Hi thanks for your comments. You can use most of the touch monitors today from Samsung Dell iilyama Ctouch avocor etc it's mostly mouse driver support.. the other way to verify is get in touch with an AV partner or screen vendor and let them test your required combination... hope that helps JZ☕️
3rd party camera(PTZ optics 30x ) showing sometimes pair in device management and sometimes not visible.
Any idea about this
the default password can also be 456. last 6 of serial did not work for me, 456 worked
What monitors are being used and how are they connected to the G7500
I’m considering the Samsung WM75B
Hi thanks for your comments. You can use most of the touch monitors today from Samsung Dell iilyama Ctouch avocor etc it's mostly mouse driver support.. the other way to verify is get in touch with an AV partner or screen vendor and let them test your required combination... hope that helps JZ☕️
I have connect poly eygle eye iv camera but one day after disconnected please help us
Thanks for your comments. Please explain a bit more to understand.. JZ☕️🔧
Can you insert subt english language 2? Pls