A wonderful and engaging discussion between these two highly intelligent ladies. As a 70 year old male, I am astonished and dissapointed that even now, in the 21st Century, females still face discrimination and obstacles, not only for recognition of any present achievements, but also for further advancements in a wide range of careers.Thought provoking, illuminating, and an important conversation that all should take note off - utterly brilliant.
"females still face discrimination and obstacles" Such as? We all face discrimination and obstacles so women should be no different. Life is not equal. Miss Roberts could simply get more attention by wearing a figure-hugging dress (or a short skirt). I am sure she has played that card a few times!
I think your most important contribution is to bring real science and history to ordinary people and, perhaps, inspire our young to enter an academic career.
I'm rather smitten by this beautiful woman, but in watching her over and over again, it is her intelligence and charm that mesmerize me. She really is remarkable... mother, wife and inspiring communicator.
Professor Roberts' inclusionary personality is much needed... apparently, most especially in the academic realm. I get the feeling she'll have an influence--either directly or indirectly--regardless. Enjoying becoming more familiar with both she and her published material and presentations. Much appreciation from the Midwest, US.
“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.". I think Alice Roberts is an inspiration, as are many other science educators and popularisers. Surely being a "jack of all trades" by developing and honing communication skills in the world of media can only improve a scientist's ability to perform in academia.
I was told when I was at school that my maths was no good so even though I was good at the sciences (Chemistry especially )I could not do them...I had to do "General Science". There was no encouragement to improve my maths or extra tuition to do so yet I knew boys in the same situation as me who were given the encouragement/tuition to fix that problem. I felt cheated & still do.
These two hit the nail on the head when it comes to define what a good education is. That which teaches you the two most important intellectual skills that you will ever need to succeed in life: How to think and how to learn.
I knew a woman who had an MSc in Physics. She told me that one of the great advantages to being heavily outnumbered in class was the availability of bathrooms in inter-class breaks.
On the global media enterprise there are people who touch your soul with a great educational easy going value that enriches the inner desire to just understand. Well done, I am happy for you.
I find you both to be very inspiring women! Thank you for being yourself, brilliant, confident and excellent communicators.❤ I would suggest introducing the sciences to children at the youngest of age’s. Small scale hands on experimentation showing the fun fascinating aspects of the sciences. This was where my fascination with the sciences began. A dissected field mouse in first grade, Chinese floating lanterns and a cow eyeball how they work & seeds propagation in second grade. A catalyst to butterfly, rock hunting and identification leading into glacial deposits and erosion in third grade. The Odyssey of the Mind competitions also began in third grade (fantastic organization to encourage out of the box problem solving, teamwork and the sciences. World wide and coached by community members who have a passion and a little time). It was a small school (32 students in the graduating class) two classrooms per grade and almost no funding, but everything they taught me has stuck. So much so that I am watching as many lectures as I can find online and still learning more 😊
I've written a number of technical books in the areas of highly automated, high speed production and industrial refrigeration. These books covered everything that the plant engineers and maintenance personnel needed to know but were and had to be written at what we, in the United States, call the sixth grade reading level. This is the average reading level someone in our Public Schools at an age of about 12 or 13. I never found it difficult to discuss highly technical things at this vocabulary and sentence structure level. I write for these people in the same way that I would speak to them. I was a blue collar worker for a number of years before I went back to college for my PhD. I believe that my blue color background was a great advantage.
sorry to be offtopic but does anyone know of a method to get back into an instagram account? I was dumb lost my password. I would appreciate any help you can offer me!
Bagpipes were invented because most everyone was making water bladders out of animals skins. One can squeeze the bladder to hasten the water flow. It then doesn't take a lot of Genius of thought to notice that air is also expelled. So what if I place my water bladder on the blow end of my flute? 🤔... BAGPIPES!!!
The truth is this: 50,000 years ago a Meteor Strikes Earth causing Global Cooling that creates the TWO MILE HIGH ICE SHEET on the continent of North America. Then 12,800 years ago it's SISTER METEOR crashes into earth melting this TWO MILE HIGH ICE SHEET that causes the flood of Noah and set's the world on it's present course of increasing temperature rise till the earth assumes the temperatures that existed during the CRETACEOUS PERIOD. IT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH HUMAN POLLUTION. End of this Bullsh!t "Global Warming" come "Climate Change" come "Us Scientist Don't Know Sh!t" nonsense.
i hear people calling grown men lads all the time. i've done it myself come to think about it, i've called louis theroux a lad and i've said 'alright boys' to a group of old men. just enjoy the pleasant and charming girl with the rest of us
LarS1963So right.I went to see Dr Roberts in Chesterfield last week.Superb show. "girl" is demeaning ,male centred and diminishing of an amazing intelellect. OK she had great legs but that is besides the point.
@@LarS1963 Sure, we say "good ole boy" and men take that as a compliment. Men know they are still boys at heart, just as women know they are girls at heart. YOU are the one being sexist.
Dr.Roberts you tick all the boxes. You are enormously attractive, you are super reflectively intelligent, your voice could be listened to repeating i for hours on end. But you must seep into the spiritual side just a tag. Because this is just so enormously important. I wish I filmed my dialogue to myself as I repair electronic equipment that I have stupidly wrecked. It is like I am repairing it under direct instructions from my father. Such as: "Remember: Fold the two wires together before you soldier that will hold it for you." It's like he is advising me from "Heaven" or my "DNA".
I remember when travelling back from a meeting with my site manager we were analysing various managers and I asked him about me as I was not a manager. He told me I was unique and described me as a virtual manager. A task I carried out until I retired as the pension scheme would have penalised me if I had taken a management post. I have never been interested in the gender or persuasion of anyone, I am interested in the science and technology i.e. the brain. Many academics live in a world far detached from reality. These people live in the real world of science without political affiliation.
My brother went on a physical archaeological dig in Greece one time as a paleopathologist and found why the remains found died. Later, he became Medical Examiner for his American county in Minnesota Hennepin County. He had a Bachelors degree in Greek. And an MD and a JD!
I found it very interesting that being involved with the public didn't seem to be considered as part of a University's function in the UK. I may have misinterpreted. However, I know here in the United States it's often considered that a professor should spend one-third of their time teaching, one third of their time in research, and one third of their time actively involved with the community.
I find the term dumbing-down to be highly offencive. Here in the United States, we have a program called GED where people who failed to graduate from our high schools can get an equivalent certificate. I taught physics and math to participants in this program. I found that I did not need to dumb-down anyting. They could do algebra problems in their head as long as they didn't know it was algebra. I used to spend the first session throwing out word problems I had to be solved using algebra but without telling them it was algebra. I would start the second session by telling them since they already could use algebra at the level needed for the GED program all we had to do was learn the terminology that would be used in algebra problems. Physics was a bit different. However, I found it just as easy. As long as I could relate every physics concept to something these people had experienced in real life, they had no problem understand the physics concept. There are college students in basic physics programs that have a hard time with the Venturi principle. My GED students had no problem with the principal once it was discussed as putting their thumb over the end of an open garden hose. I hate to say this but most of the problems with education are teachers not students. I say that having a PhD in Vocational Education. Alice Roberts is the kind of person who could teach anybody.
Here in the US (where we spell it “offensive”, no offense) teachers are clearly not the problem; perusing NAEP scores over time shows that teachers are doing well but that gaps persist among the poor and people of color. So the problem is not the teachers nor the students, but society’s oppressive systemic inequities and racism. Due to oppression, many students start school several years behind other students in their same class, so “dumbing-down” is not only not offensive but a necessary teaching method. Essentially (but not exactly) the method you describe for teaching algebra has been a standard method for years. In the US, teachers are vilified as a means to promote a right wing agenda; Alice Roberts may be rightly celebrated but she’s not a scientist, she is a prof of public engagement in science and a tv presenter, and contrary to what she claims she started pursuing being on tv at 15, and that’s perfectly fine. I found this discussion to be mostly empty and a bit lengthy humble brag. Being an active scientist isn’t an easy or glamorous endeavor and it doesn’t need to be cheapened by conflating it with polished media personalities.
She be a humanist and even an atheist, methinks. Things change - obviously - in whatever way - inspired. But pushing the Lord - at someone - is not even etiquette - to Him. Hint from a Raja yoga meditator. Fare thee well.
About 25 years ago, the young lady who babysat for us said she hoped for a career in science because she was interested in UFOs and crop circles. That's why public engagement is so essential! The problem is even worse now with all the deliberate nonsense and pseudoscience, like creationism and flat earth, spewed out on the internet. Dr Roberts' role is needed and important.
If you focus on developing the interest of people who hadn't thought about your field, and hen abandon them once they ARE interested, what have you achieved?
Because humans mature physically and mentally more slowly than other species, its necessary for them to survive beyond the child bearing years to protect the young and to pass along our learning and experience to the young. Many antelope can walk or run in the same day as they are born and so can more easily evade predators. But human infants need to be protected in a stationary "home base" until they can begin to walk and run to do the hunting and gathering.
Gravitas is acting with more patience, taste, and grace than circumstances call for. So, it's a sliding scale. What looks like a lack of gravitas may in fact be more gravitas than is warranted but an observer may be biased by consideration of less than the totality of the circumstances because of the boundaries of space and time: an insufficiently complete and subholistic perspective given rise to an incorrect conclusion that gravitas is absent.
I most certainly don't hope so. With all due respect to Dawkins and his achievements, but he appears really fixed in his ideas, to the point of fanaticism.
Ron Yeahwiggie Unfortunately, you could be correct in describing Dawkins as a worrying fanatic. I do hope this lovely lady does not become a female version of Dawkins. Sadly this tweet to 3 million of his fans speaks volumes.... “It’s one thing to deplore eugenics on ideological, political, moral grounds. It’s quite another to conclude that it wouldn’t work in practice. Of course it would. It works for cows, horses, pigs, dogs & roses. Why on earth wouldn’t it work for humans? Facts ignore ideology.” (Richard Dawkins) Greg Epstein, an ethicist and humanist chaplain at Harvard and MIT, tweeted in response, “So unacceptable for Richard Dawkins to tweet about eugenics without clearly condemning it. Dawkins is ‘supposedly’ one of our exemplars of humanism and science outreach. Yet today he’s given every manner of passive and active bigot an opening to ‘consider’ persecution on steroids.” The fact that Dawkins would even entertain such eugenic thoughts as a workable solution for anything should disturb everyone, especially his followers.
@Tim Webb why not? my personal opinion is that she has enormous gravitas. she has paid her dues. she has done her homework. she is skilled, educated and learned, and the fact that she has a personality is to her additional credit. if she was male and an academic, she would be forgiven from any outlandish eccentricity. misusing "gravitas' as a dickhead level excuse to block someone's advancement in the workplace is a grotesquely unprofessional act. selection criteria should be measurable and impartial. clearly the uni concerned is an amateur hour backwater of low IQ misogynistic wankers. (my bad typing is due to severed tendons in right hand, down to my left only at the moment)
@Tim Webb Thanks for your good wishes. it was a kitchen accident. should be mostly ok in 3 months. splint comes off in another 5 weeks. I didnt realise there was controversy. You're right, I'm not British by nationality, but am in terms of heritage. I'm christian also, and agree that Genesis is an important part of religious education. I'm guessing though that you dont have a problem per se with dinosaurs, fossils, geology, etc. Perhaps you should write to her and exchange views. She might not be communist. She might not realise how she comes across on the issue. My view is that a highly effective education teaches kids to think in various ways, be great readers and listeners, respect multiple viewpoints, the rights of others, and decide how they feel about their world, what they believe and don't. in other words, more how to think rather than what to think. to me, Genesis is parallel with what the average astro-physicist would say about the big bang...."Let there be light.. and there was..." wishing you peace of mind, and warm tea. God bless.
@Tim Webb I see your point. in science terms its only a theory rather than a law, like the newtonian f=ma. i agree with you that the complexity is very hard to believe if only random variation affecting survival levels are the only mechanism. im guessing though youd agree that some scripture is perhaps meant to be deeply symbolic rather than literal, and that some is specific to a far different age... we dont execute people for wearing cloth of two fabrics, or ban shellfish (banned 26 times), or burn witches, or stone prostitutes. cheers.
@Tim Webb Creationism is bullshit and have nothing to do with science. If you want to teach it do it in Sunday school. Religion have no place in science education. What would you say if I came into your church and demand what you teach. So please keep religion away from the tax paid school system.
Doc, I already told you... you were digging around in a pit in a singlet... I was just watching to watch the documentary... but then you kept bending over digging with your Trowel. If I kept rewinding that VHS tape then everyone was rewinding that VHS tape. This is how you got famous. You just have a great body. 👍👍
The Anunnaki had an idea to place Gold DUST into the Atmosphere to reflect the Sun. We should immediately do something similar and then once the Earth is saved we can rename it back to Nubiru. 🌂🌞
It IS basically basically impossible. Who has a stat at home husband?! That isnt cheating in you? Ive breastfed at college and it was HORRIBLE. Think that baby enjoyed 5 months of traveling? Some mothers cant make that sacrifice. I still adore and admire Alice, hope her husband stays that supportive.
You forgot to ask why men do not drop out of their careers at the same rate as women. The answer is that 1) it is not socially acceptable for a man to quit their career, 2) it is not economicalky viable for most ment to drop out of their career. The solution to balancing the sexes is either 1) put women under the same pressure as men (and watch the population implode) or 2) for career women to keep homemaker husbands.
Alice Roberts is very good at being on the telly, and she's certainly exceedingly easy on the retina, but I dispute the assertion that she's a "distinguished academic".
Definition: Distinguished:- Adjective 1) made conspicuous by excellence; noted; eminent; famous: 2) having an air of distinction, dignity, or eminence: 3) conspicuous; marked. Pretty sure she fits at least ONE of these, if not several....
Maybe girls aren’t interested in physics??? Did you stop to consider that? Or would you rather make girls study physic??. I’ve always found people will gravitate and study what they’re interested in. It’s not all sexism/misogyny.
I thought that she said clearly, that the idea that girls just weren't interested, was belied by the fact that many more girls studied physics in single sex schools
the male female divide really is down to childbirth, a woman with a child has new priority's the child is number 1 where as a mans pressure is to bring home the bacon and feed the family making him more reliable from an employers point of view ........and thats not sexist its just mostly fact, im talking generally because not all situations are exactly the same but overall
When my male colleagues had photos of their children on their desks, it was because they were good family men. When I brought a photo of my children, it apparently meant I had divided priorities and wasn't committed to my work.
24 minutes in; "hard sciences". I always thought that the word hard meant without feelings, as in math and engineering rather than people orientated sciences like medicine. A couple of minutes later we get breast feeding on TV set. Nobody complained "maybe they thought you were hormonal and stayed away". So if men complain they are sexist, if they don't complain they are sexist. This conversation is rather sexist in itself. I am less than impressed and 30 minutes in, will stop watching.
@@thomascorbett2936 Who says there's massive evidence? Believing in God is based on 'belief' and 'dogma', not empirical evidence. I think you need to look up some basic concepts like 'belief' and 'evidence'.
I like this woman's work but i see women as interfering with the men. Deliberately by feminist aggresions and generally. It dumbs everything down but more importantly it takes from the men what we deserve. The more prestigious professions are the more should they be dominated by men after agreeing to a social contract, recent, for allowing both sexes to aim at these things.
Your a moron without the whit to make a consistent argument. Ones gains 'prestige' in a profession because of your ability gender has no bearing on it, so comments like 'should' makes no sense. The 'social contract' you allude to does not come with restrictions and the idea that women may aspire just so long as they aren't better then men is ridiculous. Attitudes like yours were ridiculous last century in the 21st their antediluvian. As a 67 year old man I find your comments grossly insulting not just to women but also to men because they suggest that a man can't compete without having their thumbs on the scales.
She is rather special isn't she ,Prof Alice Roberts ? So easy to understand and her enthusiasm is so infectious!
We need more people like Alice Roberts. Her genuine interest in and love of life is what needed most in our world.
A wonderful and engaging discussion between these two highly intelligent ladies. As a 70 year old male, I am astonished and dissapointed that even now, in the 21st Century, females still face discrimination and obstacles, not only for recognition of any present achievements, but also for further advancements in a wide range of careers.Thought provoking, illuminating, and an important conversation that all should take note off - utterly brilliant.
"females still face discrimination and obstacles"
Such as? We all face discrimination and obstacles so women should be no different. Life is not equal. Miss Roberts could simply get more attention by wearing a figure-hugging dress (or a short skirt). I am sure she has played that card a few times!
Jim Alcolili
Einstien on time
I think your most important contribution is to bring real science and history to ordinary people and, perhaps, inspire our young to enter an academic career.
I'm rather smitten by this beautiful woman, but in watching her over and over again, it is her intelligence and charm that mesmerize me. She really is remarkable... mother, wife and inspiring communicator.
Professor Roberts' inclusionary personality is much needed... apparently, most especially in the academic realm. I get the feeling she'll have an influence--either directly or indirectly--regardless. Enjoying becoming more familiar with both she and her published material and presentations. Much appreciation from the Midwest, US.
What an incredible Woman. An absolute role model and inspiration to listen to! 👩🏻🔬
I so echo those sentiments. A real suis generis. So lucky we have her.
“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.".
I think Alice Roberts is an inspiration, as are many other science educators and popularisers.
Surely being a "jack of all trades" by developing and honing communication skills in the world of media can only improve a scientist's ability to perform in academia.
I was told when I was at school that my maths was no good so even though I was good at the sciences (Chemistry especially )I could not do them...I had to do "General Science". There was no encouragement to improve my maths or extra tuition to do so yet I knew boys in the same situation as me who were given the encouragement/tuition to fix that problem. I felt cheated & still do.
These two hit the nail on the head when it comes to define what a good education is. That which teaches you the two most important intellectual skills that you will ever need to succeed in life: How to think and how to learn.
I knew a woman who had an MSc in Physics. She told me that one of the great advantages to being heavily outnumbered in class was the availability of bathrooms in inter-class breaks.
Alice is an absolute delight, one of my absolute favorite carbon based bipeds :-)
Holy shit! we have bipeds that are not carbon based?
@@daviddawson1718 Yes, but we're only visiting this galaxy ...
Don’t blame me ✔️👍❤️🙏👌🇺🇸🎵💤😎, yr A Star. Your Fame Us
She just started with , Thts interesting Seek ,@ Bristol Universe itE
On the global media enterprise there are people who touch your soul with a great educational easy going value that enriches the inner desire to just understand. Well done, I am happy for you.
wokey idiot
I find you both to be very inspiring women! Thank you for being yourself, brilliant, confident and excellent communicators.❤
I would suggest introducing the sciences to children at the youngest of age’s. Small scale hands on experimentation showing the fun fascinating aspects of the sciences. This was where my fascination with the sciences began. A dissected field mouse in first grade, Chinese floating lanterns and a cow eyeball how they work & seeds propagation in second grade. A catalyst to butterfly, rock hunting and identification leading into glacial deposits and erosion in third grade. The Odyssey of the Mind competitions also began in third grade (fantastic organization to encourage out of the box problem solving, teamwork and the sciences. World wide and coached by community members who have a passion and a little time). It was a small school (32 students in the graduating class) two classrooms per grade and almost no funding, but everything they taught me has stuck. So much so that I am watching as many lectures as I can find online and still learning more 😊
I love her brain & how she engages her audience!
I love her West Country Accent .
It’s gurt lush
I've written a number of technical books in the areas of highly automated, high speed production and industrial refrigeration. These books covered everything that the plant engineers and maintenance personnel needed to know but were and had to be written at what we, in the United States, call the sixth grade reading level. This is the average reading level someone in our Public Schools at an age of about 12 or 13. I never found it difficult to discuss highly technical things at this vocabulary and sentence structure level. I write for these people in the same way that I would speak to them. I was a blue collar worker for a number of years before I went back to college for my PhD. I believe that my blue color background was a great advantage.
I would choose Alice Roberts over Coldplay anytime!
what about a E type Jag ?
sorry to be offtopic but does anyone know of a method to get back into an instagram account?
I was dumb lost my password. I would appreciate any help you can offer me!
@Clay Layne instablaster =)
Bagpipes were invented because most everyone was making water bladders out of animals skins. One can squeeze the bladder to hasten the water flow. It then doesn't take a lot of Genius of thought to notice that air is also expelled. So what if I place my water bladder on the blow end of my flute? 🤔...
The truth is this:
50,000 years ago a Meteor Strikes Earth causing Global Cooling that creates the TWO MILE HIGH ICE SHEET on the continent of North America.
Then 12,800 years ago it's SISTER METEOR crashes into earth melting this TWO MILE HIGH ICE SHEET that causes the flood of Noah and set's the world on it's present course of increasing temperature rise till the earth assumes the temperatures that existed during the CRETACEOUS PERIOD.
End of this Bullsh!t "Global Warming" come "Climate Change" come "Us Scientist Don't Know Sh!t" nonsense.
Excellent conversation, Prof Roberts superb as ever but who is the wonderful older lady, why have we not seen more of her?
I just wonder... would you call a 45 year old man 'What a fantastic boy'?
i hear people calling grown men lads all the time. i've done it myself come to think about it, i've called louis theroux a lad and i've said 'alright boys' to a group of old men. just enjoy the pleasant and charming girl with the rest of us
LarS1963So right.I went to see Dr Roberts in Chesterfield last week.Superb show.
"girl" is demeaning ,male centred and diminishing of an amazing intelellect.
OK she had great legs but that is besides the point.
Sure, we say "good ole boy" and men take that as a compliment. Men know they are still boys at heart, just as women know they are girls at heart. YOU are the one being sexist.
Bullshit, what PC crap and horseshit.
Dr.Roberts you tick all the boxes.
You are enormously attractive, you are super reflectively intelligent, your voice could be listened to repeating i for hours on end. But you must seep into the spiritual side just a tag. Because this is just so enormously important. I wish I filmed my dialogue to myself as I repair electronic equipment that I have stupidly wrecked. It is like I am repairing it under direct instructions from my father.
Such as:
"Remember: Fold the two wires together before you soldier that will hold it for you."
It's like he is advising me from "Heaven" or my "DNA".
"Fools Heaven is a place on Earth"
Alice in Wonderland - Time Team ❤
Alice Robert’s The Human journey
Doc, I have discovered there are two reality time's two TWO seconds apart like the pressure wave on a wing but in time.
"I had a bit of a crick in my neck from being pushed up against a glass ceiling for a little bit too long," is so poignant at 13:19.
I remember when travelling back from a meeting with my site manager we were analysing various managers and I asked him about me as I was not a manager. He told me I was unique and described me as a virtual manager. A task I carried out until I retired as the pension scheme would have penalised me if I had taken a management post.
I have never been interested in the gender or persuasion of anyone, I am interested in the science and technology i.e. the brain. Many academics live in a world far detached from reality. These people live in the real world of science without political affiliation.
I want more Time Team. Please resurrect that show!
they've dug up Britain by now.
It was a brilliant show and we are lucky that it lasted for 20 years.
Gale Hamilton was a very good and well respected Electrical Engineer at Hewlett-Packard in Colorado Springs-more need to be like her!
My brother went on a physical archaeological dig in Greece one time as a paleopathologist and found why the remains found died. Later, he became Medical Examiner for his American county in Minnesota Hennepin County. He had a Bachelors degree in Greek. And an MD and a JD!
I found it very interesting that being involved with the public didn't seem to be considered as part of a University's function in the UK. I may have misinterpreted. However, I know here in the United States it's often considered that a professor should spend one-third of their time teaching, one third of their time in research, and one third of their time actively involved with the community.
I find the term dumbing-down to be highly offencive. Here in the United States, we have a program called GED where people who failed to graduate from our high schools can get an equivalent certificate. I taught physics and math to participants in this program. I found that I did not need to dumb-down anyting. They could do algebra problems in their head as long as they didn't know it was algebra. I used to spend the first session throwing out word problems I had to be solved using algebra but without telling them it was algebra. I would start the second session by telling them since they already could use algebra at the level needed for the GED program all we had to do was learn the terminology that would be used in algebra problems. Physics was a bit different. However, I found it just as easy. As long as I could relate every physics concept to something these people had experienced in real life, they had no problem understand the physics concept. There are college students in basic physics programs that have a hard time with the Venturi principle. My GED students had no problem with the principal once it was discussed as putting their thumb over the end of an open garden hose. I hate to say this but most of the problems with education are teachers not students. I say that having a PhD in Vocational Education. Alice Roberts is the kind of person who could teach anybody.
Here in the US (where we spell it “offensive”, no offense) teachers are clearly not the problem; perusing NAEP scores over time shows that teachers are doing well but that gaps persist among the poor and people of color. So the problem is not the teachers nor the students, but society’s oppressive systemic inequities and racism. Due to oppression, many students start school several years behind other students in their same class, so “dumbing-down” is not only not offensive but a necessary teaching method. Essentially (but not exactly) the method you describe for teaching algebra has been a standard method for years. In the US, teachers are vilified as a means to promote a right wing agenda; Alice Roberts may be rightly celebrated but she’s not a scientist, she is a prof of public engagement in science and a tv presenter, and contrary to what she claims she started pursuing being on tv at 15, and that’s perfectly fine. I found this discussion to be mostly empty and a bit lengthy humble brag. Being an active scientist isn’t an easy or glamorous endeavor and it doesn’t need to be cheapened by conflating it with polished media personalities.
I was always taught that inspiration was taken but never given.
I breast fed 3 kids and was so disappointed that no one ever challenged me in public. I think I must have looked terrifying!
What's terrifying about breast feeding?
Thank you 🤗
May The Lord be with you,sister♡
Which 'Lord' were you refering to?
Which 'Lord' were you refering to?
She be a humanist and even an atheist, methinks.
Things change - obviously - in whatever way - inspired.
But pushing the Lord - at someone - is not even etiquette - to Him.
Hint from a Raja yoga meditator. Fare thee well.
@@theostapel CORRECT
About 25 years ago, the young lady who babysat for us said she hoped for a career in science because she was interested in UFOs and crop circles. That's why public engagement is so essential! The problem is even worse now with all the deliberate nonsense and pseudoscience, like creationism and flat earth, spewed out on the internet. Dr Roberts' role is needed and important.
You may not know what it is but you certainly have gravitas now and it was Bristol Uni's loss and our gain thankyou
If you focus on developing the interest of people who hadn't thought about your field, and hen abandon them once they ARE interested, what have you achieved?
I love this lady’s passion for her chosen path. She’d make the perfect dinner guest.
Dont tell anyone but Ive been in love with her for 20 yrs
Trudi CrumPtoUs
there are some humans you can listen too...and you realize
they are just more evolved on every front
Alice has one of the best busts in academia.....su-flippin'-perb.!!.
Because humans mature physically and mentally more slowly than other species, its necessary for them to survive beyond the child bearing years to protect the young and to pass along our learning and experience to the young. Many antelope can walk or run in the same day as they are born and so can more easily evade predators. But human infants need to be protected in a stationary "home base" until they can begin to walk and run to do the hunting and gathering.
Gravitas is acting with more patience, taste, and grace than circumstances call for. So, it's a sliding scale. What looks like a lack of gravitas may in fact be more gravitas than is warranted but an observer may be biased by consideration of less than the totality of the circumstances because of the boundaries of space and time: an insufficiently complete and subholistic perspective given rise to an incorrect conclusion that gravitas is absent.
Can anyone out there tell me if Earth's magnetosphere isn't downgrading and increased more powerful Cosmic waves are getting through?
Can anyone out there tell me if Earth's magnetosphere isn't downgrading and increased more powerful Cosmic waves are getting through?
I think she will be the female Richard Dawkins.
They are unique in themselves, but she is one who has the skills and experience to succeed.
I most certainly don't hope so. With all due respect to Dawkins and his achievements, but he appears really fixed in his ideas, to the point of fanaticism.
@@ronyeahwiggie729 Thank you for your opinion.
@Tim Webb I shall not engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man.
Ron Yeahwiggie
Unfortunately, you could be correct in describing Dawkins as a worrying fanatic. I do hope this lovely lady does not become a female version of Dawkins. Sadly this tweet to 3 million of his fans speaks volumes....
“It’s one thing to deplore eugenics on ideological, political, moral grounds. It’s quite another to conclude that it wouldn’t work in practice. Of course it would. It works for cows, horses, pigs, dogs & roses. Why on earth wouldn’t it work for humans? Facts ignore ideology.” (Richard Dawkins)
Greg Epstein, an ethicist and humanist chaplain at Harvard and MIT, tweeted in response, “So unacceptable for Richard Dawkins to tweet about eugenics without clearly condemning it. Dawkins is ‘supposedly’ one of our exemplars of humanism and science outreach. Yet today he’s given every manner of passive and active bigot an opening to ‘consider’ persecution on steroids.”
The fact that Dawkins would even entertain such eugenic thoughts as a workable solution for anything should disturb everyone, especially his followers.
Alice gives me inspiration im in love
You have good taste. I totally agree with you. She is attractive on every level I can think of
Professor Roberts you have enormous gravitas. I'm horrified by the story of how Bristol treated you.
@Tim Webb why not? my personal opinion is that she has enormous gravitas. she has paid her dues. she has done her homework. she is skilled, educated and learned, and the fact that she has a personality is to her additional credit. if she was male
and an academic, she would be forgiven from any outlandish eccentricity. misusing "gravitas' as a dickhead level excuse to block someone's advancement in the workplace is a grotesquely unprofessional act. selection criteria should be measurable and impartial. clearly the uni concerned is an amateur hour backwater of low IQ misogynistic wankers. (my bad typing is due to severed tendons in right hand, down to my left only at the moment)
@Tim Webb Thanks for your good wishes. it was a kitchen accident. should be mostly ok in 3 months. splint comes off in another 5 weeks. I didnt realise there was controversy. You're right, I'm not British by nationality, but am in terms of heritage. I'm christian also, and agree that Genesis is an important part of religious education. I'm guessing though that you dont have a problem per se with dinosaurs, fossils, geology, etc. Perhaps you should write to her and exchange views. She might not be communist. She might not realise how she comes across on the issue. My view is that a highly effective education teaches kids to think in various ways, be great readers and listeners, respect multiple viewpoints, the rights of others, and decide how they feel about their world, what they believe and don't. in other words, more how to think rather than what to think. to me, Genesis is parallel with what the average astro-physicist would say about the big bang...."Let there be light.. and there was..." wishing you peace of mind, and warm tea. God bless.
@Tim Webb I see your point. in science terms its only a theory rather than a law, like the newtonian f=ma. i agree with you that the complexity is very hard to believe if only random variation affecting survival levels are the only mechanism. im guessing though youd agree that some scripture is perhaps meant to be deeply symbolic rather than literal, and that some is specific to a far different age... we dont execute people for wearing cloth of two fabrics, or ban shellfish (banned 26 times), or burn witches, or stone prostitutes. cheers.
@Tim Webb Creationism is bullshit and have nothing to do with science. If you want to teach it do it in Sunday school. Religion have no place in science education. What would you say if I came into your church and demand what you teach. So please keep religion away from the tax paid school system.
@@iltc9734 don't bother with with this clearly challenged troglodyte, it can only lower you.
Doc, I already told you... you were digging around in a pit in a singlet... I was just watching to watch the documentary... but then you kept bending over digging with your Trowel.
If I kept rewinding that VHS tape then everyone was rewinding that VHS tape.
This is how you got famous. You just have a great body. 👍👍
The Anunnaki had an idea to place Gold DUST into the Atmosphere to reflect the Sun. We should immediately do something similar and then once the Earth is saved we can rename it back to Nubiru.
"You're the Voice try to understand it".
Doctor Roberts the Whole World is calling on you to Save the Planet.
It IS basically basically impossible. Who has a stat at home husband?! That isnt cheating in you? Ive breastfed at college and it was HORRIBLE. Think that baby enjoyed 5 months of traveling? Some mothers cant make that sacrifice. I still adore and admire Alice, hope her husband stays that supportive.
Professor Bob says, Two things you do not want to see. How they make sausage and how they make decisions in higher education. Das tut mir Leid.
UoB 😍🇬🇧
Professor at the University of Birmingham :)
Alice Roberts Ace
Which came first?
The Butt or the Head?
Take URE time to be you Alice
You forgot to ask why men do not drop out of their careers at the same rate as women. The answer is that 1) it is not socially acceptable for a man to quit their career, 2) it is not economicalky viable for most ment to drop out of their career. The solution to balancing the sexes is either 1) put women under the same pressure as men (and watch the population implode) or 2) for career women to keep homemaker husbands.
OMG... You are Beautiful.
Like Darwin, she left surgery to make history.
We apologize for your Read... Butt you can thank Us for the Tally.
Alice Roberts is very good at being on the telly, and she's certainly exceedingly easy on the retina, but I dispute the assertion that she's a "distinguished academic".
Definition: Distinguished:- Adjective 1) made conspicuous by excellence; noted; eminent; famous:
2) having an air of distinction, dignity, or eminence:
3) conspicuous; marked.
Pretty sure she fits at least ONE of these, if not several....
No it's not... just knock off all us man.
Both ladies are impressive in their own right. But Alice could make even Jesus contemplate humanism. She does however back good over evil.
A surgeon ?I miss heard I thought she said I failed to be a virgin 😂😂
Maybe girls aren’t interested in physics??? Did you stop to consider that? Or would you rather make girls study physic??. I’ve always found people will gravitate and study what they’re interested in. It’s not all sexism/misogyny.
Actually these days it's not "sexism/misogyny" at all.
I thought that she said clearly, that the idea that girls just weren't interested, was belied by the fact that many more girls studied physics in single sex schools
Highly disrespectful of religion and religious people
the male female divide really is down to childbirth, a woman with a child has new priority's the child is number 1 where as a mans pressure is to bring home the bacon and feed the family making him more reliable from an employers point of view ........and thats not sexist its just mostly fact, im talking generally because not all situations are exactly the same but overall
When my male colleagues had photos of their children on their desks, it was because they were good family men. When I brought a photo of my children, it apparently meant I had divided priorities and wasn't committed to my work.
@@cassieoz1702 Yep!.
As a Creationist I absolutely and totally disagree with Alice one thousand per cent.
But WOW!!!! Isn't she BEAUTIFUL.
24 minutes in; "hard sciences". I always thought that the word hard meant without feelings, as in math and engineering rather than people orientated sciences like medicine.
A couple of minutes later we get breast feeding on TV set. Nobody complained "maybe they thought you were hormonal and stayed away". So if men complain they are sexist, if they don't complain they are sexist. This conversation is rather sexist in itself.
I am less than impressed and 30 minutes in, will stop watching.
She's very interesting but always makes a point to be anti God .
Why do you say “but” isn’t it more reasonable not to believe in things there are no evidence for?
@@marindahofman5282 some say there is massive evidence, but people are free to believe whatever they want .
@@thomascorbett2936 but to believe in something that has no evidence is 'religion'.
@@thomascorbett2936 Who says there's massive evidence? Believing in God is based on 'belief' and 'dogma', not empirical evidence. I think you need to look up some basic concepts like 'belief' and 'evidence'.
I like this woman's work but i see women as interfering with the men. Deliberately by feminist aggresions and generally.
It dumbs everything down but more importantly it takes from the men what we deserve.
The more prestigious professions are the more should they be dominated by men after agreeing to a social contract, recent, for allowing both sexes to aim at these things.
Richard Byers
And I see you as an utter moronic ass!!
Robert Byers Alice Roberts can interfere with me anytime.
Your a moron without the whit to make a consistent argument. Ones gains 'prestige' in a profession because of your ability gender has no bearing on it, so comments like 'should' makes no sense. The 'social contract' you allude to does not come with restrictions and the idea that women may aspire just so long as they aren't better then men is ridiculous. Attitudes like yours were ridiculous last century in the 21st their antediluvian. As a 67 year old man I find your comments grossly insulting not just to women but also to men because they suggest that a man can't compete without having their thumbs on the scales.
Proof that Neanderthals still exist.