I make photo books for gifts, Christmas, birthdays and such. Also calendars. I print large enough prints to hang on my wall. I post on social just for storage.
This makes so much sense. We always bang on about buying local and this is just an offshoot of that. Supporting people we can relate to. This has also inspired me to look at producing a zine or photobook of my own work. Cheers, best of luck with the channel.
Absolutely love this! Printing and books are something I wish I appreciated a lot earlier as a photographer. There is something so special about it like you say. They're a great source of inspiration for ourselves but giving someone belief in their own work and showing an interest in their work is so powerful! Great video man!
As someone who has stuck their neck out and released a book in 2024 despite a tiny online presence, the feeling I get whenever anyone picks it up for a flick through, let alone buys one is immensely rewarding. Far more than any like on social media. It’s not as hard to make a book as you think if you’ve got a cohesive collection of images from a project. Thoroughly recommend giving it a go. Great video, thanks for sharing this message!
Did you ever watch Tony and Chelsea Northrup? Loved their books. Chasing Awe by Gavin Hardcastle too. Those aside, good points, never bought a local photographer book. Got one or two of yours 😁
This is so meaningful. I made a few photo books years ago when I was travelling more. I’ll certainly be getting back into the habit. I’ve had the thought in the back of my mind to do a project around the local community. This is completely out of my comfort zone but nevertheless an idea I keep coming back to. This has certainly re-ignited the idea. Having something physical and tangible rather than digital is more and more important. I have books by various photographers that I’ve purchased over the years. Time to blow the dust of those and invest in some new tomes, and I really do feel that having photo books and perusing them and being inspired by them is an investment. I’ll be heading over to get Adam Gibbs’s latest and Gavin Hardcastle’s book. A great Christmas present to myself.
Great vlog, very thought provoking. I'm down in NZ and the shipping ends up costing more than the book itself unfortunately. I have bought a couple of e-books in the last year though, it's cost effective for the producer and I don't have to worry about where I am going to fit yet another book (I love books). Roman Fox has a great thing where he sells snapshot e-books from locations he has visited for just a fiver. That's a win-win for both parties I reckon. Great start with the channel, looking forward to what you bring out next.
Firstly, great video and well spoken. I agree that we should support each other. Us as photographer really understand the effort someone has put into a book. But if we turn this on it's head. Whats to stop photographers with books giving one or two to budding snappers? This maybe just the leg up they need. After all passing on your skills and knowledge is far more rewarding then making money.
We need to support each other. Sadly some photographers default only to competition wanting to be the one that rises above the herd. These folks stay away from supporting other photographers along with any collaboration fearing doing so will result in loosing their edge.
It's not a photo book like the ones you've mentioned, but it's the one that I appreciate the most. It's from 2015 - Frank Lloyd Wright by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer & Peter Goessel The runner up is this one: Apollo remastered by Andy Saunders
Been looking at doing a couple of books for years now but never got around to them, really should look at it next year, doing my travels to Detroit and Chernobyl in one book, food for thought. Have a great Christmas and New Year to all.
Hey just stumbled across your channel. Love the message in this video. I personally only started buying books this year. Even from a person on instgram to support what they were doing. Been wanting to do a book for a while but I don’t always feel the type of things I shoot fit into the book world which seems to be more on the street or artful side. Maybe I’ll finish that next year.
Great sentiment and great challenge! My recommendations - Isle of Rust by Alex Boyd (Lewis & Harris), and Rupert Vandervell's Fine Art Street Photography (pictures and tips advice). I was shocked recently when I looked into creating my own photobook and realised just how cheap and accessible it has become in the world of online printing. My commitmment to myself is to make 2025 the year I produce some photobooks of my own work. Just for me, not for sale, but just as a project and purpose. Really enjoying the new channel. Looking forward to more content.
Yeah it’s super accessible now. I make a photo book every month with my favourite images in. This year was the first year I started it and I’ve not missed a month which is an achievement for me since I’m lazy haha. I’ve just ordered both of them books! When you make one let me know I’d love to get a copy of one.
Great video and I agree with what you are saying. I've got a number of books, not sure if they're still available but a Google might help. Willow Studies by Damien Ward handbound, the book binding is a work of art. The images have a Japanese quality to them. Sept by Roman Dejon a rich study in light and shadow. The images are just full of mystery and emotion. Land, Sea and Sky by Beka Globe. I got this a few years ago whilst on the Isle of Harris. I wanted to support a local artist and with it been after lockdown it seemed a great way to help, just a little. Love the personal take on an island chain that is photographed so much.
THE BEST book ANY and ALL photographers should pick up is Film is Not Dead by Jonathan Canlas. I picked it up when it was hot off the press more than ten years ago and it severely changed my outlook in photography for the better to this day.
Your enthusiasm certainly reaches out to me and your argument clearly makes some good points. Thomas Heaton, James Popsy, Ian Worth, and the list goes on. OK photographers in my view. They are also "influencers" forever pushing their wares in the hope of gaining more and more "likes" and "subscribers". Without exception they are driven by making more money. By all means, support a photographer you like. Whether your support is reciprocated is highly unlikely! By all means we should encourage ourselves to invest in books we like, and for whatever reason we choose. My fundamental point is that Utubers should be seen for what they are, and we, as photographers, should be far more discerning. In short, I agree with you but only generally speaking.
Hello; I felt I had to chip-in here. Firstly, Mrs Heaton, Mr Popsys, etc are photographers who, instead of majoring (these days) on commercial-contracts have, instead chosen to establish (excellent) You Tube channels. All creators need to eat and feed their family - Mozart toured the European courts, penning music for the rich and famous. Today, he might have opted for a You Tube channel, who knows? It seems absurd to condemn people - creatives, especially, for opting to exploit one particular revenue-stream over another, providing such streams are legitimate. Moreover, these people are just what this country needs far more of - viz entrepreneurs with small businesses, living off their wits. Remember, also, every print, book or calendar sent abroad is another UK export - and that benefits us all. Anyway, do you not need money to live? If, say, you are a hospital doctor, does taking a wage mean you are a lesser doctor? Next, because photographers work on You Tube does not - in any way - mean they are lesser photographers. They may be good, mediocre , poor or even brilliant but working on You Tube does not dictate their quality. Indeed, as it is so competitive on You Tube, such people must be good at both photography and "broadcasting" because, if they are poor at either / both, they will not have watchers / subscribers / advertisers / sales, etc. These photographers are putting their work out-there for us all to enjoy / critique / love / hate - and, most importantly, learn from. They explain how (and why) they took the shots and show them on our screens. I do have photo-books (quite a few) but my house is heaving under about 2,300 books of all sorts and, unless very important to me, I may buy no more (well, I always say that). But, you know what? to take your examples, both Mr Heaton and Mr Popsys both sell their own photo-books, too. Next is the public-service aspect of such You Tubers. I have learnt much over the last eighteen years of watching toggers on YT. I haven't paid for any of it directly. Big win for me, I'd call that. (Yes, I have seen some poor adverts and put-up with sponsors' messages - and I have bought instructional books from Tony & Chelsea - but that was my choice). Finally, I think your last point is utterly disingenuous... "My fundamental point is that Utubers should be seen for what they are, and we, as photographers, should be far more discerning." All you have done is say you are a photographer and the likes of Heaton, Popsys, etc are not. Unless you are a You-Tuber yourself (or Joe Cornish) I would expect Heaton and Popsys have out-sold their photographs many times, compared with you and I. Perhaps they are the real photographers, rather than you and I? Or maybe, just maybe, this crazy artificial dichotomy masks the fact that anyone taking photographs is a photographer and it is then up to the individual photographer how they present their work to the world, should they wish to at all. Anyway, that is my strong disagreement with you. But my hope is that Mr Heaton, Mr Popsys, you and I can peacefully co-exist all as photographers doing our own thing and some people will prefer your work, some Mr Heaton's , some Mr Popsys's - hey some might even prefer mine - Yipee! (Well you never know) but we are all complementary more than anything else. I bid you and yours a Happy and Healthy 2025. Cheerio from Blighty.
@MiscellanyTop I fear it is you that has created "this crazy artificial dichotomy". My intention was to encourage us all to be a little more discerning about what it is we are all inclined to swallow on UTube. There are a few well informed, inclusive contributors on UTube who make an effort to genuinely engage with their subscribers. But any sniff of critique on most channels is very soon shut down to the extent that these very same channels are now free to eulogise at will. Most, if not all the points you make, are generalised. I'm not sure what specifically it is you're saying. I was quite simply stating that we, as viewers, should challenge more often the content we are being expected to consume. And judging from your lengthy, and, may I say, rather superficial response, there seems little evidence of that forthcoming. You don't say much about your own photography. I was a little disappointed! Send me an email address and I'll gladly forward a sample of my own work. Meanwhile, best wishes for the New Year. Hasta la vista from Blighty too.
@@danielrao3120 NB I have channels I think especially good and would recommend. Hello and thank you for your interesting reply. More discerning? Well, I don't know about you but I am subscribed to hundreds of YT channels (No, prima facie, that's not discerning I'll grant you!) Point is, I really don't have time to be discerning about content on each channel. If I see a good vid, I may well subscribe to that channel. However, when I see a poor one (misleading or your charge of arrogant) it's one strike; do it again and I cancel my subscription - in my Crimble Cull, I actually cancelled dozens. This is actually an inefficient method but I have, for years, struggled with how to manage YT Channels - YT changed the management tools years ago and my efforts have never really recovered; I've tried external management tools but none really works. Thus, this ramble is just trying to explain my intolerance toward poor channels - I cannot afford not to be. Today I have subs to 900+ channels and cannot possibly monitor all (or any) - it's just sub or drop. (NB only a minority are photo channels but they do comprise the largest category). So I really don't care if channels cannot abide criticism perhaps? I am only interested if they offer interesting material to me - I may have a different perspective to other channel-consumers. Unsure what you mean by genuine engagement. Sure, hosts can ask for comments (even respond to them!); they can run competitions; they can try to act on points, etc. But I'm not interested in any of that. On photo channels, I simply want to see photographs and how they are made (and why). I think is one of the best at this, as an example. I would dearly like to watch live-streams and go with the programme but they take so long and my Net connection is so-so, thus I prefer to catch-up later (and skip to parts I want to see). This especially affects and - two of my original photo channels and the two I learnt most from originally. The most wonderful live-steamer is (ICM somewhat akin to JWM Turner's paintings). But, even there, I seldom manage to watch his fabulous live streams - though I would recommend them - he shows the whole post-prod of his ICMs - which can be 1-2 hours per image. Just breath-taking. Just to cover the two most mentioned channels - is a fabulous photographer, with a wealth of excellent work available. He is also brilliant at showing how he goes into the field, fails sometimes; succeeds others but is always looking for new angles (literally and metaphorically) for his photographs. He really takes us with him each time. Sometimes I have become a tad impatient at his camping aspects but even they serve to show his approach to photography. is, perhaps, the most laid-back of all the YT toggers I know. When I first watched his channel (see his original vids) he was compositing surreal photo-realistic images using Adobe PS/LR. These days he has completely shifted to fairly minimal post work but is always seeking the landscape /human interface in his work. I often end up shouting at the screen in disagreement but sometimes his shots are brilliant - and it is all taste anyway. Mr Popsys shows how he achieves him images less than Mr Heaton but he always takes us on his journey into why he selects his compositions. Other honourable mentions: (Inventive); (Quiet and brilliant); (Has to be seen to be believed); (loves regulated compositions); (Pump-up the colours); (Refreshingly quirky); (Solid); (Inspiring); (Disarmingly Honest); and many I completely forget their names but they pop-up in my feed. Quote: "Most, if not all the points you make, are generalised. I'm not sure what specifically it is you're saying." Sorry, to be blunter: I thought you were wrong to (ironically) generally criticise You Tubers who are very often doing an excellent job. To me you cited a dichotomy betwixt paper books and video. In actual fact, they can be seen as complimentary. You also seemed to elevate non-YT toggers above the YT ones when, actually, the YT toggers are some of the very best (Not all, of course). We as viewers do not need to challengers any You Tubers; I, for one, can seldom be bothered (unless it is a favourite channel I think has erred and it is worth the effort). Poor channels, etc? I simply drop the channel. The choice is vast, to me there seems no point in criticising a channel with which one fundamentally disagrees - move on, say I. My own photography? Thanks but I seldom share it (yet). FYI: my keep-rate is very low - say
A book is so hard to put together. Also a zine, but a zine would be easier. A book is very hard to put well together. And there is always something coming up related to the topic so it's very hard to step up and stop adding new photos. Now, I have created a few. One in a platform and it costs lots of money to buy (around 100€) so it doesn't sell. I understand that. It's a shame because I think it's cool. But very expensive due to the platform that sells it. I have done online local printing and got 10 copies of a year of photos. The quality wasn't the best, unfortunately but it works and I gave it as gifts. That took me a lot of time to make. Also to convert into CMKY colours. And when you give a photo book to someone who appreciates photography, it's incredible. Now, I have tried to create newer ones, and I haven't found yet the one company in Spain or within Europe to create them at my personal preferences and at a good price. Would I love to create a new one? Of course. Do I have the money to do it? Nope. Would it sell? Of course not, nobody knows who am I 😅😅 And also about what? There are so many topics to cover, it would be difficult to choose. But yes, buy photo books and magazines. They are incredible. The last one I bought is Alan Schaller's in black and white and I loved it. Yes it costs quite a few money, but brings you joy. I was about to buy one that I never ever expected to think about it from a saga of photographer's from Barcelona shooting FCBarcelona until 2006 or around and since the early 1900s. That book (expensive as it's 60€ but also massive) contains some incredible images. And the work of two lifetimes. I was so so so about to buy it for my father as it shows so many things that happened and he enjoyed in the 1970s. So yes, sometimes photo books are incredible and you'd go buy them. I bought a fellow F1 photographer magazine. It costed me 50€ shipped home. It's a lot of money. Also a lot of work and though and a lot of miles travelled home. And it helped him a bit. That's cool. I was able to spend that money, I got inmense satisfaction and value and ideas/inspiration for my newer events coming up. The more you watch, the more you learn. And sometimes you happen to find old photo books at a bargain price and those are incredible. I found out a 2€ book at Aldi from a very well known photographer (Rainer W Schlegelmilch) and bought one. When arrived home, I drove back and bought the other 6 and gave them away to friends that would enjoy it! Sharing is caring. The other day a mate came home and we were checking around and I found out I had 2 copies of it, so I gave him one. And he was super happy about it. 😊
I do value photo books. I have a select taste. I have Ansel books like most photographers. I've more recently got alister Ben's book out of the darkness. Not much text but the imagery is inspired. I have Nigels luskintyre. It's ok! These are expensive books. I would like to buy local books from unknown photographers but there just aren't any in the 20 bucks bracket. Here in Canada the books are generally 100 to 150 bucks. A single print is almost the same. If you want it signed its more. I sell images at 10 by 8 size. Signed if you want for free. Priced at 10 bucks and printed on good paper. Zero sales in 2 years! I've given away more than 50 as advertising but generated no sales. It seems no one is willing to part with cash for my art. It's not a revenue stream for most photographers it seems. I entered a competition for a charity calendar. They took 4 of my images so I know my work is OK at worst. It's a hard thing to put yourself out there and be shot down. I'm over that now. If it happens that I sell then it happens. Till then I'm still shooting in the forest and under the stars. That's what I'm about.
Amazing message. Looking at pictures in paper it's something different... I have a lot of pictures in my computer, and with time I stop seeing them... with a printed one I always take a look from time to time for years. But I have a question, how can they sell a book so cheap if a print it's so expensive? For example a 70 pages book, cost almost 90€. Subscribe to your channel.
I honestly couldn’t say. I’m a year into this one and I feel like I’m further away from completing it than I was 6 months ago since it keeps changing. I have 2 projects im working on currently but I can’t see either being done by mid next year. Thanks for the sub!
Honourable Lady by Richard James Palmer: www.richardjamespalmer.com/shop/honourableladybook
I make photo books for gifts, Christmas, birthdays and such. Also calendars. I print large enough prints to hang on my wall. I post on social just for storage.
I do this too; maybe I should do it a bit more often
This makes so much sense. We always bang on about buying local and this is just an offshoot of that. Supporting people we can relate to. This has also inspired me to look at producing a zine or photobook of my own work. Cheers, best of luck with the channel.
Absolutely love this! Printing and books are something I wish I appreciated a lot earlier as a photographer. There is something so special about it like you say. They're a great source of inspiration for ourselves but giving someone belief in their own work and showing an interest in their work is so powerful! Great video man!
As someone who has stuck their neck out and released a book in 2024 despite a tiny online presence, the feeling I get whenever anyone picks it up for a flick through, let alone buys one is immensely rewarding. Far more than any like on social media. It’s not as hard to make a book as you think if you’ve got a cohesive collection of images from a project. Thoroughly recommend giving it a go. Great video, thanks for sharing this message!
Send me a link bud I’ll have a look at that book. If it doesn’t let you post it on here. Email me chris@sloanesmedia.com
Mali Davies, Ian Worth.
I also have a few copies of my own 2024 project zine still available!
Did you ever watch Tony and Chelsea Northrup? Loved their books. Chasing Awe by Gavin Hardcastle too. Those aside, good points, never bought a local photographer book. Got one or two of yours 😁
This is so meaningful. I made a few photo books years ago when I was travelling more. I’ll certainly be getting back into the habit. I’ve had the thought in the back of my mind to do a project around the local community. This is completely out of my comfort zone but nevertheless an idea I keep coming back to. This has certainly re-ignited the idea. Having something physical and tangible rather than digital is more and more important. I have books by various photographers that I’ve purchased over the years. Time to blow the dust of those and invest in some new tomes, and I really do feel that having photo books and perusing them and being inspired by them is an investment. I’ll be heading over to get Adam Gibbs’s latest and Gavin Hardcastle’s book. A great Christmas present to myself.
Great vlog, very thought provoking.
I'm down in NZ and the shipping ends up costing more than the book itself unfortunately. I have bought a couple of e-books in the last year though, it's cost effective for the producer and I don't have to worry about where I am going to fit yet another book (I love books).
Roman Fox has a great thing where he sells snapshot e-books from locations he has visited for just a fiver. That's a win-win for both parties I reckon.
Great start with the channel, looking forward to what you bring out next.
There is NOTHING like a photobook. I dont go to exhibitions. I buy photobooks.📷✨📚
Firstly, great video and well spoken. I agree that we should support each other. Us as photographer really understand the effort someone has put into a book. But if we turn this on it's head. Whats to stop photographers with books giving one or two to budding snappers? This maybe just the leg up they need. After all passing on your skills and knowledge is far more rewarding then making money.
Excellent take on this. I 100% agree ! Thanks for sharing.
good luck with your new venture mate , all the best to you and the family
We need to support each other. Sadly some photographers default only to competition wanting to be the one that rises above the herd. These folks stay away from supporting other photographers along with any collaboration fearing doing so will result in loosing their edge.
It's not a photo book like the ones you've mentioned, but it's the one that I appreciate the most. It's from 2015
- Frank Lloyd Wright by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer & Peter Goessel
The runner up is this one:
Apollo remastered by Andy Saunders
Great message. Thanks.
I have pre-ordered Ted Forbes book Visual Speaking. It’s a book that aims to communicate in a visual sense.
Been looking at doing a couple of books for years now but never got around to them, really should look at it next year, doing my travels to Detroit and Chernobyl in one book, food for thought. Have a great Christmas and New Year to all.
Amazing wording in this video
Interesting point. I fully agree.
Hey just stumbled across your channel. Love the message in this video. I personally only started buying books this year. Even from a person on instgram to support what they were doing.
Been wanting to do a book for a while but I don’t always feel the type of things I shoot fit into the book world which seems to be more on the street or artful side. Maybe I’ll finish that next year.
Very good suggestion.
Great sentiment and great challenge!
My recommendations - Isle of Rust by Alex Boyd (Lewis & Harris), and Rupert Vandervell's Fine Art Street Photography (pictures and tips advice).
I was shocked recently when I looked into creating my own photobook and realised just how cheap and accessible it has become in the world of online printing. My commitmment to myself is to make 2025 the year I produce some photobooks of my own work. Just for me, not for sale, but just as a project and purpose.
Really enjoying the new channel. Looking forward to more content.
Yeah it’s super accessible now. I make a photo book every month with my favourite images in. This year was the first year I started it and I’ve not missed a month which is an achievement for me since I’m lazy haha.
I’ve just ordered both of them books!
When you make one let me know I’d love to get a copy of one.
@JustSloanes will do - this years Outer Hebrides trip will be the first. Used your book and it was very handy.
Great video and I agree with what you are saying. I've got a number of books, not sure if they're still available but a Google might help.
Willow Studies by Damien Ward handbound, the book binding is a work of art. The images have a Japanese quality to them.
Sept by Roman Dejon a rich study in light and shadow. The images are just full of mystery and emotion.
Land, Sea and Sky by Beka Globe. I got this a few years ago whilst on the Isle of Harris. I wanted to support a local artist and with it been after lockdown it seemed a great way to help, just a little. Love the personal take on an island chain that is photographed so much.
Awesome video, thank you.
Roll by Theo Gosselin is my favourite so far out of many photography books I own.
I have just recently been looking at investing more in photography books, would be great to get some recommendations from thise in the comments 👍
THE BEST book ANY and ALL photographers should pick up is Film is Not Dead by Jonathan Canlas. I picked it up when it was hot off the press more than ten years ago and it severely changed my outlook in photography for the better to this day.
Your enthusiasm certainly reaches out to me and your argument clearly makes some good points. Thomas Heaton, James Popsy, Ian Worth, and the list goes on. OK photographers in my view. They are also "influencers" forever pushing their wares in the hope of gaining more and more "likes" and "subscribers". Without exception they are driven by making more money. By all means, support a photographer you like. Whether your support is reciprocated is highly unlikely! By all means we should encourage ourselves to invest in books we like, and for whatever reason we choose. My fundamental point is that Utubers should be seen for what they are, and we, as photographers, should be far more discerning. In short, I agree with you but only generally speaking.
Hello; I felt I had to chip-in here. Firstly, Mrs Heaton, Mr Popsys, etc are photographers who, instead of majoring (these days) on commercial-contracts have, instead chosen to establish (excellent) You Tube channels. All creators need to eat and feed their family - Mozart toured the European courts, penning music for the rich and famous. Today, he might have opted for a You Tube channel, who knows?
It seems absurd to condemn people - creatives, especially, for opting to exploit one particular revenue-stream over another, providing such streams are legitimate. Moreover, these people are just what this country needs far more of - viz entrepreneurs with small businesses, living off their wits. Remember, also, every print, book or calendar sent abroad is another UK export - and that benefits us all. Anyway, do you not need money to live? If, say, you are a hospital doctor, does taking a wage mean you are a lesser doctor?
Next, because photographers work on You Tube does not - in any way - mean they are lesser photographers. They may be good, mediocre , poor or even brilliant but working on You Tube does not dictate their quality. Indeed, as it is so competitive on You Tube, such people must be good at both photography and "broadcasting" because, if they are poor at either / both, they will not have watchers / subscribers / advertisers / sales, etc.
These photographers are putting their work out-there for us all to enjoy / critique / love / hate - and, most importantly, learn from. They explain how (and why) they took the shots and show them on our screens.
I do have photo-books (quite a few) but my house is heaving under about 2,300 books of all sorts and, unless very important to me, I may buy no more (well, I always say that). But, you know what? to take your examples, both Mr Heaton and Mr Popsys both sell their own photo-books, too.
Next is the public-service aspect of such You Tubers. I have learnt much over the last eighteen years of watching toggers on YT. I haven't paid for any of it directly. Big win for me, I'd call that. (Yes, I have seen some poor adverts and put-up with sponsors' messages - and I have bought instructional books from Tony & Chelsea - but that was my choice).
Finally, I think your last point is utterly disingenuous... "My fundamental point is that Utubers should be seen for what they are, and we, as photographers, should be far more discerning." All you have done is say you are a photographer and the likes of Heaton, Popsys, etc are not. Unless you are a You-Tuber yourself (or Joe Cornish) I would expect Heaton and Popsys have out-sold their photographs many times, compared with you and I. Perhaps they are the real photographers, rather than you and I? Or maybe, just maybe, this crazy artificial dichotomy masks the fact that anyone taking photographs is a photographer and it is then up to the individual photographer how they present their work to the world, should they wish to at all.
Anyway, that is my strong disagreement with you. But my hope is that Mr Heaton, Mr Popsys, you and I can peacefully co-exist all as photographers doing our own thing and some people will prefer your work, some Mr Heaton's , some Mr Popsys's - hey some might even prefer mine - Yipee! (Well you never know) but we are all complementary more than anything else.
I bid you and yours a Happy and Healthy 2025. Cheerio from Blighty.
@MiscellanyTop I fear it is you that has created "this crazy artificial dichotomy". My intention was to encourage us all to be a little more discerning about what it is we are all inclined to swallow on UTube. There are a few well informed, inclusive contributors on UTube who make an effort to genuinely engage with their subscribers. But any sniff of critique on most channels is very soon shut down to the extent that these very same channels are now free to eulogise at will.
Most, if not all the points you make, are generalised. I'm not sure what specifically it is you're saying.
I was quite simply stating that we, as viewers, should challenge more often the content we are being expected to consume. And judging from your lengthy, and, may I say, rather superficial response, there seems little evidence of that forthcoming.
You don't say much about your own photography. I was a little disappointed! Send me an email address and I'll gladly forward a sample of my own work.
Meanwhile, best wishes for the New Year. Hasta la vista from Blighty too.
NB I have channels I think especially good and would recommend.
Hello and thank you for your interesting reply. More discerning? Well, I don't know about you but I am subscribed to hundreds of YT channels (No, prima facie, that's not discerning I'll grant you!) Point is, I really don't have time to be discerning about content on each channel. If I see a good vid, I may well subscribe to that channel. However, when I see a poor one (misleading or your charge of arrogant) it's one strike; do it again and I cancel my subscription - in my Crimble Cull, I actually cancelled dozens.
This is actually an inefficient method but I have, for years, struggled with how to manage YT Channels - YT changed the management tools years ago and my efforts have never really recovered; I've tried external management tools but none really works. Thus, this ramble is just trying to explain my intolerance toward poor channels - I cannot afford not to be. Today I have subs to 900+ channels and cannot possibly monitor all (or any) - it's just sub or drop. (NB only a minority are photo channels but they do comprise the largest category).
So I really don't care if channels cannot abide criticism perhaps? I am only interested if they offer interesting material to me - I may have a different perspective to other channel-consumers.
Unsure what you mean by genuine engagement. Sure, hosts can ask for comments (even respond to them!); they can run competitions; they can try to act on points, etc. But I'm not interested in any of that. On photo channels, I simply want to see photographs and how they are made (and why). I think is one of the best at this, as an example.
I would dearly like to watch live-streams and go with the programme but they take so long and my Net connection is so-so, thus I prefer to catch-up later (and skip to parts I want to see). This especially affects and - two of my original photo channels and the two I learnt most from originally. The most wonderful live-steamer is (ICM somewhat akin to JWM Turner's paintings). But, even there, I seldom manage to watch his fabulous live streams - though I would recommend them - he shows the whole post-prod of his ICMs - which can be 1-2 hours per image. Just breath-taking.
Just to cover the two most mentioned channels - is a fabulous photographer, with a wealth of excellent work available. He is also brilliant at showing how he goes into the field, fails sometimes; succeeds others but is always looking for new angles (literally and metaphorically) for his photographs. He really takes us with him each time. Sometimes I have become a tad impatient at his camping aspects but even they serve to show his approach to photography.
is, perhaps, the most laid-back of all the YT toggers I know. When I first watched his channel (see his original vids) he was compositing surreal photo-realistic images using Adobe PS/LR. These days he has completely shifted to fairly minimal post work but is always seeking the landscape /human interface in his work. I often end up shouting at the screen in disagreement but sometimes his shots are brilliant - and it is all taste anyway. Mr Popsys shows how he achieves him images less than Mr Heaton but he always takes us on his journey into why he selects his compositions.
Other honourable mentions: (Inventive); (Quiet and brilliant); (Has to be seen to be believed); (loves regulated compositions); (Pump-up the colours); (Refreshingly quirky); (Solid); (Inspiring); (Disarmingly Honest); and many I completely forget their names but they pop-up in my feed.
Quote: "Most, if not all the points you make, are generalised. I'm not sure what specifically it is you're saying."
Sorry, to be blunter: I thought you were wrong to (ironically) generally criticise You Tubers who are very often doing an excellent job. To me you cited a dichotomy betwixt paper books and video. In actual fact, they can be seen as complimentary. You also seemed to elevate non-YT toggers above the YT ones when, actually, the YT toggers are some of the very best (Not all, of course).
We as viewers do not need to challengers any You Tubers; I, for one, can seldom be bothered (unless it is a favourite channel I think has erred and it is worth the effort). Poor channels, etc? I simply drop the channel. The choice is vast, to me there seems no point in criticising a channel with which one fundamentally disagrees - move on, say I.
My own photography? Thanks but I seldom share it (yet). FYI: my keep-rate is very low - say
I bought yours 👍
A book is so hard to put together. Also a zine, but a zine would be easier. A book is very hard to put well together.
And there is always something coming up related to the topic so it's very hard to step up and stop adding new photos.
Now, I have created a few. One in a platform and it costs lots of money to buy (around 100€) so it doesn't sell. I understand that. It's a shame because I think it's cool. But very expensive due to the platform that sells it.
I have done online local printing and got 10 copies of a year of photos. The quality wasn't the best, unfortunately but it works and I gave it as gifts. That took me a lot of time to make. Also to convert into CMKY colours. And when you give a photo book to someone who appreciates photography, it's incredible.
Now, I have tried to create newer ones, and I haven't found yet the one company in Spain or within Europe to create them at my personal preferences and at a good price.
Would I love to create a new one? Of course. Do I have the money to do it? Nope. Would it sell? Of course not, nobody knows who am I 😅😅
And also about what? There are so many topics to cover, it would be difficult to choose.
But yes, buy photo books and magazines. They are incredible. The last one I bought is Alan Schaller's in black and white and I loved it. Yes it costs quite a few money, but brings you joy. I was about to buy one that I never ever expected to think about it from a saga of photographer's from Barcelona shooting FCBarcelona until 2006 or around and since the early 1900s. That book (expensive as it's 60€ but also massive) contains some incredible images. And the work of two lifetimes. I was so so so about to buy it for my father as it shows so many things that happened and he enjoyed in the 1970s.
So yes, sometimes photo books are incredible and you'd go buy them. I bought a fellow F1 photographer magazine. It costed me 50€ shipped home. It's a lot of money. Also a lot of work and though and a lot of miles travelled home. And it helped him a bit. That's cool. I was able to spend that money, I got inmense satisfaction and value and ideas/inspiration for my newer events coming up.
The more you watch, the more you learn. And sometimes you happen to find old photo books at a bargain price and those are incredible.
I found out a 2€ book at Aldi from a very well known photographer (Rainer W Schlegelmilch) and bought one. When arrived home, I drove back and bought the other 6 and gave them away to friends that would enjoy it! Sharing is caring.
The other day a mate came home and we were checking around and I found out I had 2 copies of it, so I gave him one. And he was super happy about it. 😊
I do value photo books. I have a select taste. I have Ansel books like most photographers. I've more recently got alister Ben's book out of the darkness. Not much text but the imagery is inspired. I have Nigels luskintyre. It's ok! These are expensive books. I would like to buy local books from unknown photographers but there just aren't any in the 20 bucks bracket. Here in Canada the books are generally 100 to 150 bucks. A single print is almost the same. If you want it signed its more. I sell images at 10 by 8 size. Signed if you want for free. Priced at 10 bucks and printed on good paper. Zero sales in 2 years! I've given away more than 50 as advertising but generated no sales. It seems no one is willing to part with cash for my art. It's not a revenue stream for most photographers it seems. I entered a competition for a charity calendar. They took 4 of my images so I know my work is OK at worst. It's a hard thing to put yourself out there and be shot down. I'm over that now. If it happens that I sell then it happens. Till then I'm still shooting in the forest and under the stars. That's what I'm about.
Amazing message. Looking at pictures in paper it's something different... I have a lot of pictures in my computer, and with time I stop seeing them... with a printed one I always take a look from time to time for years. But I have a question, how can they sell a book so cheap if a print it's so expensive? For example a 70 pages book, cost almost 90€. Subscribe to your channel.
I got really annoyed when Apple stopped doing them
When will your book come out? That would be a decent project! New subscriber here. See you soon!
I honestly couldn’t say. I’m a year into this one and I feel like I’m further away from completing it than I was 6 months ago since it keeps changing. I have 2 projects im working on currently but I can’t see either being done by mid next year.
Thanks for the sub!
@@JustSloanes Happy Holidays!