橫山書法藝術館|美術館裡的「書」:韓國現當代書藝展 The Modern and Contemporary Korean Calligraphy|展覽影片

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • #국립현대미술관 #橫山書法藝術館 #MMCA
    本展為 #橫山書法藝術館 首次進行跨國館際合作,與 #韓國國立現代美術館( #국립현대미술관 National Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea,簡稱 #MMCA)聯手策劃,首次在臺灣系統性呈現韓國現當代書藝發展。

    MMCA為唯一韓國國立美術館,專門展出各類現當代藝術,2020年更開韓國風氣之先,由MMCA策展人裴原正 (Bae Wongjung)策劃,舉辦韓國現當代書藝特展。書藝館以國際書法交流基地為目標,鑑於臺灣少有韓國完整之書法藝術主題展覽和研究,因此特別與MMCA合作,商借韓國現當代書藝重要作品來臺展出,期能透過不同地域的書法藝術圖景,開啟書法藝術於東亞現當代藝術世界中的對話路徑。
    “The Modern and Contemporary Korean Calligraphy” marks the first international collaboration between the Hengshan Calligraphy Art Center (#HCAC) and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (MMCA). This groundbreaking exhibition is the first comprehensive presentation of modern and contemporary Korean calligraphy in Taiwan. MMCA, renowned as Korea’s premier national art museum, specializes in showcasing a diverse array of modern and contemporary artworks. In 2020, MMCA curator Bae Wonjung made a historic contribution by organizing a special exhibition dedicated to modern and contemporary Korean calligraphy.

    更多展覽資訊 For more information
    孫在馨、玄中和、金基昇、柳熙綱、宋成鏞、李喆卿、李基雨、金忠顯、金膺顯、徐喜煥、權昌倫、朴元圭、鄭道準、黃皙捧、崔玟烈、金鍾源、余泰明、朴世鎬、李應魯、南 寬、金基昶、金鍾瑛、金昌烈、崔滿麟、李禹煥、李澈周、李正枝、李康昭、吳秀煥、黃昌培、金惠蓮、鄭昺例、安尙秀、李一九、姜秉寅、金鍾鍵、李尙炫(按展覽分區排序)
    Son Jae-hyeong, Hyeon Junghwa, Kim Ki-seung, Yoo Hee-kang, Song Seongyong, Lee Cheolgyeong, Lee Giwoo, Kim Choonghyun, Kim Eunghyun, Seo Hee-hwan, Kwon Chang-ryun, Park Won-gyu, Jung Do-jun, Hwang Sukbong, Choi Minyuel, Kim Jong-won, Yeo Tae-myong, Park Seho, Lee Ungno, Nam Kwan, Kim Ki-chang, Kim Chong Yung, Kim Tschang-yeul, Choi Manlin, Lee Ufan, Lee Cheol Joo, Lee Chung Ji, Lee Kang So, Oh Sufan, Hwang Changbae, Kim Heryun, Chung Byung Ryei, Ahn Sang-soo, Lee Ill-goo, Gang Byung-in, Kim Zhongkun, Lee Sang-hyun.
    ▋ 美術館裡的「書」:韓國現當代書藝展
    📌韓國國立現代美術館機構策展人 | 裴原正
    📌展期 | 2024/7/6-10/21 (週三至週一 09:30-17:00 每週二休館。)
    📌地點 | 橫山書法藝術館 (桃園市大園區大仁路100號)
    📌指導單位 | 桃園市政府、桃園市議會、桃園市政府文化局
    📌主辦單位 | 桃園市立美術館|橫山書法藝術館、韓國國立現代美術館(MMCA)
    📌贊助單位 | 社團法人 現代美術館會 (Membership Society for MMCA, Korea)
    ▋The Modern and Contemporary Korean Calligraphy
    Date: July 6 to October 21, 2024
    Time: Wednesdays to Mondays, 9:30 AM to 5 PM, Closed on Tuesdays
    Location: The Hengshan Calligraphy Art Center (No. 100, Daren Rd., Dayuan Dist., Taoyuan, Taiwan)
    Supervisors: Taoyuan City Government, Taoyuan City Council, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taoyuan City.
    Organizers: Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts | Hengshan Calligraphy ArtCenter, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea
    Sponsor: Membership Society for MMCA, Korea

Комментарии • 2

  • @鄭沅沅
    @鄭沅沅 20 дней назад +2

    很棒的展覽 真的誠心推薦 展品 策展人 展覽現場的導覽員 都一氣呵成

  • @douglasreynolds-op1no
    @douglasreynolds-op1no Месяц назад +1

    Awesome exhibition!!! Don't miss it!