I feel something is not right with the couple. They keep videoing to whole world washing their dirty linen in the public. Sanmei and her husband seem to be proud of what they are doing but sad to say they are being ridiculed and laughed at. I wonder whether the children really going to school. They can just act and pretend to go to school. Otherwise normal parents will not live in so far a place if the children go to school. They moved so far as to avoid people. Poor children no friends only their own family. Look at Yifan family worth to watch. I also wonder whether they make up the number of subscribers. If they can lie for sickness they can lie for anything. Sometimes you don't know whether to believe what they are doing. Stop lying Sanmei and live an honest living for karma will come
越南是母性社會在越南的女人都要出去工作賺錢養家他們皮膚都很白很愛乾淨 吃東西都清淡帶酸對人很有禮貌做事認真很大分對人 講話很爹台灣男生很喜歡越南妹我也是很喜歡她們做的越南菜😊
Im glad to see everyone is having a good time , plenty to eat for all. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Si bapa sudah rajin bekerja.. Anak2 pun nampak gembira
睇返以前的視頻 阿三妹和五個孩子生活 屋企乾淨 飲食營養均衡 次同廢柴返咗嚟 家庭 不成家 飲食求其有冇營養 畀人發覺佢係心存欺騙 點讚呢就大跌喇
It must smell so so good there and eating outdoors with that mountain air... Good cooking and good company😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
同情他们一家 >人吃飽了快走 😅
人家也是住山區, 強烈對比, 是反面教材
說得對呀 乾淨企理過去呀 唔係好處佢啲嘢通地擺 三妹越嚟越唔理家庭 同以前的視頻呀差得遠
@@chengcheng3895 亂葬崗才像窮, 難得他們又沒感覺, 垃圾堆中尋找到快樂, 又有蠢粉欣賞
人家的鑊不是太細, 是你們家 7人去打攪人, 要煮多 2倍份量招呼你班大食王啫
說得對呀 不知所謂
The lil ones have appetites like adults.
越南大哥屋企 乾淨 睇下三妹間屋 地下週圍垃圾 以前三 妹 經常掃地 而家什麼都費事做
大哥家人 整洁乾净 这一家七口很最肮脏了
是罗 吓死人 忽然多了七个人 吵死了 丑父的声音破铜锣 唉
@@susannawong7536 越南大哥大失預算, 突然來了一班 ❌️ 客
I feel something is not right with the couple. They keep videoing to whole world washing their dirty linen in the public. Sanmei and her husband seem to be proud of what they are doing but sad to say they are being ridiculed and laughed at. I wonder whether the children really going to school. They can just act and pretend to go to school. Otherwise normal parents will not live in so far a place if the children go to school. They moved so far as to avoid people. Poor children no friends only their own family. Look at Yifan family worth to watch. I also wonder whether they make up the number of subscribers. If they can lie for sickness they can lie for anything. Sometimes you don't know whether to believe what they are doing. Stop lying Sanmei and live an honest living for karma will come
@@LaychooLooi 明天七口家再來作客, 以後天天來, 越南大哥嚇到要搬家
Buenos dias traducir al Español gracias
屋企咁多雞都唔 大兩隻上去 菜都唔多條 小老虎咁細呀好心佢 照顧下佢啦 去到人家地方自己仲要揸住碗飯嚟食 做媽媽可唔可以餵下佢呀
@@chengcheng3895 那幾隻雞留翻過年時一家食啦, 家族大可能唔夠食
三妹去別人家很大方了! 買5斤豬肉! 而且還煮食給人家吃! 父母教導我們不要去人家裡煮食呀!
@@meikayyeung3107 三妹咁搞笑嘅 去探訪人家 還要帶埋餸呀 仲要煮埋呀 好得意喎
Where are you ? It looks different there? ❤️
借場地拍攝啫, 她是第一女主角
沒有受教育的粗人 是这个款😅
@@Lai-j6v 這個當然啦, 在別人家煮食, 又當是新题材
It's better for the dad be gone!
一家人拍不完 怎不讓山孩溫習功課 一天就知道相法來增流量🤮🤮🤮
以前阿三妹嘅眼角冇咁高 我諗佢都係身體虛弱 影響到甩頭髮
@@meikayyeung3107 係呀說得對呀
@@meikayyeung3107 三妹自己都唔愛識自己 冇人幫到佢呀 以前好好生活 而家加不成家
@@chengcheng3895 別管她, 自作賤
主人家都要迴避, 讓 7 位大明星拍攝
說真的, 在廣西時相貌沒現在咁難看, 越變越可怕
說得對越睇越恐怖 相 隨 心生
@@chengcheng3895 有這個說法, 也有真實人物証明
相由心生, 人的面相真的會隨內心的意念而有所轉變