Michael Jackson vs. Beyonce (Part 1) | Great Taste | All Def

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 4,5 тыс.

  • @pinkpanther5200
    @pinkpanther5200 6 лет назад +790

    Love Bey, but Michael's just on another level

  • @drizzydre2007
    @drizzydre2007 6 лет назад +722

    Michael Jackson was worldwide without social media. Imagine if there was in his prime. Internet would be broken

  • @noelcrenshaw7969
    @noelcrenshaw7969 6 лет назад +311

    Michael. Why is this even a question. Bey is probably the best now, but all time is MJ.

  • @TheGeneralMod
    @TheGeneralMod 6 лет назад +433

    Oh my. People really trying to compare Beyonce to MJ....Americans need to travel around the world and see just how far MJ influenced pop.

    • @tshepimosadi9953
      @tshepimosadi9953 4 года назад +24

      Bruhhh. Coz I've noticed on twitter that it's the American accounts that try to say B is better.

    • @realdavidjones1623
      @realdavidjones1623 3 года назад +4

      @@tshepimosadi9953 that's because its mainly Americans who use twitter. Worldwide no one is comparing them at all. No one talks about that however beyonce is very popular here in Africa and also in Europe and South America's biggest market Brazil etc

    • @beatsbynaii
      @beatsbynaii 3 года назад +2

      @@tshepimosadi9953 aye Fr eh 🤣🤣 is only the US dat tryna push dat an the other countries just watching like wdf y’all talks bout 🤨 the king is better

    • @deandreg1323
      @deandreg1323 3 года назад +6

      If you're under this comment pretending that Americans are the only people to have ever compared bey to MJ you're bothered and deluded and should probably just hush lol.

  • @madcock8825
    @madcock8825 6 лет назад +2095

    I think even Beyonce wouldn’t want to be compared to Michael Jackson. She cried her eyes out when he died on stage so.....

    • @oshurus9137
      @oshurus9137 6 лет назад +57

      when did he die on stage?

    • @firacosplay
      @firacosplay 6 лет назад +97

      @@oshurus9137she cried on stage when he died...well he did catch on fire tho

    • @madcock8825
      @madcock8825 6 лет назад +68

      Oshurus cried her eyes out on stage when he died*

    • @jocelynrosales2489
      @jocelynrosales2489 6 лет назад +70

      Please don't edit this comment. I get what you mean but its so oddly funny 😂

    • @nickabockanumber9699
      @nickabockanumber9699 5 лет назад +1

      Yeh that is so horrible and so vunerable of her to show those emotions that any regurlar person would show

  • @sydneyjohnson4017
    @sydneyjohnson4017 6 лет назад +381

    Michael Jackson is the greatest of all time!!! PERIODT

  • @RaDicAL808
    @RaDicAL808 6 лет назад +417

    I could see if they debated Beyoncé vs Janet Jackson. Michael is beyond this debate.

  • @Goodolchinchilla
    @Goodolchinchilla 6 лет назад +445

    Michael Jackson's album sales of Thriller alone SHUTS THE CONVERSATION DOWN!!!!!!!!!! 750000000

    • @dexterhunter2299
      @dexterhunter2299 5 лет назад +11


    • @ejarridcw
      @ejarridcw 4 года назад +6


      @GETFITJADA 4 года назад +3


    • @mohamedfarah87
      @mohamedfarah87 4 года назад +2

      Not to disrespect, but that's what he made all together with his whole albums. He really made 75,000,000 with thriller

    • @analezaone530
      @analezaone530 3 года назад +1

      Facts man

  • @tywilson7170
    @tywilson7170 6 лет назад +700

    Micheal Jackson duh ! 😂😂 Even Beyoncé said out her own mouth “ No one will be better than Micheal Jackson “

    • @DeanJahmal295
      @DeanJahmal295 6 лет назад +4

      Ty Wilson I love them both equally 😫

    • @thetommyali
      @thetommyali 6 лет назад +4

      Ty Wilson EXACTLY!

    • @candylane9394
      @candylane9394 6 лет назад +3

      Ayooo Dre me too I can’t choose because they are both talented as hell love them

    • @SpyroTek
      @SpyroTek 6 лет назад

      Just because Beyonce said it doesn't make it true. Even though it is true, but not because she said it. :D

    • @analezaone530
      @analezaone530 3 года назад +4

      @@SpyroTek yes it do

  • @Sovereign.Shay444
    @Sovereign.Shay444 6 лет назад +1759

    oh... this was serious?? the answer is and will always be Michael Jackson.

    • @donovanbray9524
      @donovanbray9524 6 лет назад +21

      shayna shantell thank you

    • @donovanbray9524
      @donovanbray9524 6 лет назад +48

      One more time for the people in the back

    • @karechenell
      @karechenell 6 лет назад +6

      Thank you!!!

    • @Sovereign.Shay444
      @Sovereign.Shay444 6 лет назад +42

      Swear I'm offended 😂 like beyonce is coo.. but you can't compare where you don't compete.

    • @donovanbray9524
      @donovanbray9524 6 лет назад +4

      shayna shantell big facts

  • @internetnigga5905
    @internetnigga5905 6 лет назад +485

    Y’all just gon act like pat wasn’t hitting them notes lol

  • @Gracie4012_
    @Gracie4012_ 6 лет назад +1265

    Michael Jackson is THE blueprint of what EVERY ARTIST from EVERY genre aspires to be. No other artist can claim that. Whether you like him or not MJ is the greatest ENTERTAINER/PERFORMER of all time PERIOD.

    • @Faevaaplayboi
      @Faevaaplayboi 5 лет назад +24

      you need an Oscar for this comment!!!!

    • @vw7402
      @vw7402 5 лет назад +5

      Jean2005 yes yes!!!! ❤️

    • @2fonebabyT
      @2fonebabyT 4 года назад

      Elvis? Pac?

    • @Nesi808
      @Nesi808 4 года назад +15

      AK74 evils stole all his work from black ppl so he not the great 🤷🏾‍♂️

    • @cashcodeclub
      @cashcodeclub 4 года назад +9

      AK74 Name one artiste that is aspiring to be like elvis?

  • @thetommyali
    @thetommyali 6 лет назад +915

    Michael Jackson is better... simple, Beyoncé was inspired by MJ, that tells you somethin

    • @shakyelarnold7392
      @shakyelarnold7392 6 лет назад +19

      Tommmyyy so by logic James Brown is the better then the both of them

    • @thetommyali
      @thetommyali 6 лет назад +5

      Shakyel Arnold nahhh, cuz MJ did it better

    • @sleepy-peepy
      @sleepy-peepy 6 лет назад +4

      That she’s younger than him..?

    • @malishawesson8864
      @malishawesson8864 6 лет назад +9

      Tommmyyy and Michael was inspired by James Brown so what’s your point??

    • @jarrettcone8949
      @jarrettcone8949 6 лет назад +6

      @@shakyelarnold7392but Michael pass James and everything though

  • @hood7480
    @hood7480 6 лет назад +254

    I’m the biggest Beyonce fan but Michael Jackson is still the legend

    • @bigbird6217
      @bigbird6217 6 лет назад +2

      xx silvermoonlight xx HEE HEE

    • @luhlamar
      @luhlamar 6 лет назад +1

      Thank you😎😎😎

  • @EbonynoIvory
    @EbonynoIvory 6 лет назад +373

    It looks like they called Precious in on her day off 😂

    • @dot884
      @dot884 5 лет назад +10

      Them thighs Poppin tho

  • @ambiebby1636
    @ambiebby1636 6 лет назад +1112

    Michael didn’t need pyrotechnics, 5000 dancers, flying stages, etc. to bring the house down during a performance. Michael can stand on a stage alone with a single spotlight and tear it up. Michael is better, periodt.

    • @MINK2393
      @MINK2393 5 лет назад +29

      ambiebby Right Michael Jackson was the spectacle

    • @tonmion
      @tonmion 5 лет назад +40

      Even better he just gotta breath everyone fainting

    • @Isaac-mz6gx
      @Isaac-mz6gx 5 лет назад +42

      Michael was JUST as flashy and extra as beyonce dont lie.

    • @darrickfranklin7096
      @darrickfranklin7096 5 лет назад +18

      Isaac lewis But the difference is that Michael doesn’t need to be.

    • @tigereye8593
      @tigereye8593 5 лет назад +14

      Michael used those things. Lol

  • @thetommyali
    @thetommyali 6 лет назад +322

    i remember this one time, all michael did was pop up on stage and turned his head.... and about 50 ppl already fainted. no competition... Michael the GOAT 💯.

    • @c0wboys4life
      @c0wboys4life 6 лет назад +3

      Lol *FACTS*

    • @jailaprimm1687
      @jailaprimm1687 6 лет назад +5

      Wasnt that the superbowl

    • @2lovemysmile
      @2lovemysmile 6 лет назад +5

      Yes it was: Superbowl 91 or 92..LoL.they fainted after he took his glasses off

    • @devmo03
      @devmo03 6 лет назад +3

      Tommmyyy He did that for every performance during the Dangerous Tour. It’s crazy how much power he had.

    • @deebee224
      @deebee224 6 лет назад +2

      Ambulances were needed😂

  • @deenclassic
    @deenclassic 6 лет назад +457

    Beyonce is a branch on the tree of Michael Jackson.

    • @kayd7023
      @kayd7023 6 лет назад +10

      Preach, Deen! ✊😊

    • @koyin2270
      @koyin2270 6 лет назад


    • @thatbluegirl7528
      @thatbluegirl7528 6 лет назад +16

      no lies, just FACTS

    • @AL-ov9wx
      @AL-ov9wx 6 лет назад +4

      Where’s the lie 🤔

    • @tink8878
      @tink8878 5 лет назад

      I've never seen a more accurate comment

  • @mjlovahh12
    @mjlovahh12 6 лет назад +212

    I already know y’all are about to piss me off with this one. NOBODY TOPS MICHAEL JACKSON. PERIOD.

  • @AL-ov9wx
    @AL-ov9wx 6 лет назад +289

    “Michael Jackson didn’t even invent the moonwalk!”
    Beyonce didn’t “invent” her most famous dance move either chief. Look up “The Garry’s - In This Dream” and have you entire Single Ladies worshipping world shattered.

    • @namaste_charlei
      @namaste_charlei 4 года назад +8

      The footage from that video is actually Gwen Verdon performing "Mexican Breakfast" on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1969. (it's in the box below). I'm still shocked.

    • @MINK2393
      @MINK2393 4 года назад +17

      Armond L Beyonce didn’t invent anything lol

    • @tshepimosadi9953
      @tshepimosadi9953 4 года назад +26

      You know what the best part is ?,mj always gave credit to the inventor of the moonwalk . NEVER ONCE DID HE TAKE CREDIT. Beyonce doesn't give credit where it's due and that sort of ticks me off

    • @livefoursims1839
      @livefoursims1839 3 года назад

      lmao but that’s not even true Beyonce has always given credit to everyone that inspires her y’all just refuse to see it

    • @livefoursims1839
      @livefoursims1839 3 года назад +1

      no one acts like Beyoncé invented anything but the issue is MJ fans act like Mike was completely original and was the first person to do the stuff he did when he wasn’t. No James Brown, No MJ.

  • @kalliereadabook
    @kalliereadabook 6 лет назад +2228

    We not gonna disrespect Michael Jackson...PERIOD!

  • @Ayplus
    @Ayplus 6 лет назад +1305

    The only comparison to Michael Jackson is dark skin Michael Jackson

    • @clifftonl-vuitton2770
      @clifftonl-vuitton2770 6 лет назад +12

      A. Rashad YESS 😂

    • @DA-we2ee
      @DA-we2ee 6 лет назад +40

      Shut up. You're really gonna joke about His skin disorder vitiligo which has been proven decades ago by His autopsy? You folks are so gross. He was always black.

    • @JJ-jk5sw
      @JJ-jk5sw 6 лет назад +12

      Deboleena Aich yeah his black in his blood

    • @MsTaLaiah
      @MsTaLaiah 6 лет назад +1


    • @GodofFinesse
      @GodofFinesse 6 лет назад +6

      Deboleena Aich
      Shut Up

  • @SilverSkywalker
    @SilverSkywalker 6 лет назад +639

    Man, Michael was running the world way before the internet!!! How people from other countries who can't speak a lick of English but can recite every word of a MJ song!! Plus, Michael shut down countries!!! He walked in with an army!!! They built statues for MJ!! MJ would hit the stage and the first 5 rows would pass out!! They was literally carrying people out on stretchers!!! Culturally, he changed the game and was a huge voice for social issues!!
    Not knocking Beyonce, I ain't putting nobody above MJ!!

    • @jarrettcone8949
      @jarrettcone8949 6 лет назад +23

      That is true Michael had the military Elvis and The Beatles didn't have that no one for that matter

    • @jasminesanchez542
      @jasminesanchez542 6 лет назад +13


    • @mariedaparellio5686
      @mariedaparellio5686 6 лет назад +6

      This is an old post but I wanted to weigh in. That should've been criteria. "Without the internet would beyonce even be in the running?" NOPE!

    • @teetee-tn4zm
      @teetee-tn4zm 5 лет назад +6

      No lies detected, MJ stage entrances was bigger than the president

    • @Cecesingsonpitch
      @Cecesingsonpitch 5 лет назад +1

      Not the first 5 rows*🤣

  • @Desican215
    @Desican215 6 лет назад +810

    People came to his concert when they didn’t speak English. “They be like MICCCHHAELL😂😂😂

    • @ringonunburnu3137
      @ringonunburnu3137 5 лет назад +56


    • @stationkidd
      @stationkidd 5 лет назад +32

      Michael Is Michael in any language 😂

    • @letitbe1977
      @letitbe1977 5 лет назад +15

      @@stationkidd lmfaoo😂😂 I think they meant the accent when saying his name lol

    • @Youvegotmelle
      @Youvegotmelle 4 года назад +1

      Smooth Criminal Heilix I’m dead!!!!!! 😂

    • @AddBowIfGirl
      @AddBowIfGirl 4 года назад +3

      Beyoncé has fans in every country who barely speak English too.

  • @colaboytje
    @colaboytje 6 лет назад +337

    How can you compare the 2? Michael was a master at dance. Michael was an exeptional singer, praised by many vocal teachers as one of the best singers of all time. Michael wrote his own songs from his first solo album on (not all of them, but the vast majority). Michael wrote the bass lines, the guitar lines, the drum parts, the main melody, the harmonies. Michael was a visionary in music videos.
    Name one artist that was more influential to dance music and pop music than him.
    His music still holds up to the test of time and always will.

    • @colaboytje
      @colaboytje 6 лет назад +24

      @RheyaRu!z He is above comparison. He was in another league. Ask Beyoncé.

    • @kaylawilson4099
      @kaylawilson4099 6 лет назад +2


    • @colaboytje
      @colaboytje 6 лет назад +4

      @@kaylawilson4099 Nope. Think of a choreography Prince is famous for (and don't say the split, because that is not a choreography). Then tell me in which video I can find it.

    • @AnitaHanjaaab
      @AnitaHanjaaab 6 лет назад +3

      Chris Brown is a better comparison

    • @ilovanime12345
      @ilovanime12345 6 лет назад

      colaboytje beyoncé is the better singer what are you talking about

  • @30jersey478
    @30jersey478 6 лет назад +320

    I'm not hating on Beyonce but MJ will forever be the best entertainer of all times. Beyonce's shows are nowhere near MJ. They must of forgot MJ put on a jetpack and flew during a concert. He had grew men crying and passing out left and right at his shows. The "This Is It Tour" sold out millions in a few hours and the movie made just as much as the tour would have made.

    • @psychoutt
      @psychoutt 6 лет назад +6

      Beyoncé make grown men cry along with grown women so that example was trash.
      MJ tho...HE definitely is the best performer there is to walk this Earth and nobody can compare to that PERIODT but Beyoncé is just the better singer...even tho MJ is a star list singer along with Bey, it’s just his voice lacked power.

    • @kyngmocha6192
      @kyngmocha6192 6 лет назад +16

      Windex thats definitely false. Beyoncé has grown men geeked & starstruck. But crying? Hell no. Ambulances literally had to come to Micheal’s concert & carry people out on stretchers because people were passing out left & right

    • @psychoutt
      @psychoutt 6 лет назад +1

      Kyng Mocha Beyoncé has had grown men cry so back tf up anyways the point is WHO tf compares two talented black artists. MJ left his mark and I’m definitely sure Beyoncé will too. You can’t compare them. They carved their own lane and they’re so different from each other. It’s like comparing Lady Gaga to Adele ....you don’t do that.

    • @analezaone530
      @analezaone530 3 года назад +1

      @@psychoutt I mean other artist have fans who cry but mj definitely had the biggest impact on his fans. Nobody can come close to what he has done. 5,000 faints a night nobody comes close lol

    • @mar2smooth54
      @mar2smooth54 3 года назад

      @@psychoutt singing goes to mj foh

  • @tunitoilolo539
    @tunitoilolo539 6 лет назад +280

    Surprised no one on team MJ talked about how Michael was irreplaceable on We Are the World. He does the hook on both versions. No one is arguing the greatness of Queen Bey. But be fr. MJs music has proven to travel thru time and STILL make a difference today. Anyone still talking about how awesome 4 was? Or even destiny child? Nope. MJ is classic for a reason. MJ > Bey

    • @0bvious_No1
      @0bvious_No1 6 лет назад +1

      Tuni Toilolo 🙏🏽

    • @Ell3m3nta1
      @Ell3m3nta1 6 лет назад +4

      Lmao whet?? People STILL listen to Destiny Child regularly.....yall just old lol

    • @DC...
      @DC... 6 лет назад +10

      Tuni Toilolo
      If you talk about MJ we'd lose 7 days.
      Tally about Beyonce and you lose an hour.

    • @tunitoilolo539
      @tunitoilolo539 6 лет назад +3

      @@Ell3m3nta1 I listen to Beyonce too. BBQs Skoo Workouts. Did u not read how I said Beyonce is awesome? I could be ignorant and say u just don't respect greatness...but we gonna try keep this as non-petty as possible.

    • @tunitoilolo539
      @tunitoilolo539 6 лет назад +7

      @@DC... not to mention how ppl still doing MJ dance moves around the world. MJ is just one of the untouchable Goats

  • @miuniverse2841
    @miuniverse2841 5 лет назад +189

    pls don't compare Michael to any one, he is the greatest.

  • @Casanova966
    @Casanova966 6 лет назад +237

    This is a disrespectful comparison. Michael Jackson wins everytime. He is the GOAT.

    • @yoppa7839
      @yoppa7839 6 лет назад +3

      black god yeah this is very disrespectful.

    • @deeque8259
      @deeque8259 6 лет назад +1

      black god How Can Having An Opinion Is Disrespectful? If You Can’t See Why People Pick Beyoncé Over MJ Then You Must Be Blind. You Can Pick MJ All Day But There’s No Doubt That They Can Be Compared. In My Opinion Beyoncé Wins. I’ve Felt That Way Since 2013 Tbh.

    • @bruddahj3323
      @bruddahj3323 6 лет назад +1

      That’s like comparing Lebron to Jordan. You can’t compare to the goat

    • @angelinha90
      @angelinha90 5 лет назад +1

      @@deeque8259 i think he's saying the comparison is disrespectful...

  • @wandathomas5168
    @wandathomas5168 6 лет назад +339

    Is she Crazy! Who do u think B learned great performances from. Mike was popping at 50.

  • @dellayassine
    @dellayassine 6 лет назад +4502

    Michael Jackson. Period. If you disagree, you're wrong. Period.

  • @da1king0fwakanda56
    @da1king0fwakanda56 6 лет назад +175

    Michael Jackson...no case needed 😂
    “Who’s Loving You”
    “You Are Not Alone”
    those vocals are insane.
    Tony always kills the arguments.

    • @Enomra
      @Enomra 5 лет назад +12

      Da1 King0fWakanda Honorable Mentions: Human Nature, Butterflies, Earth Song

    • @ejarridcw
      @ejarridcw 4 года назад +4

      That's why Tony's the man

  • @ashleysmith6103
    @ashleysmith6103 6 лет назад +148

    WORST DEBATE EVER🤦🏽‍♀️ I Love me some Beyonce , but Micheal is the best of all time. It’s like comparing Lil Pump to Tupac.

    • @Renzov12
      @Renzov12 6 лет назад +4

      More like Drake n Pac

    • @serwaa2227
      @serwaa2227 6 лет назад +2

      Ashl3y Smith more of Tupac to Biggie but sure

    • @mono._.8112
      @mono._.8112 6 лет назад +4

      Serwaa 22 Nah Prince vs MJ is more like Tupac to Biggie

    • @analezaone530
      @analezaone530 3 года назад

      @@serwaa2227 nahhh 😭😭😭😭

    • @analezaone530
      @analezaone530 3 года назад +1

      @@mono._.8112 right

  • @mkaylahutchinson319
    @mkaylahutchinson319 6 лет назад +124

    Y’all really out here saying Beyoncé better than Michael 😂

    • @tisstisssimone9393
      @tisstisssimone9393 6 лет назад +2

      M'Kayla Dillon I know right....dumb people!!! (shakes head)

    • @jarrettcone8949
      @jarrettcone8949 6 лет назад +2

      Everyone knows Michaels better it's just a dumb conversation people making up

  • @mollywolly3427
    @mollywolly3427 6 лет назад +292

    This was disrespectful to mj. Also Tony was right. Every move Beyoncé does, anybody with a basic dance background can do. Most people do those same ones in the club anyway. And the funniest part is that I was barely alive when Michael died and I still agree he's better.

    • @mzpr1nc3
      @mzpr1nc3 6 лет назад +11

      Molly Wolly her fans do the dances perfectly and will go on stage doing them with her, it doesn’t take long to learn what she does. Mjs moves on the other hand, majority of them, are very difficult and take a lot of practice. Not everybody can moonwalk as smooth as him, do the lean as flawlessly as him, or do any of his signature moves without a 9/10 chance of looking like a dumb ass

    • @kaylawilson4099
      @kaylawilson4099 6 лет назад +2

      The same can apply to Michael Jackson

    • @hsnd9621
      @hsnd9621 6 лет назад +5

      Kayla Wilson I wanna see u moonwalk perfectly lmao

    • @LAking-hg5yc
      @LAking-hg5yc 6 лет назад +2

      @@kaylawilson4099 there's alot people that can't dance like Michael Jackson you surely can't I would love to see you make a fool out yourself

    • @issabrat2
      @issabrat2 6 лет назад +3

      Ciara and Janet would dance circles around Beyoncé

  • @josegarcia-ec3hv
    @josegarcia-ec3hv 6 лет назад +171

    You can’t argue live performance because mj was so fire this man stepped on the stage and breathed having females passing out 🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @tristansanon319
      @tristansanon319 4 года назад +1

      Remember when MJ was on the green screen

    • @ejarridcw
      @ejarridcw 4 года назад +31

      And men. He had PEOPLE passing out...Get it straight

    • @traidmark23
      @traidmark23 4 года назад +7

      And men

      @GETFITJADA 4 года назад +4


    • @abdurrahmanqureshi3030
      @abdurrahmanqureshi3030 2 года назад

      I mean you could say the same about the Jonas Brothers

  • @laminediallo9014
    @laminediallo9014 6 лет назад +64

    No debate, Michael wins 🏆

  • @karismalynn8694
    @karismalynn8694 6 лет назад +103

    Why is this even a category for Great Taste? I love me some Bey but they arent on the same level at all.

  • @infrunami6554
    @infrunami6554 6 лет назад +113

    3:57 we ain't gonna talk about Pat hitting them notes??💀💀

    • @ramonbarrera3744
      @ramonbarrera3744 6 лет назад +4

      Ikr I was looking through the comment section expecting to see his fangirls wylin out

  • @kiya_ki260
    @kiya_ki260 5 лет назад +72

    “at his Apex”
    “oh big words”
    “apex is 4 letters”

  • @jamillahl9544
    @jamillahl9544 6 лет назад +103

    People forget or don’t even realize that Michael Jackson was the first black artist to have a music video on MTV. At first MTV didn’t think black artists would appeal to the white suburban kids they were marketing towards and wanted it to be an all rock station. The station was under scrutiny because of this and Epic Label said if they didn’t play Michael who was on their music label they would remove all of their other music videos that were played on MTV. I took a Rock and Culture class this summer in college.

    • @jarrettcone8949
      @jarrettcone8949 6 лет назад +9

      They didn't forget he been big for so long they try to take him off his Palace

    • @rays8472
      @rays8472 6 лет назад

      Good on you hun 👍 education is key

    • @theoneandonlykyle9800
      @theoneandonlykyle9800 2 года назад

      People forget how cold MJ was Beyonce is a joke

  • @majin2backhandz784
    @majin2backhandz784 6 лет назад +3188

    yall crazy af putting Beyonce over MICHAEL JACKSON.. not even the same breed

    • @toasterbath3438
      @toasterbath3438 6 лет назад +127

      Micheal Jackson is clearly better

    • @MamotteLollpop123
      @MamotteLollpop123 6 лет назад +46


    • @blockblock8755
      @blockblock8755 6 лет назад +78

      Exactly I'm not bias but Michael is always going to be better

    • @kadariuscoston386
      @kadariuscoston386 6 лет назад +20

      gator creek EXACTLY thts like comparing j cole to lil Wayne like j cole nice af but compared to LIL WAYNE is still like cmon now or even Joyner Lucas🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @ivanichianus
      @ivanichianus 6 лет назад +47

      It's crazy that it's even a debate

  • @aprilinparisxoxo
    @aprilinparisxoxo 6 лет назад +1832

    They should’ve did Michael Jackson vs Prince

    • @obilisk4203
      @obilisk4203 6 лет назад +29

      @Aprizzle Absolutely! I think prince would've taken it though

    • @phoenixgipson2737
      @phoenixgipson2737 6 лет назад +123

      Hell nah. That'd be a good debate, but MJ would still win imo

    • @obilisk4203
      @obilisk4203 6 лет назад +36

      Maybe in terms of how iconic they were. but as an overall artist Prince wins no debate

    • @phoenixgipson2737
      @phoenixgipson2737 6 лет назад +70

      @@obilisk4203 Yeah, but MJ had a wider fanbase. MJ was for older folk as well as he is someone that the new generation still listens to. Kids now dont really jam to Prince, MJ caught the attention of EVERYONE, even of both the oldschool and newschool audience

    • @mrschrisbrown416
      @mrschrisbrown416 6 лет назад +15

      Prince definitely. I love Michael but Prince wasn't too much of a dancer but he made up for it in his artistry. How he put his visions together and he didn't believe in artist not owning their art created from their talent blood sweat and tears. He changed the music industry.

  • @Liyahhh-_-
    @Liyahhh-_- 6 лет назад +69

    Big FACTS

  • @lexia9817
    @lexia9817 6 лет назад +230

    Is this a joke? Is this even a question? Who the hell would think Beyoncé is better than Michael Jackson?! Michael Jackson PAVED the way for most of the artists after him!

    • @alooze7
      @alooze7 6 лет назад


    • @mariofulgore5836
      @mariofulgore5836 6 лет назад +1

      @Lexi A you are ABSOLUTELY right i truly feel like this debate means Nothing the same ppl running there mouths are the same ppl who listened to Mike's songs a Trillion times & know them word for word

    • @pauldavisjr.3284
      @pauldavisjr.3284 6 лет назад

      If they had done Michael Jackson vs Prince i'd understand.

  • @alexanderpoulsen3571
    @alexanderpoulsen3571 6 лет назад +114

    Mike changed the world with a microphone through newspapers, the greatest thing Beyoncé has done yet is making Coachella an epidemic through Instagram, I'm sorry but why are they comparing these two? No offense to Bey, but come on, she will never be able to do anything close to the things Mike did to change the music game and the world internationally, taking into consideration that she will probably live twice as long as he will, Bey probably grew up on listening to Mike, looking up to him as an inspiration, she is great and all, but i will be surprised if ANYONE can name ANY artist of all time who can be respectfully compared to Michael Jackson. Debate never started IMO.

    • @alexanderpoulsen3571
      @alexanderpoulsen3571 6 лет назад +1

      In terms of greatness in music generally, not a lot of people can touch Mike, although Pac's praise in the rap game is also nothing to mess with, I see where you're coming from, but wrong genre :P

    • @rickya9206
      @rickya9206 6 лет назад +4

      @RheyaRu!z bro all of the praise is deserved

    • @mar2smooth54
      @mar2smooth54 3 года назад

      @Rheya Ruiz Michael deserves the praise foh clown

  • @jerrielexavier
    @jerrielexavier 6 лет назад +114

    Imma need All Def Digital to NOT start this riot of fan warfare! It's gonna get UGLY in these comments... Reader Beware.

  • @mariedaparellio5686
    @mariedaparellio5686 6 лет назад +80

    Precious and doboy know they're wrong. The Beyhive is getting way too big for their britches bringing this disrespect on MJ

  • @taylorsturn2251
    @taylorsturn2251 6 лет назад +194

    Beyonce can and never will be Michael Jackson... like I'm disgusted yall would even compare the too.... I LOVE Beyonce... but I'm sorry this ain't it

    • @taylorsturn2251
      @taylorsturn2251 6 лет назад +4

      Michael had a 9 octave range what are yall talking bout🤦🏾‍♀️

    • @mekayliaariana9125
      @mekayliaariana9125 6 лет назад

      Thank you🤦🏾‍♀️.

    • @rimun5235
      @rimun5235 6 лет назад +1

      That is literally impossible. The human voice cannot go up to 9 octaves...

    • @crowing3886
      @crowing3886 6 лет назад

      @@taylorsturn2251 micheal doesn't have a 9 octave range lmao. 9 octaves? Really?I don't think you know music lol. 5 at best an he's a high tenor. Beyonce has a 4 octave soprano range. The highest octave range any human has had is 7.

    • @taylorsturn2251
      @taylorsturn2251 6 лет назад

      Mf it was an exaggeration and I know music. Don't come for me...I've been in music...symphony and choir for 7 years...hang that up

  • @visionporter6566
    @visionporter6566 6 лет назад +32

    Michael Jackson could literally stand on stage and do nothing for an hour alone everyone in the crowd will either pass out or start crying

  • @BSanford-vw8rd
    @BSanford-vw8rd 6 лет назад +97

    How dare Doboy say Beyonce is a better DANCER than Michael Jackson. Don't disrespect my idol like that man

  • @shenyaet3350
    @shenyaet3350 5 лет назад +106

    Until Beyoncé can make every race of ppl fall out at her concerts then holla back at me 🤷🏿‍♀️

    • @SCENEIT69
      @SCENEIT69 3 года назад +7

      Those people were falling out due to dehydration. 😂

    • @starrsearch6733
      @starrsearch6733 3 года назад +12

      Lmao right he turned his head they fainted & was crying

    • @darinsmith3791
      @darinsmith3791 2 года назад +1

      @@SCENEIT69 Michael caused that😳

    • @princecarter7396
      @princecarter7396 Год назад +1

      You clearly haven’t seen her concerts because this happens all the time. You can’t speak on both topics if you aren’t die hard fans of both

  • @aniyamekhi6592
    @aniyamekhi6592 6 лет назад +236

    Sooo....y'all really gone disrespect MJ like this😐

    • @mundaissabaddie6625
      @mundaissabaddie6625 6 лет назад

      Byeeeee hun

    • @shadowcoded
      @shadowcoded 6 лет назад +13

      @RheyaRu!z sis this is not being a MJ sheeple or whatever you call it. It's called being real and giving credits to where it's due.

    • @mariofulgore5836
      @mariofulgore5836 6 лет назад +9

      @RheyaRu!z you must have something personal against my mans Mike captivated an ENTIRE nation of ppl.................including you!!!!!

    • @Tendo913
      @Tendo913 6 лет назад

      mj touched you too huh? sad

    • @ilovanime12345
      @ilovanime12345 6 лет назад

      Khi it’s not disrespectful since beyoncé’s the greatest performer of this generation

  • @lagniappecomely5743
    @lagniappecomely5743 6 лет назад +84

    if you think Beyonce is greater than MJ, I'm pretty sure there's something wrong in your head, you need to get help asap

    • @lagniappecomely5743
      @lagniappecomely5743 6 лет назад +3

      and I totally agree, she's a living legend, but she's not and never will be greater than MJ

    • @jarrettcone8949
      @jarrettcone8949 6 лет назад +1

      She would never touch Michaels glove

  • @farisal-amer7635
    @farisal-amer7635 6 лет назад +241

    The disrespect to MJ is real... Beyonce NEEDS back up dancers to give you a show! When Michael performed Billie Jean, all he needed was a hat, a jacket, one glove and a spotlight to give you the greatest one-man show ever! No disrespect to Beyonce, but it's not even close!!!

    • @ampmri2434
      @ampmri2434 6 лет назад +9

      Thank you. NOT even close folks!!!

    • @janashahampton2013
      @janashahampton2013 6 лет назад +3


    • @karalynndoyle
      @karalynndoyle 6 лет назад +2

      So true... when I was three watching Billie Jean live for the first time on The Making of Thriller laserdisc I was mesmerized and have been ever since. He created the standard of what a quality music video should be. There is no comparison. And I just dated myself 😭 😂

    • @SamSam-no4pf
      @SamSam-no4pf 6 лет назад +1

      You ain't never lying.

  • @akhilraj9924
    @akhilraj9924 5 лет назад +82

    Even Beyonce gonna go with MJ!! PERIOD
    I just put period cuz that been going around in these comments a lot 🤣

  • @monkeybubbles4359
    @monkeybubbles4359 6 лет назад +112

    YOU CAN’T COMPARE THE TWO!!! It’s like comparing apples 🍎 to oranges 🍊. First you are trying to compare two different styles of voice... Secondly, two different styles of dance. You are comparing a male style of voice to a female style of voice on top of that. It’s all INCOMPARABLE! They are both AMAZING at what they do! Both AMAZING within their own styles. And NO Beyoncé doesn’t come up with her own dance moves. She has CHOREOGRAPHERS!!! So there’s no one leg up in the dance department either. Completely different styles that can’t be compared in a fair way!!!

    • @abisaiponcedeleonrivera6621
      @abisaiponcedeleonrivera6621 6 лет назад


    • @Caliyusangel226
      @Caliyusangel226 6 лет назад +4

      Both being entertainers you most Defintley can. But it's gotta go to Mj though. He'd out dance and out sing Beyonce anyday.

  • @katherinerochester1010
    @katherinerochester1010 6 лет назад +575

    This video is an insult. Michael Jackson is at a much higher level than Beyoncé.

    • @comptonguy8800
      @comptonguy8800 6 лет назад +7


    • @duhrtydiana
      @duhrtydiana 6 лет назад +3

      quick Mathss

    • @joshuaderrico6707
      @joshuaderrico6707 6 лет назад +7

      I agree . People forget Before Beyonce vs Michael it was Janet Jackson . Beyonce vs Janet . Aaliyah was suppose to be next after Janet.

  • @zavianhall8754
    @zavianhall8754 6 лет назад +351

    Do they not realize that Michael Jackson is arguably the greatest performer and entertainer of all time. The only two artists on his level performance wise are Prince and James Brown.

    • @vamosvane3497
      @vamosvane3497 6 лет назад +16

      Zavian Hall Freddy mercury !

    • @MINK2393
      @MINK2393 6 лет назад +21

      Zavian Hall Prince Never was a elite performer... He was one of the greatest artist and musicians ever but not performer

    • @MendozaRed
      @MendozaRed 5 лет назад +1

      Cole world

    • @revolution7565
      @revolution7565 5 лет назад +14

      No one is on Michael's level.

    • @m.r.y3759
      @m.r.y3759 5 лет назад

      Zavian Hall princeeee um no

  • @Originaltuber
    @Originaltuber 6 лет назад +466

    I CAN NOT BELIEVE the disrespect towards MJ! 😱 and comparing the two, YOU COULD NEVER. two different platforms. MJ hands down. Beyoncé is this generations top performer. MJ is this generation, the next generation, his generation and the generation before his top performer.

    • @dee-jh2mc
      @dee-jh2mc 6 лет назад +12

      Amen you Betta say it

    • @MINK2393
      @MINK2393 6 лет назад +10

      biapiaxyzia Very well said

    • @tituscunningham7762
      @tituscunningham7762 5 лет назад +2

      It’s not disrespect .. mj couldn’t sing

    • @tituscunningham7762
      @tituscunningham7762 5 лет назад +1

      He’s just a male and Beyoncé is female and males are “superior”

    • @criticalA1
      @criticalA1 5 лет назад +12

      @@tituscunningham7762 ur just a hater

  • @BattleRapMultiverse
    @BattleRapMultiverse 6 лет назад +126

    The "thriller" is extremely high pitched, Doboy gotta do his research, Chris Brown is a baritone and in the tribute he couldn't even get up to the thriller note, they sampled it. Is Beyonce and MJ really a comparison bro? MJ is all around better lol

    • @RyFrancisfrfr
      @RyFrancisfrfr 6 лет назад +1

      Mj is better but how is Chris brown a soprano?

    • @Katkayz
      @Katkayz 6 лет назад +5

      chris brown isn't a soprano i doubt his even a high tenor/1st tenor . his probably a 2nd tenor . he couldn't hit those high in she ain't you , he had to bring a woman to sing those high notes. and she ain't you samples human nature and mj hit those high notes with ease .

    • @BattleRapMultiverse
      @BattleRapMultiverse 6 лет назад

      @@RyFrancisfrfr He's actually a baritone. Thanks for pointing it out I edited.

    • @BattleRapMultiverse
      @BattleRapMultiverse 6 лет назад

      @@Katkayz He's actually a baritone. Thanks for pointing it out I edited.

    • @jondough7777777
      @jondough7777777 6 лет назад +1

      Chris brown ain’t a baritone fam. He’s a tenor.

  • @aishajohnson3722
    @aishajohnson3722 6 лет назад +248

    I may get backlash but MJ IS THE ABSOLUTE BEST ARTIST. MJ has had mmuuullltttiiippllle TIMELESS records. If I think about what Beyonce song I would still listen to 20 years from now....I can’t think of one. Beyonce doesn’t have a TIMELESS song imo. She has trendy songs but not timeless songs 🤷🏾‍♀️

    • @lillianisgr8
      @lillianisgr8 6 лет назад +8

      AishaPatrice You’re absolutely right

    • @DA-we2ee
      @DA-we2ee 6 лет назад +18

      that's the absolute truth. There's no Man in the Mirror, Heal the World, Billie Jean, Beat it, They don't care about us or Will you be there from Beyonce which can appeal to hers being timeless or iconic. You richly said, it's trendy, not iconic or timeless. MJ's songs appeal to masses despite all boundaries. People in the most dilapidated corners jamming to His music till date! Absolutely agreed with your point!

    • @jasmine4214
      @jasmine4214 6 лет назад +13

      You won't get backlash sis, people agree.

    • @yes-wo7qn
      @yes-wo7qn 6 лет назад +6

      Spot on sis

    • @Shante1019
      @Shante1019 6 лет назад +5


  • @MochaaBae
    @MochaaBae 6 лет назад +113

    Okay Do’boy with the weight loss come through. Keep going

  • @smartkidslose
    @smartkidslose 6 лет назад +158

    I could understand Beyonce vs Rihanna or Adele and Micheal vs Prince or james brown or rick james but this isnt even fair

    • @AddBowIfGirl
      @AddBowIfGirl 4 года назад +3

      Smart Kids
      Why? They’re both world-renown singers.

    • @Itachiisbetterthanu
      @Itachiisbetterthanu 4 года назад +20

      @@AddBowIfGirl it's not fair because she isn't and will never be on his level

    • @analezaone530
      @analezaone530 3 года назад +4

      @@Itachiisbetterthanu facts 😭💯

  • @datdude_dre2473
    @datdude_dre2473 6 лет назад +192

    Usher and Beyonce.. Michael Jackson and Prince that’s what the matchups shoulda been.. since the first two were around the same time and are both deceased now

    • @missmuna4202
      @missmuna4202 6 лет назад +18

      DatDude_ Dre Usher? Tbh She is a billion times greater than him. Usher was never nearly as good as a performer as her. They performed on stage before and she’d always out shine him.

    • @datdude_dre2473
      @datdude_dre2473 6 лет назад +2

      miss Munz I’m gonna have to agree to disagree.. not nearly as good as a performer?? You ever been to a show? This guy is insane.. I mean yeah some parts were like eww cause imma dude but the guy’s got the goods FrFr.

    • @missmuna4202
      @missmuna4202 6 лет назад

      DatDude_ Dre I am a fan but watch their bad girl performance again because that alone is telling.

    • @datdude_dre2473
      @datdude_dre2473 6 лет назад +1

      miss Munz ma’am.. I’m still gonna disagree. And besides what they are debating.. Usher beats her anyway cause if you say her vocals are better then IK you’re delusional

    • @missmuna4202
      @missmuna4202 6 лет назад

      DatDude_ Dre Well enjoy that ship by ur lonesome cause dont nobody agreeing to that but u, not even usher. 🤷🏾‍♀️Agreed to disagree sir

  • @TheKerahaan
    @TheKerahaan 6 лет назад +195

    Beyoncé is the best performer alive. MJ is the best of all time

    • @kamsyizunaso9400
      @kamsyizunaso9400 6 лет назад +5

      TheKerahaan couldn’t have said it better myself

    • @ItsBeverly
      @ItsBeverly 6 лет назад +2

      I agree 100%

    • @puppylove9203
      @puppylove9203 6 лет назад +1

      Now that I agree with... coming from fan of BOTH

    • @day2day667
      @day2day667 6 лет назад +4

      Chris brown performs better than Beyoncé

    • @edgarrodriguez8385
      @edgarrodriguez8385 6 лет назад

      Bruno mars is better

  • @sandradee3403
    @sandradee3403 6 лет назад +66

    MJ wins everytime

    • @SamSam-no4pf
      @SamSam-no4pf 6 лет назад

      Right now I'm loving your icon.

  • @donovanbray9524
    @donovanbray9524 5 лет назад +39

    Every professional dancer started of listening and emulating MJ

  • @jarrettcone8949
    @jarrettcone8949 6 лет назад +487

    Michael Jackson glove is more iconic then Beyonce's whole career you can't compare Michael to anyone Janet is the closest thing to her brother

    • @devinngeorge
      @devinngeorge 6 лет назад

      For kiddie reasons lol?

    • @queenlex6007
      @queenlex6007 6 лет назад +3

      I love Michael but you should respect Beyonce carrer though because just like Michael she earned his spot.

    • @jarrettcone8949
      @jarrettcone8949 6 лет назад +6

      @@queenlex6007 she's good but she don't have enough Milestones like Michael have Michael actually changed music and broke barriers she have nothing on her resume that says that so no

    • @onemillionpercent
      @onemillionpercent 6 лет назад

      the closest thing to Michael would be Whitney tbh. Both are the most awarded male and female respectively. It's Whitney & Michael above erryone.

    • @jarrettcone8949
      @jarrettcone8949 6 лет назад

      @@onemillionpercent Janet is more closer to grabbing the torch but she have a long way to go

  • @tyuiopqwer1853
    @tyuiopqwer1853 6 лет назад +1056

    Don’t ever disrespect Michael Jackson like that ever again.

    • @sekailu
      @sekailu 6 лет назад +14

      If Michael is King, Beyonce is Queen. She is ICONIC

    • @ivanichianus
      @ivanichianus 6 лет назад +16

      sekailu what makes her iconic? Serious question

    • @phoenixgipson2737
      @phoenixgipson2737 6 лет назад +27

      @@sekailu She is less of iconic and more of overrated.

    • @camilabruno7022
      @camilabruno7022 6 лет назад +8

      How is she overrated? she can sing, dance, perform, write music, etc. she has sold millions of albums and won tons of awards. Even her peers and music legends have praised her over the years. So how exactly is she overrated?

    • @Ell3m3nta1
      @Ell3m3nta1 6 лет назад +5

      Lmao niggas just cannnnnot stand when black women are praised

  • @CountrySlim84
    @CountrySlim84 6 лет назад +202

    MJ is that dude no one comes close. They just needed people to argue for Beyonce there is no way they believe this mess

  • @Jmaxx007
    @Jmaxx007 5 лет назад +36

    Mike ain’t even have to say anything and people were passing out

  • @Slxsh777
    @Slxsh777 6 лет назад +363

    If you choose Beyoncé over Michael Jackson I don’t know what to say

    • @rimun5235
      @rimun5235 6 лет назад +2

      To be fair, I love Michael more but I also think both have levels of over hype. Michael's best songs were not written or produced by him. He was just a performer. Also, same with his dance moves. He did not choreograph a lot of his iconic moves himself. I am legitimately neutral on both but have a lot of respect for them both, but I also don't understand what makes MJ better than Beyonce. The genius behind MJ was Quincy Jones so the argument that Beyonce can't stand on her own was mute in this video. Both don't play instruments or compose much. They are both just very good entertainers. Also, one was on trial twice for accusations of child molestation which is heavily glossed over by fans. I have questionable ethics, so I still dance to Rock the Night Away.

    • @onemillionpercent
      @onemillionpercent 6 лет назад +13

      @@rimun5235 Girl, please get your Michael Joseph Jackson knowledge. MANY of his biggest & best songs were written and co-produced by him. His biggest song and most likely the biggest pop song of all time Billie Jean, was written and co-produced by him. He literally sat there w the instrumentalists and arranged Beat It. He wrote Smooth Criminal. Majority of HIStory was written by him. Even Don't Stop Till You Get Enough was written by him...
      Also, he could freestyle and he helped create his choreographers. The Quincy Jones argument is bland, false, and overused. Quincy needed Michael, not the other way around, don't get it twisted. When you think Quincy Jones, you think Michael Jackson. When you think Michael Jackson, you don't think Quincy Jones. Much of Quincy's notoriety is bc of Michael, when he only produced like 2 full albums of his anyways -- and after Quincy got kicked outta the picture, Michael STILLLLL thrived. Michael did play instruments -- just not professionally or onstage (Google about it, my dude). Both very good entertainers, one whose global fame and adoration was so huge that yes even FALSE ALLEGATIONS did not affect him. Michael is by far the better dancer & entertainer, the better speaker and also has the better discography. The child molestation accusations are another conversation I would be GLAD to have because it is NOT glossed over by his fans -- his fans have done hard research on it and stay defending him on it by providing literal evidence, day & night. And obviously, outnumber the haters.
      Plus Michael's influence is the most.

    • @MINK2393
      @MINK2393 6 лет назад +2

      aye Thank you

    • @issabrat2
      @issabrat2 6 лет назад +2

      aye someone did their homework

  • @avavictoria6592
    @avavictoria6592 6 лет назад +54

    Y’all mad disrespectful for putting the King vs Beyoncé😂😂 like is that even a question

  • @StormmCombs
    @StormmCombs 6 лет назад +134

    Michael did & does have the BIGGEST impact ever. Better singer better dancer better artist! Period !

    • @PrettyGirl78906
      @PrettyGirl78906 6 лет назад

      Stormm Combs literally like I don’t even know why this is a panel

  • @kyngmocha6192
    @kyngmocha6192 6 лет назад +50

    The fact that this is a debate🙄

  • @darthcaseybasquiat
    @darthcaseybasquiat 6 лет назад +64

    Wtf type nonsense is this like no disrespect to Beyonce but it's not even close

  • @aaliyahfidael3615
    @aaliyahfidael3615 6 лет назад +70

    Idk why this is even a topic of discussion. Michael Jackson was and still is the greatest to ever do it. Point blank period.

    • @mundaissabaddie6625
      @mundaissabaddie6625 6 лет назад


    • @analezaone530
      @analezaone530 3 года назад

      @Rheya Ruiz then who’s better than mj ???? I’ll wait 🤔 don’t say Elvis either

  • @Id___
    @Id___ 6 лет назад +966

    What's a Queen to a God? MJ's music transcends time, Beyonce ain't touchin that. All the grocery and retail stores play a Michael Jackson song on their little intercom radio everyday, while once in a blue moon a Destiny's Child song plays, there's a small chance a solo Beyonce song will play.
    Trying to compare someone to a Legend and they ain't on the same level. This ain't it Chief.
    Oh yeah let's not forget, MJ acted better in the Wiz without the singing parts than Beyonce ever did in every movie she was ever in lol

    • @330Eli
      @330Eli 6 лет назад +13

      Mago your argument was terrible y’all can never except that Beyoncé is the best in this generation like Michael was in his like James brown in his pls stop💀😂

    • @Ahmad-fh8vb
      @Ahmad-fh8vb 6 лет назад +39

      @@330Eli he or she never said she wasn't the best of this generation. They said she's not better than Michael.

    • @mykiamoto7145
      @mykiamoto7145 6 лет назад +7

      Can't argue with you there

    • @330Eli
      @330Eli 6 лет назад

      Supreme spooder Man ok 👍🏾

    • @supersmwcked
      @supersmwcked 6 лет назад +7

      @@330Elieven Beyonce's sister is better than her

  • @yehabeshalij5969
    @yehabeshalij5969 5 лет назад +26

    Micheal Jackson, Micheal Jordan, Mohammed Ali, Malcom x, 2 Pac,... The greatest ever on their field.

  • @antonioebk8769
    @antonioebk8769 6 лет назад +84

    Michael Jackson is the best that’s final

  • @avanulaneway8418
    @avanulaneway8418 6 лет назад +49

    Y'all about to get CANCELLED for disrespecting MJ. This video should not exist SMH

  • @BabiDrama
    @BabiDrama 6 лет назад +114

    this is a controversial topic cos FIRST OF ALL yall comparing MJ to Beyonce.. Beyonce can not COMPARE to MJ.. delete this and take it dowwwwwwwwwwwwwwn RIGHT NEOOOOOW!! MJ is da KING / LEGEND PERIOOOD

  • @James54129
    @James54129 4 года назад +28

    They literally forgot the song “you’re not alone” for vocals 😭😭

  • @sqosx6015
    @sqosx6015 6 лет назад +245

    I heard DoBoy got a lot of matches on ChickenTinder

    • @Plug_Art
      @Plug_Art 6 лет назад +3

      OMG 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @treveanrhodes3419
      @treveanrhodes3419 6 лет назад +1

      SqOsX you got that from wild n out 😂

    • @hjw5838
      @hjw5838 6 лет назад


  • @Only1koji
    @Only1koji 6 лет назад +20

    I would be embarrassed to stand up and argue Beyoncé vs Michael Jackson. MICHAEL JACKSON!!!!

  • @Don_O.
    @Don_O. 6 лет назад +27

    Michael Jackson had ambulances and emergency rooms on STANDBY for his concerts ......influenced Beyoncé, Neyo , Chris Brown, Omarion, etc etc etc...Mike was just different...this ain’t a discussion lol

    • @Don_O.
      @Don_O. 6 лет назад +3

      @RheyaRu!z nah Mike had range....chill with that...there are several people who can go toe to toe with Beyonce on range (Mariah Carey (in her prime), Whitney Houston ...so singing is OUT.....Mike is better with the dance moves...anyone can do Beyonce moves in a Zumba class..hell Ciara arguably dances better....and im saying Michael Jackson had ambulances and emergency rooms on Standby because of HIM...not crowd violence...HIM.....If Mike moonwalked..1/4 of the crowd goes into epileptic seizure.....if Mike ripped his newly bought Hanes t-shirt premium cotton blend then another 1/4 of the crowd comes down with vertigo and a chronic migrain...Mike was an experience and vibe that can't be replicated...Beyonce is great but theres levels to this

  • @yona77X
    @yona77X 5 лет назад +25

    Michael Jackson all day, everyday.

  • @Jah14549
    @Jah14549 6 лет назад +24

    I love Beyonce but how is this even a question. Michael Jackson is MICHAEL JACKSON and that's the only argument I need as to why he is the GOAT.

    @THERENALDOJ 6 лет назад +72

    Why the front row full of thighs lol

    • @MindfulOfTheBear
      @MindfulOfTheBear 6 лет назад

      her sexy self can get the how d

    • @hfr8343
      @hfr8343 6 лет назад +2

      @@MindfulOfTheBear you talm bout Patrick?

    • @MindfulOfTheBear
      @MindfulOfTheBear 6 лет назад +3

      @@hfr8343 I'm talking about precious

  • @dallasbad89ify
    @dallasbad89ify 6 лет назад +35

    Mj had the whole EMT squad at every concert 😂😂😂😂

    • @dallasbad89ify
      @dallasbad89ify 6 лет назад +1

      RheyaRu!z like I said she will NEVER be on mj level

    • @analezaone530
      @analezaone530 3 года назад

      @@dallasbad89ify right !

  • @Jayzee31519
    @Jayzee31519 5 лет назад +39

    Oh nah, my parents, born in the 60’s in rural Ecuador knew him even back then and admire him to this day. They’ve lived in the US for 30 years now and don’t know who Beyoncé is 🤷‍♂️

    • @ahmirwatson9531
      @ahmirwatson9531 5 лет назад +5

      Is it a myth that Rihanna is more known worldwide than Bey

    • @mssha1980
      @mssha1980 4 года назад +2

      Nah Bey is more known worldwide. Not than MJ but Rih

    • @MINK2393
      @MINK2393 3 года назад

      @@mssha1980 Rihanna has more international records than Beyoncé though

  • @GabbyTeAma
    @GabbyTeAma 6 лет назад +832

    I’m cringing for everyone that honestly thinks Beyoncé is better than MJ. Delete this. Smh

    • @MrKiron12
      @MrKiron12 6 лет назад +7

      Gabby P MJ a better dancer for sure 100 but Beyonce is objectively speaking the better singer

    • @allthewoointheworld
      @allthewoointheworld 6 лет назад +1

      triple truth... Gabby p

    • @HazelAmarie
      @HazelAmarie 6 лет назад +28

      @@MrKiron12 MJ is more versatile as a singer so no I don't agree with that.

    • @Udontkno7
      @Udontkno7 6 лет назад +1

      @@HazelAmarie No he's really not.

    • @HazelAmarie
      @HazelAmarie 6 лет назад +11

      @@Udontkno7 He really is

  • @kimishere
    @kimishere 6 лет назад +253

    You had the nerve to say that Beyonce can dance better than Michael??? Hahahaha!!!! Chris Brown would even whoop her in a dance contest. Get out of here with that! and Do-boy has no clue what range is obviously lol. MJ was not just as singer in the 80's when he started doing his growl. He has been singing since the 60's... GREAT songs up until now and he can SANG. He didn't just do the raspy singing. He had a great voice and he knew how to use it. He would do the gritty tone and then go to a soft tone. He knew how to turn off and on his vibrato too. He was a vocal master for y'all who don't know. Beyonce is great for this generation..... but Stop comparing her to MJ... it's no comparison. MJ did not steal any songs from James Brown...where did you read that??? lol

    • @RosySpeaks
      @RosySpeaks 6 лет назад +20

      Chris Brown and Ciara could dance circles around Beyonce no question.

    • @yoppa7839
      @yoppa7839 6 лет назад +5

      RosySpeaks big facts

    • @tywilson7170
      @tywilson7170 6 лет назад +5

      Kim C applause 👏👏 right where the fuck they hear that form never once heard that in my life Mj stole a song form James Brown they did two different type of music James Brown a soul type of guy not pop and and full blown r&b

    • @mrschrisbrown416
      @mrschrisbrown416 6 лет назад +2

      Beyoncé has variety when it comes to dance. Michael Jackson is great in one genre of dance. He only gets his notoriety because at the time he can out solo not many singers were dancing simultaneously while singing.

    • @MsJustSayin
      @MsJustSayin 6 лет назад +1

      mrschrisbrown416 Variety in dance? Lol

  • @bigzsontheway6120
    @bigzsontheway6120 6 лет назад +27

    Finally TONY BAKER IS BACK!!!

  • @al4noud
    @al4noud 5 лет назад +33

    beyonce herself has said many times that she would be nowhere without michael jackson...... i think that says enough

  • @donttalktome9838
    @donttalktome9838 6 лет назад +82

    Even Beyonce would say Micheal is better.

    • @naiomichang
      @naiomichang 6 лет назад

      I'm not sure about that. I believe that Beyonce lowkey wants his spot. If she respected him so much, don't you think she would have came out by now and said that Michael Is the GOAT? I mean its almost been a year. She's trying to slip it by. I bet if someone called her that she would accept it and wouldn't address them...

  • @ttbxgreat
    @ttbxgreat 6 лет назад +80

    Michael had grown ass men passing out Beyoncé is nowhere near my man

    • @PerocDisgusting
      @PerocDisgusting 6 лет назад +3

      Chief Big Dilf Michael was something else man

    • @iamkelsyk9455
      @iamkelsyk9455 6 лет назад +3

      Beyoncé has men passing out to 😂😂

    • @asharigordon5323
      @asharigordon5323 6 лет назад

      You say that like she doesn’t have the same effect 😭💀

    • @staceyt.5212
      @staceyt.5212 6 лет назад

      @@PerocDisgusting 100%

    • @jarrettcone8949
      @jarrettcone8949 6 лет назад +1

      Mike was so huge the Army had to protect him and he shut down countries Beyonce is a joke

  • @Jiv3Turk3y161
    @Jiv3Turk3y161 6 лет назад +49

    Can’t compare if one was inspired by and looked up to the other. Both are amazing artists but mj is an icon. Beyoncé is on her way to that status but she gotta put some more time into the game like mj

  • @faithfrancis2586
    @faithfrancis2586 5 лет назад +19

    This shouldn't even be an argument