I've represented myself 9 straight times and lost every single time... Best news about that? I've lost for FREE and learned so much. You have to imagine that as I keep losing I keep learning. Stay tuned.
Folks are you hearing what most of you have noted? how can a man or woman represent their living body? you present yourself, under your own power, because you are honour able!
Attorneys do not work for you, they work on you... By dishing out big bills $$$, until all assets are gone, to them... then tell you lets make a deal... this is the best we can get!
Been there done that. Why do you think they want ALL of you financial info? They don’t need static assets, only income to calculate child support. They want to know everything so they know how long to draw shit out just to suck you dry and then throw up their hands and say you gotta take what is offered now….. Family law lawyers are some of the most evil despicable humans on this earth. They prey upon those at their lowest and most desperate. They LOVE parents that love their kids because they know they can take EVERyTHiNG from you! The attorney that made this video is an exception to that. Lawyers like this are rare and much appreciated by me even if I don’t need the info anymore.
Corpus juris secundum: Volume 7, Section 4. Attorneys represent the state’s interest and the court no matter how much you pay them. The state and court Interest comes before your own ALWAYS. Know the truth and the truth shall set you free. There’s Justice and then there’s an illusion of Justice. Know the difference
The pro se law clinic at the court house in the county is a big help. And one can go to the legal library usually in the city's District Courthouse. The librarian there will help you much to find what book you need to study and you can video record the pages to read later. The motions must be prepared exact to the rules and procedures of that county court. To do this pro se, it takes a lot of reading and staying on top it.
Yes indeed quite true. But love is brainless :) and full of emotion. In a world where even the best of the best hardly last 11 years. Think it is time to redefine the meaning of marriage. Prenups that address every aspect of future litigation in matters of kids, family, court, litigation all must be ironed out and made crystal clear. If a partner refuses then just hop on a bus Gus.
don't register the marriage liscense... someone i know did that and when the other party filed for divorce and threatened to take a majority of said marital property... there was no proof that a marriage ever took place.
That's your best advice? Because it's not just don't get married, don't even talk with a member of the opposite sex. You , myself,and everyone else has the right to experience love, and enjoy relationships. The best advice I can give is for we the people need to put foot to ass and put an end to this P.O.S. government destorying , interfering in our lives and for sure our private lives.
When I was a Self Represented Litigant for a year the first Judge I had asked were was my Superior Court Lawyer. I looked around the Courtroom, looked back at the Judge and said I guess I'm him today. This made the Judge so mad that he started to yell at me and said I should not be in his Courtroom unless I had a Million dollars in my pockets. This Judge would not hear my Motion or talk to me as he and my Nemesis Lawyer did all the talking and made Court orders against me only. The system does not like SRL's. The Brotherhood is to strong as you are out numbered in the Courtroom.
I think the biggest reason for reping our self is because of the fact that everyone knows you don't want to be standing in front of a man acting like a judge and have him/her think your incompadent, which is how the court looks at a person who has their lawyer there making all there decisions. Not to mention the fact that prosecutor, judge,& your lawyer (private or public defender) all are members of the secret, private, members only club known as The American Bar Association. Speaking in legalese, with the contenous use for "fraudulent convaunce of language" I don't trust lawyer myself
My legal counsel lied to me, and had me convinced that agreeing to the proposed temporary orders was in my best interest. After agreed temp. orders were successfully entered with the court, my no they filed a Notice of Intent to withdraw
Is there a specific form to use when responding to a petition or do I draft my position on the issues myself? I heard you mention it is best to draft your response like a counter-petition, does that mean to file a motion? This is in regards to an initial petition to modify parenting time and legal decision.
Attorneys are scum! One of the only professions that lets the service provider (attorney) charge whatever the fuck they want!!!???? Their practicing license is their license to steal. Judges are worse!! We have a family court judge in our district that doesn't even have children!!! WTF!!! That's like getting a history teacher to grade some physics tests!!! Attorneys write in language so that only THEY can DECODE it so that you have to hire them so that they get more money. Attorneys are never in the best interest of the client, they are in the best interest of their pocket books.
If I made a mistake on my initial application, should I try to amend it accordance with Rule 11 in the Family Law Rules before the case conference or wait until the case conference and ask a judge to allow me to amend my application. I need to know how to do it if I do it beforehand. When asking permission from the opposing lawyer do I attach the amended document for their approval???
I am very confused what all I need to file with the court. I believe I need to file Acceptance of Service, a Response to the Petition to Modify Parenting Time and Legal Decision. Is this all at this time or do I also need an Affidavit of Financial Information, Employer Information, and Child Support Worksheet?
1) You PRESENT yourself! You are you, thus you can't represent yourself. 2) Child Support and Child support enforcement REQUIRES your consent. Consent is given by: A) Presumption, you didn't object in writing and verbally. B) You didn't challenge jurisdiction of the Child supports/enforcement. "Title IV-D " C) You made a general appearance. When requested to a hearing you must say in writing and in person, " I do not consent to this proceeding. I am not making a general appearance and I do not consent under any circumstances. You can then read the law and case law to the commissioner, magistrate, quasi-Judge. 3) Is the person you see a judge? You should always ask that. Family court employees are; judges, quasi-Judge, magistrate, commissioners and deputy clerks and clerks. However every last one of these positions are void judgments in regards to money judgments. This is not an exhausted list for the things you need to study!
I have had 3 hearings and challenged jurisdiction all 3, (They are requesting DNA) Magistrate says "they have jurisdiction" I asked him to prove it on the record and all he says is he finds they do and won't revisit, last hearing they filed show cause to have me thrown in jail for contempt, but those rules dont apply to non legal entities, he tried to intimidate me by saying if I don't submit the dna, bring a toothbrush. Dude is corrupt...any advice on how to shut them down once and for all? Sept 21 is the next date...
So what happens when the Defendant in my case was evading being served by sheriffs for months and then I was later told that the Defendant in my case already filed for custody but just stopped proceeding with the process though I was still able to file into his case as the Defendant? What happens if the Petitioner does not appear in court? He's been keeping our daughter from me since August 2020. Will the case just get dismissed? We have a case management and temporary custody hearing in 22 days. I don't think he will show because he hasn't submitted anything the judge ordered. He had until 1/1/21 to file. Non-married
I want to apply for Guardianship for my 3 year old grandson. I went into the self help legal office and the staff asked me if the case is open or closed case. I replied it's open and she stated to me since it's open I couldn't apply.
The father died and his parents want to step into his parenting time. A high level of Narcissism and many concerns regarding the children with the Grandparents, including toxic manipulation of children, excessive alcohol usage and marijuana usage. Can you do an issue on Constitutional Parental Rights and How to limit contact with Narcissistic toxic Grandparents? Thank you.
Is there truly such thing as “family court”? If so, is it civil or is it criminal? Is it an article 1 court or is it an article 3 court? Family courts commit fraud, violates due process, omits/conceals/destroys/ mutilates documentation especially when there is evidence of partiality and non-adherence to the rules of “court” by the “court” employees. It is my opinion that it is actually a tribunal (a tribunal may be a party of interest to the case) where presiding employees operate under conflict of interest for enrichment of pockets of lawyers/“judges”/administrative employees/law enforcement,etc. How can you have equal protection under the law when there is a conflict of interest and desire for money is what drives the system’s corruption?
I am currently in the middle of a custody battle with my soon-to-be ex husbands mother. A little backstory about my situation. I live in Washington state My ex and I were in a domestic violence marriage where he controlled everything. Including myself. In 2016 We were having issues within our marriage. My 3 boys were sent to his mothers house in Oregon. (Again against my wishes) So that way we could work on our marriage (dates, marriage counseling, etc) At this time there was a letter giving my ex’s mother medical permission ( so she could take the boys to the dr, emergency room, etc) A few months later there was a domestic disturbance between him and I in which my ex fled the scene before cops could arrive. The Sumner police department issued a no contact order against him to protect me from further violence. Shortly after I was notified that he not only fled the scene, but also the state. (he went to his mothers house where the boys were) Then the games began. After a few month of trying to figure my life out and what’s next. All while maintaining contact with his mother, I wanted my boys home. After contacting my ex’s mother and telling her I was ready to have the boys home, her response was inquisitive on why? Telling me that I wasn’t ready to be a mother and that she’s now “looking out for the best interests of my children”. Then the darkness happened. I was then blocked from contact on all social media. They changed there phone numbers. Which is considered parental alienation And then relocated without my knowledge or consent. Which is considered custodial interference (parental kidnapping) The search trying to relocate my boys for 3 years... and go to college to become a lawyer and representing myself in court. All of this happened in fall of 2016. In 2018 After the grandmother relocated my boys. I started my search. I was getting zero help from local authorities or child protective services. So I did my own investigation. Using a mutual friends social media account, looking at posts and pictures online. Writing down any clues I could find. I zeroed in on their location. I went to the location and found my boys. However it’s now been 2 years. 2 YEARS!!! after being in the grandmothers care and residents of Oregon for more than 6 months. The state of Oregon now has jurisdiction. The grandmother relocated my boys again. In May and June of 2019 I was able to get a few court ordered visits with my boys through a Washington state court. But ultimately it was 100% confirmed that Oregon has jurisdiction. On my last court ordered visit in june with my boys I was served papers while dropping them back off at the Clackamas Oregon police station. Since my last visit. There again has been no contact. I try to contact anyone via social media and I’m blocked right away. I messaged the great grandma (the grand mother’s mother) asking to talk to the boys in which I get nothing but rude and slanderous responses. Which again eventually led with being blocked. We had a court date today, January 10th 2020 (The result of being served during my last visit) And since my ex has created an extensive criminal record in Oregon, he now currently has a warrant for his arrest therefore he didn’t show up to his own court case. However, his mother filed a motion to intervene. Pre trial hearing is set for April 3rd 2020 Trial is June 4th 2020 Im hoping to obtain a lawyer by then in hopes of bringing my kids home. I fear if His mother wins this case because I didn’t have proper representation. She will pack up, move and I will never see my boys again. Please help not make my nightmares a reality. Anything helps! Thank you very much for your time
Hello, what a terrible story and so heartbreaking. It sounds like your case is currently in Oregon. We unfortunately are located in Arizona and don't have a licensed attorney in Oregon. But I do have a referral for a firm that I believe does Family Law in Oregon. Eckart Wostmann Wiese: www.oregonatty.com/home.html Their phone number is 541-689-3261. Ask if Tamara is there, she is a good friend of mine and tell her that Caitlin Lindahl suggested your firm as a possibility to helping you. I wish you the best of luck! Caitlin
@@nykoole guarantee you if I was their father, I would have given you a run for your money, you would be hating life. Money talks and bs walks and I have lots of money honey! It discuss me to hear you act so proudly of yourself for being the bitch you are.
I am due in court next month for an uncontested hearing, my husband is asking for a divorce. I want to contest it, what do I file and what am I to expect at the hearing ? I can't find forms to fill out. Can I hire a look lawyer to help fill these forms out ?
CA judge told me I was not allowed to object to the other party and their stuff. Then he took my child away because he thought my job was odd and weird.. IS that allowed?
is it legal for defendant , his attorney and my attorney have private meetings with Judge, excluding me. Is it legal to reintroduce an invalid prenup and be judged valid because I exposed forgery of my signature on on order and income tax returns.
Is there anyone here who has won a case while representing themselves against an attorney??? I need help so bad. My son was taken by his father and he was given full custody without allowing me to even speak to my son. I've had him his entire life and I simply had a bout of depression where I felt like a failure and agreed to let them have him but I admitted that it would likely cause me to take my life. When I talked to my son about going to live with them, he begged me not to let him go and it ignited a fire in me to do more and not give up. I have been diligent about getting him back on track academically, but he just had neurosurgery through the school year and was out of school a LOT as a result. He got to take my son and keep him completely away from me because of mental illness. This is too much for anyone with mental illness to deal with. I can't afford an attorney and legal aide won't help me. I can't get a loan either so I have no idea how to go about doing this. I just feel like I have no chance.
Need advice regarding false claims being brought up against me and lies told bout my character. It seems like accountability, truth, or evidence to know actual truth is even looked into. I'm fighting against a controlling women and need to know how truth can be seen. Reality would be great if just that could be seen truthfully. Tired of defending against a ghost that is not real
the court doesn't care about the truth. I'm 6 years into dealing with false accusations last count iv lost two homes, my son, my drivers license, my self respect, my self worth, my dignity, my freedom, and i currently have a warrant for failure to comply. your going to do whatever your going to do. and who knows maybe you wont get screwed like i did my advise though is to find any other way then letting the court to handle your situation because you will not find justice in or from the courts.
I'm in discovery and my spouse refuse to give his business tax returns and he claim the business he owned during the marriage doese not Belongl to him , can he get away with not providing the tax returns? And how can I get or prove his ownership
I filed for Divorce with temporary orders I submitted that I already planned a vacation and already paid for with fathers approval. Could that be denied?
Check your local Family Law regulations about making a Motion for strict compliance. Look into the common law with keywords to see what's been done about it before.
I'm going to represent myself at federal court on next month because i couldn't afford more money for the lawyer after i cash payment amount $8,000 already😢
do grandparents have rights in California to have visitation rights of their grandchildren please answer because im told that I don't by the absent parent
If I am understanding correctly you don't want to ask the judge ( acting judge) anything. Better to say something like "I require" " a demand" nor do you want to get there permission to do or say anything either. . If they can presume anything they will. If you are asking them for permission or waiting for them to give you permission they can presume that you are under their jurisdiction. Word magic using mother f......
We've had a name change and we're now iDoOver.life. Drop by and check out online classes to help people getting a divorce, including our introductory free class at idoover.life/learn
i filed a restraining order against my husband for domestic abuse he hired a lawyer two days before hearing so I scrambled to get an attorney free from local domestic abuse facility helped me obtain a lawyer as he took all the money. Minutes before we were to have our hearing his lawyer pulled a sneaky move and asked for visitation and My husband would not fight the restraining order. My lawyer told me to take the deal even though I had told her kids have seen this abuse he has been Out of control when he spanks my son and my daughter is afraid of him my lawyers Response was if there’s no evidence there’s nothing you can do at this point take the deal argue in Family Court. The very next day my husband again for the third time since the temporary restraining order now permanent has been issued my husband Uses a third-party person to relay messages to me I called the police and they told me again that he is just trying to abide by the agreement arrangement. The lawyers and him keep changing the terms of our verbal agreement. So I had to send my lawyer a long email stating all this is not what we agreed on and her response is your not making yourself look good when you go to family court. Also since he’s been moved out I also found a loaded gun in my garage and I’m afraid to tell the police about this because when I told police about him contacting the third-party I was told he’s just trying to abide by the agreement and restraining order so my thought is there going to say it’s not his gun do you have any advice for me at this point. The other factor is the agreement we verbally mean in regards to arrangement for the children suddenly change about my lawyers and and his lawyers and he wants more time than we discussed and he wants to be able to pick up the kids whatever he chooses so also i found a loaded gun In my attic in garage I’m sure they’re just going to say she’s just saying that to frame him. Any advice would be of help I’m just beside myself not sleeping and Continuously been victimized by everybody I feel even my lawyer
Hi I have a REALLY different situation. I’m going to try and make this basic as possible. My son was NOT swabbed at the paternity lab by dcf. My family is interfering with my parental rights by slandering and sabotaging me for me excepting money from my grandmother over 20 years ago. My cousin is a head supervisor for dcf. The protocol on how they did the paternity test was not met. I had hired a lawyer who wouldn’t do anything for me like I asked him to please come to the paternity lab with me, but he refused. So that’s why it’s hard for me to trust a lawyer now, but need help on what forms I need to file to do pro se in this situation. I had never lost my son, my sons mom lost custody of him when her and I were in the middle of a custody case. I know that he is ABSOLUTELY my biological son. This is straight corruption and it’s very unbearable and upsetting.
You better get your kid and move to another state. It will not get better, it will get worse. Until the day your ex kidnaps your child and keeps them from you. Keeps them from going to school, the cops wont help, CPS, and slowly I find out that for months and YEARS he has been gaslighting me and preparing for this day. It is called "campaign of denigration" and it is because my ex is a malignant covert narcissist. and what he did is called Parent Alienation Syndrome. You better start researching and learning about it and make a plan. Check out Dr. Richard Warshak's website, look at you tube videos from Dr. Ramani. Not only did he brainwash my children into hating me and I am now alone, but he slowly alienated me away from ALL my family and ALL my friends. So now I sit here, alone and 2 days away from the sheriff physically removing me. I have no where to go. I have no money. CSED cut off child support regardless they didnt have jurisdiction. The landlord commited mail fraud and forged my signature on documents then filed them, Dept of Commerce refuses my assistance for rent with Emergency rental help. Section 8 pulled my voucher, SNAP just pulled my funds, and the crime victims advocate and SAFE house have refused me services, and actually laughed at me while I was crying and upset. I have considered filing for refugee status in Canada. I have considered suicide. I cannot get a single attorney to help, free legal wont help, my bank closed my account for no reason (had it joint with my daughter) my car insurance canceled my policy (had joint with daughter) the school blocked me and refused access to her or her records, my doctor (had with her) and other clinics have sent a letter saying "no longer provide services" and I have absolutely no option, no children, no job, no life. It took him the 10 years we were married, then he left me with the homewrecker, but still 10 years after the divorce he still comes after me. CSED screwed me out of $100,000 in child support, he screwed me out of $75,000 sale of house revenue, and other assets. Then the real topping of the cake, was when I sneaked to watch my daughter graduate and she gets up to get her diploma...its her turn and they state her name...they replaced her middle name, which was Elizabeth my name, to Joe. To publically shame and humiliate me. and I had no Fing idea this was all happening. You want your kid??? make a plan and get the F out. disappear. get a burner phone, be ready to sell your car and buy a new one for cash, delete all social media or never access it again. change emails, change your appearance, get on a greyhound and pay with cash to the furthest away you can. change your name you tell everyone until you can legally change your name. then disappear again to make sure under your new name. Do you want your kids??? I am 100% on this. Dont learn the hard way.
If you walk into a court with an attorney the court considers you incompetent. That's why you have your attorney with you is so he or she can make all the decisions for you.
That is terribly strange, why would you be considered incompetent for having representation? In Canada, it is those who are not legally represented who are considered incompetent, or poor, or stupid. And have the likelihood of being ineffective in court. I think you need to boot that idea out of your head. Is this a thought you feed to yourself? Or you think this is how the court views you?
@@margyeoman3564 ...by seeking representation, what you are declaring to the court, is the acknowledgement that you are not competent to handle your own legal affairs...and therefore have given power of attorney to a recognized member of the BAR. Once represented, the judicial officer will not hear or listen to anything you say, because you have legally declared yourself to be incompetent, by requesting representation. the person who initially stated this, was stating legal facts...which you took offence to based on how it sounded, versus what the law and rules of court are ... ALL BAR MEMBERS, have sworn an oath as to what has priority for what their efforts are to be expended on.... 1.)the A.B.A. , it's reputation ,members and interests.... 2.) the courts,(where they make their money) the interests of justice 3.) the clients... THESE ARE FACTS ...which means if the case will make more money for the BAR MEMBERS by finding a client guilty...the Attorney is compelled by oath to prioritize the interests of the BAR, over the client....
Yes, if you don't pay it they will take your business license and drivers license as well as deny you a passport and hunting and fishing licenses. It happened to me.
If you have visitation read your court order. Yes you are still required to pay support but she does need your approval and courts approval to move out of state with the child. If there is something in there saying she needs written consent you can take her back to court and they will order her to return the child to the state you are living. This is why its important to have an agreement signed by courts in place. Also be careful because if she moves out of state without you having a parenting plan in place then she only needs to be living in a state for six months to claim that state has jurisdiction. Most lawyers will give a free consultation so good luck
@@MikeBrownRehobothBeach If she sends the child away to another state with a relative, then you will have to apply for a change of support for the child. Especially, if you have joint custody or structured visitation. Any act that's taken outside of the court's decisions is arguable. Just dont stop. File for an injunction with the courts too.
She says we represent ourselves...what a joke. What she is saying women get an attorney or representation for free as most men go in there and represent themselves.
bottom feeder here. they just want your money and they know what they are doing isnt even right look up title 4d read it and learn child support isnt even enacted into law
Heh.. how about when your in laws have kidnapped your child, refuse to give him back and now you and your husband are fighting together as a married couple because your in laws believe you are 'dangerous'. Yeah, I had postpartum depression. But seriously? I wonder what would happen if my husband and I filed for notice of strict compliance? As the in laws accusations are entirely false and even discriminatory and we as legal parents have nothing to hide. In fact we have medical professionals I'd been seeing for my postpartum completely ready to step in, as my child is being verbally abused by my in laws right now. My husband found this out as only he's allowed to visit our son.
Grand Parents have NO legal rights on grand Children. Not even visitation rights on most States. access to the Children is entirely at the disposition of the Parents. Only when BOTH parents are non-functional (addicted to drugs, etc) can the G. Parents ask the Court for custody or adoption but that is AFTER the parents are deemed Unfit parents and a possible danger to the Children.
How do I word my own emergancy custody form. I put temporary primary custody. Then in my paperwork I listed the reasons why. Drugs, neglect ect. Did I word it wrong?
My sisters ex didn't show up at court.After 1 yr he didn't disclose his financial information. Last minute he sent Dr notes that he's on wheelchair and had stroke! He has his friend doctors to write fake Dr note! My sisters Ex is a millionaire! He never put anything any address any of his homes under his own name, never and all his investments are done in cash money! My sister wasn't married but they lived together 14 yrs together! It's impossible to make her ex to bring to court and make him disclose his financial information. We don't know where he's living! My sister has a child from previous relationship. She has limited legal aide and she contacted all the lawyers on legal aide lust but none of them were very helpful. This last lawyer doesn't do much or explain talk at all! They had no agreement when they lived together.
What are the steps to get a subpoena filed and served? I have been in litigation for over 2 years and my attorney was unable to get my ex husbands bank statements. My ex filed a Motion to Modify Child Support and I have no idea how much he makes and I fired my attorney. I am no pro se and have run out of time to get the bank records from my ex so I am trying to subpoena... I just don't want to mess up the subpoena. I have already had the subpoena signed by the clerk and served the other party with it and sent it off but is anything supposed to accompany the subpoena? I read about a Notice to the Consumer but who drafts this and who is it sent to??? So many questions...
My ex received custody of my children in 2015 while I was in jail and I was never served or notified of anything. When I was released, it took me a month to re-establish myself and find a nice place and I brought the kids home for the weekends and all summer. Last year, my ex was arrested again for abusing his live in gf and was given 90 days for violating his parole. During that time, I filled a motion for a change in circumstance and he told his uncle, who has been the primary care taker of our kids since he received custody, not to allow me to have any contact with them. When he got out, his lawyer rescheduled the hearing once, then again the day before the reacheduled date. The judge signed as "continuance until later date". The next thing I received was a form stating I never returned a questionnaire or something. Plz help me. He's given our 12 year old a tattoo, killed their puppy in front of them and is an extremely unstable person who has alienated me from my children. What can I do?
Do you have a lawyer? Can you afford one or were you appointed one? If not, try looking into whether or not where you live has any legal services. We have one around me called Neighborhood Legal Services and the attorney's there do not charge. I can't recall if they have a pay scale or anything. But regardless, my best advice is to seek legal counsel but make sure said person is actually listening to you & what you're saying. I'm going through similar & I'm sorry you have to experience this, it sucks. Best of luck to you.
I've represented myself 9 straight times and lost every single time... Best news about that? I've lost for FREE and learned so much. You have to imagine that as I keep losing I keep learning. Stay tuned.
Folks are you hearing what most of you have noted? how can a man or woman represent their living body? you present yourself, under your own power, because you are honour able!
Attorneys do not work for you, they work on you... By dishing out big bills $$$, until all assets are gone, to them... then tell you lets make a deal... this is the best we can get!
This is exactly what I’ve been through
This is what I’m going through!
Soooo true
Been there done that. Why do you think they want ALL of you financial info? They don’t need static assets, only income to calculate child support. They want to know everything so they know how long to draw shit out just to suck you dry and then throw up their hands and say you gotta take what is offered now…..
Family law lawyers are some of the most evil despicable humans on this earth. They prey upon those at their lowest and most desperate. They LOVE parents that love their kids because they know they can take EVERyTHiNG from you!
The attorney that made this video is an exception to that. Lawyers like this are rare and much appreciated by me even if I don’t need the info anymore.
Corpus juris secundum: Volume 7, Section 4. Attorneys represent the state’s interest and the court no matter how much you pay them. The state and court Interest comes before your own ALWAYS. Know the truth and the truth shall set you free. There’s Justice and then there’s an illusion of Justice. Know the difference
The pro se law clinic at the court house in the county is a big help. And one can go to the legal library usually in the city's District Courthouse. The librarian there will help you much to find what book you need to study and you can video record the pages to read later. The motions must be prepared exact to the rules and procedures of that county court. To do this pro se, it takes a lot of reading and staying on top it.
I wish you made more specific videos like you said you were going to in this video. Here I am 7 years later and I definitely could have used them.
What infuriation have you found that helps! I wish they would make it more simple to understand! I’m repenting myself with no support at all!!!
Best advise. Thank you for the lesson. This is just what I needed.
The best advise,,,,people don't you ever get married
The best advice is don't have children with a sociopath.
At least don't marry a narcissist.
Yes indeed quite true. But love is brainless :) and full of emotion. In a world where even the best of the best hardly last 11 years. Think it is time to redefine the meaning of marriage. Prenups that address every aspect of future litigation in matters of kids, family, court, litigation all must be ironed out and made crystal clear. If a partner refuses then just hop on a bus Gus.
don't register the marriage liscense... someone i know did that and when the other party filed for divorce and threatened to take a majority of said marital property... there was no proof that a marriage ever took place.
That's your best advice? Because it's not just don't get married, don't even talk with a member of the opposite sex. You , myself,and everyone else has the right to experience love, and enjoy relationships. The best advice I can give is for we the people need to put foot to ass and put an end to this P.O.S. government destorying , interfering in our lives and for sure our private lives.
When I was a Self Represented Litigant for a year the first Judge I had asked were was my Superior Court Lawyer. I looked around the Courtroom, looked back at the Judge and said I guess I'm him today. This made the Judge so mad that he started to yell at me and said I should not be in his Courtroom unless I had a Million dollars in my pockets. This Judge would not hear my Motion or talk to me as he and my Nemesis Lawyer did all the talking and made Court orders against me only. The system does not like SRL's. The Brotherhood is to strong as you are out numbered in the Courtroom.
They are British Bar derived UN-American tyrants since the 19th Century!
"...I love family law..." She loves it because it's so low stress/low drama, pays great, and has easy hours....
Remember; attorneys do not work for you, "they work on you..."
I realize it is pretty off topic but does anyone know a good place to stream newly released movies online?
@Chandler Moshe flixportal :D
@Milan Melvin Thanks, I signed up and it seems like they got a lot of movies there =) I really appreciate it!
@Chandler Moshe no problem =)
The chart at 23:40 is brilliant
I needed this webinar like 6 months and $13K ago. (>ლ)
When notified you send to Secy of HHS a dispute under 45 CFR Part 32.4 and demand to review copies of proof of debt under 45 CFR part 32.4
Do you see how they advertise their lies to the public? Wow... the balls of these people. Lets shut them down and make them the Debtors.
My sister started her case last year at Ontario Court and can't affirm to go to Superior court to ask for untrusted enrichment!
Great Info. Thank you for sharing.
I think the biggest reason for reping our self is because of the fact that everyone knows you don't want to be standing in front of a man acting like a judge and have him/her think your incompadent, which is how the court looks at a person who has their lawyer there making all there decisions. Not to mention the fact that prosecutor, judge,& your lawyer (private or public defender) all are members of the secret, private, members only club known as The American Bar Association. Speaking in legalese, with the contenous use for "fraudulent convaunce of language" I don't trust lawyer myself
I learned this few weeks ago in my hearing. Fired my lawyer and I realized that is what's best for my kids
My legal counsel lied to me, and had me convinced that agreeing to the proposed temporary orders was in my best interest. After agreed temp. orders were successfully entered with the court, my no they filed a Notice of Intent to withdraw
Is there a specific form to use when responding to a petition or do I draft my position on the issues myself? I heard you mention it is best to draft your response like a counter-petition, does that mean to file a motion? This is in regards to an initial petition to modify parenting time and legal decision.
Attorneys are scum! One of the only professions that lets the service provider (attorney) charge whatever the fuck they want!!!???? Their practicing license is their license to steal. Judges are worse!!
We have a family court judge in our district that doesn't even have children!!! WTF!!! That's like getting a history teacher to grade some physics tests!!!
Attorneys write in language so that only THEY can DECODE it so that you have to hire them so that they get more money. Attorneys are never in the best interest of the client, they are in the best interest of their pocket books.
If I made a mistake on my initial application, should I try to amend it accordance with Rule 11 in the Family Law Rules before the case conference or wait until the case conference and ask a judge to allow me to amend my application. I need to know how to do it if I do it beforehand. When asking permission from the opposing lawyer do I attach the amended document for their approval???
That was awesome!!!
I am very confused what all I need to file with the court. I believe I need to file Acceptance of Service, a Response to the Petition to Modify Parenting Time and Legal Decision. Is this all at this time or do I also need an Affidavit of Financial Information, Employer Information, and Child Support Worksheet?
1) You PRESENT yourself! You are you, thus you can't represent yourself.
2) Child Support and Child support enforcement REQUIRES your consent. Consent is given by:
A) Presumption, you didn't object in writing and verbally.
B) You didn't challenge jurisdiction of the Child supports/enforcement. "Title IV-D "
C) You made a general appearance. When requested to a hearing you must say in writing and in person, " I do not consent to this proceeding. I am not making a general appearance and I do not consent under any circumstances. You can then read the law and case law to the commissioner, magistrate, quasi-Judge.
3) Is the person you see a judge? You should always ask that. Family court employees are; judges, quasi-Judge, magistrate, commissioners and deputy clerks and clerks. However every last one of these positions are void judgments in regards to money judgments.
This is not an exhausted list for the things you need to study!
I have had 3 hearings and challenged jurisdiction all 3, (They are requesting DNA) Magistrate says "they have jurisdiction" I asked him to prove it on the record and all he says is he finds they do and won't revisit, last hearing they filed show cause to have me thrown in jail for contempt, but those rules dont apply to non legal entities, he tried to intimidate me by saying if I don't submit the dna, bring a toothbrush. Dude is corrupt...any advice on how to shut them down once and for all? Sept 21 is the next date...
@@HumbledByYahahwa I would recommend that you look up Yusef El High Frequency Radio
love your voice.
So what happens when the Defendant in my case was evading being served by sheriffs for months and then I was later told that the Defendant in my case already filed for custody but just stopped proceeding with the process though I was still able to file into his case as the Defendant? What happens if the Petitioner does not appear in court? He's been keeping our daughter from me since August 2020. Will the case just get dismissed? We have a case management and temporary custody hearing in 22 days. I don't think he will show because he hasn't submitted anything the judge ordered. He had until 1/1/21 to file. Non-married
I want to apply for Guardianship for my 3 year old grandson. I went into the self help legal office and the staff asked me if the case is open or closed case. I replied it's open and she stated to me since it's open I couldn't apply.
What is the Facebook forum she was talking about...??
The father died and his parents want to step into his parenting time. A high level of Narcissism and many concerns regarding the children with the Grandparents, including toxic manipulation of children, excessive alcohol usage and marijuana usage. Can you do an issue on Constitutional Parental Rights and How to limit contact with Narcissistic toxic Grandparents? Thank you.
Thank u 4 this info so much! U just made me feel alot more
Is there truly such thing as “family court”? If so, is it civil or is it criminal? Is it an article 1 court or is it an article 3 court?
Family courts commit fraud, violates due process, omits/conceals/destroys/ mutilates documentation especially when there is evidence of partiality and non-adherence to the rules of “court” by the “court” employees. It is my opinion that it is actually a tribunal (a tribunal may be a party of interest to the case) where presiding employees operate under conflict of interest for enrichment of pockets of lawyers/“judges”/administrative employees/law enforcement,etc. How can you have equal protection under the law when there is a conflict of interest and desire for money is what drives the system’s corruption?
Can you tell me if the discovery is before pretrial or after?
Before its called interrogatories
How do you best prepare interrogatories when you have been falsely accused and evicted from your home?
responding as Proverbs 3:5-6: I need information on pro se representation in a divorce case with no children in Duplin County, NC
Is this webinar only applicable to Arizona family court please?
Yes Could I have your Rules of evidence crash course please
File of struck compliance I really guess is my best hope??
Would your website apply to Oklahoma? Or would the documents be different?
What if the plaintiff is recorded admitting falsifying documentations ? What do I do to get this before the judge ?
I am currently in the middle of a custody battle with my soon-to-be ex husbands mother.
A little backstory about my situation.
I live in Washington state
My ex and I were in a domestic violence marriage where he controlled everything. Including myself.
In 2016
We were having issues within our marriage.
My 3 boys were sent to his mothers house in Oregon. (Again against my wishes)
So that way we could work on our marriage (dates, marriage counseling, etc)
At this time there was a letter giving my ex’s mother medical permission ( so she could take the boys to the dr, emergency room, etc)
A few months later there was a domestic disturbance between him and I in which my ex fled the scene before cops could arrive. The Sumner police department issued a no contact order against him to protect me from further violence.
Shortly after I was notified that he not only fled the scene, but also the state. (he went to his mothers house where the boys were)
Then the games began.
After a few month of trying to figure my life out and what’s next. All while maintaining contact with his mother, I wanted my boys home.
After contacting my ex’s mother and telling her I was ready to have the boys home, her response was inquisitive on why? Telling me that I wasn’t ready to be a mother and that she’s now “looking out for the best interests of my children”.
Then the darkness happened.
I was then blocked from contact on all social media.
They changed there phone numbers.
Which is considered parental alienation
And then relocated without my knowledge or consent.
Which is considered custodial interference (parental kidnapping)
The search trying to relocate my boys for 3 years... and go to college to become a lawyer and representing myself in court.
All of this happened in fall of 2016.
In 2018
After the grandmother relocated my boys. I started my search. I was getting zero help from local authorities or child protective services. So I did my own investigation.
Using a mutual friends social media account, looking at posts and pictures online. Writing down any clues I could find. I zeroed in on their location.
I went to the location and found my boys.
However it’s now been 2 years. 2 YEARS!!!
after being in the grandmothers care and residents of Oregon for more than 6 months. The state of Oregon now has jurisdiction.
The grandmother relocated my boys again.
In May and June of 2019
I was able to get a few court ordered visits with my boys through a Washington state court. But ultimately it was 100% confirmed that Oregon has jurisdiction.
On my last court ordered visit in june with my boys I was served papers while dropping them back off at the Clackamas Oregon police station.
Since my last visit. There again has been no contact. I try to contact anyone via social media and I’m blocked right away.
I messaged the great grandma (the grand mother’s mother) asking to talk to the boys in which I get nothing but rude and slanderous responses. Which again eventually led with being blocked.
We had a court date today, January 10th 2020
(The result of being served during my last visit)
And since my ex has created an extensive criminal record in Oregon, he now currently has a warrant for his arrest therefore he didn’t show up to his own court case.
However, his mother filed a motion to intervene.
Pre trial hearing is set for April 3rd 2020
Trial is June 4th 2020
Im hoping to obtain a lawyer by then in hopes of bringing my kids home.
I fear if His mother wins this case because I didn’t have proper representation.
She will pack up, move and I will never see my boys again.
Please help not make my nightmares a reality. Anything helps!
Thank you very much for your time
Hello, what a terrible story and so heartbreaking. It sounds like your case is currently in Oregon. We unfortunately are located in Arizona and don't have a licensed attorney in Oregon. But I do have a referral for a firm that I believe does Family Law in Oregon.
Eckart Wostmann Wiese: www.oregonatty.com/home.html
Their phone number is 541-689-3261. Ask if Tamara is there, she is a good friend of mine and tell her that Caitlin Lindahl suggested your firm as a possibility to helping you.
I wish you the best of luck!
It ain't no fun when the rabbit has the gun.
chuck wood uhm too bad i won sole and full custody this last month representing myself
@@nykoole guarantee you if I was their father, I would have given you a run for your money, you would be hating life. Money talks and bs walks and I have lots of money honey! It discuss me to hear you act so proudly of yourself for being the bitch you are.
dennis ott i’m an amazing mother i was trying to leave his domestic violence life style.
I am a pro-se ex-wife I represented myself in my divorce and I won Permanent Alimony and I want to thank Divorce and your Money 🤓🏦📃📑
Great job!
Alimony is nothing but theft. You are a thief.
Shame on you for stealing money from your ex husband. Get out and get your own
Stupid bitches that need to feed off others like leeches
You are the reason men are not getting married anymore. Burst 💥 into flames 🔥
Which State does this webinar covers the family court law for?
I am due in court next month for an uncontested hearing, my husband is asking for a divorce.
I want to contest it, what do I file and what am I to expect at the hearing ?
I can't find forms to fill out.
Can I hire a look lawyer to help fill these forms out ?
CA judge told me I was not allowed to object to the other party and their stuff. Then he took my child away because he thought my job was odd and weird.. IS that allowed?
is it legal for defendant , his attorney and my attorney have private meetings with Judge, excluding me. Is it legal to reintroduce an invalid prenup and be judged valid because I exposed forgery of my signature on on order and income tax returns.
Quoting Nipsey Hussle at 4:06
Is there anyone here who has won a case while representing themselves against an attorney??? I need help so bad. My son was taken by his father and he was given full custody without allowing me to even speak to my son. I've had him his entire life and I simply had a bout of depression where I felt like a failure and agreed to let them have him but I admitted that it would likely cause me to take my life. When I talked to my son about going to live with them, he begged me not to let him go and it ignited a fire in me to do more and not give up. I have been diligent about getting him back on track academically, but he just had neurosurgery through the school year and was out of school a LOT as a result.
He got to take my son and keep him completely away from me because of mental illness. This is too much for anyone with mental illness to deal with. I can't afford an attorney and legal aide won't help me. I can't get a loan either so I have no idea how to go about doing this. I just feel like I have no chance.
Need advice regarding false claims being brought up against me and lies told bout my character. It seems like accountability, truth, or evidence to know actual truth is even looked into. I'm fighting against a controlling women and need to know how truth can be seen. Reality would be great if just that could be seen truthfully. Tired of defending against a ghost that is not real
the court doesn't care about the truth. I'm 6 years into dealing with false accusations last count iv lost two homes, my son, my drivers license, my self respect, my self worth, my dignity, my freedom, and i currently have a warrant for failure to comply. your going to do whatever your going to do. and who knows maybe you wont get screwed like i did my advise though is to find any other way then letting the court to handle your situation because you will not find justice in or from the courts.
I'm in discovery and my spouse refuse to give his business tax returns and he claim the business he owned during the marriage doese not Belongl to him , can he get away with not providing the tax returns? And how can I get or prove his ownership
thank you!
Yo Billie! ;) You did Good here...I'm reaching out to you.
I filed for Divorce with temporary orders I submitted that I already planned a vacation and already paid for with fathers approval. Could that be denied?
Linda Ryan Did you go on your vacation and how did your case go? I'm in the middle of family proceedings... Thank you
Can a notice of strict compliance be filed in family court for a custody case?
Check your local Family Law regulations about making a Motion for strict compliance. Look into the common law with keywords to see what's been done about it before.
I'm going to represent myself at federal court on next month because i couldn't afford more money for the lawyer after i cash payment amount $8,000 already😢
how did it go representing yourself?
How did it go
@@sylviagillette8790 he’s been in prison he’s got 2 more years
south carolina?
when I amend my supporting statement do my initial filing need to be repeated or is my amended added to my initial complaint
You gotta refile everything as a unit and re-serve everything. (w your amended submission everything else is replaced and void)
How does this apply in the state of Louisiana
How does this strategy apply in Louisiana?
do grandparents have rights in California to have visitation rights of their grandchildren
please answer because im told that I don't by the absent parent
Where are links to fb page and forum?
What about child custody orders within a PFA?
does anybody have a sMoke or template for a declaration letter asking judge for more time
If I am understanding correctly you don't want to ask the judge ( acting judge) anything. Better to say something like "I require" " a demand" nor do you want to get there permission to do or say anything either. . If they can presume anything they will. If you are asking them for permission or waiting for them to give you permission they can presume that you are under their jurisdiction. Word magic using mother f......
Regis Ihss been disabled what's the deal
The website doesn't work or is incorrect
We've had a name change and we're now iDoOver.life. Drop by and check out online classes to help people getting a divorce, including our introductory free class at idoover.life/learn
my ex iscontesting the the supplement Inc what shall I do should I contesting the divorce I also a text with my ex promising me insurance
how do you make a custody agreement work,when the court system is one sided towards one party?
something else has to be going on for them to be one-sided I’m a black man and i won custody against a whites women
Is there Child support involved? The court is not incentivized in equal custody
What's your Facebook Forum Link? Thanks!
Hi Mam, can you give the FB forum link
I want to get discovery on my child's Instagram accounts but I filed an order to shiw cause
i filed a restraining order against my husband for domestic abuse he hired a lawyer two days before hearing so I scrambled to get an attorney free from local domestic abuse facility helped me obtain a lawyer as he took all the money. Minutes before we were to have our hearing his lawyer pulled a sneaky move and asked for visitation and My husband would not fight the restraining order. My lawyer told me to take the deal even though I had told her kids have seen this abuse he has been Out of control when he spanks my son and my daughter is afraid of him my lawyers Response was if there’s no evidence there’s nothing you can do at this point take the deal argue in Family Court. The very next day my husband again for the third time since the temporary restraining order now permanent has been issued my husband Uses a third-party person to relay messages to me I called the police and they told me again that he is just trying to abide by the agreement arrangement. The lawyers and him keep changing the terms of our verbal agreement. So I had to send my lawyer a long email stating all this is not what we agreed on and her response is your not making yourself look good when you go to family court. Also since he’s been moved out I also found a loaded gun in my garage and I’m afraid to tell the police about this because when I told police about him contacting the third-party I was told he’s just trying to abide by the agreement and restraining order so my thought is there going to say it’s not his gun do you have any advice for me at this point. The other factor is the agreement we verbally mean in regards to arrangement for the children suddenly change about my lawyers and and his lawyers and he wants more time than we discussed and he wants to be able to pick up the kids whatever he chooses so also i found a loaded gun In my attic in garage I’m sure they’re just going to say she’s just saying that to frame him. Any advice would be of help I’m just beside myself not sleeping and Continuously been victimized by everybody I feel even my lawyer
Also what if your not married with kids not working for 3 years plus
Im representing myself in family court against my abuser. It’s unlawful right ?
how can a man or woman represent themselves? do you not present yourself under your own power?
Hi I have a REALLY different situation. I’m going to try and make this basic as possible. My son was NOT swabbed at the paternity lab by dcf. My family is interfering with my parental rights by slandering and sabotaging me for me excepting money from my grandmother over 20 years ago. My cousin is a head supervisor for dcf. The protocol on how they did the paternity test was not met. I had hired a lawyer who wouldn’t do anything for me like I asked him to please come to the paternity lab with me, but he refused. So that’s why it’s hard for me to trust a lawyer now, but need help on what forms I need to file to do pro se in this situation. I had never lost my son, my sons mom lost custody of him when her and I were in the middle of a custody case. I know that he is ABSOLUTELY my biological son. This is straight corruption and it’s very unbearable and upsetting.
You better get your kid and move to another state. It will not get better, it will get worse. Until the day your ex kidnaps your child and keeps them from you. Keeps them from going to school, the cops wont help, CPS, and slowly I find out that for months and YEARS he has been gaslighting me and preparing for this day. It is called "campaign of denigration" and it is because my ex is a malignant covert narcissist. and what he did is called Parent Alienation Syndrome. You better start researching and learning about it and make a plan. Check out Dr. Richard Warshak's website, look at you tube videos from Dr. Ramani. Not only did he brainwash my children into hating me and I am now alone, but he slowly alienated me away from ALL my family and ALL my friends. So now I sit here, alone and 2 days away from the sheriff physically removing me. I have no where to go. I have no money. CSED cut off child support regardless they didnt have jurisdiction. The landlord commited mail fraud and forged my signature on documents then filed them, Dept of Commerce refuses my assistance for rent with Emergency rental help. Section 8 pulled my voucher, SNAP just pulled my funds, and the crime victims advocate and SAFE house have refused me services, and actually laughed at me while I was crying and upset.
I have considered filing for refugee status in Canada. I have considered suicide. I cannot get a single attorney to help, free legal wont help, my bank closed my account for no reason (had it joint with my daughter) my car insurance canceled my policy (had joint with daughter) the school blocked me and refused access to her or her records, my doctor (had with her) and other clinics have sent a letter saying "no longer provide services" and I have absolutely no option, no children, no job, no life. It took him the 10 years we were married, then he left me with the homewrecker, but still 10 years after the divorce he still comes after me. CSED screwed me out of $100,000 in child support, he screwed me out of $75,000 sale of house revenue, and other assets. Then the real topping of the cake, was when I sneaked to watch my daughter graduate and she gets up to get her diploma...its her turn and they state her name...they replaced her middle name, which was Elizabeth my name, to Joe. To publically shame and humiliate me. and I had no Fing idea this was all happening. You want your kid??? make a plan and get the F out. disappear. get a burner phone, be ready to sell your car and buy a new one for cash, delete all social media or never access it again. change emails, change your appearance, get on a greyhound and pay with cash to the furthest away you can. change your name you tell everyone until you can legally change your name. then disappear again to make sure under your new name. Do you want your kids??? I am 100% on this. Dont learn the hard way.
If you walk into a court with an attorney the court considers you incompetent. That's why you have your attorney with you is so he or she can make all the decisions for you.
Unless that Attorney starts learning "Learned Helplessness" which many have in Family Court
That is terribly strange, why would you be considered incompetent for having representation?
In Canada, it is those who are not legally represented who are considered incompetent, or poor, or stupid. And have the likelihood of being ineffective in court.
I think you need to boot that idea out of your head. Is this a thought you feed to yourself? Or you think this is how the court views you?
@@margyeoman3564 ...by seeking representation, what you are declaring to the court, is the acknowledgement that you are not competent to handle your own legal affairs...and therefore have given power of attorney to a recognized member of the BAR.
Once represented, the judicial officer will not hear or listen to anything you say, because you have legally declared yourself to be incompetent, by requesting representation.
the person who initially stated this, was stating legal facts...which you took offence to based on how it sounded, versus what the law and rules of court are ...
ALL BAR MEMBERS, have sworn an oath as to what has priority for what their efforts are to be expended on....
1.)the A.B.A. , it's reputation ,members and interests....
2.) the courts,(where they make their money) the interests of justice
3.) the clients...
THESE ARE FACTS ...which means if the case will make more money for the BAR MEMBERS by finding a client guilty...the Attorney is compelled by oath to prioritize the interests of the BAR, over the client....
Do i still have to pay support if my ex moves my child out of state with out my permission?
Yes, if you don't pay it they will take your business license and drivers license as well as deny you a passport and hunting and fishing licenses. It happened to me.
And throw you in jail if you are behind enough..
If you have visitation read your court order. Yes you are still required to pay support but she does need your approval and courts approval to move out of state with the child. If there is something in there saying she needs written consent you can take her back to court and they will order her to return the child to the state you are living. This is why its important to have an agreement signed by courts in place. Also be careful because if she moves out of state without you having a parenting plan in place then she only needs to be living in a state for six months to claim that state has jurisdiction. Most lawyers will give a free consultation so good luck
@@MikeBrownRehobothBeach If she sends the child away to another state with a relative, then you will have to apply for a change of support for the child. Especially, if you have joint custody or structured visitation. Any act that's taken outside of the court's decisions is arguable. Just dont stop. File for an injunction with the courts too.
Unless you have court ordered parenting time you’re screwed. A parents worst nightmare
She says we represent ourselves...what a joke. What she is saying women get an attorney or representation for free as most men go in there and represent themselves.
What if you have no income for 3 years and no assets
bottom feeder here. they just want your money and they know what they are doing isnt even right look up title 4d read it and learn child support isnt even enacted into law
Heh.. how about when your in laws have kidnapped your child, refuse to give him back and now you and your husband are fighting together as a married couple because your in laws believe you are 'dangerous'. Yeah, I had postpartum depression. But seriously? I wonder what would happen if my husband and I filed for notice of strict compliance? As the in laws accusations are entirely false and even discriminatory and we as legal parents have nothing to hide. In fact we have medical professionals I'd been seeing for my postpartum completely ready to step in, as my child is being verbally abused by my in laws right now. My husband found this out as only he's allowed to visit our son.
Grand Parents have NO legal rights on grand Children. Not even visitation rights on most States. access to the Children is entirely at the disposition of the Parents.
Only when BOTH parents are non-functional (addicted to drugs, etc)
can the G. Parents ask the Court for custody or adoption but that is AFTER the parents are deemed Unfit parents and a possible danger to the Children.
I have questions about disclosure. do you have a contact number
If your married for 4years and your getting a divorce. How long does it take
Do you have any children under the age of 18? It's much easier and quicker without children.
Depends on how combative your ex is... if he won't concede then your probably still in litigation...
How do I word my own emergancy custody form. I put temporary primary custody. Then in my paperwork I listed the reasons why. Drugs, neglect ect. Did I word it wrong?
My sisters ex didn't show up at court.After 1 yr he didn't disclose his financial information. Last minute he sent Dr notes that he's on wheelchair and had stroke! He has his friend doctors to write fake Dr note! My sisters Ex is a millionaire! He never put anything any address any of his homes under his own name, never and all his investments are done in cash money! My sister wasn't married but they lived together 14 yrs together! It's impossible to make her ex to bring to court and make him disclose his financial information. We don't know where he's living! My sister has a child from previous relationship. She has limited legal aide and she contacted all the lawyers on legal aide lust but none of them were very helpful. This last lawyer doesn't do much or explain talk at all! They had no agreement when they lived together.
What are the steps to get a subpoena filed and served? I have been in litigation for over 2 years and my attorney was unable to get my ex husbands bank statements. My ex filed a Motion to Modify Child Support and I have no idea how much he makes and I fired my attorney. I am no pro se and have run out of time to get the bank records from my ex so I am trying to subpoena... I just don't want to mess up the subpoena. I have already had the subpoena signed by the clerk and served the other party with it and sent it off but is anything supposed to accompany the subpoena? I read about a Notice to the Consumer but who drafts this and who is it sent to??? So many questions...
subpoena the banks
My ex received custody of my children in 2015 while I was in jail and I was never served or notified of anything. When I was released, it took me a month to re-establish myself and find a nice place and I brought the kids home for the weekends and all summer. Last year, my ex was arrested again for abusing his live in gf and was given 90 days for violating his parole. During that time, I filled a motion for a change in circumstance and he told his uncle, who has been the primary care taker of our kids since he received custody, not to allow me to have any contact with them. When he got out, his lawyer rescheduled the hearing once, then again the day before the reacheduled date. The judge signed as "continuance until later date". The next thing I received was a form stating I never returned a questionnaire or something. Plz help me. He's given our 12 year old a tattoo, killed their puppy in front of them and is an extremely unstable person who has alienated me from my children. What can I do?
Do you have a lawyer? Can you afford one or were you appointed one? If not, try looking into whether or not where you live has any legal services. We have one around me called Neighborhood Legal Services and the attorney's there do not charge. I can't recall if they have a pay scale or anything. But regardless, my best advice is to seek legal counsel but make sure said person is actually listening to you & what you're saying. I'm going through similar & I'm sorry you have to experience this, it sucks. Best of luck to you.
What state are you in?
This attorney seems giddy about ex party litigation: something that should not even be allowed
It makes their job so much easier.
Access Legal can you post a video on how to request a legal court purges against my ex-husband for non payment of Alimony please 😔
Support your kids you strong independent women.
Pretty clear that your focus group is women. Based on your initial 5 mins of monologue
If you go past the first 5 minutes, the information is clearly for people who are new to the legal system. It's good information, actually.
Az is curruption at best
This video repeated itself and was junk