Watching this show from the U.K. it makes you realise how amazing the French people are. Politics set us apart but this show brings everyone together and showcases France around the world
Creo que soy el único latino en los comentarios. Muchas veces cometemos errores y solo nos damos cuenta cuando miramos atrás, y sentimos que lo estamos perdiendo. Pero de eso se trata la vida, de cometer errores y aprender de ellos Excelente programa frances, he visto varios capitulos, felicitaciones👏
Yoann a u raison de pas ouvrire le rideau, la jalousie est une maladie qui s appelle la confiance, comment peut elle ne pas être jalouse ,elle a piqué le mec de sa copine ,il y aura toujours un doute entre eux
toujours apprendre , s’améliorer dans la vie , le meilleur nous tombera du ciel sans que l’on cherche nulle part ailleurs ; c’est mes propres expériences , 🙏👍💪💖😊
I'm also a drummer who once had a very jealous girlfriend, so I can speak from some experience with this sort of thing. I've had plenty of girls make moves on me as well over the years. As it happens, I'm a one-woman man. My girlfriend was much like Miriam here, a really pretty woman who unfortunately was just too damned jealous, so much that she would make scenes for no valid reason. I did everything within reason to get her to understand that it was unnecessary and even destructive. Didn't work. Eventually I ended the relationship, and it was for that reason. Today, I'm married to my best friend, who may not have quite model-like looks like either my previous girlfriend, or Miriam in this video clip, but doggone it, my wife's the best. I'm happy with her. She doesn't play that jealousy nonsense, even when other women make plays for me (I usually don't even notice they're doing this!). Life is peaceful and good with her, and that's really what's going to get a man to stick around.
I would absolutely die if my husband ever said that I wasn't as beautiful as his ex. However true it may be, that's just something you should never say, even anonymously online.
Ele não a ama verdadeiramente. Só fica com ela quando quer alguém para mima-lo e quando quer usá-la. A moça deveria se afastar dele e seguir em frente. Irá encontrar uma pessoa que a ame e respeite. Ela deve ter mais auto-estima, sair deste círculo neurótico e ultrajante.
Un départ sur la mal honnêteté ne peut pas mener sur un chemin d amour saint c est évident ! La paix du coeur et de l esprit se base sur la confiance là il y en a pas !
The foundation of their relationship Wass already wrong. He cheated on his gf who is her friend to be with her. That's the origin of her insecurity. No matter what you build on it, it will be a problem. She will always suspect that he'll do the same to her. Both of them should move on. You cannot build a meaningful relationship on infidelity and betrayal.
La jalousie n'est pas une preuve d'amour, seulement d'un manque de confiance en soi et d'un esprit de compétition. Or, l'amour ce n'est pas considérer son prochain comme sa propriété. Mais il y a plus globalement toute une culture toxique à revoir dans nos schémas amoureux.
@@LuBre He betrayed her first, afterwards she got jealous, which is healthy. Best would be to drop the cheater instantly, but a relationship is like a takes time to let go. Here, this woman is the nice one imo. I wish her the wisdom to end it. People usually don't chance easily; this also applies to Cheaters
I'm living this life rigth now, jealousy. It's a two edged blade. It's 50/50 good and bad. If this guy loves her, he would concentrate on her positive attitude and must try hard to convince her that he's willing to accept who she is. This isn't the case but it's also a very smart move for him to not continue the relationship. Hopefully, she can learn from this with another man that actually cares about her.
True, but try being with a guy on a rock band. Those guys always sleep around, so I am sure she has her reasons.... I think she is very lucky he said NO, he is not interested in settling down....Once his career is over, and he turns ugly with the drugs that did him in, he may then come looking for her when she is married with kids.
Courage, tu es une femme très belle qui mérite d'être aimée, être avec quelqu'un qui te donne son coeur, ne souffre pas pour quelqu'un qui ne mérite pas que tu souffre pour lui, on ne force pas l'amour ni une relation. Seul un homme qui t'aime avec coeur verra ta vraie valeur. Je te souhaite beaucoup de bonheur trésor, tu es trop mignonne.
People never change. Her comment at the end when she said "for now", when responding to the fact that he is moving on, was spot on. He'll call her, drunk, or when he wants sex, etc. It's up to her to remain strong, which she will NOT. Because people never change. The majority of relationships gone bad are self-inflicted wounds/sorrow/pain. Because you are either in or out, in a relationship. No excuses. If one is hesitant, they are out. If one cheats, they are out. If one is still hung up on their ex, they are out. It is up to the other person in the relationship to take the hint, and move on. But the other never does, because people don't change.
@@roselandebazelais8236 Le pauvre chéri , il est vraiment malheureux... Tant mieux pour elle, bon débarras, elle mérite mieux que cet homme qui s'est servi d'elle quand il en avait envie et qui devait être content de la rendre jalouse avec n'importe quelle autre qui lui courre après. Dommage pour lui et tant mieux pour elle, elle trouvera beaucoup mieux.
@@loopingmalone8242 t’es en train de faire comme si le gars était le simple fautif alors que tu connais même pas toute l’histoire c’est quoi cette mentalité …
Il y a franchement rien qui va ! Quel honte de s'afficher comme ça. Dans l'espace commentaire, il y en a qui l'a défendent et d'autres qui le défend mais personne n'est mieux que l'autre. Elle sort avec le petit ami de son amie, elle est immature, ne connaît rien à l'amour et bête. Et lui, ne l'aime pas, l'utilise pour quelque soir, remet la faute sur elle alors qu'il fait tout pour la mettre jalouse. En bref, qui se ressemble, s'assemble, il n'y a pas de victime
Sad, It is unfortune that some people can being so possessive. The young lady is learning life experiences. I feel sad for her. People should learn to forgive, and if you forgive show it. My X was big trouble. So possessive, and dangerously jealous. I had like many other girls and boy opportunities, but never once strayed. I didn't want too, or think I needed too. Yes now my X because she is the one who enjoyed cheating. Always cherish what you have. Problems and issues can most times be resolved through good communication and understanding. No one is perfect, and along the road of life there are many dumps, highs and lows. Never go to sleep on an argument, or disagreement. You may never get the time for someone hear you say "SORRY, FORGIVE ME or I DIDNT MEAN IT, I WAS ANGRY. In life, love and any relationship we accept the GOOD, the BAD, the SAD and NOT SO UGLY. Good luck young lady in your future and find happiness. Sometimes being in deep love can be so overwhelming, sometimes the other half doesn't really notice.
J' ai vécu exactement ce qu' elle a vécu. Elle sera mieux avec un autre. En plus il va la voir de temps en temps, il joue avec ses sentiments. C' est moche. Et choisir la copine de sa Nana pour faire équipe c' est clair que c' est spécial.
It was fair. He wasn't so cold, and he had his reasons...While uncontrolled jealousy is not exactly and attractive trait, since he is a drummer on a Rock Band, I am sure he was most likely sleeping around with his groupies, so it's not like she didn't have her reasons too. Having said that, why on earth would she want to go back to a guy who will probably never settle down with one woman?!...Lady, be thankful he said no....Move on to a more stable gentlemen. No lady who is with a guy on a Rock band will ever be secure in a relationship, unless you're Paul and Linda McCarthy.
الغيره هيا حب زئد لشخص لا يستحق كل هاذيه التضحيه والاحراج اما العالم والاعتذار هوا اجمل شيا في الكون لكن البعض لا يقدر 🇾🇪
5 месяцев назад
Quand la jalousie est excessive et provoque des scènes de crise (même sans raison) il n'y a qu'une seule chose à faire : mettre un terme définitif à la relation. Expérience vécue, ce fut un enfer. Quel soulagement de sortir de ce type de relation ultra-toxique.
Elle aurait dû choisir un enseignant pour qu'il soit fideĺe. Un musicien c'est pas possible. Milieu pouri , l'alcool, la drogue. S'il a refusé c'est bien pour elle
Most times it's hard to shake off the feeling. Clearly he wasn't thinking with his head but with his ego. Believe me you are better off without him...plenty of fishes out in the ocean. Good riddance!!
Maybe he's thinking that going back will have the same story jealousy and fights. With his profession as a drummer girls chase him and jealousy will hit again which is stressful to both. Physically they both look good together and wish each of them a new life.
Quand on est jaloux souvent c'est que l'on est mal aimé ..... ça décuple l'attachement Donc la responsabilité est partagée Il faut partir quand on devient jaloux ou aller voir un conseiller matrimonial... à deux
Elle disais quil n'étais pas jaloux ? Dur quand meme ! Elle aurais du le tromper ce con. Jaime pas ce genre de mec un biiiiiiip Il se la joue sans cœur le type a la haine contre elle ca se voit dernière son sourire et son air rien a faire delle 😂😂😂😂😂😂
La confiance est quelque chose qui se mérite !!!!!! Je préfère une femme jalouse plutôt qu’une femme qui me dirait : fais ce que tu veux !!!!! Les gens se mettent en couple mais en fait ce ne sont que 2 individualités !!!!! C’est pathétique 😡😡😡
@@melicoeur1363 Peut être il a prolongé un peu la liaison par peur de lui dire la vérité car elle et amoureuse , mais je pense que d'être sur le plateau c'est un soulagement pour lui, pour finir vraiment la relation.
Je suis tt à fait d'accord avec cet homme. Il a raison. Moi à sa place, je ferai la même chose.. C mieux de laisser la femme jalouse loin de toi. Sinon c'est de l'enfer.. L'amour ne se base pas sur la jalousie.
Je me sens mal pour elle mais la jalousie peut être une chose très dangereuse et effrayante... C'est une belle jeune femme & elle a toute sa vie devant elle pour trouver quelqu'un d'autre...
Sans être méchante il a eu raison Elle devait vraiment avoir un sale comportement Et le pardon lui suffisait Quand qqlch n’a pas marché sa sert a rien d’y retourner Une personne peut se convaincre d’avoir changer mais pcq pendant ces 6 mois elles étaient pas dans les conditions de couple C’st sur qu’elle allait recommencer
His body language said it all, even at the end before he answered no he was already facing the exit door. He wants to party and screw as many girls as he can and when they were together he ridiculed her with another girl at trivia pursuit. He's the immature one, i know because i was exactly like him in my younger days bar the rock band thing.
You know nothing about this man. Stop all your bs. At least he didn't accept her and start playing the games again. You have no idea how damaging an excessive jealousy in a relationship. Let him enjoy and that girl shouldn't come back for the time being. The man will reach out if there is still hope and love.
Women dont seem to grasp that men want peace and quiet with a partner. Too much chaos will destroy the heart of any man and it always come to a point in which the man will feel enough is enough. And when that happens there is no way back - as this episode shows. He has moved on, and when a man has moved on they dont look back.
Pour moi, cette relation "sentimentale" entre Miriam et Yohan, ne pouvait se réaliser . Car dés le début, Miriam est trés jalouse . Et d'autre part, Yohan fait partie d'un groupe de rock . Avec toutes les "tentations féminimes" qu'il peut rencontrer .
Se si tradisce un amico o amica ,rubando gli il fidanzato o la fidanzata,non può essere un unione benedetta...che gente ipocrita e pure malvagia...sarebbe giusto essere chiari visto l'amicizia....che schiffo di gente 😢
Bem só ele sabe o que passou na mão dela. Ela mesmo disse que era muito ciumenta. Tomara que ambos encontre alguém que lhes dê valor e que eles valorizem também.
They're both on the wrong. She didn't recognize her self worth and took it on him to gain validation and he takes relationships and sex for granted knowing how much the girl/girls love him so he took advantage. Both will enormously suffer in life if they have not changed their hearts and treat the other gender with humanity and compassion rather than a mean to satisfy their selfish needs.
Una mujer o un hombre celoso es mucha inseguridad en si mismos no es porque te quieran es inseguridad ..una persona celosa ni es feliz ni deja a su pareja ser feliz y nunca cambiam asi es mejor cada quien su camino ...
Elle est peut-être très amoureuse, ce qui conduit à de telle niveau de jalousie. Mais malgré le fait d'être "très amoureuse" a quand même tout anéanti. C'est une énorme leçon de vie.
Pas d'accord ! Le rôle d'un homme es d'Aimé une femme, la jalousie viens d'un manque d'empathie de l'autre et sa dernière phrase au garçon montre à quel point il es très énervé ca doit être un type mauvais en amour elle a eu de la chance de ne pas continuer avec ce type.
@@Celia4348b J'ai plutot l'impression que vous n'avez jamais connu de femme 🤔, et je le pense sincèrement. En vous analysant, vous ne les connaissez que de loin, ou que sur les réseaux ou qu'à la télé, et je parie ma pièce que vous êtes encore puceau 😂. En réalité, vous êtes dans une psyRose, piégé dans une psychologie à l'eau de rose, sur la planète des Bisounours. Croyez-moi, quand votre reveil sonnera, ce sera une énorme gifle, tellement douloureuse que le fait même de vous en souvenir vous glacera le sang. Mais je ne vous souhaite que du bien 😄.
@@Idcanymore510 We don't know that. He had more than one women at the same time before being with her, after being with her. I wouldn't be suprised to learn it was the same when he was with her, except that she didn't know it. He doesn't seem very monogamous, sleeping with her after he left her for other women. Wanting to be in a relationship with this kind of person is a waste of time.
Love is funny. Myriam is better than that guy, i don't know why she lowers herself to him. I think situation of not opening the curtain helped her realise her true worth. She is by far beautiful and classy. She deserves someone better that that guy
But she won't get him with that level of jealousy. Men hate that. It was actually he who had the maturity to understand that there was no sense in going back to the past. In that respect he was honest; he didn't try to use her. She needs to move on and deal with her jealousy or history will repeat itself.
You don't deserve him especially a guy who jumps from hand to hand like a puppy. Always think love is not living for the moment it's forever. You got all that jelousy is not your fault , it's because he created it, you are not at peace with him.
Jealousy is created by the person who owns it, no one else. Remember she started dating him when he was with one of her friends. She stole her friend's boyfriend. Her insecurity comes from knowing that what she did, someone else could do. Especially with the lifestyle he lives. She is no angel just as he is no prince!
Pelo menos ele teve uma atitude de homem, agora cabe à ela e somente á ela ter mais amor próprio, se valorizar mais e virar a página e vida que segue ...
Quelle beau garçon !! Je comprends la jalousie de la fille Mais faut pas exagérer Il y a la jalousie raisonnable il faut des limites.....après il a pas l air très amoureux donc...
Watching this show from the U.K. it makes you realise how amazing the French people are. Politics set us apart but this show brings everyone together and showcases France around the world
Creo que soy el único latino en los comentarios.
Muchas veces cometemos errores y solo nos damos cuenta cuando miramos atrás, y sentimos que lo estamos perdiendo. Pero de eso se trata la vida, de cometer errores y aprender de ellos
Excelente programa frances, he visto varios capitulos, felicitaciones👏
Há mais latinos por aqui. :) :)
Thank you very much for English subtitles...i really enjoy watching yur show..THANK YOU !
What ever you said Spoiled goose
Como são lindas as francesas...a maioria tem um rostinho romântico 🌹
as brasilianas sao lindissimas ..
Elle pique le mec d'une amie et après elle est jalouse. On ne fait son bonheur en brisant celui des autres.
Yoann a u raison de pas ouvrire le rideau, la jalousie est une maladie qui s appelle la confiance, comment peut elle ne pas être jalouse ,elle a piqué le mec de sa copine ,il y aura toujours un doute entre eux
That's karma then. I hope as well she learned the lesson, that harming others doesn't bring happiness
toujours apprendre , s’améliorer dans la vie , le meilleur nous tombera du ciel sans que l’on cherche nulle part ailleurs ; c’est mes propres expériences , 🙏👍💪💖😊
Le meilleur ne tombe pas du ciel... Comme pour tout dans la vie il faut faire des efforts.
I'm also a drummer who once had a very jealous girlfriend, so I can speak from some experience with this sort of thing. I've had plenty of girls make moves on me as well over the years. As it happens, I'm a one-woman man. My girlfriend was much like Miriam here, a really pretty woman who unfortunately was just too damned jealous, so much that she would make scenes for no valid reason. I did everything within reason to get her to understand that it was unnecessary and even destructive. Didn't work. Eventually I ended the relationship, and it was for that reason.
Today, I'm married to my best friend, who may not have quite model-like looks like either my previous girlfriend, or Miriam in this video clip, but doggone it, my wife's the best. I'm happy with her. She doesn't play that jealousy nonsense, even when other women make plays for me (I usually don't even notice they're doing this!). Life is peaceful and good with her, and that's really what's going to get a man to stick around.
איזה מיוחד אתה מאחלת לך המון אושר
Well said!
I would absolutely die if my husband ever said that I wasn't as beautiful as his ex. However true it may be, that's just something you should never say, even anonymously online.
@@emmak2971 grow up
@@tradewins Not willing to be considerate of your life partner's feelings is extremely childish. Grow up
Je comprends la démarche de la demoiselle et je respecte la décision de son bien aimé, c'est la vie......
Girl,though its huts but it is good for you...there is a brighter future ahead of you,you can find a guy that really deserves you! Cheer up!❤️
Wow 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
yeah, its huts a lot.
Ele não a ama verdadeiramente. Só fica com ela quando quer alguém para mima-lo e quando quer usá-la. A moça deveria se afastar dele e seguir em frente. Irá encontrar uma pessoa que a ame e respeite. Ela deve ter mais auto-estima, sair deste círculo neurótico e ultrajante.
Il ne mérite plus cette belle et ravissante femme
Un départ sur la mal honnêteté ne peut pas mener sur un chemin d amour saint c est évident !
La paix du coeur et de l esprit se base sur la confiance là il y en a pas !
Je suis totalement d'accord 🙏
exactement !
The foundation of their relationship Wass already wrong. He cheated on his gf who is her friend to be with her. That's the origin of her insecurity. No matter what you build on it, it will be a problem. She will always suspect that he'll do the same to her. Both of them should move on. You cannot build a meaningful relationship on infidelity and betrayal.
better a broken heart early than a broken heard after investing a lot of yourself in it
Leurs sentiments ne sont plus au meme niveau, trop tard !
Aqui se faz, aqui se paga.
Ela colheu o que plantou.
Ma chérie ce gars là ne t'aime pas comme tu l'aimes
Once we men decides to stop, we just stop. I think it's easier for a man to move on than a woman..
@@pingyu5141 He never loved her in the first place.
Nymporte quoi
Elle l aime ces normal elle se méfie
La jalousie n'est pas une preuve d'amour, seulement d'un manque de confiance en soi et d'un esprit de compétition. Or, l'amour ce n'est pas considérer son prochain comme sa propriété. Mais il y a plus globalement toute une culture toxique à revoir dans nos schémas amoureux.
Well, it’s good that she found out early that he’s only into her body but not her. She’s such a beautiful lady, she’ll do better without him.
He left her because she's probably too crazy to handle.
@@LuBre He betrayed her first, afterwards she got jealous, which is healthy. Best would be to drop the cheater instantly, but a relationship is like a takes time to let go. Here, this woman is the nice one imo. I wish her the wisdom to end it. People usually don't chance easily; this also applies to Cheaters
Keep Walking pretty have all the time of the world. 🌷🌷.Just be better with yourself for the good of your relationship....
I'm living this life rigth now, jealousy. It's a two edged blade. It's 50/50 good and bad. If this guy loves her, he would concentrate on her positive attitude and must try hard to convince her that he's willing to accept who she is. This isn't the case but it's also a very smart move for him to not continue the relationship. Hopefully, she can learn from this with another man that actually cares about her.
Fantastici conduttori, squisita Dafne, gran galanteria di Sam.🎉
People don't change. Who is jealous will be forever jealous!
True, but try being with a guy on a rock band. Those guys always sleep around, so I am sure she has her reasons.... I think she is very lucky he said NO, he is not interested in settling down....Once his career is over, and he turns ugly with the drugs that did him in, he may then come looking for her when she is married with kids.
Eu percebi que ele dava motivos para ter ciúmes. E ele não queria mudar sua vida em nada. Enfim… não a amava o suficiente..
Je suis entièrement d'accord avec vous 😊
La jalousie 'est une bombe à retardement. ..
I due presentatori sono fantastici ...
Il n'a pas l'air du tout amoureux d'elle,la pauvre!
La jalousie maladive tout comme la possessivité extrême est un tue l'amour.
Courage, tu es une femme très belle qui mérite d'être aimée, être avec quelqu'un qui te donne son coeur, ne souffre pas pour quelqu'un qui ne mérite pas que tu souffre pour lui, on ne force pas l'amour ni une relation. Seul un homme qui t'aime avec coeur verra ta vraie valeur. Je te souhaite beaucoup de bonheur trésor, tu es trop mignonne.
People never change. Her comment at the end when she said "for now", when responding to the fact that he is moving on, was spot on. He'll call her, drunk, or when he wants sex, etc. It's up to her to remain strong, which she will NOT. Because people never change. The majority of relationships gone bad are self-inflicted wounds/sorrow/pain. Because you are either in or out, in a relationship. No excuses. If one is hesitant, they are out. If one cheats, they are out. If one is still hung up on their ex, they are out. It is up to the other person in the relationship to take the hint, and move on. But the other never does, because people don't change.
yeah well, enjoy your sad lonely life
he aint ever calling her buddy, she is a psycho
People can change but not as fast.
A categorical statement that people don't change is, in a word, nonsense. What it shows is that your life experience is limited.
@@tradewins people adapt to different situations and behaviors may evolve (conditionally) but at the core, people don't change.
She deserved someone better,she's beautiful &brave😊
Il ne t'aime pas, tu n'as rien a regretter, tu merite d'etre aimee!
Elle l'a pris dans les bras d'une autre.Donc peut-être que c'est pour cela qu'il ne la veut pas non plus.
@@roselandebazelais8236 Le pauvre chéri , il est vraiment malheureux... Tant mieux pour elle, bon débarras, elle mérite mieux que cet homme qui s'est servi d'elle quand il en avait envie et qui devait être content de la rendre jalouse avec n'importe quelle autre qui lui courre après. Dommage pour lui et tant mieux pour elle, elle trouvera beaucoup mieux.
@@loopingmalone8242 t’es en train de faire comme si le gars était le simple fautif alors que tu connais même pas toute l’histoire c’est quoi cette mentalité …
Il y a franchement rien qui va ! Quel honte de s'afficher comme ça. Dans l'espace commentaire, il y en a qui l'a défendent et d'autres qui le défend mais personne n'est mieux que l'autre. Elle sort avec le petit ami de son amie, elle est immature, ne connaît rien à l'amour et bête. Et lui, ne l'aime pas, l'utilise pour quelque soir, remet la faute sur elle alors qu'il fait tout pour la mettre jalouse. En bref, qui se ressemble, s'assemble, il n'y a pas de victime
Il a découvert ce que c’était d’avoir plusieurs filles en même temps sans engagements. C’était sur d’avance qu’il n’allait pas retourner avec elle.
Il a découvert le miel.. 😂
@@RT-xj4sd Et il va s'engluer dedans.
C'est une photo de Sète sur ton profil 😉
@@kevinkevin9644 yes
Yoan, quand il a personne il l'appelle et quand il a quelqu'un il l'a laissé tomber
yep, the prick kind. I wonder why girls fell for that cheap talk bastards.
una persona celosa nunca cambia
Só disfarça bem..rsrs
Sad, It is unfortune that some people can being so possessive. The young lady is learning life experiences. I feel sad for her. People should learn to forgive, and if you forgive show it. My X was big trouble. So possessive, and dangerously jealous. I had like many other girls and boy opportunities, but never once strayed. I didn't want too, or think I needed too. Yes now my X because she is the one who enjoyed cheating. Always cherish what you have. Problems and issues can most times be resolved through good communication and understanding. No one is perfect, and along the road of life there are many dumps, highs and lows. Never go to sleep on an argument, or disagreement. You may never get the time for someone hear you say "SORRY, FORGIVE ME or I DIDNT MEAN IT, I WAS ANGRY. In life, love and any relationship we accept the GOOD, the BAD, the SAD and NOT SO UGLY. Good luck young lady in your future and find happiness. Sometimes being in deep love can be so overwhelming, sometimes the other half doesn't really notice.
Pauvre fille.. juste le faite qu'elle ai piquer le mec d'une autre elle degoute!
Personne n'en parle
Él nunca encontrará a una mujer tan buena como Miriam, una mujer celosa es porque te quiere de verdad. Gracias por la traducción al español.
Una mujer celosa es una mujer insegura. El amor reside en la confianza, no la desconfianza.
bien souvent , c est l homme qui fait que sa femme est jalouse . il regarde d autre femme que la sienne.
Bg, musicien, il ne sera jamais fidèle à personne.
@@Hassane221 pas toujours !😏
J' ai vécu exactement ce qu' elle a vécu.
Elle sera mieux avec un autre.
En plus il va la voir de temps en temps, il joue avec ses sentiments. C' est moche.
Et choisir la copine de sa Nana pour faire équipe c' est clair que c' est spécial.
Elle est vraiment belle bon sang !
Oui, mais toxique.
Elle est super belle perdez pas votre temps
Que pena que ella sea tan bella y tan tóxica.
Y ese chico todavía quiere vivir la vida como un Rockstar.
It was fair. He wasn't so cold, and he had his reasons...While uncontrolled jealousy is not exactly and attractive trait, since he is a drummer on a Rock Band, I am sure he was most likely sleeping around with his groupies, so it's not like she didn't have her reasons too. Having said that, why on earth would she want to go back to a guy who will probably never settle down with one woman?!...Lady, be thankful he said no....Move on to a more stable gentlemen. No lady who is with a guy on a Rock band will ever be secure in a relationship, unless you're Paul and Linda McCarthy.
Or the late Charlie Watts and his lady.
You may mean Paul and Linda McCartney 😁
الغيره هيا حب زئد لشخص لا يستحق كل هاذيه التضحيه والاحراج اما العالم والاعتذار هوا اجمل شيا في الكون لكن البعض لا يقدر 🇾🇪
Quand la jalousie est excessive et provoque des scènes de crise (même sans raison) il n'y a qu'une seule chose à faire : mettre un terme définitif à la relation.
Expérience vécue, ce fut un enfer. Quel soulagement de sortir de ce type de relation ultra-toxique.
Elle aurait dû choisir un enseignant pour qu'il soit fideĺe. Un musicien c'est pas possible. Milieu pouri , l'alcool, la drogue. S'il a refusé c'est bien pour elle
Il a d autre chatte a fouetter
@@lisyapellissier141 🤣🤣😭😭
I agree 200%
Most times it's hard to shake off the feeling. Clearly he wasn't thinking with his head but with his ego. Believe me you are better off without him...plenty of fishes out in the ocean. Good riddance!!
Il y a des enseignants qui sont pas fidèles non plus , il ne faut pas vivre ensemble si on supporte pas. Plutôt que de pourrir la vie de quelqu'un
Maybe he's thinking that going back will have the same story jealousy and fights. With his profession as a drummer girls chase him and jealousy will hit again which is stressful to both. Physically they both look good together and wish each of them a new life.
I am 100 porcent sure he will play her more and she will think he loves her.
Elle est sublime
On peut être jaloux sans le montrer, sans pourir la vie de l'autre.
Yo soy seguidora de este maravilloso programa pero no entiendo nada porque solo hablo español Costa Rica es mi país
Quand on est jaloux souvent c'est que l'on est mal aimé ..... ça décuple l'attachement
Donc la responsabilité est partagée
Il faut partir quand on devient jaloux ou aller voir un conseiller matrimonial... à deux
Elle disais quil n'étais pas jaloux ? Dur quand meme ! Elle aurais du le tromper ce con. Jaime pas ce genre de mec un biiiiiiip
Il se la joue sans cœur le type a la haine contre elle ca se voit dernière son sourire et son air rien a faire delle 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Une personne excessivement jalouse est d'abord très amoureuse...Donc il fallait lui donner une dernière chance et essayer de l'aider à canaliser.
Ça fait beaucoup honte ça mon DIeu !
Toxique tout ça !
Vraiment n y a pas du olus fort qe l amour du dieu
La jalousie c’est pire que tout
Bof, le punk-rocker est un petit mec qui ne se soucie que de lui-même.
Elle peut partir sans regretter quoi que ce soit. Il ne sera jamais fidèle.
La confiance est quelque chose qui se mérite !!!!!! Je préfère une femme jalouse plutôt qu’une femme qui me dirait : fais ce que tu veux !!!!!
Les gens se mettent en couple mais en fait ce ne sont que 2 individualités !!!!! C’est pathétique 😡😡😡
Si tout le monde pouvait penser comme vous...
@@peggyfrance2226 merci 😎😎
tu as tout dit
Une femme jalouse par principe n'a pas confiance en elle .
@@isabelleclotilde3119 moi ce que je vois c’est qu’une femme jalouse est une femme amoureuse aussi 😎😎
Il est vrai que l'excès est nocif . Mais il s'est trouvé une raison pour se dérober !!
Oui et le pire il va la revoir de temps en temps. Pas cool
@@melicoeur1363 Peut être il a prolongé un peu la liaison par peur de lui dire la vérité car elle et amoureuse , mais je pense que d'être sur le plateau c'est un soulagement pour lui, pour finir vraiment la relation.
L'amour fait naître la jalousie mais la jalousie fait mourir l'amour
Je suis tt à fait d'accord avec cet homme. Il a raison. Moi à sa place, je ferai la même chose.. C mieux de laisser la femme jalouse loin de toi. Sinon c'est de l'enfer.. L'amour ne se base pas sur la jalousie.
He’s a drummer, will always be surrounded by pretty women, take his decision as a blessing in disguise! There is a better man for you!
Je me sens mal pour elle mais la jalousie peut être une chose très dangereuse et effrayante... C'est une belle jeune femme & elle a toute sa vie devant elle pour trouver quelqu'un d'autre...
Sans être méchante il a eu raison
Elle devait vraiment avoir un sale comportement
Et le pardon lui suffisait
Quand qqlch n’a pas marché sa sert a rien d’y retourner
Une personne peut se convaincre d’avoir changer mais pcq pendant ces 6 mois elles étaient pas dans les conditions de couple
C’st sur qu’elle allait recommencer
Très bonne analyse Mestria. Merci
Je suis admiratif de son courage pour la démarche. Elle apprendra à l'avenir.
He did the right thing.
This jelousy would never end
I don't feel sorry for her. The girl stole her girlfriend's boyfriend. She deserves to lose him.
Moi je veux inviter Daphné elle-même sur le plateau pour qu'elle ouvre le rideau. 😅 Elle ira se remettre l'invitation elle-même.
His body language said it all, even at the end before he answered no he was already facing the exit door. He wants to party and screw as many girls as he can and when they were together he ridiculed her with another girl at trivia pursuit. He's the immature one, i know because i was exactly like him in my younger days bar the rock band thing.
@@crisnieochavo4602 well said@Crisnie Ochav.
Boys indeed. For real men stand up for who/what is right.
You know nothing about this man. Stop all your bs. At least he didn't accept her and start playing the games again. You have no idea how damaging an excessive jealousy in a relationship. Let him enjoy and that girl shouldn't come back for the time being. The man will reach out if there is still hope and love.
Yeah. I looked. I think he's still the drummer in that band after all these years. Wonder if he's changed.......
You're right, I also think the same
Women dont seem to grasp that men want peace and quiet with a partner. Too much chaos will destroy the heart of any man and it always come to a point in which the man will feel enough is enough. And when that happens there is no way back - as this episode shows. He has moved on, and when a man has moved on they dont look back.
En tant qu un artiste Il avait besoin d une femme qui le détendre pas une qui le filic et qui fait la crise de jalousie immature.
ne fait pas aux autres ce que tu ne veux pas qu'on te fasse c'est un retour de baton pour elle, elle ne pensais qu'a elle lorsqu'elle a séduit son ex
Pour moi, cette relation "sentimentale" entre Miriam et Yohan, ne pouvait se réaliser . Car dés le début, Miriam est trés jalouse . Et d'autre part, Yohan fait partie d'un groupe de rock . Avec toutes les "tentations féminimes" qu'il peut rencontrer .
Se si tradisce un amico o amica ,rubando gli il fidanzato o la fidanzata,non può essere un unione benedetta...che gente ipocrita e pure malvagia...sarebbe giusto essere chiari visto l'amicizia....che schiffo di gente 😢
Bem só ele sabe o que passou na mão dela. Ela mesmo disse que era muito ciumenta. Tomara que ambos encontre alguém que lhes dê valor e que eles valorizem também.
Honest woman 👩 👏
She is or was a very beautiful young woman. She will not be short of attention.
Une mauvais depart ne réussira jamais et n'oubliez pas que cet homme est déjà marié avec tout le monde donc retirez vous
They're both on the wrong. She didn't recognize her self worth and took it on him to gain validation and he takes relationships and sex for granted knowing how much the girl/girls love him so he took advantage. Both will enormously suffer in life if they have not changed their hearts and treat the other gender with humanity and compassion rather than a mean to satisfy their selfish needs.
Una mujer o un hombre celoso es mucha inseguridad en si mismos no es porque te quieran es inseguridad ..una persona celosa ni es feliz ni deja a su pareja ser feliz y nunca cambiam asi es mejor cada quien su camino ...
parejas entiendan los celos destruyen cualquier relacion hay que confiar en la otra persona
Los celos excesivos... Un veneno para el alma...!!!
Tu felicidad no está en el ya llegará no te aflijas eres bella claro tienes que corregir esa inseguridad que te mata y te pergudica
Elle est peut-être très amoureuse, ce qui conduit à de telle niveau de jalousie. Mais malgré le fait d'être "très amoureuse" a quand même tout anéanti. C'est une énorme leçon de vie.
Pas d'accord ! Le rôle d'un homme es d'Aimé une femme, la jalousie viens d'un manque d'empathie de l'autre et sa dernière phrase au garçon montre à quel point il es très énervé ca doit être un type mauvais en amour elle a eu de la chance de ne pas continuer avec ce type.
@@Celia4348b J'ai plutot l'impression que vous n'avez jamais connu de femme 🤔, et je le pense sincèrement. En vous analysant, vous ne les connaissez que de loin, ou que sur les réseaux ou qu'à la télé, et je parie ma pièce que vous êtes encore puceau 😂. En réalité, vous êtes dans une psyRose, piégé dans une psychologie à l'eau de rose, sur la planète des Bisounours. Croyez-moi, quand votre reveil sonnera, ce sera une énorme gifle, tellement douloureuse que le fait même de vous en souvenir vous glacera le sang. Mais je ne vous souhaite que du bien 😄.
She is beautiful and deserves find a better man than him. She must move on coz he cheated her.
He didn't cheat on her. She was just obsessively jealous. He didn't actually go with other women until they had broken up.
@@Idcanymore510 We don't know that. He had more than one women at the same time before being with her, after being with her. I wouldn't be suprised to learn it was the same when he was with her, except that she didn't know it. He doesn't seem very monogamous, sleeping with her after he left her for other women. Wanting to be in a relationship with this kind of person is a waste of time.
Love is funny. Myriam is better than that guy, i don't know why she lowers herself to him. I think situation of not opening the curtain helped her realise her true worth. She is by far beautiful and classy. She deserves someone better that that guy
She took him from another woman. She stole him from her friend. So good for HER ASS!!!@
But she won't get him with that level of jealousy. Men hate that. It was actually he who had the maturity to understand that there was no sense in going back to the past. In that respect he was honest; he didn't try to use her. She needs to move on and deal with her jealousy or history will repeat itself.
j'aime bien NH24
Cierra esa página y sigue adelante.
Elle refera plus la même erreur. Au moins maintenant elle sait
cri d'olive
Au Secours Popeye !
J suis jalouse de toi !?
Look Like Olive ❤ Popeye Le Marin
You don't deserve him especially a guy who jumps from hand to hand like a puppy. Always think love is not living for the moment it's forever. You got all that jelousy is not your fault , it's because he created it, you are not at peace with him.
Jealousy is created by the person who owns it, no one else. Remember she started dating him when he was with one of her friends. She stole her friend's boyfriend. Her insecurity comes from knowing that what she did, someone else could do. Especially with the lifestyle he lives. She is no angel just as he is no prince!
Men are not like women! Don’t ever let guy tell you I don’t want to be with you twice! Believe the first time.
Il a déjà trouvé la suivante, mais revient de temps en temps par nostalgie ... : un profiteur égoïste, Myriam est mieux sans lui.
la jalousie dans les relations d'amour est normal!
Si j'étais à sa place de cet homme je ferrais tous pour te garder comme un bijoux précieux dans mon cœur tellement elle est belle.
C vrai que la beauté est important mais le comportement est la base de tous
Y'a pas que la beauté dans la vie.
@@alisampebgoauteur3229 Nan mais le mec est en chien quoi.
Character and compatibility is key to keeping a lasting relationship. She needs to work on herself first before dating anybody.
tu n'as pas vécu avec elle tu ne connais pas toute l'histoire
Pelo menos ele teve uma atitude de homem, agora cabe à ela e somente á ela ter mais amor próprio, se valorizar mais e virar a página e vida que segue ...
Nh24 un groupe que j'ecoutais quand j'etais au lycee woua sa remonte ...
Quelle beau garçon !!
Je comprends la jalousie de la fille
Mais faut pas exagérer
Il y a la jalousie raisonnable il faut des limites.....après il a pas l air très amoureux donc...
L'amour est basé sur la confiance et l'affection, pas sur la jalousie et l'insécurité.
Adulescentula fogossa.Ahhh,la jalousie... L'amore nasce tra le gambe 😭🤧