@@talksensenobcplzzz2043 Maybe that is why this Agneeveer scheme are being practiced. And many more people are becoming aware about this. Only 2024 election will decide our future. The way of civilization vs the Barbarian.
इस्लामिक जिहाद की फंडिंग, भरण-पोषण हिंदू खुद ही करते हैं। कांग्रेस नेता एनी बेन्जेंट ने खुले तौर पर गांधी को मुसलमान द्वारा क्रूर हिंदू मोपला नरसंहार के लिए जिम्मेदार बताया।
Beautifully delivered as always! There is no alternative to violence. You cannot reason with the people who obey the Quran unquestionably. Islam cannot be reformed or appeased. It can only be crushed and dismantled into oblivion. Don’t be afraid of shedding blood for Dharma! Law is a relative social construct. The strong can and will always bend the law. It is better to be feared than respected if you cannot be both. I hope you get what I’m insinuating. अत्याचार सहन करने का कुफल यही होता है पौरुष का आतंक मनुज कोमल होकर खोता है। क्षमा शोभती उस भुजंग को जिसके पास गरल हो उसको क्या जो दंतहीन विषरहित, विनीत, सरल हो। सच पूछो, तो शर में ही बसती है दीप्ति विनय की सन्धि-वचन संपूज्य उसी का जिसमें शक्ति विजय की। सहनशीलता, क्षमा, दया को तभी पूजता जग है बल का दर्प चमकता उसके पीछे जब जगमग है।
1. You must do what will best help you win the game. 2. Doing something simply as an emotional response or out of ignorance/incompetence, that will ultimately make your situation worse in the larger game, isn't gonna help you win. 3. Being strong and capable in general is a good fundamental value to be had, as the capacity to fight and the fear of consequences, itself changes how the game is played. Its like what nuclear bombs do in how we see modern conflicts. Or in simple terms, how you would never wanna take a fight with a big guy, you will try other ways in such a conflict. 4. While street power is important and ESSENTIAL, esp. in a third world country with lacking law and order and where the state itself is biased in its response, out of the same fear. It is indeed the case that more sophisticated warfare is what's needed in our times. Not street power or physical brawn alone. Its the era of 5th gen warfare, the warfare of narratives and information. See how Canada can take such totalitarian measures(during their trucker/farmer protest) and get away with it, while we get such a bad press when nothing was even done. Similarly how China is able to be an actual totalitarian genocidal regime, yet get away with it mostly. We need structures, institutions that will fwd our goals. Create and push narratives. Think tanks that will intellectually establish and pave the paths fwd. We need organisations that will produce content like this to make people aware, and organisations that will go door to door, to make people participate meaningfully, either financially or volunteering. Such institutions and think tanks will also create sophisticated and realistic policies, that can be pushed and lobbied for in the govt. and parliament, and these insitutions will also create new politicians and leaders and activists who will work to get the nation and people in a certain direction. RSS is only one such org, and they are also mostly about street power and not very savvy with the understanding of larger political game and sophisticated methods/battles. We need atleast a 100 orgs, of all different specialities and flavours for different departments and goals, all fully dedicated and with a clarity of purpose and endgoal. 5. Another important thing that must be done on a societal level, is to teach your children to be principled(meaning they have certain core principles/moral framework and actually live by them uncompromisingly, instead of believing in stuff casually or as a tamasha where you will give up on it on first sign of trouble and/or out of convenience. Truth is a good principle for starters, esp. honesty to yourself) and strong(physically and mentally, lack of either hurts the other), and to have a hindu consciousness and an understanding of the political identity of being a hindu yourself, which you then carry down and teach to your children as well, and also articulate to them properly all its meaning and constituents, answering accurately/truthfully their questions, so that they can be self-confident, assertive and proud of their identity, and principled and strong enough, to be able to commit to it. If they break window glasses, let them. Its good. Don't be too restrictive, esp. stuff that makes them face challenges and give opportunities for growth. Ask yourself why YOU find certain things to be this unacceptable. High chance you will find out a behavioural pattern of timidity and restriction self-imposed by your ancestors, in case of conflict in the past, as a way of survival. Teach your kids the principles today, that your parents or grandparents and so on lacked, which made them run away from conflict rather than to face it head on. SUCH psychologically strong people are the only ones who can lead us out of the utter chaos we are in, who can be the leaders, the thinkers that we need.
Go ahead, Islam will survive even if there's just a single Muslim left, and since you yourself ruled out that Islam cannot be reformed, then there's no need to worry on our behalf.
Upward we want you to cover Wahabi movement. Wahabhi movement was also a giant pan Islamic movement in India. Communists also wants to secularise this movement just like khilafat movement. Mir Nisar Ali is shown as a freedom fighter. who massacred many Hindus
Another best kept classified secret of Mahatma Gandhi ji. He was the only "Non Muslim" who was part of All India Khilafat committee. Who would doubt now that this system doesn't have the best interest for its "subjects" ;)
@@Kelkar23 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oran_fatwa. Definitely possible. Alot of people convert purely for personal benefits or opportunities. Dharmendra converted, Many politicians who still hold hindu name have converted. So nothing new.
Kudos to the entire team at Upword for this exceptional video! Brilliant narration and gripping illustrations to explain a complex, and a widely distorted chapter from Bharat's itihaas. 👏🏼🙏🏼
Full of the knowledge that definitely help us to understand the situation of past, precent n if not corrected of future to... Thank you team upwars fo this awakening 🙏🙏🙏
Nice to see that today we have social media and access to such information. Whole country was in the dark for 60 years. Now that at least some people have seen the light, we will not go back.
Sir your content is shirt , crisp and precise to the point. I feel sad that we sanatanis don't realize the consequences of these wring decisions and policies.
Please Indian Hindus build unity to survive our tomorrow for our childrens or for our glorious Hindu Snatan Dharm. Our history was destroyed by Muslims and Anti Hindu politicians to divide Hindu society. My appeal for Hindustani Hindu is make unbreakable unity or trust to survive anti Hindu movement.
Exact words what my late Grandpa used to say who got into British Imperial police Services in 1943AD, and saw everything in his youth by his own eyes, he had worst of words for this Gaandy fellow and used to consider him the real mastermind behind destruction of India 🇮🇳
#Zakir Naik in one of his video said it was not partition of India it was partition of Muz'lims in 3 parts. Muz'lims are not thankful that despite dividing our country Hindus allowed them to live in India but thinks what zakir Naik said. But foolish Hindus thinks that Muz'lim who opposed partition were nationalists no they had other plans.
मंदिर चाहिये या रोजगार ? इस प्रश्न में दूषित मानसिकता छिपी है लेकिन क्या इसका उत्तर वही है, जो हम दे रहे है ? पिछले दिनों मैं अपने परिवार के साथ मंदिर गया! पूजा से पहले दुकान से प्रसाद लिया , चढ़ाने के लिए माला ली । हम तो तुरंत दर्शन कर लिये , बाकी लोग विधि विधान के साथ पूजा पाठ कर रहे थे। जिज्ञासु प्रवृत्ति से मैं मंदिर के चारों तरफ घूमने लगा। हर दुकान , हर ठेलिया को देखे कौन क्या बेच रहा है। फिर सब लोग एक जगह चाट खाये , एक जगह जलेबी , फिर एक दुकान से महिलाओं ने अपने लिए श्रृंगार आदि के सामान लिए फिर आगे आकर सब लोग चाय पीये। फिर अचानक ध्यान आया यह मंदिर दो से ढाई हजार लोगों को रोजगार दे रहा है। यह काम तो हजार करोड़ लगाकर कोई कम्पनी नहीं कर सकती है। लेकिन इससे भी महत्वपूर्ण बात है। मंदिर किसको रोजगार दे रहा है ! यह वह लोग है ,जिनके पास किसी संस्थान से डिग्री नहीं है। इतना धन नहीं है कि कोई बड़ा निवेश कर सकें। अर्थव्यवस्था में समाज के निचले स्तर के लोग है। मंदिर करोड़ो लोगों को रोजगार देते हैं। कैसे ? १.धार्मिक पुस्तक बेचने वालों को और उन्हें छापने वालों को रोजगार देते हैं। २. माला बेचने वालों को घंटी-शंख और पूजा का सामान बेचने वालों को रोजगार देते हैं। ३. फूल वालों को माला बनाने और किसानों को रोजगार देते हैं। ४. मूर्तियां-फोटुएं बनाने और बेचने वालों को रोजगार देते हैं। ५. मंदिर प्रसाद बनाने और बेचने वालों को रोजगार देते हैं। ६. कांवड़ बनाने-बेचने वालों को भी रोजगार देते हैं। ७. रिक्शे वाले गरीब लोग जो कि धार्मिक स्थल तक श्रद्धालुओं को पहुंचाते हैं उन रिक्शा और आटो चालकों को रोजगार देते हैं। ८. लाखों पुजारियों को भी रोजगार देते हैं। ९. रेलवे की अर्थव्यवस्था का १८% हिस्सा मंदिरों से चलता है। १०. मंदिरों के किनारे जो गरीबों की छोटी-छोटी दुकानें होती है उन्हें भी रोजगार मिलता है। ११. मंदिरों के कारण अंगूठी-रत्न बेचने वाले गरीबों का परिवार भी चलता है। १२. मंदिरों के कारण दिया बनाने और कलश बनाने वालों को भी तो रोजगार मिलता है। १३. मंदिरो से उन ६५,००० खच्चर वालों को रोजगार मिलता है जो किश्रद्धालुओ श्रद्धालुओं को दुर्गम पहाड़ों पर प्रभु के द्वार तक ले जाते हैं। १४. भारत में दो लाख से अधिक जो भी होटल हैं और धर्मशालाएं हैं उनमें रहने वाले लोगों को मंदिर ही तो रोजगार देतें हैं। १५. तिलक बनाने वाले- नारियल और सिंदूर आदि बेचने वालों को भी ये मंदिर रोजगार देते हैं। १६. गुड-चना बनाने वालों को भी मंदिर रोजगार देते हैं। १७. मंदिरों के कारण लाखों अपंग और भिखारियों और अनाथ बच्चों को रोजी-रोटी मिलती है। १८. मंदिरों के कारण लाखों वानरों की रक्षा होती है और सांपों की हत्या होने से बचती है। १९. मंदिरों के कारण ही हिंदू धर्म में पीपल-बरगद -पिलखन- आदिहै वृक्षों की रक्षा होती है। २०. मंदिर के कारण जो हजारों मेले हर वर्ष लगते हैं- मेलों में जो चरखा-झूला चलाने वालों को भी तो रोजगार मिलता है। २१. मंदिरों के कारण लाखों टूरिस्ट मंदिरों में घूमते हैं और छोटे-छोटे चाय-पकौडे-टिक्की बेचने वाले सभी गरीबों का जीवन यापन भी तो चलता है। सनातन धर्म उन करोड़ों लोगों को रोजगार देता है जो गरीब हैं। जो ज्यादा पड़े लिखे नहीं हैं और जिन के पास धन-जमीन और खेती नहीं है जो बचपन में अनाथ हो गए। जिनका कोई नहीं उनका राम है। उनका श्याम है उनका शिव है। यह मंदिर कई सौ वर्ष तक रहेगा। तब तक रोजगार देता रहेगा। यह सामाजिक , धार्मिक उन्नयन का केंद्र है। यदि आर्थिक दृष्टि से देखे तो मंदिर , अपने निवेश से कई हजार गुना रोजगार दे रहा है। शायद हमनें अपनी धार्मिक आस्था के कारण इसको देखा नहीं। हमारे मंदिर , आर्थिक वितरण के बहुत बड़े , स्थाई केंद्र है।🙏🙏🙏🕉🔱🚩🌼🌸
टीचर बनने के 10 साल तक मैं ये समझता था कि गांधी जी ने अंग्रेजों के खिलाफ आंदोलन किया था। क्योकि किताबें गोल मोल बोलती थीं। अब यू ट्यूब की कृपा से खिलाफत की सच्चाई और कांग्रेस के दोगलेपन का पता चला। गांधी जी से मेरी अश्रद्धा हो गयी है। इस समय यही काम फिलिस्तीन के नाम पर हो रहा है।
Development means nothing to them. Buses, roads,bridges, buildings and Better infrastructure are not their demands. They want ghazwa e hind. We r dealing with such mentality.
As heartbreaking as it is You guys are doing an amazing job Im sharing this video as much as I can. Oh how ignorant of us hoping we unite and stand up againest this.
Our Ex President is Abul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam. He was not even born in 1923. The man mentioned here is Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, not Abdul Kalam. I don't know whether the one who made the video on such a sensitive topic didn't care to notice the mistake or he himself doesn't even know the actual name.
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Your every video is an art a masterpiece, a ballad of all the sorrows of the past that could've been forgotten.
Please provide your UPI id, so that I can give a donation. Your work really deserves all the help.
@@testingmyself1326 upword@upi
Absolutely spot on
"If you are not prepared to use force to defend civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism."
Hey man great research work ! Can I connect you via twitter or insta ?
And u are going to do that by posting comment on youtube .
Ha ha ha
@@truthisone5884 atleast he is concious enough to see it.are u?
@@rahulbhat8567 nah, he got brainwashed by ur hindutva terrorists and is now more unconscious than he was before
@@truthisone5884 your haha shows your future barbaric.
Looking at the present scenario, it feels like we are living in Khilafat 2.0. Time has brought us back to the same point as 100 years ago.
Cause hindus never changed. Same coward and timid approach.
Nope. We are not in same scenario. Now we have world's largest army. Ab khilafat sirf pakistan me hoga And Baluchistan alag hoga. 🙂
Same scenario kese koi logic h iske piche?
@@KBTLIVE 2047 ke plan ko counter karne ka kya plan hai tumhare paas?
@@talksensenobcplzzz2043 Maybe that is why this Agneeveer scheme are being practiced. And many more people are becoming aware about this. Only 2024 election will decide our future. The way of civilization vs the Barbarian.
The quality of the video is impeccable❤️
Bro wt is d software for this editing can u tell me
@@kapilbisht1811 its called Deez Nutz™
इस्लामिक जिहाद की फंडिंग, भरण-पोषण हिंदू खुद ही करते हैं। कांग्रेस नेता एनी बेन्जेंट ने खुले तौर पर गांधी को मुसलमान द्वारा क्रूर हिंदू मोपला नरसंहार के लिए जिम्मेदार बताया।
Right ye kab smjhe ge ki ye mulle kisi ke sage nhi 😢😢
@@geetanjali9089abhi bhi time h bhai mgr Hindu kabhi nhi smjhta h 😭
The day India will get rid of toxic ideas of Gandhi ,that day it will become a superpower.
This production is so under-rated. Radical Islam and its scheme has been exposed world over.
Beautifully delivered as always!
There is no alternative to violence. You cannot reason with the people who obey the Quran unquestionably. Islam cannot be reformed or appeased. It can only be crushed and dismantled into oblivion. Don’t be afraid of shedding blood for Dharma!
Law is a relative social construct. The strong can and will always bend the law. It is better to be feared than respected if you cannot be both. I hope you get what I’m insinuating.
अत्याचार सहन करने का
कुफल यही होता है
पौरुष का आतंक मनुज
कोमल होकर खोता है।
क्षमा शोभती उस भुजंग को
जिसके पास गरल हो
उसको क्या जो दंतहीन
विषरहित, विनीत, सरल हो।
सच पूछो, तो शर में ही
बसती है दीप्ति विनय की
सन्धि-वचन संपूज्य उसी का
जिसमें शक्ति विजय की।
सहनशीलता, क्षमा, दया को
तभी पूजता जग है
बल का दर्प चमकता उसके
पीछे जब जगमग है।
Rashtrakavi Ramdhari Singh Dinkar 🙏
1. You must do what will best help you win the game.
2. Doing something simply as an emotional response or out of ignorance/incompetence, that will ultimately make your situation worse in the larger game, isn't gonna help you win.
3. Being strong and capable in general is a good fundamental value to be had, as the capacity to fight and the fear of consequences, itself changes how the game is played. Its like what nuclear bombs do in how we see modern conflicts. Or in simple terms, how you would never wanna take a fight with a big guy, you will try other ways in such a conflict.
4. While street power is important and ESSENTIAL, esp. in a third world country with lacking law and order and where the state itself is biased in its response, out of the same fear. It is indeed the case that more sophisticated warfare is what's needed in our times. Not street power or physical brawn alone. Its the era of 5th gen warfare, the warfare of narratives and information. See how Canada can take such totalitarian measures(during their trucker/farmer protest) and get away with it, while we get such a bad press when nothing was even done. Similarly how China is able to be an actual totalitarian genocidal regime, yet get away with it mostly. We need structures, institutions that will fwd our goals. Create and push narratives. Think tanks that will intellectually establish and pave the paths fwd. We need organisations that will produce content like this to make people aware, and organisations that will go door to door, to make people participate meaningfully, either financially or volunteering. Such institutions and think tanks will also create sophisticated and realistic policies, that can be pushed and lobbied for in the govt. and parliament, and these insitutions will also create new politicians and leaders and activists who will work to get the nation and people in a certain direction.
RSS is only one such org, and they are also mostly about street power and not very savvy with the understanding of larger political game and sophisticated methods/battles. We need atleast a 100 orgs, of all different specialities and flavours for different departments and goals, all fully dedicated and with a clarity of purpose and endgoal.
5. Another important thing that must be done on a societal level, is to teach your children to be principled(meaning they have certain core principles/moral framework and actually live by them uncompromisingly, instead of believing in stuff casually or as a tamasha where you will give up on it on first sign of trouble and/or out of convenience. Truth is a good principle for starters, esp. honesty to yourself) and strong(physically and mentally, lack of either hurts the other), and to have a hindu consciousness and an understanding of the political identity of being a hindu yourself, which you then carry down and teach to your children as well, and also articulate to them properly all its meaning and constituents, answering accurately/truthfully their questions, so that they can be self-confident, assertive and proud of their identity, and principled and strong enough, to be able to commit to it.
If they break window glasses, let them. Its good. Don't be too restrictive, esp. stuff that makes them face challenges and give opportunities for growth. Ask yourself why YOU find certain things to be this unacceptable. High chance you will find out a behavioural pattern of timidity and restriction self-imposed by your ancestors, in case of conflict in the past, as a way of survival. Teach your kids the principles today, that your parents or grandparents and so on lacked, which made them run away from conflict rather than to face it head on. SUCH psychologically strong people are the only ones who can lead us out of the utter chaos we are in, who can be the leaders, the thinkers that we need.
Go ahead, Islam will survive even if there's just a single Muslim left, and since you yourself ruled out that Islam cannot be reformed, then there's no need to worry on our behalf.
@@Avicerox based
@@Avicerox No one is worried such sh!t religion, anyway it's importance is declining..
It's ironic that mohammed Ali jinha said gandhi not to support khilafat movement
Jinnah was libral in beginning but after appeasement of nehru by gandhi he became radical
@@NikhilSingh-ce7gv abhijit chavda sir ?
@@animehindi8075 not about teacher. I heard the same from my teacher.
@@animehindi8075 there are more other thing about jinnah that was never liberal
Ghar ka bhedi lanka dhaaye!!
Incredible production. A tragic tale powerfully told.
Best analysis of Khilafat trap , if we have to save country, then we have to oppose appeasement politics.
Lic ki policy becho... Gm
Upward we want you to cover Wahabi movement. Wahabhi movement was also a giant pan Islamic movement in India.
Communists also wants to secularise this movement just like khilafat movement.
Mir Nisar Ali is shown as a freedom fighter. who massacred many Hindus
Is there any book about it or reference in any book
@@NAMEless-nh2mc yes there are various books . Even Karl Marx in his notes on Indian History mentioned his evil deeds
Another best kept classified secret of Mahatma Gandhi ji. He was the only "Non Muslim" who was part of All India Khilafat committee. Who would doubt now that this system doesn't have the best interest for its "subjects" ;)
Duratma gaan***i
He was muslim only.
@@Kelkar23 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oran_fatwa. Definitely possible. Alot of people convert purely for personal benefits or opportunities. Dharmendra converted, Many politicians who still hold hindu name have converted. So nothing new.
@@panderingpanda4770they are such fake crypto hindus they don’t have the balls to declare their conversion and live a double despicable life🤮
It's great that you have started to dub the videos in Hindi too..and the voice quality is also great
Kudos to the entire team at Upword for this exceptional video! Brilliant narration and gripping illustrations to explain a complex, and a widely distorted chapter from Bharat's itihaas. 👏🏼🙏🏼
Full of the knowledge that definitely help us to understand the situation of past, precent n if not corrected of future to... Thank you team upwars fo this awakening 🙏🙏🙏
Nice to see that today we have social media and access to such information. Whole country was in the dark for 60 years. Now that at least some people have seen the light, we will not go back.
Where islam ends, humanity begins.
Kudos to the entire team... Great work guys🙌
ISLAM hatao, rashtra bachao.
Santan hatao Desh Bacho
Islaam nahi कांग्रेस हटाओ देश बचाओ
Quran hatao Firka bachao
@@emotionaldamage5072santan aur baki sab dharam rahenge bas islam ko chodker
@@emotionaldamage5072 epic reply.
Sir your content is shirt , crisp and precise to the point. I feel sad that we sanatanis don't realize the consequences of these wring decisions and policies.
Out of words!! Amazing visuals for explaining dark side of modern Indian history.
The movement which lead to the mindset of harming hindus and showing propestrous try to India's betterment.......
Please Indian Hindus build unity to survive our tomorrow for our childrens or for our glorious Hindu Snatan Dharm. Our history was destroyed by Muslims and Anti Hindu politicians to divide Hindu society. My appeal for Hindustani Hindu is make unbreakable unity or trust to survive anti Hindu movement.
Exact words what my late Grandpa used to say who got into British Imperial police Services in 1943AD, and saw everything in his youth by his own eyes, he had worst of words for this Gaandy fellow and used to consider him the real mastermind behind destruction of India 🇮🇳
Gaandy was the most trusted British ally. His son called him a disgrace on Hindus.😡
Thank you team Upword for bringing up such an eye-opening truth🙌🏻💯
Finally hindi video comes with a very important topic..
Keep coming 🙏
Most underrated channel for indians.
What can be done ? Nothing will happen. Just accept fate and hope it’s not in your area or your time
Great Work By Upword As Always
What a presentation! 🙏 And brilliant content.
Excellent Animation.
Great Work.
नमन 🙏
Excellent production. Sharing it with my class
#Zakir Naik in one of his video said it was not partition of India it was partition of Muz'lims in 3 parts.
Muz'lims are not thankful that despite dividing our country Hindus allowed them to live in India but thinks what zakir Naik said.
But foolish Hindus thinks that Muz'lim who opposed partition were nationalists no they had other plans.
yess very true
Nation as a concept is what islam doesn't believe in.....
true, Muslims can never rise above their religion. The sooner the Hindus learn to understand the better.
History is indeed little more than the register of crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind.
Edward Gibbon
मंदिर चाहिये या रोजगार ?
इस प्रश्न में दूषित मानसिकता छिपी है
लेकिन क्या इसका उत्तर वही है, जो हम दे रहे है ?
पिछले दिनों मैं अपने परिवार के साथ मंदिर गया! पूजा से पहले दुकान से प्रसाद लिया , चढ़ाने के लिए माला ली । हम तो तुरंत दर्शन कर लिये , बाकी लोग विधि विधान के साथ पूजा पाठ कर रहे थे।
जिज्ञासु प्रवृत्ति से मैं मंदिर के चारों तरफ घूमने लगा। हर दुकान , हर ठेलिया को देखे कौन क्या बेच रहा है।
फिर सब लोग एक जगह चाट खाये , एक जगह जलेबी , फिर एक दुकान से महिलाओं ने अपने लिए श्रृंगार आदि के सामान लिए फिर आगे आकर सब लोग चाय पीये।
फिर अचानक ध्यान आया यह मंदिर दो से ढाई हजार लोगों को रोजगार दे रहा है। यह काम तो हजार करोड़ लगाकर कोई कम्पनी नहीं कर सकती है।
लेकिन इससे भी महत्वपूर्ण बात है। मंदिर किसको रोजगार दे रहा है ! यह वह लोग है ,जिनके पास किसी संस्थान से डिग्री नहीं है। इतना धन नहीं है कि कोई बड़ा निवेश कर सकें। अर्थव्यवस्था में समाज के निचले स्तर के लोग है।
मंदिर करोड़ो लोगों को रोजगार देते हैं। कैसे ?
१.धार्मिक पुस्तक बेचने वालों को और उन्हें छापने वालों को रोजगार देते हैं।
२. माला बेचने वालों को घंटी-शंख और पूजा का सामान बेचने वालों को रोजगार देते हैं।
३. फूल वालों को माला बनाने और किसानों को रोजगार देते हैं।
४. मूर्तियां-फोटुएं बनाने और बेचने वालों को रोजगार देते हैं।
५. मंदिर प्रसाद बनाने और बेचने वालों को रोजगार देते हैं।
६. कांवड़ बनाने-बेचने वालों को भी रोजगार देते हैं।
७. रिक्शे वाले गरीब लोग जो कि धार्मिक स्थल तक श्रद्धालुओं को पहुंचाते हैं उन रिक्शा और आटो चालकों को रोजगार देते हैं।
८. लाखों पुजारियों को भी रोजगार देते हैं।
९. रेलवे की अर्थव्यवस्था का १८% हिस्सा मंदिरों से चलता है।
१०. मंदिरों के किनारे जो गरीबों की छोटी-छोटी दुकानें होती है उन्हें भी रोजगार मिलता है।
११. मंदिरों के कारण अंगूठी-रत्न बेचने वाले गरीबों का परिवार भी चलता है।
१२. मंदिरों के कारण दिया बनाने और कलश बनाने वालों को भी तो रोजगार मिलता है।
१३. मंदिरो से उन ६५,००० खच्चर वालों को रोजगार मिलता है जो किश्रद्धालुओ श्रद्धालुओं को दुर्गम पहाड़ों पर प्रभु के द्वार तक ले जाते हैं।
१४. भारत में दो लाख से अधिक जो भी होटल हैं और धर्मशालाएं हैं उनमें रहने वाले लोगों को मंदिर ही तो रोजगार देतें हैं।
१५. तिलक बनाने वाले- नारियल और सिंदूर आदि बेचने वालों को भी ये मंदिर रोजगार देते हैं।
१६. गुड-चना बनाने वालों को भी मंदिर रोजगार देते हैं।
१७. मंदिरों के कारण लाखों अपंग और भिखारियों और अनाथ बच्चों को रोजी-रोटी मिलती है।
१८. मंदिरों के कारण लाखों वानरों की रक्षा होती है और सांपों की हत्या होने से बचती है।
१९. मंदिरों के कारण ही हिंदू धर्म में पीपल-बरगद -पिलखन- आदिहै वृक्षों की रक्षा होती है।
२०. मंदिर के कारण जो हजारों मेले हर वर्ष लगते हैं- मेलों में जो चरखा-झूला चलाने वालों को भी तो रोजगार मिलता है।
२१. मंदिरों के कारण लाखों टूरिस्ट मंदिरों में घूमते हैं और छोटे-छोटे चाय-पकौडे-टिक्की बेचने वाले सभी गरीबों का जीवन यापन भी तो चलता है।
सनातन धर्म उन करोड़ों लोगों को रोजगार देता है जो गरीब हैं।
जो ज्यादा पड़े लिखे नहीं हैं और जिन के पास धन-जमीन और खेती नहीं है जो बचपन में अनाथ हो गए।
जिनका कोई नहीं उनका राम है।
उनका श्याम है उनका शिव है।
यह मंदिर कई सौ वर्ष तक रहेगा।
तब तक रोजगार देता रहेगा।
यह सामाजिक , धार्मिक उन्नयन का केंद्र है।
यदि आर्थिक दृष्टि से देखे तो मंदिर , अपने निवेश से कई हजार गुना रोजगार दे रहा है।
शायद हमनें अपनी धार्मिक आस्था के कारण इसको देखा नहीं। हमारे मंदिर , आर्थिक वितरण के बहुत बड़े , स्थाई केंद्र है।🙏🙏🙏🕉🔱🚩🌼🌸
Hann to karwa Lena temple free hum thode hi rouk rahe hain .
Tumhari temple movement ki to dalit log watt kaga dete hain .
@@truthisone5884 apko itna problem bhaisaab aur dalits vatke hue hai app jese ga**u ke waja se
@@truthisone5884 wo bhi hindu he hai or hum sab ek hai aap pehle apne aap pr dhyaan dijiye
Jai Shri ram 🙏🙏🙏
Jo ye poochhe ki mandir chahiye va udyog unse poochhna chahiye ki khatna chahiye ki katna chahiye?
wow ! Wonderfull Thank You @UPWORD !
Great work 🙋♂️
Top draw visuals, writing and voiceover. Wish there were English subtitles, Ashish!
Thank you upward team for this rare knowledge 🙏
टीचर बनने के 10 साल तक मैं ये समझता था कि गांधी जी ने अंग्रेजों के खिलाफ आंदोलन किया था। क्योकि किताबें गोल मोल बोलती थीं। अब यू ट्यूब की कृपा से खिलाफत की सच्चाई और कांग्रेस के दोगलेपन का पता चला। गांधी जी से मेरी अश्रद्धा हो गयी है।
इस समय यही काम फिलिस्तीन के नाम पर हो रहा है।
Thankyou Upward🙏
This video deserves million views.👏👏👍
Precious information 🙏🚩🇮🇳
वाह वाह वाह, अद्भुद🙏🏻🚩
Very informative video 👌 Excellent presentation 👍👍
Awesome 👍👍👍👍
Keep making
The quality 🛐🛐
Please make more videos like this
Animation is soo great
Beautiful animation.
Great work 🙏❤️
great animation and narration
Video quality ❤️
Well explained 🙏
The moplah animation is disturbing. Gussa aata hai yeh sab jaankar. We all need to wake up before it’s too late
Lag hi nhi raha ki morden history padh rhy hi lagta h koi horror movie chl rhiii ha😂😂😂😂
Teri movie bhi bane tere sath bhi yhi ho tab husna chudal teri history bhi sab pade maja aayega 😅😅😅😅
Great channel 🙏
This was shocking. Thank you for making this.
How can I get the sources for the information which are there in the video, @Upword
Respect 🫡 for telling truth
Every indian 🇮🇳 muslim know in his deep heart that gazwa e hind🇸🇦
I am Muslim from india and i say gazwa e hind will never happen
@@mr_meow_77Then why are you muslim?
Wahoo Such a Great Explanation sir 🇮🇳🇮🇳
This Video Needs billions of Views
Development means nothing to them. Buses, roads,bridges, buildings and Better infrastructure are not their demands. They want ghazwa e hind. We r dealing with such mentality.
This is Gold Standard Platinum Standard this video is such High Quality! 🙌🙌🙌
It needs to be seen in Millions!
Awesome 👌
Animation and script everything is amazing. Keep it up
Great research
Brilliant production and innovative presentation!
thank you for this video. nice editing
It's a eye 👀 opening....but still I believe that hindu abhi so Raha hai
brilliant thank you
As heartbreaking as it is You guys are doing an amazing job Im sharing this video as much as I can. Oh how ignorant of us hoping we unite and stand up againest this.
Great presentation! With this much knowledge, a movie can be made. Hope the message get to all secular hindus too.
Thank you sir for the details ❤
Very appreciable editing 😎🤝
This channel is so underrated
Excellent animation, content and narration, I must add
We should never forgive and forget this incident 😡😡😡😡
Awesome content🧡🧡🧡🧡
Upword with quality content as always. So grateful.
I strongly suggest you to give English subtitles and English dub
Vibhajan ka koi kissa na hota..
Agar Musalman bharat ka hissa na hota 😠👊🚩🕉️❤️🇮🇳
Bro I attempted to listen to this to get info but the language is way too deep. Is there anyone that can point me to work in English please?
Khilafat ke khilaf Utne ka samay aagaya hai.
Beautifully animated and told. Really wish this was in English as this is asmuch important for Hindus to know as it is for anyone else.
Thank you for enlightening me 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Please do the Same in English so that Non Hindi Speakers all over India can listen and understand and share it to masses too. 🇮🇳🇮🇳♥️♥️
Amazing. Thanks a lot upword. Hope this is seen by millions.
Bro which article it is write pls give me this
This video deserves a million views
Animation and content are top notch. Proud to be a donor
2:32 is this same Abdul Kalam ajad as we remember past president of india
Our Ex President is Abul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam. He was not even born in 1923. The man mentioned here is Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, not Abdul Kalam. I don't know whether the one who made the video on such a sensitive topic didn't care to notice the mistake or he himself doesn't even know the actual name.
Very nicely covered and presented.
It's time we should treat mohandas for what he did instead of celebrating him as nation's father. Sab politics ka khel hai
Peace Be Upon Him ✨
Nothing has changed in a hundred years. We now have Gandhi 2.0 at the helm