Suletta x Miorine「AMV」Tell Me About Love

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 18

  • @knowledgeseeker4614
    @knowledgeseeker4614 2 года назад +32

    Let’s keep this in mind. Miorine had a chance to escape to Earth and leave Suletta behind. Instead, she sacrificed it, so she could confront her father and protect Suletta. She chose to save Suletta, a girl she just met, over her dream to go to Earth partly because Suletta was willing to help her when no one else would. That is so heartwarming. It really shows that this is a relationship worth investing in.

    • @xxyentheyuriqueenxx2357
      @xxyentheyuriqueenxx2357  2 года назад +4

      Yes youre right ❤

    • @knowledgeseeker4614
      @knowledgeseeker4614 2 года назад +7

      @@xxyentheyuriqueenxx2357 Personally, I think Miorine realized that abandoning someone like Suletta would make her no better than her father, and she refuses to be a hypocrite that abandons people when they need help just because they are inconvenient. I look forward to how their relationship will develop.

    • @falcoshimmer
      @falcoshimmer Год назад +1

      @@knowledgeseeker4614 It might backfire on her in a bad way, and end the relationship on a rocky note.

  • @fatimaalsaad4200
    @fatimaalsaad4200 2 года назад +2

    looooove it 😍 as usual amazing 🙏

  • @joshthomas-moore2656
    @joshthomas-moore2656 2 года назад +1

    Nice AMV suits those two very well.

  • @ceojay9283
    @ceojay9283 2 года назад +3

    Yoww, we had same mind, before this anime come out, i already ship this two🐥❤️

  • @dusterwald
    @dusterwald 2 года назад +2

    Danke, dass ich durch dich so viele neue Animes und auch Songs entdecken darf! Wanderte gleich in meine Playlist hehe.
    Hoffen wir mal, dass wir dieses Mal nicht Opfer eines Yuri-Baits werden :D

  • @vantheyuriconnoisseur8794
    @vantheyuriconnoisseur8794 2 года назад +5

    Great AMV! I am excited for the future videos and how it is all approached,
    lots of online commenters suggest it may be sad so.. I will have tissues ready when the end of the anime comes around, in hope that it wont be sad.
    Thank you for the AMV, I love it as always!

  • @hotaruaihara3654
    @hotaruaihara3654 2 года назад +2

    Me encantan tus vídeos, creo que ya lo he dicho muchas veces... Pues lo vuelvo a decir, ME ENCANTAN TUS VÍDEOS, son hermosos, se agradece todo el trabajo que haces para nosotros 😍😍💖💖

  • @polskizobot7624
    @polskizobot7624 2 года назад +1

    It was just another top AMV to my favorites

  • @lian7092
    @lian7092 Год назад +2

    just unliked it , to like it again :) ❤💙

  • @eddyamv141
    @eddyamv141 2 года назад +1

    Nice job bro

  • @ashleybustamante761
    @ashleybustamante761 2 года назад +4

    I hope they are together

  • @video_in_short
    @video_in_short 2 года назад +1

    I hope that they will be friends not gay I will wait to see what is their relationship