Does "Born of Water" Mean Baptism? John 3:5

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • By request, what does "born of water" refer to in John 3:5? Baptism, amniotic fluid (natural birth), or something else??

Комментарии • 23

  • @ethanrichard4950
    @ethanrichard4950 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you for the video.

  • @stevenlunsford5782
    @stevenlunsford5782 Год назад +4

    It means to be born from the water of in the womb of a woman

  • @JohnK557
    @JohnK557 4 месяца назад

    Well said!

  • @solochristo491
    @solochristo491 Год назад +2

    All of the ante-Nicene church fathers said John 3:5 applies to water baptism. All of their works are freely available online and this can be easily confirmed. I'll accept their interpretation over any modern person with a preconceived theology.

    • @dwbid42
      @dwbid42 5 месяцев назад +1

      You'll also find them believing in purgatory, that the bread and the wine in the Lord's Supper are the actual body and blood of Jesus, that Mary was always a virgin, talk about Mary as the mother of God etc. so they were most definitely not inspired.

    • @JohnK557
      @JohnK557 4 месяца назад +2

      It’s not a “modern preconceived theology” it’s basic reading comprehension. Read the rest of the chapter it’s physical birth versus spiritual birth.

    • @dwbid42
      @dwbid42 4 месяца назад +2

      @@JohnK557 the CoC sees water and reads water baptism and they see baptism and they read water baptism. Next they'll have Jesus walking on baptism and turning baptism into wine.

    • @JohnK557
      @JohnK557 4 месяца назад

      @@dwbid42 Lol, that’s seems to be the case.

  • @aidanmcmanus2752
    @aidanmcmanus2752 28 дней назад

    Concerning John 3:5 and Titus 3:5? It is not the water itself that brings about regeneration, but rather, regeneration, or the new birth/new life -- occurs in connection with water baptism when one is buried, dies, and is raised up with Christ to walk in *newness of life (Rom. 6:3-8).* The word for "washing" in Titus 3:5 is the " laver or bath of regeneration." Regeneration's laver or bath would seem to be connected to *water baptism* especially when you include other passages such as Rom. 6 and Col. 2:11-13 and even Acts 2:38 which show that one is *made alive* when their sins are forgiven in baptism.

  • @seanvann1747
    @seanvann1747 4 месяца назад

    Another way to look at it is literal birth which you mentioned.
    However this regeneration and entertaining into the kingdom of heaven is available by faith in Christ crucified ONLY to those who have been born of water/of woman.
    Thanks for the teaching 🙏

  • @MelanCholy2001
    @MelanCholy2001 Год назад

    John 1 is about Baptism and particularly Jesus' Baptism; John 2 Jesus' water to wine miracle going from Cana to Jerusalem for the pasch, where he cleanses the Temple but wasn't impressed by his sudden influx of followers. John 3, Nicodemus comes to Jesus by night, and Jesus 'scolds' him a bit for having a learned position yet not comprehending 'born of water and of the Holy Ghost', but Jesus continues through vs 21, giving Nicodemus some mighty prophecy that Nicodemus would live to see, and (if I may be so bold) telling Nicodemus that he's the Messiah. -I'm not sure how "private" this discussion was (were the disciples around? The "inner circle"?), but the parts of John 3 that are most often quoted (God so loved the world...) is said to Nicodemus. Given that we have the spoilers for what Nicodemus dares to ask of Pilate in 3 years, _I'd guess Nicodemus got Baptised pretty quickly after talking with Jesus._
    Also, the rest of John 3, "after these things" is about John's disciples baptising along with Jesus' disciples, and John further testifying that Jesus comes from above (Heaven), and Jesus is the bridegroom, &c. Lots of water baptising going on; seems significant.

    • @dwbid42
      @dwbid42 5 месяцев назад +1

      Oh so since Christian baptism was 3 - 31/2 years away I guess you believe Johns baptism saved also. If Nicodemus before Jesus died need to be baptized then so do did the thief on the cross.

  • @jesusistdereinzigeweg5290
    @jesusistdereinzigeweg5290 5 месяцев назад

    It is not about water baptism.. Jesus wash the feet and he washed us with his own blood.. after we washed like you said.. something must be new.. but he said the feet you need to wash again.. paul said once.. that he may see Jesus in them growing.. for me that is the new creation.. it have to be because that is the goal.. if we say we believed in him but we be not changed.. gods work has failed.. but like paul he was changed and so we need to change.. thats for me also like you said .. the run.. the game.. where you must play inside the rules.. if you dont take it sereous if you dont kill with the spirit works Jesus dont like.. if you dont even try.. god sees our heart.. how can we say that we love him? If i believe he died for me.. am i not willing to even try to change my behaviour? For some it is law.. but for me it is not.. because i died for this world.. god bless

  • @donaldmonzon1774
    @donaldmonzon1774 Год назад

    Ephesians 5 : 25,26,27 Christ sanctifies and cleanses the church through the washing of water by the must be born again and put on the new man ( walk in the spirit, grow in grace )....we are saved then God continues to transform us through his word and the work of the holy spirit

  • @bobthrasher8226
    @bobthrasher8226 6 месяцев назад

    Doesn't Rom 6 and Col 2:11,12 indicate water baptism removes the sin nature and regenerates to new life? If so, why shouldn't Titus 3:5 be referring to the same thing? In Titus, the renewing of the HS is referring to things like the renewing of our mind whereas the "washing of regeneration" is what I stated earlier. The removal of the old nature and the new birth just give us a new start - that is all. In "renewing of the HS," training must occur thereafter partly to renew the mind that may/will have old ways of thinking and reacting still embedded - which we call sanctification. To me, baptism does something supernatural just like it did for the Israelites. BTW, I appreciate your willingness to rethink things though...

  • @lisafenwick3451
    @lisafenwick3451 Год назад

    Ok so do you think you need to be baptized to get the Holy Spirit? Or does the Holy Spirit cleanse you first then your baptized?

    • @tomdurakovic4409
      @tomdurakovic4409 Год назад

      In the book of acts, There was time when people receive baptism of the holy spirit Before they was baptized with the evidence of speaking in other languages. And they were still commanded to be baptized. In obedience to be water baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus you are identified you yourself with christ deaf. It is the act of obedience And then the holy spirit does the circumcision of the heart.
      In Mark gospel it says he that believe and is baptized shall be save.
      When people was asking apostle Peter man and brothern what shall we do to be save. Peter Answer and said repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of the Lord Jesus for the remission of sins.
      The word is clear that's where you receive a remission of sin your heart is being circumcised by the Holy Spirit.
      Apostles was completely carrying out commission that Jesus commanded them to do.😢

  • @jamesfitch4569
    @jamesfitch4569 Год назад +2

    Was not Christ preaching the coming kingdom? Of course! This verse is teaches what one must do to become a citizen of His coming kingdom. the church. Nicodemus later of the gospel! AK I think that you are confusing the people on this one!

  • @Counterpoint_Apologetics
    @Counterpoint_Apologetics Год назад +1

    Also the point of Jesus Words to Nicodemus we should understand is "you must be born again." Notice Jesus says to your point of contention for which Nicodemus asks... How can these things be? This just isn't about baptism it's about the whole and the Spirit. You taking all of it about he needs to understand baptism misses th focus of Jesus. Jesus's point is talking about the base of how can this be. That he should know... The coming messiah not simply a good teacher. Jesus clearly goes directly to the source of salvation and how can these things be. His death burial and resurrection to those who believe on him. You are simply focusing on the wrong point. Also the focus of belief is about AFTER he is lifted up not before. Again focusing on the aspect of believing unto baptism misses Jesus very response about the overall thrust of HOW can this be. God gave his Son and he would be lifted up and die for us. Does he go into intricacies of the reality of the Spirit in the new covenant? No and nor should he about baptism at this point either. He is focusing on the source of how can these things be not the other aspects. That's the point of teaching what HE commanded not simply OT imagery and symbolism to come but the substance of those things.

  • @chadh.5004
    @chadh.5004 Год назад

    Though the passage in Ezekiel may be relevant you still haven’t shown why this passage isn’t referring to baptism. You make the same mistake you make in the John 14 video. You assume that because nicodemus/a Jew would not have a full understanding of what Jesus was saying that Jesus could not have been talking about baptism. Even the 12 were not always hip to what Jesus was talking about many times. Furthermore Jesus saying “you are a teacher of Israel and you don’t know these things?” Shows that nicodemus should understand the concept of being born again, which is symbolized through things such as passing through the Red Sea and the flood. Which shows that nicodemus would have probably understood that water had some relationship with passing from death to life. In light of the rest of the New Testament canon I submit that John 3:5 MUST mean baptism. I think at best you’re mistaken here and at worst you’re sowing confusion

    • @AKRichardson
      @AKRichardson  Год назад

      I made no such a mistake on the John 14 video or in this one. The "Jews-did-not-always-understand Jesus" objection misses what I'm actually saying. I will show this at some point in a response.

  • @onlymyself7225
    @onlymyself7225 Год назад

    John made straight the way with water and repentance , Jesus preached water , spirit and repentance , peter is seen in obedience to all this in acts preaching , wait for it ...... repentance , water , and spirit , of course its water baptism...................and to say why would he tell nicodemus at this time , you are making it out as if Jesus is going to die in 100 years and its irrelevant to nicodemus , the covenant is literally about to be brought in , Jesus only had 3 years of ministry , of course he would tell Nicodemus only an extremely short time before he would die and bring a new covenant that requires you to be born of water and spirit just like peter shows us in acts all built on Jesus and John , he said repent , be baptized , get the spirit of God and remission of sin , plain and simple .
    it all lines up PERFECTLY , and this is why you deleted my comment , i notice you youtubers like responding to everyone else you know you can run over but when God sends his servants with the truth and spirit , your senses start shaking and tingling and its time to bury the comment , the word of God stands firm , its water baptism , the entire old covenant is a shadow of Jesus and what he was coming to do with the world , but a natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit , if ye believe not of earthly things , how shall ye believe of the heavenly things my Father told you.
    repent of this doctrine / interpretation , obey the truth , and stay in Gods word , not an imitation the devil printed full of sin , God says do not ADD to my word , do not CHANGE it , and peter said they twist it to their own destruction , and every thing after the king james has been altered in many ways , making them in disobedience to God , he has one word , even a child knows this basic logic , a perfect God doesn't make versions of a perfect word , this is ridiculous . Repent of all these lies , you will be held accountable now that God has made you aware and warned you through his unworthy servant .
    Proverbs 16:18 - Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
    do not be too proud to accept correction , and if you have not repented of your sin with a godly sorrow , been baptized correctly in the name of Jesus Christ , then it makes sense why you do not understand his scriptures , but then humble your soul and go obey the commands of his covenant , if you have obeyed them , just humble yourself and ask God for understanding , i have seen many videos now which lean on your own understanding and leads me to believe Gods spirit is not in you , the holy ghost doesn't teach a man lies , it would be pride and sin that keeps a man from revelation .
    I can tolerate your confusion on lucifer , but this teaching and the kingjamesonly lies need repentance .