos out there. Ecom King, you're a legend!

  • @mahbubalam95
    @mahbubalam95 2 года назад +1

    Awesome store design ❤️

  • @giordanomrkiwi-5814
    @giordanomrkiwi-5814 Год назад

    Thanks for this information! I just started dropshipping and this video opened my eyes.

  • @rafaelportella5035
    @rafaelportella5035 2 года назад +1

    Thank friend! You are a nice guy, god bless you and your family.

  • @JustinSanchez-b3k
    @JustinSanchez-b3k Год назад

    This helped me work through some serious issues i was having. Thanks again!!!

  • @drama_dialogue
    @drama_dialogue 2 года назад +3

    This was the best video I’ve watched this year

      @THEECOMKING  2 года назад +2

      That’s what I love to hear!

  • @anthonyC9199
    @anthonyC9199 Год назад


  • @alimehmet2014
    @alimehmet2014 2 года назад

    hahaha I was just watching the store video you took last year. I just saw this video. You are really awesome.

  • @panzerapex3911
    @panzerapex3911 2 года назад +1

    Another Amazing Banger from The King. Well deserving respects to this guy.

  • @ChuckleText
    @ChuckleText 2 года назад

    ok i cant appreciate this guy enough, thank you so much this helped me out a lot

  • @Vibing
    @Vibing Год назад

    That was harder than I thought. Followed the video step by step. Thank you for the info.

  • @Rellikein
    @Rellikein 2 года назад +10

    Thanks brother, tomorrow I’ll watch this whole video again and make my store like this. It will be my first official launch of a store, then comes the hard part, getting traffic, wish me luck! ✌🏻

  • @rancetsang7121
    @rancetsang7121 2 года назад

    this is the best one product shop guide ever and actually help me making the first profitable store

  • @aldomushengezi5653
    @aldomushengezi5653 2 года назад +1

    Kamil you are very generous and very humble, I like your commitment and passion. Thank you very much seriously thank you!!! You dont know how much it means for me and for some other people too thanks

  • @jimkeil3895
    @jimkeil3895 2 года назад

    Best online content I've seen so far. Graduating from Facebook Marketplace, Ignoring Facebook Shops and starting Shopify. I'll export my complete new store back to Facebook. Thank You very much!


    It's the most mind-blowing/valuable video I saw. Thank you for that!

  • @Terror3298
    @Terror3298 2 года назад +1

    Thank you so much for all your videos. I will definitely follow as much as I can. You are so detailed minded and care about every little but important things. And i would appreciate your teaching not only about making money but also on the right track on how to do digital marketing with marketing mindsets.

  • @SerMeoww
    @SerMeoww Год назад

    Most worthwhile and informative content on the net. Just dropping endless value.

  • @AZWithAbdulAzeez
    @AZWithAbdulAzeez Год назад

    The best Shopify tutorial so far

  • @kratomcaptaingreen
    @kratomcaptaingreen 2 года назад

    Perfect video Kamil, just forget "favicon" and "payment methods" ...
    Either way so much information man, love it !! thanks !

  • @the_night_sky777
    @the_night_sky777 Год назад

    crazy good content! thank you so much! made notes throughout!

  • @Keaeak
    @Keaeak 2 года назад +1

    i love your videos you are a king

  • @1176Quotes
    @1176Quotes 2 года назад

    You will be King !
    Very Elaborative and accurate !

  • @camronmorgan6209
    @camronmorgan6209 2 года назад

    Amazing video very helpful! Thank you

  • @vintagehunter7543
    @vintagehunter7543 2 года назад

    Thank you so much. Your video is very easy to follow.

  • @allblockchaincrypto6138
    @allblockchaincrypto6138 2 года назад +3

    Thanks for uploading these informative videos hope God will bless you for your hardwork😇😇

  • @dinojairuan5486
    @dinojairuan5486 2 года назад +6

    Thank you for taking your time to make this awesome tutorial!!

  • @amirasnowxx3507
    @amirasnowxx3507 2 года назад

    I just finished building my Shopify store
    Thanks a lot your videos are fire❤

  • @anotherplottwist
    @anotherplottwist 2 года назад +2

    You are the man‼️‼️ Thankful for every post you make.

  • @MiniBeastMedia
    @MiniBeastMedia 2 года назад

    i love this man so muc, this guy always make your research wayy easier and for free!

  • @karinagonzalez4130
    @karinagonzalez4130 2 года назад

    Amazing tutorial i learned so much !!🎉

  • @watchaporia
    @watchaporia 2 года назад +9

    Thank you for amazing content, you are making the world a better place

  • @ALessoninKnowledge
    @ALessoninKnowledge 2 года назад +5

    Amazing. Thank you for this.

  • @wiegeleWigi
    @wiegeleWigi 2 года назад +3

    This is sick. I will need this, thank you😎

  • @winnieozurumba1601
    @winnieozurumba1601 2 года назад

    This was sooo helpful omg. Thank you soo so much

  • @weimoranz5750
    @weimoranz5750 2 года назад

    Great video! so much details explained step by step. bought paid course before. this is truly better and you made it so simple to follow tons of thanks

  • @mudtron3664
    @mudtron3664 Год назад

    started my own business selling coffee got inspiration form you. problem im spending alot targeting people and no sales coming in

  • @OutsideofMatrix
    @OutsideofMatrix 2 года назад +2

    Best Free Content Out there in DS space❤️

  • @mynamemed6804
    @mynamemed6804 2 года назад +1

    That’s crazy I was just going to use that product for a one product store and another one thanks I really needed this video

  • @Universallteck
    @Universallteck Год назад

    best video toturial ever made..thanks bro....

  • @jerrybhai9691
    @jerrybhai9691 2 года назад +5

    Thanks for giving us this kind of knowledge 🙌❣️

  • @mohamedinfiham8001
    @mohamedinfiham8001 2 года назад +2

    Amazing stuff man, I just finished building my store and i have to say this tutorial is better than courses that are worth hundreds of dollars. Appreciate you king💯

    • @jamess2663
      @jamess2663 2 года назад

      work with an internet ad firm running 1bb banner ads per day. willing to run ads to drive traffic ... zero cost.... if it works then we talk business..

    • @JesusisAlive_33
      @JesusisAlive_33 Год назад

      Have you seen any success so far bro?

    • @rithwiksays
      @rithwiksays Год назад

      @@jamess2663 lets talk

  • @playit1738
    @playit1738 2 года назад +4

    Great work as usual 👌 👏.

  • @rudolfsancupans8782
    @rudolfsancupans8782 2 года назад

    ahhh, thank u so much for the vid bro

  • @astonian9887
    @astonian9887 2 года назад +1

    One of the most amazing videos out there, very informative and easy to follow. Thanks!

  • @LightofAllah00
    @LightofAllah00 2 года назад +11

    I think you single-handedly put every dropshipping guru out of business because we never have to buy a single course ever again.

  • @gayamitsume140
    @gayamitsume140 2 года назад

    hi , could you please explain how you end up with t he liitle "buy now" button min 19:25 ?

  • @yvuowell9583
    @yvuowell9583 Год назад

    26:00 how do you set that up so that when the customer signs up for your newsletter, then they receive an email with the discount code.

  • @tw6873
    @tw6873 2 года назад

    You are a blessing. Thank you!

  • @royadehvari3444
    @royadehvari3444 2 года назад +1


  • @AhmedAwad__
    @AhmedAwad__ 2 года назад +1

    08:55 am just finished my first dropshipping, or e-commerce, store. Thank God and thank you man.

  • @driss2943
    @driss2943 2 года назад +2

    Thanks for your efforts really amazing info

  • @oscarrodriguez2160
    @oscarrodriguez2160 2 года назад

    This video was GOATED

  • @aguntook4055
    @aguntook4055 2 года назад +2

    Great Man 🙏🏻👍🏾

  • @AhmedAwad__
    @AhmedAwad__ 2 года назад +1

    Thank you man fr

  • @DailyGoldenRules
    @DailyGoldenRules 2 года назад +5

    Would you prefer this than your other drop shipping videos which are amazing too or you think we should combine them?

  • @selmawho0996
    @selmawho0996 2 года назад

    You really are the ecom king ❤

  • @nostalgiamood5585
    @nostalgiamood5585 2 года назад

    Thank You man!! You’re a great human being. God bless you 💙🙏

  • @agent4701
    @agent4701 2 года назад +1

    thank you from germany !!

  • @TradeRyder
    @TradeRyder 2 года назад +2

    Best value 💯

  • @Leanne-xy3rt
    @Leanne-xy3rt 2 года назад +1

    where is a good place to open a business account here in the uk and thanks for this video it has help me out alot

  • @farhan3532
    @farhan3532 2 года назад

    really amazing content always provides quality content learn a lot where is 2nd part?

  • @bgmedia147
    @bgmedia147 2 года назад +2

    Thanks for this. Is amazing.

      @THEECOMKING  2 года назад +2

      Thanks I appreciate it all

  • @Gebreslassie12
    @Gebreslassie12 2 года назад +1

    I love your content they’re very informative but I still need more help do you have any group you teach

  • @kickass1881
    @kickass1881 2 года назад +1

    Very informative content extremely helpful bro, can you do a Facebook ads tutorial?

  • @ciaranmoran.
    @ciaranmoran. Год назад

    this guy is legit.

  • @ducuable1
    @ducuable1 2 года назад +1

    Love the video man !! Tremendous help ! I have a small question if anyone can help me : for some reason I cannot get the same result on the Mobile version with the Slideshow section. Everything is perfect on desktop, but the layout is just bad on mobile. Any idea how I can set it up to be identical on desktop and mobile? thank you

    • @XspiritZXx
      @XspiritZXx 2 года назад

      did you find it out? I have the same problem

    • @ducuable1
      @ducuable1 2 года назад

      @@XspiritZXx nope, still haven't figured it out..

  • @aakashadhikari4227
    @aakashadhikari4227 Год назад

    Thank you Dude!

  • @pod-cleanerstick6487
    @pod-cleanerstick6487 2 года назад +1

    Dope video can you show us a video how you can advertise the product, it will be really cool nobody shows us that. Keep on going 👍🏼👍🏼

  • @salmanahmedmasum6429
    @salmanahmedmasum6429 2 года назад +1

    Amazing design🥰🥰

  • @Riseandthrive847
    @Riseandthrive847 2 года назад +1

    thank you so much

  • @josephugochukwu6698
    @josephugochukwu6698 2 года назад

    You are really a King 🤴...

  • @nemesisel2613
    @nemesisel2613 2 года назад +1

    Is it best for beginners to pick one product and to base there store around that

  • @petarorevic9908
    @petarorevic9908 2 года назад

    Amazing, so much valuable. Thank you for this video😀

  • @leomarkconstantino4451
    @leomarkconstantino4451 2 года назад +1

    How can I make the navigation on the header bigger and bold?

  • @reactionzone4153
    @reactionzone4153 2 года назад +1

    Ecom King, you said i have to change it in autodsers, if i am using dsers do i have to change it there too?

  • @BigJAllDay21
    @BigJAllDay21 Год назад

    How d you get the side bar tools on both sides of the screen? Bcuz mine only shows the tool bar on my left side of the screen

  • @aksroosh4603
    @aksroosh4603 2 года назад

    Wow, I love your videos.

  • @nickalmiron5257
    @nickalmiron5257 2 года назад

    I'm stuck here 20:23.The picture you helped me create in Canvas doesn't look the same on mobile. How can I assign a different picture for mobile? Thanks

    • @doxyen1709
      @doxyen1709 2 года назад

      did u find a solution?

  • @aquifix
    @aquifix 2 года назад +2

    I was watching your previous one product tutorial and you uploaded this-