So you using a standard Tassimo machine there ? But it's special reusable T discs ? Different. I'm an owner of a Tassimo and I use it at least twice a day...usually for Costa Latte and the new Flat Whites which came out a couple of months ago....anymore info on this Izzy would be greatly appreciated 🙂☕️
Yeah mine is a suny standard Tassimo. You can find on Amazon and eBay. They seem to do 2 siZes. Varies brands but this seemed the best value and quality benfuchen. If you UK based you will find on Amazon. I will look for link and put in description
So you using a standard Tassimo machine there ? But it's special reusable T discs ? Different. I'm an owner of a Tassimo and I use it at least twice a day...usually for Costa Latte and the new Flat Whites which came out a couple of months ago....anymore info on this Izzy would be greatly appreciated 🙂☕️
Yeah mine is a suny standard Tassimo. You can find on Amazon and eBay. They seem to do 2 siZes. Varies brands but this seemed the best value and quality benfuchen. If you UK based you will find on Amazon. I will look for link and put in description
Link in description if you go via Amazon. I hate using amazon but needs must. EBay if not