I'm all about #5..."No one is guaranteed tomorrow." So, I've made offers on 3 RV's in the last 8 weeks. I got beat out buy someone paying full price each time. I was going to look at an RV a few hours away at a small local dealer and he told me about another coach he just got in. It still had to be prepped and then listed for sale online, but if I was interested I could check it out. Well lo and behold, it was the exact model I was looking for! I worked a deal with him 2 days ago! I had it inspected yesterday. A few minor things needed to be fixed or replaced, and the dealer is gonna handle it. Monday, the fluid analysis comes back from the lab. If it all checks out, I'll take delivery next week, probably Tuesday or Wednesday! After almost 3 years of research, and literally hundreds upon hundreds of hours on RUclips......the dream is almost reality. Then I sell my home, and get on the road. Getting excited!
@@kathleenestes3559 Thank you! It's an Itasca Navion 24K. I really like that floor plan, and they didn't make many of them so they are difficult to find.
When you started talking about memories, I completely agree with you. My daughter (who is now 21 and stationed in Germany) has thanked me more times than I can count, for the camping we did at Ft Wilderness in Disney World. We went 7-10 times a year and for 2 weeks every Xmas thru the New Year. The memories are something we will have forever. Yes, camping at Disney is expensive BUT it’s much, much less than staying at the Grand Floridian at $800. a night!!! I now camp by myself and absolutely love it. Very relaxing!!
Some of my best childhood memories are from staying in the pop up at state parks. One of my best memories from this year is when I drove from Michigan to Georgia for a two day paintball game. A lifelong friend let me borrow his 23 foot camper for the trip.
If u have tons of money, and your ok with paying 15 to 20% more than you would have 6 months ago, have at it! If you can wait like a yeat you might pick one up much cheaper. We might disagree, but this channel is great overall!
Izzy and MJ I’m so glad you posted this video! Everything you said in the first video about being the wrong time to buy was correct but everything you said in this video is also correct. Sometimes it’s not just about the price or the deal... sometimes it about the priceless things! Love this video and can’t wait to meet you guys in person when you come to see Super C’s! See you soon - Jim
You guys are really awesome! Thank you! We haven’t RV’d yet, but spent our lives working together to the point where we can. We are a minute away from full time RVing. I’m a full time student of what our next 20 years is going to be. You guys are great teachers, so thank you for doing what you’re doing...
Thanks for the video. We have RVd for 3 years and wanted to upgrade. Your previous video and many other blogs suggested we wait. We did a lot of research and decided on what we wanted. Over the last few months we have talked to RVers and dealers and found some that were willing to deal. When our model came in, one dealer contacted us and we made a deal. We know we could have saved more if we waited but we now have exactly what we want and got almost 30% off list. We would never pay full list price. We love rving and feel safe doing it. Life is short and you can’t predict the future. Thanks for looking at both sides of the issue. RV ON!
I'm so glad you made this video! I also watched the why not to buy. I just ordered my first rv ever. This is completely new to me. I started small with an r pod which is small enough to tow with my SUV. I love number five. I became a widow at age 43 and my husband was only 49. Rving is something we never discuss or considered. My life has had some drastic changes in the last two years and I feel like RV life will be my chapter two. You are absolutely correct we never know when our time is up and the time to live is now. If I love rv life as much as I think I will, I hope to full-time RV in a few years. I work remotely so I think it's totally doable. I really enjoy your videos. Thank you for all the information you put out there. It has been most helpful!
Glad you came back with this one. Yes. I’m one that said tomorrow is never promised. We did buy. It’s our first. It’s our dream. Was already searching when the pandemic started. Have we had issues. Yes. Are they fixed now. But in the the process. We have gone out of state. Shared time with our whole family. And I have had it for local de-stressing also. Would we change buying and wait if we had it to do over ? No way. But we may not but the brand and dealer we went with. Y’all have a blessed weekend. Much love to ya
We used to have a toy hauler many years ago. We loved the memories made going to Pismo Beach every Thanksgiving and hanging out with our friends. We had planned to move from California to Virgina (leaving this Tuesday morning) next year as our daughter had our first grandchild. Well because of Covid we decided that we should move this year since as you said "no one is guaranteed tomorrow." We decided to drive as we have four dogs and didn't want to fly. We purchased an Entegra Accolade and are getting our dogs acclimated to the RV. Last night was our first night sleeping in the RV with all the dogs and it went well!
Outstanding video. I do believe that now is a great time to buy. We are not in the market.. but know that our local RV dealers are picked clean! And the campgrounds show it. Thanks for the video!
Viewed your previous video "Whis this is the worst time to buy an RV" and now this. I still agree with the previous one, but your statement "Tomorrow is not guaranteed to us". Right now my husband is doing his "research" for what would work best for us. I don't see us purchasing on til spring. Your tips are invaluable!!! Thanks for sharing them.
I like this video much more than the reasons why not to buy. I started camping 50 years ago. We sold our pop up 25 years ago and have missed that special connection with other campers and are going back. We sold our vacation homes (including our 5 bedroom, 4 full bath lakehouse with 3 fireplaces) because we just didn't want to go to one place. We are having our RV built with solar. It's time to get back to enjoying the camping community while we still have time left. And my two kids who camped with us since birth will be joining us. My son is also having an RV built and our first camping trip together will be traveling to Indiana to pick up our RVs. Now it's time for the grandchildren to have a lifetime of camping memories.
Yep, we were out there too and had a blast this summer. Enjoyed every minute. So glad you did too- best way to vacation during a pandemic! Thanks for watching. - MJ
We have been looking at getting an RV for at least 2 years. Was finally getting to the point of pinpointing a specific model to look at when all this pandemic crap hit and sucked the inventory dry locally. We are still looking at getting one "soon". Also waiting might have been in our favor as the brand we are looking at (Grand Design Transcend Xplor) now comes with 12v compressor fridges and solar panels as standard! That was the one thing I hated about 99% of RV's, the gas/electric fridges. So that is a bonus!
YOU hit all the reasons I am moving from a 25'C to a 35' A.The most of living in NJ is high and for what I am paying in property taxes I can winter in FL and summer at the Jersey shore and looking ahead, maybe keeping house, maybe not taking a couple of years to make up my mind. Always ready to Big out, full tank of gas, propane and basic load of clothing, just add food and go
Thanks for the information, I have seen a few of your videos and all of them have good information in them. I was very close before covid hit becoming and recreational RVer. I am 63 not retired yet but have lots of vacation time to use each year. I am interested in a 32 foot Class C but I will wait until the time is right because everyone is over pricing all RV's right now because people will buy them. I have seen some several years old that are priced higher than what they were new. Keep up the great information videos thanks!
Today was our first day as full-timers! We had wanted to do this 4 years ago but instead built in a suburban neighborhood and while it was fine for that season of life, we’re ready to try this for real. We’ll only be able to travel around seasonally due to husbands job but we’ll be living full time in our toy hauler. Bought used and got exactly the floor plan we were hoping for!
We are coming up on retirement and still young enough to do things we enjoy doing. We’ve been planning to buy our RV for a few years and after researching , we about to pull the trigger to rv full time. So excited. Thanks for your informative videos!
We just bought a 2021 Lance last week. Had a great experience and got it well below list. We are in the category of almost waited too long so we are ready to start now. We pick it up next week. Fun channel!
Many of these reasons are the ones my husband and I have in mind as we go shopping tomorrow for a travel trailer. I watched the “reasons not to...” video before, but for us, the reasons to buy now outweigh the reasons to wait. It’s different for everyone. Thanks for your videos, they’re good food for thought!
Thanks for sharing. I think if your going to buy a RV buy older one, make sure to have it inspected. Before all the Covid started we purchased a 92 Lazy Daze, its older but goody. But we bought it knowing it needed work. Unlike many of the new ones right now.
Well, good time for me. 3 years ago bought a Airstream Basecamp, family is now larger so need to sell and get something larger. Had it on RV trader for one week and sold it for basically what I bought it for! Found something in Wyoming, bought it and heading there in two weeks to pick up. I'm a bit nervous but the deal was too good to pass up, considering the cherokee alpha wolf 26dbh-l is hard to find under 30k, got it for 29k and they threw in a cargo rack and backup camera to sweetened the deal. I live in vegas so ready for the adventure and a new chapter for my growing family! Cool channel, you two have great insight, thank you!
Nice back-peddle. I was all set to buy this fall thinking the market would be good, but I listened to you. I am holding off on getting a tow vehicle after talking with a trustworthy dealer, so i may as well wait for the travel trailer as well, which will give me time to figure out where I will store it. I am retired and just had knee surgery. Covid-19 and grandchildren in remote schooling has changed life. I had previously hoped to be on the road and in the Southwest this winter, but I can spend another winter here to fine tune my plans.
No back pedaling. We made it very clear in this video that we still didn't think it was a great time to buy, but if people are experiencing the situations we described in this video, it may be a good time for them. Everyone has to do what is best for them since everyone's situation is very different. Thus the point of this video. :) Hope your knee heals quickly and you can get out there and start enjoying. Best of luck to you. 😃 - MJ
The RV bug hit me a couple of years ago for no apparent reason. Why haven’t I jumped on the bandwagon - fear. I know nothing about RVing and I am afraid once on the road I will not know how to manage my resources (water, electricity, solar power). Fear of choosing the wrong RV. I have been from Class A to T@b320. Now I am considering a class C. I know I will make jump someday and step out in faith, not fear. Love your honesty
We just bought a 2020 Lance TT and got a great deal on it. The fit and finish on the Lance is worth the extra money. The design is so efficient that our new 22 foot stores more than our old 29 ft trailer.
I love the different perspectives you guys share! My wife and I recently bought a 2013 Thor Challenger 37DT with 7600 miles and we LOVE it. What's ironic about it is we were scheduled to rent a class A; however, we visited a lot and ended up purchasing one before we started the rental. We picked ours up the day we returned the rental. It was something we wanted to do and the opportunity was right! Our 35th wedding anniversary was approaching and we would have traveled abroad, HOWEVER, that was not an option. To one of your points, the motorhome is a viable option and we have no regrets! Much to my surprise, it was much easier to drive than I had anticipated--I got worked up for nothing! Thanks to RUclips, I learned a lot of dos and don'ts. Well, except for the first time I took it out and forgot about the low tree branches. My wife said, What is that? Ughhhhhhhh....! Keep doing what you are and stay safe!!
Great Video Guys,You’re spot on,life is to short ! I had a stroke in 2008 and I am fine,but it got us thinking and now we travel as much as we can !! I say if it’s what you want then Go For It. Thanks Guys Great Tips !!
It's a great time to buy an RV if the person your buying from bought a bigger motorhome and is selling a 2019 with 9,500 miles. Also was able to sell my Lance in two days, the wait for a new one is 4-5 months. Thanks for sharing your thoughts as always.
Yes, we are buying an RV. However, we had to order one because none were available. We hope our RV will finally be here in the next couple of weeks. Thanks for the update!
We are picking up our first RV this Thursday. It was a 2020 leftover and we actually feel we got a good deal. With Covid we are now working from home and figure we might as well work from the RV and travel to all the places we wanted to visit “someday”. We have a lot to learn, but we’re looking forward to it all!
I appreciate you looking at the pros and cons of getting an RV in the two separate videos. We are moving out west by the end of the year and we have to buy either an RV or trailer. We're leaning towards a trailer because it should require less maintenance if something goes wrong and it's in our price point. Sadly it's a tough decision to make. We really wanted an RV so the kids would be more comfortable but the prices are insane!
I am holding off buying a class b RV. However I am always actively looking to see what prices and upgrades are. Maybe in 2021. It’s between 2 models. Thanks for this great info.
My wife and I are having fun doing research. Looking at our choices. Haven't decided in Class C or 20 plus footer? The idea is once the world opens up again visit factories and trade shows. Thank you for all your great information.
Just traveled from Texas to Montana to buy the RV of my choice. Hey got to see Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore in the process....so yes it was worth the drive. Lots of nice people out there RVing around the country we just need to get out and meet them.
We are wanting to start our RVing adventure in about a year from now. I browse RV trader once a week or so just to see what's out there. I'm not ready yet, but if a good deal came along, I might have to jump at it.
I've been wanting to get into RV'ing for over 20 years. Yes, I'm sure I paid more for my rig, but, the time is now. I just turned 50 and "Tomorrow is NOT guaranteed" so now is the right time. I'm also learned through this "pandemic" that apparently the Gov't can also control when and if I can vacation. Meaning, we had 3 trips cancelled this year, but domestic and foreign. Well, you can't cancel my RV vacation. We are empty nesters now, and have the capabilities to work remotely, so now is the perfect time to begin our RV adventures.
Great vid! 'To buy or not to buy? - that is the question'. I'm SO leaning towards the former as I am an outdoors person and total nature lover. Should be retiring in the near future, and so I have begun doing research and homework. My journey's just beginning and I'm learning so much! Starting small and leaning towards a Casita - I don't mind the small space! (Any thoughts?) Your vids are amazing, please keep it up! Great quality advice and all makes sense. Happy trails y'all!
As much as I enjoy your videos, this is not the time to buy a RV. As you said, there was an explosion in both buyers and price, But there’s also many who have expressed through social media that it’s not for them. Wait and see in the spring how many almost new RV’s are for sale at bargain prices. I’m betting there will be considerably more than usual. The 1 thing I would definitely agree with is #5.
3 points: 1- Buy a used RV or rehabbed bus or THOW that is quite road worthy -- IOW, something that is just like home. I bought a Shuttle Bus - that was immediately previously a child daycare bus and a company party bus that traveled between SLC and Las Vegas for company party trips before that. I invested a LOT (more than the bus is worth) into making it 100% off-grid capable (no regrets!!!). After reading all the problems people have with RV dealers and repair shops, I am SO glad I went the "custom-build" route. 2- COVID reasons: If you buy an RV, make sure you get one that can be 100% off-grid and get there. COVID has brought out ALL the newbie camping individuals that will camp right on top of you (because they don't know any better?) Unless you get good at boondocking WAY away from everyone, expect to have "neighbors" on top of you that you didn't ask to camp with - NOT fun! I keep saying I am going to create a video series of those I have videotaped (because that is what I do when others choose to camp in my camp space uninvited) titling it "don't be that rude boondocker". 3- We took off to full-time RV (for 10 months) and left our "inner city" condo to the security guards. June 1st, our neighborhood 7-11 store owned by a friend was burned to the ground, also burning our attached walkway, plants, and steel-gated fence to rioting and looters, not to mention 4 police officers shot 600' from my place and another murdered a few miles away. Now this kind of "rowdy activist" activity is something that happens EVERY week and police chases hoards of kids around downtown telling them to "GO HOME". It is time to sell and get out of the city. THAT is a good reason to buy an RV - or in my case a bus. Shopping for a more rural environment now to camp full time and looking for a rural tiny home park when traveling around is not optimal.
Pretty good video. I watched the companion video where you said it was the worse time. Maybe, as you have come to realize here, it can be both! Worst time in terms of price, selection, etc. best in terms of affording people the opportunity to get out with their families and enjoy life all during a pandemic.
I retired this year and did by a new motorhome to travel. Now I did buy it April, were I do feel I saved for few extra thousands because of covid-19. You still have to shop for the right one for you and do your home work....
I'm in RV sales for a private owned dealership and it has been a great year, however we are already see pricing increases for new delivery, and there is a parts shortage so some units are lesser equipped than they was before. Lots of preorders being done as well. If you find what you are looking for now you will be better off now than later even months later. Down side many popular floor plans are just not available and may not be for a good while. Private own dealership will take better care of you after the sale as well because they can't afford negative reviews like big box corporate ones.
I'm at the verge of buying one but still a little skeptic about the increased production and consequently - issues arising from it. It's important to find a reputable dealer that has a great service record and perhaps ease your worries. However, even if prices have gone up they will definitely not be going down next year or years after. A lot is uncertain in this pandemic but at the end of the day I think it's really about building life-long memories as noted in some of the comments noted below no matter what time and when you decide to RV.
One thing some of the dealers are noticing that because of the backlog the workers in the factories are spending a lot more time on each individual RV and the quality is actually better not worse than as expected
The wife and I bought an rv when the covid was first getting started. And the dealer we went to gave us an amazing deal. I'm guessing they wanted to get rid of inventory before things got really bad.
Great video as always! Eight months from retirement and hoping to RV about 50 percent of the time. Do you know will the big RV dealerships currently allow you to check out their inventory as you could pre COVID-19? Virtual video's are helpful but really prefer being able to see the units in person. Thanks for your great video's and information you provide!
Hey John! I think at this point, most dealerships are open and ready for business and if they're not, I wouldn't purchase anything without seeing it first. Thanks for the kind words and for being here! - MJ
I need to sell a fifth wheel and buy a van and just starting my research. Thank you so very much for your videos, you are a Godsend. Please keep posting ❤️
No. 6 Because prices are at a premium and old campers are hitting the market. You might find a rare classic RV that would otherwise be sitting in a old garage. Oldies but goodies galore!!!
Another reason is here in the northern climates temperatures are getting cooler. Most people won't be looking too heavily for an RV. I expect when it gets closer to spring there will be quite a few used only one season RVs up for sale. I have already seen a major increase of tents and other camping gear for sale this year. It is mostly the stuff you find at big box retailers. I suspect people went out and bought camping gear over the summer because their original plans were cancelled due to all the restrictions from the virus. They either decided camping wasn't for them or they just don't want to store it.
Even though I got whiplash from the about face, I agree with this video. Your last video was more about the financial and quality issues which I agree may be compromised due to Covid and increased RV demand. The opportunity to remove yourself from the daily Covid grind and either plan or go on vacations cannot be monitized. Just the buying process itself is an enjoyable distraction. I have friends who have not taken a vacation or time off since Covid started and they are suffering. Our RV has been an oasis from the daily grind.
We got a custom rig and believe me whether we bought it 5 years ago today or in 2 years the price Is the price there's hardly any wiggle Room because the rig is so expensive and high quality, Now I would think in my opinion if you're getting a more common rig type or a common style that they have on the lot like cookie cutter rigs 150k or less then yeah you're probably best to wait.
Yep, James, if you're dropping $$$$ on a high end motorhome, you're right, not much haggling. It really does depend on what you're looking to purchase. Thanks for bringing up that good point. 👍
Good job , But I still agree with the first Video, this is not the right time to buy, based in the Demand being through the roof. I am planning to attend the Tampa 2021 RV show to help me narrow my choice, But , I also have my eye on few new models and they have peaked my interest. Stay safe!
I just purchased 2.5 acre property in Florida which is in flood zone A , about 200 yards in from the Suwanee River and plan on purchasing a travel trailer for several reasons. The obvious reason is that I want to be able to escape a flood warning on the drop of a hat. Second id that I cannot afford to buy a Class B which I am licensed for with a class B commercial License if that's how the RV classes work. Third is that the property has 2 RV hookups on site. I have enjoyed tent camping for many years and I feel I'm up for the living in an RV life. I'm very handy and will be living alone.(male 63 yrs old) I currently live in Central Jersey and am fed up with the state government. Because of September's Don't Buy Report I will hold out until the market reverses. Any tips in advanced would be greatly appreciated ESPECIALLY in reference to purchasing RV/Live in Insurance. TY TY TY, MC
If you feel the time is right, then go for it! We feel your pain about NJ and look forward to getting out of here in about 4.5 years. Good luck to you! - MJ
Financial security is very important right now. Rv's depreciate a lot. With the economy the way it is with Covid hopefully people won't make a hasty decision and lose money in the longrun. We have an rv and it does take a lot of money for repairs that will be needed. Some people think the quality will be the same as a car. Quality is not the best in rvs. Repairs take forever. We've waited a month for air conditioner repair which was on warranty. Couldn't use it this summer because of the hot weather. Very frustrating. So a difficult decision. I liked your video on waiting. I agree that after a few years people will be selling the rvs they are buying now in rash decision making. We're waiting for that time to trade ours in for a bigger rv. Liked both videos though.
Work is taking us to Albany New York in the early spring for 3 years. Selling our house here in Virginia for a good profit. Can’t seem to find any locations for our rv in the Albany area that’s open year round. Really don’t want to rent a house or buy. Suggestions are welcome. New to your channel and learning so much.
I had 2 new class A rvs. Sold them both. Now I buy real estate including a secluded farm am making not losing on my investments. RV's suck. But I like you two.😁
Great information. Personally, I'm going to wait a couple of years before I pull the trigger ( the against video really made me think). But when I do, I would love to say hello to you guys over some bagels. Be well and stay safe.
Our goal was for everyone to look at ALL the sides of this and do what is really best for them. Would love to have some bagels one day with you. Thanks Dave! - MJ
My mom and dad were waiting to retire and they were going to get an RV and travel. My dad passed away in June so they will never get that time. My mom and I are going to look at RV’s today. We still have busy lives but she still really wants to travel, just going to start slowly.
We are holding off purchasing an RV (motorhome). Praying that this virus thing comes to an end this year 2021 and then we will watch the prices plummet ! It will be the same with homes.
Actually i think people should wait for a little bit if they can because the explosion of RV sales will first die off of course but when alot of those people realize that they dont want the responsibilty of a RV, maintenence, cost of campgrounds and the glamor wears off and they want to go back to a sticks and bricks there will be a flood of cheap slightly used units of all kinds. It will be a buyers market
That's exactly what we said in the video before this one which we referred to, but for some, it may be the right time for them. Everyone is at a different situation. Thanks Nertz. :) - MJ
I’m holding off on buying. Do not want to over spend due to RV shortage. The RVs that we really like “Thor Axis/Vegas” are very difficult to find so we will be patient and wait for the market to change
Hey guys, we are new subs to your channel. Great information, some of our favorite adventures have been traveling around the US. We currently have a 97 Eurovan, perfect for a quick get away. If the time is right you will know. Safe travels. P&S
We have to hopefully sell what we have before the Spring when the new Bay Star is scheduled to be built! Meanwhile we have been out the last five weekends enjoying what we have and our family! I had to laugh to see a video on why it is a good time to buy when last week I watched the video on why it was a bad time to buy. It does depend on your situation.
Yep we want to show people everyone is in a different situation and now, it MAY be the right time for some, while not for others. :) Good luck with everything- can't wait to see pics of the new one! - MJ
Just when we thought we had it figured out. This video is our thoughts since we decided to sell our sticks and bricks and hit the road. The previous one about not buying made market and financial sense. Right now manufactures are backed up with back orders of all sorts of models. 😩😵🤔
We are saving up to buy a used RV at the moment. I think once there is a vaccination available, many people that naught rvs will want to unload them. I've seen some really nice 2021's already being returned. In on case it was a Winabego Solas that someone bought and went one trip and hated it, so they returned their 2021 Solas back to the dealership. Hopefully we will be able to buy a used RV when we have the money.
I just stumbled on this video. I thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you. My wife and I are blessed to be both young and retired and we want to see our country and beyond. We are kind of in the market. Doing our research..we recently rented one for a 5 night trip to Lake George NY and stayed at king Philip's campground and it was awesome. We loved it. We rented it from 84RV. We live in Orange County New York so I'm pretty sure you're familiar with 84RV in New Jersey. We realize we're probably going to pay a little more (or a lot more) for the RV but one of my main concerns is that since so many people are buying them and traveling, will the RV parks be filled up where it's going to be hard to find places to stay. What do you think ?
@@EndlessRVing Thank you, we enjoyed that. Number 4 answered my question. But the whole thing was good. Were praying about it and the Lord may provide the right one for us even during this time. We will see..
I understand what you are saying and why you did this second video, but I will wait until the.prices go down and the production is done more carefully.
I was ready to buy one but I work in aviation and with this pandemic, work is not really secure. Therefore, I’m holding off for things to get better. #RV2021
I agreed with every reason for not buying one. Actually, I had said many of them for a while to friends. Specially the quality issue. I figure within the next year or 2, there will be a glut of RVs for sale that were either 1 or 0 times used. I've said there may be more 2021 RVs than any other year but nobody will want to own them. The reason I'm not buying right now is we have specific floor plan we are looking for. Can't find any or if I do, they are too far away. We've decided we are buying as soon as we find the one we want, at a local dealership. I'll just have to be ready to fix the issues. The price is the price. Not only is demand high but because of the "wonderful humans" destroying cities, along with all of the natural disasters, materials will cause prices to rise too. Maybe the prices will stabilize soon, but chances are, they will not go back down to the pre damnpanic...I mean pandemic price.
I believe its worth waiting for the expected excess of RV's hitting the market post Covid-19 panic. Prices will fall and nearly new units will be available. The impending downturn in the economy with businesses closing from lockdown and unemployment rising all contribute to lower prices.
still gonna hold off. but #5 is really the only reason i would buy now. tomorrow is never promised. but i love the tour videos and use them for research lol
I'm 65 years old my wife is 70 . I looking at retirement in maybe three years. I been holding off But I think more about biting the bullet. Its something I always wanted to do Im looking hard at the class A bounder 2021 33 foot gas coach. Watching gasoline prices go up is depressing. But I think we going to.move forward soon. Hoping I can get a good deal seems a lot of these deale=s are crooks. I do like dealing with dealership. We been married 45 years 5 kids now grow. I told my wife its our time now.
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I'm all about #5..."No one is guaranteed tomorrow." So, I've made offers on 3 RV's in the last 8 weeks. I got beat out buy someone paying full price each time. I was going to look at an RV a few hours away at a small local dealer and he told me about another coach he just got in. It still had to be prepped and then listed for sale online, but if I was interested I could check it out. Well lo and behold, it was the exact model I was looking for! I worked a deal with him 2 days ago! I had it inspected yesterday. A few minor things needed to be fixed or replaced, and the dealer is gonna handle it. Monday, the fluid analysis comes back from the lab. If it all checks out, I'll take delivery next week, probably Tuesday or Wednesday! After almost 3 years of research, and literally hundreds upon hundreds of hours on RUclips......the dream is almost reality. Then I sell my home, and get on the road. Getting excited!
Very happy for you Jud. Enjoy it and safe and happy travels! - MJ
@@EndlessRVing Thx MJ.... So far so good, will let you know when it's a done deal! 🤞
Jud Rose congratulations. What make and model?
@@kathleenestes3559 Thank you!
It's an Itasca Navion 24K. I really like that floor plan, and they didn't make many of them so they are difficult to find.
I agree. Somebody once said to me, “You can’t buy time.” That quote always sticks with me.
When you started talking about memories, I completely agree with you. My daughter (who is now 21 and stationed in Germany) has thanked me more times than I can count, for the camping we did at Ft Wilderness in Disney World. We went 7-10 times a year and for 2 weeks every Xmas thru the New Year. The memories are something we will have forever. Yes, camping at Disney is expensive BUT it’s much, much less than staying at the Grand Floridian at $800. a night!!! I now camp by myself and absolutely love it. Very relaxing!!
We LOVE Fort Wilderness and also have wonderful memories from there. Good for you for camping by yourself- love it. Thanks Lori! - MJ
Some of my best childhood memories are from staying in the pop up at state parks. One of my best memories from this year is when I drove from Michigan to Georgia for a two day paintball game. A lifelong friend let me borrow his 23 foot camper for the trip.
If u have tons of money, and your ok with paying 15 to 20% more than you would have 6 months ago, have at it! If you can wait like a yeat you might pick one up much cheaper. We might disagree, but this channel is great overall!
Yep everyone has to do what is right for them in the long run. Thanks Jeffery - appreciate your feedback! - MJ
We just purchased our first RV, 30' Airstream Globetrotter RB. Heading out this weekend for our maiden voyage. So excited!!
Great have a wonderful time! :) - MJ
Have fun don’t forget the coffee! Thank God for every day.
Izzy and MJ I’m so glad you posted this video! Everything you said in the first video about being the wrong time to buy was correct but everything you said in this video is also correct. Sometimes it’s not just about the price or the deal... sometimes it about the priceless things! Love this video and can’t wait to meet you guys in person when you come to see Super C’s! See you soon - Jim
Thanks Jim we look forward to meeting you and learning more about the Renegade.
You guys are really awesome! Thank you! We haven’t RV’d yet, but spent our lives working together to the point where we can. We are a minute away from full time RVing. I’m a full time student of what our next 20 years is going to be. You guys are great teachers, so thank you for doing what you’re doing...
Thank you for the kind words Brady.
Thanks for the video. We have RVd for 3 years and wanted to upgrade. Your previous video and many other blogs suggested we wait. We did a lot of research and decided on what we wanted. Over the last few months we have talked to RVers and dealers and found some that were willing to deal. When our model came in, one dealer contacted us and we made a deal. We know we could have saved more if we waited but we now have exactly what we want and got almost 30% off list. We would never pay full list price. We love rving and feel safe doing it. Life is short and you can’t predict the future. Thanks for looking at both sides of the issue. RV ON!
So glad you found something you liked and it worked out for you. Good luck and enjoy! - MJ
I'm so glad you made this video! I also watched the why not to buy. I just ordered my first rv ever. This is completely new to me. I started small with an r pod which is small enough to tow with my SUV. I love number five. I became a widow at age 43 and my husband was only 49. Rving is something we never discuss or considered. My life has had some drastic changes in the last two years and I feel like RV life will be my chapter two. You are absolutely correct we never know when our time is up and the time to live is now. If I love rv life as much as I think I will, I hope to full-time RV in a few years. I work remotely so I think it's totally doable. I really enjoy your videos. Thank you for all the information you put out there. It has been most helpful!
So sorry about your husband and yes, get out there and live life. Enjoy and we're happy to provide the info! - MJ
Izzy, you hit the nail right on the head, tomorrow is no guarantee, enjoy while you can. I enjoy your videos, thanks much.
Exactly. Have to live in the moment, no matter WHAT you do. Thanks William. 😃 - MJ
Glad you came back with this one. Yes. I’m one that said tomorrow is never promised. We did buy. It’s our first. It’s our dream. Was already searching when the pandemic started. Have we had issues. Yes. Are they fixed now. But in the the process. We have gone out of state. Shared time with our whole family. And I have had it for local de-stressing also. Would we change buying and wait if we had it to do over ? No way. But we may not but the brand and dealer we went with. Y’all have a blessed weekend. Much love to ya
Good for you! Enjoy. :) - MJ
We used to have a toy hauler many years ago. We loved the memories made going to Pismo Beach every Thanksgiving and hanging out with our friends. We had planned to move from California to Virgina (leaving this Tuesday morning) next year as our daughter had our first grandchild. Well because of Covid we decided that we should move this year since as you said "no one is guaranteed tomorrow." We decided to drive as we have four dogs and didn't want to fly. We purchased an Entegra Accolade and are getting our dogs acclimated to the RV. Last night was our first night sleeping in the RV with all the dogs and it went well!
Awesome and very exciting. Best of luck to you! - MJ
Outstanding video. I do believe that now is a great time to buy. We are not in the market.. but know that our local RV dealers are picked clean! And the campgrounds show it. Thanks for the video!
Thanks Jerry! Yes for many people, this may be a good time. ;) - MJ
Viewed your previous video "Whis this is the worst time to buy an RV" and now this. I still agree with the previous one, but your statement "Tomorrow is not guaranteed to us". Right now my husband is doing his "research" for what would work best for us. I don't see us purchasing on til spring. Your tips are invaluable!!! Thanks for sharing them.
Thank you Colleen there are always numerous views on a subject, we try to take all those views into account.
I like this video much more than the reasons why not to buy. I started camping 50 years ago. We sold our pop up 25 years ago and have missed that special connection with other campers and are going back. We sold our vacation homes (including our 5 bedroom, 4 full bath lakehouse with 3 fireplaces) because we just didn't want to go to one place. We are having our RV built with solar. It's time to get back to enjoying the camping community while we still have time left.
And my two kids who camped with us since birth will be joining us. My son is also having an RV built and our first camping trip together will be traveling to Indiana to pick up our RVs. Now it's time for the grandchildren to have a lifetime of camping memories.
Wow that’s a great story Steve. What did you purchase?
While everyone else was hiding in their homes this summer, we camped all over the place. Perfect activity during a pandemic! We have a Lance TT. 👍🏻
Yep, we were out there too and had a blast this summer. Enjoyed every minute. So glad you did too- best way to vacation during a pandemic! Thanks for watching. - MJ
Now that you’re a Lance TT owner is pay the extra bucks worth it? I like their products but cringe at their prices.
We have been looking at getting an RV for at least 2 years. Was finally getting to the point of pinpointing a specific model to look at when all this pandemic crap hit and sucked the inventory dry locally. We are still looking at getting one "soon". Also waiting might have been in our favor as the brand we are looking at (Grand Design Transcend Xplor) now comes with 12v compressor fridges and solar panels as standard! That was the one thing I hated about 99% of RV's, the gas/electric fridges. So that is a bonus!
Definitely a bonus! Good luck and enjoy! - MJ
YOU hit all the reasons I am moving from a 25'C to a 35' A.The most of living in NJ is high and for what I am paying in property taxes I can winter in FL and summer at the Jersey shore and looking ahead, maybe keeping house, maybe not taking a couple of years to make up my mind. Always ready to Big out, full tank of gas, propane and basic load of clothing, just add food and go
Sounds awesome. Yea NJ is ridiculously overpriced and we’re counting the days. 😉 - MJ
Thanks for the information, I have seen a few of your videos and all of them have good information in them. I was very close before covid hit becoming and recreational RVer. I am 63 not retired yet but have lots of vacation time to use each year. I am interested in a 32 foot Class C but I will wait until the time is right because everyone is over pricing all RV's right now because people will buy them. I have seen some several years old that are priced higher than what they were new. Keep up the great information videos thanks!
Yep when the time is right for you, go for it. Good luck to you. Thanks for being here. 😀 - MJ
Today was our first day as full-timers! We had wanted to do this 4 years ago but instead built in a suburban neighborhood and while it was fine for that season of life, we’re ready to try this for real. We’ll only be able to travel around seasonally due to husbands job but we’ll be living full time in our toy hauler. Bought used and got exactly the floor plan we were hoping for!
How exciting! Congrats on your first day and happy travels. 👍 - MJ
We are coming up on retirement and still young enough to do things we enjoy doing. We’ve been planning to buy our RV for a few years and after researching , we about to pull the trigger to rv full time. So excited. Thanks for your informative videos!
Good for you and good luck. Thanks for watching! - MJ
We just bought a 2021 Lance last week. Had a great experience and got it well below list. We are in the category of almost waited too long so we are ready to start now. We pick it up next week. Fun channel!
Woohoo- exciting! Good luck, enjoy, and glad you enjoy the channel. :) - MJ
Many of these reasons are the ones my husband and I have in mind as we go shopping tomorrow for a travel trailer. I watched the “reasons not to...” video before, but for us, the reasons to buy now outweigh the reasons to wait. It’s different for everyone. Thanks for your videos, they’re good food for thought!
We wanted to give viewpoints from both sides and then people can do what they feel is right for them. Good luck in your search! - MJ
Thanks for sharing. I think if your going to buy a RV buy older one, make sure to have it inspected.
Before all the Covid started we purchased a 92 Lazy Daze, its older but goody. But we bought it knowing it needed work. Unlike many of the new ones right now.
Yep, exactly, inspection is key. Thanks and good luck to you. :) - MJ
My wife and I bought our first rv 4 months ago dont regret it
Great, enjoy your travels. :) - MJ
Well, good time for me. 3 years ago bought a Airstream Basecamp, family is now larger so need to sell and get something larger. Had it on RV trader for one week and sold it for basically what I bought it for!
Found something in Wyoming, bought it and heading there in two weeks to pick up. I'm a bit nervous but the deal was too good to pass up, considering the cherokee alpha wolf 26dbh-l is hard to find under 30k, got it for 29k and they threw in a cargo rack and backup camera to sweetened the deal. I live in vegas so ready for the adventure and a new chapter for my growing family!
Cool channel, you two have great insight, thank you!
Glad you sold your AS and good luck in the new purchase. Thanks for watching
Nice back-peddle. I was all set to buy this fall thinking the market would be good, but I listened to you. I am holding off on getting a tow vehicle after talking with a trustworthy dealer, so i may as well wait for the travel trailer as well, which will give me time to figure out where I will store it. I am retired and just had knee surgery. Covid-19 and grandchildren in remote schooling has changed life. I had previously hoped to be on the road and in the Southwest this winter, but I can spend another winter here to fine tune my plans.
No back pedaling. We made it very clear in this video that we still didn't think it was a great time to buy, but if people are experiencing the situations we described in this video, it may be a good time for them. Everyone has to do what is best for them since everyone's situation is very different. Thus the point of this video. :) Hope your knee heals quickly and you can get out there and start enjoying. Best of luck to you. 😃 - MJ
Awesome tips, great advice. Tomorrow is not promised for sure!! Get out there and go for it!! Love the video!!
You got it! Thanks - glad you enjoyed it. :) -- MJ
The RV bug hit me a couple of years ago for no apparent reason. Why haven’t I jumped on the bandwagon - fear. I know nothing about RVing and I am afraid once on the road I will not know how to manage my resources (water, electricity, solar power). Fear of choosing the wrong RV. I have been from Class A to T@b320. Now I am considering a class C. I know I will make jump someday and step out in faith, not fear. Love your honesty
Do a lot of reading and studying and anyone can do it, if they put the time in. Good luck to you! - MJ
Thank you, MJ and Izzy. Not knowing what tomorrow will bring is why my husband and I are looking to purchase an RV.
Well, good luck in your search and we wish you much happiness and fun in your travels once you get out there. Thanks for watching. 😃 - MJ
We just bought a 2020 Lance TT and got a great deal on it. The fit and finish on the Lance is worth the extra money. The design is so efficient that our new 22 foot stores more than our old 29 ft trailer.
Congrats on your new purchase thanks for sharing.
I love the different perspectives you guys share! My wife and I recently bought a 2013 Thor Challenger 37DT with 7600 miles and we LOVE it. What's ironic about it is we were scheduled to rent a class A; however, we visited a lot and ended up purchasing one before we started the rental. We picked ours up the day we returned the rental. It was something we wanted to do and the opportunity was right! Our 35th wedding anniversary was approaching and we would have traveled abroad, HOWEVER, that was not an option. To one of your points, the motorhome is a viable option and we have no regrets! Much to my surprise, it was much easier to drive than I had anticipated--I got worked up for nothing! Thanks to RUclips, I learned a lot of dos and don'ts. Well, except for the first time I took it out and forgot about the low tree branches. My wife said, What is that? Ughhhhhhhh....! Keep doing what you are and stay safe!!
Thank you and thanks for sharing! - MJ
Great Video Guys,You’re spot on,life is to short ! I had a stroke in 2008 and I am fine,but it got us thinking and now we travel as much as we can !! I say if it’s what you want then Go For It. Thanks Guys Great Tips !!
Yes, life is too good to be spent worrying and not enjoying. Good for you Don! - MJ
It's great advice. What's nice is since we got our rv our friends now want one now and they follow you guys as well.
All our friends want one too. Who wouldn't? LOL- MJ
We just purchased our 1st RV, a Forester 2861dsf. Let the fun begin
It's a great time to buy an RV if the person your buying from bought a bigger motorhome and is selling a 2019 with 9,500 miles. Also was able to sell my Lance in two days, the wait for a new one is 4-5 months.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts as always.
Glad it all worked out for you. Congrats and enjoy! - MJ
Yes, we are buying an RV. However, we had to order one because none were available. We hope our RV will finally be here in the next couple of weeks. Thanks for the update!
Good luck and enjoy! - MJ
You're lucky! we ordered ours 3 months ago and it won't be done being made till the end of next year
The people that we meet and the friendships are fantastic.
It keeps us always looking for the next travel date
Yes! Every trip ends with planning the next few. LOL Thanks for watching! - MJ
We are picking up our first RV this Thursday. It was a 2020 leftover and we actually feel we got a good deal. With Covid we are now working from home and figure we might as well work from the RV and travel to all the places we wanted to visit “someday”. We have a lot to learn, but we’re looking forward to it all!
So exciting! Working from the road is WAY more fun than working at home, in my opinion. Enjoy it and safe travels! - MJ
I appreciate you looking at the pros and cons of getting an RV in the two separate videos. We are moving out west by the end of the year and we have to buy either an RV or trailer. We're leaning towards a trailer because it should require less maintenance if something goes wrong and it's in our price point. Sadly it's a tough decision to make. We really wanted an RV so the kids would be more comfortable but the prices are insane!
Happy you saw the value in the two different videos. We did that on purpose. :) Good luck in your search! - MJ
We bought new in August . Probably paid more but worth the memories and trips with the kids . Loving it and don’t regret it
SO glad you made the right decision for you and your family and are enjoying it. Good for you! Thanks Philip and safe travels. - MJ
Endless RVing
thanks and love the channel
Phillip Gallanti much appreciated!
Endless RVing you’re welcome
Holding off to buy until next year. Sold our toy hauler for full asking price in 4 hours for cash.
Nice video!
Wow. We did another video named This Is the Worst Time to Buy an RV. You may enjoy it. Thanks for watching and the comment.
I am holding off buying a class b RV. However I am always actively looking to see what prices and upgrades are. Maybe in 2021. It’s between 2 models. Thanks for this great info.
Thanks for watching Donna
Great vid (this one and the previous). Thanks
Thanks for watching.
My wife and I are having fun doing research. Looking at our choices. Haven't decided in Class C or 20 plus footer? The idea is once the world opens up again visit factories and trade shows. Thank you for all your great information.
Good luck on your search.
Just traveled from Texas to Montana to buy the RV of my choice. Hey got to see Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore in the process....so yes it was worth the drive. Lots of nice people out there RVing around the country we just need to get out and meet them.
Thanks for sharing and congrats on your new purchase.
We are wanting to start our RVing adventure in about a year from now. I browse RV trader once a week or so just to see what's out there. I'm not ready yet, but if a good deal came along, I might have to jump at it.
Good luck and hope it all works out for you! - MJ
I've been wanting to get into RV'ing for over 20 years. Yes, I'm sure I paid more for my rig, but, the time is now. I just turned 50 and "Tomorrow is NOT guaranteed" so now is the right time. I'm also learned through this "pandemic" that apparently the Gov't can also control when and if I can vacation. Meaning, we had 3 trips cancelled this year, but domestic and foreign. Well, you can't cancel my RV vacation. We are empty nesters now, and have the capabilities to work remotely, so now is the perfect time to begin our RV adventures.
Good for you! Enjoy every minute and stay safe. :) - MJ
Great vid! 'To buy or not to buy? - that is the question'. I'm SO leaning towards the former as I am an outdoors person and total nature lover. Should be retiring in the near future, and so I have begun doing research and homework. My journey's just beginning and I'm learning so much! Starting small and leaning towards a Casita - I don't mind the small space! (Any thoughts?) Your vids are amazing, please keep it up! Great quality advice and all makes sense. Happy trails y'all!
Do what makes you happy and what works best for you and your lifestyle. Good luck and enjoy. Thanks for being here! - MJ
As much as I enjoy your videos, this is not the time to buy a RV. As you said, there was an explosion in both buyers and price, But there’s also many who have expressed through social media that it’s not for them. Wait and see in the spring how many almost new RV’s are for sale at bargain prices. I’m betting there will be considerably more than usual. The 1 thing I would definitely agree with is #5.
Thanks for your thoughts Bill. And yes, agree about the spring! - MJ
about to buy another about 5 years ago we trailer camped and headed out again .Retirement headed.thanks all RV society for the refreshing.
Good luck to you! - MJ
Spot on...good info. Thank you.
Glad you liked the video.
3 points:
1- Buy a used RV or rehabbed bus or THOW that is quite road worthy -- IOW, something that is just like home. I bought a Shuttle Bus - that was immediately previously a child daycare bus and a company party bus that traveled between SLC and Las Vegas for company party trips before that. I invested a LOT (more than the bus is worth) into making it 100% off-grid capable (no regrets!!!). After reading all the problems people have with RV dealers and repair shops, I am SO glad I went the "custom-build" route.
2- COVID reasons: If you buy an RV, make sure you get one that can be 100% off-grid and get there. COVID has brought out ALL the newbie camping individuals that will camp right on top of you (because they don't know any better?) Unless you get good at boondocking WAY away from everyone, expect to have "neighbors" on top of you that you didn't ask to camp with - NOT fun! I keep saying I am going to create a video series of those I have videotaped (because that is what I do when others choose to camp in my camp space uninvited) titling it "don't be that rude boondocker".
3- We took off to full-time RV (for 10 months) and left our "inner city" condo to the security guards. June 1st, our neighborhood 7-11 store owned by a friend was burned to the ground, also burning our attached walkway, plants, and steel-gated fence to rioting and looters, not to mention 4 police officers shot 600' from my place and another murdered a few miles away. Now this kind of "rowdy activist" activity is something that happens EVERY week and police chases hoards of kids around downtown telling them to "GO HOME". It is time to sell and get out of the city. THAT is a good reason to buy an RV - or in my case a bus. Shopping for a more rural environment now to camp full time and looking for a rural tiny home park when traveling around is not optimal.
Right on to all of those. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! 👍 - MJ
I’ll be waiting a while longer. Circumstances dictate patience. So I research, plan, and save.
Sounds like a plan. Good luck to you. 👍 - MJ
Pretty good video. I watched the companion video where you said it was the worse time. Maybe, as you have come to realize here, it can be both! Worst time in terms of price, selection, etc. best in terms of affording people the opportunity to get out with their families and enjoy life all during a pandemic.
Two sides to every story. Thanks for watching and the comment.
I retired this year and did by a new motorhome to travel. Now I did buy it April, were I do feel I saved for few extra thousands because of covid-19. You still have to shop for the right one for you and do your home work....
We agree thanks for sharing.
I'm in RV sales for a private owned dealership and it has been a great year, however we are already see pricing increases for new delivery, and there is a parts shortage so some units are lesser equipped than they was before. Lots of preorders being done as well. If you find what you are looking for now you will be better off now than later even months later. Down side many popular floor plans are just not available and may not be for a good while. Private own dealership will take better care of you after the sale as well because they can't afford negative reviews like big box corporate ones.
Mike Bird thanks for sharing Mike.
Good information. I still agree with y’all on the first video.
Yep as we said in this video, we still don't think it's a great time, but some people may fit the bill in this video. Thanks William! - MJ
Izzy & MJ, what motivated you to opt for a review with propane versus one that is all electric? Thanks.
I’m holding on our class A, keeping our 5th wheel for now. Looking forward to better market pricing.
Excellent, good luck to you! - MJ
Great follow up video
Thanks so much Brent. :) - MJ
I'm at the verge of buying one but still a little skeptic about the increased production and consequently - issues arising from it. It's important to find a reputable dealer that has a great service record and perhaps ease your worries. However, even if prices have gone up they will definitely not be going down next year or years after. A lot is uncertain in this pandemic but at the end of the day I think it's really about building life-long memories as noted in some of the comments noted below no matter what time and when you decide to RV.
Maybe used market may be a choice. Some real good used units out there. Thanks for watching and the comment.
One thing some of the dealers are noticing that because of the backlog the workers in the factories are spending a lot more time on each individual RV and the quality is actually better not worse than as expected
Thanks for sharing.
I bought an RV in June, and don't regret my decision. I was thinking of the idea of bugout, but mostly wanted to travel safely and take my dogs.
Enjoy your travels! :) - MJ
I helped a buddy in Canada buy a 5th wheel last week before we left, he actually got a smoking deal.
Awesome! Was it a Grand Design? lol - MJ
Endless RVing 🤣😂nope. Too hard to find. In great demand. Alice
The wife and I bought an rv when the covid was first getting started.
And the dealer we went to gave us an amazing deal. I'm guessing they wanted to get rid of inventory before things got really bad.
You got it at the perfect time. Right when no one knew exactly what would happen to the RV industry. So glad it worked out well for you! - MJ
We are purchasing an Alliance Paradigm 365RD and we pick it up on the 15th. Get busy living or get busy dying. I want to get busy living. Thank you,.
Congrats on your purchase those are great 5th wheels.
Great video as always! Eight months from retirement and hoping to RV about 50 percent of the time. Do you know will the big RV dealerships currently allow you to check out their inventory as you could pre COVID-19? Virtual video's are helpful but really prefer being able to see the units in person. Thanks for your great video's and information you provide!
Hey John! I think at this point, most dealerships are open and ready for business and if they're not, I wouldn't purchase anything without seeing it first. Thanks for the kind words and for being here! - MJ
I need to sell a fifth wheel and buy a van and just starting my research. Thank you so very much for your videos, you are a Godsend. Please keep posting ❤️
Thanks Kalleen! Tonight’s video should be very helpful to you then as well. :) Thanks for the support! - MJ
No. 6
Because prices are at a premium and old campers are hitting the market. You might find a rare classic RV that would otherwise be sitting in a old garage. Oldies but goodies galore!!!
Thanks for the suggestion
Another reason is here in the northern climates temperatures are getting cooler. Most people won't be looking too heavily for an RV. I expect when it gets closer to spring there will be quite a few used only one season RVs up for sale. I have already seen a major increase of tents and other camping gear for sale this year. It is mostly the stuff you find at big box retailers. I suspect people went out and bought camping gear over the summer because their original plans were cancelled due to all the restrictions from the virus. They either decided camping wasn't for them or they just don't want to store it.
We were just at a big NJ RV dealer this weekend. They are bare and don’t expect many new shipments until the spring. We shall see.
Occasionally I pass by a dealer that is just off the highway and the last few times I drove that way it was pretty bare, even for this time of year.
Even though I got whiplash from the about face, I agree with this video. Your last video was more about the financial and quality issues which I agree may be compromised due to Covid and increased RV demand. The opportunity to remove yourself from the daily Covid grind and either plan or go on vacations cannot be monitized. Just the buying process itself is an enjoyable distraction. I have friends who have not taken a vacation or time off since Covid started and they are suffering. Our RV has been an oasis from the daily grind.
Rick Sidor same topic just different ways of looking at it. Hope you enjoyed the video and thanks for watching and the comment.
We got a custom rig and believe me whether we bought it 5 years ago today or in 2 years the price Is the price there's hardly any wiggle Room because the rig is so expensive and high quality, Now I would think in my opinion if you're getting a more common rig type or a common style that they have on the lot like cookie cutter rigs
150k or less then yeah you're probably best to wait.
Yep, James, if you're dropping $$$$ on a high end motorhome, you're right, not much haggling. It really does depend on what you're looking to purchase. Thanks for bringing up that good point. 👍
Thanx, you guys are great! True to the blue!
Good job , But I still agree with the first Video, this is not the right time to buy, based in the Demand being through the roof. I am planning to attend the Tampa 2021 RV show to help me narrow my choice, But , I also have my eye on few new models and they have peaked my interest. Stay safe!
Thanks Brad! - MJ
It’s also a good time to trade up, or down and get a good trade in price. They may put a little more into your trade, figuring it will sell quickly.
Absolutely disagree with now being a great time to buy but I still like the channel!
Check out the video we made called this is not the time to buy an RV. It may interest you.
I just purchased 2.5 acre property in Florida which is in flood zone A , about 200 yards in from the Suwanee River and plan on purchasing a travel trailer for several reasons. The obvious reason is that I want to be able to escape a flood warning on the drop of a hat. Second id that I cannot afford to buy a Class B which I am licensed for with a class B commercial License if that's how the RV classes work. Third is that the property has 2 RV hookups on site. I have enjoyed tent camping for many years and I feel I'm up for the living in an RV life. I'm very handy and will be living alone.(male 63 yrs old) I currently live in Central Jersey and am fed up with the state government. Because of September's Don't Buy Report I will hold out until the market reverses. Any tips in advanced would be greatly appreciated ESPECIALLY in reference to purchasing RV/Live in Insurance. TY TY TY, MC
If you feel the time is right, then go for it! We feel your pain about NJ and look forward to getting out of here in about 4.5 years. Good luck to you! - MJ
Financial security is very important right now. Rv's depreciate a lot. With the economy the way it is with Covid
hopefully people won't make a hasty decision and lose money in the longrun. We have an rv and it does take a lot of money for repairs that will be needed. Some people think the quality will be the same as a car. Quality is not the best in rvs. Repairs take forever. We've waited a month for air conditioner repair which was on warranty. Couldn't use it this summer because of the hot weather. Very frustrating.
So a difficult decision. I liked your video on waiting. I agree that after a few years people will be selling the rvs they are buying now in rash decision making.
We're waiting for that time to trade ours in for a bigger rv.
Liked both videos though.
All good points, Terry. Thanks and glad you enjoyed the videos. Stay safe. 👍 - MJ
Work is taking us to Albany New York in the early spring for 3 years. Selling our house here in Virginia for a good profit. Can’t seem to find any locations for our rv in the Albany area that’s open year round. Really don’t want to rent a house or buy. Suggestions are welcome. New to your channel and learning so much.
Check our Black Bear in Florida NY. About 2 hours from Albany. Open 365.
Thanks for watching and the comment.
I had 2 new class A rvs. Sold them both. Now I buy real estate including a secluded farm am making not losing on my investments. RV's suck. But I like you two.😁
LOL at the last two sentences. Good move on the investments.Good luck to you. 👍😃 - MJ
@@EndlessRVing back at ya...😄
Great information. Personally, I'm going to wait a couple of years before I pull the trigger ( the against video really made me think). But when I do, I would love to say hello to you guys over some bagels. Be well and stay safe.
Our goal was for everyone to look at ALL the sides of this and do what is really best for them. Would love to have some bagels one day with you. Thanks Dave! - MJ
Endless RVing In case I wasn’t clear, both videos were extremely informative. Great information in both. I’m so glad I found your channel.
someguyonLI nope you were clear. 👍 Thanks for the support of the channel! - MJ
Would greatly appreciate a video explaining cargo carrying capacity. What things are we not thinking of when we think of “cargo”. Thanks... stay safe!
Big ones are water, propane, fuel and how full your grey and black tanks are.
Thanks for watching and the comment.
My mom and dad were waiting to retire and they were going to get an RV and travel. My dad passed away in June so they will never get that time. My mom and I are going to look at RV’s today. We still have busy lives but she still really wants to travel, just going to start slowly.
So sorry about your dad. Good for you. Just be smart and don't settle. Good luck! - MJ
We are holding off purchasing an RV (motorhome). Praying that this virus thing comes to an end this year 2021 and
then we will watch the prices plummet ! It will be the same with homes.
Thanks for watching and the comment.
Actually i think people should wait for a little bit if they can because the explosion of RV sales will first die off of course but when alot of those people realize that they dont want the responsibilty of a RV, maintenence, cost of campgrounds and the glamor wears off and they want to go back to a sticks and bricks there will be a flood of cheap slightly used units of all kinds. It will be a buyers market
That's exactly what we said in the video before this one which we referred to, but for some, it may be the right time for them. Everyone is at a different situation. Thanks Nertz. :) - MJ
I’m holding off on buying. Do not want to over spend due to RV shortage. The RVs that we really like “Thor Axis/Vegas” are very difficult to find so we will be patient and wait for the market to change
Good luck in your search, :) - MJ
Hey guys, we are new subs to your channel. Great information, some of our favorite adventures have been traveling around the US. We currently have a 97 Eurovan, perfect for a quick get away. If the time is right you will know. Safe travels. P&S
Nice. Welcome aboard! - MJ
We have to hopefully sell what we have before the Spring when the new Bay Star is scheduled to be built! Meanwhile we have been out the last five weekends enjoying what we have and our family!
I had to laugh to see a video on why it is a good time to buy when last week I watched the video on why it was a bad time to buy.
It does depend on your situation.
Yep we want to show people everyone is in a different situation and now, it MAY be the right time for some, while not for others. :) Good luck with everything- can't wait to see pics of the new one! - MJ
Just when we thought we had it figured out. This video is our thoughts since we decided to sell our sticks and bricks and hit the road. The previous one about not buying made market and financial sense. Right now manufactures are backed up with back orders of all sorts of models. 😩😵🤔
Right, this really can be booked at from two different sides. It just depends on a person's situation and what is best for them. Thanks! - MJ
We are saving up to buy a used RV at the moment. I think once there is a vaccination available, many people that naught rvs will want to unload them. I've seen some really nice 2021's already being returned. In on case it was a Winabego Solas that someone bought and went one trip and hated it, so they returned their 2021 Solas back to the dealership. Hopefully we will be able to buy a used RV when we have the money.
Yep, sure there will be MANY used ones out there very soon and people will have their pick! - MJ
I just stumbled on this video. I thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you. My wife and I are blessed to be both young and retired and we want to see our country and beyond. We are kind of in the market. Doing our research..we recently rented one for a 5 night trip to Lake George NY and stayed at king Philip's campground and it was awesome. We loved it. We rented it from 84RV. We live in Orange County New York so I'm pretty sure you're familiar with 84RV in New Jersey. We realize we're probably going to pay a little more (or a lot more) for the RV but one of my main concerns is that since so many people are buying them and traveling, will the RV parks be filled up where it's going to be hard to find places to stay. What do you think ?
Hi sir you may enjoy this video.
@@EndlessRVing Thank you, we enjoyed that. Number 4 answered my question. But the whole thing was good. Were praying about it and the Lord may provide the right one for us even during this time. We will see..
@@yobabybubba God bless and good luck! - MJ
Looking to buy our first but waiting till spring, dealers are jacking up prices and taken advantage of the pandemic
Yep , many people are finding that it is better for them to wait because of that. Good luck when it's time to buy! - MJ
I understand what you are saying and why you did this second video, but I will wait until the.prices go down and the production is done more carefully.
We hear you. 👍 Thanks Cindy. - MJ
I was ready to buy one but I work in aviation and with this pandemic, work is not really secure. Therefore, I’m holding off for things to get better. #RV2021
Sounds like you have a plan - good luck! - MJ
Thoughtful video, thx.
Thanks for checking it out, Georgia. :) - MJ
Looking to go full time May 28th 2021, on our 25th Anniversary
Very cool! Good luck. :) - MJ
I agreed with every reason for not buying one. Actually, I had said many of them for a while to friends. Specially the quality issue. I figure within the next year or 2, there will be a glut of RVs for sale that were either 1 or 0 times used. I've said there may be more 2021 RVs than any other year but nobody will want to own them.
The reason I'm not buying right now is we have specific floor plan we are looking for. Can't find any or if I do, they are too far away. We've decided we are buying as soon as we find the one we want, at a local dealership. I'll just have to be ready to fix the issues. The price is the price. Not only is demand high but because of the "wonderful humans" destroying cities, along with all of the natural disasters, materials will cause prices to rise too. Maybe the prices will stabilize soon, but chances are, they will not go back down to the pre damnpanic...I mean pandemic price.
Yep, thanks for sharing your thoughts, Gregory. If something great comes along and you feel it's right for you, go for it. Best of luck. - MJ
I believe its worth waiting for the expected excess of RV's hitting the market post Covid-19 panic. Prices will fall and nearly new units will be available. The impending downturn in the economy with businesses closing from lockdown and unemployment rising all contribute to lower prices.
We agree. Thanks for watching.
still gonna hold off. but #5 is really the only reason i would buy now. tomorrow is never promised. but i love the tour videos and use them for research lol
Always have to try to live in the moment no matter what you're doing. Enjoy the tour videos, Bev. :) - MJ
I'm 65 years old my wife is 70 . I looking at retirement in maybe three years. I been holding off But I think more about biting the bullet. Its something I always wanted to do Im looking hard at the class A bounder 2021 33 foot gas coach. Watching gasoline prices go up is depressing. But I think we going to.move forward soon. Hoping I can get a good deal seems a lot of these deale=s are crooks. I do like dealing with dealership. We been married 45 years 5 kids now grow. I told my wife its our time now.
Go for it and enjoy.