5 useful apps for students ✨ | iOS & Android!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 369

  • @JaniceStudies
    @JaniceStudies  3 года назад +335

    QUESTION: What are you studying in school right now and what's your DREAM job? ❤️
    *Also make sure to watch this video to learn how to win an iPhone or iPad! -> ruclips.net/video/1kEbsYfD72Y/видео.html ✨

    • @bangtansarmy8248
      @bangtansarmy8248 3 года назад +18

      My dream job is to treat patients
      I want to become a doctor 😊😊

    • @maesemoon5955
      @maesemoon5955 3 года назад +10

      I want to become a doctor and be the hope ray for the hopeless.

    • @myhyu9e
      @myhyu9e 3 года назад +8

      My dream job is to be a lawyer ❤️

    • @luciandelle
      @luciandelle 3 года назад +6

      I'm in highschool so all subjects but my school is pretty special because we have things called 'specializations' and I study CSS (Computer System Service) and my dream job isn't set but it's most likely something digital and artistic

    • @samriddhiip
      @samriddhiip 3 года назад +5

      I am in my last year of high school and my dream job is 👩‍⚕️

  • @alienbrain6810
    @alienbrain6810 3 года назад +1041

    0:28 Stoic
    1:38 Skill Share
    2:39 Tide
    3:11 Aloe Bud

  • @moonlight_staryx
    @moonlight_staryx 3 года назад +2577

    Literally to the 1% who's reading this, God bless you, and may your dreams come true, stay safe and have a wonderful day.✨

    • @simplyyadorbs
      @simplyyadorbs 3 года назад +13

      aww ty God bless you too

    • @rosieeee-j2s
      @rosieeee-j2s 3 года назад +6

    • @enafilms8319
      @enafilms8319 3 года назад +2

      I have seen you in asykalx, study to success and janice study what a coincidence

    • @abhitamgouri7262
      @abhitamgouri7262 3 года назад +2

      @@enafilms8319 same did u see me?

    • @shayxx8882
      @shayxx8882 3 года назад +2

      same to you!!❤🥰

  • @Christina-xx3gr
    @Christina-xx3gr 3 года назад +465

    Janice doesn't realise she is making everyone's day better..🤗🤗

    • @remmxz4
      @remmxz4 3 года назад +2

      yes she doesn’t😁

    • @Christina-xx3gr
      @Christina-xx3gr 3 года назад +2

      Oh my God. Thank you so much for the likes.
      Edit 1: Thanks for 99 likes.
      Edit 2: I've never got so many likes.. Thanks
      Edit3: OMG. I've never got soo many likes. Barely I would get 5 likes or something.
      Edit4: Sis. I am famous

    • @jeevanavelmani7269
      @jeevanavelmani7269 3 года назад +1

      I saw you in study to success channel

    • @Christina-xx3gr
      @Christina-xx3gr 3 года назад

      @@jeevanavelmani7269 Yeah..😊 Great observations..😁

    • @jeevanavelmani7269
      @jeevanavelmani7269 3 года назад +2

      @@Christina-xx3gr thanks.....,.....

  • @nidzz1911
    @nidzz1911 3 года назад +131

    She is so kind, I mean hearting almost all her comments even when she has 411k subs✨

  • @aesthetic_chim0736
    @aesthetic_chim0736 3 года назад +16

    0:27 Stoic [iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, Android]
    1:17 Basictimer [MacOS]
    2:37 Tide [iOS, iPadOS, Android]
    3:10 Aloe bud [iOS, iPadOS]

  • @y00nOO
    @y00nOO 3 года назад +4

    0:29 stoic
    1:19 basic timer
    1:41 skillshare
    2:38 tide
    3:11 aloe bud

  • @Munmun145
    @Munmun145 3 года назад +72

    idk how but by watching your videos makes me so motivated to start my pending assignments/studies again so tysm

  • @niharikarawat5775
    @niharikarawat5775 3 года назад +8

    Found this channel randomly, and i feel lucky to have found this channel!
    The video was amazing, and so are you Janice ❤thanks

  • @kavitatamta9370
    @kavitatamta9370 3 года назад +6

    Hey Janice, I'm just in love with your videos and obsessed by the positive vibes your channel give. Loads of love from India.

  • @Madam2034
    @Madam2034 3 года назад +5

    Thanks to your videos, I went into this semester ready! I felt discouraged because the program I want to get in is competitive, but your videos helped me find great apps to keep myself organized and disciplined. Thanks for the Upload Janice!

  • @liaades9452
    @liaades9452 3 года назад +4

    No one motivates me the way you do. You really have no idea how helpful your videos are and how soothing your voice is. It truly gets me out of my funk and makes me sit my ass down and complete assignments! Lol!

  • @aarikajoshi4196
    @aarikajoshi4196 3 года назад +4

    gonna go download all of these right now! thank you Janice!

    • @ikigai1941
      @ikigai1941 3 года назад +1

      First in my lifetime, I've ever met someone with my same name 💃

  • @_.luvssneha
    @_.luvssneha 3 года назад +4

    She's such a nice youtuber!!
    I love her so much!!

  • @luciandelle
    @luciandelle 3 года назад +15

    I download these apps and find myself not using them anyways, it's like there's no saving me lol

  • @k_v_y.
    @k_v_y. 3 года назад +3

    My classes will start on monday and this is so on time. I would definitely use thiss, thank you!! 💗

  • @rasika4101
    @rasika4101 3 года назад +1

    Hi Janice sister, do you remember me ? I scored high marks in my previous exams out of 40 I got above 35!! My cumulative exams start from Monday, I would love it if u wished me like last time!! I love you!!!!

  • @johnmarston1227
    @johnmarston1227 3 года назад +5

    Whatever happens,
    Never change your intro
    "Hey Guys its Janice 🤗"
    I swear to God its so soothing 😁

  • @fallvibes7534
    @fallvibes7534 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for this vid I recently found your channel and it helped me to know more apps

  • @randomperson9192
    @randomperson9192 3 года назад +1

    I'm so thankful that I subscribed here, this really changed my school life

  • @bofriedbo
    @bofriedbo 3 года назад

    I just installed basic timer it's so nice to see the time counting down so I know like "just a few more minutes till a studying break!" so thanks a lot :)

  • @random77777-k
    @random77777-k 3 года назад +1

    Yayy you are back!!
    Love your vids

  • @onion_hkg
    @onion_hkg 3 года назад +1

    more apps!!! yesss thank you ;)

  • @newchannelinbio
    @newchannelinbio 3 года назад +1

    Thank you so much for including our app! 💚

  • @danielaflores4723
    @danielaflores4723 3 года назад +1

    Thankss, Janice, your voice is my favorite thing from your videos. 💓

  • @anurag.7091
    @anurag.7091 3 года назад +1

    I like your accent
    So soothing

  • @mizals
    @mizals Год назад

    Omg thank you I was looking everywhere for useful apps for students! Btw great content :D :)

  • @nadya7907
    @nadya7907 3 года назад +3

    Is no one gonna talk how relaxing her voice is??? ✨🤍

  • @tgrayy6001
    @tgrayy6001 3 года назад +2

    I want websites for students video coz i am a pc user and this apps doesn't work on pc❤🥺
    BTW big fan😚❤

  • @abhitamgouri7262
    @abhitamgouri7262 3 года назад +2

    thanks for this vid!!
    who agrees this is helpful

  • @myhyu9e
    @myhyu9e 3 года назад +2

    The queen is back! ❤️🎉
    Thank you for your amazing videos😊

  • @ananyanotfound__
    @ananyanotfound__ 3 года назад

    Aaa I love videos where u suggest apps since they are all so uncommon and helpful!!

  • @ihuomaokpara
    @ihuomaokpara 3 года назад

    I just downloaded the Stoic app and I really like it. Thanks for the recommendation.

  • @ciellestudies
    @ciellestudies 3 года назад +1

    ahh janice has my dream set up 🥺💗

  • @Sarahworld456
    @Sarahworld456 3 года назад +1

    For this video...
    Love those videos...
    It motivating me so much........❤❤❤❤❤.....
    Don't know how to appreciate you!☺

  • @palesamagonare
    @palesamagonare 3 года назад +3

    Thank you for this! We need more reminders to take care of ourselves, so having an app will help!😙

  • @Kristina_Manandhar
    @Kristina_Manandhar 3 года назад +3

    Thank you so much Janice. You are the best! Love you❤️❤️❤️

  • @advaitnayak200
    @advaitnayak200 3 года назад +1

    Janice we all love u and your content

  • @Spyframes
    @Spyframes 3 года назад +1

    Best thing about this channel is the videos & comments!! Both are so motivating & helpful. Lots of love from India💖💖

  • @rosysharma8822
    @rosysharma8822 3 года назад

    Your voice is soooo soothing!

    • @pinnejanicestudies122
      @pinnejanicestudies122 3 года назад

      Congratulations you have been shortlisted among our winners.whatsapp below for more enlightenment..

    • @pinnejanicestudies122
      @pinnejanicestudies122 3 года назад


  • @priyansisingh3236
    @priyansisingh3236 3 года назад +1

    Love your videos it helps to stay motivated

  • @wallythemaniacdog8706
    @wallythemaniacdog8706 3 года назад

    These videos are so helpful!! I love watching these!!

  • @Bubble1992
    @Bubble1992 3 года назад

    Thanks, I'll try a couple of these out!

  • @KuraiAudios
    @KuraiAudios 3 года назад

    The studygram is really help full due to my depression and it helped me calm down when my breakdown s happenes I love it keep up the work!

  • @girlygamer3346
    @girlygamer3346 3 года назад +2

    hey janice, could you do a desk tour? the sneak peaks of your desk is driving me crazy pls show ittt 💜💜

  • @fazalnur3826
    @fazalnur3826 2 года назад

    Wow I'm watching your first-time videos your videos are amazing thanks

  • @unknownmisfit89
    @unknownmisfit89 3 года назад

    Janice's voice is the most calming thing to hear

  • @patronusly8148
    @patronusly8148 3 года назад

    Exactly what i needed!! Thank you so much J!!

  • @DemetriPanici
    @DemetriPanici 3 года назад +6

    For me, I used Notion and a pomodoro timer back when I was in college! That and some Lo-Fi beats and I was good to go

  • @brielle7866
    @brielle7866 3 года назад

    so helpful! please do more of these!!! btw i subscribe ❤️

  • @rafaramosx
    @rafaramosx 3 года назад

    I keep waiting for another video on your channel! i love all your tips for us 💗💗

  • @cosyshop
    @cosyshop 3 года назад +2

    Janice, your videos always help alot!
    Keep going!
    Thanks with the lovely content❤❤

  • @jg1681
    @jg1681 3 года назад

    So many of these apps are some of my all-time favorites 😮

  • @mehak1802
    @mehak1802 3 года назад +1

    They are all indeed very useful!!

  • @arsharaj7991
    @arsharaj7991 3 года назад

    Loving your videos 😍❤it is super productive❤❤

  • @itz_yeastic
    @itz_yeastic 3 года назад +1

    Can you tell some useful apps for Windows 10?

  • @Noone-mw7fi
    @Noone-mw7fi 3 года назад

    Awww maaaaanzi wanted basic timer on my iPhone or iPad 🙂✨

  • @abdurahimanmk6026
    @abdurahimanmk6026 3 года назад +1

    I like it ❤️ very aesthetic ❤️

  • @iptikahalder9464
    @iptikahalder9464 3 года назад

    Thanks for posting this video it was really helpful 😊💫. Loads of love & positivity for you from India 🌥️❤️

  • @ROSE-md7rz
    @ROSE-md7rz 3 года назад

    Thank you so much po, sobrang usefull poooo 😊😘☺️😍

  • @arandomfujoshi3119
    @arandomfujoshi3119 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for the video. These apps would help me a lot better🥰

  • @Wlfiecoco
    @Wlfiecoco 3 года назад

    I dunno why but when I saw tide on the intro when I was about to use tide for sleep just got me hype lmao, oh and tide has a new feature, if you allow microphone for the night activity tide will record and capture your snoring and moving, they can also tell light or deep sleep, I REALLY RECOMMEND TIDE

  • @winter-xc8en
    @winter-xc8en 3 года назад

    I literally love u, for making this videos😭♥️

  • @Sudha_1311
    @Sudha_1311 3 года назад +1

    I don't have laptop or ipad for my studies. But I like to watch your videos

  • @monahusamalsayid9554
    @monahusamalsayid9554 3 года назад +1

    watching the video because i want to know about the apps ❌
    watching this video because its aesthetic and relaxing ✔

  • @AmyUbani
    @AmyUbani 3 года назад +1

    Loved it!!🦋💙

  • @EvanEvans2000
    @EvanEvans2000 3 года назад

    Your videos are AMAZING!✨keep it up!❤️

  • @dianne1634
    @dianne1634 3 года назад

    thank you it is very helpful 💖
    hope more helpful videos to come in your channel

  • @bleh5047
    @bleh5047 3 года назад +8

    I recently found this channel and I love it! It has been very helpful to me for online studying. Also, I really like your aesthetic. Thanks a lot Janice, lots of love from India! 💖

  • @anaahitachauhan9902
    @anaahitachauhan9902 3 года назад

    Thank you so much for this video and for making all your other videos. You truly are amazing. You inspired me to make my own channel. Thank you so so much!

  • @infiresmanyeah6628
    @infiresmanyeah6628 3 года назад

    I just downloaded all of them . Just for trying. Rating them tomorrow

  • @sofiafinne344
    @sofiafinne344 3 года назад

    Hi Janice! can you recommend any mac apps/extensions for studying/productivity? thank you

  • @pantalonesleeve
    @pantalonesleeve 3 года назад

    Janice how do you get those extensions on the menu bar?

  • @anamaesumapig2191
    @anamaesumapig2191 3 года назад

    This video make me motivated 💜

  • @girlygamer3346
    @girlygamer3346 3 года назад


  • @queennie_cybyb
    @queennie_cybyb 3 года назад

    thankyou for sharing these apps❤️

  • @Sophia-mt9oy
    @Sophia-mt9oy 3 года назад

    Tysm !! Super helpful!!!

  • @indianstudywithme8255
    @indianstudywithme8255 3 года назад

    Thank you for including android users too ❤️❤️

  • @ayidaaa7893
    @ayidaaa7893 3 года назад

    It was a life changing of this apps and to the all apps my fav on this was the skill share because you can learn how to draw,how to write some letters,or you can learn how to edit anything you want to learn was in skill share so i think you should guys download it im new and i just watch this vid and i already subscribe.

  • @delinadirar9266
    @delinadirar9266 3 года назад

    I love how she find useful apps every now and then

  • @rhiiot7
    @rhiiot7 3 года назад

    actually to be honest her voice already calm me down🥰... no need to download the app for chill yours mind her voice already are.... thanks✨💓🦋

  • @omkatariya5761
    @omkatariya5761 3 года назад

    Thank you su much JANICEEEE☺️☺️☺️

  • @perlyann6662
    @perlyann6662 2 года назад

    makakatulong po talaga tong mga apss nato sa mga student

  • @mskgeet
    @mskgeet 3 года назад

    Hi janice nice to meet u!!!!!!!

  • @kim_dana1605
    @kim_dana1605 3 года назад +1

    Can you please for state syllabus students too

  • @girlygamer3346
    @girlygamer3346 3 года назад


  • @sahasra_loveyourself_
    @sahasra_loveyourself_ 2 года назад

    Aloe bud is so aesthetic!! Sad that it's not available in android

  • @pastelvintage124
    @pastelvintage124 3 года назад

    something I've ever seen before,owemji... 100% peach n aesthetic. lovelots! 💚💚💚

  • @Nglitsshrav
    @Nglitsshrav 3 года назад

    Study to success, ellen kelly and Janice studies love them

  • @Munmun145
    @Munmun145 3 года назад +1

    your voice>>>>>

  • @hadiairshadk5761
    @hadiairshadk5761 3 года назад

    HIII I was wondering how do you get motivation to sit and study without getting distracted and how to study long hours if you have any tips it would be really helpful!! < 3

  • @strawberryshortcake5027
    @strawberryshortcake5027 3 года назад +1

    Love your videos

  • @blair.x
    @blair.x 3 года назад

    And thank u soo much this has helped me!,

  • @laisailpodcast
    @laisailpodcast 3 года назад

    Where can I get the wood stand for the ipad? Its so cute

  • @chandler200
    @chandler200 3 года назад

    great and so useful ❤❤

  • @simplyyadorbs
    @simplyyadorbs 3 года назад +4

    When I tell you I clicked faster than Janice could post this video 😭
    Omg thank you for the like Janice ❤️❤️

    • @Machid_
      @Machid_ 3 года назад


  • @Me-in9qb
    @Me-in9qb 3 года назад +1

    I love you Janice , you gave me a positive energy , I loooove you , I want to ask you , are you a kpop fan ?

    • @JaniceStudies
      @JaniceStudies  3 года назад +2

      I used to listen to a lot of kpop! Not so much nowadays but I do have lots of BTS saved in Spotify 😅

    • @Me-in9qb
      @Me-in9qb 3 года назад +1

      @@JaniceStudies I love BTS too

  • @blair.x
    @blair.x 3 года назад +1

    First here!

  • @arz.imins0
    @arz.imins0 3 года назад +1

    I love your videos

  • @fonnieandfloopy9919
    @fonnieandfloopy9919 3 года назад

    as a child who has stress, these things give me stress:
    Getting shouted at
    being up late at night
    Getting slapped and sometimes getting bruises and bl00d.
    not being able to sleep
    parents shouting & fighting..