I am also an introvert and shy. But the best way to conquer it, is to confront it. Even though i dont like it, i do it anyway, and the more i do it, the more bold i get.
A true introvert will struggle their entire life. If you become more bold and comfortable with confronting people that’s great! However, for true introverts, it will always be a lifelong struggle.
Not everybody is an evangelist. I am introverted and dont find it easy just talking to random people about things so i instead buy gospel tracts online and i distribute them in my local area. I tape them to park benches, to bus stops; i put them through peoples doors. People have different callings and talents, and we do what we can do.
@@discoveringlisa486 There is definitely a time and place for tracts. But in our modern, noisy and overstimulated culture I wonder how effective a paper tract is? Have you heard of even one case in the last 10 years where a tract acted as a "growing seed" in someone's life? I am just curious and would be glad to know that they are effective. But I am skeptical...not in the power of Christ...but in the means of spreading the good news. Good farmers are always looking for better methods to increase productiveness. Shouldn't Christians do the same?
Sometimes i have so much fear of interactions with other people i literally have to quote bible verses before i open the front door and walk outside,sometimes i even have to imagine Jesus going before me,which he does,i just have to assure myself constantly
Tracts are your friend if you’re introverted. A good tract is less pressure to the lost because he won’t feel like he has to stand there and listen to you. He can read it on his own time. Prayer is also important too but get the message out there somehow that isn’t sinful! (I.e. don’t go to a strip club to share the gospel)
Don’t do that. Let people work in the kingdom the way that they feel comfortable working in the kingdom. Better for them to be out here doing kingdom work then to be out doing evil. Don’t be so harsh in your judgment.
For me, it wasn't shy or timid. I had to grow up quiet due to not being able to speak due to earlier seizures as a youth and took half my life to talk effectively. Even today, if I share my faith, I still studder especially if a certain emotion comes from telling others that believing in Jesus and praying every day for guidance and help helped conquer a 20-year porn addiction and has been nearly 3 years and still sober today. It's not the addiction that caused my quietness (or the fear to tell others as I freely tell in this very comment). It is just hard to express myself or explain my faith to believe in words. Even in prayer, I come before God to tell Him I'm not the best in words or may not be a house speaker onto crowds but a willingness to share.
Thank you to the viewer who wrote in this question. And thank you Pastor Jesse for giving your thoughts on it. God bless you both. I often wonder about these things. I'm very timid and an introvert.
I too am an introvert and when I was young, I was SUPER shy. I don't believe that EVERY man and woman was created by God to be like Jesse or especially like Yankee Arnold. God gives us all different gifts. For instance, for me, walking up to a stranger on the street to share the gospel is frightening for me. I just am terrible at conversation and my mind goes blank. However, on RUclips or other online forums, I can speak well and think of the things I want to say because of the type of medium it is. Therefore, God probably wants me to share the gospel in these formats. Also, I believe other introverts who have good wealth can give money to churches they feel are worthy and that is also a way to help share the gospel: Helping the extroverts share the gospel in more ways and more often.
Interesting subject for me. Since fourth grade I have been ostracized from the group. This continued through my life whenever I thought to join up with a group. Just recently I was slandered in front of thirty people. I've prayed about this and now just accept that is my life. I also wondered how I could reach out to people as a Christian and finally, with some prompting I now have a way to do that. I study the Bible, have found some godly men who teach and preach the Word of God just as it is written, not man's imagination but God's Word. I do review, pray and wonder, study and pray again that I'm delivering the truth and not a Hal Lindsey set of nonsense.
People need to throw away this idea that we all have our own "personalities". You don't have a personality. You have behavioral habits that you have chosen to cling to. There's absolutely nothing stopping you from changing any of them right now today. Sure, you'll still be you, just no longer leaning on the crutch of your "personality" to excuse unhealthy behavior.
Thank you Pastor Jesse, And Thank Our Lord Jesus Christ, presently, giving us all alive the time left and opportunity to share The Gospel With others, when I see other humans beings, I see a chance to meet/make a new family member. If we all had 24 hours to live, I would share The Good News with as many as possibly, to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ who died for our sins & the sins of this world, He shed His blood, to restore us into the Creators Family. I'm not here to judge anyones lifestyle, but pray and encourage all to put their trust in Jesus Christ. Lots of stuff happening with this new presidency, the world is unpredictable, but God's Word Stays True
Man this video describes me perfectly ive always been really shy too but every time i miss the chance to witness to someone i feel so convicted i just want to serve God by sowing seeds but im so shy and when i do work up the courage to witness my wording tends to get awkward lol i just gotta keep praying for strength wisdom and resolve love this channel!
@wordsofourtestimony6390 yeah I agree I often think that there's a possibility that I could be the only one to ever give a person the true gospel I just gotta pray for courage and keep my eyes on Jesus it's a carnal thing to put off God's will for my comfort I think focusing on God is one of the best things I could do I appreciate the advice God bless you!
Just wanted to thank you for your clear teachings on the Bible they have helped me grow and answer those hard questions that no one seems to be able to answer
We are not aware of Gillie's experience, what has shaped his/her life. Often those of us who are introverted have been deeply hurt/traumatised and are understandably cautious around others. The Lord is of course fully aware of every aspect of Gillie's life and personality, indeed every hair on our heads are all numbered! and He is ultimately working all things for our good, so Gillie should meditate on 1st Corinthians chapter 12, that ALL members of the Body of Christ are necessary and also that it is God's building, He is the one doing the perfecting - so Gillie should just continue to approach the throne of grace BOLDLY, bringing all concerns directly to the Lord who is the author and finisher of our faith. Ps. Effectively advising introverts to 'get over it & just do it anyway' could only be said by someone with no experience of being an introvert! 😂🙈 God bless all ✝️🙌
I guess everyone defines introversion differently, but I can guarantee you if it’s rooted in fear, it’s not of God. Anything that comes from a place where love is absent is not from Gods kingdom. I was the most shyest, introverted girl until God put me through the fire and I started doing walk ups and asking people if they know Jesus. It’s like I was delivered of people fear because of obedience. God has called all of us to share the gospel. That’s the job of every believer. So ask yourself, is my introversion in sharing the gospel coming from a place of fear?
Being more introverted can bless you in the way that you can take more time on your own to deeply study the word and spend more time with the Father in prayer. Doing this will give you better understanding of His Love, His will, His Grace etc. and so when you do have an opportunity to share you might feel more confident doing so because it will come from a genuine place of Love and understanding 😊 Absolutely pray about it and ask the Lord to provide you opportunities that you can comfortably take. And don’t feel lingering shame when you don’t do because the devil can use that guilt and shame to accuse and oppress you. Apply wisdom. Proverbs speaks of many times when it is best to hold your tongue. Sometimes the Spirit restrains us but don’t let that cloud your judgement. Jesus loves you 💕
@ The gospel message is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. It’s true we should share that joy daily! But don’t shame people for where they’re at in their walk. The Holy Ghost is the guide. And YAH’s will be done. Picking up our cross and walking as He walked is Discipleship. Babes in Christ or those who are weak in the faith can’t always go out a preachin’. Not all have the same gifts. “Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.” Proverbs 23:9 Discernment is key. “A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?” Ecclesiates 3:7
@@LateeshaP agreed new believers shouldnt be out preaching right away but that wasnt the topic,the topic is not talking to others because they consider themselves an introvert,you are no longer your own when you get saved. Youre now a slave to righteousness and God and His word determine everything in our lives. We are merely living sacrifices
1 Corinthians 12:14-23 KJV For the body is not one member, but many. [15] If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? [16] And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? [17] If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? [18] But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. [19] And if they were all one member, where were the body? [20] But now are they many members, yet but one body. [21] And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. [22] Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary: [23] And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness.
Thank you Brother Jesse! Practical topics for everyday life. With real biblical answers. Looking up! Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Acts 16:31 “And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Colossians 1:14 “In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:” Salvation is obtained by simply believing in Jesus’ death (Blood sacrifice), burial and resurrection for payment of all your sins (past, present and future) with your whole heart.
I am pretty extroverted and find it comfortable to build connections and share the gospel. There are some situations where a tract would really come in handy and more appropriate. Pastor Jesse or Trent, where can I get some? Thank you and have an amazing weekend. ❤
What do you do for those who approach you to engage in conversations but all you see from them is talk of ungodly things, and the constant cursing coming from their mouths? I'm always trying to go around these conversations to lead to a spiritual talk but feel like its going nowhere .
In my experience, it may take time for these individuals to believe in Christ and/or grow spiritually. You cannot force anything, but swing the bat when the ball of opportunity comes flying in. You keep planting seeds. I know it can be difficult especially if you don’t relate to their lifestyle. You are to live in a manner that sets an example. They’ll notice, and they’ll listen to what you have to say eventually. - Trent
@@sebastiansingh5167 Try love. Following is a contrast between truth and the hideous lies of western influenced evangelical religion. I hope you will see the insanity, terrorism, and injustice of the one compared to the love, mercy and forgiveness of the other. From the sermon; Sinners in the hands of an angry god. Jonathan Edwards 1741 The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked. His wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else but to be cast into the fire. He is of purer eyes than to bear you in his sight; you are ten thousand times as abominable in his eyes as the most hateful, venomous serpent is in ours. From scripture: 1 Cor 13:4-7 Adapted from the NLT New Living Translation God is patient and kind. God is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. He does not demand His own way. God is not irritable, and He keeps no record of being wronged. God does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. God never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. God NEVER fails. Folks, scripture tells us, not the Jonathan Edwards scenario, but tells us that we have been redeemed and justified, by the blood of Christ. We have been reconciled to God by His death, and we have been born again by His resurrection. Every one of us are offspring of God and in Him, we live and move and have our being. This is good news. Believe it and rest in it and enjoy the life God has given us. Religion on the other hand would tell you that no matter how good or bad you have been, whether you are male or female, young or old, mentally capable or incapable, if you haven’t personally accepted Jesus into your life as savior, this god of Jonathan Edwards will burn you and torture you, in unimaginable and terrifying pain and suffering that will never end and you can never escape it. My brothers and sisters, this is pure and evil insanity.
speaking of tracts, what tracts would you recommend people give out? Because most tracts I have seen are "repent of your sins" type things like chick tracts. Are there free grace tracts that we can get other than the ones that GES has?
@BibleLine l too have seen this in Chick tracts and others. I don't like these tracts that add (repent of your sins, give your heart or life to Christ, ask God for forgiveness, you must ask God to save you....) something we must do for God to accept us inorder to be saved or before we can to be saved. God has already provided forgiveness to us because of Christ, we only need to believe it. If one must do something before God will accept accept and save him that's works. Jesus has done all that is necessary to save us forever, we only need to believe He did it for us so we could be saved. My church and many others l know not only use Chick tracts but others tracts as well and most have the same basic message "repent of your sins to be saved". I really not like tracts that promote this message as a must before God will save anyone. Trusting in Jesus Christ as one's Saviour is all that God requires to save one forever. Thanks again and God bless you all!
Genuine question I struggle with addiction to certain sins when I commit a sin I feel like crap and go to the Lord and ask for forgiveness even though sometimes I don't really feel bad about it. In the past I've used asking for forgiveness as a way to feel better I believe the Gospel (meaning I'm convinced it's true)Jesus died for my sins and was raised on the third day but If I Sin knowing Jesus paid for them why do I keep asking for forgiveness and help would be appreciated.
We are to walk in the light and not in darkness. Our position is in Christ when we believe, but our condition can be poor. I am always my father’s son, but sometimes I’ve done things to cause a break in the closeness between my father and I. I need to confess that (come to an agreement that I’m wrong), and walk in line with my dad. How do we do this? Read the word and obey it. - Trent
@BibleLine Thank you for the reply last thing. I struggle with assurance actually I don't have any assurance at all would you take that as not being saved.
@@JordanHughes1995 if you haven’t watched his videos, you should. He explains pretty well why you should have assurance and what it means if you don’t. If you don’t, there are underlying motives in your heart that you are not aware of that you have to do something to be saved, when it’s by grace through faith we are saved, and that not of ourselves it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast.
@@KingdomPersonaltiesOkay thank you I don't know if I'm saved or not I believe the Gospel is true I know I am unable to save myself its just assurance of my salvation that I lack but you are probably right I'm probably still looking at myself thanks for the reply.
@@JordanHughes1995 Jordan, relax, you ARE saved. You said in a post above that you believe the Gospel (that Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again for our justification), that means you ARE saved, sealed by the Holy Spirit and a child of God. The Word of God in the King James Bible tells us that we can KNOW we're saved because we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ (see 1st John 5:10-13 KJV) and also 1st Corinthians 12:3 KJV. ✝️🙌
Don’t know if I have seen this channel before but if I was homeless or a cashier and someone came and handed me a tract, I would find it offensive. Make it a point to get to know the person and befriend them. Winning converts is religion. True evangelism is relationship.
I’ve witnessed in many scenarios, and in my experience it varies from individual to individual. I’d take a pamphlet from anyone. It’s just paper. - Trent
@ Personally I don’t like people handling me things, whether vendors in a store or on the street or religious people with their tracts. They all have an agenda and want to make a sale. Jesus is not a product. When I realized that everyone after the resurrection of Christ is an offspring (genos) of God and we all live and move and have our being in Him, evangelism changed greatly. No longer us and them. All are my brothers and sisters in Christ and fellow heirs. So now I can share the good news of our benefits and inheritance with my nonbeliever brothers and encourage them to begin living in accordance with their identity as a child of God that is greatly loved. Nothing to sell, no religious hoops to jump through, just becoming aware that their heavenly Father has given them an inheritance. No rotten sinner, hated by the god of Jonathan Edwards,that better turn or burn. God is actually that good. So no handing out bad news papers for me.
@ Following is a contrast between truth and the hideous lies of western influenced evangelical religion. I hope you will see the insanity, terrorism, and injustice of the one compared to the love, mercy and forgiveness of the other. From the sermon; Sinners in the hands of an angry god. Jonathan Edwards 1741 The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked. His wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else but to be cast into the fire. He is of purer eyes than to bear you in his sight; you are ten thousand times as abominable in his eyes as the most hateful, venomous serpent is in ours. From scripture: 1 Cor 13:4-7 Adapted from the NLT New Living Translation God is patient and kind. God is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. He does not demand His own way. God is not irritable, and He keeps no record of being wronged. God does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. God never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. God NEVER fails. Folks, scripture tells us, not the Jonathan Edwards scenario, but tells us that we have been redeemed and justified, by the blood of Christ. We have been reconciled to God by His death, and we have been born again by His resurrection. Every one of us are offspring of God and in Him, we live and move and have our being. This is good news. Believe it and rest in it and enjoy the life God has given us. Religion on the other hand would tell you that no matter how good or bad you have been, whether you are male or female, young or old, mentally capable or incapable, if you haven’t personally accepted Jesus into your life as savior, this god of Jonathan Edwards will burn you and torture you, in unimaginable and terrifying pain and suffering that will never end and you can never escape it. My brothers and sisters, this is pure and evil insanity.
Self sacrificial love is a “fear mongering view?” Perhaps love should consist more than oneself receiving pleasure upon their own lusts. The root of same sex love nothing greater than lust that ultimately brings forth sin. God is the everlasting Father with and Everlasting Son. The Spirit is also “He.” Male was not created to be with male and neither female with female. Adam was created in the “likeness” and “image” of God, and Eve was created from Adam’s rib. The scriptures are clear, and this is not to same one of certain gender orientation cannot be saved; they most certainly can, freely by his grace. - Trent
I believe it's not a sin to be an introvert or an extrovert. If someone is an introvert, they should be an introvert. If someone is an extrovert, they should be an extrovert. There's nothing wrong with being an introvert, and there's nothing wrong with being an extrovert. Being an introvert isn't an excuse to not to go to church. Being an extrovert isn't an excuse to be prideful. Even though pastors are often stereotyped as extroverts, there are a lot of introverted pastors out there. Being an introverted pastor isn't rare. There are a lot of introverted pastors out there such as Mark Driscoll, Jon Piper, John Calvin, Timothy in the Bible, etc.
A tract is a little pamphlet or leaflet full of information. The ones being talked about here are gospel tracts, which contain the gospel, information on who Jesus Christ is, and why we believe in Him - basically simple information on how to be saved.
Is the person asking the question a troll? It's so ridiculous how it is with 90% of questions on Christian RUclips videos asking "can x be a sin?" No, being an introvert is not a sin. If you're not sure if something is a sin, then it most likely is not. When are Christians going to learn scrupulosity is just as bad and damaging to their witness as lukewarmness is?
@@neildalessandro8196 Following is a contrast between truth and the hideous lies of western influenced evangelical religion. I hope you will see the insanity, terrorism, and injustice of the one compared to the love, mercy and forgiveness of the other. From the sermon; Sinners in the hands of an angry god. Jonathan Edwards 1741 The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked. His wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else but to be cast into the fire. He is of purer eyes than to bear you in his sight; you are ten thousand times as abominable in his eyes as the most hateful, venomous serpent is in ours. From scripture: 1 Cor 13:4-7 Adapted from the NLT New Living Translation God is patient and kind. God is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. He does not demand His own way. God is not irritable, and He keeps no record of being wronged. God does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. God never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. God NEVER fails. Folks, scripture tells us, not the Jonathan Edwards scenario, but tells us that we have been redeemed and justified, by the blood of Christ. We have been reconciled to God by His death, and we have been born again by His resurrection. Every one of us are offspring of God and in Him, we live and move and have our being. This is good news. Believe it and rest in it and enjoy the life God has given us. Religion on the other hand would tell you that no matter how good or bad you have been, whether you are male or female, young or old, mentally capable or incapable, if you haven’t personally accepted Jesus into your life as savior, this god of Jonathan Edwards will burn you and torture you, in unimaginable and terrifying pain and suffering that will never end and you can never escape it. My brothers and sisters, this is pure and evil insanity.
Jesse, You already passed judgement on the Homeless man by assuming he wasn't Saved or didn't know the Gospel just because he was Homeless. I was recently Homeless, and I can tell you from experience that a lot of Homeless People have already Believed on Jesus Christ for their Salvation just like Acts 16: 30-31. They rely on Jesus everyday just to get through the day, and they are not trusting in their possessions like some people do that have more.
We didn’t judge that he wasn’t saved, but the it was a scenario prompted by the listener who asked the question. I’ve also talked to homeless individuals who are saved. There is no respect of persons here. Thanks! - Trent
When my husband (I'm mostly homebound) gives out a tract he's assuming that if the recipient is saved, they will likely pass it on to someone who isn't. I assume the same about the recipients of the tracts I include in bills, Christmas cards, etc. Only God knows their hearts. It's our job to offer the gospel, and if they want to know why we believe, to be ready to tell them. By the way, I'm so glad that you do believe. Statistically, even if every person claiming Christ actually was saved, 3/4 of the people on Earth are still unsaved. I'd rather share with a brother or sister and be encouraged when they tell me, than miss someone because I assume they know Christ when they actually don't. Not that we're great at this, we're both pretty introverted too, but we do our best. :)
What are you on about? If you don't know the person, then you assume they don't know the gospel so that's why you should share it. Whether they are homeless or not does not matter.
@BibleLine my friend,how is it that we can point out others sin but when ours is pointed out it is not edifying? The Lord commands us to take care of our temples for which He resides,i honestly believe this is overlooked all too often and shows a lack of discipline,self control and fasting. Its not that we have to be Mr Olympia but we should be in good shape,able bodied men and work with our hands as the Lord says. Bless you
Right, but the method of your approach won’t win anyone. If you had started with this last comment, then that comes across way better. We get too many trolls on this channel speaking to things which they know not. Thanks for the clarification nonetheless. - Trent
GOD does not create shyness based on sin. NEVER JUDGE GUYS! stop acting like you all so conservative and perfect in natural sense! shyness is also a gift BUT......if one's silence in the face of emergency, that is a sin. even a shy human being can be use as a gift. i bet some of you heard the story of moses exodus 3: 1-4
Why does everyone pick on introverts? No, being introverted isn't sinful. Nor is it a maladaptive or abnormal state of being, yet people and western society act as if being introverted is inherently wrong or abnormal or a disorder or a disease. Eastern cultures actually value, honor, respect, and place higher expectations on introversion compared to extroversion. What IS sinful is having the fear of man and letting that control you, not obeying God, actively sinning, or not doing what is right. Jesus calls all types of people and God uses what is shameful or weak in man's eyes to confound the wise, so they can't be prideful and He receives all the glory. Even Paul said people were surprised to hear him speak after reading his writing, because he was "weak in speech". Maybe that meant he stuttered, or he wasn't good at public speaking, or maybe even he had something else that made him a poor public speaker. Even Moses said he wasn't good at speaking so Aaron spoke for him. God will use anyone that is willing to be used by Him despite our weaknesses.
While I agree with some of what you said, God was actually very unhappy that Aaron had to step in for Moses. Moses had God on his side, and he would have been capable to speak. It may have even changed the golden calf scenario had Aaron not initiated it. We are not to pick on introverts, but there is a sin of omission. - Trent
@@BibleLine Yes, I agree. Above I said there was a sin of omission - "not doing what you know to be right" (James 4:17, Romans 14). We don't know what would or would not have happened if Aaron had not been Moses's spokesman. Even if it didn't come from Aaron it probably still would have come from somewhere within the camp since they were constantly sinning in idolatry, as shown many times when they sinned with idolatry while in the wilderness and afterward. Introverts can sin when they allow fear of man to control them and not obey what God says to do, or not do, like with Jeremiah when he tried to not speak what God told him to speak to the people but it was like fire shut up in his bones. But extroverts can also sin when they can't control their mouths, speak out of turn or with many empty words (we are held accountable for every idle word we speak), or not let their yes be yes and no no. They can also allow the fear or man or selfish ambition lead them into idolatry of other people/status or people pleasing or other forms of ungodly, sinful behavior that stems from extroversion. Both personality types need to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses and what they are prone to do because of them and work against whatever God has called them to do. A writer is not called to be a speaker and shouldn't be expected to. Likewise a speaker isn't called to be a writer (unless someone actually is called to be both) and shouldn't be expected to perform that function. Both can learn to do the other to a degree but their true talent lies in their original calling or gifting. A mouth is made to speak, but ears are made to listen and not speak, so the question instead is, what part of the body are you called to be and what is that part's role as a member of the Body of Christ? Then fulfill it to the best of your ability in Christ. Being balanced (and also healed from trauma) is the biggest key to not sinning in areas of our lives despite personality types or other factors.
Jesus freed me from social anxiety ❤️
I am also an introvert and shy. But the best way to conquer it, is to confront it. Even though i dont like it, i do it anyway, and the more i do it, the more bold i get.
A true introvert will struggle their entire life. If you become more bold and comfortable with confronting people that’s great! However, for true introverts, it will always be a lifelong struggle.
It’s not a fear or something to be conquered. Its okay to be an introvert.
Not everybody is an evangelist. I am introverted and dont find it easy just talking to random people about things so i instead buy gospel tracts online and i distribute them in my local area. I tape them to park benches, to bus stops; i put them through peoples doors. People have different callings and talents, and we do what we can do.
Do you think tracts are effective in Western Countries?
@antiquecardboard Why shouldn't they be? It's putting The Gospel in front of someone. It plants seeds and in the right soil, those seeds grow
@@discoveringlisa486 There is definitely a time and place for tracts. But in our modern, noisy and overstimulated culture I wonder how effective a paper tract is? Have you heard of even one case in the last 10 years where a tract acted as a "growing seed" in someone's life? I am just curious and would be glad to know that they are effective. But I am skeptical...not in the power of Christ...but in the means of spreading the good news. Good farmers are always looking for better methods to increase productiveness. Shouldn't Christians do the same?
Where can I find good gospel tracts?
We have some on our website store. calvaryoftampa.org
- Trent
Sometimes i have so much fear of interactions with other people i literally have to quote bible verses before i open the front door and walk outside,sometimes i even have to imagine Jesus going before me,which he does,i just have to assure myself constantly
Tracts are your friend if you’re introverted. A good tract is less pressure to the lost because he won’t feel like he has to stand there and listen to you. He can read it on his own time. Prayer is also important too but get the message out there somehow that isn’t sinful! (I.e. don’t go to a strip club to share the gospel)
I just want to add if you are super shy, you could also consider donating to missionaries or other groups that share the gospel.
No. Deny yourself and do the things commands us to do
@@wordsofourtestimony6390 No need to be self righteous. There are many ways a Christian can deny themselves.
Great comment
@@wordsofourtestimony6390 Or what?
So much for trying to understand a brother in Christ who was trying to be gentle.
The Lord rebuke you.
Don’t do that. Let people work in the kingdom the way that they feel comfortable working in the kingdom. Better for them to be out here doing kingdom work then to be out doing evil. Don’t be so harsh in your judgment.
For me, it wasn't shy or timid. I had to grow up quiet due to not being able to speak due to earlier seizures as a youth and took half my life to talk effectively. Even today, if I share my faith, I still studder especially if a certain emotion comes from telling others that believing in Jesus and praying every day for guidance and help helped conquer a 20-year porn addiction and has been nearly 3 years and still sober today. It's not the addiction that caused my quietness (or the fear to tell others as I freely tell in this very comment). It is just hard to express myself or explain my faith to believe in words. Even in prayer, I come before God to tell Him I'm not the best in words or may not be a house speaker onto crowds but a willingness to share.
Seeing your ministry grow has been such a blessing for me. I am so happy and thankful for y'all.
Thank you to the viewer who wrote in this question. And thank you Pastor Jesse for giving your thoughts on it. God bless you both. I often wonder about these things. I'm very timid and an introvert.
I too am an introvert and when I was young, I was SUPER shy. I don't believe that EVERY man and woman was created by God to be like Jesse or especially like Yankee Arnold. God gives us all different gifts. For instance, for me, walking up to a stranger on the street to share the gospel is frightening for me. I just am terrible at conversation and my mind goes blank. However, on RUclips or other online forums, I can speak well and think of the things I want to say because of the type of medium it is. Therefore, God probably wants me to share the gospel in these formats. Also, I believe other introverts who have good wealth can give money to churches they feel are worthy and that is also a way to help share the gospel: Helping the extroverts share the gospel in more ways and more often.
If you didnt get "umcomfortable" youd never need the Comforter
Interesting subject for me. Since fourth grade I have been ostracized from the group. This continued through my life whenever I thought to join up with a group. Just recently I was slandered in front of thirty people. I've prayed about this and now just accept that is my life.
I also wondered how I could reach out to people as a Christian and finally, with some prompting I now have a way to do that. I study the Bible, have found some godly men who teach and preach the Word of God just as it is written, not man's imagination but God's Word. I do review, pray and wonder, study and pray again that I'm delivering the truth and not a Hal Lindsey set of nonsense.
People need to throw away this idea that we all have our own "personalities". You don't have a personality. You have behavioral habits that you have chosen to cling to. There's absolutely nothing stopping you from changing any of them right now today. Sure, you'll still be you, just no longer leaning on the crutch of your "personality" to excuse unhealthy behavior.
Thank you Pastor Jesse, And Thank Our Lord Jesus Christ, presently, giving us all alive the time left and opportunity to share The Gospel With others, when I see other humans beings, I see a chance to meet/make a new family member. If we all had 24 hours to live, I would share The Good News with as many as possibly, to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ who died for our sins & the sins of this world, He shed His blood, to restore us into the Creators Family. I'm not here to judge anyones lifestyle, but pray and encourage all to put their trust in Jesus Christ. Lots of stuff happening with this new presidency, the world is unpredictable, but God's Word Stays True
Man this video describes me perfectly ive always been really shy too but every time i miss the chance to witness to someone i feel so convicted i just want to serve God by sowing seeds but im so shy and when i do work up the courage to witness my wording tends to get awkward lol i just gotta keep praying for strength wisdom and resolve love this channel!
Try focusin your eyes on the Lord not yourself. Paul and moses werent very good speakers but God used them mightily. Paul to speak to masses
@wordsofourtestimony6390 yeah I agree I often think that there's a possibility that I could be the only one to ever give a person the true gospel I just gotta pray for courage and keep my eyes on Jesus it's a carnal thing to put off God's will for my comfort I think focusing on God is one of the best things I could do I appreciate the advice God bless you!
@@travisgary8802 bless you friend
Just wanted to thank you for your clear teachings on the Bible they have helped me grow and answer those hard questions that no one seems to be able to answer
Introvert....adhd....empath....i hope God still poves me as im all over the place.
We are not aware of Gillie's experience, what has shaped his/her life. Often those of us who are introverted have been deeply hurt/traumatised and are understandably cautious around others. The Lord is of course fully aware of every aspect of Gillie's life and personality, indeed every hair on our heads are all numbered! and He is ultimately working all things for our good, so Gillie should meditate on 1st Corinthians chapter 12, that ALL members of the Body of Christ are necessary and also that it is God's building, He is the one doing the perfecting - so Gillie should just continue to approach the throne of grace BOLDLY, bringing all concerns directly to the Lord who is the author and finisher of our faith.
Ps. Effectively advising introverts to 'get over it & just do it anyway' could only be said by someone with no experience of being an introvert! 😂🙈
God bless all ✝️🙌
I guess everyone defines introversion differently, but I can guarantee you if it’s rooted in fear, it’s not of God. Anything that comes from a place where love is absent is not from Gods kingdom. I was the most shyest, introverted girl until God put me through the fire and I started doing walk ups and asking people if they know Jesus. It’s like I was delivered of people fear because of obedience. God has called all of us to share the gospel. That’s the job of every believer. So ask yourself, is my introversion in sharing the gospel coming from a place of fear?
Being more introverted can bless you in the way that you can take more time on your own to deeply study the word and spend more time with the Father in prayer. Doing this will give you better understanding of His Love, His will, His Grace etc. and so when you do have an opportunity to share you might feel more confident doing so because it will come from a genuine place of Love and understanding 😊
Absolutely pray about it and ask the Lord to provide you opportunities that you can comfortably take. And don’t feel lingering shame when you don’t do because the devil can use that guilt and shame to accuse and oppress you. Apply wisdom. Proverbs speaks of many times when it is best to hold your tongue. Sometimes the Spirit restrains us but don’t let that cloud your judgement.
Jesus loves you 💕
Introverts use that as an excuse to live an umbalanced life. Deny yourself is the gospel message. His strength is best seen in our weakness
@ The gospel message is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. It’s true we should share that joy daily!
But don’t shame people for where they’re at in their walk. The Holy Ghost is the guide. And YAH’s will be done. Picking up our cross and walking as He walked is Discipleship. Babes in Christ or those who are weak in the faith can’t always go out a preachin’. Not all have the same gifts. “Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.” Proverbs 23:9
Discernment is key.
“A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?” Ecclesiates 3:7
@@LateeshaP agreed new believers shouldnt be out preaching right away but that wasnt the topic,the topic is not talking to others because they consider themselves an introvert,you are no longer your own when you get saved. Youre now a slave to righteousness and God and His word determine everything in our lives. We are merely living sacrifices
Not walking up to a homeless guy one doesn't know may be a personal SAFETY issue.
God bless!!
1 Corinthians 12:14-23 KJV
For the body is not one member, but many. [15] If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? [16] And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? [17] If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? [18] But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. [19] And if they were all one member, where were the body? [20] But now are they many members, yet but one body. [21] And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. [22] Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary: [23] And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness.
Thank you Brother Jesse! Practical topics for everyday life. With real biblical answers. Looking up! Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Acts 16:31 “And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Colossians 1:14 “In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:” Salvation is obtained by simply believing in Jesus’ death (Blood sacrifice), burial and resurrection for payment of all your sins (past, present and future) with your whole heart.
Sosial angst is real...😢
I am pretty extroverted and find it comfortable to build connections and share the gospel. There are some situations where a tract would really come in handy and more appropriate. Pastor Jesse or Trent, where can I get some? Thank you and have an amazing weekend. ❤
That’s great! You can buy some from our church website -> calvaryoftampa.org
- Trent
@BibleLine Will do! Thank you so much! ❤
Went to website but found tracts cant be bought because I live in Grest Britain
Ahh, I’ll have to see about overseas. Maybe we could get you a way to print them yourself.
- Trent
What do you do for those who approach you to engage in conversations but all you see from them is talk of ungodly things, and the constant cursing coming from their mouths? I'm always trying to go around these conversations to lead to a spiritual talk but feel like its going nowhere .
In my experience, it may take time for these individuals to believe in Christ and/or grow spiritually. You cannot force anything, but swing the bat when the ball of opportunity comes flying in. You keep planting seeds. I know it can be difficult especially if you don’t relate to their lifestyle. You are to live in a manner that sets an example. They’ll notice, and they’ll listen to what you have to say eventually.
- Trent
@BibleLine Yeah I figured , thank you and much love ! God bless !
@@sebastiansingh5167 Try love.
Following is a contrast between truth and the hideous lies of western influenced evangelical religion. I hope you will see the insanity, terrorism, and injustice of the one compared to the love, mercy and forgiveness of the other.
From the sermon; Sinners in the hands of an angry god. Jonathan Edwards 1741
The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked. His wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else but to be cast into the fire. He is of purer eyes than to bear you in his sight; you are ten thousand times as abominable in his eyes as the most hateful, venomous serpent is in ours.
From scripture: 1 Cor 13:4-7 Adapted from the NLT New Living Translation
God is patient and kind. God is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. He does not demand His own way. God is not irritable, and He keeps no record of being wronged. God does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. God never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. God NEVER fails.
Folks, scripture tells us, not the Jonathan Edwards scenario, but tells us that we have been redeemed and justified, by the blood of Christ. We have been reconciled to God by His death, and we have been born again by His resurrection. Every one of us are offspring of God and in Him, we live and move and have our being. This is good news. Believe it and rest in it and enjoy the life God has given us.
Religion on the other hand would tell you that no matter how good or bad you have been, whether you are male or female, young or old, mentally capable or incapable, if you haven’t personally accepted Jesus into your life as savior, this god of Jonathan Edwards will burn you and torture you, in unimaginable and terrifying pain and suffering that will never end and you can never escape it. My brothers and sisters, this is pure and evil insanity.
How about thinking that you don't know enough or aren't good enough?
Jesus was an introvert. Bro had to take breaks from his own creations to talk with God for strength 😂
speaking of tracts, what tracts would you recommend people give out? Because most tracts I have seen are "repent of your sins" type things like chick tracts. Are there free grace tracts that we can get other than the ones that GES has?
We have some on our church website calvaryoftampa.org
- Trent
@BibleLine l too have seen this in Chick tracts and others. I don't like these tracts that add (repent of your sins, give your heart or life to Christ, ask God for forgiveness, you must ask God to save you....) something we must do for God to accept us inorder to be saved or before we can to be saved. God has already provided forgiveness to us because of Christ, we only need to believe it. If one must do something before God will accept accept and save him that's works. Jesus has done all that is necessary to save us forever, we only need to believe He did it for us so we could be saved. My church and many others l know not only use Chick tracts but others tracts as well and most have the same basic message "repent of your sins to be saved". I really not like tracts that promote this message as a must before God will save anyone. Trusting in Jesus Christ as one's Saviour is all that God requires to save one forever. Thanks again and God bless you all!
Yeah, we reject chick tracts. We make our own that have the clear message.
- Trent
Genuine question I struggle with addiction to certain sins when I commit a sin I feel like crap and go to the Lord and ask for forgiveness even though sometimes I don't really feel bad about it. In the past I've used asking for forgiveness as a way to feel better I believe the Gospel (meaning I'm convinced it's true)Jesus died for my sins and was raised on the third day but If I Sin knowing Jesus paid for them why do I keep asking for forgiveness and help would be appreciated.
We are to walk in the light and not in darkness. Our position is in Christ when we believe, but our condition can be poor. I am always my father’s son, but sometimes I’ve done things to cause a break in the closeness between my father and I. I need to confess that (come to an agreement that I’m wrong), and walk in line with my dad. How do we do this? Read the word and obey it.
- Trent
@BibleLine Thank you for the reply last thing. I struggle with assurance actually I don't have any assurance at all would you take that as not being saved.
@@JordanHughes1995 if you haven’t watched his videos, you should. He explains pretty well why you should have assurance and what it means if you don’t. If you don’t, there are underlying motives in your heart that you are not aware of that you have to do something to be saved, when it’s by grace through faith we are saved, and that not of ourselves it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast.
@@KingdomPersonaltiesOkay thank you I don't know if I'm saved or not I believe the Gospel is true I know I am unable to save myself its just assurance of my salvation that I lack but you are probably right I'm probably still looking at myself thanks for the reply.
@@JordanHughes1995 Jordan, relax, you ARE saved. You said in a post above that you believe the Gospel (that Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again for our justification), that means you ARE saved, sealed by the Holy Spirit and a child of God. The Word of God in the King James Bible tells us that we can KNOW we're saved because we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ (see 1st John 5:10-13 KJV) and also 1st Corinthians 12:3 KJV. ✝️🙌
Don’t know if I have seen this channel before but if I was homeless or a cashier and someone came and handed me a tract, I would find it offensive. Make it a point to get to know the person and befriend them. Winning converts is religion. True evangelism is relationship.
I’ve witnessed in many scenarios, and in my experience it varies from individual to individual. I’d take a pamphlet from anyone. It’s just paper.
- Trent
@ Personally I don’t like people handling me things, whether vendors in a store or on the street or religious people with their tracts. They all have an agenda and want to make a sale. Jesus is not a product.
When I realized that everyone after the resurrection of Christ is an offspring (genos) of God and we all live and move and have our being in Him, evangelism changed greatly.
No longer us and them. All are my brothers and sisters in Christ and fellow heirs. So now I can share the good news of our benefits and inheritance with my nonbeliever brothers and encourage them to begin living in accordance with their identity as a child of God that is greatly loved.
Nothing to sell, no religious hoops to jump through, just becoming aware that their heavenly Father has given them an inheritance. No rotten sinner, hated by the god of Jonathan Edwards,that better turn or burn. God is actually that good.
So no handing out bad news papers for me.
@ Following is a contrast between truth and the hideous lies of western influenced evangelical religion. I hope you will see the insanity, terrorism, and injustice of the one compared to the love, mercy and forgiveness of the other.
From the sermon; Sinners in the hands of an angry god. Jonathan Edwards 1741
The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked. His wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else but to be cast into the fire. He is of purer eyes than to bear you in his sight; you are ten thousand times as abominable in his eyes as the most hateful, venomous serpent is in ours.
From scripture: 1 Cor 13:4-7 Adapted from the NLT New Living Translation
God is patient and kind. God is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. He does not demand His own way. God is not irritable, and He keeps no record of being wronged. God does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. God never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. God NEVER fails.
Folks, scripture tells us, not the Jonathan Edwards scenario, but tells us that we have been redeemed and justified, by the blood of Christ. We have been reconciled to God by His death, and we have been born again by His resurrection. Every one of us are offspring of God and in Him, we live and move and have our being. This is good news. Believe it and rest in it and enjoy the life God has given us.
Religion on the other hand would tell you that no matter how good or bad you have been, whether you are male or female, young or old, mentally capable or incapable, if you haven’t personally accepted Jesus into your life as savior, this god of Jonathan Edwards will burn you and torture you, in unimaginable and terrifying pain and suffering that will never end and you can never escape it. My brothers and sisters, this is pure and evil insanity.
Your personality is God given, so how can it be a sin?
Love is a choice. Love is action and self sacrifice.
God created male and female with specific roles.
- Trent
Self sacrificial love is a “fear mongering view?” Perhaps love should consist more than oneself receiving pleasure upon their own lusts. The root of same sex love nothing greater than lust that ultimately brings forth sin.
God is the everlasting Father with and Everlasting Son. The Spirit is also “He.”
Male was not created to be with male and neither female with female. Adam was created in the “likeness” and “image” of God, and Eve was created from Adam’s rib.
The scriptures are clear, and this is not to same one of certain gender orientation cannot be saved; they most certainly can, freely by his grace.
- Trent
I believe it's not a sin to be an introvert or an extrovert. If someone is an introvert, they should be an introvert. If someone is an extrovert, they should be an extrovert. There's nothing wrong with being an introvert, and there's nothing wrong with being an extrovert. Being an introvert isn't an excuse to not to go to church. Being an extrovert isn't an excuse to be prideful.
Even though pastors are often stereotyped as extroverts, there are a lot of introverted pastors out there. Being an introverted pastor isn't rare. There are a lot of introverted pastors out there such as Mark Driscoll, Jon Piper, John Calvin, Timothy in the Bible, etc.
What is a track?
A tract is a small pamphlet that explains the gospel and has scripture verses in it that explain salvation.
A tract is a little pamphlet or leaflet full of information. The ones being talked about here are gospel tracts, which contain the gospel, information on who Jesus Christ is, and why we believe in Him - basically simple information on how to be saved.
Are we still the fig tree generation? 80 +1948 = 2028 -7 =2021 even if you add putting on the leaves of 2 years ?
Is the person asking the question a troll? It's so ridiculous how it is with 90% of questions on Christian RUclips videos asking "can x be a sin?" No, being an introvert is not a sin. If you're not sure if something is a sin, then it most likely is not. When are Christians going to learn scrupulosity is just as bad and damaging to their witness as lukewarmness is?
@@neildalessandro8196 Following is a contrast between truth and the hideous lies of western influenced evangelical religion. I hope you will see the insanity, terrorism, and injustice of the one compared to the love, mercy and forgiveness of the other.
From the sermon; Sinners in the hands of an angry god. Jonathan Edwards 1741
The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked. His wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else but to be cast into the fire. He is of purer eyes than to bear you in his sight; you are ten thousand times as abominable in his eyes as the most hateful, venomous serpent is in ours.
From scripture: 1 Cor 13:4-7 Adapted from the NLT New Living Translation
God is patient and kind. God is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. He does not demand His own way. God is not irritable, and He keeps no record of being wronged. God does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. God never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. God NEVER fails.
Folks, scripture tells us, not the Jonathan Edwards scenario, but tells us that we have been redeemed and justified, by the blood of Christ. We have been reconciled to God by His death, and we have been born again by His resurrection. Every one of us are offspring of God and in Him, we live and move and have our being. This is good news. Believe it and rest in it and enjoy the life God has given us.
Religion on the other hand would tell you that no matter how good or bad you have been, whether you are male or female, young or old, mentally capable or incapable, if you haven’t personally accepted Jesus into your life as savior, this god of Jonathan Edwards will burn you and torture you, in unimaginable and terrifying pain and suffering that will never end and you can never escape it. My brothers and sisters, this is pure and evil insanity.
Jesse, You already passed judgement on the Homeless man by assuming he wasn't Saved or didn't know the Gospel just because he was Homeless. I was recently Homeless, and I can tell you from experience that a lot of Homeless People have already Believed on Jesus Christ for their Salvation just like Acts 16: 30-31. They rely on Jesus everyday just to get through the day, and they are not trusting in their possessions like some people do that have more.
We didn’t judge that he wasn’t saved, but the it was a scenario prompted by the listener who asked the question. I’ve also talked to homeless individuals who are saved. There is no respect of persons here. Thanks!
- Trent
When my husband (I'm mostly homebound) gives out a tract he's assuming that if the recipient is saved, they will likely pass it on to someone who isn't. I assume the same about the recipients of the tracts I include in bills, Christmas cards, etc. Only God knows their hearts. It's our job to offer the gospel, and if they want to know why we believe, to be ready to tell them. By the way, I'm so glad that you do believe. Statistically, even if every person claiming Christ actually was saved, 3/4 of the people on Earth are still unsaved. I'd rather share with a brother or sister and be encouraged when they tell me, than miss someone because I assume they know Christ when they actually don't. Not that we're great at this, we're both pretty introverted too, but we do our best. :)
What are you on about? If you don't know the person, then you assume they don't know the gospel so that's why you should share it. Whether they are homeless or not does not matter.
Can being over weight be a sin?
Gluttony is a sin.
- Trent
@BibleLine define gluttony
You know, and I sense you do not care to edify or help.
- Trent
@BibleLine my friend,how is it that we can point out others sin but when ours is pointed out it is not edifying? The Lord commands us to take care of our temples for which He resides,i honestly believe this is overlooked all too often and shows a lack of discipline,self control and fasting. Its not that we have to be Mr Olympia but we should be in good shape,able bodied men and work with our hands as the Lord says. Bless you
Right, but the method of your approach won’t win anyone. If you had started with this last comment, then that comes across way better. We get too many trolls on this channel speaking to things which they know not. Thanks for the clarification nonetheless.
- Trent
GOD does not create shyness based on sin. NEVER JUDGE GUYS! stop acting like you all so conservative and perfect in natural sense! shyness is also a gift BUT......if one's silence in the face of emergency, that is a sin. even a shy human being can be use as a gift. i bet some of you heard the story of moses exodus 3: 1-4
Why does everyone pick on introverts? No, being introverted isn't sinful. Nor is it a maladaptive or abnormal state of being, yet people and western society act as if being introverted is inherently wrong or abnormal or a disorder or a disease. Eastern cultures actually value, honor, respect, and place higher expectations on introversion compared to extroversion. What IS sinful is having the fear of man and letting that control you, not obeying God, actively sinning, or not doing what is right. Jesus calls all types of people and God uses what is shameful or weak in man's eyes to confound the wise, so they can't be prideful and He receives all the glory. Even Paul said people were surprised to hear him speak after reading his writing, because he was "weak in speech". Maybe that meant he stuttered, or he wasn't good at public speaking, or maybe even he had something else that made him a poor public speaker. Even Moses said he wasn't good at speaking so Aaron spoke for him. God will use anyone that is willing to be used by Him despite our weaknesses.
While I agree with some of what you said, God was actually very unhappy that Aaron had to step in for Moses. Moses had God on his side, and he would have been capable to speak. It may have even changed the golden calf scenario had Aaron not initiated it. We are not to pick on introverts, but there is a sin of omission.
- Trent
@@BibleLine Yes, I agree. Above I said there was a sin of omission - "not doing what you know to be right" (James 4:17, Romans 14). We don't know what would or would not have happened if Aaron had not been Moses's spokesman. Even if it didn't come from Aaron it probably still would have come from somewhere within the camp since they were constantly sinning in idolatry, as shown many times when they sinned with idolatry while in the wilderness and afterward. Introverts can sin when they allow fear of man to control them and not obey what God says to do, or not do, like with Jeremiah when he tried to not speak what God told him to speak to the people but it was like fire shut up in his bones. But extroverts can also sin when they can't control their mouths, speak out of turn or with many empty words (we are held accountable for every idle word we speak), or not let their yes be yes and no no. They can also allow the fear or man or selfish ambition lead them into idolatry of other people/status or people pleasing or other forms of ungodly, sinful behavior that stems from extroversion. Both personality types need to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses and what they are prone to do because of them and work against whatever God has called them to do. A writer is not called to be a speaker and shouldn't be expected to. Likewise a speaker isn't called to be a writer (unless someone actually is called to be both) and shouldn't be expected to perform that function. Both can learn to do the other to a degree but their true talent lies in their original calling or gifting. A mouth is made to speak, but ears are made to listen and not speak, so the question instead is, what part of the body are you called to be and what is that part's role as a member of the Body of Christ? Then fulfill it to the best of your ability in Christ. Being balanced (and also healed from trauma) is the biggest key to not sinning in areas of our lives despite personality types or other factors.
Jesus did not have a home.
I do all my talking to people on the internet. If it weren't for the internet, I don't know what I'd do.
Yes. Go and repent immediately.
It's only a sin if you believe in god. Otherwise it's just a mistake.