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  • @kristapskrumins5676
    @kristapskrumins5676 Месяц назад +2

    5:14 You know what? I think I'll check this game out, at first it didn't look that good but you've convinced me. (The timestamp is completely unrelated to the rest of the comment)

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      No one can resist the pull of barely implied homoeritic subtext.

  • @jtfromsomewhere
    @jtfromsomewhere Месяц назад +19

    You got some nerve saying ff7 remake, rebirth is not a labour of love. Im not crazy about the games either. But, damn did they try to make good games.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +8

      I think they're very visually impressive and that the art department poured an incredible amount of research and love into the assets. But they missed the tone in the remake. And the tone, to me at least, was the most striking part of the original. There's a stoic nihilism to the original and the remake is very earnest, up front, and way too willing to overshare. I'm glad you like it so much, but Remake and Rebirth are a swing and a miss for me.

    • @johnpettiford6547
      @johnpettiford6547 Месяц назад +1

      Many who love FF VII don’t really care about the intricate details. Like I had this song “come on Eileen” stuck in my head for like a week, but I didn’t know many of the words or even the title, so I would mumble through. I was like “I love this song”, but once I heard the lyrics, I was like eh. Remake and Rebirth are like “here are the lyrics” (Inner workings of the Lifestream/a deeper perspective of Cloud’s personality disorder/the original battle of the Cetra vs man and Jenova/ How Aerith plays into it all) and some people are more satisfied “mumbling” through.

    • @kurdtray
      @kurdtray 12 дней назад +1

      They haven't tried to make a good ff game since 10. 12 the director quit the project at 80% completion and they brought another guy in to salvage it and get it out fast, 13 was the first board of directors ff game where their only idea was female cloud and multiple spin offs, 15 was said spin off that took 15 years to make and to this day has not been finished due to budgetary constraints and the realization that they won't make any more money off it. Then there is 16, a game where they threw away everything that was ff in order to try to get into a new market, and failed. 16 isn't even an rpg, and the only resemblance to ff is a few creatures from ff series and that god awful ending where the whole thing is a book titled final fantasy. Now I skipped the mmos because they shouldn't be numbered entries but I've played ff11 since January 2005 and I can tell you exactly what type of company se is based on how they treated its subscription based customers.
      The reason there is all this backlash against se and the newer ff games is because the series used to improve upon the previous game. This stopped at 10. Each game after 10 became more and more disappointing until we reached the bottom of the barrel with 16. The only reason people stand up for these games and say they aren't bad is because gaming in general has become so bad we've just accepted it and try to find a few things to like and hold onto them for as long as possible. Baldur's gate 3 destroyed this due to the fact it's the first game in decades to completely surpass all expectations and deliver beyond what gamers thought could be done in gaming. Other studios are upset because now they have to start trying to make good games instead of money making garbage.
      Long story short ff has been dead for 20 years, se is incapable of making a good ff game, and people are too used to being spoon fed garbage to realize how good gaming used to be.

  • @Alessandrosaiyan
    @Alessandrosaiyan Месяц назад +4

    Ffvii is like the 1st season of True Detective: too good to be compared

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      Daaaaaamn. This is it. This is the best take. FFVII and True Detective have a lot of parallels in that way. I love this.

  • @tabbofii
    @tabbofii Месяц назад +8

    I completely agree with everything you said. But the combat in Remake is the best thing that happened to the series in 20 years. Not kidding. There's plenty of strategy and commands in it. Made me feel they hit a perfect balance with trying to ditch the ATB system and still maintaining the feel of FFVII's combat.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +2

      Maybe I should've played it on a higher difficulty? I didn't find much substance to it, but it sounds like you really did. I'm going to revisit it when the trilogy is done and maybe I'll be able to be a bit more open minded about it in a few years time.

    • @seafoam6119
      @seafoam6119 Месяц назад +1

      bloated health bars and pointless regular attacks designed to charge ATB killed the pacing for me. I miss the double attack materia.

    • @jinyboi
      @jinyboi Месяц назад +2

      Combat is easily 11/10

    • @andrepayne4349
      @andrepayne4349 Месяц назад +1

      You probably like kingdom hearts

    • @tabbofii
      @tabbofii Месяц назад

      @@andrepayne4349 I hate Kingdom Hearts. Hated it since the first game was announced. The whole concept of it. But that aside the combat in KH is way too floaty. And the commands menu makes no sense in such action focused gameplay. In Remake/Rebirth they struck gold with adding the active pause system that was already in other games like Knights of the Old Republic and PC RPGs, I know. But adding it here makes the combat really feel like the OG FFVII. You need to use it to beat the game. It adds a ton of strategy. You can smash the regular attack for random battles and win but not for the tougher ones or bosses. It feels like playing FFVII when issuing those commands.

  • @loganray3503
    @loganray3503 Месяц назад +1

    I'm looking foward to 20 years from now when it's finally decided to just give us a straight-up remake of the original. Same exact story and everything just with the updated battle system and awesome graphics.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      I'm thinking exactly the same. Same story, same battle system but punched up animations and stuff. Twenty years sounds about right.

  • @Waliant8349
    @Waliant8349 Месяц назад +5

    “The best FF is whichever one you play first”. Wrong, I played FF9 first but FF10 is my favourite by a long mile…

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      Fair play. I don't know anyone who hates FFX, but I don't know anyone who says it's their favourite. But hey - it's wicked that you love it!

    • @garrettstickel1189
      @garrettstickel1189 Месяц назад

      really no one who has 10 as thier favorite??? rrrriiiiggghhhtttt.....???

    • @bd_bandkanon
      @bd_bandkanon Месяц назад +1

      My first was 8 and my favorite ended up being 9 😅 I think it's less about what was your first and more about which one came at the most formative time for you

  • @dregxmangler
    @dregxmangler Месяц назад +13

    You kinda lost me at FFX having bad dialogue and plot. If you think the laughing scene was bad, you missed the entire point of it.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +2

      I mean, that scene's kinda been co-opted by the meme, but I'm not sure FFX has much of a point to miss.

    • @KonEl17
      @KonEl17 Месяц назад +7

      I'm convinced everyone cannot use there brain fully during that laughing scene, especially right after the forced laughing they both laugh normally. Guess I'm the dumbass though smh

    • @justheretowatchvideosandco9424
      @justheretowatchvideosandco9424 Месяц назад

      @@KonEl17 FFX is a bad game, the first FF without its original creator, the story and dialogue is a mess, the minigame is unbearable, and the level design is a bunch of bland hallways

  • @jobba3632
    @jobba3632 2 месяца назад +2

    That little reaper animation was spot on.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto 2 месяца назад

      This comment makes the embarrassing amount of time I spent on it worth it.

  • @williamastout9509
    @williamastout9509 Месяц назад +2

    Refreshing to see a critical perspective from someone who loves ff7. The worst in my view: Chadley. The VR battles completely take the fun out of finding 'special' materia.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      Oh man, that's a really good point. Wish I'd put that in the video - Chadley kind of embodies everything I didn't like about the remake.

  • @johnpettiford6547
    @johnpettiford6547 Месяц назад +1

    For me I would add “and the very first issue of PlayStation Magazine was just delivered to my mailbox.”

  • @crawlingchaos9961
    @crawlingchaos9961 Месяц назад +1

    Woah, this is the first time I see a secret credits scene for sub readers in a youtube video!
    Great video btw, never played any FF games or FF7 in particular but I watched some videos about the remakes and the original and all of them were for the most part sickeningly positive. It is always interesting to hear an opinion from someone with unpopular view.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      Thanks - I always try to sneak a few things in for the sub readers 😉

  • @hian
    @hian Месяц назад +2

    Cudos to you for making a video critical of the FFVIIR trilogy. While I disagree on several points about the original, I think it's refreshing and interesting to hear someone not just regurtating the cheap talking points of Maxdude et al.
    That being said, better brace yourself for the inevitable deluge of salty remake fans, because, apparently, they've nothing better to do after completing the games but scour youtube for videos like yours and leave copypasta comments about "purists" and "nostalgia" etc to combat their own cognitive dissonances.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +2

      It's weird how some gamers take someone having a different opinion to them as a personal affront. I was hoping for some level of discussion, but it almost immediately devolved into insults. I sometimes wonder if they're children.
      Either way - thanks for a fair and even handed comment. We don't have to agree on everything and I'm always happy to talk about it.

    • @hian
      @hian Месяц назад +2

      If I'm going to be fair, I can understand why many get riled up by critiques of media, because you could say that the implication of saying a work is bad, is that a person who likes it regardless must either have bad taste or be some sorts of cognitively limited so they don't recognize the "badness".
      However, for the remake trilogy it doesn't feel like that to me. I've seen this pattern on every video critical of the remake so far. The moment fans find the video, they start spamming a very rote and predictable set of arguments from larger content creators out there. They've zero interest in discussing the matter and they're not really "insulted" either since they seek out this content to begin with.
      In no particular order:
      · you just wanted a remaster, this is a remake
      · you're just blinded by nostalgia
      · the original creators understand the vision of the game better than you, so you're just confused
      · ffvii was never particularly good in the first place.
      · you're just angry because you can't handle change
      · a faithful remake would be boring and you'd be complaining even if it were
      They're all terrible arguments, and they're all massive copes that I've no doubt the remake brigade use as generic evasions to preserve their own wasted hype.
      I'd recommend a creator known as Orion on this platform, who's made a really good video just exploring these arguments in depth.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +2

      @@hian You're right. I guess I'm still surprised that some people never come to the realisation that there's no such thing as bad taste, just differing opinions, so it's OK for someone to critique something you love. I'm gonna check out Orion right now. Thanks!

  • @MidnightBlackandVictoria
    @MidnightBlackandVictoria Месяц назад +3

    Square is the one who started the "its old fashioned" nonsense. By that premise, shooters are old fashioned, racing games are old fashioned, and every other genre out there is old fashioned. Their PR guys spread that "old fashioned" label to try and win over the turn based genre fans they had pissed off- Thats it.
    Take persona 5. It came out before FF 7 remake, is traditional turn based, and people are STILL buzzing about it after the dust settled on BOTH FF7 remake installments. Square didnt go action because turn based is old fashioned, they went action because their charts and graphs show that more "average" gamers are likely to buy a flashy action game and feel turn based tactics are over their heads. Its not only an insult to the wider gaming community (I mean really- Look at Baldurs Gate 3, Persona, Shin Megami, Octopath traveler, and many other hits that surpassed this FF 7 spin off vanity project presenting itself as a remake)! But it also disrespects all the OG fans who chose this franchise BECAUSE it was a turn based JRPG.
    Turn based RPG fans were around long before Square dived into the genre, and will be around long after their company tanks. Its a sub genre and a feature PREFERRED by a good number of RPG fans. The same fans who made FF7 a household name for RPGs (till after 10 anyways).....The same fans the new blood at Square threw under the bus in the hopes of bigger profits. Die hards and action game fans who defend FF7 would not be so quick to defend their favorite franchises switching genres on them I would think.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      Preaching to the choir here, but amen to this. I get that people like the new battle system. but I've experienced the same gameplay in a thousand other games. I wish they'd stuck with the spirit of the original instead of trying to appeal to non-fans.

    • @MidnightBlackandVictoria
      @MidnightBlackandVictoria Месяц назад +2

      @@KoiCallisto Thats why you got a sub out of me. Because your doing something ALL turn based fans need to start doing-Speaking out. Its not that their arent alot of us. More that we tend to be more laid back and we keep quiet, while the rowdy action gamers dominate social media.

  • @darkazurr9891
    @darkazurr9891 Месяц назад +1

    finally the first person in a video that i know knows his stuff. because i played ff games all my childhood and i feel exactly the same. if you havent played suikoden 2 give it a try

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      I haven't played that - I'll give it a go. Thanks!

  • @linden272
    @linden272 Месяц назад +1

    Can someone tell me the name of this game at 8:58

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      Lost Odyssey - a super good game that really got slept on

  • @jacksykes4429
    @jacksykes4429 Месяц назад +3

    millenials when the ip does new thing instead of regurgitating the same shit 😨😨😨

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      Millennials when the IP gets turned into Marvel slop

    • @hian
      @hian Месяц назад +4

      Let's not pretend you're interested in the series doing "new things" when you're defending the remake of a 20 years old game. If you and SE truly thought "new and original" was a virtue, you'd leave FFVII be and focus on new IPs not burdened by established lore and expectations.
      FFVIIR is a spin-off to an FF entry already burdened by tons of sloppy spin-offs. Clearly, originality was never the goal, nor is it something you get to espouse as a quality of a remake still stuck clearly in the past, made precisely for the purpose of cashing in on a legacy title's success.

  • @j.m.3600
    @j.m.3600 Месяц назад +1

    Dude, great video. For art. I appreciate how you’re honest about your favorite game and that it’s story is really kinda shit. 10/10 game but the plot itself is pretty shit and people universally overlook that

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      Thanks! It's one of my all time faves but it's far from perfect and I think it's important to acknowledge that if I'm gonna criticise the remake.

  • @Pinefreshe78
    @Pinefreshe78 Месяц назад +2

    Aww i wish you were able to appreciate that 7Rs battle system is a genuine evolution of the og instead of dismissing it outright as ff15 like or something. It’s so cool and it’s so obvious you didn’t really think about this aspect

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      Fair enough, but I just don't see it that way. I spent the vast amount of my time in battle just holding square and it wasn't very engaging for me. I'm glad you enjoyed it though!

    • @Pinefreshe78
      @Pinefreshe78 Месяц назад +1

      Ughhh if you were just pressing square most of the time that would mean you probably weren’t engaging much with the mechanics that make it feel like the og and it’s just a little sad. Listen, I have almost the same backstory as you. It was my first ff game and it means a lot to me. I understand why you wouldn’t like the remake in general. I’m not mad at you feeling that way or anything. But it’s just kind of sad that someone who must love ff7 the way I do can’t appreciate how much love was put into the game and battle system because of preconceived notions you hadn’t challenged. Even if you played it I know your assumptions about the game heavily impeded your ability to experience it to the point that I don’t think this is even a difference in opinion. Just feels like you kneecapped the thing before you even tried it and you deserve better than that

    • @garrettstickel1189
      @garrettstickel1189 Месяц назад

      if you don't even know how the mechanics of combat work how are you saying it's 15 combat? I hated 15 combat. it took me 2 years to finish the game. 7 combat is way better. if anything ff16 is more a 15 evolution of combat

  • @vincentgraymore
    @vincentgraymore Месяц назад +3

    I don't agree with everything, but a great video with reasonable arguments. I don't like the remakes new story direction, it is horrible, but a lot of other things are great. The OG will always have a special place and I pray that the remake will damage it as little as possible.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      Thanks for being so respectful. I'll say this - there was clearly a lot of love put into the art direction of the remake and walking around in HD Midgar was an absolute delight.

  • @benfubbs2432
    @benfubbs2432 Месяц назад +1

    They had the chance to elevate one of the greatest games ever made to the pantheon of the gods, instead they relegated it to the mediocrity of the serfs. Probably the greatest missed opportunity ever in the history of gaming.

  • @TheEveningEconomies
    @TheEveningEconomies Месяц назад +2

    I'm always fascinated to hear people bleat on about FF VII as it's a series which completely passed me by (i didn't have a sony until ps3). So many friends said it was the greatest game of all time but i looked at the turned based combat and though...nah. played a bit of the remake and was enjoying it (proper combat and all ;-) ) but the padding was so tedious i had to drop it. Maybe i should play the OG

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      It's one of my all time faves. But I have to be real with you - if you don't like the turn based combat you're probably not going to enjoy the original. Having said that - it has none of the padding of the remake. I played both to make this video and I found that if something took an hour in the OG it took 10 or 15 hours in the remake. So if you can get past the turn based combat you might like it.

  • @kristapskrumins5676
    @kristapskrumins5676 Месяц назад +1

    Ok, but you know a game that wasn't tragically mishandled by Square Enix? Heroes of Might and Magic III

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      They'd tragically mishandle it if you gave them half the chance.

  • @EdgelordSativa
    @EdgelordSativa Месяц назад +4

    I loved final fantasy 7 because I nerded out for advent children, never touched the game but I just thought it looked so bad ass, I’ve never beaten the original and I’ve been making my way through the remake, it has helped make it way more digestible and more likely for me to play through the original, the comparisons are pointless , this as well as the original are just games in the universe that we love, I think that’s the most important right?

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      This is such an interesting take. I don't know anyone that didn't play the original, but hold it in reverence like that. I think that's super cool. And you're right - the most important thing is that it's another chance to experience a little world that I loved. But I think, to me, what comes down to is that the remake is very stylish and impressive, but it doesn't have much substance to it. I would rather they skip all the added content and I think the padding exemplifies the argument that it's a cynical attempt to draw money from nostalgia. If it was the same length as the original I think I would be a lot kinder to it. But the fact that it's a trilogy tells me it's a money maker for Square and not a passion project.

    • @Ukaran
      @Ukaran Месяц назад +4

      Wow! I mean, really, wow! Did we even play the same games? Did YOU actually play these games??
      Because Remake and Rebirth have "passion project" written all over them!

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      @@Ukaran I played Remake, but I'll save Rebirth until they release the trilogy compilation. Genuine question, not trying to be combative, but what was it about them that makes you feel that way?

    • @Ukaran
      @Ukaran Месяц назад +3

      Basically everything?
      All the different renditions of the original soundtrack, all the new music, all the little moments between characters that make them feel so much more developed and human, the incredible way that places/locations were translated from the PS1 to the PS4/PS5, all the complex combat mechanics, all the nods to the OG and the Compilation... The list goes on.
      It's mind boggling to me, that you can't see all the love put in these games!

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      @@Ukaran I can see the love from the music and the art departments. Nobody could deny they poured a lot of time and talent into bringing the world into the modern day. But that's expected, right? If it looked bad there'd be universal outrage.
      But I can't say the new dialogue makes the characters seem more human. Most of it comes across as bloated and wooden. The characters more developed, definitely. But that's because there's so much more text.
      It's not mind boggling to me that you had a better time with it than me. People find joy in different things. I didn't like it. You did. It's all good, friend.

  • @joshuacoons9517
    @joshuacoons9517 Месяц назад +2

    My favorite is FFVII, But the first I plays was Mystic Quest, then FFIV, FFVI, FFVII, FFT, FFVIII, FFI, FFII, FFIII, FFV, and then from FF9 on was in order. It is just the way it was released in the USA that made it all wonkie. I have played them all. Every mainline and most spin-offs (so your point about the first being your best falls flat. It is just most people first back then was FF7). FFVII OG is still my favorite to this day. Now with that said. I do like remake and rebirth too. Just not as much as OG. I think Remake and Rebirth are the best JRPGs we had since the PS3 came out. But not better than the golden area of PSone.

    • @KonEl17
      @KonEl17 Месяц назад +1

      Damn mystic quest I'd love to hear your thoughts on that lol. The only issue I have with Rebirth is the mini games no problem with he optional ones it's the mandatory I could do without.

    • @joshuacoons9517
      @joshuacoons9517 Месяц назад +2

      @@KonEl17Dude I actually liked Mystic quest. Especially since it was my 3 RPG I ever played. First Dragon Warrior, then shining force. After that I played mystic quest (now I played D&D too, but that wasn’t a video game). I thought it was great. I actually really enjoyed it. Now FFII (aka FFIV) blow it out of the water. But for the time it came out. It was on par with dragon Warrior in my opinion, but not better than Shining Force.

    • @KonEl17
      @KonEl17 Месяц назад +1

      I never knew about mystic quest until one of my fav reviewers did a video on it, and ummm yeh he was not a fan lol. I'm guess it's some kinda of spin off FF game that why it not numbered.

    • @joshuacoons9517
      @joshuacoons9517 Месяц назад +1

      @@KonEl17 technically it is FF1 in the USA. It was actually a FF trial game to see if FF would sell in America. And it did well so we got FFII (which is FFIV). That is also why it is called FFII cause technically in America it was the 2nd FF release in the states. At the time there was this belief in Japan that American wouldn’t buy JRPG games. They were proven wrong. There was some attempts at other JRPG games in America. Dunno which ones that was. Only other one I played at the time was dragon warrior and shinning force and I loved those. But they didn’t do well. Mystic quest did really well. Then we have the birth of FF in America.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      It's just a generalisation people like to say, my dude.

  • @bd_bandkanon
    @bd_bandkanon Месяц назад +1

    There's a reason i don't want an ff9 Remake. After what squeenix did with ff7, i can't trust them to do anything right. People love talking me down about it when i being up these concerns, but it would take SE to change my mind. And they've done nothing to help matters in the slightest.

  • @kristapskrumins5676
    @kristapskrumins5676 Месяц назад +1

    A surprise that Just Cause 3 is such a good game, even though Cube Enix was involved, though they did screw up Just Cause 4, so I guess it balances out.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      JC3 was a surprisingly good game. Apart from the dialogue and the plot. JC4 managed to port over all the cringe and none of the fun. Almost impressive in a way.

    • @kristapskrumins5676
      @kristapskrumins5676 Месяц назад +1

      @@KoiCallisto By dialogue you obviously mean everything that isn't Mario Frigo, right?

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      @@kristapskrumins5676 I think that goes without saying

  • @kristapskrumins5676
    @kristapskrumins5676 Месяц назад +2

    9:22 Thank you.

  • @KonEl17
    @KonEl17 Месяц назад +3

    The battle system in the remake is incredible wtf are you talking about. Its still has a atb system its not action like 16!

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      I beat the game by holding the square button and occasionally healing. But to be fair, I guess, really, that's pretty much every game ever.

    • @KonEl17
      @KonEl17 Месяц назад

      @@KoiCallisto it also depends of if you play on classic vs normal

    • @hortinus
      @hortinus Месяц назад +1

      ​@KoiCallisto that's cap. You would get destroyed spamming sqaure vs the huntsman, shock troopers, and Reno.
      Why do people lie like this? Thr OG FF7 was bloated with terrible minigames, clunky cringe dialog, and slow gameplay 😂😂😂

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      @@hortinus it's not cap fr fr ongod skibidi rizz

  • @crzyces1693
    @crzyces1693 Месяц назад +1

    I played the first FF released in the US in 1990 (well, I played it in 1993 I believe, but wtv, that was my first FF game) if memory serves and didn't play another until FFVII in '97. I was around 15 or 16 when i played FF1 and 22 for FFVII, and still feel FFVII was the better game. I'd been playing CRPG's since I was 12 on a C64, and it was still a toss up for me regarding my favorite CRPG ever between Pool of Radiance, FFVII and Baldur's Gate 2/Throne of Bhaal up until DragonAge: Origins a decade later. A decade and a half since DA: Origins and it's still the same list with The Witcher 3 and Divinity: Original Sin 2 added to said list. BG3 didn't quite make it as playing the last 150 hours of the game at max level really took a lot away from the game _for me,_ and though games like Persona 5/Royal were fricken incredible, didn't quite hit the same highs. Granted, the latter games had way more to contend with as i have played far more titles in general at this point compared to when I played the others, but FFVII Remake/Interlude does not even make a top 20 list imo.
    I don't know why they fudged with it so, so much, and i agree for all of the same reasons. First, I don't _hate_ the combat, but with things like Summons and limit breaks being so few and far between while not even seeing when other characters can pop one unless you happen to switch to them at the time sucks. It objectively takes away one of the most fun parts of the game, while the combat isn't some cool precision timing based affair nor is it's a button masher? Well that is a choice I guess. A lazy and far more boring choice, but yep, a choice nonetheless.'s still in the game, so that's nice. It does what it is supposed to. So cool, they didn't change that all that much, except it is far more difficult to equip it to absorb damage and such as the linking materia is so few and far between but wtv, not a big deal. The worst is that damn padding. What the hell were they thinking? I said the same thing when I found out it was going to be 3 games. I made a playthrough take around 75 hours, doing every possible thing I could in the original on a second playthrough with the help of Win 98 and AOL making sure I didn't miss anything. I was more than a little lost as to how they were going to make this a 225 hour experience. Well they didn't, and aren't. They are going to make it a 150 hour experience with 100 hours of filler apparently. I'm not sorry to say that running around for an extra, say 1 or 2 hours total during a playthrough to make sure I got all of the _records/songs_ for a fricken Jukebox was not fun or rewarding. Neither was scanning 50 different things to get the 16 I was apparently supposed to. Having the Yuffie portion broken off into shit that has nothing to do with the game proper is also idiotic. That is objectively *BAD* game design. The whole point in adding more things should be to make the actual meaningful main game better. The _"Interlude"_ isn't DLC or an expansion, it's just a mini $5 adventure with no real bearing on anything in the game. No bearing on the game at all. It's more wasted time.
    I was not going to buy Remake until all 3 games were out and I could hopefully just grab them all in one giant GoTY or Director's Cut version and play them back to back to back. I was bored and just decided to waste $70 on a whim a few weeks ago, and yeah, it may just be $70 USD but I do regret it as I also wasted 45-50 hours playing 21, maybe 22% of FFVII's story. I was bored far more than I wasn't, and was actually *mad* numerous times thinking out loud on more than one occasion _"Who the hell thought this would be fun? This is not fun at all."_ When I was tired of running around looking for things I could assume I was halfway through that searching around looking for wtv section. When I was sick of fighting I could assume I had 50% more fighting to was like they stretched everything out until the last person in the test group quit in frustration then said, _"OK, pull out the 2 minutes before that. We want to annoy them to the point of quitting but not actually have them quit, because this needs to be sold 3 times guys. Pad it out like a training bra with sandpaper lining! Annoying and uncomfortable, but necessary if they want that OG FFVII experience."_
    They missed the mark badly, and I doubt I will have any problem ignoring Rebirth when it comes to PC and actually waiting for a director's cut package...they have to streamline this into one game eventually because this is legit terrible in comparison to the original game when it comes to pacing and story telling. More of a letdown than Advent Children, bc honestly, I wasn't expecting Advent Children to be a very good movie. Though I did not think Remake would be as good as the original, I had no idea it would be this much worse either.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      I wonder if one day, when the trilogy package is out, someone will be angry enough to bypass the security lockouts and mod out all the extraneous stuff they crammed into the remake and just have you play the streamlined content from the original.

  • @Absoluuttinen_Totuus
    @Absoluuttinen_Totuus Месяц назад +3

    1:10 I'm ngl, I think this is your biggest problem... Most points you had could be traced back to a lack of cognitive capabilities that could've helped you understand the philosophically stimulating plots of FF games. Personally I've played FFVII, FFXIII + FFXV and, while the first two are admittedly hard to follow at times, I'd say they all have some valid messages regarding life, death, personality, acceptance and the nature of existence. You just don't seem to have what it takes to dissect the themes and their meanings. And this is not meant as an insult to you, as I'm not a hater, but maybe it's not a good idea to make a video on the subject if you're not sure about your level of understanding.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      My guy if you think the plot of any Final Fantasy is philosophically stimulating I don't know what to tell you.

    • @Absoluuttinen_Totuus
      @Absoluuttinen_Totuus Месяц назад +2

      ​@@KoiCallisto Uhh, okay, strange reply to such a comment. I need to ask you: what is the most thought-provoking school of thought in philosophy that you know?
      I believe FFVII and FFXIII offer intriguing philosophical insights into many things, and if you truly can't see _anything_ philosophically interesting in them, then I don't even know why you bother playing any of them. The themes in the stories are like, the only thing that makes them worth playing -- besides the music IMO. Anyways, here's how I see it:
      Final Fantasy VII delves into the existential struggle of Cloud, who struggles with his weak identity and grim past. This mirrors Jean-Paul Sartre's ideas on existence and self-creation, as Cloud's journey is pretty much a quest for authenticity through external influences.
      The game also depicts the conflicts with Shinra, which straight up mirror the events of real life. As a biocentrist, this _should_ raise questions about the exploitation of natural resources and how everyone's responsibility ties into all of that. The ethical considerations of human impact on the environment are really important. I am confident you could at LEAST decrypt that from the plot. Shinra's dominance and exploitation of Mako heavily highlights the dangers of unchecked corporate power and the negative implications of technological advancements that can be seen in real life too, but this goes more into political philosophy, power dynamics etc.
      VII also addresses various themes of life and death, particularly through Aerith's fate, because the writer was grieving the death of his mother while creating the original script. This brings up existential questions about the meaning and value of life, rather reminiscent of existentialist thought-processes and maybe more nihilistic philosophies as well (Aerith being the catalyst for a more positive outlook on things, of course).
      Oh, and the concept of the Lifestream makes me reflect on how all life is intertwined and what the nature of consciousness is. The ideas of panpsychism and the Gaia hypothesis (or even pantheism) were playing in my head while playing the remake.
      Final Fantasy XIII, on the other hand, has a lot to say about more absurd philosophical theories. The central plot revolves around the problem of "determinism vs. free will". While the game goes quite deep in this sht, the main idea is that the characters branded as l'Cie, facing predetermined fates by the fal'Cie, struggle against their destiny. Does that not touch on the philosophical debate between determinism and free will, speaking on the weird importance of agency for humans?
      The societal structures and religious motifs in FFXIII, and the FF games in general, normally make people reflect on faith, control, and rebellion. Characters challenge the divine order imposed by a higher authority, akin to Nietzsche's critique of religion and the concept of the Übermensch (okay yeah, this is stretching the themes a little bit, but you get the idea).
      But going back to XIII; the characters endure personal and collective suffering, seek purpose and find it in their trials. This has a vibe of Viktor Frankl's existential psychology, suggesting that meaning can be found even in the harshest conditions.
      Additionally, the dichotomy between Cocoon and Pulse mirrors issues of social stratification and alienation. This reflects Marxist critiques of class division and the alienation of individuals within oppressive societal structures. Again, societal philosophy.
      Lastly, the themes of sacrifice and redemption are central to this narrative as well, as the characters often face moral dilemmas that require self-sacrifice for the greater good. Even the fate of the Fal'cie, who've been damned by the highest deity in their reality, Bhunivelze, clearly conveys the moral pondering the writers have done. Does a god exist for humans, and if yes, are they justa part of a larger ecosystem of powerful entities? interesting thoughts. They have masterfully included ethical theories of altruism and the moral implications of sacrificial acts into the narrative.
      Here I dove into just TWO games in the series, and these aren't the only philosophical themes surrounding these entries. I just pointed out a few that came to mind.
      Now, if you made it to the end of this accidental essay, there's one more thing I'd like to say: it's okay to think that certain aspects in unfamiliar narratives are half-baked, but you can't just present your ideas as facts if you can't back up your claims. And please, don't be a douche.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      @@Absoluuttinen_Totuus I wasn't sure if the first post was satire, but then I saw you bought up Sartre in reference to a game where big sword man fights the other big sword man.
      And it's wild that you can ask someone not to be a douche after saying they lack cognitive capabilities for the perceived crime of having a different opinion to you.

    • @Absoluuttinen_Totuus
      @Absoluuttinen_Totuus Месяц назад +2

      @@KoiCallisto How are the almost comedic fantasy settings of Final Fantasy contradictory to the statement that the games are philosophically sophisticated? Those things are not mutually exclusive in any way. That's like saying Studio Ghibli doesn't make philosophically inclined films because they are catered towards kids and thus have childish themes on top of the deeper, more mature points of discussion. Makes zero sense. Besides, as an artist myself, the big ahh sword compliments Cloud's design well, as it is made with the silhouette in mind. It's an artistic choice, and the fact that your mind automatically goes "hah, big sword kinda goofy, game gotta be dumb!" instead of focusing on why the artist made the choice to make the sword comically large is one more red flag.
      Did you miss the part where I said that my comments are not to be taken as an insult, or do you always take constructive criticism as a personal attack? I specifically highlighted that having different opinions is great, but that you can't make any kinds of claims with limited insight on the topic that is the focus of those claims. Honestly, impeccable media literacy should be proven before providing an extensive analysis on a piece of media.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +2

      ​@@Absoluuttinen_Totuus "You're too dumb to understand the themes of the game you played" isn't constructive criticism, mate. You're free to massively overintellectualise, but you don't have to go around calling people stupid for not looking deeper than the surface level symbolism in a game with a reading age in the single digits.

  • @josephpacheco579
    @josephpacheco579 Месяц назад +1

    I love ff7 I played OG for 1000's of hours and the way the story is being is fine I wasn't over attached to the idea of having the same game already played 1000's of hours and I'm happy that I have a new story around the story OG specially these days that 85% of the games are awful, and I agree on how amazing FF7 is I started with Anthology, they did a great job bringing such a game to today's game play, I'm just waiting for the last part so I can say more about the story.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      Fair enough, mate - glad you enjoyed it!

  • @tabbofii
    @tabbofii Месяц назад +2

    Good thing they didn't ruin anything with Rebirth's ending, ehehehe...

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      Aw jeez...

    • @tabbofii
      @tabbofii Месяц назад +1

      @@KoiCallisto have you played it?

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      @@tabbofii No. I'll probably save it until they release the trilogy as a compilation. I haven't looked it up yet, but I'm guessing they do a multiverse thing with Aeris' death.

    • @tabbofii
      @tabbofii Месяц назад +1

      ​​​@@KoiCallistoIt pretty much does everything like Remake did. Keeps faithful to the events of OG 85% of the time to then pull a Nomura at you in the end.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      @@tabbofii "Pull a Nomura" - I love it.

  • @John_James
    @John_James 20 дней назад +1

    ff4, ff6 and ff7 are the best ones for me and I even like ff9 and ff10 a bit but after ff12 the series died for me

  • @kristapskrumins5676
    @kristapskrumins5676 Месяц назад +1

    12:05 Holey moley it's yes man from Fallout: New Vegas! One of my favorites ever! Not as good as Heroes of Might and Magic III though.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      Hell yes, man. One of these days I'll do the traditional New Vegas glazing video essay.

    • @kristapskrumins5676
      @kristapskrumins5676 Месяц назад +1

      @@KoiCallisto I'd love to see that, especially because it''s the only 3D Fallout game, strange that they haven't made more, since Fallout is a really good setting for a 3D game.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      @@kristapskrumins5676 Right? It's mad that they made that one really good game and never revisited it.

  • @orion8550
    @orion8550 Месяц назад +4

    Unfortunately, the Remake project pays a huge disservice to the original game. As you pointed out, the writing was on the wall from Advent Children. SE cannot grasp what made FF7 so special.
    Very enjoyable video with lots of personality. That nostalgic intro takes me right back. Thanks for making it!

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      After watching all of your videos (thanks to someone in my comments) that's quite a compliment - thanks!

    • @johnpettiford6547
      @johnpettiford6547 Месяц назад

      What made the first so great is debatable among many, but most would agree it involved a sense of trying to fight for the characters to get their happy ending. Trouble loomed over them the whole time, it got worse when Aerith died, and only worse when Cloud lost it. It was a major build up that as a player, you were involved in bringing it to resolution. But let’s face it, much of it was nostalgia because MOST of us really didn’t know what was going on exactly. The plot was resolved with Sephiroth dying and meteor being stopped, but the *story* was not resolved. It was left with tons of assumptions. Remake is bringing clarity to a lot in of assumptions driving many of the themes home. I’d argue that thematically, Remake is more FF VII story wise than FF VII.

    • @orion8550
      @orion8550 Месяц назад +3

      My take on it is there was ambiguity around certain concepts within the story (for example, how much control Sephiroth had Vs Jenova at times, or the meaning of 'clone' [some examples may be the result of translation errors], but as you just rightly pointed out, the plot was resolved with Cloud overcoming Sephiroth and the Lifestream stopping meteor. That is the resolution. And that is the main thread people are following. By design, the original game leaves you with uncertainty about the fate of the cast. Because it has answered central questions: Can Cloud stop Sephiroth? (yes). Can Holy stop Meteor? (No, it can help, but Aerith and the planet can stop Meteor). It ends on a pivotal, triumphant moment as the lifestream destroys Meteor, and Aerith appears (to signify her success). I thought the ending was brave for pulling the plug at the crest of that wave. And now an ending that is simply unforgettable.
      The game's central theme is life. I fail to see how opening up a multiverse with multiple versions of characters, and endless back doors for dead characters, gets anywhere close to that immense feeling of loss we experienced all those years ago. You say Remake brings more clarity to the story, yet most of the fanbase is arguing over whether the multiverse mechanic is timelines, parallel worlds, lifestream or fabrications. There is even mass confusion over Aerith's fate.
      The original game is by no means perfect. But even with all its faults, it is leagues above Remake/Rebirth in my book.

    • @johnpettiford6547
      @johnpettiford6547 Месяц назад

      @@orion8550 I’m looking forward to the third game when the story will actually be finished and we can draw more definitive conclusions. The Lifestream was absolutely pivotal in the role it played in the original story. And a lot of the “life” themes that you’re referring to revolved around that. But did you understand really anything about the life stream? Or the role of the Cetra? Or why Jenova was such an affront to the planet and what part that played in Sephiroth going crazy? I know I didn’t. Oh, what about the weapons? I always thought they should’ve helped the team not fought them. All the other themes of loss and family/friendship and embracing your dreams revolve around the Lifestream. What about beings who don’t come from/return to the Lifestream? It all is part of it. We all may have fallen in love with FF VII the same way we fell in love with Star Wars and the Skywalker story; just like the force, it goes a whole lot deeper with the Lifestream. That’s what the remake is diving into and what is a putting together of the pieces in order to have that cathartic release at the end of the third game. As of now, people will argue about Multiverse and such, but it will be at the end of the third where everything is brought together. And we all will get a deeper understanding and sense of satisfaction of the *story*

  • @RetroletsplayGBA
    @RetroletsplayGBA Месяц назад +1

    9 is better than 7, i must also be the only person to enjoy Dirge of Cerberus 😂

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      You may well be. And that's why I love you.

    • @RetroletsplayGBA
      @RetroletsplayGBA Месяц назад +1

      @KoiCallisto 😂😂😂 appreciate it

  • @franklinlewisii9719
    @franklinlewisii9719 Месяц назад +1

    My opinion is the remake rebirth fumbled some of the best moments in the game. I didn't like red xiii's section in cosmo canyon. Hated that they skipped out on rocket town and wutai although they say we could visit those places in part 3. I think they scrapped a lot of the moments in the game to force feed us chadley and his missions in which I know about half of us would have liked to do away with all the chadley fetch quest in favor of maybe getting more story or vitisting rocket town. I will say a lot of effort went into it but I feel it was placed in the wrong direction. Again chadley will more than likely prevent me from playing this game again. The game didn't seem to get really interesting until the city of the ancients but by then I was so burned out and tired because I still had a little bit of chadley stuff to do I just skipped it and beat the game. Notice I mention chadley a lot in this comment. He was the single reason I disliked this remake. That and the Gongaga and cosmo canyon regions I hated traversing both of those regions equally. I did like Gonzaga overworld theme though lol actually if I give ff rebirth praise it's in the music. They swung and managed a single for me. Just a single. Huge opportunity missed. If the third version of the game keeps chadley and this concept I will not finish it. I refuse sry for any spelling errors long rant on this game....

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      Chadley was so badley. I hadn't realised they went full bore on him in Rebirth. The decisions the team made absolutely baffle me sometimes.

  • @SpiralingOceanWhirlpool4729
    @SpiralingOceanWhirlpool4729 Месяц назад +1

    +Koi Callisto make a Video about FFVIII

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      Maybe I will, SpirallingOceanWhirlpool4729. Maybe I will.

  • @TheSolOfaBadGuy
    @TheSolOfaBadGuy Месяц назад +1

    My man is sticking to his guns.
    I don't agree with your opinion, but i understand and respect it.
    Hopefully, the third game in this trilogy has a lovely payoff, so i don't end up agreeing with you lmao

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      Man, thank you SO MUCH for not immediately slinging an insult. I knew a lot of peeps wouldn't agree with me but you're literally one of the only peeps that didn't take it personally. Glad you enjoyed the games and I hope the trilogy pays off for you!

  • @jplayer073
    @jplayer073 Месяц назад +2

    The people currently at SE clearly don't understand anything about the story or what made it special. Or the storytelling, or the flow of the game. Or anything really. But this isn't unique to Remake/Rebirth. SE has severely mishandled the FF7 "franchise" with everything after the original game. Pretty much everything after that was terribly written.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      Agreed 100%. They've handled the IP so poorly over the years that it's made me go back and question whether the original was any good in the first place.

  • @addisoncheddie5485
    @addisoncheddie5485 Месяц назад +1

    My problem isnt the combat although it could be better since some bosses feel like sponges that take forever to beat. My problem is the pointless multiverse crap they shoved in the story

  • @kristapskrumins5676
    @kristapskrumins5676 Месяц назад +1

    16:08 HOLY SH*t! You actually played it! You've just made my day! You're the first person to actually play Heroes III after I recommended it, no one else listened when I said it's one of the best games ever.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      You know what? I installed it just for that shot, but I genuinely had a blast with it. I'm gonna go in for a full playthrough soon.

    • @kristapskrumins5676
      @kristapskrumins5676 Месяц назад

      @@KoiCallisto See? I wasn't joking about it being a good gae!

  • @solidsnake5700
    @solidsnake5700 Месяц назад +2

    Wow you really perfectly summed it up when you said that you were just blinded by nostalgia. It's totally fair if you dislike the game. Hell, it's flawed as hell and I get people who hate it. But you didn't even give it a chance. You didn't even play the game until you dicided you would make this video? I mean why the hell would you even play it then? Why would you do that to yourself and the game? What a waste of time...
    And in the end you didn't even bring interesting arguments. It's all just "mimimimi I want it to be exactly like the original" "I want the originals combat" blaablaablaa... I know I shouldn't comment on this vid but it just got so whiney and annoying because there is no productive criticism here.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      My guy, you grasped the point, held it in your hand, and still managed to miss it. Why would I mention being blinded by nostalgia if I wasn't aware that I was being blinded by nostalgia? The original game isn't that great, but it's important to me. I'm disappointed that the remake didn't match the tone of the OG, but I'm not upset.

    • @benfubbs2432
      @benfubbs2432 Месяц назад +1

      "There is no productive criticism here" - those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. There was plenty of productive criticism in the video, but what I liked about it was that the narrator gave us his personal journey from the very start and how each subsequent entry in the franchise shaped his opinions, it reminded me a lot of my experiences growing up in love with this franchise but gradually becoming apathetic towards it as the quality continued to wane. The problem you have isn't lack of productive criticism, it's that it is criticism that hurts your feelings.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      @@benfubbs2432 bingo!

  • @user-pr5nd5hk5h
    @user-pr5nd5hk5h Месяц назад +1

    Ppl where expecting a remake not a new story and mix up with dimensions
    Ain’t saying remake and rebirth a bad games but it’s not what the most ppl expected
    And rebirth I understand why it sold not that good
    2 much bugs and texture problems for me it was a step backwards 2 remake in a lot of ways graphics performance
    The mini games sucked
    It was a big game yes but not the wow factor like remake had

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      Agreed. I'm not saying they're bad games. But they're definitely not for me. I wish they'd gone in a different direction, but hey ho. Such is life. There's always the original.

  • @johnpettiford6547
    @johnpettiford6547 Месяц назад +1

    I’m sorry man and I respect your opinion. But what you described in this video to me was akin to a guy meeting a girl on month long vacation, sleeping with her the whole time, taking lots of pictures, and only revisiting the memory of her. You don’t actually know her or want to marry her.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      It's more like you fall in love with someone on holiday then twenty years later someone's trying to sell you a book on the lore of her left knee.

    • @johnpettiford6547
      @johnpettiford6547 Месяц назад +1

      @@KoiCallisto hahaha I’d say the lore of her soul but that’s fair. I guess some people just don’t care much about the workings of the Lifestream. Or at least just considerate a “part” of the “body” that is the story of FF VII. even though it was pretty much the driver behind the whole story that we never really got details about. Remake also delves into the planet’s battle against Jenova in a deeper way while aligning the player more so with clouds perspective and the confusion he goes through.

  • @laithamekir5778
    @laithamekir5778 Месяц назад +1

    Its a sequalmake... just like star trek 09.. the original timeline exists and is still relevent. Remake and rebirth are sequals and are contuing a story that needs to be finished.

    • @benfubbs2432
      @benfubbs2432 Месяц назад

      Clearly explain why the story needs to be finished?

    • @laithamekir5778
      @laithamekir5778 Месяц назад

      @@benfubbs2432 As long as Cloud is so is Jenova... pretty clear, she has been looking for a way to infiltrate the lifestream. Sephiroth saying in Advent Childrwn, he would never be just a memory... lots of good reasons

  • @KonEl17
    @KonEl17 Месяц назад +1

    Exactly my first ff was 10 but i also no fool in realizing ff6 is the best FF game. To many people cant think critically against something they like, a bunch of sheep.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      People sometimes take someone having a different opinion to them as a personal affront. I really try to take a few moments in my videos to say "this is just my subjective opinion" but often they'll throw me a bit of hate for questioning something they love. I get it, but it's mad that sometimes they want to shout me down for feeling differently than they do.

    • @franklinlewisii9719
      @franklinlewisii9719 Месяц назад

      6 is great no doubt I like 9 as my fav. I wish they did something with 6 though visual upgrade and voice overs that would really make that game more emotional and I'd love to see if a voice actor could capture Kefka who in my opinion is the best main villain in any ff game.

  • @josephpacheco579
    @josephpacheco579 Месяц назад +2

    A Remake I exactly that, you were just expecting a remaster

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +4

      I feel like, to me at least, a remaster is just a port to a newer console and a remake is building the same game from the ground up. But hey - if you enjoyed it I'm happy for you.

    • @josephpacheco579
      @josephpacheco579 Месяц назад +1

      We need that too 😍, atleast one port, I'll be happy with that too as I feel they are different games at least for me they are

    • @josephpacheco579
      @josephpacheco579 Месяц назад +1

      If they make a remaster would be amazing I would love that, I don't think it should be as expensive as this project was

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      @@josephpacheco579 Agreed - they're basically different games. Some folks liked the new one and some folks didn't. They could never please everyone no matter what they did.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      @@josephpacheco579 Oh man, I would be SO down for that. I think they had the chance to do that with Ever Crisis, but they chased the easy dollar and went mad with MTX.

  • @MrTomlette
    @MrTomlette Месяц назад +2

    I don't find FFVII real story that convoluted, it's a story about a character dealing with so much disappointment and trauma over his dreams not only not coming true, but becoming downright nightmares, that he loses himself in the narrative he wishes was true (the Cloud we see at the beginning). Sephiroth is the embodiment of that trauma, and the thematic reason as to why he can manipulate Cloud.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +2

      I can't argue with that and that all makes sense. I guess when I say that it's convoluted I'm talking about the smaller details. Like the Sephiroth you first meet not really being Sephiroth and some of little tidbits like all the Hojo stuff.

    • @MrTomlette
      @MrTomlette Месяц назад +1

      @@KoiCallisto Yeah, I get that, the literal plot, and the way that it's told (some important plot elements being optional scenes, like Zack's death...), is quite weird. It really is like the pre-rendered backgrounds, as you said in the video, there's a certain feeling of "alienness" even in the way the story is being told, that was part of the experience. Similar to how some 8-bit games created a strange atmosphere due to their inability to depict proper spaces.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +1

      @@MrTomlette Spot on. Modern games can still give you that weird feeling, but when it's forced on you because of the limitations of the technology it just hits a little different.

    • @Centrioless
      @Centrioless Месяц назад

      But his zack persona has nothing to do with cope. It was literally because he lost his memories from mako poisoning. It was zack who implemented those memories inside cloud (during project S).
      Why would he impersonate zack when his childhood friend, tifa KNEW cloud was not there during nifleheim incident? If cloud has always tried to get tifa's attention, why would he try to become something that tifa knew it's a lie? This was also a huge plot hole in og FF7, cos tifa nvr tried to confront cloud abt the inconsistency nor talk to the team abt it.
      I feel like most purist like you dont even understand with whats going on in the story.

  • @MullilluM
    @MullilluM Месяц назад +1

    Tragic? No need for the melodrama, the series will be fine thanks to this restructuring. The presence of a turn based combat system isn't as important to the life of the series as you think it is either.
    The series presense in other systems is what will make the difference. It isnt back pedaling all the changes to the whims of some grumbly 30 somethings.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      The algorithm demands the melodrama.

    • @benfubbs2432
      @benfubbs2432 Месяц назад +1

      Sales figures tell us everything we need to know, when Square Enix comes out and says that their recent releases "fail to meet sales expectations" you don't need to worry about the grumblings of some 30 somethings, you already know that the people voted with their wallets and decided these recent changes are undesirable.

  • @ramennoodles007
    @ramennoodles007 Месяц назад

    Everybody talking shit like they the one that funded the project. It wasnt your money for them to mishandle it for you. Its a remake. Not a remaster.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      And I'm not allowed to talk about it? We all gotta glaze every dev and every game for the rest of time? Come on mate, it's just a critique. It's ok for peeps to disagree.

    • @reinsama2.09
      @reinsama2.09 Месяц назад +1

      Its not a remake, it's a reimagining and a sequel

  • @kappo34
    @kappo34 Месяц назад +1

    The moment I knew the Remake would be a slogfest that will screw up the original premise was when I heard Nomura would be in charge of it. The guy is pure style over substence sort of director and he messes up every game he overlooks. TWEWY was the only good thing he did since he wasn't in charge of writing the story and gameplay, other people were

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      I think you nailed it - a lot of the problems I have with the remake is that it's purely style over substance.

    • @kappo34
      @kappo34 Месяц назад +1

      @@KoiCallisto Yup. That and his unrequited love towards Gackt. Remember Raphsodius? That Sephiroth rip off he started putting in in Dirge and Crisis? He's Gackt. It seems to me that Square was trying to appeal towards Japanese Shijuku trends at that period. Lots of celebrity voices in their games during that time. It continues in a less expensive way with modern games by putting in extra nice graphics and big animations. Like, yes, they always were all about pretty animations, but they lost substence along the way. As you say, only style remains. Cookie cutter style, very foretable imo. They need new blood if they want to stay relevant

  • @SamJulesGillians
    @SamJulesGillians Месяц назад +1

    Final Fantasy hasn’t been really great since square merged with Enix. I enjoy both the original FF7 and the remake 1 & 2. The remake does have its flaws for sure, but over all it’s not terrible, even with some of the story changes. So for better, like getting to know some characters better and some of the bad like Rebirths over use of mini games for character progression. I’m not to disappointed sorry that you are. Side note I really did want a one for one remake, and I’m glad we didn’t get that.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      I'm really glad you enjoyed it. I wonder if I would've enjoyed a one for one remake.

    • @SamJulesGillians
      @SamJulesGillians Месяц назад +1

      @@KoiCallisto maybe, I was disappointed with Ever Crisis they really drop the ball by making it a gacha. It could of been a great experience.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      @@SamJulesGillians Agreed. Very transparently an attempt to get some OG fans onboard, but way too greedy with the gacha aspect.

    • @SamJulesGillians
      @SamJulesGillians Месяц назад +1

      @@KoiCallisto for sure. I wonder before it’s release why it wouldn’t come to console but when I began playing it and notice it was gacha I seen why. I am not even sure if they even advertised it as a gache beforehand either.

  • @DanteAngeli
    @DanteAngeli Месяц назад +1

    FFVII original is my absolute favorite game of of all time. Such a shame the remake is so desappointing.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      It really is. There'll always be the original but it's a bummer that they whiffed the remake.

    • @KonEl17
      @KonEl17 Месяц назад

      Selling 7mill units for Remake which is basically a tech demo for Rebirth a disappointment? Aside from OG heads who wanted a one to one remake.

  • @funkrobot9762
    @funkrobot9762 Месяц назад +37

    Honestly it’s not that bad. You guys are just being old fogeys. The original game still exists. You don’t have to engage with anything you don’t want to. Maybe grow up? Idk. The bad men at square ENIX can’t hurt you lol.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад +8

      I think I kind of imply that a couple of times in the video. There's no way I can be objective about the remake because the original is way too important to me.

    • @terrancemiller7456
      @terrancemiller7456 Месяц назад +14

      Or. They could have their own opinion about a game they is inferior to what came before. And you could grow up a bit and realize not everybody has to see things the way you do. 🤡

    • @KonEl17
      @KonEl17 Месяц назад +7

      ​@@terrancemiller7456this remake/sequel thing not a bad game nowhere near. The OG is incredibly overhyped to hell. People who wanted a one to one Remake are maybe the only people who I think are upset I see why.

    • @perezkoala
      @perezkoala Месяц назад +5

      Can't there be any other reasons to dislike a game? For me part 1 fumbled due to its linearity and filler content.

    • @funkrobot9762
      @funkrobot9762 Месяц назад +3

      @@KoiCallisto I guess I just don’t understand why one would be upset over such a thing. Like, you still have the original. It’s not like the remakes are replacing it.

  • @teruienages962
    @teruienages962 Месяц назад +1

    Your opinion is wrong and your take is objectively awful.
    Go read the Metacritic again. It'll explain to you why you're wrong.

    • @KoiCallisto
      @KoiCallisto Месяц назад

      People are allowed to have different opinions babe x