20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 94)

  • Опубликовано: 1 фев 2025

Комментарии • 629

  • @sarahfaith316
    @sarahfaith316 Год назад +79

    Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
    0:00 - Intro
    1. 0:29 {Worshiping in Spirit & in Truth} What does it mean to worship God “in Spirit and in truth”?
    2. 14:14 {Does Hebrews Support Cessationism?} Is Hebrews 1:1 a reasonable proof text for cessationism in relation to prophecy? It says God spoke to our ancestors through prophets, but "in these last days," He has spoken to us through Christ. Are we in the "last days" Paul refers to?
    3. 21:23 {Hair Length that Honors God} At my age and health, it’s hard to manage my long hair. May I cut it chin length as long as I keep it looking feminine and still relatively longer than a man’s? Is simply maintaining that gender distinction the important part?
    4. 23:16 {Is Entire Sanctification Biblical?} Coming from a “2 works movement” (CHM), I’ve always heard 1 Thessalonians 5: 23 taught as calling people to a second work of Grace, or an experience of entire sanctification. What is Paul actually saying there?
    5. 29:42 {My Efforts & God’s Sovereignty} How much do my efforts influence situations when God is sovereign and in control? For example, my hard work vs. God blessing my business, improving my health to "extend" my life vs. God setting the number of my days, etc.
    6. 33:25 {What is the “Harvest”?} What does the harvest refer to in Luke 10? I've always heard it talked about relating to evangelism, but a harvest implies that the work has already been done and you're able to get the fruit of your labor.
    7. 37:01 {Can Satan Stop God’s Plans?} Can Satan stop God's plan? I had to cancel a mission trip at the last minute due to something I couldn't control, but doors had opened and things had fallen into place for us to go, so it seemed like it was God's will.
    8. 41:47 {Do Unbelieving Children Disqualify an Elder?} 1 Timothy 3:4-5 and Titus 1:6 seem to indicate if someone desires to be an elder they are disqualified by unbelieving children. Does this include adult children? The wife? What do these verses mean?
    9. 48:19 {Interacting with Fallen Believers & Cult Members} How are we to relate to fallen brothers in terms of fellowship, and to cult members with hospitality according to 1 Corinthians 5: 11 and 2 John 1: 10?
    10. 55:56 {Does Gospel Rejection = Stop Hanging Out?} If I have a friend who is not saved and I have tried to evangelize them and have only been met with resistance, do I need to stop hanging out with them?
    11. 58:41 {Why Does God Allow the Wicked to Prosper?} Why does God allow success for celebrities that don’t follow Him?
    12. 1:02:17 {Biblical Guidelines - Speaking in Tongues} 1 Corinthians 14: 27-28 says that someone should not speak in tongues unless there is an interpreter, but how are they supposed to know if there is an interpreter present?
    13. 1:04:19 {Ministering to a Suicidal Friend} What is a correct approach to reach someone you care about who is dealing with suicidal thoughts?
    14. 1:06:18 {Resolving a Scriptural Discrepancy} In the KJV, 2 Kings 8: 26 and 2 Chronicles 22:2 give two completely different ages for Ahaziah when he took the throne. How can we account for this?
    15. 1:14:43 {Could God be Playing a Joke On Us?} I am a new Christian and my brother is an atheist. He has brought up the question of “What if God is lying about everything and this all a big cosmic joke?” How do I combat this thinking?
    16. 1:19:55 {Saved by Grace - How is Anyone Excluded?} Ephesians 5:5 says that the sexually immoral will have no place in the Kingdom of God, yet later, Ephesians says we’re saved by grace through faith. Is this contradictory?
    17. 1:25:20 {Unclean Meats & the Second Coming} If all meats were made clean, then how do Christians interpret Isaiah 66: 15-18, as that passage, I believe, refers to Christ’s second coming, and in it He “destroys” those who eat unclean meats?
    18. 1:28:48 {The Right Age to Evangelize?} When is the right age to evangelize? I'm 15 and I used to evangelize and many believed, but I also got into trouble with the police and at my school. My pastor told me to wait until I’m more mature and I’ve learned more of God’s Word.
    19. 1:31:09 {Religion = Control? / Where’s God During Abuse?} How do I help my dad (an unbeliever) who thinks religion is used to control us? He also says, “If God exists, where was He when my father was beating my mother and I, and I cried out to Him?”
    20. 1:38:24 {Do This if Your House is Haunted} What's the biblical response on what a Christian should do if they move into a haunted house? I know "hauntings" are demonic, and I've been there before for 3 years. What do I do if it happens again?

    • @jackdiddIey
      @jackdiddIey Год назад

      How do we ask questions?

    • @patrickbarnes9874
      @patrickbarnes9874 Год назад

      I believe in a time when men are considered innately insane and people who believe they have been born in the wrong body are not -- the latest diagnostics manual in psychology has removed gender dysphoria while adding "traditional masculinity" as a mental illness -- that a Christian pastor should not be telling people to go see a secular therapist without giving some qualifying remarks.
      The secular world is thoroughly politicized now. It now pushes an explicitly anti-Christian worldview. Telling Christians to see a licensed therapist I think has now become an irresponsible thing to do. Getting a license now requires holding anti-Christian views. I would urge Paster Mike to take a look at what sorts of things are going on the past few years in the mental health professions and consider revising his advice for the times in this area. At least warn people to do their due diligence on a therapist before trusting them if they are licensed by the APA, which is doing the Critical Race Theory and Gender Ideology things that are politically popular but against scripture.

    • @SpotterVideo
      @SpotterVideo Год назад

      Old Covenant Baptism vs. New Covenant Baptism (water vs. Spirit)
      Water baptism was a part of the Old Covenant system of ritual washing. The Old Covenant priests had to wash before beginning their service in the temple. (Ex. 30:17-30) When Christ was water baptized by His cousin John in the Jordan River, He was under the Old Covenant system. He also only ate certain foods, and wore certain clothes, as prescribed by the 613 Old Covenant laws. Christ was water baptized by John and then the Holy Spirit came from heaven. (Acts 10:38) The order is reversed in the New Covenant. A person receives the Holy Spirit upon conversion, and then believers often declare their conversion to their friends and family through a water baptism ceremony. Which baptism makes you a member of Christ’s Church?
      The New Covenant conversion process is described below. (Born-again)
      Eph 1:12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.
      Eph 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
      (A person must “hear” the Gospel, and “believe” the Gospel, and will then be “sealed” with the Holy Spirit.)
      Joh 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
      (See Jer. 31:34 for the New Covenant promise, and 1 John 2:27 for the fulfillment)
      Which baptism is a part of the salvation process, based on what the Bible says?
      What did Peter say below?
      Acts 11:15 And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning.
      Acts 11:16 Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost.
      Based on Luke 3:16, and John 1:33, and Acts 11:15-16, the most important thing about the word "baptize" in the New Testament has nothing to do with water. The Holy Spirit is the master teacher promised to New Covenant believers in Jeremiah 31:34, and John 14:26, and is found fulfilled in Ephesians 1:13, and 1 John 2:27. Unfortunately, many modern Christians see water/ every time they read the word "baptize" in the text.
      Based on the above, what is the one baptism of our faith found in the passage below? How many times is the word "Spirit" found in the passage, and how many times is the word "water" found in the passage?
      Eph 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,
      Eph 4:2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
      Eph 4:3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
      Eph 4:4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
      Eph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, (See 1 Cor. 12:13)
      “baptize” KJV
      Mat_3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:
      Mar_1:8 I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.
      Mar 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. (Water or Holy Spirit?, See Eph. 1-13.)
      Luk_3:16 John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire:
      Joh_1:26 John answered them, saying, I baptize with water: but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not;
      Joh_1:33 And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.
      1Co_1:17 For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.
      1Co 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. (See Eph. 4:1-5)
      Heb 9:10 Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation. (Old Covenant ----> New Covenant)
      How many people have been saved by the Old Covenant water baptism of John the Baptist?
      Who did John the Baptist say is the greatest Baptist that ever lived in Luke 3:16? What kind of New Covenant baptism comes from Christ?
      Hebrews 9:10 Old Covenant vs. New Covenant
      (ESV) but deal only with food and drink and various washings, regulations for the body imposed until the time of reformation.
      (Geneva) Which only stood in meates and drinkes, and diuers washings, and carnal rites, which were inioyned, vntill the time of reformation.
      (GW) These gifts and sacrifices were meant to be food, drink, and items used in various purification ceremonies. These ceremonies were required for the body until God would establish a new way of doing things.
      (KJV) Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation.
      (KJV+) Which stood onlyG3440 inG1909 meatsG1033 andG2532 drinks,G4188 andG2532 diversG1313 washings,G909 andG2532 carnalG4561 ordinances,G1345 imposedG1945 on them untilG3360 the timeG2540 of reformation.G1357
      (NKJV) concerned only with foods and drinks, various washings, and fleshly ordinances imposed until the time of reformation.
      (NLT) For that old system deals only with food and drink and various cleansing ceremonies-physical regulations that were in effect only until a better system could be established.
      (YLT) only in victuals, and drinks, and different baptisms, and fleshly ordinances-till the time of reformation imposed upon them .

    • @ptk8451
      @ptk8451 Год назад

      Can you make a video about Bible geneologies

    • @dispensationofgod
      @dispensationofgod Год назад

      This is living in Spirit and truth. And no it’s not talking about what we’ll be transformed to in our glorified bodies. John says NOW! 1 John 3:1-10
      Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. 2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. 4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. 5 And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin. 6 Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him. 7 Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. 8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. 9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. 10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

  • @obesekoala8333
    @obesekoala8333 Год назад +276

    Babe wake up a new Mike Winger video just dropped

  • @imdee9024
    @imdee9024 Год назад +17

    I feel SO bad - I was never religious when raising my kids but have always believed in the Lord but now my kids are adults and even though they believe in God and haven't drank, smoke or done drugs, they still do other bad things. I fell like it's my fault. I am trying to learn what I can here on this channel to understand more sothat I can let them know and try to restore what I lacked in.

    • @tracyharris9013
      @tracyharris9013 23 дня назад

      Pray the scripture over them. Like take Psalm 91 for example and put your children's name in it as you read it as a prayer you can do this with most Scripture ask the Lord to show you what verses to pray. I have prayed that God would teach them how long and how high and how deep is the love of God, praying Ephesians 3:14-20 outing their name in the verses as I pray back Gods word back to Him for His word never comes back void. May His Spirit guide you in praying for your children. It is never to late.

    • @imdee9024
      @imdee9024 23 дня назад

      @@tracyharris9013 Tracy, I can't thank you enough for responding. I will do this. Thank you

  • @MorganBrooks-s3h
    @MorganBrooks-s3h 14 дней назад +100

    The pain in my heart is unbearable, my husband leaving our marriage have put a ton in my heart, I have been telling myself am strong enough but am not sure I am, I haven’t been able to get him of my mind, I just want him back.

    • @CarolTDurham
      @CarolTDurham 14 дней назад

      This is a very familiar pain. I know how unbearable it feels.

    • @MorganBrooks-s3h
      @MorganBrooks-s3h 14 дней назад

      Did you go through similar situation and how did you deal with it?

    • @CarolTDurham
      @CarolTDurham 14 дней назад

      Yes I did but I got my partner back with the help of a spiritual Counsellor Father Akabu. He has a gift for restoring broken relationships.

    • @MorganBrooks-s3h
      @MorganBrooks-s3h 14 дней назад

      Do you think he can help me?

    • @CarolTDurham
      @CarolTDurham 14 дней назад

      I’m sure he can. You can find him online he’s a very powerful spiritualist.

  • @justgreatmagic
    @justgreatmagic Год назад +4

    Harvest can be a noun or verb. The harvest can mean the crops. But you also need to collect and bring the food: if you don’t harvest the crops, they die.😊

  • @marciajwilson
    @marciajwilson Год назад +28

    Psalms 37 is a good response to the question of celebrities doing well. It begins:
    Do not fret because of evildoers,
    ​​Nor be envious of the workers of iniquity.
    For they shall soon be cut down like the grass,
    ​​And wither as the green herb.
    ​Trust in the LORD, and do good;
    ​​Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.

  • @nikkiduckworth3042
    @nikkiduckworth3042 Год назад +6

    Mike you are not just a vessel for His knowledge - seriously I really don’t understand anyone else; you are exceptional in teaching. Thank you so so much. Nikki from the UK 😊

  • @nathanthedisciple
    @nathanthedisciple Год назад +16


  • @ih82r8
    @ih82r8 Год назад +31

    Thank you for these Q&As Mike...I can only imagine how many hundreds of questions you've answered by now and how much they have helped people.

  • @keithyoung1672
    @keithyoung1672 Год назад +148

    Nice, wife is mixing up your apparel a bit 😆

    • @Vitamortis.
      @Vitamortis. Год назад +6

      only two strings attached with that hoodie

    • @stephenstreit1178
      @stephenstreit1178 Год назад +1


    • @lovelandgirl1494
      @lovelandgirl1494 Год назад +1

      HA! I was going to say something similar 😂

    • @caroleimani9754
      @caroleimani9754 Год назад +3

      @@Vitamortis. Aren't hoodies supposed to have 2 strings??

    • @jessc408
      @jessc408 Год назад +4

      @@caroleimani9754 Normally, a hoody actually has 1 string, but both ends visible.

  • @bella-bee
    @bella-bee Год назад +27

    Hey, Granny Bee here, thank you so much Mike! I was stumbling over
    long versus longer than.
    My thanks too to you Sarah.

    • @sarahfaith316
      @sarahfaith316 Год назад +2


    • @caroleimani9754
      @caroleimani9754 Год назад +4

      Yeah, the Bible says something about women having long hair, but it doesn't say HOW LONG.......

  • @jennifermiddleton9452
    @jennifermiddleton9452 Год назад +31

    I like how you say it’s ok to be a little scared. Because that’s what gets me back on track every time ultimately. When my salvation feels in question, I start feeling convicted and start making life style changes and drawing closer to God.

    • @Survivin2Thrivin
      @Survivin2Thrivin Год назад +6

      Fear is a great motivator, isn't it? (Assuming one doesn't become paralyzed by fear.)

    • @dcoff2443
      @dcoff2443 Год назад

      Amen and sometimes we have to really understand what it means to work out our faith with fear and trembling… I think that when we stand over the chasm of our sinful habits or behaviors, thoughts, friendships, wrong teachings/ beliefs, etc… and realize what the Lord has saved us from and that he’s redeemed us for himself, then we can realize how we may have strayed from what he’s called us to and in his loving kindness he leads us to repentance and renewal… a year ago I had a circumstance that really made me constantly question my salvation and many things… i could blame the victimization but what I really needed was fear of the Lord and not man… and sometimes as we sort out and reason with God we need to trust Him and forsake everything else that stands in the way of him… we can strew out all our pain, plans and questions but submission to Him is so relieving…I love the the lyrics to psalm 46 by Shane and Shane. “Oh God who makes the mountains melt, come wrestle us and win”…
      There’s a pursuant passion of purpose we desire and still God allows us to preach the gospel to ourselves bc we need to be reminded of all he’s done, and his will being fulfilled in his mighty ability.
      Sorry for the rant lol, but I used to be so scared of questioning bc I thought the answer to questioning if I was saved would be that I wasn’t… but when I finally stopped relying on my opinions and fell at his feet in fear I found he is the fount of peace ♥️

  • @krisk1867
    @krisk1867 Год назад +7

    "True doctrine and intent", I never heard this before and I've been a Christian for 22 years. Thank you Pastor Mike for this insight. I've heard this verse preached before like you did and it still left me questioning. I really appreciate your ministry! Thank you for all the hours of reading and research you do. I'm grateful!

  • @elizabeths5896
    @elizabeths5896 Год назад +4

    Thank you for your excellent explanation of "worship in spirit and truth."

  • @elainewagnon6690
    @elainewagnon6690 Год назад +40

    Thank you for all your work for us. You're ministry has been so helpful to me. I will pray for you physical healing!

  • @snana11plus1
    @snana11plus1 Год назад +24

    So glad to see you feeling better Mike. Your Q and A sessions are so informative. I listen to them over and over and glean more each time. Thank you!

  • @cathy7382
    @cathy7382 Год назад +15

    God bless you, Pastor Mike I have
    benefitted much fron your ministry
    Thank you, and may God continue
    to use you, by the way, I'm a cat
    lover also

  • @Lisa-ep5po
    @Lisa-ep5po Год назад +18

    Always excited to hear Pastor Mike answering 20 questions!

    • @RUT812
      @RUT812 Год назад

      And his answers are always so wise.

    • @1Whipperin
      @1Whipperin Год назад

      Where in the Bible is anyone called a Pastor?

  • @dailyobedience5264
    @dailyobedience5264 Год назад +32

    Not sure if you will see this but wanted to say thank you for the insight and the answer you offered..it is helpful! We are so thankful for your ministry and look forward to every video! :)

  • @timrodriguez16
    @timrodriguez16 Год назад +20

    For demons in the house question, one way to get ghost out of your house is to tell them to start paying rent, that usually does it.

  • @brianchittenden6261
    @brianchittenden6261 Год назад +6

    Love ya Mike. Knowing God!!! Believing Genesis even when man says not to. Next series!!!!!

  • @irinaferguson8618
    @irinaferguson8618 Год назад +22

    Today ,I am blessed again to listen you , Mike! Many thanks and Shalom!

  • @Blurp3
    @Blurp3 Год назад +10

    Thankful for question 3, about hair length. I had long hair down to my tailbone. I'm dealing with seborrheic dermatitis and my health issues shows through my hair. My hair was extremely damaged and unhealthy. After some tears and avoidance, and hearing people say it's a sin for women to cut their hair, etc... I finally cut my hair to shoulder length. I hate having shorter hair... But, at the same time, it felt refreshing. It'll take quite a while to grow my hair back. But, I have been contemplating keeping it short.

  • @johnbrowne2170
    @johnbrowne2170 17 дней назад

    Best Bible study preacher I've ever come across.

  • @TheBlessingReport
    @TheBlessingReport Год назад +4

    Mike Winger is masterful teacher and excellent when comes to the word of God.

  • @Dave_OGG
    @Dave_OGG Год назад +35

    New to the channel and must say I absolutely love it

  • @alextheclaw20
    @alextheclaw20 Год назад +11

    You are truely salt of the earth. God bless you and your ministry.

  • @ExpressItHere
    @ExpressItHere 2 дня назад

    This is great. I have really been looking for something like this podcast, as I love how Pastor Mike confirms the way I see the word written. LOVE IT 1

  • @adeleetherton2665
    @adeleetherton2665 Год назад +7

    I enjoy your work and how much you do for us. Jesus is surely blessing us thru you. Thank you for sharing.

  • @sunsetradioeurope3367
    @sunsetradioeurope3367 Год назад +1

    Pastor Mike I'm a new subscriber and just want to say your insights make me llook at things in a way I haven't before. God bless, keep up the good work.

  • @74randyb
    @74randyb Год назад +17

    I’ve learned so much from you! I appreciate you. Keep up he good work. God bless you!

  • @sheilasmith7779
    @sheilasmith7779 Год назад +3

    Again, thank you Mike, and thank you God for providing us with Mike Winger's knowledge, wisdom and humility. Amen.

  • @NiRaSis
    @NiRaSis Год назад +3

    I find myself saying, "The Lord works in mysterious ways" a lot lately. God is good. Its exciting when you see things youd never expect and wonder about how God can use that person or situation to affect others for good.

  • @daisydalisay6625
    @daisydalisay6625 Год назад +2

    Amazing! 😊 🙏 ❤️ Clarity! AMEN. HALLELUJAH. God bless you and your family so much. Your answer to worshipping in spirit in truth is so clear. 😊 🙏 ❤️

  • @Ssolay36
    @Ssolay36 Год назад +3

    I was just reading John 4 yesterday and pondered a while on the spirit and truth verse. I came across your video on my feed today. It is Amazing to see how God uses His servants to affirm and expound on truths. God bless you brother!

  • @dcoff2443
    @dcoff2443 Год назад +3

    Mike thank you so much for your ministry, I’ll continue to thank the Lord for how he’s working in and through you and your ministry!
    Regarding the passage with the woman at the well… I’m very grateful for your clarity… I had a pastors wife use that scripture against me when I was calling out false teaching at our last church…
    I have had a hard time reading this passage and not taking away from it that I was acting as the woman at the well and throwing up, as she stated…” a theological smokescreen in the form of debate” and what a balm when you said that we are to worship God with correct theological understanding as well… (paraphrasing sorry) in context the pastor himself told me I was was only “learning about God and not experiencing him” after I told him that I was so grateful for all that I had leaned in the word as well as mentioning listening to your content…
    ( thanks Mike for getting me in trouble lol 😂 thanks for inadvertently teaching me to follow the example of thinking biblically to debate false teaching)
    and that is why I was struggling with some personal things… this all lead up to a sozo/inner healing session that they believed I needed… and when the Holy Spirit had really convicted me about some things I was being taught and really to stop following and thinking on what man’s opinion is and holding that in higher authority than it ever should…
    I know no one will have perfect understanding in all things, but I’m so grateful for your ministry, apologetics in general and good theology overall… it has helped myself, my husband and my family so much over the past year to listen to truth from many devoted brothers and sisters in Christ… i am grateful that the Lord in his graciousness has given us His Word, and the Holy Spirit to lead and guide his people to lead and guide his people and all of us to encourage one another in the gifts to build up the body and fight when we need to! Thank you Mike God Bless!

    • @bethl
      @bethl Год назад +1

      I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I hope you’ve found a Bible-teaching church by now!

    • @dcoff2443
      @dcoff2443 Год назад +1

      @@bethl thank you! It’s ok the Lord is a deliverer! And he leads and guides and in the midst we can rest in Him, His Word and Promises and I need to pray for them more , thank you for care!!! Have a blessed day!

  • @Jilly85
    @Jilly85 Год назад +3

    Mike, I really appreciate what you do and thank you for sharing wisdom and taking the Bible seriously. A breath of fresh air!
    1 request: as you get into Hebrews I HIGHLY recommend Chuck Missler’s study on the book. It broke things wide open for me and I think explains some of the very classically difficult passages therein. Understanding “to whom” the book is written is critical.
    All the best,

  • @gigiflame6454
    @gigiflame6454 Год назад +5

    Mike, I just love your heart towards your past with your family and how you honor your parents.💓

  • @i.m.moreau8765
    @i.m.moreau8765 Год назад +1

    Sometimes when things don’t happen as we expect, God is protecting us from something we can’t see. Or sometimes we’re not ready or that isn’t really his will for you. Give it time and you will see why it didn’t happen as you thought

  • @CWRobinsonMusic
    @CWRobinsonMusic Год назад +2

    Thank you for your humility Mike. But you are not weak. In comparison to God yes! But among us you have put in the work and the desire to be used by God and have done a wonderful job, you and your team. You wouldn't argue that you don't have free will and though we tend to focus on the bad and the sin in our lives, you've also made great choices in sharing God with us. I thank you immensely, and God all the more that He has blessed us with a brother such as yourself.

  • @gracehillcolorado2668
    @gracehillcolorado2668 Год назад +6

    TRUTH is Grace.
    Not laws and NOT Bondage.
    Truth is Freedom in Christ.

    • @VinceGuthrie
      @VinceGuthrie Год назад


    • @gracehillcolorado2668
      @gracehillcolorado2668 Год назад

      @@VinceGuthrie God gave the 10 Commands to the Jews. He gave the Gentiles CHRIST. We follow CHRIST - Christians follow CHRIST IN SPIRIT. This pleases GOD. If you want to be GOOD? Let Christ make you "Good." YOU? STAY out of it.

    • @VinceGuthrie
      @VinceGuthrie Год назад


    • @VinceGuthrie
      @VinceGuthrie Год назад


    • @VinceGuthrie
      @VinceGuthrie Год назад

      @@gracehillcolorado2668 Time IS RUNNING SHORT, JOEL 2:22-24.
      NISAN 1

  • @rab-cnesbit4181
    @rab-cnesbit4181 Месяц назад

    Hi mike im a scotsman over here in "not so great anymore Britain ". I love your teaching manner and transparency, you never leave out any jot or tittle when you investigate anything . I think also in spirit and in truth means not nealt in front of say a eucharist? ( an idol) prayig at it or a crucifix on a wall , nothing but you ,your mind to God in prayer .

  • @rockymountainprincess9078
    @rockymountainprincess9078 Год назад +8

    Blessings, Pastor Mike 😇!

  • @LynetteHulton
    @LynetteHulton 5 месяцев назад

    Mike thankyou for your programme , you have helped me understand the Bible.

  • @sheilasmith7779
    @sheilasmith7779 Год назад +6

    When our concern is hair length, God must roll His eyes.

    • @Vitamortis.
      @Vitamortis. Год назад +1

      did He roll His eyes when He inspired Paul to write 1 Corinthians 11? I think not. So if I interpret 1 Corinthians 11 to mean what it says, does God roll His eyes at me? I hope not. Biblically, the eyes of the LORD are everywhere, beholding the good and the evil, not rolling at misplaced concern. 🤷‍♂

    • @patriciamayhue5519
      @patriciamayhue5519 Год назад


    • @patriciamayhue5519
      @patriciamayhue5519 Год назад

      ​@Vitamortis not every verse of scripture is written to future believers. Paul, many times, is giving instruction to churches concerning historical events in the church at that time. The church in Corinth had influence of the Greek goddess Diana. He addressed several issues in talking to that particular church stemming from pagan traditions.

    • @Vitamortis.
      @Vitamortis. Год назад +2

      @@patriciamayhue5519 Paul in 1 Corinthians 11 appeals to the following truths to command that a woman cover her head and that a man not cover his head, while praying or prophesying:
      1. Order of headship.
      2. Man is the image and glory of God.
      3. Woman is the glory of man.
      4. Woman came from man.
      5. Woman was created for man.
      6. The angels.
      7. Mutual dependence of man and woman.
      8. Man born of woman.
      9. Everything comes from God.
      10. (essentially)Common sense. "Judge for yourselves, is it proper..."
      Paul appeals to the following truths to command that a woman have long hair and a man have short hair:
      1. Nature teaches long hair is a disgrace to a man and glory to a woman
      2. Woman's hair is given to her for a covering.
      The text says nothing about Diana or surrounding culture. It says quite a bit about God's created order.

  • @leodegariobocong9175
    @leodegariobocong9175 11 месяцев назад

    Yes. Pastor Mike I am excited to that project in the book of Hebrews I'm waiting to hear and listen to that teaching in the book of Hebrews thanks Ptr mike in advance & God bless you more po. I'm from Philippines in I am adong and I'm blessed thru your teaching ptr mike.

  • @ChristinewithaC
    @ChristinewithaC Год назад +1

    I also grew up in the conservative holiness movement (CHM). I was taught two works of grace: 1. Saved 2. Entirely Sanctified. My church taught that when you get saved Jesus forgives your sins and then when you get sanctified he fills you with the Holy Spirit. It was explained like this. If you wanted a drink of milk but your cup was dirty, the first step would be to wash the cup. Now your cup is clean, but can you drink your milk now? No, you need to do step 2: fill the cup with milk. Salvation is being washed, sanctification is being filled. 1 John 1:9.

  • @tanjasmit7535
    @tanjasmit7535 Год назад +2

    Loved your answer to the question of number 5..... I've learnt to do that, pray and trust and believe, but will come to pass... God willing. At the end of the day.... It will still be in God's hands ✝️🇿🇦

  • @JohnRWaldron
    @JohnRWaldron Год назад +9

    Minor correction: Jesus was traveling from Jerusalem (Judea) heading north to Galilee. Jesus chose the shortest route through Samaria to Galilee, different from Jews at the time who avoided defilement in Samaria.

  • @kaymojil7669
    @kaymojil7669 11 месяцев назад

    I have been so blessed by these Q and A videos recently but this one, ooo! Thank you Jesus.

  • @steve4729
    @steve4729 Год назад

    This really gave me clarity into my choices, my actions, what could have been BUT MAINLY how God already knew and uses it all (my sin and my triumphs) to execute His Will. I really hope I got what you were trying to convey. Thank you. For those of you who might find this helpful, he talks about that here: 39:51

  • @CamGaylor
    @CamGaylor Год назад +5

    Excellent as always. God bless you and the mods.

  • @Debrannayaka
    @Debrannayaka Год назад

    It’s great your learning the way of Christ Holy Spirit must be call in to prayer for strength and it open the windows of heaven amen glory be to alleluia

  • @hyperfocus1963
    @hyperfocus1963 Год назад +21

    Just in case you/your team isn't aware, the prayer is cut off at the end, so perhaps the delay in the stream is throwing the timing off. Anyway, thanks for another thoughtful 20 questions video!

    • @sarahfaith316
      @sarahfaith316 Год назад +11

      Thank you! We’re sad about that too. Sorry! I mentioned it to him after the stream. God bless ~Staff

    • @snana11plus1
      @snana11plus1 Год назад +6

      I heard on another RUclips site that there is a 20 second delay. It may help to allow it to run another 20 seconds on your end before turning it off.

  • @glennmurphy4820
    @glennmurphy4820 Год назад +1

    I've been asking myself this question recently. The truth part I believe is the sober self judgement, and realizing that we don't know how to [ fill in the blank ] and that we need Him to help us understand. The Spirit part is learning to live by the Spirit of the Law not the letter of it. How to not judge by appearance or statement, but by The Holy Spirit and knowledge. I like your idea about the truth; it would open up the need to read His word and to come to believe it.

  • @suzielou6670
    @suzielou6670 Год назад +1

    #9 this rule of not welcoming in false teachers also protects you from their teaching. Letting them into your home especially for a meal can leave you vulnerable and allow darkness to find its way into the minds of your loved ones. We are charged to guard our hearts and minds, and to protect the innocent.

  • @joannthomases9304
    @joannthomases9304 Год назад

    I am indwelt by a spirit or i wouldn't exist. What do you mean. Should i know how God made me before i got here ? Through love, and mom and dad's joy, and all before, you mean ? Does man think they know the exact formula for each baby, i am wondering again what's going on with all these questions, as i always wondered too...but i'm glad he cared to think me and my family up !!! ❤ He's phenomenal for certain. 🤗💕 No joke about it ! Thankful and greatful he can think us up like he did. Wow ! I really am beyond amazed too !!

  • @phumlanitrevorzondi2984
    @phumlanitrevorzondi2984 Год назад +4

    Pastor Mike thanks u so much for allowing God to use you so mighty. I have grown so much in the Lord and even have an evangelical outreach ministry and also apologetics. I felt for the last Question you could have prayed maybe a short prayer if led by the spirit don't limit God that if you led just be open to the holy spirit I think. Thank you so much may God keep blessing this ministry in Jesus name

    • @1Whipperin
      @1Whipperin Год назад

      Where in the Bible is anyone called a Pastor? Thank you.

    • @judylloyd7901
      @judylloyd7901 Год назад

      ​​@@1WhipperinPastor and teacher, God's gift to the church, Ephesians 4.

    • @1Whipperin
      @1Whipperin Год назад

      @Judy Lloyd pastors not Pastor

  • @DonnaDiane74
    @DonnaDiane74 Год назад

    You mentioned the book of Hosea in one of your answers, about God doing something unbelievable. So I read it for the first time. I'm not exactly sure what specific thing you were speaking of but wow God was Furious!
    Thank you for your contribution to my efforts to have a true and lasting relationship with Jesus Christ. God bless you all.

  • @martahampton1175
    @martahampton1175 Год назад +5

    I appreciate you so much, Pastor Mike!

  • @caos1925
    @caos1925 Год назад +7

    for question 5 another little saying I've liked is
    Work like everything depends on you, pray like everything depends on God.
    Seems the most, practical

  • @tracyharris9013
    @tracyharris9013 23 дня назад

    Truth is Jesus, In Spirit The Holy Spirit that comes and lives in you, and Truth is Jesus Christ who is Truth for Jesus was the word that became flesh and dwelt among us. He is Truth we worship in His Spirit and in Him.

  • @allenmcrae4333
    @allenmcrae4333 Год назад

    God is a spirit, Jesus is the truth. I am in the father and the father is in me. 1 God

  • @olson_media
    @olson_media Год назад +4

    Thank you for answering my question, Pastor Mike! (Q 20 for those who read this comment and are wondering).
    For a bit of back story, I lived in a demonically infested household when I was between 11-14 ish. Back then I wasn't a Christian, and unbiblical spiritual wonky stuff was done to rid the spirit. But, obviously it didn't work and although I'm saved now, I still find myself scared of that happening again. Because deep down, I feel like I know that I don't have the power of Jesus to just command the demon off, and I know we can't just invoke Jesus's name like it's some spell incantation.
    But I know there's something we can do. I appreciate your answer, and it gives me guidance. I'm scared of the possibility of it happening again (I know I probably shouldn't be), I just feel traumatized by what's happened before. Thanks again!

    • @bethl
      @bethl Год назад

      I hope you are doing well. Doing a study on the Holy Spirit through the Bible was very helpful to me. Being “filled” with the Spirit of Christ leaves no room for other spirits. Blessings!

  • @jaimeduncan6167
    @jaimeduncan6167 Год назад +2

    1:13:30 That will be a mighty task. I have to say I agree. A son of. 42 years sounds like an expression, I really like the sum response, and the fact that the numbers match makes me believe that is the original meaning. If that is not it, it will be an incredible coincidence.

  • @user-zj6wf5ru7r
    @user-zj6wf5ru7r Год назад

    I wanted to post it here instead of get a hold of you on your side so others can see also that things are getting taken care of and most likely it was the enemy trying to mess things up or just a mistake but regardless, God is faithful, always looking out for us🙏🙏🙏

  • @shellymessina6733
    @shellymessina6733 Год назад +7

    Always Grateful for this ministry...I have been watching the Mark series..

    • @Notevenone
      @Notevenone Год назад

      It’s the first thing I listened to when I discovered Mike. It will bless you greatly. May I suggest his Roman’s series next. Then everything else. 😀

  • @MyRoBeRtBaKeR
    @MyRoBeRtBaKeR Год назад

    Empty worship is when we worship Him in spirit without walking in His will ie the truth.
    True worshipers don't only love God but desire also to do His will!
    This is worship in spirit and in truth.

  • @angelakim4379
    @angelakim4379 Год назад

    I am happy to have found this channel. Hope doctrine oriented and not woke.

  • @royalhooks6810
    @royalhooks6810 Месяц назад

    Amen- Great meeting . Be blessed

  • @Eben_Haezer
    @Eben_Haezer Год назад +3

    Thank You Brother Mike for this ministry

  • @jencenteno6378
    @jencenteno6378 Год назад +12

    Thank you Pastor Mike

  • @DamonNomad82
    @DamonNomad82 Год назад +4

    Question 6 reminds me of a song called "Lord of the Harvest" that was performed by my cousin's Christian college band/choir way back in the late 1990s. Let's see if I can remember the words to it...
    "See the fields, ripe and white as snow
    Up from the seeds of faith He planted long ago.
    So many the hearts in season, with every prayer they've grown.
    He has made them ready, but we must bring them home!
    Lord of the Harvest, place Your fire in me!
    Servants You need now, servant I will be!
    Give me the eyes of Your Spirit, your heart of compassion to know!
    Lord of the Harvest, show me where to go!
    Time like the free wind, so swiftly slips away!
    Too soon today's tomorrow, too soon a yesterday!
    So little time for reaping, and laborers are few.
    Lift your hand to the fields of white, the work that we must do!
    Lord of the Harvest, place Your fire in me!
    Servants You need now, servant I will be!
    Give me the eyes of Your Spirit, your heart of compassion to know!
    Lord of the Harvest, show me where to go!
    Break the chains that held me bound up in fear!
    Shake me, wake me, for the storm's drawing near!
    Gates of Hell will finally crumble and fall!
    Once the Church moves beyond these four walls, beyond these walls!
    Don't you hear the harvest call?
    To touch just one with love from Him, come now, look up and see...
    Lord of the Harvest, place Your fire in me!
    Servants You need now, servant I will be!
    Give me the eyes of Your Spirit, your heart of compassion to know!
    Lord of the Harvest, show me where to go!
    See the fields, white as snow!
    See the fields, white as snow..."
    Yes, I still remember it, more or less, though there's not a way to convey the tune.

    • @janicec1933
      @janicec1933 Год назад +1

      The version that comes to my mind was by The Imperials.

    • @bethl
      @bethl Год назад +1

      I love this song. My duet partner & I sang it many times in various places. Thanks for the great memories reminder!

    • @bethl
      @bethl Год назад +1


  • @rojas2428
    @rojas2428 Год назад +2

    I believe , to worship God in Spirit and in Truth ; means Believing in Him and Obeying His Words .

  • @mickknight6963
    @mickknight6963 11 месяцев назад

    Mike, all I can find on #4, as far as C.H.M. churches, is maybe part of the Holiness Pentecostal Movement...? They do teach "entire santification" as a "second work of grace". Not saying the person with the question believes this. I've talked to many thru the years.
    I was "shunned" by one once on a job, an industrial plant we were building in Sherman, Tx. He and his followers on the project, once they found I was a preacher, not just an electrician, they shunned me because I believe we can still commit sin after being saved! They would literally stop and turn their backs to me when they saw me! Long job, about a yr and a half of that! Lol....Love ya, brother. ☝️✌️

  • @stephenhagen234
    @stephenhagen234 Год назад

    Worshiping in Spirit and in Truth means we worship Him the way HE wants to be worshiped, led by His Spirit within us. We enter his gates (presence) with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. We choose to do this, as a deliberate act of our will, not depending upon being led by our feelings but rather reflecting upon His attiributes and what He has done/will do for us! We need to be open to Him and He is enthroned upon the praises of Israel (our praises too)! His Spirit will give you the praise words, worship words, and a song! And it is so powerful and you will know it is not originating with you!

  • @Tom-cv7sf
    @Tom-cv7sf Год назад

    Spirit - LIFE 🔥. Mt. Zion
    Soul. - TRUTH 🔥 Jerusalem
    Body. - Way 🔥 - Juda

  • @nathanobholz8072
    @nathanobholz8072 Год назад +2

    On God allowing the wicked to I prosper - be mindful of how "success" is defined. It's something that I have increasingly noticed in my own life recently, there is a tendency as an American to think of material things like money and fame as core components of success. People like Cardi-B appear successful by this viewpoint, but even a brief snapshot of the tabloid drama surrounding them shows how hollow it is. Depending on the definition, a homeless person on the street can easily be better off than them, especially without the seductive trappings of wealth and fame.

  • @xannie79
    @xannie79 Месяц назад

    If anyone comes to you and doesn't bring his teaching into your house... i think it means life here. Don't allow wickedness and don't entertain it and don't acknowledge it in your life otherwise you're partaking and wicked too.

  • @AndrewUrosevic-sonofGod
    @AndrewUrosevic-sonofGod Месяц назад

    Regardless what's being said here followers in Lord Jesus Christ should be marked by being truthtelllers, a big part of that is proclaiming the true living word of God to all men!

  • @melvindias1249
    @melvindias1249 Год назад

    I firmly believe that the Bible is our ultimate solution and support in our day to day life. People from every walk of life can upgrade their life style and have peace and blessings in the light of the Holy Scripture.

  • @aaronvienot
    @aaronvienot Год назад +1

    Thanks for another Q&A! On Question 11, I think you've referenced Psalm 73 in times past but didn't think of it in the moment today. It's a perfect summary of how to "think biblically" about the apparent success and welfare of godless people. God has long-term perspective and so should we. Unfortunately -- speaking as someone just a few years older than Mike Winger -- as creatures trapped in time, we often have trouble gaining that perspective until we've lived a couple more decades past wherever we were when asking the question.

  • @sleepwalker7755
    @sleepwalker7755 Год назад

    John 7 tells us about Living waters. Which also tells us is Holy Spirit. Jeremiah 2:13 and 17:13. Also Zechariah covers Living Waters. Worship God with the seal of salvation, which is Holy Spirit. Anyway Mike thank you for your teaching it’s helpful.

  • @sarahbethards1983
    @sarahbethards1983 Год назад +6

    I'm the one who asked the Hebrews 1:1 question; thank you for answering it! I appreciate your thoughts!
    I think my follow-up question would be, what is your definition of prophecy? Your example of someone having a word from the Lord for a friend is different than I understand prophecy to be. The type of prophecy we see in the old testament and revelation doesn't seem to be happening now, so I'm just unsure what you mean when you say prophecy.
    I'm not settled on the cessationism debate, primarily for reason you mentioned in your answer. I haven't been able to find a common place in church history where hard-and-fast cessationists draw their line, or specifically what gifts they believe have ceased.
    Thanks again!

    • @samuelbarns118
      @samuelbarns118 Год назад +2

      I think you're on the right track there.
      When you've applied "do not despise prophecy... test everything" you see that we don't appear to be experiencing prophecy like in the old testament.
      However, you also don't see God saying 'after this particular point I will never use prophecy'.
      The result is what I would consider to be the biblical approach.
      We see precedent for God's primary message coming through the Gospel and scripture in general, and don't feel the need to go around being swayed by every false prophet of our day.
      I'd be content to say hey, I don't see that right now, so I'll get on with what I do have.
      But also not feel the need to say that it can categorically never happen.
      There's no need to align with either extreme.

    • @rebeccamatteson9643
      @rebeccamatteson9643 Год назад +1

      I would recommend a study of 1 Corinthians 14.

  • @pollyjetix2027
    @pollyjetix2027 Год назад +3

    @25:50 and onward, about the Second Work of Grace, or Entire Sanctification teachings... that was a doctrine developed by John Wesley in the development of early Methodism (and perpetuated primarily in Wesleyan and Pentecostal churches.)
    Basically, it's a teaching that the new birth is only the forgiveness of sins, but it doesn't actually clean one completely - you need a second supernatural work to actually make you clean.
    Sanctification as a Second Work is still listed in many Pentecostal denominational doctrinal beliefs, as a necessary second step to make you fit for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
    Of course, there is no Scriptural basis for this, neither as instructions nor as examples. But such is the strength of religious traditions. Those raised under this teaching read the Scriptures about sanctification as directly speaking about a Second Work of Grace.
    In practicality, how this doctrine affects church life is that new converts are encouraged to press in, to seek God's face. Which isn't a bad thing! And what happens is that usually the Holy Spirit will touch the one who draws closer to God... and realizing that divine touch is interpreted as "Sanctification."
    I've come to realize that God works with us in many ways... and often, many who are older in the faith, who have grown a bit cool and worldly actually DO need a divine work of old-time "sanctification" to clean them up!
    However, it's easy for those who once felt that touch, and claimed that Second Work, to rest on their laurels, thinking they have arrived.

  • @ChiefCedricJohnson
    @ChiefCedricJohnson Год назад

    1 Peter 4:14
    If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.

  • @JesusLightsYourPath
    @JesusLightsYourPath Год назад

    I dont know if we'll reach a point to where we don't sin at all but I do think we should reach a point where we are striving to be Christ-like and asking God to give us the strength to say no to temptation.

  • @miguelbadillo1020
    @miguelbadillo1020 Год назад

    Suffering from pain not just his but for others preparing the way for God

  • @christiansmith-of7dt
    @christiansmith-of7dt Год назад

    Jesus was the best ever

  • @Grant-H2O
    @Grant-H2O Год назад

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. God Bless

  • @joshuavarner8554
    @joshuavarner8554 Год назад

    Religion is of men, but God gave us His Word and His Spirit.

  • @joban4963
    @joban4963 Год назад

    I took 'in spirit and truth' to mean that I had to learn everything I possibly could about everything and that would increase my faith in Christ. It worked out for me, personally. Christ is quite clearly the cornerstone of all Creation in quite a literal sense, which is really difficult to explain, but it effectively means that the patterns which are in the Bible then spiral out into all other human record and then it all actually makes sense and has predictive power. Human behaviour especially, and the way cultures dictate narratives.
    It's like, I was studying the world for 20 years as a materialist atheist and it was all very strange and counterintuitive, but now it just makes sense. Explaining the reconciliation between the evidence and the common interpretation of Scripture when it comes to things like evolution and The Great Flood seems quite clear when you ignore (but understand) what the big cultural narratives are and go direct to the eye witnesses on the ground, discerning who can be trusted to be telling the truth to the best of their ability, understanding where they are wrong or where their biases or limitations of perspective are skewing their own interpretations of the evidence they're describing.
    I think on a lot of these issues people are prone to ignore everything other than the one source they know can be trusted, and then it becomes a false dichotomy between one particular interpretation and its opposite.

  • @The_shaman_heart_culture
    @The_shaman_heart_culture Месяц назад

    love your channel by the way! Very Good!!

  • @Angel_theLastAirbender
    @Angel_theLastAirbender Год назад +2

    Haha, awesome Q&A, although the 30 second delay isn't helping. I was in the middle of praying along with your closing prayer and it cut out 😆.

  • @david-okpara
    @david-okpara Год назад +3

    Thank you Pastor Mike... you are a blessing

  • @alisonjanespink7735
    @alisonjanespink7735 Год назад +2

    I do think it would be very challenging for a man to be an elder with an unbelieving wife (speaking as the daughter of an elder and seeing the time commitment such a role entails) and given the influence a mother has on her children it would also be challenging to bring them up in a godly way. I agree, it isn't forbidden but anyone in that position would need to be aware of the challenges and would need the support of his fellow elders.

  • @troyrobinson9406
    @troyrobinson9406 Год назад

    Thank you for clarifying the problems between the Samaritans and the Jews. Whenever i've heard a pastor teach this passage, he often goes into some strange explanation about how Samaritans are just half-Jewish and half-heathen partial believers but you put it in a much better light which explains the whole passage. Amen.

  • @Debrannayaka
    @Debrannayaka Год назад

    Hello from California here to my dear friend thanks for being a friend today actually life has been complicated but we must trust in what Christ is doing in our lives remember I did not ask to be here I was brought in I have a king story and Christ want me to teach and to be more then you can amaguen and sure I’m going thru persecution. This was told before I was coming into things that needed to be done. You will listen. I love you regardless if you believe me or not because Christ Jesus is at hand and he has plans for changes in this world. He overtakes the world. Actually, this whole planet belongs to him, we belong to him we do not belong to evil I rebuke evil I cancel that it’s plans and I stand my grounds Christ Jesus is powerful. I think that before you start to do your work you need to do a strong prayer and you need to call the holy spirit to keep you connected everyone that is giving word of God has to have the Bible at hand. This is not a convenience for mankind. Don’t think that Jesus is a joke. He’s very strong. He’s very strict and he has his ways and nothings going to change them. he is king there’s a lot of things that have been changed for thousands of years now I can’t explain everything that you don’t already know because you’ve lived in this world and you know what it is to be worldly or what it is to be holy you cannot have two masters and it’s time to choose. Do you want to live in this world or you want to live with Christ this is the difference between you and me take heed and love you

  • @Thoham
    @Thoham Год назад

    I am not an eschatologist, I’m sure the references you have given are spot on. I could not get most of the references you posted to fit my point of question 17.
    ISAIAH 66:
    Let’s start with Isaiah 66:1 “Heaven is my throne,” says Adonai,
    “And the earth is my footstool. What kind of house could you build for me? What sort of place could you devise for my rest?
    2 Didn’t I myself make all these things? This is how they all came to be,”
    says Adonai.
    This is a conversation between David and God, we know this because Stephen in Acts told us in Acts 7:45-50; 45 Later on, our fathers who had received it brought it in with Y’hoshua (Joshua) when they took the Land away from the nations that God drove out before them.
    “So it was until the days of David. 46 He “David” enjoyed God’s favor and asked if he might provide a dwelling place for the God of Ya‘akov (Jacob) 47 and Shlomo (Solomon) did build him a house. 48 But Ha‘Elyon (The Most High) does not live in places made by hand! As the prophet says, 49 ‘Heaven is my throne,’ says Adonai, ‘and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house could you build for me? What kind of place could you devise for my rest?
    50 Didn’t I myself make all these things?’
    From what we got from Stephen this chapter 66 opening is that conversation, it’s nowhere else in the Old Testament.
    Isaiah 66:3 “But he who kills an ox is like one who slays a man; He who sacrifices a lamb is like the one who breaks a dog’s neck; He who offers a grain offering is like one who offers swine’s blood; He who burns incense is like the one who blesses an idol. As they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delights in their abominations, 4 So I will choose their punishments and will bring on them what they dread. Because I called, but no one answered;
    I spoke, but they did not listen. And they did evil in My sight and chose that in which I did not delight.”
    This is one complete quote you can’t break it up to fit the narrative, it’s a parable. It’s a sarcastic parable, that has only one truth their sacrifices are not accepted by God. This is the operation of the third temple, it disgusts Him. So far, we got the conversion with David and God’s disgust at the third temple.
    Isaiah 5-16 I’m not going to break this down; this is the birth of Yeshua’s thousand-year Kingdom in Yerushalayim Israel.
    Isaiah 66:17 “Those who consecrate and purify themselves in order to enter the gardens, then follow the one who was already there, eating pig meat, reptiles and mice, will all be destroyed together,” says Adonai.
    If they were Jews, they would not be eating pig so they are “gentiles” that don’t think there with the law. The temple worshipers and the gentiles both will be destroyed. This is the end time commentary.
    I don’t understand why you hate the Law of God, you do realize that Yeshua is the Tanakh in the flesh. And you are not under the Law you are with it, it’s not the Law pounding down. It’s how we please Adonai. No we can’t do what Yeshua did and complete it. And the way we ignore the seven Feasts these are God’s set times. It’s the times we worship our Father as a people.
    I believe what I have written is right and true.
    Amen and May, Our Father Bless You and give you ears to hear and eyes to see.

  • @barbaracurran9154
    @barbaracurran9154 Месяц назад

    Worshipping in spirit and truth means to pray in your heavenly language/tongues with the help of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of “Truth”. God bless.