Hypocritical Christians

  • Опубликовано: 19 ноя 2020
  • Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here: pauljernberg.com
    Spanish translations by Vélez Translations, www.veleztranslations.com
    I was recently watching a rock and roll documentary about a band that had short lived success in the early 70’s. One of the things I’ve noticed rock journalists seem to love to focus in on is rock stars with a conservative Christian past.
    And in this case, they were interviewing the drummer and sure enough, she described her childhood in which her family were consistent churchgoers and we’re left to fill in the blanks about her rebellious departure from that upbringing.
    The reason she gave was, and stop me if you’re heard this before, the people at her Church were all hypocrites. They would talk about loving God and neighbor, but then they would gossip and mistreat each other just like the rest of us, and from that she concluded that the whole thing was a farse.
    Now, this raises a question for me: is that a valid objection to draw from that experience, because I’m willing to bet we’ve all heard this same complaint from someone. I’ve heard it or some variation of it from several people who have grown lethargic if not outright hostile towards their former Christian affiliation and adherence.
    What I find interesting about this rationale is that it is exclusively invoked in the case of the Church. You might reduce the argument, if you could call it that, to something like this.
    A group of people gather to intentionally produce a specific good outcome; in this case a community of love. But the outcome is that they don’t love each other as well as their teachings insist. Therefore, the teachings are false and the community a failure.
    Now, imagine if we applied that to other areas of society. People go to the hospital to get well. Not everyone gets well. Some even die. Therefore, going to the hospital is an illogical solution for infirmity.
    Or, I went to the Gym to get fit, but when I got there I saw a bunch of people were not fit. In fact, some were actually the opposite of fit. So I said, what a bunch of hypocrites and hurried back to a lifestyle of idleness.
    Lastly, how about a school. People go to school to become wise, but when they get there they discover that many of their peers are far from knowledgeable or wise. I guess that means education is a scam.
    What this actually demonstrates is that we go to Church because we recognize that we aren’t good and we need to receive the grace of God to become so. Just like we go to the gym to get fit because we recognize that we aren’t fit. We go to school to get an education because we aren’t currently educated, and we go to the doctor to get healthy when we aren’t healthy.
    Now why is it that this logical sequence is more than obvious to all of us in the case of all of these instances but not when it comes to Church?
    One of the reasons that has been explained to me by those resistant to the Church’s message is that the Church and its members should be held to a higher standard than everything else so that when Christians behave scandalously, we can’t help but be scandalized by it.
    But if we do hold the Church to a higher standard, doesn’t that concede something? Aren’t we conceding that it is true in a way? If it weren’t, we shouldn’t expect them to be better than they are.
    If Christianity is false, why would we expect people devoted to a misleading fairy tale to behave better than secular society? If anything, we should expect them to be far worse than secular society because of their preoccupation with false ideas.
    Again, come back to the hospital analogy. If there was a medical treatment center whose treatment methods were based entirely on speculative superstition, you’d expect the patients going in to come out worse or at least no better than they were going in.
    The last thing you’d do is hold that particular care center to a higher standard than the others. But, if their patients performed as well as a normal hospital, you’d have to give them some credit. You’d have to indulge the possibility that the apparent superstitions aren’t superstitions at all.
    Human history has proceeded long enough that we’ve seen some derelict ideologies come and go and the reason they went was because of how wrong they were.
    For example, we’ve seen fascism attempted with dramatic enthusiasm in the 20th century, only to collapse just as dramatically. Communism has enjoyed similar trajectories but with less fanfare so it’s taken longer for everyone to clue in about how problematic it is.
    We’ve seen attempts to replace what was the heart Christian Europe with Enlightenment inspired ideals in the French revolutions atheistic cult of reason which was replaced by Robespierre’s Cult of the Supreme Being.
    Read the whole transcript at brianholdsworth.ca

Комментарии • 629

  • @BrianHoldsworth
    @BrianHoldsworth  3 года назад +101

    I've seen a few responses in reply to my question about why you would hold the Church to a higher standard unless you recognized that it espoused a true belief system. The replies are something like, "I hold Christians to a higher standard because it is the standard THEY set for themselves."
    Ok, but that's the point I was making in my question. If you say you hold Christians to a higher standard because they espouse a higher standard, you're conceding that Christian teachings are of a higher standard. You've just admitted that Christian ethics and teachings are superior to others. That's the point I was trying to get you to arrive at in the video while also pointing out that Christians recognize that we fall short of that standard and that we immerse ourselves in those teachings and in God's grace through the Church in order to conform better to it - just like people who go to school to get an education. There is a higher standard of knowledge that they aspire to but recognize they don't have.
    I also saw a comment about Christians forcing their beliefs on other people. Honestly ask yourself, over the past 200 years or so, how many people have been killed for not adhering to Christian political/social doctrines? Then ask yourself how many people have been killed for not adhering to atheistic political doctrines. The answer to the latter is 10s of millions. This very minute, there are religious people in reeducation concentration camps for not renouncing their faith in China and North Korea (officially atheist states). Can you think of any similar camps imposed by Christians? Yes, Christians, like anyone else who participates in the political process, have beliefs that they want to see recognized in society. But that hardly amounts to forcing beliefs on others when we have much better examples to consider.

    • @BrianHoldsworth
      @BrianHoldsworth  3 года назад +8

      @@kulturkriget Nope. I pretty much never remove comments. RUclips sensors some on its own.

    • @Fiona2254
      @Fiona2254 3 года назад +3

      Would you consider also joining Rumble?
      I love your videos but im trying to get away from RUclips.

    • @teaganbowie2340
      @teaganbowie2340 3 года назад +10

      If I hold them to the high standard they set I'm not conceding it's true or better. You can hold people to the same ruler they are trying to use on others without saying its valid or right or of some value. Holding a Buddhist to the standards they set for themselves or others doenst mean I validate that it's right or better. Its trying to applying the groups logic to themselves. Saying that it automatically concedes something is wrong and is an assumption.

    • @teaganbowie2340
      @teaganbowie2340 3 года назад +2

      Also I would say sending children to camps to change their sexuality is harmful and would be a force of some kind onto others. It's different if an adult is consenting to it

    • @plusbonus1165
      @plusbonus1165 3 года назад +2

      @@teaganbowie2340 oh come on Teagan , next you'll be saying it's ok for blokes to have long hair.
      Get a grip !

  • @gilsonbicudo
    @gilsonbicudo 3 года назад +272

    “The church is not a museum of saints but a hospital for sinners"
    - Morton Kelsey

    • @gilsonbicudo
      @gilsonbicudo 3 года назад +7

      @Adrian Yañez Interpretation of text is gold...

    • @dorisdoris5563
      @dorisdoris5563 3 года назад +11

      They should close it down because nobody recovers.

    • @scottblack7182
      @scottblack7182 3 года назад +2

      But what happens if they aren't sinning ? Is there a force field to keep out the sinless? Oh thats right everyone is dirty and evil so how is it a hospital for sin if we are born in it and die in it? Hmm sounds to me like someone has a hard time thinking deeply but is good at googleing quotes of dead guys nobody cares about 😂.

    • @Matthew_85k
      @Matthew_85k 3 года назад +4

      Romans 6:17
      “But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you.”
      Keyword: "were"

    • @thepowerofthegodhand7003
      @thepowerofthegodhand7003 3 года назад

      @@scottblack7182 everyone sins though

  • @joan8862
    @joan8862 3 года назад +61

    We go to church to become what we are not. Love this.

    • @mikefanofmovies
      @mikefanofmovies 2 года назад

      "Churches of men, you also refuse to listen, nor will you give heed to My correction; therefore hear the Word of The Lord, for thus says The Lord: You have all gone out of the way! You have corrupted My Word for your own glory! Pride has become your master and greed has entered your houses, houses which bear MY name! DESECRATION! BLASPHEMY! I dwell not in any church made by human hands; I dwell in the temples made by My own hands! O churches of arrogance, how shall I gather you when you resist all correction and follow after the vain babblings of men in authority, heaping to yourselves teachers, wolves in sheep’s clothing, saying the Word of God is the way to riches and material things?!
      Woe, I say to you who follow these acolytes of satan! False teachers! Soothsayers! Desolations are coming and great want! How then shall all these silver coins and paper, houses made of brick and wood, save you?! The riches of men shall be taken from them in a day! What then shall you stand upon, O men of vanities and vain deceits? Where shall you hide?!
      Churches of men, cast out these leaders who speak as doves and teach doctrines of devils! My children, wash your robes and purify your houses, for The Holy One comes nigh! Be not left in bitter sorrows, abased in the Great and Terrible Day of The Lord! Cast away these false doctrines and filthy traditions; stop committing fornication with the harlot! Repent therefore, and come out of her! Take not one of her corrupt doctrines to yourself, stand apart from her traditions, for they are most perverse! For I tell you the truth, you all remain like her! Says The Lord. From the least to the greatest, you all pollute My name by your traditions and profane My Word by your doctrines! Behold, you have agreed together to forsake My Law and forget My Sabbaths, justifying your transgression in the name of Grace, upholding your sin by permission in the name of The Messiah, whom you call Christ! DESECRATION! GREAT BLASPHEMY!
      You follow another messiah, a false christ, a molded image, which your forefathers created and you continue to mold to this day! Return to Me, therefore, and seek your Savior in truth, that you may now embrace Him as He truly is! For YahuShua, yes He whom you call Jesus, is your only Sanctuary from the storm. To Him alone shall you flock, His flesh shall you eat, His blood shall you drink. Walk in HIS ways as they are, and not as you would have them be. Put away all your holidays, and no more worship Me in that way,[1] for it is most perverse. Seek now the way of true righteousness, and obey all My commands; set all these crooked paths straight, and you may yet escape all these things which are about to come upon you.
      TURN TO GOD!...
      Turn to Me as I am, and not as you would have Me be!
      For The Holy One comes quickly to deliver His own!...
      Behold, you shall see the angels of Heaven
      Ascending and descending upon The Son of Man;[2]
      The sleepers shall awake, and you who are yet awake,
      Having been fully awakened to Him, shall be caught up
      With them to meet The Lord in the air, as it is written;
      And forever shall you be with The Lord...[3]
      Purify your faith! Purify your worship! Purify your houses!...
      Do it now! Says The Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth.
      Thus says The Holy One of Israel: I have come not to make peace, but war, even war in My members - a great division,[4] the scourging of nations, the wrath of God! For the fulfillment of all that is written is at hand, and shall progress quickly. Yet for the sake of the elect, it shall be cut short.
      Beloved of My heart, be not troubled nor weep, for these things must be. Then the end shall come, and I shall reveal My glory. Behold, I shall cleanse the sanctuary and restore the garden, and you shall learn war no more[5] - NO MORE! Says The Lord. For I died; behold, I am risen! And so as I died, sin has also died in those who love Me. And that which leads My people into sin shall also be destroyed, ground to dust beneath My feet, carried away upon the winds of restoration, which I am... Behold, The Morning Star is risen, the universe is filled with His glory! And that glory shall abide with men, even in them and among them! I shall be a Father unto them, and they shall be My beloved children, forever! Lo, a return to innocence, paradise lost is paradise found, a return to the garden - the universe, your playground.
      Thus I have spoken, so shall it be:
      The mystery of God revealed,
      The counting of days no more...
      Forever young in the presence of
      Your Shepherd, your Redeemer, your Father,
      Your Brother, your Most Beloved Friend...
      The fulfillment of all things
      For which your hearts have groaned...
      And all who live in Me, and I in them, will live forever!"
      [1]Deuteronomy 12:31
      [2]John 1:51
      [3]1 Thessalonians 4:17
      [4] Luke 12:51
      [5]Isaiah 2:4

  • @bmullins7908
    @bmullins7908 3 года назад +91

    "There are hypocrites in the church and I am one of them".
    That, in a nutshell, distinguishes Christendom. We, as Christians, can acknowledge we are not perfect, that we are still undergoing the process of sanctification. It is not easy, but that self-corrective effect of the Spirit quickens us by pointing out our weaknesses so that we can improve and experience true life. John 6:36

    • @bmullins7908
      @bmullins7908 3 года назад +3

      Correction...John 6:63

    • @luisoncpp
      @luisoncpp 3 года назад +6

      I didn't like that use of the word "hypocrite", maybe because I'm not English-native, but the idea of "hypocrisy" that I have, is to pretend to have higher moral standards instead of breaking the own moral code.
      From that point of view, someone who says that sin is wrong but self-recognize as a sinner, is not an hypocrite.

    • @lickedcat
      @lickedcat 3 года назад +1

      @@luisoncpp not a hypocrite just a realist. Most hypocrisy surfaces in the political realm, just by the nature of politics trying to please everyone to get the most votes and stay in power.

    • @5BBassist4Christ
      @5BBassist4Christ 3 года назад +3

      Christianity is the only worldview that stops saying, "Work for your salvation" and replaces it with "realize you can't earn your salvation." The first thing you must do to be a Christian is to get rid of your pride and superiority.

    • @themadtitan8408
      @themadtitan8408 3 года назад

      Typical, always rationalizing your wrong doing, that's called self righteous

  • @sweettoothmarie7304
    @sweettoothmarie7304 3 года назад +38

    I like the analogy to gym, school and hospital.
    Makes so much sense!

    • @leonxrexx3778
      @leonxrexx3778 3 года назад

      Analogies never help.

    • @seanfernandolopez9139
      @seanfernandolopez9139 3 года назад

      Can't help anyone who doesn't want to be helped

    • @AndySamK
      @AndySamK 3 года назад +1

      @Sweet tooth Marie´ In my eyes they dont work at all. Because you NEED good health in your live (aka Hospital) but you dont need believe (aka church) to survive. Its a choice if you want something in your life or not and if it helps you in your life.

    • @sweettoothmarie7304
      @sweettoothmarie7304 3 года назад +1

      @@AndySamK exactly! The beauty abput it all is that it's a choice 👍

    • @AndySamK
      @AndySamK 3 года назад +1

      @@sweettoothmarie7304 yeah it’s beautiful That I could chose not to be bullied by church and Christians anymore - really beautiful

  • @stdonatus4488
    @stdonatus4488 3 года назад +75

    I was one of those who used hypocrisy to give me cover for turning my back on God. I can look back and see it was a great way to excuse living a selfish, sinful, destructive lifestyle.

    • @lickedcat
      @lickedcat 3 года назад +6

      You are not the only one.

    • @IotaEtaSigma
      @IotaEtaSigma 3 года назад +3

      That was the excuse I used too for the exact same reason. 🙂

    • @dorisdoris5563
      @dorisdoris5563 3 года назад +6

      God and morality is not tied to religion, and certainly not the christian. Morality and ethics has nothing to do with your relationship wth God, but with other human beings.

    • @IotaEtaSigma
      @IotaEtaSigma 3 года назад +1

      @@dorisdoris5563 Why certainly not Christianity? Why do you single it out? Is that because is the religion that bothers you the most because it asks more of you? I ask that because it did bother me when I was a lapsed "Catholic" and used to call it "Catholic guilt",

    • @dorisdoris5563
      @dorisdoris5563 3 года назад +1

      @@IotaEtaSigma I single the christian religion out because it purports to be morally and ethically better, and that is a cruel deception. And more importantly, it is the religion that has ruled internationally for 500 years, the religion that ruined indigenous cultures, countries, minds and souls. The religion that caused and championed more wars, wastelands and deaths, than any other factor. I ask much more of myself than my former christian religion ever did, except it is of a different order of demands.

  • @RogerAckroid
    @RogerAckroid 3 года назад +17

    I think that when people talk about hypocrites in Church they mean people thinking that they are morally better just because they go to church even if their behaviour is not better.
    If people see the church just as a badge to look good and not a place to get better then I understand why people seeing only that would reject the Church.

    • @matthewbarry5478
      @matthewbarry5478 3 года назад +3

      This is what I think of when people say the church is full of hypocrites. Like the Pharisees being outwardly good by strictly following rules and rituals, but being inwardly corrupt and not recognizing it. Hypocrisy is a guilding that makes the person externally righteous/good, but masks internal rot and decay

    • @havanadaurcy1321
      @havanadaurcy1321 2 года назад +1

      I think my grandfather said it when he retired from the ministry after his friend got killed and covered up:
      How many people follow the Old Testament like Jesus said because this Earth has not passed? Not one person who follows Paul can say they do.

    • @endtimesareuponus8930
      @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад

      @@havanadaurcy1321 what?
      You don't make sense.
      You seem to judge.

    • @endtimesareuponus8930
      @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад

      That's why I stay away from church.
      We're all sinners but they act like they're better cause they go.
      Only Jesus can judge our hearts and actions.

  • @MapleBar777
    @MapleBar777 7 месяцев назад +5

    You're technically and hypothetically* correct, but practically missing the problem. I am a Christian and I deal with the same repulsion of going to and joining in fellowship with the church. I wasn't always this way, but after a devastatingly failed relationship with a self-proclaimed Christian, my trust with "Christians" was broken. You brought up the point that Christians are to be held to a higher standard, and the world, as a whole, understands that, whether they admit it or not. Because of this, our guard is let down and we are more open and trusting with the church than we are with the world. The issues that are addressed in the church and the participation that is expected requires this. But, because of this lowering of guard and elevated trust, we make ourselves exponentially more vulnerable to betrayal. We don't do this with others. The church is more dangerous because our own step forward into it is a disarming of ourselves. Whereas, with the world, we stay armed and thus are protected and much safer.

  • @glof2553
    @glof2553 3 года назад +19

    I am a hypocritical Catholic. It’s a source of internal strife.

    • @no3ty36
      @no3ty36 2 года назад +2

      Are you even making an effort to change though?

    • @endtimesareuponus8930
      @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад

      Catholicism is heresy.
      Start following only Jesus.
      Our time of death will come before we know it.

    • @Dragoncam13
      @Dragoncam13 4 месяца назад +2

      Most catholics dont and when they do good things they do it for ulterior reasons and not out of the kindness of their heart​@no3ty36

  • @cnam1258
    @cnam1258 3 года назад +15

    Ah, this man Brian is brilliant. Another analogy I have used: people expect those who convert to instantly and permanently become perfect. However, in reality it's like a stock price - it goes up and down and sometimes it crashes severely. But in the long run you can see a clear trend (hopefully upwards...).

    • @donm-tv8cm
      @donm-tv8cm 3 года назад +1

      I like that. It makes sense, because after all, we're living in a fallen world. And Satan's forces are working tirelessly to "knock us off the rails." Those ups and downs are reflective of that. But God wins in the end, for those who don't jump off.

    • @culturecoroner
      @culturecoroner 3 года назад

      I like that too.

    • @r.m5883
      @r.m5883 3 года назад

      Thank you!!!

  • @theguardian6464
    @theguardian6464 3 года назад +33

    What I learnt as a young Lutheran and took it with me as a Catholic: "Never put your trust in humans only. Always put your trust in God. Humans make mistakes!"
    I'm from very irreligious country. What I often understand is that If someone is extreamly hostile towards Christianity (and usually call themselves atheists) have some bad experience with a Christian. Usually people are not hostile when they don't know Christians or have had no contact with the Church or any church. So much about reason and reasonable arguments. It's all about emotions...and then finding matching "reasonable" arguments to your emotion

    • @GODISALIVE1083
      @GODISALIVE1083 8 месяцев назад

      Glad I read the comments and not just trusting mans

  • @AnonYMous-rf6st
    @AnonYMous-rf6st 3 года назад +42

    I’m sorry Mr. Holdsworth, but no matter how much you try to look like our Lord, we all know gingers don’t have souls.
    Just kidding, of course. Love your content (and I’m not even Catholic). Keep up the good work.

  • @ToxicPea
    @ToxicPea 3 года назад +13

    I am genuinely mind blown by this analogy. I've never thought of it like that before. Thanks!

  • @missdana296
    @missdana296 3 года назад +36

    I am a Christian, and I want to say how intelligent.

  • @crystellesaleh4800
    @crystellesaleh4800 3 года назад +10

    Thanks for the great video Brian. I agree wholeheartedly, and yet I’d like to emphasize that this conclusion you’re describing, that the Church is like a hospital where not everyone has been cured, is certainly on-point but not necessarily an easy conclusion to understand intuitively for kids and teens, which are the age group most likely to fall away in the way you described here. I was once one of those kids (before my reversion), I was only 10 or 11 when I came to this conclusion and left Christianity believing stupidly that priests and adults were standing in between myself and God, that they were judging me when they had no right to, and that I was more Christian than they were because of my “moral superiority”. Ive met tons of people with similar experiences. I have to say we ought not describe these scenarios without revisiting the enormous responsibility we all have to bear witness to Christ. I can only imagine the terror of facing Christ knowing how many souls I myself have failed to evangelize due to my own resistance of His graces and refusal to dedicate myself 100% to sanctity. Sure, we are all sinners, and I go to confession and I believe in His forgiveness but that does not minimize the very real and extreme consequences of being a bad example as a Christian. Christ will be more demanding and harsh with those of us who represent Him more than those of us who represent Him less (as He said to St Faustine). So the Pope judged more harshly than the priest than the lay person than the Amazonian tribesman, etc. Surely this isn’t a rule, but it ought to be kept in mind. My soul was so nearly damned, and I would hate to discover that I have contributed to the damnation of other souls (which I surely have, we all have; even if the responsibility isn’t entirely ours but rather the free wills of those souls). I’m not saying one ought to dismiss Christianity because of such a thing; like I said, I’m not disagreeing with you. I’m just adding that such stories ought to sober us as well and remind us of the grave and solemn responsibility we have.

  • @clausshou
    @clausshou 3 года назад +27

    I'm very curious on why the Brasilia Cathedral is on the thumb

    • @presuntomr
      @presuntomr 3 года назад +3

      Same, I clicked immediately when I saw it 😂

    • @MiguelJFSilva
      @MiguelJFSilva 3 года назад +3

      Como brasiliense eu fiquei super confuso heh

    • @a.leonardoalves4372
      @a.leonardoalves4372 3 года назад +2

      pois é hahahaha

    • @BrianHoldsworth
      @BrianHoldsworth  3 года назад +2

      There's no reason, it's just the pic I used.

  • @user-ye2em3fn4o
    @user-ye2em3fn4o 3 года назад +6

    Great lookin beard Brian!! Keep up the good work my man!!! God Bless!!!

  • @bumpercoach
    @bumpercoach 3 года назад +37

    we've all heard how
    sitting in church doesnt make you Christian
    any more than sitting in a garage makes you a car
    BUT theres a reason
    garage-kept cars tend to look/run better

    • @endtimesareuponus8930
      @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад

      You made no point.
      Going to church can make one worse.

    • @bumpercoach
      @bumpercoach Год назад +1

      @@endtimesareuponus8930 just like keeping your car in a garage doesnt guarantee anything if you dont take other wise measures

    • @endtimesareuponus8930
      @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад

      I'll STAY AWAY from hypocrites in church buildings.

    • @bumpercoach
      @bumpercoach Год назад

      @@endtimesareuponus8930 bcs you refuse to learn

    • @endtimesareuponus8930
      @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад

      Holier than thou goody too shoe.
      Keep preaching your hypocrisy.

  • @cristianpopescu78
    @cristianpopescu78 3 года назад +2

    People are awakening up.Thanks for this amazing work!👍I stand by!❤🙏✝️

  • @cur244
    @cur244 3 месяца назад +1

    When I was about 7 I remember going to sunday "school" and thinking this is just bizarre that there are adults here. Finding a Christian that isn't a hypocrite is like finding a needle in a haystack.

  • @chrishanzek8930
    @chrishanzek8930 3 года назад +7

    Excellent metaphors and conclusions!

  • @salvadormarquez-munoz3585
    @salvadormarquez-munoz3585 3 года назад

    Well said. Thanks for your message and clarity. Blessings on you and your family.

  • @ryanbry7740
    @ryanbry7740 3 года назад +20

    I can hear the spirit of Truth on your breath, king. I like the direction your videos are taking.

  • @ika7622
    @ika7622 3 года назад

    Perfect reasoning. I was not able to articulate this topic even though I had the same feeling. Thank you. You've got here a new subscriber.

  • @kakyoinnoriaki3032
    @kakyoinnoriaki3032 3 года назад +7

    This was recommended and I thank youtube for this

  • @Fra.Angelo
    @Fra.Angelo 3 года назад +4

    Excellent video!

  • @Pokingthebear1960
    @Pokingthebear1960 Год назад

    Awesome content, I needed to hear this

    • @thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363
      @thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 10 месяцев назад

      it’s true the church is filled with Hypocrites; they are pretenders, not genuine Christians. The Bible speaks often of false converts sitting alongside those who are genuine in their faith (goats among the sheep, tares among the wheat, bad fish among the good fish, etc.), and assures us that God will sort them out on Judgment Day. Why let the pretenders keep you out of Heaven?

  • @81Lord-Nikon
    @81Lord-Nikon 2 года назад +3

    This was more of an excuse than anything else. But you said it well.

  • @stevearttus8164
    @stevearttus8164 3 года назад +1

    I really like your comparisons!

  • @lawmaker22
    @lawmaker22 3 года назад +9

    wow this about Christendom, so simple, so powerful,logical, truthful

  • @sophieg8522
    @sophieg8522 3 года назад

    So well explained. Good analogies. Thank you. God bless.

  • @rosmello9312
    @rosmello9312 3 года назад +3

    Good one! Thank you and God bless you 🕊

  • @lilianaortiz4004
    @lilianaortiz4004 3 года назад +2

    I love it! Thank you

  • @paulcjakubik217
    @paulcjakubik217 3 года назад +2

    I heard this once- The Holiness of the Church is the cause of the holiness of its members but the Holiness of the Church cannot be judged by their response.

  • @dion6146
    @dion6146 3 года назад

    Fantastic. This was very informative.

  • @betaniacampos4757
    @betaniacampos4757 3 года назад +1

    Hey, that's my church on the thumbnail hahah
    Anyway, great video as always, Brian!

    • @matheusfay6082
      @matheusfay6082 3 года назад

      Pois é! Kkk Foi por isso que eu cliquei no vídeo.

  • @thadbecker3326
    @thadbecker3326 3 года назад +3

    Brian you are EXACTLY want the Church needs right now. I go to a public school where deal with a lot of secularists who dont even understand what religion truly is. You explain Catholicism better than anyone I have ever seen from the very roots of everything the Church believes. This is the best chance that the Church has to save souls. Keep up the good work you absolute legend.

  • @musiconly5976
    @musiconly5976 3 года назад +7

    Just to let you know: you’re amazing!

  • @Burt1038
    @Burt1038 7 месяцев назад +1

    I always like to say that a lot of folks are more loyal to their local sports club than to their faith. They will abandon their beliefs for the slightest transgressions, but they will stay loyal to the local football/baseball/basketball club even if the owner is a criminal, the players are felons, and/or the management are abusive.

  • @FanofAslan
    @FanofAslan 3 года назад +1

    Well said, Brian. God bless you.

  • @RavenVargas27
    @RavenVargas27 4 месяца назад +2

    I saw one saying people who have mirrors and candles in their homes are witches me "So when the lights are out your not going to light a candle to see have fun," 😂🤣

    • @Ali08
      @Ali08 Месяц назад


  • @jonhranek9482
    @jonhranek9482 3 года назад

    great video!

  • @marrenja8773
    @marrenja8773 3 года назад

    I've been struggling with this for so long. I try so hard to not gossip but it seems like many Catholics I know doing it. It's disappointing. But, God showed me that we're not perfect and to pray for them. And your explanation makes sense. So, thank you.
    God bless you 🙏

  • @timothythompson7750
    @timothythompson7750 3 года назад +1

    I was raised, christian, catholic, and Jewish.
    I graduated from that towards Satanism, Gnosticism, Islam and luciferiunism before and during military service.
    Was exposed to Hinduism, Taoism, Confucius, and Buddhism during college
    Now in 2020, I am dabbling into Norse paganism for the time being and I have to say there is an underlying theme that ALL religions CANNOT ESCAPE! Religion was mans way of getting answers to questions they were too afraid to give themselves. I've gone so far down the rabbit hole I have discerned for myself that if hypocrisy is something to heal, I will say "yes good job." If however you decide that your hypocrisy is symbiotic to your humanity and wish to praise it, I will simply say "yes good job."
    Ask me if I believe in a higher power my response is, I don't know, but im not as concerned about it as you think I should be. If humanity can graduate pass relying on an outside entity for divinity then perhaps we may deserve a future after all.
    I'm talking about bridging two worlds of thought the spiritual and scientific. From all that I have gathered no religion on earth accept partially Taoism is able to go along with science. No I am not religious, no I am not an atheist. I am unlabeled!

  • @mvlandis6456
    @mvlandis6456 3 года назад +1

    Hello Brian, I love your podcast. Could you tell me the name of music you use for your opening? I would like to add it to my Spotify. Thank you.

    • @donm-tv8cm
      @donm-tv8cm 3 года назад

      The music is from Paul Jernberg. You can find it in the second song here: ruclips.net/video/FQfy1G_PirM/видео.html

  • @bantawi
    @bantawi 3 года назад

    Nice comparisons. Thank you

  • @Wargulpartal
    @Wargulpartal 3 года назад +2

    The problem with hypocrytes is: they are not convincing.
    Just like a fat guy tells you, that exercise and balanced diet are crucial for fitness.
    Hypocrytes can say truth. Truth is like gravity: it influences everyone- good, evil alike- always. You can be aware or unaware of it, yet it's always there.

  • @veradayy8799
    @veradayy8799 3 года назад +3

    Just wondering if the church you have used in your image for the video is from Sydney Australia, our Lady of Lebanon parish in Harris Park?

    • @matheusfay6082
      @matheusfay6082 3 года назад

      I don't think so. It looks like Catedral de Brasília, in Brazil.

  • @capecodder04
    @capecodder04 3 года назад +1

    Great points!!!

  • @kimlevesque6103
    @kimlevesque6103 Год назад +1

    Great apologetic. Brilliant!

  • @dacsus
    @dacsus 3 года назад


  • @danielferreiraaraujo8359
    @danielferreiraaraujo8359 3 года назад +1

    Cathedral of Brasília city, Brazil.. How did you find it?

  • @vic38290
    @vic38290 3 года назад +1

    Good points and examples.

  • @danielfortier2629
    @danielfortier2629 3 года назад

    Very well said!

  • @MGYT2106
    @MGYT2106 3 месяца назад

    Even as an athiest i really enjoyed watching this. I just searched "why are Christians hypocritical" because I have been seeing so many TikToks made by Christians. They often belittle people of other faith, which seems counterintuitive to the whole memo of loving everyone, just try to help the sin.
    Don't get my wrong i respect your beliefs and i am glad you have found a path that's right for you, but a part of your argument that I'd like to pick at is the fact that Christians shouldn't be held to a higher standard if you don't believe in Christianity. My problem with that is that faith isn't like going to the gym, or getting an education in the way that going to the gym you will be able to see measurable progress across a group of people. Just as you could say "if you go to the gym consistently you will end up being able to curl this 20 pound dumbell" you should be able to say "if you go to church enough, you will end up being able to meet this high standard" if it works.
    Christianity also shouldn't be compared to Facism or communism because those are separate things. Compare it to things like Hellenistic Paganism but don't exclude other religions (which would say that Christianity is false). The comparison to Hellenistic beliefs gives a great example because that was the common system before Christianity, and it was denied because (while there are a multitude of other reasons) it was very unforgiving, and you generally couldn't just switch to the belief of it.
    Once again, I am not trying to make anyone feel bad for your beliefs. Whoever is reading this comment, I'm glad you have found the path that makes you happier, everyone deserves that in life.

  • @Ryansullivan1100
    @Ryansullivan1100 3 года назад +1

    Dude, awesome beard!!!

  • @matheus2977
    @matheus2977 3 года назад +1

    The church in the thumbnail is where I live. It's Brasilia's, capital of Brazil, cathedral

  • @igorgaviano
    @igorgaviano 3 года назад +1

    Why is Brasilia's cathedral on the thumbnail? 🤔

  • @tesschavit3009
    @tesschavit3009 3 года назад +2

    God bless you, keep it up for a great work, for salvation if souls

  • @bernardoblanchetramirez6032
    @bernardoblanchetramirez6032 3 года назад

    How are the chants in the background called?

  • @k.bernard9067
    @k.bernard9067 3 года назад

    Having watched Mr. Holdsworth’s video and reading some of the comments, a few things come to mind.
    1) Church teaching, at least in the Catholic tradition, makes note that the strive for perfection is recognized as being hard, and pretty much impossible in this life. This comes from holy writ. It teaches that the effort is important in the mortal life, attainment will come in the next. As human beings, individually we want Utopia now, and have a concept of what we think perfection is, even though it differs to that of the Church. A human notion of perfection is still unattainable given the clash of competing concepts. Observed from a human stand point, all of them have a few common elements: the “If Only…” statement, and Narcissism. Both are summed like this “The world would be perfect IF ONLY everyone else would think and believe my way.” The 20th century has many examples of this with forced conversions along with enslavement and executions for those who refuse. You can also look, today, at Asia and the mid-East for examples of members from the varied religious and political systems fighting to set theirs as the sole system, with similar consequences for conversion refusal. I do not know what many of them teach, but some of the adherents exhibit the same noted elements. And yes, this flaw can be found among some who claim to follow Christ.
    2) A common objection to Christianity is the charge of forced conversions throughout history. The Crusades and Inquisition are often cited. Which Crusade? Which Inquisition? I ask of those who hold these as grounds for their objection how much of the history do they understand? How much of what they believe is from anecdotal sources? Have they read material sourced from the Church, or only that which is critical of it? I, myself, have not made a thorough study of the Crusades, the Inquisitions, or any of the instances of forced conversion to Christianity (yes, this happened). However, what has been found in reviewing available information is that most of the accounts to lay blame squarely on the Church are written as propaganda by sources hostile to it. In that regard the role secular/civil authorities had in the matter tend to get glossed over or downplayed. Politicians of the times flouted a professed religion for political means and justification, which continues today. The records of the Church often tell a story counter to the propaganda. This tends to be disbelieved in favor of the propaganda. What people did during that time is still employed by people today: many take the path of least effort, preferring the sensational to the less sensational, especially where it validates our current views. Who today can say what they believe is not colored by personal politics, which in turn are influenced by the propaganda machine?
    3) In regard to Utopia: A definition of the perfect life is our focus but the actual meaning of the word is left unknown. The word itself is derived from two Greek words; Ou - meaning “No”, and Topos - meaning “Place”.

  • @davyrantucci
    @davyrantucci 3 года назад

    any guys in Edmonton be interested in starting an Exodus 90 group? Starts January 4 2021

  • @mental-crave3195
    @mental-crave3195 Год назад

    What’s the name of this song?

  • @MNkno
    @MNkno 3 года назад +5

    It is also interesting that I don't see the standards applied to Buddhism (several church members I know have converted to Buddhism) or other religions. What attracts people to those religions seems to be entirely within the Christian tradition, but the background is different - so it seems new, fresh, and attractive. Once you do see the background (watered-down, folk version) of those religions, Christianity really shines.

    • @AliciatheCho
      @AliciatheCho 9 месяцев назад

      As a former Buddhist, I can say with absolute confidence that Christians suffering far greater from obnoxious righteousness. It’s the hypocrisy plud the smugness that can be so off-putting. I’ve yet to see those types in my church turn a corner so idk…

  • @dinaandrade5415
    @dinaandrade5415 3 года назад +1

    I go to Church because I'm a wretched, despicable human being in need of God and His Church. I'd be considerably more wretched were I not anchored to Our Lord and His Church. I need God; He doesn't need me.

    • @endtimesareuponus8930
      @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад

      If you're that despicable still after going to church then you're a terrible person.
      God CHOOSE to need/love you.
      Live in that reality, not church reality.

  • @5BBassist4Christ
    @5BBassist4Christ 3 года назад

    Easily one of your strongest videos.

  • @luisoncpp
    @luisoncpp 3 года назад +4

    What I see about this "reasoning"(of leaving out the Church because they dislike the others in the community) is that is more emotional rather than reasonable. Emotional arguments meant to create an enemy? that smells like propaganda.
    This is a little bit conspiranoid, but my guess is that groups that would prefer to have the Church out of the way are intentionally pushing that propaganda to do it. I don't claim that all the people who is spreading that idea is not thinking by themselves, but I don't think it would be that prominent without some people using it to push an agenda behind it.

  • @rex-atom
    @rex-atom Месяц назад

    Because they are preaching high expectations for others except for themselves. Hypocrisy
    It’s even worse when they belittle everyone else who isn’t on the same “team”.

  • @willwalsh3436
    @willwalsh3436 3 года назад +1

    It is important to emphasize the history Brian invokes here. There has been an attempt to undermine and misrepresent the past. Christianity's critics have wanted to indict it for impeding the progress of humanity, so this has been necessary. In fact the historic record is very different than how it is glibly described in many quarters because this attempt has succeeded to a substantial extent. "Medieval" has become an adjective for backwards, superstitious, nasty and brutish. In fact the high middle ages were an era of the greatest human achievement and as Brian says the momentum of Christendom has sustained whatever progress there may have been so far. Consider that the institutions of the hospital and the university, which are now often dominated by people who are irrationally hostile to the Church and Christianity are medieval Christian institutions. Great stuff here as usual.

  • @ghostbusterstony7317
    @ghostbusterstony7317 2 года назад +1

    I can’t say I agree with you entirely.. Although it is is true that we go to church not to expect perfect Christian’s, just as we wouldn’t expect to see healthy people that are bed ridden in a hospital. However, the biggest influence in our lives is the people we associate with. If I’m always hanging out with people who are negative, I myself become negative. If I am around people who have a cold, I have a good chance of catching a cold. As it says in proverbs “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm” Proverbs 13-20
    I am so tired of Christians preaching the gospel, “The good news” but if a gay man comes to your church, you’re trying convert him through conversion therapy… when many Christians are committing sexual sins in private. What right do you have to go to your brother and ask him to remove a speck in his eye, when you have a log in your own.
    I’d rather go be friends with a humble gay man/woman, hug and kiss them on the cheek. Then spend a minute with a hypocrite, condemning, discramatory Christian. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 3-23

    • @endtimesareuponus8930
      @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад

      Please go by God standard as written in the Bible.
      Not your standard.
      That's what God will judge you by when you die.
      He'll judge You for YOUR actions, not someone else's.

    • @dylan15243
      @dylan15243 Месяц назад

      ​@@endtimesareuponus8930 whats written in the Bible is written by man. Not God.

  • @josephbell3397
    @josephbell3397 3 года назад

    Finally, a video about me.

  • @derekm1791
    @derekm1791 9 месяцев назад +2

    Most Christians aren't working on themselves and working to love people better etc. In fact most are so indoctrinated and hung up on dogma that they refuse anything that would actually help them achieve Christ's teachings.

  • @BlackShogun1
    @BlackShogun1 3 года назад +3

    Simply put after the Huge Christian Support of Donald Trump
    The only word I can use to describe Christianity

    • @kausamsalam8543
      @kausamsalam8543 Год назад +1


    • @endtimesareuponus8930
      @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад

      All politicians are awful.

    • @BlackShogun1
      @BlackShogun1 Год назад

      @@endtimesareuponus8930 We lack nuance, that's a lazy Statement.

    • @endtimesareuponus8930
      @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад

      @@BlackShogun1 you're lazy

    • @BlackShogun1
      @BlackShogun1 Год назад

      @@endtimesareuponus8930 Na I'm good I dont need white Jesus' approval for anything, you do cool, go do that you have that right and I have the right not to.

  • @emmanueluzobuife8035
    @emmanueluzobuife8035 3 года назад +5

    Hey Brian, how do you contend your hair with 1 Corinthians 11:14?
    Use this as an opportunity to make a video on the importance of context when reading Scripture.

  • @Xachan
    @Xachan 5 месяцев назад

    If someone claims about their belief being superior in it's ethics and moral system etc. That ought to be subjected to a high level of scrutiny. We do this with most things (scholarship, competition etc) . Saying Christians are the only group that are held to that standard is just not true.

  • @jnanashakti6036
    @jnanashakti6036 Год назад

    Alternate title for this video: An argument built on the false equivalents fallacy.

  • @axlbrixsigmundkrause4163
    @axlbrixsigmundkrause4163 3 года назад +2

    Fascism started with the Southern Catholic European States. Spain, Portugal, Austria and Italy were fascist and supported the Church. Nazism on the other hand, it is anathema to the Church.

    • @ebbezackariasson3736
      @ebbezackariasson3736 3 года назад +3

      Fascism is an ultra nationalistic ideology with a sense of "nation before family". Something that had never been seen before the end of tge 19th century. As expected, it failed. They might have supported the church, but they are ultimately incompatible.
      Nazism is fascism with influence from socialism and a race based collectivism. Nazism is basically all the bad stuff combined + insane leadership.

    • @lickedcat
      @lickedcat 3 года назад

      @@ebbezackariasson3736 Nazism is also nietzschian theory brought to life. It is anti-christian specifically and against our current sense of morality. It believed that only power matters, there is no God, so there no objective truth and therefore its only the power of will that determines what is right. Hence their fetishism over creating the supreme race or uber people. Their moral theory was the total inversion of what Our Lord preached in the Beatitudes. Therefore by our definition, evil.

  • @madeinusa5395
    @madeinusa5395 3 года назад

    I'm two minutes in and I still don't know what this guy is getting at, but i will ask this - why are tortilla chips always shaped liked traingles?

    • @dyefield2712
      @dyefield2712 3 года назад +1

      So you can scrape off the stuff stuck to the inside of the bowl.

    • @levisando
      @levisando 3 года назад

      I would guess it's because of their origin, as wedges of a corn tortilla

  • @emerdigiorgio3594
    @emerdigiorgio3594 3 года назад

    I do not go to church to get better.I go to church to worship.Nor for politics or for social reason.

    • @endtimesareuponus8930
      @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад

      I worship at home.
      Anyone can.
      I doubt you go only for worship.
      Be honest with yourself.

  • @nopretribrapture2318
    @nopretribrapture2318 2 года назад

    Here's a couple of scriptures for hypercripts : Matthew 7:22,23 and Matthew 21:31

  • @peterharris6604
    @peterharris6604 Год назад


    • @thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363
      @thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 10 месяцев назад

      it’s true the church is filled with Hypocrites; they are pretenders, not genuine Christians. The Bible speaks often of false converts sitting alongside those who are genuine in their faith (goats among the sheep, tares among the wheat, bad fish among the good fish, etc.), and assures us that God will sort them out on Judgment Day. Why let the pretenders keep you out of Heaven?

  • @TheRealShrike
    @TheRealShrike 3 года назад +1

    I am not convinced the hospital analogy works. Hospitals do not make promises to send you home in better shape than your baseline; rather, they attempt to nurse you back to your baseline. Christianity promises to improve you to a state higher than your baseline.

  • @forall1984
    @forall1984 Год назад

    If everyone only thinks about want you last done. Then why do anything unless you be their yes man.

  • @GravesC2
    @GravesC2 3 года назад +2

    Don't forget getting Sleep/Slumber, & nutrients.. (need I add Genuine family time?)

  • @1913gg
    @1913gg 3 года назад

    Brian, truly I am so impressed about your christianity- communism analysis ! A must listen to.

  • @a_Catholic_Ant
    @a_Catholic_Ant 4 месяца назад +1

    Really this type of argument is based on Outcome Bias.

  • @lawrence4318
    @lawrence4318 3 года назад

    More spiritual push ups can counter such hypocrisy.

  • @thoainguyen2738
    @thoainguyen2738 2 года назад

    Literally me!

  • @bertrandcoutens7880
    @bertrandcoutens7880 3 года назад +2

    Dear , trench révolution it was the end of civilisation.....

    • @ServolusMariae
      @ServolusMariae 3 года назад +1

      It’s very true, and I’m french. Satan knew France was the stronghold of Catholicism and he basically got the whole world in his system after 1789

  • @radrook2153
    @radrook2153 3 года назад

    True, not everyone. However, association with hypocrites is not a good idea.

  • @r_ns7150
    @r_ns7150 Месяц назад

    Many Christians I experienced were *extremely* uncompassionate and cruel almost all my life. I love Jesus and God, not the false churches/religions

  • @roxanneroxanne7425
    @roxanneroxanne7425 3 года назад

    People want to please people in church. That's the problem. People are comfortable with sin. I'm trying to run from it so much

  • @suburbankid
    @suburbankid Год назад

    The analogy doesn't really work because most people don't go around training others when they are not fit, teaching others when they are not educated in the matter, or giving medical advice when they aren't doctors, but plenty church attendees sure like to preach what they don't practice.

  • @idiotbutransrights
    @idiotbutransrights 2 года назад +2

    I stopped paying attention for a moment but if what you are saying is what I think it is then I don't like the argument because it just does not sound right, why would the hippocritcal Christan person go to church if they don't want to act or do how their church requests and teaches them to

  • @predictorbibulous960
    @predictorbibulous960 3 года назад +1

    "inspirational scripture and or quote that makes me feel warm and fuzzy about my decision to do zero research into my evil religion"

    • @marcfofi688
      @marcfofi688 3 года назад +1

      That’s funny because I’ve done a lot of research and have so far concluded that my religion isn’t evil.

  • @effiewilson8164
    @effiewilson8164 3 года назад +1

    We should surround ourselves with people we want to be like. If you suspect the Church you're in (Protestant or Catholic) is scandalous, then absolutely I think you should listen to your intuition when it says to get out of there. I think the reason Protestantism became so prevalent is because dogma and hierarchy and the power found in those things absolutely can be used for scandalous purposes. Basically, I don't think Jesus would want you to be apart of anything that goes against your conscious even when it taunts you with having to prove your faith in God/Jesus himself. The way the Devil works is far more insidious than what we often suspect, even so bold as to test us on what it means to have faith or to be Christian. And so, it's hard to give any advice that really would cover all the possible situations you could find yourself in. I think in particular he focuses on twisting our faith into being dogmatic religiously sustained facts, knowing that in our arrogance and pride we will fatally confuse our priorities between our call to obedience and our call to faith, potentially leading us also to be scandalous.

  • @emerdigiorgio3594
    @emerdigiorgio3594 3 года назад

    Actually,Christiandoom found the foundation of organization of the Roman Empire,included all the roads built by the Romans throughout the Enpire.

  • @lurx2024
    @lurx2024 2 месяца назад

    It's nice to see that Jesus is alive and well and he is now posting videos under the pseudonym, "Brian Holdsworth". Great work "Brian".

  • @meinbherpieg4723
    @meinbherpieg4723 Год назад

    "If we say that the church should be held to a higher standard aren't we conceding that this enterprise of the church must be founded on truth?"
    No. Absolutely not. If we say that the church should be held to a higher standard, ie. if we say the members of a church should be held to a higher standard, it is not because they have some truth others do not, it is because they are self-righteously judging others, and therefor going against the very tenets they espouse. We are only holding them to there own standards, which they created, have impose on others millions of times throughout history and today, and have no verifiable proof of their validity.

    • @thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363
      @thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 10 месяцев назад

      it’s true the church is filled with Hypocrites; they are pretenders, not genuine Christians. The Bible speaks often of false converts sitting alongside those who are genuine in their faith (goats among the sheep, tares among the wheat, bad fish among the good fish, etc.), and assures us that God will sort them out on Judgment Day. Why let the pretenders keep you out of Heaven?

  • @teaganbowie2340
    @teaganbowie2340 3 года назад +1

    People arent holding Christians to a higher standard, they are holding them to the standard they set. If a breatharian claims they dont need to eat or drink, then I hold them to that standard and if they fail I would point to them and say that is false. Christians can routinely fail, and for us in the faith we understand why, but if someone outside looking in says "you cant even achieve the standard you set yourself, yet demand it of me." That is a very understandable criticism. *Edit* I just dont see them trying to hold someone to the standard they espouse as some sort of confirmation of christianity. I dont think that holds much water.